STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten 539823-LLP-1-2013-1-PT-LEONARDO-LMP 1 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten (539823-LLP1-2013-1-PT-LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformationen Titel: STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Projektnummer: 539823-LLP-1-2013-1-PT-LEONARDO-LMP Jahr: 2013 Projekttyp: Innovationsentwicklung Status: laufend Land: EU-Zentralisierte Projekte Marketing Text: Nachhaltigkeit in Schuhewerk ist ein Sportbekleidung groß Player Angelegenheit verstanden, mit vielen Marken bekanntmachen ihrer Besorgnis über den Schutz von Menschen und Umwelt, die annahme eines umweltfreundlichen Kommunikation ansatz . Der Markt für "grüne Schuhe" ist in einem expandierenden Entwicklung, was die große Veränderung im Verhalten der Verbraucher weltweit, immer eine große Chance für das Wachstum der Schuhewerk in Europa, vor allem casual / Fashion-Segment. Dieses Segment der Schuhe von KMU firmen ohne qualifizierten Ressourcen in dieser Angelegenheit ist so aufgebaut, für wen ist es wichtig, dass alle Kenntnisse, Fähigkeit und Kompetenzen in diesem Bereich, in einer Person / professional zentralisiert zu sein. Das Hauptziel des Projektes SCHRITT FÜR NACHHALTIGKEIT ist die Konzeption, Entwicklung und Versuch eines neuen Jobs Qualifikationsprofil und Korrespondent Ausbildung zum Thema "Schuhe Nachhaltige Produktion". Zusammenfassung: Footwear worldwide production reached 21 billion pairs in 2011 with Asia at the top, with and overall share of 87%. Europe with its 3% share of production is responsible for 11% share of exportations with the highest worldwide average price close to 25 USD, against Asia’s 5 USD. European Footwear Industry definitely found its positioning in terms of price but the potential of Asia shouldn’t be overlooked, as well as other players in Oceania and South America. European footwear industry is constantly looking for aspects that differentiate products and services, namely and more recently the sustainable manufacturing which comprehends a multifaceted framework from design till distribution. Consumer behaviour toward sustainable conscientiousness opens notably opportunities for growth for European Footwear Industry. However, there’s a lack of qualified human resources at technical and managerial level, capable to support footwear companies, mainly SME, in a universe of 21.000 companies, in the implementation of sustainable manufacturing strategies. Therefore, a consortium composed by the most representative research and training centres, associations and companies, from the most representative countries of European Footwear, decided to undertake the challenge of creating, developing and piloting a new occupation and qualification profile and correspondent training, integrating ECVET and EQAVET, to cope with the shortage of vocational education skills in this field, anticipating a major need in the near future, mainstreaming in Education & Training Systems and contributing for a systemic view on sustainable manufacturing implementation strategies in Footwear, improving competitiveness and job opportunities. Beschreibung: The Project aims at creating, designing, developing and piloting a new occupation and qualification profile and correspondent training course on the subject of “How to implement sustainable manufacturing in Footwear” coping with the visible shortage of VET skills in this field targeted to Footwear and Leather Goods sector, as well as anticipating the major need of this skills and competences in the near future, mainstreaming it in Education & Training Systems and contributing for a systemic view on sustainable manufacturing strategies implementation in Footwear, from all stakeholders, for the benefit of the European Footwear Industry competitiveness and enhancement of job opportunities. Products including, among others, a b-learning course combining e-learning and work based training workshops, will be delivered in En, Pt, Sp, It, Ro, Sl, Cz, Fr & De. The specific objectives are the following: To develop a deep knowledge on occupation and training needs to implement sustainable manufacturing in Footwear and possible existing learning opportunities; To develop a new occupation/qualification profile of the expert in sustainability, 2 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten (539823-LLP1-2013-1-PT-LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformationen capable to deal with all frameworks of sustainability; To develop a learning programme capable of coping with the identified training needs, according to ECVET; To develop training units targeted to the new; To development the b-learning course, including e-learning component and work based learning workshops; To pilot the results; To create awareness for the need of a sustainable manufacturing strategy; To exploit results through European, national and local networks and platforms, enterprises, business organisations, guidance organisations, as well as other relevant media, inside and outside Europe. To enlarge the networking between the partners. The consortium is composed by a diverse range of partners which work together in a regular basis in projects in many field of action, namely training/education, R&DT, Promotion, and Sustainability and they are capable of taking advantages of the possible synergies. The project idea has arisen from their recent common work. The partners countries represent the most important players in footwear in Europe and together meet the all necessary competences to undertake the project activities. The Work plan is divided into 10 work packages with a global duration of 30 months starting in October 2013 and ending in March 2016. Includes 6 implementation work packages linked to the main tangible project product/results and project objectives and correspondent targetgroups; 4 transversal work packages namely Project Management, Quality Assurance Plan and Project Evaluation, Project Dissemination and Project Exploitation and each one contains a group of activities and tasks which allow to cope with the objectives and results foreseen. Themen: *** Arbeitsmarkt *** Qualität *** Nachhaltigkeit *** Lebenslanges Lernen *** Unternehmen, KMU ** IKT ** Anerkennung, Transparenz, Zertifizierung * Fernlehre Sektoren: *** Verarbeitendes Gewerbe/Herstellung von Waren Produkt Typen: Fernlehre Module Lehrmaterial Programme/Curricula Homepage Evaluierungsmethoden Beschreibung neuer Berufsprofile Produktinformation: The products will be delivered in the following languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Slovenian, Czech, French and German: - Research on training needs based on evidences - Competences and skills to implement sustainable manufacturing in Footwear among Europe companies/ Universities/ technical schools/ET entities; - New qualification profile based in a new research combined with already existing studies on sustainable manufacturing; - Training Programme to fit the new qualification profile, according to the presuppositions of ECVET for credits transfers (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) - Learning units based on qualifications targeted to the new profile an other people in companies, with association to assessment procedures, transferability, validation and accumulation of learning outcomes achieved in formal, informal and non-formal contexts integrating ECVET (European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training) and quality assurance principles EQAVET; - E-learning course; - Results piloting reports; - Quality Evaluating Report 3 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten (539823-LLP1-2013-1-PT-LEONARDO-LMP) Projektinformationen - Dissemination material and events for exploitation of results. Projektwebseite: 4 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten (539823-LLP1-2013-1-PT-LEONARDO-LMP) Vertragnehmer Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: Centro Tecnologico do Calçado de Portugal S. João da Madeira Norte PT-Portugal Forschungseinrichtung Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Rita Souto Bizarro Rua de Fundões - Devesa Velha Stadt: Land: S. João da Madeira PT-Portugal Telefon: 00351 256 830 957 Fax: 00351 256 832 554 E-Mail: Homepage: [email protected] 5 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten (539823-LLP1-2013-1-PT-LEONARDO-LMP) Koordinator Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: Centro Tecnologico do Calçado de Portugal S. João da Madeira Norte PT-Portugal Forschungseinrichtung Kontaktperson Name: Adresse: Rita Souto Bizarro Rua de Fundões - Devesa Velha Stadt: Land: S. João da Madeira PT-Portugal Telefon: 00351 256 830 957 Fax: 00351 256 832 554 E-Mail: Homepage: [email protected] 6 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Partner Partner 1 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: TUIasi - Universitatea Tehnica Gheorghe Asachi din Iasi Iasi Nord Est RO-Rumänien Universität/Fachhochschule/Akademie Partner 2 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: ZAVOD IRCUO – Industrijski razvojni center za usnjarsko in obu Žiri Slovenija SI-Slowenien Forschungseinrichtung Partner 3 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: OKA - eská obuvnická a kožedlná asociace Zlín Moravskoslezsko CZ-Tschechien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 4 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: ISC - International Shoe Competence Center Pirmasens gGmbH Pirmasens Rheinhessen-Pfalz DE-Deutschland Weiterbildungseinrichtung 7 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Partner Partner 5 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: INESCOP. Instituto Tecnológico del Calzado Elda Comunidad Valenciana ES-Spanien Forschungseinrichtung Partner 6 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: CEC - CONFÉDÉRATION EUROPÉENNE DE LA CHAUSSURE Brussels Bruxelles Cap, Brussel Hof BE-Belgien Verband/nicht regierungsgebundene Organisation Partner 7 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: Klaveness Portugal, S.A. Avintes - Gaia Norte PT-Portugal KMU - Klein- und Mittelunternehmen (bis zu 250 Mitarbeiter) Partner 8 Name: Stadt: Land/Region: Land: Organisationstyp: Homepage: ARS SUTORIA Schoool s.r.l. Milan Lombardia IT-Italien Erstausbildung 8 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkte 1 Quality Assurance Plan 2 Project Evaluation System and Reports 3 Research on Occupation and Training Needs on Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear 4 New occupation and qualification profile – “Expert on Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear " 5 Training Programme on “Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear” 6 Training Units on “Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwe, ar” 7 B-learning course on “Sustainable manufacturing in Footwear” 8 Prototyps 9 Dissemination material 9 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'Quality Assurance Plan' Titel: Quality Assurance Plan Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Quality Assurance Plan is the barometer for the quality of project and produts. Being a product itself, it provides a record of tools and good practices to support other project coordinator to implement and monitore their projects. Beschreibung: Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) is a document/agreement defined and validated by all partners containing the actions, activities and tasks, and responsibilities for the project quality assurance, including the board of key-indicators and criteria to evaluate the quality of the project outcomes and the responsibility, activities and integration of the external evaluator. It contains also the Quality Committee – compositions, obligations, responsibilities, etc., which will assure the accomplishment to what is stated in QAP. Zielgruppe: Partners, external evaluator, stakeholders. Resultat: Document Anwendungsbereich: Project Quality Control Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch 10 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'Project Evaluation System and Reports' Titel: Project Evaluation System and Reports Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: Project Evaluation System and Repost (PES&R, like the QAP, is the barometer for project and products evaluation. Being a product itself, it provides a record of tools and good practices to support other project evaluation. Beschreibung: This product consists in a package involving a methodological framework, templates for collecting data, procedures for application and analysis, and the results of the application data collected. It’s an instrument to be used internally, to orient all the partners and intervenient in Quality Assurance Plan. It contains also the criteria to evaluate all products/results produced in the project (namely innovation, empowerment, utility, accessibility, suitability, equality, transferability, enhancement of knowledge on Sustainability, accomplishment of expectations, etc.).There'll be 4 reports: 4 reports: -First evaluation report centred on expectations -1st intermediate evaluation project report including the whole 1st year project provide a comparative analysis with the expectations. -2nd intermediate evaluation project report including all the information related to 2nd year project -Final evaluation project report including all information related to the whole project. All reports represent the common work of the coordinator, the external evaluator (except the first report) and the partner, analysis, comparing validating information collected from targetgroups and organization, internal staff, all stakeholders. The reports are public (commitment to Quality by partners have to be also opened). Zielgruppe: Stakeholders, partners, EACEA Resultat: package of tools and methodology, plus 4 reposts Anwendungsbereich: Project evaluation. Homepage: Produktsprachen: Englisch 11 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'Research on Occupation and Training Needs on Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear' Titel: Research on Occupation and Training Needs on Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: This research will allow to develop a deep knowledge on occupations and training needs to implement sustainable manufacturing in Footwear sector, matching already existing opportunities in the field. This is an orientative document for the design of the new professional profile and training curricula. Beschreibung: The research on Occupation and Training Needs on Sustainable manufacturing in Footwear pretends to be a reference document on the analysis of occupation in Footwear in terms of sustainability, a barometer of the situation in Footwear in the countries involved and a prospection to all over Europe, due to the representative of the sample used in the research, a diagnosis of training needs to fit the occupational opportunity and to solve the lack on skills and competences. It contains multiple views, form already existing researches, the world of work, the entities involved in E&T, the possible target-groups. Gives clues to the implementation of adjustments to the methodology of training and of piloting. Zielgruppe: Education and Training system entities and agents, partners, companies, project stakeholders, world of Footwear in general. Resultat: Document with orientation for the design of the new profile and training. Anwendungsbereich: This research will be used by the partners and stakeholders in the definition of the new profile and correspondent training. It’ll be posted in project website in all languages of the consortium and English. Homepage: Produktsprachen: Spanisch Rumänisch Slowenisch Deutsch Portugiesisch Englisch Französisch Tschechisch Italienisch 12 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'New occupation and qualification profile – “Expert on Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear "' Titel: New occupation and qualification profile – “Expert on Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear " Produkttyp: Beschreibung neuer Berufsprofile Marketing Text: One of the most central products of the project Step to Sustainability, will define the activities, responsibilities, knowledge, competences & skills of the new professional profile on Sustainable Manufacturing. Beschreibung: The new Occupation and Qualification Profile is a document consisting in a description of the all activities , tasks, knowledge, skills and competences, qualifications, responsibilities, level of autonomy, level of decision taking, representativeness, of the expert on Sustainable Footwear Manufacturing, capable of implementing alone or with the support of its superior and subordinates, a strategy of sustainable manufacturing in footwear. For the new profile, the consortium will suggest a classification in parallel to various databases as NACE_r2, ISCO, ILO; etc. Zielgruppe: This will target all entities from E&T systems, companies, trade unions, associations, training entities, all partners and all professional related to the world of Footwear. Resultat: The profile defines the activities, responsibilities, knowledge, competences & skills of the new professional profile on Sustainable Manufacturing Anwendungsbereich: Footwear Manufacturing Homepage: Produktsprachen: Französisch Deutsch Tschechisch Englisch Slowenisch Rumänisch Portugiesisch Italienisch Spanisch 13 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'Training Programme on “Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear”' Titel: Training Programme on “Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwear” Produkttyp: Programme/Curricula Marketing Text: A complete guide on training programme, certification methods and implementation roadmap to orient training actors to put in practice the traning /qualification of the new profile on sustainable manufacturing in footwear. Beschreibung: The product consists in a Training Programme and certification strategy aiming at meeting the development of all necessary skills and competences of the new occupation and qualification profile of Expert on “Sustainable Footwear Manufacturing” providing the articulation of the learning outcomes with ECVET and with the Quality principles of EQAVET, seeking the transferability and recognition Europe wide. The programme includes an index of the portfolio of contents to be developed, , pedagogic objectives, training strategies and methodologies/approaches, time loads, entrance-skills to each training content, alternative training itineraries to achieve the same learning outcomes. Will be delivered in all consortium languages. This product is the input for the development of contents in WP6. Zielgruppe: It’s targeted to all Education and Training system entities and other agents related to training/employment. Resultat: training contentes, certificates Anwendungsbereich: Footwear manufacturing / Training Homepage: Produktsprachen: Tschechisch Englisch Französisch Deutsch Italienisch Portugiesisch Rumänisch Spanisch Slowenisch 14 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'Training Units on “Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwe, ar”' Titel: Training Units on “Sustainable Manufacturing in Footwe, ar” Produkttyp: Lehrmaterial Marketing Text: Learning material on how to implement sustainable manufacturing in Footwear, capable of developing skills and competences on the new professionals. Beschreibung: The product consists in the learning units on “Sustainable Footwear Manufacturing” within the necessary standard to be introduced in the e-learning platform. The learning Units comprehend contents in the following filed of knowledge: design and product engineering (adopting new materials and components, following trends and matching trends with sustainability principles, provoking costumers, fostering a green attitude, making cost/benefit analysis,), legislation and standardization, orient reengineering of processes developing aspects such as VOC-free production, use of dispersion adhesives, optimization the use of resources (materials such fashionable and high performance leather free of metals, auxiliary products, energy and water etc.) machinery of low energy consumption, recyclability and biodegradability of products, new techniques aimed at reducing the environmental impact of activities, the use of renewable resources, strategies to reduce carbon imprint, relationship with productivity and quality of products and services, battery of good practices, Marketing and use of “sustainable” image upon the markets. The contents which also include assessment and certification tools, will be developed taking into account the articulation of the learning outcomes with ECVET and with the Quality principles in training of EQAVET, seeking the transferability and recognition of skills and competences Europe wide. Will be delivered in all consortium languages. Zielgruppe: New professionals on sustainable manufacturing in footwear, matching the new profile to be developed in the project. Resultat: Learning units on sustainable manufacturing Anwendungsbereich: Manufacturing of Footwear Homepage: Produktsprachen: Slowenisch Rumänisch Spanisch Deutsch Französisch Portugiesisch Italienisch Englisch Tschechisch 15 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'B-learning course on “Sustainable manufacturing in Footwear”' Titel: B-learning course on “Sustainable manufacturing in Footwear” Produkttyp: Fernlehre Marketing Text: The most central and visible product of the project, the B-learning course is the overall result of the project that aims at developing the skills and competences on the new professional profile in Footwear manufacturing Beschreibung: The product consists in the B-learning course on “Sustainable Footwear Manufacturing” aiming at developing skills and competences on the field of action, targeted to the new occupational profile of Expert on “Sustainable manufacturing in Footwear”. The b-learning course comprehends a package of learning strategies (units, assessments, workshops orientation guides, etc.) that altogether will address the training needs of the new profile and contribute for its certification. The e-learning platform that will be used is a standard platform, with sections addressed to all actor of the e-learning process: secretary area, trainee area (with the functionality to accede the course), trainer/coach area (to accede to backstage, controlling course delivery, assess, control apprenticeships, follow up all activities related o trainees, administrator area. In addition, and according to the research and learning programme, some units of the course can be addressed to key-people in SME that lacks the correspondent skills and competences and whose domain will improve the work of the new occupation profile in indoor in a way that support the implementation of the action fostering the successful implementation of sustainable manufacturing. If it occurs, the e-learning platform will allow trainee to make “invitation” to other participants inside the company to make some specific training unit, contributing for the enhancement of knowledge on the field in Footwear, and promoting the success of the strategy. The b-learning course also contains a demo and user guide in all will be delivered in all languages of the consortium. Zielgruppe: new professional profile on sustainable manufacturing in Footwear and key-people in companies. Resultat: B-learning course / platform Anwendungsbereich: Manufacturing of footwear Homepage: Produktsprachen: Spanisch Italienisch Portugiesisch Rumänisch Slowenisch Tschechisch Englisch Französisch 16 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'Prototyps' Titel: Prototyps Produkttyp: andere Marketing Text: The prototypes are the material result of the project, proving the suitability of the profile and the training materials, for the change of paradigma in manufacturing footwear, adopting new processes and materials with sustainability concerns. Beschreibung: The prototypes consist in the materialized results from the piloting implementation of Blearning course on “Sustainable Footwear Manufacturing”, representing the materialized upgrade of knowledge, skills and competencies inside companies and among target-groups, on Sustainability Manufacturing in Footwear. They will be produced during the work based training workshops. They will constitute the real demonstration of the expected effectiveness of the occupational and training solution, and they will be powerful vehicles of Dissemination and Exploitation. Zielgruppe: new professional profile, key-people within footwear companies, all Footwear setor and all training and cientific entities within Footwear environment. Resultat: Footwear produts made during training piloting phase. Anwendungsbereich: Footwear manufacturing Homepage: Produktsprachen: 17 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Produkt 'Dissemination material' Titel: Dissemination material Produkttyp: Homepage Marketing Text: This product consist in the awareness campaign and dissemination of project products and results and intendes to develop and maintain a corporative image of the project and the consortium whitinh Footwear sector. Beschreibung: This product consists in a package which includes the project LOGO - the “corporate” image of the project and consortium, capable of produce an identity to all related to the project (documents, event, products, etc) ; printed material such as a poster, leaflets, calendar, and other merchandising to be defined, in all languages. Zielgruppe: Footwear setor. Resultat: Promotional material (website, posters, leaflets, ...) Anwendungsbereich: Training, Consulting, Footwear, other activities Homepage: Produktsprachen: Französisch Deutsch Tschechisch Englisch Rumänisch Slowenisch Italienisch Portugiesisch Spanisch 18 STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY - Wie Nachhaltige Produktion in Footwear Implementieren kann - neues Berufsbild und Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten Veranstaltungen STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY Final Conference Datum Beschreibung 31.03.2016 The Final conference is an event promoted by the consortium and associated partners in order to disseminate the project results and products, for what will invited all the Footwear community, representatives from stakeholders, EC, target-groups, all entities related to E&T system, etc. It’ll comprehend presentation of the products, results from the piloting, articulation to the challenge that the project address – Sustainability, and other points to be defined. The final meeting will take place near the project end, in MICAM, in Milan, Italy, in March 2016, the biggest and most important fair worldwide of Footwear business. Zielgruppe Öffentlich Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation Zeitpunkt und Ort STEP TO SUSTAINABILITY Kick-off meeting Datum Beschreibung Zielgruppe 17.01.2014 This event consists in a face-to-face work meeting which include monitoring and coordination issues and workshop for technical and methodological discussion of WP1, WP2 and WP3, running, attended by the steering committee and the key-person from each partner addressed to the WP running. Partners (steering Committee), evaluator, EACEA Öffentlich Geschlossene Veranstaltung Kontaktinformation [email protected] Zeitpunkt und Ort 17th January 2014 9:00h-18:00h CTCP facilities (coordinator) Rua de Fundoes - Devesa Velha 3700-121 S. João da Madeira Portugal 19
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