AGUASAN WORKSHOP 30 (2014) TH 16 th – 20 JUNE 2014 Water challenges beyond WASH - bridging the water, food and energy sector divides Towards concerted approaches that address trade-offs and build synergies across sectors and their actors AGUASAN Workshop VIPs IWRM WfN Energy Food WASH Sohib AKRAMOV, Regional Water Sector Programme Officer, SDC, Uzbekistan I am Sokhib Akramov, from Swiss Cooperation Office Uzbekistan. I have been with SDC since May 2012. My overall responsibility concludes coordinating projects under Water management domain. We have two running projects now on IWRM scaling up with ADB and WB in Uzbekistan. Before SDC I used to work with different international development and government agencies. E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Phone: (99871)-1205454 (office) / (99890)-9768024 (cell) Fax: (99871)-1205456 IWRM WfN Energy Food WASH Shakar ARBAB, National Programme Officer for Rural Development, SDC, Pakistan Shakar Arbab has completed a Master’s degree in Development Studies form the UK and has been working in the development sector for the last ten years. He has worked with Oxfam GB, Save the Children, World Health Organization (WHO) and Catholic Relief Services (CRS) on livelihoods, Water, Disaster Risks Reduction & Climate Change. In his current role as NPO with SDC, Shakar Arbab is managing the portfolio of rural development and mainly working on water, energy and livelihoods. E-mail: [email protected] Marcelo BARRON ARCE, National Programme Officer, SDC, Bolivia E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH Mohan Raj BHATTA, Technical Officer, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Nepal Date of birth: 1977-06-19 A.D. Citizenship: 2595-9818/Dadeldhura, Nepal WASH Engineer / Technical Officer having experience of planning, designing and implementing WASH and other water resources infrastructures. I have experience on evolving Water Use Master Plan (WUMP), a IWRM planning concept to a localized version as per the local context of Nepal. In addition to this, I have experiences on participatory planning, designing & implementation of water infrastructures like rural water supply, irrigation, rain water harvesting and multiple water use system, 3R (Recharge, Retention & Reuse) measures & blue school components. Presently, I am working with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation for Water Resources Management Programme in western part of Nepal with having key responsibility for overall technical matters at different stages of planning, designing & implementation. I am married and have one little daughter. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH Martin BOELLI, Renewable Energy Specialist, Skat Consulting Ltd., Switzerland Martin is Electrical and Environmental Engineer and works as an expert on renewable energy and environmental technologies since 2004. His main activities are planning, design, capacity building, technical, institutional and environmental assessments of renewable energy systems, with a focus on small hydropower. Studies which he elaborated e.g. in Ethiopia included among others assessment of hydropower potential, energy and electrification policies, legal requirements, willingness and ability to pay and productive use of electricity. Martin contributed to the formulation of energy policies in different countries (Switzerland, Ethiopia, Nepal and Azerbaijan). He has the specific competence to link policy and legal aspects to the respective technical implications, e.g. for feed-in rules, tariff setting and power purchase agreements. He has specific experience not only in pure hydropower but also hybrid power systems. In several projects (Jordan, Lebanon, Tunisia) he analyses the hydropower potential in drinking and irrigation water systems. Besides his international assignments Martin is managing the Swiss Small Hydropower Promotion Program of the Federal Office of Energy where he is responsible for the coordination of different players in the energy market. Martin worked in more than 15 countries on four continents and is accustomed and experienced to work in less and least developed countries in interdisciplinary and international project teams, as a team member as well as a project leader E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH Chayun BUDIONO, Energy Specialist, PT Chazaro Gerbang International, Indonesia Chayun Budiono (63) obtained his master degree in Renewable Energy System with emphasis on Economics of Energy Supply System from the University of Oldenburg (Germany) in 1993. He received his bachelor degree in Physics in 1975 and obtained his engineering degree (insinyur) in Engineering Physics in 1978. He has been active in renewable energy development activities after his undergraduation in 1975 where he started his involvement with solar collectors, solar desalination, domestic solar water heating, and solar dryer. Since then, he devoted his activities in renewable energy developments and energy conservation activities, particularly those related closely with rural and sustainable development. He has been provided his expertise to a broad range of services in energy planning and auditing, cogeneration in industrial process, and renewable energy development for rural applications (including biomass, solar PV and thermal, and small hydro). Currently he posed as Energy Specialist at PT Chazaro Gerbang International (CGI), a privately owned Indonesian green energy and environmental consulting. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH Marc-André BUENZLI, Head Expert Group WES, SDC Humanitarian Aid, Switzerland Marc-André graduated as geologist from the Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, in 1986 and got his master degree in environmental sciences from the Univ. of Quebec in Montreal, Canada, in 1993. He is currently based in the Swiss Humanitarian Aid (SHA) headquarters, where he is heading the Water and Environmental Sanitation Expert Group within the SHA expert pool. Active in humanitarian or development projects since 1995, he has been on missions in Bosnia, Hungary, Kosovo, Guinea, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Chad and Sri Lanka for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and SHA, mainly focusing on water and sanitation issues but also dealing with security issues, programming, negotiating and management. He has participated in the edition of the 1st Swiss geologic map entirely based on GIS in 2000 and in the UN Operational Satellite Applications Programme (UNOSAT) /UNHCR mapping project in Eastern Chad in 2004. This project has recently been expanded to cover the whole of Chad, and Marc-André is part of its scientific committee. E-mail: marc-andré[email protected] IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH Georges BURRI, Programme Officer, SDC Regional Office Amman, Jordan I’m working as Water & Environmental Sanitation Expert at SDC Regional Office Amman in Jordan. My main duties are the management of a CHF 7.1 Mio. WatSan Project in Jerash Palestine Refugees Camp, Jordan, where SDC in direct implementation builds new water and wastewater networks for 25’000 habitants; acts as focal point for the Blue Peace Initiative and as Technical Advisor for the Syrian Crisis Taskforce and part of the technical group of WES advisors for Zaatari and Asraq Syrian Refuges camps. I’m also making some consultations for other WES issues in Lebanon and Jordan, mainly with UN agencies. My motivation to participate in this gathering is to brainstorm and exchange views and experience related to the workshop topic with persons involved in similar task. I’m married and father of a 27 years old daughter. I’m working abroad since the beginning of the 80s. Skype: Bebert28 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Mob.: +962 796000157 Markus BURRI, Executive Director, Vivamos Mejor, Switzerland Almost 20 years of Emergency Aid & Development experience in various organizations and several contexts and continents. I lived abroad for many years. Today I am the director of Vivamos Mejor, a foundation that is exclusively working in Latin Amercia in the Water and Education Sector. I am still fascinated about the things that development work can do especially when done in a proper way! I am a father of three lively children and an enthusiastic singer in a choir! E-mail: [email protected] URL: Phone: +41 31 331 39 29 IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH Thierry BUSSARD, Hydrogeologist / WES Expert, SDC Humanitarian Aid, Switzerland Thierry Bussard is a graduate geologist from the Univ. of Lausanne, Switzerland (1999). He took postgraduate studies in engineering & environmental geology (Paris, Montréal, Liège and Lausanne in 2000) and a PhD thesis in quantitative and environmental hydrogeology at EPFL (2005). A part-time postdoc project on groundwater protection in karst areas has been initiated since 2008 with the Southwest Univ. of China (Chongqing) and the International Research Center on Karst (Guilin). Since 2001, he has been working for Norbert SA (80%) on various engineering geology and hydrogeology projects (dams, tunnelling, natural hazards, drinking water supply, groundwater management & protection, numerical modelling, contamination, etc.). He has been involved in numerous worldwide studies (15 countries of work). Since 2011, he has been teaching geology at the Univ. of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland (part-time: 5%). He is also working as hydrogeologist / WES expert for the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA/SDC) since 2013. He’s currently involved in a project of IWRM in the DPR of Korea (parttime). Thierry has a passion for nature, mountaineering and travel. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Hanna CAPEDER, Programme Manager / Junior Water Specialist, SDC, Uzbekistan My name is Hanna Capeder, I am a Junior Water Specialist and part of SDC’s Global Programme Water Initiatives (GPWIs), currently based in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. My background is an MA in Development Studies with Specialisation in Sustainable Development and Project Management. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Davide COSTA, Project Manager, Oxfam GB, Tajikistan Since 2013 I’m Project Manager of the Tajikistan Water Supply and Sanitation Project (TajWSS) implemented by Oxfam in Tajikistan in partnership with UNDP (SDC funding). I have been working more than 5 years in Central Asia, mostly managing economic development projects. I studied Economics, Management, and Human Rights. I’m new in the water sector, and I’m looking forward to engage with AGUASAN community on how to build synergies across sectors. TajWSS project focuses on the creation of an enabling environment for the sustainable provision of safe drinking water and sanitation in Tajikistan. The project works with the Government to improve the quality of policies and legislation around drinking water and sanitation; facilitates a Network of Stakeholders at the national level; supports the establishment of Water Trust Funds in 3 districts in Tajikistan in order to co finance the construction of water schemes; and support the creation of a constructive dialogue between operators (both community based and state owned) and consumers. E-mail: [email protected] URL: IWRM Nature WfE WfF WASH Stanislava DODEVA, National Programme Officer, SDC, Republic of Macedonia I am a civil engineer (hydraulics) and I hold a PhD on technical science (25 years of professional experience). I work as a National programme officer in the Swiss Cooperation Office (SCO) Macedonia and I am responsible for SECO and SDC water and environment projects. My favourite activities in private time are related to traveling, reading, watching movies… I adore sweets, Swiss chocolate and ice-cream… E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature Energy WfF WASH Hedi FEIBEL, Renewable Energy and Water Expert, Skat Consulting, Switzerland Dr Hedi Feibel - diploma in hydrology, interdisciplinary PhD (Civil Engineering / Political Economics) - has worked on a broad spectrum of renewable energy-related assignments in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Europe with a special focus on mini hydro. 1992-98 she worked for different consulting companies in the water and environment sector. Subsequently, as scientific officer at Darmstadt Univ. of Technology (D), she was responsible for the study focus “technology & development cooperation” and a research project on the dissemination of mini and micro hydro in Ethiopia. Since 2003, she works as energy specialist, hydrologist and socio-economic expert. Hedi has been responsible for the establishment of sustainable institutional set-ups for O&M of hydropower projects in Indonesia (GTZ) and Tajikistan (ADB), including tariff systems, ownership models, training of O&M staff, etc. As a specialist for interdisciplinary approaches, she has also worked on legal, regulatory, policy and strategic aspects of rural energy projects e.g. in Ethiopia, Nepal, Tajikistan and Morocco. In projects in the Caribbean and in Albania, Hedi was responsible for the hydrological assessment of hydropower sites, including data collection and statistical evaluation, training of local experts and field staff - in workshops and on-site - regarding installation of gauging stations, discharge measurements and other hydrology related tasks. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH Knowledge Management Felix FELLMANN, Focal Point Agriculture & Food Security Network, SDC, Switzerland More than 30 years of experience in development. Graduated in Agriculture Science from Switzerland followed by an M. Phil in Development Studies from New Zealand. Experience in Development ranging from Central America, Central Africa as well as Central Asia including Mongolia. Specialized in Livestock Systems, Rural Development as well as Project- and Program Management. Worked at Swiss Red Cross and Intercooperation before joining SDC. Currently working as Senior Advisor and thematic focal point in the Global Program Food Security at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. Strong interest in inclusive systems that are practical, cost-effective and effective. E-mail: [email protected] Riff FULLAN, Knowledge Sharing Coordinator, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Switzerland Riff Fullan has been supporting collaboration, knowledge sharing and learning for over 20 years (with Helvetas based in Zurich since 2007). Riff’s career started with supporting the strategic use of internet-related technologies, then increasingly focused on how people learn, work together effectively, and share what they know based on their personal experiences and training. More recently, Riff has been exploring the implications of working in complex contexts: how can we better understand such contexts, how can we ensure our activities contribute to positive development outcomes? E-mail: [email protected] Gerald M. FULLER, Hydraulic Engineer, SDC, Liberia I serve as Hydraulic Engineer with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Liberia and I’m involved with the Rehabilitation of Irrigation Schemes. I have a clear, logical mind with a practical approach to problem solving and a drive to see things through to completion, eager to learn though. I enjoy overcoming challenges, and I have a genuine interest in nature. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +231 880 74 71 28 IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Mohammad Akrumul HAQUE, Chief Executive Officer, Development Association for Self-reliance, Communication and Health (DASCOH), Bangladesh I am Md. Akramul Haque working as Chief Executive Officer of DASCOH with academic background on social science and having more than 20 years working experience in the development field. DASCOH as an NGO has been working since 1995 in Bangladesh. Presently DASCOH is implementing Water & Sanitation project financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss Red Cross (SRC) through Local Government Institutions of Bangladesh. The development goal of the projects is to contribute to equitable and sustainable access to jointly managed water & sanitation services through improved local governance. I am working in DASCOH since 2004 and earlier I worked in Bangladesh Red Crescent Society. Personally I am married and have two children. Our daughter is in around 22 years and studying on computer science in Univ. located in Rajshahi and son is around 14 years and studying in high school. My wife is taking care of our family living together in my working place in Rajshahi of Bangladesh. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Khurshid IQBAL, Deputy Project Manager, Area Development & Management Consulting (ADMC), Pakistan An experienced development/humanitarian professional, having hands on experience of over 12 years, attained through working at progressively responsible positions in diversified environments both thematic and geographic. Currently working with an SDC /UN WFP funded project, implemented by Malteser International/ADMC as a Deputy Project Manager (Food Security – DRR). Having been at lead positions, bring along strong background in planning, monitoring & evaluation, with apt approach to translate strategic vision into workable action plans. Have hands on experience in operations management with knack for innovation in program implementation ensuring optimal efficiency and effectiveness. Strong analytical approach, effective communication, team building and persuasion skills are the key strengths that have always aided my managerial functions. The sector portfolio includes Integrated Rural Development Program, Universal Primary Education, Adult Literacy, Responsive Governance, Natural Resource Management, Emergency Response and Early Recovery Initiatives, Disaster Risk Management/Reduction, Rehabilitation, Food Security, Livelihood, Human Institution Development, Advocacy and Capacity Building. Functional areas include strategic/operational planning, program /project development & management, M&E, training/capacity building, partnership development & management, internal & external coordination/ collaboration, resource mobilization. Education: Master in Political Science and Certification in Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction/ Management (TOT). Besides attended many short courses on proposal and report writing, gender mainstreaming, leadership& management skills (TOT). E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Skype: khurshid330 IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Antoine KOCHER, Advisor, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Haiti Hello! I’m Antoine Kocher. I’m a hydrogeologist, currently working for HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in Haïti on water and sanitation issues. I’ve been working six years in different West African countries for either development project related to water for food, and for research project focusing on water resources and climate change. You can contact me on [email protected] and on my mobile 076 3493260 (in CH) and +509 44153697 (in Haiti). IWRM Nature Energy Food WASH Tunzhurbek KUDUBAEV, National Programme Officer, SDC, Kyrgyzstan I’m Tunzhurbek KUDABAEV (don’t mind if you call me Tunch). My career background is: - More than 10 years of experience in various state and international development organizations in Kyrgyzstan in microfinance, poverty reduction and development. - Solid international academic background in development, economics and law. - Close familiarity with the socio-economic processes and institutional particularities in transition economies. - Presently working as a National Programme Officer in Embassy of Switzerland in the Kyrgyz Republic (more than 3 years). Dealing with the Swiss development portfolio of infrastructure projects (urban water and energy supply) in the Kyrgyz Republic. Private: 36 years old, Single E-mail: [email protected] Phone: + 996 312 301036 Knowledge Management Nadejda LOUMBEVA, Advisor Knowledge & Learning, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Switzerland Nadejda's background is in knowledge management, learning, corporate social responsibility and sustainable development. She is a LEAD Fellow. After a couple of years in the private sector, Nadejda switched to the development sector where she has been working with development organisations on knowledge management & learning issues. Organisations include the World Food Programme, the Food & Agriculture Organization of the UN, the Red Cross, the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, the UN Office on Disaster Risk Reduction, amongst others. Nadejda is now Advisor Knowledge and Learning at HELVETAS Swiss Intercopperation. She is cofacilitating the AGUASAN workshop together with Riff Fullan. E-mail: [email protected] Olivier MAGNIN, Head of Climate Change Programme, SDC, South Africa E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE WfF WASH IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Sabine MAIER, Director, Water for the Third World, Switzerland Grown in the rural area of Switzerland, I have always been fascinated by agriculture and small-scale farming. After the primary teacher degree achieved, I lived in Brazil and studied Social Sciences and NPO-Management in German and French in Fribourg. Since then, I have been working over 10 years in the development sector in several contexts and countries in Latin America. Before joining „Water for the Third World“, an NGO with a strong focus on small-scale irrigation and productive water issues in Africa, I was the director of an foundation focused on education, health and water management in Latin America. I'm a mother of 2 small boys. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Sara MARKS, Water Supply & Treatment Group Leader, Eawag/Sandec, Switzerland At Eawag (Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology) I am the Group Leader for the Sandec Department’s Water Supply and Treatment Group. In this role I am currently focusing on three areas: (1) post-2015 water supply monitoring through the WHO/Eawag Collaborating Center, (2) decentralized treatment and safe storage approaches in rural communities in Nepal, and (3) the health and livelihood impacts of “multiple-use water services” (MUS) in rural Tanzania. In addition, I am involved with Sandec’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Household Water Treatment and Storage, currently online at E-mail: [email protected] skype: sarajmarks Phone: +41 79 133 15 28 Climate Change Daniel MASELLI, Senior Policy Advisor / Focal Point Climate Change and Environment Network, SDC, Switzerland Daniel Maselli (MSc Biology, PhD Geography) is the Focal Point of the SDC Climate Change and Environment Network and Senior Policy Advisor to the Global Program Climate Change at SDC. He has worked extensively on natural resource management in mountain ecosystems and lectured at the Univ. of Bern, Vienna and Bishkek. He has a special interest in agro-silvo-pastoral land use systems (e.g. in the Alps, High Atlas, Tien Shan, and Hindukush mountains) and has published a number of scientific articles and books. He is a passionate photographer and loves skiing, hiking and preparing fire wood. He is married, has four children and lives in the Swiss Alps (Bernese Oberland). E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +41 79 877 54 87 IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Agnès MONTANGERO, Thematic Coordinator Water & Infrastructure, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Switzerland Educational background: Environmental Engineer Years of professional experience: since 1998, with Helvetas since 2010 Thematic competences: Water supply and environmental sanitation: sustainability assessment, strategic sanitation planning, management of rural water and sanitation schemes, decentralized sewage treatment. Process competences: Project planning, monitoring and evaluation, institution and capacity building, backstopping and coaching of implementing agencies, advocacy and policy development. Country experience: Ghana, Mali, Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Argentina, Vietnam, Thailand, India, Moldova, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kosovo. Other experience: Skat: project implementation and backstopping, external evaluations, development of training modules, network development and facilitation, setting up awareness raising campaigns (rural water supply, sanitation and solid waste management); Eawag/Sandec: applied research, capacity building and training in the field of environmental sanitation. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Chris MORGER, Senior Advisor Water For Food, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Switzerland My professional background is Agronomy and Soil & Water Management in Agriculture. Therefore, my main interest in water is "water for food" in the frame of integrated water resource management (IWRM). That means of course to share a renewable but nevertheless limited resource for all the different uses and with the ever growing population of water users. Agriculture as the biggest water user – 70% globally - has a special responsibility to use water efficiently and effectively for food production - and food is another human right by the way! I work as Programme Officer in the Water and Infrastructure Team of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation at the Bern Office. I'm responsible for a Project in Pakistan, the Livelihood Support & Promotion of Small Community Infrastructure Project. In addition, I'm also in charge of the Backstopping Mandate on Water for Food in support to SDC’s Global Programme Water Initiatives (GPWIs). E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH André Daniel MUELLER, Water Expert, Embassy of Switzerland, Office for International Cooperation, Egypt I’m André Daniel Müller. I’m from Switzerland and have a Master Degree in Environmental Engineering. I have been working since 2010 in the water and sanitation field in developing countries (Kenya, South Sudan and Egypt) for different organizations. In 2013 I joined the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and started to work as Water Expert for a Water Program in Aswan Egypt. I enjoy travelling and to discover new cultures and landscapes. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Kim MUELLER, WASH Advisor, Caritas Switzerland and SDC SHA Unit, Switzerland Hello, this month I celebrate my 1st year’s anniversary as a WASH adviser to Caritas Switzer-land. I’m currently engaged in improving the management of a small-scale dam project for irrigation in Northern Ethiopia and water purification in Bangladesh, among others. I’m also part of SDC/SHA expert group on water & environmental sanitation. For SDC/SHA I spent 2011/12 in Ethiopia and South Sudan to support implementation and monitoring of humanitarian projects on water supply and sanitation in rural areas. Some years back, after completing my studies in environmental engineering, I coordinated projects to improve fluoride removal in Eastern Africa at Eawag/Sandec. Looking forward to interacting with you and the other workshop participants. To keep up contacts kindly use my e-mail address below. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE WfF WASH Sharon MURINDA, National Program Officer for WASH, SDC, Zimbabwe Sharon holds an MSc in IWRM from the Univ. of Zimbabwe and the Univ. of Western Cape in South Africa. Her first degree was a BSs (hons) in “Land and Water Resources Management”. She has also acquired more than 10 professional certificates in the field of IWRM and WASH over the years. Sharon has 9 years extensive experience in the WASH sector, specifically in the areas of research, capacity building, PCM and information dissemination. Sharon is married and has one beautiful daughter who is 2 years old. Sharon enjoys socializing, meeting new people and travelling to beautiful places. Address: Embassy of Switzerland in Zimbabwe, 9 Lanark Road, Belgravia, Harare E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +263 4 703997 / +263 782708378 IWRM WfN WfE WfF WASH Olivier NORMAND, Associate General Director / Project Director, International Secretariat for Water (ISW), Tajikistan Olivier Normand (1955): International Secretariat for Water (ISW), director of 2 projects in Central Asia on Rural Water Supply & Sanitation (Uzbekistan and Tajikistan) financed by the Swiss Cooperation. The projects consist in improving the living and health conditions of rural communities through enhanced access to safe drinking water and promoting the adoption of better hygiene and sanitation practices among population. I am responsible for the overall management of the projects, including financial management, conceptual developments; relationships with donors, Tajik / Uzbek authorities and with stakeholders of the project: local authorities, village people and possible clients of the water systems that we build up or rehabilitate. Full cost recovery is one of the features of the project and we are currently trying to attract the interest of banks and to work in partnership with the big development banks present in the region. The 2 countries were the projects are implemented are sharing with difficulties the same water resources and tend to build up divides rather than bridging them. I hold a master in Law and a master in social sciences: economics sociology and political science. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +998 90 22 677 87 Skype: olivier_normand IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH John Anyona NYACHIEO, National Programme Officer (WASH), SDC, Horn of Africa region John Nyachieo is a Water engineer with an MSC degree in Water engineering and has over 20 years extensive experience in the water sector. He has worked for the government, NGOs and consulting firms in various capacities. He has special interest in surface water storage technologies that conserve and provide water for the pastoralist communities and small scale farmers in the Arid and semiarid lands. Suitable technologies that John has promoted in the ASALs include; Sand dams, subsurface dams, Rock catchments, pans, Small dams, trapezoidal bunds and micro-catchments. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Romal OMARI, National WASH Project Manager, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Afghanistan I am civil engineer by background; I have worked with UN-HABITAT in National solidarity program in rural communities and I am working currently as national WASH project manager with HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation – Afghanistan. I have experience in rural development since 2005, beside water and sanitation program I worked in other projects like watershed management, irrigation, DRR and DRM (Disaster Risk Mitigation). E-mail: [email protected] Skype: romalomari1 Phone: 0093 (0) 775 375 363 Maria Luisa PARDO, Programme Head, SDC, Honduras Civil Engineer, with specialization in natural resource management and business administration. More than 30 years of experience, with expertise in policy incidence, capacity building, project formulation planning, monitoring, reporting and evaluation. Working with SDC Aguasan Honduras Program since 2005, as water and sanitation senior advisor. E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Sergio PEREZ LEON, Project Manager Water & Climate, SDC, Switzerland E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Cesarina QUINTANA GARCIA, Senior National Programme Officer, SDC Global Cooperation Office, Global Program in the Andes, Peru I am working at SDC since 2001. I am an economist with a master studies in agro industrial exports. My previous experience was linked to export handicrafts and textiles. Nevertheless the production changed my professional performance and involved me to the development issues so I began to work in the international cooperation in 1996. The great issues on rural area called my interest and commitment. Actually, in SDC I am responsible for a scaling up project supporting an ambitious national program for rural water & sanitation delivery services and other actors of sanitation. The project has become a good example as a comprehensive WASH model in Latin America. As a result of we have begun to spread our lessons learned and contribute to reduce inequities. Besides I am responsible of the Technical Secretariat of Water Donors, mostly facilitating the policy dialog and advocacy with the different levels of government and harmonization among agencies. It is a very exciting task. In most situations the WASH sector in Latin America is not enough involved in multifunctional uses of water, so my interest is to learn and discuss about other experiences. I am married, I have one daughter, and she is a lovely adolescent. I love the aerobics and sports (jogging) and dancing E-mail: [email protected] Skype:nina.quintana.garcia IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Iman RADWAN, Senior National Programme Officer, Swiss Embassy, Egypt Iman Radwan was born in Cairo Egypt, holds a Master degree in Environmental Education from Ain Shams University. Mother for two boys aged 15 and 12. Iman has more than twenty years of project management experience in a variety of development fields including extensive experience in conducting needs assessment, designing, developing, managing, monitoring and evaluating projects in different sectors including environment (water & sanitation), solid waste management, micro finance, education and health. She worked for UNDP, Canadian CIDA and has been working for Swiss Embassy since 2010. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Bikram RANA THARU, Team Leader “Building Effective Water Governance in Asian Highlands”, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Nepal Date of birth: 1974-12-01 A.D. (2031-08-16 B.S.) Sex: Male Marital status: Married I have a range of work experience in different sectors entailing: i) Translating IWRM as entry point in local institutions through local Water Use Master Plan (WUMP) focusing on equity, efficiency, sustainability, water governance and integrated climate/disaster risk prevention; ii) Participatory design, plan, implementation of rural infrastructures (irrigation, road, culvert, drinking water systems, rainwater harvesting and multiple water use systems); iii) Developing concept notes and guidelines on participatory WUMP with 3R (Recharge, Retention & Reuse), Blue school concept in local context. My involvement in facilitation, training and participatory planning has led me to hold experience in strategic forward-planning and operation of methodical governance components of transparency, accountability, participation, inclusion, equity, and empowerment. My work with diverse cultures and my stay in the Netherlands for more than one and half year with my colleague students from more than 30 countries led me to specialize increasingly in the management of complex multi-cultural, environment. My education (Post-Graduation in Sociology and Water Resources Management, Bachelors in civil engineering), my work (more than 10 years) and analytic interests in other cultures, together with a command of English, Hindi, Nepali and other local languages, have left me confident in handling and negotiations that require the reconciliation of different national and international approaches. E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] IWRM WfN WfE Food WASH Carlos Javier RIVERA GARAY, Development Division Manager, Servicio Autónomo Nacional de Acueductos y Alcantarillados (SANAA), Honduras Born in 1952, Honduran, Civil Engineer, married, two sons, one daughter, two grandchildren. 39 years of professional activity with the National Autonomous Service of Water and Sewer Systems (SANAA), a public institution accountable for the construction of about 5,000 rural water and sanitation systems and provider of technical assistance to water boards, municipalities and other public institutions. Head of the Development Division, Coordinator in Honduras of a multinational Rural Water and Sanitation Information System and partner of Project AGUASAN Honduras. Languages: Spanish, English, basic French (level A2). E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Diana ROJAS ORJUELA, National Programme Officer, SDC Global Programme Water Initiatives (GPWIs), Colombia, Latin America Loves mountains, especially páramos. Fields of expertise: water management, climate change, policy advocacy, and public – private partnerships. Work experience in Mesoamerica and Colombia, with local NGOs, international organizations such as UNDP and IUCN, and currently working with the Global Program Water Initiatives (GPWIs) of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. E-mail: [email protected] Carlos Pedro SAAVEDRA, Water & Natural Resources Specialist, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Bolivia E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Roger SCHMID, Water & Environmental Sanitation Specialist, Skat Consulting Ltd., Switzerland My professional background is in rural & environmental engineering (EPFL) with more than 18 years of experience in strategy development and program management as well as design, planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of global initiatives, programs and projects in the fields of rural infrastructure development, water and environmental sanitation, mobility and transport, and soil-water management. I have been engaged in development and disaster relief interventions as program manager, consultant and infrastructure specialist in Albania, Benin, Burkina Faso, Chad, China, India, Kosovo, Madagascar, Mali, Moldova, Niger, Nepal, Uzbekistan and Chad. I’m working at Skat since 2001. I have the pleasure to lead the AGUASAN Workshop Series since 2007 and, among many other things, I'm in charge of the Backstopping Mandate on Water for People / IWRM in support to SDC’s Global Programme Water Initiatives (GPWIs). I’m married and have two children (girls aged 14 and 17). E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +41 71 228 54 38 Skype: r-schmid IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Amitabh SHARMA, WASH Delegate, Swiss Red Cross, Bangladesh Amitabh has a Master’s degree in Sociology and has been working in the development sector for the past 20 years. He has worked in the capacity of Swiss Red Cross (SRC) delegate in India for a decade and half and is now working as WASH/DRR delegate for the Swiss Red Cross in Bangladesh. Active in humanitarian and development projects, he has acquired experience and expertise in Community development work, especially process consultation and strategic planning in the area of PME and institutional development, and advocacy centred initiatives in WASH, primary health care and municipal solid waste management. In specific terms he has skills in project/programme development; application of participatory methodologies; designing post disaster interventions in a linking relief, rehabilitation and development (LRRD) framework; and extending management and technical support to development and post disaster interventions. Policy analysis and policy dialogue at various levels of governance is an area of special interest. In addition to managing SRC supported WASH and DRR projects in Bangladesh, he is also working in the capacity of governance and policy advisor to a sub-national IWRM programme supported by SDC for “an effective, sustainable and inclusive IWRM project in the Barind Area.” The project aims at contributing to a shift in Bangladesh from subsectoral focus to a cross-sectoral integration of development and management of water resources. To be implemented in a consortium mode, he is the focal person for the SRC in Bangladesh. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Berhane Hailu TEWOLDEMEDHIN, Manager Beles SUNRise Project, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Ethiopia Date of Birth: Oct 20/1960 Place of Birth: Adwa, Tigray Regional State, Ethiopia Educational background: MSc in Management of Agro-Ecological Knowledge and Social Change (specialized in Development & Rural Innovations, Wageningen Univ, the Netherlands 2007- 2009. MSc in Agronomy from Kuban Agricultural Institute, faculty of Tropical and Subtropical Agriculture, Krasnodar, former Soviet Union, 1977-1982. Work Experiences (all in Ethiopia, Tigray Regional State): 2012-to date, Project Manager of Beles SUNRise Project in Helvetas Ethiopia 2010-2012 Senior Development Expert of Beles SUNRise Project in Helvetas Ethiopia 2005-2007, Deputy bureau head, of agriculture and rural development 2004-2005, Head, Environment Protection, Land Use and Administration Authority 2002-2003, Deputy Zonal Administrator in Central Zone 1992-2001, Head, bureau of agriculture and natural resources 1982-1991, Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) - head of agriculture department E-mail: [email protected] / [email protected] Phone: 251-34-441323 / 251-914-788692 IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Manuel THURNHOFER, Water Advisor / Focal Point RésEAU, SDC Global Programme Water Initiatives (GWPIs), Switzerland Manuel Thurnhofer is a senior water policy advisor within the water expert team of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Berne/Switzerland and serves as the focal point for SDC’s water network RésEAU. With a master degree in rural and environmental engineering he looks back on professional experiences in water related development programs in Africa and Latin America for the last 20 years. He coordinates within SDC’s Global Programme Water Initiatives the thematic contributions to the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda. E-mail: manuel.thurnhofer IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Monika TOBLER, Project Manager International Projects, WWF, Switzerland Professionally I am committed to the protection of the environment to enable people a healthy life. While the projects and programs I was responsible for differed quite in scope and topic, freshwater and its management has always been a central part of them. In the past ten years I have been working on sustainable agriculture and forestry (Helvetas, FAO), HWTS and behaviour change (Eawag) and since last year on water for the environment (WWF). I mainly worked in sub-Saharan Africa, but recently also managed project in Asia and Latin America. At WWF I am responsible for the field of freshwater, incl. programs on catchment management (Madagascar), freshwater habitats (Amazon), fish conservation (Mekong) and Corporate Water Stewardship. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH María Teresa VARGAS, Executive Director, Fundación Natura, Bolivia Fundación Natura is a Santa Cruz, Bolivia-based non-profit with the mission “to help communities protect their water supplies through conservation of their forests”. Under Maria Teresa’s leadership, Natura works with water providers, irrigators and municipal governments to develop sustainable finance mechanisms for conservation of upper watershed forests or “Water Factories”. Natura focuses on developing the institutional architecture - Reciprocal Watershed Agreements (RWA) - by which water users feel confident that if they invest in a watershed conservation fund, their contributions will have a real and immediate impact in improving water quality. Since the first RWA was developed in 2003, 30 more Municipal Governments have joined the movement, and more than 40,000 downstream users are now compensating 2,500 upstream families for protecting 100,000 ha of forested Water Factories. In 10 other Andean municipallities, incl. San Ignacio de Lourdes (Peru), Zumba (Ecuador) and Guasca (Colombia), Natura-advised RWA are protecting another 25,000 ha of water-producing forests. Maria Teresa has a Masters in International Development from Costa Rica’s National University and a Masters in Forestry from Yale University. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Elizabeth VOCHTEN, Technical Advisor, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation, Laos Nationality: Filipina. I work for HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in Lao PDR since 2010 as Technical Adviser for the Integrated Upland Development in Nonghet (UDIN) project in Xiengkhouang province. The project is funded by the European Union. I’ve over 20 years of experience in the development field, with work experience mainly in South East Asia (Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia and Lao PDR) focusing on rural development and provision of emergency relief in conflict environments and remote rural settings. Competencies: community development & participatory approaches, village planning, community nutrition and hygiene promotion, project management. I enjoy especially working in the field with frequent travel to project sites so I can interact with the people who are at the center of our work. It is this kind of person-toperson contact that keeps on motivating me to continue working in this line of work. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Frank WIEDERKEHR, Regional Advisor Water & Environment, SDC/SECO, Macedonia Frank Wiederkehr is the Regional Advisor on Water & Environment for the Swiss cooperation (SECO & SDC) in the Western Balkans since June 2013. Based in Skopje, Macedonia, he is accompanying and supporting the Swiss water related projects in Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo and Macedonia. Via his position, the conceptualization and implementation of the regional aspects of the Swiss water programme in the region shall be accelerated and institutionalized. He is also, together with his colleague Stanislava Dodeva, responsible for the water domain of the Swiss cooperation in Macedonia. Frank Wiederkehr has a Masters in Biology with a focus on Ecology and a Master of Advanced Studies in Development & Cooperation (both from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich ETHZ). He joined SDC in 2006, worked in Peru in a project addressing water and climate change issues in the Andes and was prior to his posting in the Balkans programme manager for Afghanistan at SDC headquarters in Bern. Frank Wiederkehr is married and has a son. Besides ski-touring and mountain biking he likes to read comic books and meet up with friends and family. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +389 (0)2 310 33 40 IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Annelies WITHOFS, Programme Officer Nepal, RAIN Foundation, Netherlands “To promote solutions to optimally use and reuse renewable natural resources while striving for socioeconomic development – that’s what makes me tick. I’m happy that I can realize this both as part of our small and enthusiastic team, and as part of the large international RAIN network”. Studied cultural anthropology and development sociology, while specializing in environment and development at the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Leiden; Worked to support local solar energy entrepreneurs in Mali, Namibia, Zambia and Botswana, and coordinated short-term projects related to small and medium sized entrepreneurs in Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, the Middle East and Russia; Experienced in the evaluation of project proposals, monitoring & evaluating the progress of projects and partners’ activities, facilitating trainings & workshops, and managing multi-stakeholder processes; Joined RAIN in 2010 as programme officer for Mali and Burkina Faso. Since 2013, focuses on Nepal and on supporting RAIN in its knowledge management. E-mail: [email protected] skype: rain_annelies Phone: +31 (0)20 581 82 93 IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Shamshod YUNUSOV, Coordinator of Water Organisations, International Secretariat for Water (ISW), Uzbekistan Master of Economic Sciences. Working in Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Project Uzbekistan since 2010. Previously worked with educational joint projects between Universities of Uzbekistan and European Union. Never noticed the water problems before coming to the project and glad to take part in changing the behaviour of locals in Uzbekistan on water related issues and improving their livelihood. Main duties at the current project capitalization of the project achievements by preparing Guidelines on the approach, booklets, presentation of the project sites and experience to adopt the approach and bring it up to National scale. Also elaborating easiest mechanism for the project villages collect and manage their own financial, social and technical data. Like biking and love dogs. E-mail: [email protected] IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Rahat YUSUBALIEVA, Project Manager, Kyrgyzstan Mountain Societies Development Support Programme (MSDSP KG), Aga Khan Foundation, Kyrgyzstan Function: Project Manager, Climate Change Adaptation Responsibilities: Lead the project “Strengthening Civil Society to Lead Climate Change Adaptation in Rural Kyrgyzstan” Experience: MSc in Management of Development Projects from Manchester University. Worked for SDC DRR Programme in Kyrgyzstan; Initiated Environmental Summer Schools in natural reserve; Assisted rapid rural appraisal research project on women’s land rights in Kyrgyzstan. E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +996 550 647422 IWRM Nature WfE Food WASH Chris ZURBRUEGG, Director, Eawag/Sandec, Switzerland I head the Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries (Sandec) at Eawag - Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology - in Switzerland. This department develops concepts and technologies through applied research which are adapted to the various physical and socio-economic conditions prevailing in low and middle income countries, with the goal to contribute to sustainable access to improved drinking water, sanitation and solid waste services. All our work is conducted in close collaboration with local researchers and links to local governments, international and local organisations. We see such collaborations also as contribution to increasing research capacity and professional expertise in partner countries. My interests are quite general on aspects on urban environmental management, with a focus on solid waste, sanitation and water supply. Given my environmental engineering and geology background my work has mostly centred around appropriate technologies and process engineering, but over time, given the challenges, my research interest now focuses more on aspects of enduring services (to not use the word sustainable) looking at issues of management, financing, marketing, and business opportunities. Another wish of mine is develop improved training and education opportunities on the WASH for low and middle income countries which are easily accessible for students and practitioners. E-mail: [email protected]
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