NCOIL 2015 Spring Meeting February 27 through March 1, 2015 • The Mills House Wyndham Grand Hotel you can also register online at Name: _______________________________________________________ • Charleston, South Carolina Title: ____________________________________________________ Company/Affiliation: _____________________________________________ E-mail: ___________________________________________________ Preferred Mailing Address: ______________________________________ Accompanied By: __________________________________________ (Guests attending any NCOIL function must register. Legislators’ guests are not subject to registration fee.) _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Phone: ______________________ Fax: ______________________ Agent Continuing Education? c IL c KY c MS c WV First Time Attendee? c Yes c No __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ REGISTRATION REGISTRATION WILL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOUT PAYMENT FEE SCHEDULE FULL REGISTRATION: $375.00 ____ Legislator, staff (contributing member state) ____ Legislator, staff (general member state) $500.00 ____ Industry Education Council (IEC) $525.00 ____ Industry (non-IEC) and all others $775.00 ____ Academics, think tanks (non-IEC) $775.00 ____ Consumer/advocacy groups (upon NCOIL approval) $375.00 ____ Insurance commissioner or designated insurance no charge department staff person (one) ____ Insurance department (other) $500.00 ____ All other state/federal agencies $500.00 ____ Media no charge ____ Non-legislative spouse/immediate family $75.00 FEE SCHEDULE ONE DAY REGISTRATION: FRI_ ____ Legislator, staff (contributing member state) ____ Legislator, staff (general member state) ____ Industry Education Council (IEC) ____ Industry (non-IEC) and all others ____ Academics, think tanks (non-IEC) ____ Consumer/advocacy groups (upon NCOIL approval) ____ Insurance department (other) ____ All other state/federal agencies SAT_ SUN_ $200.00 $262.50 $275.00 $400.00 $400.00 $200.00 $262.50 $262.50 POST-JANUARY 27: $475.00 $600.00 $625.00 $875.00 $875.00 $475.00 no charge $600.00 $600.00 no charge $75.00 POST-JANUARY 27: $300.00 $362.50 $375.00 $500.00 $500.00 $300.00 $362.50 $362.50 PAYMENT TO NCOIL Date form was submitted _________________ c Registration fee enclosed $____________________ (payable to NCOIL) c Credit Card Payment American Express MasterCard Visa c c c Card # _______________________________ _____________________________________ Exp. Date ___________ Code ___________ Signature _____________________________ CANCELLATION POLICY: FULL REFUND MINUS $75 PROCESSING FEE UP TO JANUARY 30; HALF REFUND UP TO FEBRUARY 6; NO REFUND AFTER FEBRUARY 6. CANCELLATIONS WILL ONLY BE ACCEPTED IN WRITING. You should receive notice from NCOIL confirming your registration within one week of submittal. For Internal Use Only ID# _________________ Reg. # _________________ Processed _____/_____/_____ HOTEL CUT-OFF DATE IS JANUARY 30, 2015 Rooms in the NCOIL room block are limited in number and may sell out prior to this date. If rooms sell out, NCOIL will apprise you of overflow options. HOTEL RESERVATIONS CANNOT BE MADE WITHOUT PAID MEETING REGISTRATION. CHANGES TO ROOM RESERVATIONS AFTER ROOM IS CONFIRMED BY NCOIL MAY RESULT IN PENALTIES. HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS NEEDED? c YES c NO Legislators All Others c $159.00* c $199.00* * Plus taxes and fees currently totaling approximately 13.5% Arrival Date: _____/_____/_____ Departure Date: _____/_____/_____ Room preferences: ______________________________________________ Any changes made within 7 days of arrival will result in a penalty equal to the reduced number of nights. A cancelled reservation will result in a charge of all nights originally booked. All changes must be made through the NCOIL national office. By _______ Conf. date ________ DB c HOTEL PAYMENT All room reservations must be guaranteed by an accepted credit card or accompanied by a check equal to one night’s fee plus tax made payable to the The Mills House Wyndham Grand Hotel. Indicate below method of guarantee: c Check Enclosed (amount: $_________________) Charge to my: c Same Account as Above c MasterCard c Visa c American Express c Discover c Diners Club Card #_______________________________________________ _____________________________ Exp. Date_____________ Signature ____________________________________________ The above signed authorizes the THE MILLS HOUSE WYNDHAM GRAND HOTEL to charge this card for the initial deposit, as well as for cancellations, no-shows & early departures. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ NCOIL • 385 Jordan Road • Troy • NY • 12180 • Tel: 518-687-0178 • Fax: 518-687-0401 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:
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