Education Welfare Service Education Welfare Procedures and Statutory Offer to Schools Education Welfare Changes There have been changes to the Education Welfare Service with the statutory and traded element of the Education Welfare Service (EWS) moving over to the Vulnerable Learners Service (VLS). The equivalent of x2 Education Welfare Officers (EWO) remain in the Community Family Teams and their roles will largely be around engaging with schools, CAF, Early help, CIN cases, High Impact etc. They are Graham Pascoe, Karen Devine and Mark Beamish. The rest of the service has moved over to the Vulnerable Learners Service with officers focusing on EWS statutory role and traded elements of the work. Education Welfare Team Peter Noble, lead, supervisor, court officer, traded work Sara Durant, penalty notices, court prep work Andrea Farrow, chaperones, child performance licensing and child employment, traded work Mahad Ali, exclusions, traded work Claire Harrison, traded work and CME Carol Hudson 0.6, business support 0.4 Mark Beamish Term 5 briefings To further outline the changes which have happened, I will be offering briefing sessions during term 5 and would encourage staff with responsibility for school attendance to attend, so further clarity and discussions can take place. I will ask for electronic invites to be sent to all schools for the following dates/times. Thursday 15th May 2014 Rm G.02, Castlewood, Clevedon Friday 16th May 2014 Rm 1.05, Town Hall, WSM 8-9am 12-1pm 4-5pm 8-9am 12-1pm 1.30-2.30pm Tuesday 20th May 2014 St Barnabas, Portishead 8-9am 11-12pm 1-2pm Statutory offering More in depth explanation of what is the EWS statutory core offer can be found with the ‘Services for Schools and Academies 2014-15’ document. Schools will no longer have a named EWO, unless there is a traded agreement. There are 4 officers and it is no longer feasible to offer this to 74 schools. Education Welfare is keen to maintain the practice that schools have found so valuable, helpful and flexible. This came in the form of regular visits to the school to answer questions and offer support, regular home visits, attendance clinics etc. Please contact [email protected] if you would like to explore maintaining this. The following is the core offer to schools: 1. Annual visit from an Education Welfare Officer to look at registers and discuss any traded needs your school have. 2. EWS will continue to issue penalty notices and present cases to magistrates where student’s school attendance is of concern. 3. For maintained schools there will be a central point to refer cases of non-school attendance, but this will be following attempts by the school to address the school attendance issue. Academies who buy-in will also be able to refer cases in to their named EWO. All referrals should be sent electronically to [email protected] 4. EWOs will access attendance data via the CAPITA SIMS module and where queries arise from this data, EWOs may contact the school to discuss potential attendance issues or the use of a specific attendance code to ensure this is the correct registration mark. However, this does not replace or remove schools responsibility to offer early help to pupil school attendance issues and make attempts to resolve. 5. With regards permanent exclusions, maintained schools should continue to invite a representative of the local authority to governor hearings, but academies will have to arrange an LA representative through traded agreement. However, a parent of a child at an academy can request an LA representative attends from EWS as an observer or can make representations with a governing body’s consent. General calls and queries Single Point of Access 01934 888 801 Where possible Care Connect (Single Point of Access – SPA) staff will try and solve the callers question without passing onto the back office and this service is likely to grow and evolve further. Where possible, links will be provided to various policies and documents which may also help answer the caller’s question. Penalty Notices / Court There is a central inbox now for all these queries to be picked up and/or for schools requesting a penalty notice to be issued by North Somerset Council for absences from school [email protected]. This is most direct and quick and easy way to request a penalty notice is issued. However, I am sure that schools will want to continue good practice in trying to address attendance issues, rather than the possible temptation to go straight down a fine route with minimal intervention. Copies of all warning letters and a correct signed head teachers’ certificate, must be attached to these referrals for notices. It is also good practice to include the school attendance policy so officers can advise enquiries which come in from parents. Criteria for referring Maintained Schools can refer to a central point, but this can only be done once case work and interventions have been carried out by the school. Referrals should be fully completed on the attached referral form with all correspondence, minutes of meetings and warning letters by the school attached and emailed electronically to [email protected], where cases will be allocated to a EWO. 1. Must arrive on an Education Welfare Referral Form and emailed to [email protected] where the referral will be allocated. 2. School have made all attempts for formal discussions with pupil and parent/carer and sets targets; by letter, phone call or meeting in school (full details of all letters and meetings must be kept). 3. If targets are not met and attendance <85% then request for EW support can be made. 4. Parent/carer should be informed before referring Academies who have already bought in EWO time can make referrals at any time to their EWO as long as this is within the agreed traded time allocation. Any questions you may have or if you would like to meet and discuss any elements of a traded service level agreement. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Kind regards Peter Noble Education Welfare Lead Date: March 2014
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