RESPECTFUL KIND RESILIENT RIGOROUS ASPIRATIONAL Park Hill Junior School Stanhope Road Croydon CR0 5NS Tel: (020) 8686 8623 Fax: (020) 8686 9798 Head Teacher: Mrs C Daniels ATTENDANCE Newsletter 18: 30/01/15 SCHOOL NEWS Thank you to everyone who made a contribution towards our theatre group performance of ‘Robin Hood’ which went ahead today (Friday). The sounds of hilarity that emanated from the Hall during the two performances were fabulous and when I visited some classes afterwards they were busy discussing what they had seen and starting to produce some writing about the legend of Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men!! What a brilliant end to the week. Next week is parent consultations—if you have not yet returned your slip to the class teacher please do so as soon as possible. If you need a paper copy of the letter please ask your child to pick one up from the School Office. The response to the whole school homework on ‘We can’t live without books’ was utterly phenomenal—with everything from written work and booklets to posters and videos—the quality was truly amazing. We will have more information about the entry put forward as the entry for our school next week. HEAD TEACHER’S MESSAGE Our attendance target for this year is 96.2%. Our current school percentage is 94.8% which is too far away from our target. Please make sure your child comes to school unless they really are too unwell to be here. Lateness: children should be ready to go into school when the doors open at 8:50am. Lessons start at 9am and children are officially late from this time. HOUSE POINT TOTALS Coleridge-Taylor Flower Johnson Latham 874 722 842 613 With other members of the senior leadership team I have had a whole school focus on all aspects of behaviour this week. We have looked at many types of behaviour including conduct in class, in the playground, at lunchtimes, punctuality, uniform and at the start and end of the day. What we have seen has been very encouraging, with a community of polite and courteous young people who want to learn shining through. There are however one or two areas where we are not fully satisfied and we will be cracking down on poor standards whenever we find them. Coleridge-Taylor were the runaway winners this week with the girls alone collecting 171—only one house point less than the whole of Latham! Well done to everyone for all the house points they achieved. Cathy Daniels, Head Teacher COMING UP 3L 88.89 No of late arrivals 4 3M 3D 97.86 94.14 1 7 14th to 22nd February: HALF TERM 4H 4EL 93.45 94.29 6 5 23rd to 27th March: BOOK WEEK Punctuality has improved in many classes in the school, so well done if your child arrived at school on time everyday this week. 4ML 5P 95.17 98.00 14 10 28th March to 12th April: Easter Holiday Sadly there are several children in 6C who are not arriving on time for the start of lessons, which obviously disrupts learning. 5D 93.45 11 5T 89.64 8 INSET DAY Monday, 13th April 6JG 97.33 6 6W 97.00 8 14th April 2015: children return to school 6C 95.17 6M 99.00 21 6 ATTENDANCE NEWS Congratulations to 6M who achieved 99% attendance this week and also 5P at 98%. Congratulations also to 3M who achieved 97.86% attendance and only 1 late. Please ensure that your child is ready to go into school at 8:50am. Thank you. Class % 4th & 5th February: Parent Consultations Other dates to be added as they become available. RESPECTFUL KIND RESILIENT RIGOROUS ASPIRATIONAL ROBIN HOOD PERFORMANCE Thank you to everyone who contributed. The performance was wonderful and will be a great stimulus for some first class writing over the next couple of weeks. YEAR 6 FRENCH SCHOOL JOURNEY The deadline for full payment for the Y6 French School Journey is 13th February 2015. After that we have to make full payment to the travel agent for those children who are going. We have no flexibility for late payment. Please also remember that all deposits are non-refundable as these have already been paid to the company. SCHOOL UNIFORM Please continue to ensure that your child is wearing the correct school uniform. Ties, school P.E. t-shirts and sweatshirts, and other items of school uniform can all be bought from the School Office. CONTACT DETAILS If you have changed your mobile number and/or email address and you think you might not have told us please send your new details to the School Office so we can update our records. School Shop for items of stationery etc. is on Wednesdays. SCHOOL OFFICE WOW BADGE COMPETITION Miss Luxon, Miss Lawrance and the JRSO's will have the very difficult task of picking the top three entries to send off to the national competition. Happy designing! Mrs Paine and Mrs Gillick will be manning the School Office from 8:30am to 5:00pm. They can help you with many things including selling you school uniform, answering questions about ParentPay or helping you if your child is unwell. The new email address for the school is: [email protected] and they will aim to answer queries in a timely way. TABLE TENNIS BALLS SCHOOL DINNERS Lots of children like to play table tennis during break times but unfortunately the large bucket of table tennis balls which we were donated by Mrs Egan have all now been lost. Table tennis balls can be bought from school shop on Wednesdays for 15p each. School dinners are £2.30 please ensure there is enough credit on your child’s ParentPay account if you want them to have a school lunch. Please remind your child not to forget to complete their WoW badge design with the theme 'healthy planet' before the deadline of Friday 13th March. Remember: Bright and colourful Stick to the theme No white areas PARK HILL SCHOOLS A SSOCIATION (PHSA) Last week it was lovely to meet with many parents and friends of the school who have given us time and help during various fundraising activities since September, and to say thank you to them for what they have done for us. Never was the Park Hill family in more evidence. What also struck me were the bonds of friendship which have been forged through people’s work with the PHSA. It is such a great way to meet other parents, socialise with other people who have children and contribute to your community in a positive by way giving time and expertise. We really appreciate what the PHSA do for us and the money they raise for the good of the children which enables us to buy things which the school budget just would not cover. THANK YOU. BREAK TIME SNACKS Please ensure that children only bring fresh or dried fruit for their break time snack. Cereal bars, crisps or chocolate coated biscuits are not allowed. ASTHMA ADVICE Please see Newsletter 16 for advice for children with asthma. PARK HILL HALF TERM FUN TIME FOR 5-12 YEAR OLDS (Children who are 4 and were born before 31st August 2010, and are in full time school may attend) We are offering children a fun packed programme of trips at their holiday club. Playscheme dates: Monday 16th February – Friday 20th February 2015 Times: 9am – 6pm £23.00 per child per day 8am – 6pm £25.00 per child per day. Trips can be booked separately and the price includes cost of the trip. All children require a packed lunch. Monday 16th February – Eagle Heights Travel by minibus. Eagle Heights is one of the UK’s largest Birds of Preys centres. This includes over 50 different species with daily demonstrations, a fantastic day out for all. Tuesday 17th February – Penshurst Place Travel by minibus to this 14th century Manor House with a Toy museum, excellent gardens and fantastic maze. Enjoy a fun and educational day out. Wednesday 18th February – National Maritime Museum & Planetarium Travel by minibus. Experience the world’s largest maritime museum and visit the planetarium to see ‘The Sky Tonight’ show. A great day out. Thursday 19th February – Llama Park Travel by minibus. The Park is home to an ever growing variety of animals which include llamas, alpacas, reindeer, horses, donkeys, sheep and lots more. A lovely day out. Friday 20th February – Cinema & Park Travel by minibus to the cinema, film to be confirmed. Children will have popcorn and a drink, then onto a local park. ALL Children must arrive no later than 9.30am and we will aim to be back at School for 5.00pm. Children may bring a maximum of £2.50 pocket money to spend in the gift shop. ALL BOOKINGS ARE MADE ON A FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BASIS, LIMITED PLACES AVAILABLE SO BOOK EARLY TO AVOID DISAPOINTMENT. A Non Refundable deposit must be paid in advance to secure your place. To book, please contact Helen McCarthy on: 07960 610 393 between 8am – 6pm. If there is no answer, please leave a message and your call will be returned.
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