02 Timor Leste Administration Assistant

Administration Assistant
A job opportunity now exists for an Administration Assistant, working for SDV seconded to
ConocoPhillips for a fixed term contract for a period of 12 months.
Reporting to the Timor-Leste Country Manager, this position is responsible for providing
administrative and secretarial support to ConocoPhillips Timor-Leste. You will manage and
support the Finance team to collect invoices as well as manage appointments and meetings,
coordinate travel and accommodation requirements and ensure maintenance and security
contractor’s responsibilities are performed. You will also perform secretarial services and
assist with other office functions as needed.
To be successful in this role you should have:
 Previous experience in a similar, independent type of position with administrative
 Tertiary education.
 Intermediate Computer Skills
 Fluent in writing and spoken Tetun and English Languages
Please apply via one of the following methods:
Hard copy to SDV Logistics office at Av. Presidente Nicolao Lobato, Bairro dos
Grillios att. Levi Guterres OR Via email to [email protected]
Applications Close: 15 of August 2014
Asistente Administrasaun
Iha biban ida ne’e, nakloke opportunidade servisu ida ne’ebé diak ba pozisaun Asistente
Administrasaun. Pozisaun ida ne’e servisu liu husi SDV ba ConocoPhillips ho kontratu fixu ba
periodu fulan sanulu resin rua(12).
Ema ka empregadu iha pozisaun ida ne’e sei servisu ho supervizaun husi Reprezentante
Kompañia nian iha Timor Leste. No sei responsavel atu fornese servisu administrasaun no
sekretarial atu suporta ba eskritoriu ConocoPhillips Timor-Leste. Nia sei maneja no fo suporta
ba ekipa Finansas atu rekolla resibu sira hotu no mos atu organisa appointamentu ho
enkontru sira, halao koordenasaun mós ba viajen no akomodasaun nebe persiza, no sei
garante katak kontrator sira ba manutensaun no seguransa halao duni sira nia
responsabilidade tuir kontratu nebe iha.
Atu bele hetan susesu iha posisaun ne, kandidatu persiza iha:
 Esperiensia iha area hanesan, tipu pozisaun independente iha Administrasaun.
 Level Edukasaun tersiariu.
 Abilidade intermediariu iha komputador.
 Kolia no hakerek diak Inglés no Tetun.
Bele haruka dokumentu liu husi metode tuir mai:
- Hatama kopia CV ba SDV Logistic Edifisiu dirasaun Av. Presidente Nicolao Lobato,
Bairro dos Grillios att. Levi Guterres OR Via email ba [email protected]
Aplikasaun taka iha 15 Agusto 2014