Program PAC Symposium 2014 Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice April 4 & 5, 2014 | Sheraton on the Falls | Niagara Falls, Ontario Removable Footbeds for Custom Orthotics! open comfort collection Removable Footbeds! Exotic textures and classically appointed jewel accessories highlight the women’s styles in our Open Comfort Collection. For the men, a removable back strap to convert to a slide. All styles have removable footbeds for custom orthotics. Open Toe Comfort Sandals with Removable Footbeds Karen for MEN Removable back strap to convert to a slide! Rachel Sharon All include a template and pre-cut Velcro® for custom orthotics. Greg See the Open Comfort Collection at Liz 888.655.4499 | © 2013 Dr. Comfort All Rights Reserved Welcome to Niagara Falls PAC Symposium Co-Chairs Tasha Fensom, C. Ped (C) Melissa Lujan, C. Ped (C) PAC Board Members Lisa Irish, C. Ped (C), President Mike Forgrave, C. Ped (C) Alison Smith, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C), President-Elect Johan Steenwyk, C. Ped (C) Ryan Robinson, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C), Past President Anne Putnam, C. Ped (C) Vanessa Carnovale, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C) PAC Staff Members Jonathan Strauss, Executive Director Nikki Laurin, Coordinator, Programs and Services PAC Symposium Sponsors We would like to thank the following companies for their generous support of the 2014 PAC Symposium: Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice. Board Luncheon Keynote Speakers Breakfast Lanyards Fun Run Pre-Conference Sessions Health Break President's Lunch Keycards Social Night Vittoria Phoenix Volunteer Receptoin Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 3 Symposium Schedule Attendance will be worth 15 Continuing Education Points from The College of Pedorthics of Canada (CPC) and 11.5 Continuing Education Credits from the American Board of Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics. Thursday, April 3, 2014 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Strategy Room 7 Pre-Conference Session Achieving Functional Gait Biomechanics Using Carbon Fiber Bracing Speaker: Simon Beals, DC, B.Sc, B.Ed Sponsored by Friday, April 4, 2014 4 Sponsored by 7:30 am - 8:00 am Great Room A/B Registration, Breakfast & Exhibits 8:00 am - 8:15 am Great Room C Opening Remarks 8:15 am - 9:15 am Great Room C Plenary Speaker Why Do My Feet Still Hurt? : Foot Pain From The Top-Down Speaker: Shaun Lapenskie M.Manip.PT (Aus.), B.Sc.PT, FCAMPT, CAFCI 9:15 am - 10:15 am Great Room C Plenary Speaker Biomechanics of the Ankle and Treatment Options for End-Stage Ankle Arthritis Speaker: Tim Daniels, MD, FRCSC 10:15 am - 10:45 am Great Room A/B Break / Exhibits 10:45 am - 12:00 pm Great Room C Keynote Speaker Shoes and Orthotics – Aligning the Skeleton Speaker: Benno Nigg,, Dr.h.c. 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm Great Room A/B Lunch at the tradeshow 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Strategy Room 1 Breakout A1 + A2 Introduction to Kinesiotaping ***presented over two breakout slots*** Speaker: Leslie Trotter, BSc, DC, MBA, C. Ped (C), MSc 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Strategy Room 2 Breakout B1 Clinical Assessment of Spinal and Lower Extremity Alignment, Strength and Proprioception Speaker: Shaun Lapenskie, M.Manip.PT (Aus.), B.Sc.PT, FCAMPT, CAFCI 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm Great Room C Breakout C1 From Research to Reality: The Application of Research to Clinical Practice Speaker: Tyler Amell, PhD 2:05 pm - 2:35 pm Strategy Room 2 Breakout B2 Clinical Assessment of Spinal and Lower Extremity Alignment, Strength and Proprioception Speaker: Shaun Lapenskie, M.Manip.PT (Aus.), B.Sc.PT, FCAMPT, CAFCI 2:05 pm - 2:35 pm Great Room C Breakout C2 Orthotic Design for Today's Athlete and Running Shoe Speaker: Graham Archer, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C) 2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Strategy Room 1 Breakout A3 Providing Custom Footwear: What a Pedorthist Needs to Know Speaker: Johan Steenwyk, C. Ped (C), C. Ped MC 2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Great Room C Breakout B3 Orthotic Design for Today's Athlete and Running Shoe (repeated session) Speaker: Graham Archer, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C) 2:45 pm - 3:15 pm Strategy Room 2 Breakout C3 Assessment and Functional Testing of Hip Muscles Speaker: Wade Elliott, MD 2014 PAC Syposium Sponsored by 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm Great Room A/B Break / Exhibits 3:45 pm - 4:45 pm Great Room C Plenary Speaker Pathology-Specific Orthoses: Evidence-Based vs. Myths and Misconceptions Speaker: Paul Scherer, DMP 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Great Room C The College of Pedorthics of Canada’s Annual General Meeting (members only) 7:00 pm Hard Rock Café Club Sponsored by Social Night (ticket purchase required) Hard Rock Café Club Saturday April 5, 2014 Sponsored by 7:00 am - 8:00 am Fun Run 7:45 am - 8:30 am Great Room A/B Registration, Breakfast & Exhibits 8:30 am - 9:45 am Great Room C Keynote Speaker Role of Forces Rather than Motion and Posture in Foot Orthotic Prescribing Speaker: Craig Payne, DPM 9:45 am - 10:00 am Great Room A/B Break / Exhibits 10:00 am - 10:45 am Great Room C Plenary Speaker Biomechanics of Walking and Running with Implications for the Management of Sports Injuries Speaker: Tom Michaud, DC 10:45 am - 11:15 am Great Room C Sponsored by Plenary Speaker An Integrated Approach for Diabetic Foot Assessment and Footwear Prescription Speaker: Nachiappan Chockalingam, BEng., MSc, PhD, CEng, CSci. 11:15 am - 12:00 pm Great Room A/B Exhibits 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Great Room C President's Annual Awards Lunch 1:45 pm - 2:30 pm Great Room C Breakout A4 What Have We Learnt About Foot Orthotics in the 'Wash Up' of the Barefoot/Minimalist Running Fad? Speaker: Craig Payne, DPM 1:45 pm - 2:30 pm Strategy Room 1 Breakout B4 Effective Use of Technologies in Prescription Footwear and Orthoses Speaker: Nachiappan Chockalingam, BEng., MSc, PhD, CEng, CSci. 1:45 pm - 2:30 pm Strategy Room 2 Breakout C4 Assessment and Functional Testing of Hip Muscles Speaker: Wade Elliott, BSc, MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med 2:30 pm - 3:00 pm Great Room A/B Break and Tradeshow Closing 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm Great Room C Panel Discussion & Closing Remarks Case Study Review with Multidisciplinary Collaboration & Audience Q&A Shaun Lapenskie, M.Manip.PT (Aus.), B.Sc.PT, FCAMPT, CAFCI; Wade Elliott, BSc, MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med; Dr. Mana Akbari, DC; Moderator: Ryan Robinson, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C) 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm Great Room C Pedorthic Association of Canada’s Annual General Meeting (members only) Buses depart hotel at 6:30 PM Sponsored by Sponsored by An Evening at Ravine Estate Winery (ticket purchase required) Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 5 ACHING FEET? NEVER AGAIN! MOBILS-SHOES WITH ALLOVER SOFT PADDING. VALDEN 39-47 EU BREBINA 35-42 EU ALLOVER SOFT PADDING Avoids pinching and rubbing. SOFT-AIR MIDSOLE Provides soft and supple walking comfort. COMFORTEMP LINING Maintains a pleasant feeling of freshness. REMOVABLE FOOTBED Can be replaced to accommodate custom orthotics. WALKING IN HEAVENLY COMFORT For information: 1 888 411 3310 • w w w. m e p h i s t o c a n a d a . c o m Hotel Floor Plan 3RD FLOOR E E Women’s ’ WR Business Centre Men’s ’ WR T To E E E E E GREAT A ROOM PREFUNCTION SPA P CE GREAT A ROOM C GREA AT ROOM MB G AT RO GRE OOM OM A 5TH FLOOR E E STRATEGY ROOM 7 STRA RATEGY ROOM 5 STRA RATEGY ROOM PREFUNCTION SPA P CE E E E E Raised Corridor Men's WR STRA RATEGY ROOM 3 STRATEGY ROOM 2 T To E Women's WR STRATEGY ROOM 1 Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 7 Your future’s so bright Achieve your goals - a balanced work lifestyle with long-term security. Security comes from the stability of a leader with over 30 years of experience and success in the field. Choose to be part of our BioPed network of like-minded professionals and share in our exciting vision for the future. For more information on employment opportunities or to inquire about owning your own BioPed clinic, call Nancy Ekels at 1.905.829.0505 x231. Session Descriptions Friday, April 4, 2014 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM Plenary Speaker Why Do My Feet Still Hurt?: Foot Pain From The Top-Down Shaun Lapenskie, M.Manip.PT (Aus.), B.Sc.PT, FCAMPT, CAFCI Chronic foot pain can be related to factors quite apart from the foot, and ongoing pain can transition from being merely a symptom indicative of an underlying problem to being a significant barrier to recovery. Factors that perpetuate pain can vary widely between individuals. Longstanding pain input into the central nervous system can result in increased sensitivity in peripheral nerve, articular and soft tissue structures. Pain causes muscle firing patterns to change in the lower extremity, lumbar spine and pelvic region; there is often a corresponding loss of proprioception. Finally, adverse patient beliefs and attitudes about their pain can result in an exaggerated emotional response to symptoms and have a deleterious effect on recovery. This talk will describe the physiology and psychology of chronic pain, pain’s effects on muscle function and proprioception in both the lumbopelvic region and lower extremity, and give pedorthists a wider understanding of the factors that affect their success in treating foot pain. 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM Keynote Speaker Shoes and Orthotics – Aligning the Skeleton Benno Nigg,, Dr.h.c. Surprising Facts 1. Orthotics and “supporting shoes” are often administered to “align the skeleton”. However, “skeletal alignment” during running is inconsistent, typically small and subject specific. We propose that each joint has a preferred movement path for a given movement task. 2. Subjects react inconsistently to orthotic and/or shoe interventions. Therefore, it is difficult to prepare the “correct” intervention/orthotic. 3. There is no consistency in the way custom made orthotics are made and specific orthotics prepared by specialists are often quite different. Do orthotics and/or shoes have an effect? Looking at those surprising facts one may conclude that orthotics or special shoes don’t work at all. However, this conclusion would not be correct. Based on experimental evidence we know that orthotics work in many cases. Inserts typically show a clear effect on subjective comfort and when using the most comfortable insert, injury frequency is lowered. Thus, inserts/orthotics produce changes. However, we don’t 9:15 AM - 10:15 AM Plenary Speaker Biomechanics of the Ankle and Treatment Options for End-Stage Ankle Arthritis Timothy Daniels, MD, FRCSC This session will review the important functions of the ankle joint during gait and discuss what happens when ankle function is compromised by arthritis. Treatment options such as ‘Ankle fusion’ and ‘Ankle replacement’ will be discussed and compared. Call to Get Your Free Gel Tube Relieve pressure and friction on fingers or toes with soft, reusable gel tubes For correction of Hallux Valgus deformity Treat Hammertoes, Fractures and Overlapping Toes with these luxuriously cushioned, non-slip straps. J & L Rehab Medical Jackie Harris Certified Pedorthist Occupational Therapist #201, 383 Ellis Street Penticton BC V2A 4L9 Tel:250-490-3324 Fax:250-490-3364 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 9 know which changes they produce and why they produce these changes. Several studies have shown that orthotics affect • Muscle activity, • Point of application of the ground reaction force and • Resultant joint moments. • Comfort, • Performance and/or • Injuries. One of the typical results of all these studies is that the results are “subject specific”. It seems that there are several groups of people that react in a typical way to specific shoe/orthotic interventions. We call these groups “functional groups” and suggest that such functional groups require different and specific shoe/ orthotic solutions. Your business partner for every need! Foot orthotics bases Materials and elements Equipment Orthoplasty Sports Insoles And much more! Discover our wide range of specialized products for custom foot orthotics fabrication on our website! 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM Breakout A1 & A2 Introduction to Kinesiotaping (part 1 & 2) Leslie Trotter, BSc, DC, MBA, CPedC, MSc This is a one hour hands-on introductory session on kinesiology taping for the pedorthic practitioner. There will be a brief overview of how kinesiology tape works with the majority of the time spent on tape application basics. We will cover risk mitigation and proper handling skills. Delegates will learn and practise taping for ankle sprain, tibialis anterior/posterior tendonitis and patellar tracking dysfunction. 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM Breakout B1 Clinical Assessment of Spinal and Lower Extremity Alignment, Strength and Proprioception Shaun Lapenskie, M.Manip.PT (Aus.), B.Sc.PT, FCAMPT, CAFCI Chronic foot pain can be perpetuated by deficiencies in proximal muscle firing patterns, flexibility and proprioception. While these issues may not be easily remedied by the pedorthist, the ability to identify them in individual patients can be helpful in recognizing the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to symptom management. This hands-on session will demonstrate methods for assessing balance, weight-bearing alignment and the strength/flexibility of key muscle groups in the lumbopelvic region and lower extremity. It will also cover some basic remedial exercises to address any identified deficits. 1:30 PM - 2:00 pm Breakout C1 The foot, at the heart of our concerns... 10 2014 PAC Syposium From Research to Reality: The Application of Research to Clinical Practice Tyler Amell, PhD 2:05 PM - 2:35 PM Breakout B2 lumbopelvic region and lower extremity. It will also cover some basic remedial exercises to address any identified deficits. Clinical Assessment of Spinal and Lower Extremity Alignment, Strength and Proprioception 2:05 PM - 2:35 PM Shaun Lapenskie, M.Manip.PT (Aus.), B.Sc.PT, FCAMPT, CAFCI Orthotic Design for Today's Athlete and Running Shoe Chronic foot pain can be perpetuated by deficiencies in proximal muscle firing patterns, flexibility and proprioception. While these issues may not be easily remedied by the pedorthist, the ability to identify them in individual patients can be helpful in recognizing the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to symptom management. Graham Archer, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C) This hands-on session will demonstrate methods for assessing balance, weight-bearing alignment and the strength/flexibility of key muscle groups in the breakout C2 This session will review the current trends in footwear following the minimalist shoe craze and look at the evolvement for footwear features and fit in today’s world. We will look at why I think the neutral, stability and motion control categories are dead and no longer applicable to today’s athlete. We will also review how orthotic design has evolved to match evolving running styles and running trends. We will look at posting options, material selection and Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 11 shell shape as ways to build an orthotic for today’s athlete and today’s footwear selections. This will be an opportunity to share best practices and learn from each other. 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Breakout A3 Providing Custom Footwear: What a Pedorthist Needs to Know Johan Steenwyk, C. Ped (C), C. Ped MC This interactive session will review: • Assessment • Measuring and Casting • Style, color and special feature selection. • Special features available • Pedorthic engineering plan • Shoe manufacturing • Fitting and dispensing 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Breakout B3 (repeated session) Orthotic Design for Today's Athlete and Running Shoe Graham Archer, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C) 12 2014 PAC Syposium This session will review the current trends in footwear following the minimalist shoe craze and look at the evolvement for footwear features and fit in today’s world. We will look at why I think the neutral, stability and motion control categories are dead and no longer applicable to today’s athlete. We will also review how orthotic design has evolved to match evolving running styles and running trends. We will look at posting options, material selection and shell shape as ways to build an orthotic for today’s athlete and today’s footwear selections. This will be an opportunity to share best practices and learn from each other. 2:45 PM - 3:15 PM Breakout C3 Assessment and Functional Testing of Hip Muscles Wade Elliott, BSc, MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med This workshop will provide the learner with key points for functional assessment of the muscles of the hip including functional inquiry and physical exam. Tips for ruling out pathological conditions and indications for assessment by physician will also be discussed. Learners will have the opportunity to practice exam techniques during the workshop. ANNOU NCING Walking Mo b - Ontarioility Clinics West BIG NEWS! Congratulating one another on an exciting new partnership. Left to right: Ryan Robinson, Mike Forgrave and Brad Gibbs. WALKING MOBILITY CLINICS is pleased to announce that MIKE FORGRAVE, the owner of MIKE FORGRAVE & ASSOCIATES, and BRAD GIBBS, the owner of ORTHO-KINETICS, have joined the WALKING MOBILITY CLINICS group of companies. Walking Mobility Clinics are now located in all of the following cities: Walking Mobility Clinics - Ontario West Burlington Cambridge Hamilton Kitchener Maryhill Mt. Forest New Hamburg Oakville Paris St. George Waterloo Walking Mobility Clinics Barrie Burlington Courtice Credit Valley Etobicoke Markham Mississauga North York Oshawa Ottawa Pickering Richmond Hill it our Please vist the Complete Mobility & Lower Limb Services. Serving physicians and their patients since 1997. booth a sium. o p PAC Sym RB Plaza Toronto IT’S ABOUT TIME! • Less TIME waiting • Less TIME adjusting • More TIME with friendly support • More TIME to see patients • More TIME for your family • Isn’t it about TIME you switched to biotech? 69 Park Road, Unit #3, Elmsdale, NS B2S 2L3 · 1-888-745-9055 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM Plenary Speaker Plenary Speaker Pathology-Specific Orthoses: EvidenceBased vs. Myths and Misconceptions An Integrated Approach for Diabetic Foot Assessment and Footwear Prescription Paul Scherer, DPM Nachiappan Chockalingam, BEng., MSc, PhD, CEng, CSci. For years, the practice of orthotic therapy was based only on anecdotal and pseudoscientific evidence. Unfortunately, this still continues today. This lecture will take an evidence-based pathology-specific approach to dispel misconceptions that lead to unsuccessful outcomes. Peer-reviewed studies related to functional positional control in the treatment of mechanically-induced foot pathologies will be highlighted, providing attendees with an evidencebased approach to orthotic therapy that they can readily apply for improved outcomes. Saturday, April 5, 2014 Sponsored by Tekscan This lecture whilst providing an overview on DiaBSmart (an European Union funded large research project which aims to create a new generation of diabetic footwear through a newly developed patient assessment system), will outline the latest research in the field of understanding diabetic foot and footwear. This system which is being developed will integrate all aspects of diabetic footwear including; clinical and biomechanical assessment, material choice and aesthetic design. DiaBSmart 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM Keynote Speaker Role of Forces Rather than Motion and Posture in Foot Orthotic Prescribing Craig Payne, DPM Sponsored by Paris Orthotics More evidence is accumulating raising questions about the role of posture or alignment of the foot being problematic with more emphasis being placed on forces going through the tissues. This needs a change in thinking regarding prescribing foot orthoses to deal with those forces, rather than focus on alignment or posture of the foot. 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM Plenary Speaker Biomechanics of Walking and Running with Implications for the Management of Sports Injuries Tom Michaud, DC Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 15 project while enhancing the knowledge base in diabetic foot assessment; will have a clear impact on new product development. The products will include a new generation of integrated smart /multi material midsoles and/or orthoses for diabetic footwear. Properties of the materials will be optimised with a view to minimise/ redistribute the pressure and hence the stress on the soft tissue in the critical plantar areas of the foot. Whilst significantly affecting the course of the disease, the products will aim to reduce the risk of limb loss in patients with diabetes, the most frequent cause of non-traumatic lower-limb amputations. 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Breakout A4 What Have We Learnt About Foot Orthotics in the 'Wash Up' of the Barefoot/Minimalist Running Fad? Craig Payne, DPM During the trend towards barefoot or minimalist running many runners where discarding foot orthotics and not having problems. Others were having more problems. Social media influences are now influencing runners decisions when it comes to foot orthoses. More has been learnt in recent tomes about the longer term use of foot orthoses and role of tissue vulnerability and adaptability to loads. This has started to lead to a rethink of the role of foot orthoses for the management of overuse injury in runners. 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Breakout B4 Effective Use of Technologies in Prescription Footwear and Orthoses Nachiappan Chockalingam, BEng., MSc, PhD, CEng, CSci. Amongst various technologies that could help in effective clinical intervention, pressure measurement systems are commonly used in a variety of settings, providing information that will help with patient assessment and the design of orthotic intervention and prescription footwear. Furthermore, they play a crucial role in the evaluation of treatment outcomes in various clinical conditions. This workshop, whilst outlining 16 2014 PAC Syposium the differences in technology and the usefulness of the plantar pressure data, will highlight the potential issues relating to the variability in the data collection procedures and the type of system being employed. Various pressure and related temporal parameters that could be measured using various types of pressure mapping systems will be discussed with a view to emphasise its ease of use in daily clinical practice. This workshop will also highlight and discuss the applicability of pressure measurement beyond the traditional approaches with a focus on balance, posture and asymmetry. Whilst drawing attention to the measurement issues in age and disease related changes, this session will relate pressure assessment to general gait analysis. To conclude, the facilitators will pose questions for the future of plantar pressure assessment emphasising the need not only for the continual monitoring of plantar pressure but also for use of pressure data in conjunction with data from other technologies. (the session will include a live demonstration of plantar pressure assessment systems from Tekscan Inc.) 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM Breakout C4 Assessment and Functional Testing of Hip Muscles Wade Elliott, BSc, MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med This workshop will provide the learner with key points for functional assessment of the muscles of the hip including functional inquiry and physical exam. Tips for ruling out pathological conditions and indications for assessment by physician will also be discussed. Learners will have the opportunity to practice exam techniques during the workshop. 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Panel Discussion & Closing Remarks Case Study Review with Multidisciplinary Collaboration & Audience Q&A Shaun Lapenskie, M.Manip.PT (Aus.), B.Sc.PT, FCAMPT, CAFCI; Wade Elliott, BSc, MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med; Mana Akbari, DC; Moderator: Ryan Robinson, C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C) Speaker Bios Keynote Speakers Benno Nigg, Dr.h.c. Born in Switzerland, Dr. Nigg studied Nuclear Physics at the ETH Zurich (Switzerland). In 1971, he started his activities in Biomechanics. In 1976, he became the Director of the Biomechanics Laboratory at the ETH Zurich. In 1981 Dr. Nigg accepted an invitation to move to the University of Calgary, where he founded, developed and is currently co-director of the Human Performance Laboratory, a multi-disciplinary Research Center concentrating on the study of the human body and its locomotion. Currently, this research center has close to 170 co-workers, working with micro- and macroscopic approaches on the understanding of movement and exercise. Dr. Nigg has published more than 360 scientific articles and is the author and/or editor of 13 books. He has received many awards and recognitions, including the Olympic Order, honorary degrees from the Universities of Salzburg and Innsbruck and an honorary professorship from the Shanghai University of Sport. Dr. Nigg’s research concentrates on human locomotion with main emphasis on mobility and longevity and its application to movement related products such as orthoses, shoe insoles, sport shoes, surfaces and sport equipment. Dr. Nigg has co-operated with many major orthotic, sport shoe and sport surface companies. Craig Payne DPM Craig Payne was previously a senior lecturer in the Department of Podiatry at LaTobe University in Melbourne Australia. He has an extensive research background in foot orthotics and regularly lectures internationally on foot orthotics, running shoes and running. His blog is at 18 2014 PAC Syposium Plenary Speakers Nachiappan Chockalingam BEng., MSc, PhD, CEng, CSci. Professor Nachiappan Chockalingam received his first degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering at Annamalai University, India and his post graduate qualification in Biomedical Engineering Science at the University of Dundee. His PhD at Staffordshire focussed on Clinical Biomechanics. After a short training in Medical Physics at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, he joined Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai where he established a Gait Analysis facility. As Professor of Clinical Biomechanics at the Faculty of Health Sciences, Staffordshire University, Nachi directs the Biomechanics Facility and leads the Biomechanics team. He is also an Affiliate Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Malta and a Visiting Professor at Sri Ramachandra University, India. He is a Chartered Engineer, a Chartered Scientist and a member of various professional organisations. Nachi was elected to and served as a member of the Engineering Group Board at the Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine and had been elected and served as the Secretary of Footwear Biomechanics Group; a technical group of the International Society of Biomechanics. His research interests span the general area of biomechanics and gait analysis with a special interest in foot and footwear biomechanics. He currently leads several research projects in the area of understanding the design, manufacture and clinical intervention using orthoses, including a large European Union funded research project on Diabetic Foot and Footwear looking at the development of an integrated system for foot assessment. HIGH TECH ADHESIVES MADE IN GERMANY: No Toluene, no MEK, dries clear, and easy to use. „The uff t s t h rig e right in thce ? “ pla ALL RENIA ADHESIVES work on Leather, Rubber, TPR, Fabrics, Felt, Cork, PUR. No sedimantation, no phase separation, extremely high green strength. BONDING IS OUR CHALLENGE Renia GmbH D-51109 Köln · Ostmerheimer Straße 516 Phone +49-221-630799-0 · · [email protected] WSL SS and SI HighTech Covering Material and Lining Our new WSL SI HighTech leather embedded with silver ions for covering and lining of insoles is 100% breathable with an absorption capacity of 8 times its weight in water. It offers maximum comfort and total dryness with its thermo-regulating effect. WSL SI HighTech leather is very resistant under both dry and wet conditions: It does not rip before 400 000 cycles under dry conditions and 200 000 cycles under humid conditions. WSL SS is embedded with a fresh and natural Eucalyptus aroma. Keeps its aroma when washed up to 30ºC. Characteristics Anti-Allergic, suitable for skin and muscular complaints 100% healthy Thermo-regulating Breathable, antibacterial, does not generate odors Suitable for bronchial and pulmonary conditions, Total Dryness Keeps its properties and does not shrink when washed up to 95ºC Stretchable Thermo-moldable and grindable Very thin, only 0.75mm thickness Environmentally friendly (100% microfiber product that does not contain Chrome 6) Characteristics Comparison with genuine pigskin leather WSL SI/SS is 2 times more tear resistant than pigskin WSL SI/SS is 16 times more vapor permeable than pigskin WSL SI/SS has a vapor coefficient 6 times higher than pigskin WSL SI/SS absorbs liquids 1000 times faster than pigskin Under dry conditions, WSL SI/SS has an abrasion resistance 15 times higher than pigskin Under wet conditions, WSL SI/SS has an abrasion resistance 36 times higher than pigskin Ordering information: WSL SI and SS HighTech Leather is available in black, beige, grey, dark brown, taupe and cream colors, perforated, non perforated and micro-perforated. Sheet size 39x55in. Also available in mini-wheel 12cmx25m. (*) The perforated WSL SI has a bonding film that prevents bleeding of the glue and prevents direct contact with the skin, which is desirable for patients allergic to the glue. PUR Foam + WSL SI Unique high tech thermo-moldable PU foam, used for shock absorption, cushioning and covering of foot orthotics Main Characteristics: Has very good memory Thermo-moldable Thermo-regulating Anti-static Anti-bacterial Breathable With a fresh and natural aroma (Eucalyptus) Good comfort level Usage: Diabetes and other patients Thickness: 2mm and 3 mm Sheet size: 100cm x 137cm (39”x54”) Color: Black. Ordering information: AC-67002 AC-67003 2mm Thick, Black, 39”x54” sheet 3mm Thick, Black, 39”x54” sheet Timothy Daniels MD, FRCSC Dr. Timothy R. Daniels obtained his Orthopaedic Specialty from University of Saskatchewan in 1991. He completed a 12-month foot and ankle fellowship with Dr. J. Smith and Dr. L. Fleming at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia and an additional 3 months at the Milwaukee County Medical Complex with Dr. J. Gould and Dr. G. Harris in their gait mechanics lab with emphasis on biomechanics of the foot and ankle. Dr. Daniels began his foot and ankle practice at the Wellesley Hospital in Toronto, Ontario in June 1993. In 1994 he established a Foot Clinic, a multi-disciplinary centre for patients with various kinds of foot and ankle pathology. Presently, he is Associate Professor and Head of the Foot and Ankle Program at University of Toronto, and Chief of Division of Orthopaedics at St. Michael’s Hospital. Shaun Lapenskie B.Sc.PT (Can.), M.Manip.PT (Aus.), tDPT (USA), FCAMPT, CAFCI Shaun is a physiotherapist working in private practice in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. He graduated from the Physiotherapy Program at the University of Western Ontario in 1997, and in 2000 completed a Masters degree at Curtin University in Perth, Australia in the area of orthopaedic physiotherapy. He recently completed a post-professional DPT through the EIM Institute of Health Professions in the United States with a focus on orthopaedic disorders. In 2013, Shaun finished six years on the executive (two as president) of the Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapists. He has been a clinical mentor for the University of Western Ontario and the University of Toronto, and is currently Chair of the Manual Therapy Steering Committee of the Canadian Physiotherapy Association. Despite his involvement in more academic pursuits, Shaun is first and foremost a clinician. His practice focuses on patients with complicated musculoskeletal disorders of the spine and extremities and his case load includes a wide cross section of people from the surrounding community, from athletic kids to active seniors. He is also a physiotherapy provider to the members of the Canadian Forces at Base Borden, just outside of Barrie. Shaun’s treatment approach focuses heavily on patient education and giving them the tools to help themselves. Hands-on manual therapy, specifically-tailored active exercise, acupuncture and cognitive behavioral therapy all feature prominently in his treatment approach. This broad-based method to patient management allows him to re-train altered movement patterns, alleviate muscle imbalances as well address the psychosocial components of chronic pain. Tom Michaud DC Tom Michaud obtained his biology degree at the State University of New York at Plattsburgh, followed by his DC at the Western States Chiropractic College. He is the author of numerous journal articles and book chapters as well as three textbooks including two that are invaluable to pedorthists: Foot Orthoses and Other Forms of Conservative Foot Care and Human Locomotion: the Conservative Management of GaitRelated Disorders. PAC is excited to welcome him back to the Symposium again as a speaker. Paul Scherer DPM Paul R. Scherer, DPM, is clinical professor at the College of Podiatric Medicine, Western University of Health Sciences. Additionally, he has held numerous academic positions including Chair of the Department of Applied Biomechanics at Samuel Merritt University in Oakland, Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 21 and Department Chair, Vice President, and Academic Dean of the California College of Podiatric Medicine in San Francisco. Dr. Scherer has taught foot and ankle biomechanics, is a well-known spoken both nationally and internationally, and has had numerous scientific articles published. His most achievement is as the author of the only orthotic-specific reference book, Recent Advances in Orthotic Therapy: Improving Clinical Outcomes with a Pathology-Specific Approach. He has written extensively on foot pathology, has received many research grants and academic awards, is board certified by both the American Board of Podiatric Surgery and the American Board of Podiatric Medicine, and is the CEO of ProLab Orthotics. Workshop Sessions Tyler Amell PhD Dr. Tyler Amell is a management consultant specializing in evidence-informed healthcare. His expertise is in applied allied health research, and using evidence to make better, more informed business and healthcare decisions when it comes to strategy, funding, operations, assessment and treatment. Dr. Amell is an accomplished author and presenter on the topic of evidence-based decision making in healthcare, as well as several other topics of interest. Graham Archer C. Ped Tech (C), C. Ped (C) Graham Archer has been a C. Ped (C) for 11 years and is the VP of pedorthic services at Kintec in Vancouver, BC as well as the chief developer at Kiwi Software Solutions. He works with a team of people at Kintec to consistently innovate new orthotic designs, source new materials and keep orthotic designs relevant to today’s footwear, activity and workplace demands. Graham has also been the head inventory buyer at Kintec for 12 years. He is continually following new 22 2014 PAC Syposium footwear trends, footwear designs and their application in the current market place. He uses his experience in footwear buying and custom orthotic design to keep up with increased patient and customer demands in performance and function. Wade Elliott BSc, MD, CCFP, Dip Sport Med Dr. Elliott is a practicing full time primary care sport & exercise medicine physician in Burlington, ON. Dr. Elliott received his Diploma in Sport Medicine from the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine in 2002. He is an Assistant Clinical Professor Department Family Medicine, McMaster University. Dr. Elliott is currently chair of the CASEM Fellowship Committee, past lead physician at the Regional Joint Assessment Program at Chedoke hospital, past chair OMA Section on Sports Medicine. Dr. Elliott is also currently chair of the Canadian Academy of Sport & Exercise Medicine Fellowship Committee and also program director of the Primary Care Sport & Exercise Medicine Fellowship Program McMaster University. In addition Dr. Elliott regularly supervises residents and medical students. Dr. Elliott is former assistant physician for the Toronto Rock Lacrosse team 2001-2008, former team physician McMaster Mauraders football team 20012004 and former assistant team physician Hamiton Ti-Cats from 2001-2003. In addition, Dr. Elliott has served as CMO for the ISU Four Continents Skating competition in Hamilton 2003 as well as medical team member for the National and World Road Cycling Championships in Hamilton in 2003. Johan Steenwyk C. Ped (C), C. Ped MC After immigrating form the Netherlands in 1983 Johan Steenwyk started working at Wascana Hospital’s orthotics prosthetic department as an orthopedic shoemaker. In the spring of 1985, Johan’s entrepreneurial spirit led him to start his own business in Red Deer, called Steenwyk Custom Shoes. Today he uses Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAD/CAM) when creating custom shoes, which helps to drastically reduce time and cost while improving fit and function for patients. With the help of this technology, Steenwyk now uses a Central manufacturing facility in the Philippines called Chooseyourshoes, with all aspects of last and shoe design controlled from the main facility in Red Deer Leslie Trotter BSc, DC, MBA, C. Ped (C), MSc From her undergraduate degree in kinesiology to her masters in rehabilitative sciences, Dr. Trotter has always been drawn to treating or studying conditions associated with human movement, in particular that associated with sports. In 2000, she ventured into the political world with the Pedorthic Association Board of Directors and the Insurance and Government Committee. Since then, Leslie has consulted for several Canadian Insurance Companies and currently works with Industrial Alliance’s Investigative services branch. She has been a guest speaker several times for the Canadian Health Care Anti-fraud Association (CHCAA) and participated in a CBC Marketplace piece investigating orthotics fraud in 2008. Leslie is a co-owner of the Foot-Knee-Back Clinic in Ancaster, and has recently become a distributor/ educator for Rocktape kinesiology tape in Canada. She practises what she preaches, having been a competitive athlete in various sports including triathlon. She has earned coaching certifications in Total Immersion Swimming™ as well as Pose Method® Running and recently became a CrossFit™ Trainer. Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 23 Exhibitor Floor Plan BOOTH # EXHIBITOR BOOTH # EXHIBITOR BOOTH # EXHIBITOR 100 101, 103 102 104 105, 107 108 109, 111 110 112 113 114 115 200 201, 203 202 204 205 206 208 209 210 211 212 213 215 300 - 303 304 305 306 307 308, 310 309 311 312 313 400,402, 404 401 403 405 406 407 408 409 Roblin Footwear PodiaPlus Nussbaum Enterprises Inc. New Balance Canada Ietec Canada Drew Shoe Corporation VIONIC/Orthaheel Venosan Canada Inc. BMS Group Sole Atrex Worldwide Backjoy LLC BioPed Franchising Inc. Action O&P Paradigm Medical Inc. Ortho Active DJO Global Canada Vittoria Phoenix Inc. Mellow Walk Footwear Paris Orthotics Ltd. 24 2014 PAC Syposium Simcan Comfort Hosery Brook Sports Ltd. Steenwyk Custom Shoes Mephisto Canada Inc. Sims Medical Landis International Inc. Saucony Serum International Medilogic Sciences Corp. Topy Footech Inc. Federale Leather Labelle Supply Company Portofino Shoes Groupe Trimetrix National Shoe Specialties Walking Mobility Clinics Delcam Healthcare Solutions Apis Footwear Company 410 411 412 413 503, 505 501 507 509 511 513 F01 Renia GmbH OrtoPed OOLAB Inc. Bio Orthotics Lab Professional Orthopedic Products Newfosco Enterprises Inc. Kiwi/Kintec Lab Services Treksta Footwear Amfit Inc. Biotech Orthotic Design Inc. Tekscan Inc. Myrdal Orthopedic Technologies Inc. V&W Orthopaedics Bauerfeind The College of Pedorthics of Canada 2014 Corporate Sponsors Exhibitor Contact Information Action O & P 310 Ave Liberte, Candice, QC J5R 6X1 P: (450) 638-5000 F: (450) 638-5551 E: [email protected] Booth #201 & 203 Gold Aetrex Worldwide 414 Alfred Avenue, Teaneck, NJ 7666 P: (201) 833-2700 F: (201) 833-1790 E: [email protected] Booth #114 Amfit Inc. 5408 N.E. 88th St., #D406, Vancouver, WA 98665-0989 P: (360) 573-9100 E: [email protected] Booth #503 & 505 Apis Footwear Company 2239 Tyker Avenue, El Monte, CA 91733 P: (626) 448-8905 F: (888) 990-2245 E: [email protected] Booth #405 Backjoy LLC 310 Watline Avenue, Mississauga, ON L4Z 1P4 P: (905) 890-7990 F: (905) 890-7991 E: [email protected] Booth #115 Silver Bronze Aetrex Podia Plus Renia Gesellschaft mbH. Bauerfeind 1200 Bergan Street, Laval, QC H7L 5A5 P: (450) 629-9889 F: (450) 629-9895 E: [email protected] Booth #513 Bio Orthotics Lab 575 Westney Road South, Ajax, ON L1S 4N7 P: (905) 265-0202 F: (905) 428-7560 E: [email protected] Booth #409 Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 25 MOLLY | Beige • Black • Blue AIDEN | Brown • Black New this Spring & Coming soon Fall 2014. Come visit us at the 2014 PAC Symposium Sheraton on the Falls, Niagara Falls, Ontario | April 4 - 5 Booth 400, 402 and 404 ABBY RYAN MIA ERIC BioPed Franchising Inc. 2150 Winston Park Drive, Unit 21, Oakville, ON L6H 5V1 P: (905) 829-0505 F: (905) 829-5199 E: [email protected] Booth #200 Biotech Orthotic Design Inc. 69 Park Road, Unit 3, Elmsdale, NS B2S 2L3 P: (902) 883-7521 F: (902) 883-7563 E: [email protected] Booth #501 BMS Group 955 Green Valley Cres., Suite 290, Ottawa, ON K2C 3V4 P: (613) 216-2890 F: (613) 701-4234 E: [email protected] Booth #112 Brooks Sports Ltd. 135 Matheson Blvd 201, Mississauga, ON L5R 3L1 P: (289) 777-2624 F: (289) 777-2601 E: [email protected] Booth #211 The College of Pedorthics of Canada Suite 503, 386 Broadway, Winnipeg, MB R3C 3R6 P: (866) 819-4354 F: (877) 947-9767 E: [email protected] Booth #FO1 Delcam Healthcare Solutions 3280 Electricity Drive, Windsor, ON N8W 5J1 P: (877) 335-2261 F: (519) 974-8170 E: [email protected] Booth #403 DJO Global Canada 6485 Kennedy Road, Mississauga, ON L5T 2W4 P: (866) 866-5031 F: (866) 866-5032 E: [email protected] Booth #205 Drew Shoe Corporation 20-255 Dundas Street East, Ste 433, Waterdown, ON L0R 2H6 P: (905) 689-5804 F: (905) 689-5800 E: [email protected] Booth #108 Federale Leather 368 Fairmount, Montreal, QC H2V 2G4 E: [email protected] Booth #309 Footech 60 King Street, Moncton, NB E1C 4M2 P: (506) 854-7339 F: (506) 854-9466 E: [email protected] Booth #308, 310 Groupe Trimetrix 771 Blvd Industriel, Blainemville, QC J7E 1W4 P: (514) 271-6365 F: (514) 271-6362 E: [email protected] Booth #313 Ietec Canada 527 Wellington Road, Surrey, BC V3T 4V9 P: (519) 432-9630 F: (519) 432-4711 E: [email protected] Booth #105 & 107 Kiwi Software Solutions 13465 King George Blvd., Surrey, BC V3T 2T8 P: (604) 634-3338 F: (604) 634-3339 E: [email protected] Booth #412 Labelle Supply Co. Ltd. 7278 Curragh Avenue, Burnaby, BC V5J 4V9 P: (604) 253-6301 F: (604) 253-7253 E: [email protected] Booth #311 Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 27 Landis International 800 Rossiter, St. Jean, QC, J3B 8J1 P: (800) 634-0806 F: (450) 359-9619 E: [email protected] Booth #300-303 Newfosco Enterprises Inc. 1892 Lawrence Avenue East, Scarborough, ON M4R 2Y5 P: (416) 759-8779 F: (416) 759-1879 E: [email protected] Booth #411 Medilogic Sciences Corp. Bridle Path Circle 1345, Pickering, ON L1X 1C2 P: (416) 579-8934 F: (905) 839-2274 E: [email protected] Booth #306 Nussbaum Enterprises Inc. 2305 Moodie Court, Oakville, ON L6H 5G9 P: (905) 257-8613 F: (905) 257-8676 E: [email protected] Booth #102 Mellow Walk Footwear 17 Milford Avenue, Toronto, ON M6M 2W1 P: (416) 241-1312 F: (416) 241-9165 E: [email protected] Booth #208 Mephisto Canada 1435 St-Alexandre, Suite 103, Montreal, QC H3A 2G4 P: (514) 844-3310 F: (514) 844-3313 E: [email protected] Booth #213 Myrdal Orthopedic Technologies Inc. 837 Sargent Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3E 0C1 P: (204) 475-3799 E: Jarrod Eccles Booth #509 National Shoe Specialties Ltd. 3015 Kennedy Road, Units #11-18, Scarborough, ON M1V 1E7 P: (416) 292-7181 F: (416) 292-7933 E: [email protected] Booth #400, 402 & 404 New Balance Canada 2905 Argentia Road, Unit 6, Mississauga, ON, L5N 8E6 P: (289) 290-6056 E: [email protected] Booth #104 28 2014 PAC Syposium OOLAB Inc. 42 Niagara Street, Hamilton, ON L8L 6A2 P: (905) 521-1230 F: (905) 521-1210 E: [email protected] Booth #408 OrtoPed 373 McCaffrey St, Montral, QC H4T 1Z7 P: (905) 302-2727 F: (514) 342-7565 E: [email protected] Booth #407 Paradigm Medical Inc. 19 Waterman Avenue, Unit 6, Toronto, ON M4B 1Y2 P: (416) 362-0844 F: (416) 362-0729 E: [email protected] Booth #202 Paris Orthotics Ltd. 3630 East 1st Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5M 1C3 P: (604) 301-2150 F: (604) 301-2151 E: [email protected] Booth #209 PodiaPlus 112 ch. D’Aigremont, Lorraine, QC J6Z 4N7 P: (514) 524-2173 E: [email protected] Booth #101, 103 Portofino Shoes 840 Colombiere E, Quebec City, QC, G1J 1E3 P: (418) 623-4151 F: (418) 622-8006 E: [email protected] Booth #312 Simcan Comfort Hosery 55 Felming Drive, Unit 12, Cambridge, ON N1T 2A9 P: (519) 623-2677 F: (519) 740-7300 E: [email protected] Booth #210 Professional Orthopedic Products 5735 Ferrier, Mont-Royal, QC, H4P 1N3 P: (514) 484-4441 F: (514) 484-4431 E: [email protected] Booth# 410 Sims Medical 30 Innovator Drive, Unit 6, Stouffville, ON L4A 0Y2 P: (888) 655-4499 F: (866) 933-2922 E: [email protected] Booth #215 Renia GmbH Ostmerheimer Strasse 516, Koln (Cologne) - Germany, NRW 51109 P: +49 -221 -6307990 F: +49 -221 -6309950 E: [email protected] Booth #406 SIMS Medical 5-18 Ringwood drive, Unit 338, Stoufville, ON L4A 0N2 P: (888) 655-4499 F: (866) 933-2922 E: [email protected] Booth #215 P.W. Minor 153 Country Hill Dr, Unity 2, Kitchener, O N2E 2G7 P: (519) 584-2233 Booth #204 SOLE 2923 5th Avenue North East, Calgary, AB T2A 6T8 P: (403) 204-0907 E: [email protected] Booth #113 Roblin Footwear 1457 Chevrier Blvd., Winnipeg, MB R3T 1Y7 P: (204) 477-5100 E: [email protected] Booth 100 Saucony Canada 1165 Franklin Blvd. Cambridge, ON, N1R 8E1 P: (226) 318-0603 F:(519) 622-1272 E:[email protected] Booth #304 Serum International 4400 Autoroute Chomedey, Laval, QC H7R 6E9 P: (450) 625-8511 F: (450) 625-7172 E: [email protected] Booth #305 Steenwyk Custom Shoes 80 Cole Street, Red Deer, AB T4P 2E6 P: (403) 340-0066 F: (403) 340-0067 E: [email protected] Booth #212 Tekscan Inc. 307 West First Street, South Boston, MA 2127 P: (617) 464-4500 F: (617) 464-4266 E: [email protected] Booth #507 Topy 39, Avenue du General Lederc, Boulogne, France 92100 P: 4331146210520 E:[email protected] Booth #307 Hands on Pedorthics: Tools and Techniques for Daily Practice 29 Treksta Footwear 3058 Beta Ave, Burnaby, BC, V5G 4K4 P: (604) 982-0001 E: [email protected] Booth #413 V&W Orthopaedics Kapelleweg, 8b, Scharendijk, New Zeeland, 4322 NH P: 00351914262979 E:[email protected] Booth #511 Venoscan Canada Inc. Unit 13, 52 Antares Drive, Neplan, ON K2E 7Z1 P: (616) 727-3968 E: [email protected] Booth #110 VIONIC/Orthaheel 12391 No. 5 Road, Richmond, BC, v3E 1V6 P: (604) 241-1941 F: (604) 241-1970 E: [email protected] Booth #109, 111 Vittoria Phoenix Inc. 1534 Old Brock Street, Vittoria, ON, N0E 1W0 P: (519) 426-0046 F: (519) 426-5443 E: [email protected] Booth #206 Walking Mobility Clinics 575 Westney Road South, Ajax, ON L1S 4N7 P: (416) 995-9545 F: (416) 291-7463 Booth #401 visit the Aetrex booth #112 to view our new... FALL COLLECTIONS 30 2014 PAC Syposium Experience the 2014 PAC Symposium Online through the PAC Live Learning Centre PAC is excited to launch its new resource, the PAC Live Learning Center. This online conference companion connects you to educational sessions recorded live at PAC conferences. Our most anticipated sessions from the 2014 PAC Symposium will be available online after the event so you can catch up on sessions you missed. Recorded sessions keep you up-to-date on current industry trends and make great training tools for you and your colleagues. Don’t let your learning end when the Symposium does. Continue your professional development year-round with session recordings through the PAC Live Learning Center. Purchase Educational Session Recordings at the PAC booth to take advantage of onsite pricing.
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