ANECA Plantilla Folio

The four dimensions of Learning Outcomes
Seminar on the implementation of Learning Outcomes in the higher
education system in Spain from an international perspective.
Event included within the Erasmus + Programme - EPPKA3:
“Support to the Implementation of EHEA reforms: Higher Education Reforms
in Spain”
ANECA, Madrid, 15th April 2015
Purpose of the Seminar
The Seminar takes part of the effort accomplished by ANECA to bring the European
debate about the learning outcomes’ approach on its programme accreditation
procedure, but including also the perspective of the Spanish stakeholders involved.
The first step in this path was the publication of the Guide to support institutions in
writing, putting into practice and assessing learning outcomes in 2012 with the
academic support of Prof. Dr. Carmen Vizcarro-Guarch who unfortunately passed
away before the first round of accreditation reports in the pilot project run by
ANECA in 2014 would be submitted. This Seminar wishes also to pay a tribute of
thankfulness and recognition for her contributions in that early stage.
The Seminar is an attempt to gather different approaches to the evaluation of
learning outcomes bringing together various experiences from the European setting
“to think aloud” both challenges and good practices arisen in the always delicate
journey from “theory” to “practice” and the other way around and asking the
manifold actors involved from a strict academic perspective to a more professional
approach and from an institutional- framework to a programme-oriented scheme.
Thus, the Seminar explores the “four-dimension nature of learning outcomes” in a
useful analogy taken from Physics where depth (theory and practice), width
(academic and professional) and height (local and international) meets time (reality
and priorities) especially in terms of future challenges in the European Higher
Education Area, since the scope is definitely European but from different national
Agenda Seminar LO. 15th April 2015. V1.1.
The Seminar is structured around five sessions of two speakers allowing a dialogue
of the major aspects that features the title of each session. Each speaker has 20
minutes, 30 as maximum to make his presentation.
The audience will be a reduced one, around 60 people, consisting in experts
representing the different “dimensions” of the learning outcomes: representatives
from the boards of higher education institutions in charge of defining and designing
programmes, educational authorities, representatives of the board of quality
assurance agencies and experts of the accreditation panels, as well as academic
staff from both public and private institutions, students and representatives of the
labour market environment.
The Seminar has been included as part of the events of the “Erasmus + Project
EPPKA3: “HERE-ES. “Support to the Implementation of EHEA reforms: Higher
Education Reforms in Spain”. Although it was primarily thought as part of the
process to reflect on the implementation of the approach on assessing learning
outcomes, the scope of the project allows aligning the Seminar as part of the
broader discussion on the EHEA reforms in Spain.
For further information please contact the Unit for International and Institutional
Relations at: [email protected]
Agenda Seminar LO. 15th April 2015. V1.1.
The 4 dimensions of learning outcomes:
Depth: Theory and practice
Width: Academic and professional
Height: Local and international
Time: Realities and priorities
11:00 h:
Welcome words
Rafael van Grieken, Director, ANECA
Rationale of the Seminar
Nick Harris, International Advisor, ANECA
11:15 h:
Contributing to the implementation of the EHEA reforms: the HERE-ES
Luis Delgado, Coordinator of HERE-ES Project, Ministry of Education
11:45 h:
Session 1. Depth: Theory and practice
Forcing theory into practice or the other way around?
Theory: Javier Manuel Valle, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid;
Practice: Rafael van Grieken, ANECA, ECA
12:45 h:
Session 2. Width: Academic and professional
Two sides of a same coin or two currencies?
Academic: José Manuel Bayod, Universidad de Cantabria/ANECA
Professional: - Bernard Remaud, President of ENAAE, Former President
of the Commission de titres d’ingenieur (CTI)
13:45 h:
Light Lunch offered at the venue
14:45 h:
Session 3. Height: Local and international
Same problems in different languages?
Local: Eduardo Vendrell, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Agenda Seminar LO. 15th April 2015. V1.1.
International: Steffen Westergård Andersen, the Danish Accreditation
15:45 h:
Session 4. Time: Reality and priorities (looking back)
Priorities address Realities about learning outcomes implementation in
relation to QA
Priorities: Rafael Llavori, ENQA, ANECA
Realities: Nick Harris, ANECA
16.30 h:
Session 5. Time: Realities and priorities (looking forward)
Is this trip necessary?
Learning outcomes and the agenda of the EHEA reforms: a view from
the quality assurance agencies
Maria Kelo, Director, ENQA
Priorities and the future of LOs in the work of ANECA
Rafael van Grieken, Director, ANECA
17:30 h:
End of the workshop
Agenda Seminar LO. 15th April 2015. V1.1.
- Rafael van Grieken, Director, ANECA
- Maria Kelo, Director, ENQA
- Luis Delgado, Coordinator of the HERE-ES Project, Ministry of Education
- Javier Manuel Valle, Faculty of Training and Education, Universidad Autónoma de
- Steffen
Educational Institutions of Arts, The Danish Accreditation Institution
- Nick Harris, International Advisor, ANECA
- José Manuel Bayod, Universidad de Cantabria and Chairperson of the Science
Committee in the Working Group on Correspondence, Homologation and
Recognition with the Spanish Qualifications Framework for Higher Education
- Bernard REMAUD, President of the Administrative Council of the European
Network for Engineering Accreditation, ENAAE, former President of CTI
- Eduardo Vendrell, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
- Rafael Llavori, Head of International Relations, ANECA
Agenda Seminar LO. 15th April 2015. V1.1.