CV Makridou Kalliopi

First name. KALLIOPI
Address. Komotinis 4, Str, 54655 Thessaloniki,Greece.
Telephone. +302310996555 ,
Fax. +302310425329.
E-mail. [email protected]
Professor of civil Procedure; Director of Studies of the Mediation Institute of
Thessaloniki; Active lawyer at the Thessaloniki Bar Association ; Member of the
Board of the Panhellenic Union of Greece Civil Procedure Scholars ;Vice-President of
the Law Faculty, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2008-August 2013) ;Regular
member and Vice-President of the Legal Committee of the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki (1994-2000,2009); Member of the permanent law-making Committee of
the Hellenic Ministry of Justice (1996-2000); Professor of Civil Procedure at the
Hellenic National School of Judges (2000-2011).Professor of Civil Procedure in
summer courses of the Tulane University, U.S.A (2007, 2008).).Member of the
Committee of the Ministry of Justice to revise the Greek Code of Civil Procedure
(2010-2011).Visiting Fellow of the Law Faculty of Zürich University (2013).
Courses . Civil Procedural law; International and European procedural law; A.D.R
methods- mediation, arbitration.
Greek (mother tongue), English, French, German
International Association of Procedural Law (I.A.P.L) , International Commercial
Chamber ( I.C.C), Panhellenic Union of Greece Civil Procedure Scholars( Member of
the Board) , Union of Greek Civil Law Scholars, Jurists’ Union of Northern Greece
(member of the Board 1996- 1999).International Bar Association, Institut für
zivilgerichtliches Verfahren in Zürich.
1. “Lawyers’ Confidentiality” (monograph, doctoral thesis, 1988)
2. “Procedures For The Issuing Of Orders Of Payment And Of Negotiable
Instruments” (monograph of 1993, which appeared in a second edition of 1995).
3. “Indefinite Actions And Remedies” (monograph). Due to its great theoretical and
practical interest, it is frequently cited in judgements and is already in its fourth
edition (2006).
4. “Additional Grounds For Appeal According To The Code Of Civil Procedure”
(monograph, 2000)
5. “Implied Acceptance Of Judgements According To The Code Of Civil Procedure”
(monograph, 2004)
6. Author of the commentary on Arts. 208-320 of the Hellenic Code of Civil
Procedure in the collective work of interpretation of the Code of Civil Procedure
(2000, 2002), edited by Prof. Kerameus (former Chairman of the International
Academy of Comparative Law), Prof. N. Nikas and by Dionysios Kondylis, judge at the
Supreme Court.
7.Labour Law disputes (2009).
8. Studies on civil procedural law and international procedural law (2010).
B. ARTICLES (Indicative list)
1. Lender – Debtor relations in secondary actions (EllDik 1983, 1172 et seq.)
2. Problems arising from the filing of a cross-action through a party’s written
pleadings (EllDni 1991, 1203 et seq.)
3. Ordinary proceedings before courts of first instance ()
4. Interpretation issues of tort and quasi-tort jurisdiction in Sec. 5 par. 3 of the
Brussels Convention (Arm 1990, 1165 et seq.)
5. The distinction between inadmissible and legally unfounded actions in the
framework of vagueness, (Arm 1995, 288 et seq.)
6. Conciliatory resolution of private disputes (Arm 1996, 15 et seq.)
7. Guidance of the petitioner by the Court of Appeals for the completion of vague
actions (Arm 2000, 584 et seq.)
8. Legislative evolution of ex parte proceedings in Greek Law (in the “Ex parte
proceedings” volume, 2004, 121 et seq.)
9. Resumption of hearings (EllDni 2005, 1305 et seq.)
10. Crossing of civil and criminal litigation (Arm 2006, 1101 et seq.)
11. The institutions of Lis Pendens and related actions according to regulation
44/2001(“Brussels I”), Revue Hellenique de Droit International 2002.441 et seq.=
Festschrift fur Kostas Beys dem Rechtsdenker in attischer dialektik 2003.941 et seq.
12. International commercial Arbitration- New York Convention and Arbitration Act
1996 – Form and content of the arbitration agreement- Substituted parties in the
arbitration agreement- Waiver of grounds of challenge at the enforcement stage,
according to art.73(2) of the Arbitration Act 1996- International jurisdiction ,based
on article 5 point1 of the Regulation 44/2001- Lis pendens, D.E.E 2011(June).
13 . Recent developments on international jurisdiction over labor disputes within the
European Union, ZZP International 15 [2010] ,p. 199-212.
14..Lawyers’ Fees in Geece at a Turning Point. Recent Legislative changes in
Litigation Costs, Editor ,Mathias Reimann “Cost and Fee Allocation in Civil
Procedure(Springer 2012),p.163-171.
15. Recent developments on provisional measures relating to parental responsibility
under the Council Regulation (EC) 2201/ (Familien Praxis der
Schweiz),2/ 2012.369-378.
16. Greek case management in light of other European civil justice systems , The
Journal of Comparative Law, VII (2012), pp. 227 -241..
17. Civil justice reforms in Greece :case management, single-judge proceedings and
alternative dispute resolution procedures", Z.Z.Z 2011/2012.p 257ff.
18.Rendering judgment within reasonable time, Nomiko Vima law journal 2012.13451357.
19.The new provisions of Lis-Pendens,- EuReg. 1215/2012, Harmenopoulos Law
Journal 2013.2070-2078.
20. Mediation od civil disputes in Switzerland under the new Federal Code of Civil
Procedure, EllDni 2014.
21. A.D.R methods in the European countries- History and perspectives,
Harmenopoulos Law journal 2014.
22.The term of prescription according to the new provision of Article 261 CivC (art.
101 par.1 l. 4139/2013 ),Nomiko Vima Law Journal 2014.
23.The public policy defence in International Arbitration under Greek law, Volume in
honour of Prof N.Klamaris (to be published)
1.International Congress of Civil Procedure (1995,Taormina,Italy).National Reporter
on the topic “The need for provisional remedies in international litigation”.
2. International Congress of Civil Procedure (2003, Mexico), National Reporter on the
topic “ Culture and Science of obtaining information and proof-Taking”.
3. Italian-Greek Congress in Trieste-Italy (19, 20 -11-2004) on European Tort Law .
Speaker on the topic “ Tort Law in the international context”.
(2006,Utrecht,Nederlands).National reporter on the topic “ Civil ,criminal and
disciplinary responsibility of judges”.
5.International Academy of Comparative Law World Congress (2010,U.S.A).National
Reporter on the topic “Cost and Fee Allocation in Civil Procedure”
6. The Greek presentation in the Conference on Mediation in Civil Disputes
,organized by the Turkish Ministry of Justice ,UNDP and SIDA in the framework of the
Program “Support to the Improvement of Practice of Mediation in Criminal and Civil
Justice in Turkey”(04-8-2011).
7. Principles of Preclusion and Res Judicata- Reflections from the Greek and
the U.S Law perspectives (International Conference, 21/5/2012, Thessaloniki).
8. Institut für zivilgerichtliches Verfahren,Zürich-Switzerland: 22 Νοεμβρίου 2012,
Internationale Veranstaltung „ Revision des schweizerischen und griechischen
Zivilprozessrechts“-„ Civil justice reforms in Greece:case management, single-judge
proceedings and alternative dispute resolution procedures“.
9.. A comparison between the Swiss and the Greek Civil Justice system (International
10. International Academy of Comparative Law World Congress ( Vienna , July 2014) –
National Reporter on the topic “Recognition and Enforcement of foreign arbitral
awards-The application of the New York Convention by national courts”.