Daily Note AVG Research 21 November 2014 Athens General Market Turnover (EURm) Market Cap (EURbn) Market Cap / GDP* close daily Y-t-d 959.9 75.38 60.33 0.54% % 4.4% -17.45% % 32.9% *2014 Athens General Index Headlines Macroeconomic News 1,050 Press reports note that the Greek government and the troika did not reach an agreement during yesterday’s conference call – undisclosed European official notes that Greece has another week to finalize agreement with the troika so as to proceed with necessary decisions at the Eurogroup meeting scheduled for December 8 – note that the 2015 budget will be tabled to parliament today without the troika’s approval. Fitch Rating Agency is scheduled to release its assessment of Greece’s sovereign rating today (B/Stable). According to the Bank of Greece, in September the current account balance showed a surplus of EUR1.6bn, up by EUR652m y-o-y, assisted by the improved balance of goods and services, which is mainly attributable to a significant rise in oil export receipts, as well as in travel and transport receipts. For the January-September period, the current account balance showed a surplus of EUR3.8bn, compared to EUR2.4bn at the same period last year. Corporate News Lamda Development reported a satisfactory set of Q3:14 results, in line with the performance of the previous quarters. In the conference call that followed, management confirmed that Q4:14 performance will be similar to the strong performance of Q3:14. 1,000 950 900 850 800 20 Oct 27 Oct 03 Nov 10 Nov 17 Nov ASE Indices & Sectors FTSE - 20 FTSE - 40 FTSE - 140 ASE - Banks ASE - Telecoms ASE - Industrial ASE - Construction close daily % Y-t-d % 310.2 870.5 743.6 123.4 2548.9 2199.9 2456.9 0.5% 1.1% 0.5% -0.1% 0.9% 0.6% 2.6% -19.4% -25.4% -19.5% -31.4% -4.2% -32.2% -8.4% FTSE ASE 20 Ratios* Additional Headlines 2013f 2014f 12-14f CAGR The Ministry of Development approved yesterday the merger of Piraeus Bank and Geniki Bank by way of absorption by the former. P/E (x) 22.8 22.8 P/BV (x) 1.2 1.1 -5.84% In the conference call following the release of Motor Oil’s 3Q:14 results, management commented on the prevailing refining margins stating that margins continue to stand at high levels but in a much more volatile market. Management also noted that the gradual but slow curtailment in refining capacity across EU is driven by prolonged low margin periods and CAPEX intensive needs. Regarding the company’s operations, management highlighted that the refinery has been running flat out over the last periods posting record quarterly sales volume due to strong exports and an improving domestic environment. Finally, crude sourcing flexibility allowed for a higher vs. benchmark refining margins (heavy Basrah oil accounted for more than 60% in 3Q). EV/EBITDA (x) 7.9 6.6 -16.41% According to Energypress.gr, citing a working paper by RAE (regulatory authority), the starting price for lignite generated electricity through NOME type auctions will be set at EUR35-38/MWh (not including any additional charges). The final price though will vary according to the consumption profile for each end-client. We note that this price levels are close to the ones offered by PPC (following State’s proposal) to industrial clients earlier this year. In any case, the official study is expected to be ratified by RAE and thereafter presented to EU DG Comp, with the first auction expected in the first quarter of 2015. EV/Sales (x) Dividend yield (%) Please continue overleaf…. Weekly Calendar Credit rating on Greece: 21/11/2014 Fitch Rating 1.0 -8.36% 1.7% 45.29% FTSE ASE movers (last trading day) TOP Ellaktor SA GEK Terna Holding Real Estate Construction SA FOURLIS HOLDINGS S.A. 9.4% 4.4% 3.7% BOTTOM SARANTIS S.A. -3.5% J&P-Avax S.A. -2.5% D.T.C.A. HYGEIA S.A. -1.9% Bank of Cyprus held yesterday its Annual General Meeting during which it elected a new board of directors which will represent the new shareholder structure, following the EUR1.0bn capital raise in August. Note that former Deutsche Bank’s Josef Ackermann and US billionaire Wilbur Ross were appointed to the new board yesterday. According to Euro2day, citing comments from Ministry of Infrastructure officials, two new railway projects budgeted at EUR170m and EUR150m will be tendered within 1H:15. Both projects concern railtrack upgrades and expansion on the Athens-Patra line. 1.1 1.2% *consensus FactSet Fitch Ratings affirmed National Bank of Greece's (NBG, B-/Stable/B; Viability Rating: b-) Programme II EUR4.87bn mortgage covered bonds at 'B+' with a Stable Outlook. According to daily Kathimerini, the preferred bidder for Greece’s regional airports will be announced on November 25. Recall that Metka-Corporacion America, Ellaktor-Vinci and Fraport-Copelouzos Group have been shortlisted as preferred bidders. According to the report, based on the structure of the concession agreement the fee paid by each departing passenger will be set to EUR14.5/person in the first stage and will be adjusted up to EUR20/person following the completion of the infrastructure upgrades carried out by the concessionaire. According to the latest traffic data c9.5m passengers departed from the regional airports in 2013. -0.12% Foreign Indices / Rates / FX close daily % Y-t-d % 0.2% 6.9% Nasdaq Composite 17719. 0 4701.9 0.6% 12.6% S&P 500 2052.8 0.2% 11.1% Euro STOXX 314.1 -0.5% -0.1% FTSE 100 6678.9 -0.3% -1.0% CAC40 4234.2 -0.7% -1.4% DAX 9484.0 0.1% -0.7% Austria ATX 2214.5 -0.8% -13.0% Russia RTS 1040.4 1.9% -27.9% Turkey ISE 100 82511. 9 3.0% 1.3% 21.7% 1.2% 33.1% 1.25 0.0% -9.0% DJ Industrial Average 10 - Year Yield (DE) USD / EUR Axia Ventures Group - 4 Vas. Sofias Ave., 10674 Athens Greece, Tel: +30 210 7414400, Fax: +30 210 7414449, Web: www.axiavg.com Please refer to the last page for disclosures and analyst certification Daily Note Greek Economy – Troika Negotiations Fact: Press reports note that the Greek government and the troika did not reach an agreement during yesterday’s conference call – undisclosed European official notes that Greece has another week to finalize agreement with the troika so as to proceed with necessary decisions at the Eurogroup meeting scheduled for December 8 – note that the 2015 budget will be tabled to parliament today without the troika’s approval. Assessment: Note that Greek Finance Minister Gikas Hardouvelis will submit the final 2015 budget to the President of the Parliament today at 12:00am local time, without the approval of the troika on certain key issues. Press reports note that yesterday’s conference call did not result in an agreement between the two sides. In addition, press reports note that yesterday’s conference call with the Greek government was delayed significantly, as a result of a disagreement between IMF and EU officials relating to the stance that should be taken on Greece, with reports noting that the IMF took a tougher position. Press reports also note that amongst other the troika is concerned that the budget will land Greece with a much bigger fiscal gap next year than what has been presented by Greek authorities. Note that the disagreement has already delayed the recommencement of the country's review by the troika and Greece risks missing a December 8 deadline to receive the final instalment of its bailout from Europe. Importantly, the completion of the review would also pave the way for talks on a possible financial backstop for Greece after the European part of its bailout expires at the end of this year.In this context, an undisclosed EU official stated that Greece has another week to finalize the agreement with the troika, while any delays post the end of next week (November 28) could result in certain problems, while in this context, the EU official noted that if no agreement is reached than the authorities may need to consider extending Greece’s programme by 12 months. Overall, negotiations will continue into next week as well as there is still sufficient time for the Greek government to reach an agreement with troika. Name: Constantinos Zouzoulas e-mail: [email protected] Phone number: +30 210 7414460 Fitch Ratings Fact: Fitch Rating Agency is scheduled to release its assessment of Greece’s sovereign rating today (B/Stable). Assessment: Recall that Fitch Rating Agency upgraded Greece's Long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) to 'B' from 'B-' on May 23, 2014. Recall also that the Stable Outlook reflected the rating agency’s view that upside and downside risks to the rating are currently balanced. Fitch Rating Agency decision to upgrade Greece’s rating on May 23, 2014, reflected amongst other, the primary surplus achieved in the general government account in 2013, with the rating agency adding that Greece's deficit reduction over the past four years of its two programmes had been remarkable. Importantly, note that future developments that could individually or collectively result in Fitch taking a positive rating action for Greece include: (i) a strong economic recovery; budgetary improvement supporting the rating agency’s baseline of a sustained primary surplus of 4% of GDP; progress in clearing arrears; (ii) a successful programme exit, with market access at affordable rates and debt relief on official loans (OSI) on terms that significantly improve long-term public debt dynamics. Name: Constantinos Zouzoulas e-mail: [email protected] Phone number: +30 210 7414460 Greek Economy – Balance of Payments (Sep) Fact: According to the Bank of Greece, in September the current account balance showed a surplus of EUR1.6bn, up by EUR652m y-o-y, assisted by the improved balance of goods and services, which is mainly attributable to a significant rise in oil export receipts, as well as in travel and transport receipts. For the Jan-Sep period, the current account balance showed a surplus of EUR3.8bn, compared with EUR2.4bn over the same period of 2013. Assessment: In September, the trade deficit contracted by EUR223m y-o-y, due to the lower net import bill for oil and ships. Export receipts rose by 9.4% but the trade deficit (excluding oil and ships) grew by 11.6%. The surplus of the services balance widened by EUR425m y-o-y, due to improvements in the travel services balance and in the transport (mainly sea transport) services balance. Specifically, travel receipts increased by 10.9%, reflecting a 23.0% rise in non-residents’ arrivals. The current account surplus of the Jan-Sep period is mainly attributable to the improved services balance with total exports of goods and services rising by 8.5% (compared with 2.8% over the same period in 2013). Specifically receipts from exports of goods increased by 4.2%, while receipts from services rose by 11.6%. The EUR2.5bn rise in the surplus of the services balance is due to higher net receipts from travel, transport and “other” services. Specifically, travel spending by non-residents in Greece grew by 11.1% y-o-y, reflecting a 22.2% rise in non-residents’ arrivals. Name: Constantinos Zouzoulas AVG Research e-mail: [email protected] Phone number: +30 210 7414460 Page 2 Daily Note 4.26 339.5 Closing Price (EUR) Market Cap (EUR m) Lamda Development S.A. Reuters / Bloomberg: MLDr.AT/LAMDA GA Real Estate / Greece Fact: Lamda Development reported a satisfactory set of Q3:14 results, in line with the performance of previous quarters. Management confirmed that Q4:14 trends thus far are similar to those in Q3:14. 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 Nov 13 Jan 14 Feb 14 Mar 14 May 14 Jun 14 LAMDA Development S.A. Cons. Est.* EV/EBITDA P/E P/B EPS *FactSet Jul 14 Sep 14 Oct 14 ATHEX Composite (Rebased) 2013 2014f 2015f 9.9 11.6 0.74 0.51 8.1 10.2 0.73 -0.29 8.0 8.2 0.70 0.73 Assessment: The retail performance for the first nine months in 2014 showed significant growth with the retail EBITDA up 4.9% y-o-y, settling in at EUR28.1m compared to EUR26.8m in the equivalent period last year. The positive trend in the main retail indicators of the shopping centres remained strong, hence shopkeepers’ sales for the period were up 9% y-o-y, consumer visits increased 6.5% y-o-y and the average shopping centre’s occupancy exceeded 98%. Total EBITDA before valuations increased 5% y-o-y standing at EUR22.9m compared to EUR21.7m last year. The revaluation of assets, which took place at Q2:14, impacted the P&L negatively by EUR7.2m at 9M2014 versus December 31, 2013. Note that the valuation losses for the same period last year were EUR14.62m. The company reported net losses at 9M:14 of EUR4.67m compared to net losses of EUR25.73m at 9M:13. The net asset value of the company as of September 30, 2014 stands at EUR455.9m compared to EUR 296.4m at December 31, 2013. Note that the recent share capital increase in July, as well as the sale of treasury stock resulted in a net amount of EUR163m increase to the net asset value. As a result, the net debt-to-investment portfolio stands at 38.5%, whereas the net debt-to-NAV reached 61.8%, while Net Debt/Book Equity stands at 69.0%. Note that the NAV/share stands at EUR5.72 at September 30, 2014. Finally, regarding the Hellinikon project, management noted that currently it is in the planning process with the corresponding Ministries and Hellinikon S.A. Recall that Lamda Development on November 14, 2014 announced the signing of the contract for the purchase of the shares of Hellinikon SA through its subsidiary Hellenikon Global I SA. In addition, management indicated that the approval of all the regulatory steps is expected to take 18-24 months, before the development of the project begins. EUR m Revenues Operating profit Net Income 9M:14 9M:13 y-o-y 32.28 32.58 -0.9% 6.14 -2.29 n.m. -4.67 -25.73 81.8% Source: The Company, AVG Research Action: The largest mall operator in Greece is increasingly benefiting from the stabilization of the Greek economy. Note that the performance of the malls (shopkeepers revenues growth) is higher than that of the market, indicating also the shift of consumer preference to shops in organized markets as well as the success of the active management of the malls. As the Greek economy rebounds, we would expect the strong performance of the malls to continue, while expected yield compression will result in revaluation gains. Name: Constantinos Zouzoulas AVG Research e-mail: [email protected] Phone number: +30 210 7414460 Page 3 Daily Note Corporate and Macro Calendar Company Companies Earnings Announcements Period Date Macros - November 2014 For the month of Release date Jumbo Q1:15 24/112014 Commercial Transactions (prov data) Sep-14 25/11/2014 Terna Energy Q3:14 24/11/2014 Producer Price Index in Industry Oct-14 28/11/2014 OPAP Q3:14 25/11/2014 Fourlis Q3:14 25/11/2014 Aegean Airlines Q3:14 25/11/2014 Piraeus Bank Q3:14 25/11/2014 Metka Q3:14 26/11/2014 Rating Agency Release date Mytilineos Q3:14 26/11/2014 FitchRatings 21/11/2014 Folli Follie Group Q3:14 27/11/2014 Moody's PPC Q3:14 27/11/2014 Bank of Cyprus Q3:14 27/11/2014 Company Fact Athens Water Q3:14 28/11/2014 Piraeus Port Authority AGM 25/11/2014 Thessaloniki Water Q3:14 28/11/2014 Hellenic Petroleum EGM 15/12/2014 AVG Research Event Credit rating review on Greece 28/11/2014 Corporate Date Page 4 Daily Note Disclosures General information This research report was prepared by Axia Ventures Group Limited, a company incorporated under the laws of Cyprus (but is referred to herein, together with its subsidiary companies and affiliates, collectively, as “Axia”) and is authorised and regulated by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (authorisation number 086/07). Axia is authorized to provide investment services in the United Kingdom and in Greece pursuant to its permissions under the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive and may also provide similar services in other countries, inside or outside of the European Union, subject to the applicable provisions. Axia is not a registered broker-dealer in the United States (U.S.) and, therefore, is not subject to U.S. rules regarding the preparation of research reports and the independence of research analysts. In the U.S., this research report is intended solely for persons who meet the definition of “major U.S. institutional investors” in Rule 15a-6 under the U.S. Securities and Exchange Act, as amended, or persons listed under Rule 15a-6(4)). 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Persons responsible for this report: Constantinos Zouzoulas (analyst) Key Definitions AVG Research 12-month rating* Buy The stock to generate total return** of and above 10% within the next 12-months The stock to generate total return* *between -10% and 10% within the next 12Neutral months Sell The stock to generate total return* * of and below -10% within the next 12 months Under Review Stock’s target price or rating is subject to possible change Applicable Laws / Regulation and AXIA Ventures Group Limited policies might Restricted restrict certain types of communication and investment recommendations Not Rated There is no rating for the company by AXIA Ventures Group Limited * exceptions to the bands may be granted by the Investment Review Committee of Axia taking into account specific characteristics of the Subject Company. **total return: % price appreciation –percentage change in share price from current price to projected target price plus projected dividend yield AXIA Ventures Group Limited Rating Distribution as of today Coverage Universe Buy Hold Sell Restricted Not Rated Under Review Count Percent 10 100% Of which Investment Banking Relationships Count Percent 5 50% Daily Note Independence and objectivity, conflicts of interest management None of the analysts in charge of this report are involved in activities within Axia where such involvement is inconsistent with the maintenance of that analyst’s independence or objectivity. 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By accepting this research report, you agree to be bound by the foregoing limitations. This material is not intended for the use of private investors. Axia Ventures Group 10 G. Kranidiotis, 4, Vas. Sofias Ave., 3rd Floor 645 Fifth Avenue, Suite 903 Berkeley Sq. 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