TUM School of Management TIE Tagung 2014 Programm Tagung der wissenschaftlichen Kommission für Technologie, Innovationsmanagement und Entrepreneurship vom 23. bis 24. Oktober 2014 TUM Forschungszentrum Garching, Institute for Advanced Study, Lichtenbergstraße 2a, 85748 Garching Technische Universität München Benz/TUM Wir danken der Theo und Friedl Schöller-Stiftung für die Unterstützung der Konferenz. TUM School of Management Donnerstag, 23.10.2014 08:30 Registrierung und Kaffee (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 09:00 Eröffnung (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 09:30 Session: Individuals and innovation 1 Session: Management of NPD Auditorium, Erdgeschoss Faculty Club, 4. Stock Session Chair: Christian Lüthje Session Chair: Jörn Block The role of inventing users in the diffusion of new surgical techniques MAREIKE HINSCH, CHRISTOPH STOCKSTROM, CHRISTIAN LÜTHJE A relational view on partnership efficiency in pharmaceutical new product development ERIKA BUONANSEGNA, SOEREN SALOMO, CARSTEN SCHULTZ, TOM STARGARDT Exploring the contingencies of private-collective innovation – an agent-based model MICHAEL A. ZAGGL, CHRISTINA RAASCH An attention-based model of corporate entrepreneurship managers’ decisions to terminate new product development projects: Integrating portfolio-level, individual-level, and firm-level effects JUDITH BEHRENS, HOLGER PATZELT The Seven IP Commandments of a Crowdsourcing Community - How Self-Organized Norms-Based IP Systems Overcome Imitation Problems JULIA BAUER, NIKOLAUS FRANKE, PHILIPP TÜRTSCHER The mixed blessings of openness in creative industries – The case of European chefs de cuisine ANDREAS BRAUN, CHRISTOPH IHL, GORDON MÜLLERSEITZ What makes R&D professionals turn into managers? Investigating new career attitudes and organizational culture PATRICK HOFFMANN, MATTHIAS WEISS, MARTIN HOEGL 11:00 Kaffeepause (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 11:30 Keynote (Auditorium, Erdgeschoss): Patterns and Determinants of Inventor Mobility in Germany Dietmar Harhoff (Max-Planck-Institut für Innovation und Wettbewerb) 12:15 Mittagspause (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 13:30 Vortrag und Diskussion zum Thema Forschungsethik (Auditorium, Erdgeschoss): Ethics and Integrity in Research and Publishing: Does Peer Review Prevent Misconduct Ben Martin (SPRU, University of Sussex) Diskutanten: Katrin Talke (TU Berlin), Nikolaus Franke (WU Wien), Hans Georg Gemünden (TU Berlin) 15:00 Kaffeepause (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 15:30 Session: Innovation and academia Session: Individuals and innovation 2 Auditorium, Erdgeschoss Faculty Club, 4. Stock Session Chair: Tim Schweisfurth Session Chair: Joachim Henkel Organization-level institutional arrangements, leadership, and researchers’ inclination towards academic entrepreneurship CAREN KLINGBEIL, THORSTEN SEMRAU, MARK EBERS Knowledge fit and productivity gains from mobility KARIN HOISL, GAÉTAN DE RASSENFOSSE Anatomy of teams: Division of labor and allocation of credit in collaborative knowledge production CAROLIN HÄUSSLER, HENRY SAUERMANN The abolishment of the German professor's privilege: 12 years after – evidence from a natural experiment DIRK CZARNITZKI, THORSTEN DOHERR, KATRIN HUSSINGER, PAULA SCHLIESSLER, ANDREW A. TOOLE Time Management and Creative Performance: Results from an Experimental Approach ALEXANDER BREM, VERENA UTIKAL ADHD-like behavior and entrepreneurship INGRID VERHEUL, JÖRN BLOCK, KATRIN BURMEISTER-LAMP, ROY THURIK, HENNING TIEMEIER, ROXANA TURTUREA 17:00 Kaffeepause (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 17:30 Keynote (Auditorium, Erdgeschoss): BMW i – the future of e-mobility Stefan Juraschek (Hauptabteilungsleiter Entwicklung E-Antriebe, BMW) 19:30 Konferenzdinner im Hofbräuhaus & Verleihung des Jürgen Hauschildt Preises TUM School of Management Freitag, 24.10.2014 08:30 Kaffee (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 09:00 Session: Users and consumers Session: Entrepreneurship Auditorium, Erdgeschoss Faculty Club, 4. Stock Session Chair: Nikolaus Franke Session Chair: Nicola Breugst Joining Open Source communities under alternatives: Openness trade-offs and user traits contingency DANIEL EHLS, CORNELIUS HERSTATT Founder involvement in research and development: Implications for firm survival and growth CAROLIN HÄUSSLER, MARIA HENNICKE, ELISABETH MÜLLER Ready, steady, green – The influence of consumer characteristics, innovation characteristics, and policies on the adoption of eco-friendly innovations PATRICK SPIETH, SVEN HEIDENREICH, MARTIN PETSCHNIG To own or not to own: How ownership impacts user innovation – an empirical study FRANK TIETZE, THORSTEN PIEPER, CORNELIUS HERSTATT How are entrepreneurs made? A meta-analytic structural equation model on personal history factors’ impact on entrepreneurial intention CHRISTOPHER SCHLÄGEL, FLORIAN B. ZAPKAU, MICHAEL KÖNIG, CHRISTIAN SCHWENS The antecedents of business model design in new firms JÖRN BLOCK, MARC GRUBER, JEFFREY S. PETTY 10:30 “Does god play dice?” Randomness vs. deterministic explanations of crowdsourcing success NIKOLAS FRANKE, CHRISTOPHER LETTL, PHILIPP TÜRTSCHER, SUSANNE ROISER Kaffeepause (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 11:00 Keynote (Auditorium, Erdgeschoss): Positive Risk and the Innovation Commons Carliss Y. Baldwin (Harvard Business School) 11:45 Mittagspause (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 13:00 Session: Innovation ecosystems Session: Innovative performance of firms Auditorium, Erdgeschoss Faculty Club, 4. Stock Session Chair: Christina Raasch Session Chair: Michael Zaggl The impacts of governance mechanisms and knowledge conversion on university-business collaboration performance TOBIAS KESTING, THOMAS CLAUSS Are family firms really less innovative? A meta-analysis PATRICIO DURAN, NADINE KAMMERLANDER, MARC VAN ESSEN, THOMAS ZELLWEGER How ex ante inferior innovations can win races for markets with network externalities J. PIET HAUSBERG, SEBASTIAN SPÄTH Legitimacy, isostatic pressures, and collective inertia: An institutionalist account of incumbents’ responses to discontinuous technologies ANDREAS KÖNIG, ALBRECHT ENDERS, JOHANNES MUCK Value capture in hierarchically organized industries: The hierarchy strategy JOACHIM HENKEL, ALEXANDER HOFFMANN Corporate entrepreneurship and performance: A metaanalysis MICHAEL BIERWERTH, CHRISTIAN SCHWENS, RODRIGO ISIDOR, RÜDIGER KABST 14:30 Kaffeepause (Faculty Club, 4. Stock) 14:45 Mitgliederversammlung & Ausklang (Auditorium, Erdgeschoss) 16:15 Ende der Veranstaltung
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