At First... The Newsletter of the First Presbyterian Church of Hartford, Connecticut Jan./Feb., 2015 Volume 57, Issue 3 In this issue… Page 2 Handbook. Page 3 First Person(al)s. Page 4 Mission Matters. Page 5 Session Highlights. Call to Meeting. Stewardship. Parish Life. Page 6 Around the Church. Page 7 “Dinner Church”. Around the Presbytery. Page 8 Dedications of Christmas Flowers. Page 9 Calendar Dates to Note. Page 10 Celebrate & Give Thanks. Page 11 Gifts of Time and Talent. First Presbyterian Church 136 Capitol Avenue Hartford, CT 06106-1619 For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1 Dear Friends, In December, Tom announced that the Speers family will be moving to Delaware in the summer so that Bessie can accept the call of Tower Hill School to be their Head of School. This will mean changes for the Speers family and for our church family. We have asked that Session release us from our ministry as co-pastors in the early summer, 2015. Our last Sunday together will be June 14, 2015. When we arrived at First Presbyterian Church, we together proclaimed the abundance of God’s gifts to this congregation. God has given us all that we need to be the church in this time and place. We have seen and celebrated that reality. Worship is joyful and vibrant. Under Dianne’s leadership, the choir continues to support that worship. We have a new roof. We have received new members. We are actively involved in our community. BOTS pots provide fresh food for city residents. The Strawberry Festival continues to fund our outreach. We have raised funds to provide goats and computers in other parts of the world. We continue to provide food for the Manna Food Pantry and Community Meal. Bible Study is active. We have a new cross and we have a new screen in the sanctuary as part of our worship and the arts grant from the Calvin Institute. We have partnered with Trinity College students to work around the church building. We have welcomed three seminary interns. We have stopped drawing funds from our endowment, allowing that to grow. We’ve painted a labyrinth in the parking lot, which is used by people during the week. The list goes on and on. God gives us everything we need to be the church in this time and place. In December, Session met with John Merz, who is the Co-Chair of the Committee on Ministry at Presbytery and the liaison for our church. John talked about various staffing options for our church and Session will share these with the congregation at our congregational meeting on January 21. Session will be eager for your input and John will continue to provide support and counsel to the church in the months to come. We do not know what the future holds, but we do know who holds the future. God will continue to use this church and its people to be a blessing in this community and in the world. The same God who brought us together will bring new pastoral leadership in the days to come. God provides all that you need to be the church. Thank you for being the generous, faithful, loving people you are. You are an inspiration for both of us and we cherish the time we’ve had together. We will celebrate together this Spring and you will remain in our hearts in all the days to come. With enormous gratitude for you, Martha & Tom The Handbook Health 20. No one is in charge of your happiness except you. 21. Smile and laugh more. 22. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree. 1. Drink plenty of water. 2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a beggar. 3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants, and eat less food that is manufactured in plants. 4. Live with the three E’s ― energy, enthusiasm, and empathy. 5. Make time to pray and read your Bible every day. 6. Play more games. 7. Read more books than you did last year. 8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes every day. 9. Sleep seven hours. 10. Take a 10 to 30 minute walk daily. And while you walk, smile. Society 23. 24. 25. 26. Talk to your family often. Each day give something good to others. Forgive everyone for everything. Spend time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of six. 27. Try to make at least three people smile every day. 28. What other people think of you is none of your business. 29. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch. Personality Life 11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about. 12. Don't have negative thoughts about things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment. 13. Don't overdo. Know your limits and respect them. 14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does. 15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip. 16. Dream more when you are awake. 17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need. 18. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others. 19. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present. 30. Do the right thing! 31. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful, or joyful. 32. God heals everything. 33. However good or bad situation is, it will change. 34. The matter how you feel, get up, dress up, and show up. 35. The best is yet to come. 36. When you wake up alive in the morning, thank God for it. 37. Your innermost soul is always filled with joy. So, be joyful. The Handbook is adapted from an old newsletter from the Federated Church of Christ in Brooklyn, CT. 2 First Person(al)s… Prayers and Remembrances for: On the Move: Church member Sarah Corrigan and her husband Willem Schauer purchased a home in Bloomfield, CT. Terry and Kathleen Davis have moved into their new home in Supply, NC. They are “very happy to be part of a close residential community and have found a church home in a United Methodist Church.” They “send greetings to all in this holy season. The welcome mat is out.” Aboagye family… Gertrude Cort… Betty Gadson… Deb Gadson… Helen George… Joan Grant… Henry family. Diana Henry’s brother Bertram and his wife Keisha have lost Keisha’s mother. Kissi Family… Marlon Long… Maude Morisson… Gladys Wiafe… John Allen… Alda Bennett… Jeffrey Bissey. Jane Murray’s 2nd cousin… Jane Bledsoe, Alice Evans’ sister… Nancy & Bob Bolgard… Myrtle Cross, Pauline Robertson’s sister-inlaw… Will Devereaux, the Murray’s grandson… Donald Labins… Donte Rabb… Sam Riddick… TyShawn Riley… Pedro Rivera… Collin Robertson, brother-in-law of Pauline Robertson… Dawn Simonsen, a friend June O’Neil… Rick Taplin, a friend of Pastor Tom… Taylor, a baby diagnosed with Tuberous Sclerosis. She is a niece of Holly Billing’s coworker… Bryan Uttman… Antoinette Valentine… Simeon Williams… The mission and ministry of First Presbyterian Church. “Dear friends and family, Richard and I have moved to Florida! It was a long time coming, but we finally decided that it was time to flee the winters to enjoy the sunshine year round! First Presbyterian has always been my home from baptism to membership and marriage. I have many fond memories of growing up in and with the church and will always carry those cherished memories with me in my heart. Sincerely, Nancy B. (MacLachlan) Sweeney.” Note: the new addresses of our members and friends may be obtained from the church office. Welcome New Members: Mercy Asomaing, Gifty Kankam, Ernest Kissi, and Melissa Richard. They were received during worship on December 14, 2014. Thank You Notes Received: Ian Tamburini wrote to thank us for the scholarship money, helpful for purchasing his lab books and manuals. David Labins also sent a note thanking us for his scholarship money, adding that it is nice to know he has our support while off at school. Finally, Hands On Hartford sent FPC a lovely card noting, “Thank you so much for all you do for us and our neighbors in need. Your efforts are truly extraordinary!” Good to See: Grace Brodeur traveled from New Jersey with family to attend worship the day her greatgranddaughter was baptized at First Presbyterian Church, Hartford. Rusty Spears, visiting from Pennsylvania, worshipped with us on December 21, 2014. And Shirley Garren was able to attend worship that day, as well. 3 Mission Matters… Community Meals: On the fourth Tuesday of the month, Church Elders Holly Billings and Keith Rhoden, Jr. (with Mimi Nelson and the folks at Travelers) serve meals to upwards of 100 folks at Christ Church Cathedral. People from various departments within Travelers help provide and serve the food at those meals. In November we served a full turkey dinner, with trimmings, to 95 individuals. On December 23, the meal was lasagna, salad, bread and butter, dessert and a beverage. We served 75 people. Food Pantry: During the months of November and December, the First congregation donated 520 pounds – over a quarter ton – of food to the MANNA Community Pantry. F.P.C. is again participating in the 2015 Souper Bowl of Caring. Please bring your non-perishable food donation(s) to church on Sundays. Donations will be tallied on February 1 and benefit MANNA. Tuesday Mornings at Manna Food Pantry: It is an established fact that the First Presbyterian Church has been a strong and faithful contributor and supporter to Manna Food Pantry. It is also widely known that Shirley Dudley, the current chair of the Outreach Committee, has had a constant presence at the pantry on Tuesday mornings for many, many years. Her enthusiasm about the role of the volunteers at the pantry was what motivated me to make the decision to join her at the pantry on Tuesday mornings to help stock the shelves. Needless to say, this has been a very rewarding experience. “Stocking shelves”, what does it really mean? I had no idea that it did not mean just unpacking and arranging cans on a shelf. I have realized that what it really means is making friends, helping to feed the hungry and making a difference in other people’s lives. I have not only had a good a mentor – Shirley, I have also made many friends and acquaintances. The staff is great and the other volunteers are a joy to interact with. The laughter and the casual conversations make the mornings go by faster. Even though the volunteers are not expected to be there on a weekly basis, for some unknown reason, there is the knowledge that someone is counting on presence of the volunteers in order to make somebody’s life a little better. It is disheartening to see the shelves empty on Tuesday mornings even after stocking what came in from Foodshare. On the other hand, it is also a great pleasure when Shirley and I can hardly haul all the donations from the First Presbyterian Church to the pantry. Lessons learned: Consider yourself blessed when you don’t have to wonder if you will get your next meal. Count your blessings just for the fact that you are a member of the First Presbyterian Church and that as a community, we make a big difference in the lives of so many others who would otherwise go to bed on an empty stomach. Thank you all for the great donations and please keep them flowing!!! ―Juliana Mantey Adopt a Social Worker Update: The mother of twin boys was thrilled with the items we’ve donated. Continued donations of gift cards for clothing the boys are welcome― suggested stores are Target or Walmart, for value and easier accessibility by the client. There is also another single mother who can use our assistance. She recently lost her job and has a six year old daughter; so, anything would be helpful. The daughter will enjoy anything educational, including toys, Barbie dolls, etc. She can also use clothing size 6 – 6X. If you can help, a collection bin is located in the office annex. Gift cards should be given to Keith or Corinna for safe keeping. Distribution of the Strawberry Festival Proceeds: Hands On Hartford, $150.00; Presbyterian Mission Agency, $400.00; Living Waters for the World, $350.00; 2014 Presbyterian Giving Catalog, $250.00; AIDS Connecticut, $250.00; Future Signage Project, $1,000 to be held in a Liability account. 4 Session Highlights… At the November 9, 2014 meeting of Session we: voted to begin using some hymns from the new Presbyterian Church hymnal during worship, with a plan to purchase and dedicate new hymnals on Founders Day 2015; received a report and recommendations from the Cross Advisory Committee and approved the carving of a new Celtic cross for the sanctuary, in accordance with their recommendations. The new cross for the sanctuary, designed by Tricia Petraven, will also serve as a time capsule to be opened by the congregation 100 years in the future. During Advent congregants were asked to bring a small item or note to place inside. The cross was dedicated during worship on December 21, 2014. Call to Congregational Meeting The Session has called a meeting of the congregation for after worship on Sunday, January 25, 2015. The purpose of the meeting is for review of the 2015 budget and other business as appropriate. A light lunch will follow. Stewardship… We had a great crowd and excellent response during our Consecration Sunday, followed by a celebratory luncheon. The Stewardship Campaign is still going on and folks who have not yet returned their pledge cards are encouraged to so at their earliest convenience. You may drop it in the Offertory Plate when you come to church or simply mail it in to the Church office. Pledge Cards are also available at the entrance to the Sanctuary. Parish Life… Parish Life wishes to thank everyone who participated in Parish Life events this past year. Especially, those of you who so very generously cooked. How could we ever supply all the delicious food without you? Parish Life takes credit for planning events but it is the people who attend and donate food who really make each and every event what it is. We have future events planned. Parish Life will host the Congregational meeting. February is Black History Month so keep your calendars open for a brunch and an interesting program. During Lent we will have a brunch at which time there will be a viewing of “Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat.” At another brunch we will have Tom and Nellie Speers talk about their recent trip to Africa. Again, thank you so very much for all your support. ― June O’Neil, Parish Life Committee co-chair more > 5 Pictured above are screen shots taken from a video of “The Invitation.” The Christmas play was written by Diana Henry and performed during worship on December 21, 2014. Photos of the play (taken by June O’Neil) and a video (taken by Adu Amankwah) can be seen by visiting the church Facebook page online at the following address (there will be a link directing you to you-tube for the video). The play was an all-church effort that included cast and crew from the congregation: Abena Adzenyah, Devé-Ann Bennett, Dejé Bennett, Afua Amankwah, Abena Amankwah, Asa Cort, Shirley Dudley, William “Bill” Cooke, Guthrie Speers, Eleanor “Nellie” Speers, Kwabena “Kobe” Darko, Christine Murray Lambright, Jasen Lambright, Kwame Adzenyah, Jeffrey Kissi, Samuel Sykes, Seraphina Lambright, Kofi Amankwah, Nya Aboagye, Linden Long, Anissa “NeeNee” Long, Marlon Long, Tricia Petraven, Thomas “Tom” Speers, the F.P.C. Choir, Diana Henry, Dianne Ney, Jenilee Amankwah, Jane Murray, June O’Neil, Tricia Petraven, and Adu Amankwah. Thank you one and all. Well done! Around the Church… Photo at left shows the new cross and media screen in action during a recent worship service. At right are “new” folding chairs, thanks to the Presbytery. A circular meeting table in Johnstone Hall is pictured below right. The new-to-us furniture arrived thanks to Dan Bender, June O’Neil, and church sexton John Du Pont. They drove to the Presbytery in Dan’s truck and brought back items no longer needed by the Presbytery, but still useful. 6 “Dinner Church” Starting in January… Beginning in mid January, Jessica Jones (our seminary intern) will be hosting a series of four “dinner church” services for the congregation. All members are invited to join together for an evening meal combined with a worship service. Worshipping as one body of Christ outside of the traditional Sunday service will provide an intimate setting for us to experience worship differently. By sharing hospitality and a meal together, and taking an active role in worship (lighting candles, singing songs, reading scripture and discussing God’s word) we will experience “church” in a new, informal way that encourages both laughter and communion. The dinner church services will begin Wednesday evening, January 21, and continue until February 11, the week prior to Ash Wednesday. The new service will temporarily take the place of Wednesday night Bible study, beginning at 6:15 p.m. and ending at 7:30 p.m., in time for choir rehearsal. Homemade soups and salads will be served for dinner, and children and newcomers are welcome to join! If you would like to be involved in the new project, either by helping to prepare food or set tables, or if you’d like to take part in the service itself, please contact Jessica at [email protected]. Elements of the Dinner Church: • • • • • • • • • • • • Gathering song Candle lighting ritual Scripture reading Prayer Simple song Communion service Passing peace Break for/to serve dinner 2 minute sermon or reading Question for discussion during dinner Simple song Sending * Members actively participate by singing songs, reading prayers and scripture, lighting candles and passing one another communion elements. Around the Presbytery… The Presbytery of Southern New England has gone virtual. What’s changed? The office in Old Saybrook is closed and staff now work from their homes. Milly will be seen only at Presbytery meetings; meetings will now be hosted by various churches throughout the Presbytery. What has stayed the same? Pam still answers the phone. Your phone calls for Dayle and Dana will go either to their cell phones or voice message. The P.S.N.E. retains the same physical and email addresses, the same phone number, and the same website (note that the mailing address is: P.O. Box 388, Chester, Connecticut, 06412). * *from 7 Christmas 2014 Flowers Given to the Glory of God... By In Memory of Aboagye Family………….…………………………..Julius & Shirley’s parents. Immanuel Bae……………………………………….My parents. Diana Henry, Dejé and Devé-Ann Bennett………….Daddy Linden, “Jen Jen” Henry, baby Adonai Henry, Momma Lillian, Mommy Haber, Clayton Henry. Edwin and family……………………………………Eileen, Anna, Noel, Leopold and Lilla Carty. Shirley, Laurie, and Katie………………………….....Our dear Bill and son Stephen. Sandy and Sam Hamilton..................................................Our parents, grandparents, and our sons Charlie and Gordon. Pamela Hauburger..............................................................My parents Daniel and Iva Hauburger. Robin Herrera…………………………........................Doris, George and Cheryl Lewis. Cheryl Johnson………………………………………Mom (Muriel Johnson) I will forever be thankful that God shared you with me. The Labins Family……………………...........................Joyce T. Arnold, Katherine B. Tuthill and David B. Tuthill. Jasen, Christine, and Seraphina Lambright……………Lucille Murray, Jo Anne More, Mary Bradley, and April Bradley. Loving Family………………............................................John and Beverly McNeish. Anita Marchant………………………………………Sherry Marchant, Raymond and Anne Marchant, and Emil and Lucy Eger. Their Family.........................................................................Mr. and Mrs. David Marshall and Dave and Betty Marshall. Alan and Jane Murray.........................................................Melinda Boyar, D. Allen Nicolas, Nancy Murray, Eileen Murray, Henry Erbe, D.H. Nicholas, Jane Osler, Frances & Alan Murray. June, Jim and Bob O’Neil..................................................James O’Neil, Jr., Bertha Garbe, Robert Garbe, Gene Garbe. Flora Perleoni and family...................................................Grace and Archie McNeish. Pauline, Maurice and Michael ...........................................Bob Robertson, Patti O’Neal Robertson and all family members who have passed. Tom, Bessie, Nellie and Guthrie Speers..........................T. Guthrie Speers, Jr. Nancy and Richard Sweeney…………………………G. Borden and F. Sylvia Maclachlan. The Tamburini Family........................................................Louis and Helen Boldi, Corinna G. Boldi. And by In Thanksgiving for Kate & Sherwood Anderson for justice. Diana Henry, Dejé and Devé-Ann Bennett………….Grandma Bennett. Shirley Dudley……………………………………….My husband Carl, all my children and grandchildren. Alice and Bob Evans..........................................................Ruth Evans’ 90th birthday. Shirley, Laurie, and Katie…………………………….Our Church family and all dear friends. Sam Hamilton......................................................................Sandy, Noah and Chastity Hamilton. Hands On Hartford (Barbara Shaw)…………………Generous members of First Presbyterian Church. The Labins Family…………………………………...the wonderful music, dance and art that enhance our worship at First Presbyterian. Jasen, Christine, and Seraphina Lambright…………..This Church family and all of the love and support that you have brought us over the years. McNeill Family of Love.....................................................Alicia and Ian’s wedding in July, 2014. Keith Rhoden, Jr.................................................................Pat Rosoff. The Spears- Rusty, Tonya, Emily, Grant and Karen…Our Hartford Church family that we miss so much. Tom, Bessie, Nellie and Guthrie Speers..........................The love shown to us by the members and friends of FPC of Hartford. 8 Calendar Dates to Note… January 4: Un-greening of the Church January 18: Annual Presbyterian Promise Board Meeting, held at First Presbyterian Church, Hartford. January 25: Congregational Meeting, after worship. Meal to follow. February 1: Souper Bowl of Caring. February 7: Presbytery Meeting, New Haven, CT. February 18: Ash Wednesday. February 22: First Sunday in Lent. Meal and a Movie, after worship: “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat.” Save the Date: Presbyterian Promise, in conjunction with Wesleyan, is presenting a program on February 7, related to LGBT/Queer spirituality. One of the speakers will be Jeff Chu. He is a journalist and the author of “Does Jesus Really Love Me?”. Let us know…If you’ve had a recent special event or other cause for celebration in your life that you would like to share, or a loss or other circumstance for which you’d appreciate prayers—your Church family is interested and concerned. Just e-mail Keith Rhoden, Jr. at [email protected]. You may also mail or drop off a note to the Church office or send an e-mail (addresses are on the last page of the newsletter). Photos are also welcome. On Sundays, large print worship resources (including the Sunday bulletin and large print bibles and hymnals) are available from an usher. Assisted listening devices are also available. The wireless listening system, similar to those used at the Bushnell and Hartford Stage, allows users to sit anywhere in the sanctuary. If you have access to the Internet… you can download a pdf of the Sunday bulletin as early as the Friday before the service. A bulletin for the upcoming Sunday service is normally posted before 3:00 p.m. on the Friday before. Just visit the church website, click on “Worship” and scroll down to find the bulletin you want at (we keep the most recent four bulletins online). Also be sure to visit the “Faith at First” blog ( and the church Facebook page ( where you will also find lots of photos- in color! 9 Celebrate & Give Thanks... January Birthdays: 1 1 2 3 3 5 10 10 11 12 13 16 18 20 22 30 Abena Adzenyah Ernest Osei Michael Asare Anita Marchant Clifford Riley George Blick Marian Cooke Alex Parkes Seraphina Lambright Jessica Sheely Julius Aboagye Guthrie Speers David Labins Jon Ney Jessica Aboagye Leslie Adjei Holding each other in prayer… The following members will be prayed for in worship in January and February. Please remember them in your private devotions as well: Jan. 4: Akosua Ware, Gladys Wiafe, Ālani Willett, Shirley & Julius Aboagye. Jan. 11: Jessica Aboagey, Nya; Kwasi & Rebecca Adjei, Ashley, Earvin, Leslie; Adu Adzenyah, Abena; Michael & Vida Adzenyah. January Anniversaries: Jan. 18: Adu & Jenilee Amankwah, Afua, Abena, Kofi; Francisca Amoah, Akosua, Kwame, Abena 8 10 Jan. 25: Mercy Asomaing, Dan Bender, Tamla Bent, Holly Billings & Mimi Nelson. Sam & Sandy Hamilton Michael & Vida Adzenyah Feb. 1: George & Carolyn Blick, George Brice, Grace Brodeur, Lloyd Brooks. February Birthdays: 2 6 8 8 12 12 14 18 23 27 27 Feb. 8: Grace & Michael Ofori, William, Michael, Kwadjo; Rachel & Jerry Butler, Gina; Edwin Carty; Bill & Marian Cooke. Rebecca Adjei Cynthia McPherson Sam Poku Fiona Tamburini Monet Knott Isaac Riley Joseph Awuah Ruth Van Anden Bill Cooke George Rawitscher Felecia Fleeting Feb. 15: Sue Corrigan; Sarah Corrigan & William Schauer; Gertrude Cort; Gregory & Marilyn Cort, Asa. Feb. 22: Ulyne Cort; Beverly Cort & Carlos Lyte, Marissa; Yonette Cort-Park; Enoch & Margo Darko, Esther, Kobe. February Anniversaries: 4 17 25 Gregory & Marilyn Cort Alan & Jane Murray Norman & Ruth Van Anden 10 Gifts of Time and Talent… thanking those who have served over the past months. Coffee Hour Hosts: Kate & Sherwood Anderson, Cheryl Johnson, Jane Murray, Parish Life, Tom & Mildred McNeill. Communion Stewards: Adu Amankwah, Holly Billings, Asa Cort, Mildred & Tom McNeill, June O’Neil, Patrick Ney. Flowers: Holly Billings & Mimi Nelson, Shirley Dudley, Sam Hamilton, Sam & Sandy Hamilton, The McKirdy Family, Jane & Alan Murray. Liturgists: Julius Aboagye, Adu Amankwah, Bill Cooke, Lianne Doherty, Alice Evans, Jean Hager, Pam Hauburger, Cheryl Johnson, Christine Lambright, Mildred McNeill. Advent Candle Lighters: The Aboagye Family, The Amankwah Family, Jean and Pamela Nesbitt, Diana Henry, Devé-Ann Bennett, Dejé Bennett. Arts in Worship Experience (AWE) Team Planners for Advent: June O’Neil, Asa Cort, Tricia Petraven, Keith Rhoden, Jr., Anita Marchant, Martha Highsmith, Shirley Dudley, Pamela Nesbitt, Tom Speers, Christine Lambright, Diana Henry, Devé-Ann Bennett, Dejé Bennett, Tom McNeill. Ushers: Pauline Robertson, Adu Amankwah, Sherwood Anderson, Robin Herrera, Tom McNeill, June O’Neil, Emmanuel Peprah, Keith Rhoden, Jr., Clifford Riley, Akosua Ware. Newsletter Mailing: Edwin Carty, Jane Murray, Pauline Robertson. Photo Credits: June O’Neil. The Last Word… “The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little.” ― Franklin D. Roosevelt (quote found at 11 DFDFFTAFTFAFTDFAATTTTFTFTTATDFAFDTADTADDTDATDFFADFDADADAFFTAADFTAT OLURANTI ADEPOJU 14 PINE CLIFF RD WEYMOUTH MA 02189-1910 0007112/31/2014
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