The Connection Pickens Presbyterian Church February 2015 311 W. Main St. Pickens, SC 29671 (864) 878-9422 [email protected] Beloved Friends, Ash Wednesday, February 18, will be here soon. Your church has planned for a meaningful Lenten experience. An Ash Wednesday Service is planned along with meaningful worship services throughout the season of Lent. We will participate in the Pickens Ministerial Association’s Lenten luncheon series with a worship service and lunch following each Tuesday of Lent. Through the Christian Education Committee, wonderful educational classes are planned on what it means to be a Presbyterian. To many people, the season of Lent is still a little confusing. I think the time of Lent is a wonderful time to reflect on our life with Jesus Christ and how we can become closer to him. To help explain the season of Lent, I have copied below an article entitled The Paschal Mystery which is an excerpt from the Companion to the Book of Common Worship (Geneva Press, 2003 110-111). What we hear during Lent is the power and possibility of the paschal mystery, and that the way of the cross, the way to Easter, is through death. To appropriate the new life that is beyond the power of death means we must die with Christ who was raised for us. To live for Christ, we must die with him. New life requires a daily surrendering of the old life, letting go of the present order, so that we may embrace the new humanity. “I die every day!” asserts Paul (1 Corinthians 15:31). Resurrection necessitates death as a preceding act. The church’s peculiar Lenten claim is that in dying we live, that all who are baptized into Christ are baptized into his death. To be raised with Christ means one must also die with Christ. In order to embrace the resurrection, we must experience the passion of Jesus. The way of the cross, the way to Easter, is through death of the “old self.” In dying, we live. Therefore, at the beginning of Lent, we are reminded that our possessions, our rulers, our empires, our projects, our families and even our lives do not last forever. “You are dust, and to dust you shall return” (Genesis 3:19). The liturgies throughout Lent try to pry loose our fingers, one by one, from presumed securities and plunge us into unknown baptismal waters, waters that turn out to be not only our death tomb but surprisingly our womb of life. Rather than falling back into nothingness, we fall back on everlasting arms. Death? How can we fear what we have already undergone in baptism? It is the power of the resurrection on the horizon ahead that draws us into repentance toward the cross and tomb. Through the intervention of God’s gracious resurrection, lifelong changes in our values and behavior become possible. By turning from the end of the “old self” in us, Lenten repentance makes it possible for us to affirm joyfully, “Death is no more!” and to aim toward the landscape of the new age. Faithfully adhering to the Lenten journey of “prayer, fasting and almsgiving” leads to the destination of Easter. During the final week, Holy Week, we hear the fullness of Christ’s passion, his death, and resurrection. From Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and on to the Triduum (Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday), all of Holy Week focuses on the passion. As his followers, we travel Christ’s path of servanthood through the Lord’s Supper and the suffering of the cross toward the glory of Easter, all of which underscores the inseparable link between the death and resurrection of Jesus. I hope this explanation helps. And I hope you are able to find a way to get closer to God in whatever way will work for you. If you have any questions or would like help finding resources, please contact Jessica Varney or myself. May you have a blessed and enriched Lenten season! Blessings and Peace, Nath 1 Our Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration By Jay Pence Pictures by Rocky Nimmons, Bill Ranson, and Jessica Varney The celebration began as folks gathered in All Saints Hall for fellowship and warm beverages. The Rev. Beverly Kelly offered a prayer before we departed for our walk to the front of the Court House. Participation in the ceremony by persons from our church included, on the program, Zig Boroughs, who led the pledge of allegiance, and Rev. Nath Briley, who offered a prayer. All three speakers presented important messages. Mayor Pro Tem Fletcher Perry recalled his boyhood when he went to the rear entrance of the store to buy a hot dog and when there were separate water fountains in the court house for each race. He is thankful that none of the children seated on the court house steps will ever have those experiences. Sheriff Rick Clark reported statistics on traffic stops that demonstrate that there is no racial profiling. He said that as long as he can speak directly with citizens of Pickens County there will be no incidents like Ferguson and New York City. On January 24, he participated in a community conversation on policing to be held in Liberty. The main speaker was the Rev Artis Bufford, pastor of Easley Union Missionary Baptist Church. Referring to the biblical Joseph, he elaborated on the importance of dreamers, and Bufford urged his listeners not to become comfortable in their “Egypt” but to march on toward the Promised Land. And let us not, like Rip Van Winkle, sleep through major changes taking place in our country. As listeners began their walk to Griffin Ebenezer Baptist Church for light lunch, the choir led in singing “We Shall Overcome.” Lunch provided the opportunity for fellowship and for a service project, stuffing envelopes for a mailing by Family Promise. After lunch several persons went to the homes of recipients of Meals on Wheels to help them with small tasks they could not perform. The Day of Service is a collaborative effort of iHOPE (I Help Out Pickens Everyday) and Meals on Wheels. The next Day of Service will be February 13 (Presidents’ Day). Families, groups and individuals wishing to participate can call 864 868-4897. There will be more information provided at churches and the newspapers. The day of celebration provided fellowship for the two races, recognition of the good relationship we have, and the challenge to continue marching with truly full acceptance of all people. The Connection - page 2 VBS 2015 “In God we live, move, and exist.” Acts 17:28a CEB Coming to PPC June 22-26, 2015! Youth News Our Junior and Senior High Youth will be collecting canned goods and monetary donations on Sunday, February 1st. All donations will be used to feed hungry people in our community. Souper Bowl Sunday is a nationwide event that started with a simple prayer spoken by a seminary intern serving at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC, “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those who are without a bowl of soup to eat.” Remember to bring your donations on the first Sunday in February and take part in this wonderful event led by our Youth. Together we can “tackle hunger!” “Rooted and Reaching” February 22, 2015 The Youth will be leading morning worship at PPC! A special offering will be collected on Youth Sunday which will help our youth afford the cost of attending the summer Montreat conferences. Your generosity is deeply appreciated by our youth. Youth Schedule for February: February 1 – Souper Bowl of Caring and Super Bowl Parties The Jr High Party will be at the home of Jessica and Jonathan Haines The Sr High Party will be at the home of Maria Ferguson Youth will meet at the church at 6:00pm to travel to their parties. Youth will return to the church for parent pick-up following the halftime show. February 8 – Youth Fellowship – Youth Sunday Planning February 15 – Youth Fellowship – Youth Sunday Planning February 22 – Youth Sunday! February 27-28 – Junior High Youth Lock-In Confirmation Schedule: Sundays from 4:30pm – 5:20pm February 1 – “Can We Talk” lesson beginning at 5:00pm instead of 4:30pm to coordinate with the change in time for the Youth Super Bowl Parties February 8 – “There is a Time” Lesson with Mentor February 15 – “Can’t Keep It to Myself” Guest Teacher February 22 – “Nailing it” and “Shaping Up” The Connection - page 3 Ash Wednesday Worship Come worship on Ash Wednesday, February 18, 2015. We will have a meal (soup, salad, sandwich, and dessert) at 6:00pm and worship beginning at 7:00pm. Wonderful Wednesday Lenten Soup Series Wonderful Wednesday will be a Lenten Soup Series this spring. You can come together with your church family in the middle of the week and be fed, body and soul. Join us for a light meal each Wednesday beginning at 6:00pm. We will have delicious suppers with soups, sandwiches, salad, and dessert. The cost for the meal is $6.00 per adult, $4 per child (11 and under), and $20.00 family maximum. In order to be good stewards, we will have reservations for this series. You are encouraged to indicate your attendance using the insert in the worship bulletin. Also, an email will be sent out on Monday mornings. Following the meal, we will have various classes for all ages. Nursery will be led by Ginger Chastain. Children will be led by Holly Harden. A Youth Program will be offered. Please join us for the adult education opportunity focusing on Presbyterian beliefs. Whether you are new to the church or a long time member, we hope you will enjoy hearing from various ministers from across our Presbytery. “What Presbyterians Believe About…” “Election and Predestination” by The Rev. Dr. Allen McSween on February 25th “Creeds and Confessions” by The Rev. Tom Malone on March 4th “Sacraments” by The Rev. Mary Morrison on March 11th “Scripture” by The Rev. Deborah Foster on March 18th “Baptism” by The Rev. Dr. Dennis Tedder on March 25th Pickens Ministerial Association Lenten Series The Pickens Ministerial Association is sponsoring the Community Lenten Luncheon series. Everyone in the community is invited to worship, fellowship, and break bread together. All services are on Tuesday at noon with lunch to follow. February 22 March 3 March 10 March 17 March 24 Pickens View Wesleyan Church Holy Cross Catholic Church Grace United Methodist Church Faith Chapel Lutheran Church Pickens Presbyterian Church April 3 Good Friday Service at the Seventh-day Adventist Church. There will be no lunch served following the Good Friday service. The Connection - page 4 Lenten Sunday School Options During the season of Lent, Lenten studies will be offered during Sunday school. Please take this opportunity during this special season of the church year to come to Sunday school and enjoy studying the Scriptures together. The Ashers Class – taught by Gaye Mouritzen will be studying Jesus’ Final Week from the LifeGuide series. This class meets in the Session Room. A Lenten Study will be led by Larry and Anne Jennings in The Carmical Room. This study was written by Anne’s niece, Columbia Seminary student, Marilyn Tucker, and will invite participants to use the season of Lent as an intentional time to draw closer to God. Over the course of Lent, participants will read the Gospel of John and will explore and discuss several of the spiritual practices, such as “Saying Yes and Saying No”, “Household Economics”, and “Keeping Sabbath” found in the book “Practicing Our Faith” edited by Dorothy C. Bass. It is hoped that the cultivation of such spiritual practices will enrich the lives of participants long after Lent is over. The Fellowship Class – taught by Rev. Nath Briley and Amy Briley will be studying Mosaic: When God Uses All the Pieces. Examine how the God of the universe uses the broken pieces of our lives to reframe our purpose, turning our discarded hopes and dreams into something beautiful and useful—a mosaic in which God uses all of the pieces. The author says, "This journey will take us along the same path Jesus walked in the days surrounding his journey to Jerusalem. We will see the similarities to our own stories as well as the lessons we should pick, like pebbles along the path." This class meets in the Library. The Seekers Class is “bookclubbing” through the Gospel of Mark as well as using excerpts from The End of Mark and the Ends of God. Jo Anne Gessell facilitates the discussions. This class meets in the McJunkin Room. Presbytery Update Friends, In my sermon on January 25, I alluded to the vote of Presbytery at the meeting that afternoon. The Presbytery was to vote to make some changes to our constitution. As many of you may know, the constitution of the PC(USA) consists of the Book of Order and the Book of Confessions. Our Presbytery voted and approved to add a new confession (The Confession of Belhar) to the Book of Confessions. There needs to be a 2/3 vote of all of the presbyteries to add to the Book of Confessions. There were many amendments voted on for our Book of Order. They all passed including the controversial amendment about marriage. The basis of the proposed change is “Marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives.” All amendments need a simple majority of the all of the presbyteries to pass. There is an important fact that has not changed about marriage: All marriages on church property must be approved by session. If you want more information about any issues of the PC(USA), please go to If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me. As always your elders are available for questions and concerns, as well. Blessings and Peace, Nath The Connection - page 5 Children’s Choir The Children’s Choir meets in the Choir Room on Wednesdays at 5:30pm. Donna Simms, June Harden, and Donna Nabors lead the children each week. The Children’s Choir will not be meeting the first Wednesdays of February and March (February 4th and March 4th). Women’s Circle The Eve Circle will meet on Monday, February 2nd at7:00pm at the home of Penny Perkins. Carpoolers please meet at the church to depart at 6:30pm. The Sarah Emily Circle will meet on Tuesday, February 3rd at 9:45am at the church hosted by Jane Townsend and Christa Schwab. Gaye Mouritzen will lead the study. The women of the church enjoy making beautiful, cozy blankets for children in the Family Promise of Pickens County program. If you would like to participate, watch for future “No-Sew Fleece Blanket Work Days” to be announced. Words of Thanks Thank you much for the cards and cookies at Christmas time. Your continued love shows. Mal Newton February Birthdays 2 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 16 Anne Jennings Caleb Briley, Nancy Goldsmith Jayden Harden, Debbie Teeple Caroline Bowen, Thomas Cribbs Ralph Perkins Jonathan Glenn, Maggie Morris Mack Swayngham Thomas Holland Teri Lilland 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 28 Kerry Owen Deborah Hendricks Pamela Marsh, June Simms Will Varney Ken Acker, Kaity Stokes Faye Padgett, Miller Townsend Megan Cole Joe Gessell Ken Roper The Connection - page 6 Our Church Family “I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers.” Ephesians 1:16 Please remember the following in your prayers. Members: Susan Acker Pat Boney Jean Bryson Marian Givens Jeanne Hagood Al and Bonnie Henderson Musette Hoefer Jonathan Holder Donna Nabors Mal Newton Family and Friends of Members: Betty, friend of Roy and Arvilla Stoddard Brenda Fishpaw, aunt of Tina LaFoy Carolyn Webb, mother of Cyndi Banks Chris Ferguson, husband of Maria Ferguson Chrisey Lowe, cousin of Lisa Thomas Eleanor Hawkins, mother of Debbie Teeple Gyneth Tilley, mother of Leo Tilley Inka Josefson, mother of Len Kali Rivers, granddaughter of Patti Rivers Kim, daughter of Patti Rivers Margaret Taylor, cousin of Tina Lafoy Mary Lucas, aunt of Patti Rivers Pat Garrett, brother of Della Black Thomas and Jamey Dodd, in-laws of Cheryl Reece Grieving: The family and friends of Jessie Hampton Holliday The family and friends of Edward W. Kelly, III. The family and Friends of Ann Powers The family and Friends of Ruby Holliday The family and Friends of Lois Griggs Hank Owens Taylor Owens Cheryl Reece Wil and Anna Simmons Lucia Spratt Arvilla Stoddard Mack Swayngham Bill Taylor Kent Townsend In the Armed Forces: Alexander Burgess, Air Force, Zig Borough’s grandson Ryan Buurman, Air Force, Korea, Carol Marsh’s grandson Matthew Engel, Army, USA, Aubrey Righetti’s grandson Jack Folger IV, Army, USA, Fort Riley, Kansas, great nephew of Jay and Dot Pence Pat Hanley, long time recovery from injuries sustained in Iraq, Zig Borough’s grandson’s friend Rebecca Harper, Army, daughter of Richard and Jennie Harper John Hyland, long time recovery from injuries sustained in Iraq, former PPC member Erica Shehan’s husband Michael Maynard, Army, USA, David & Kathy Chamlee’s nephew Zack Shuler, Air Force, in England, Raymond & Margaret Dawkins grandson Victor Wade, Air Force, USA, Al & Bonnie Henderson’s grandson Missionaries and Mission Partners: Peru – David and Marilyn Simmons Michael and Tiffany Simmons Todd, Stephanie, Naia, Anya, & Kaitlin Edgar Ghana - The towns of Donkorkrom and Mpraeso Please call the church office, 864-878-9422, when a concern needs to be added to or taken away from the list. Thank You. The Connection - page 7 Serving One Another Flowers Ushers and Greeters February 1 Mary Sue Day 8 David Chamlee 15 Debbie Teeple 22 Anne Jennings Debbie Carmical and Aubrey Righetti Mary Holland and David Chamlee Beadle February 1 Debbie Hendricks 8 Joe Christopher 15 Grayson Lamb 22 Kay Rentz Toddler and Preschool Church February 1 Carole Thomas 8 Martha Brooks 15 Kristen Blackwood 22 Jennifer Roper Children’s Moment February 1 Rev. Nath Briley 8 Rev. Beverly Kelly 15 Jessica Varney 22 Junior High Youth Pulpit Elder February 1 Jay Pence 8 Aubrey Righetti 15 Larry Jennings 22 Teri Lilland Sunday Morning Refreshments February 1 Kay and Leo Tilley 8 Kathy and David Chamlee 15 Jennifer Harper 22 Dianna Morris Crisis and Celebration Coordinator Tina La Foy Sanctuary Guild Katherine Gitto Communion Set-Up Joe and Faye Padgett Sunday School Superintendent Debbie Carmical Youth Meals: February 1 Super Bowl Parties 8 Kay Rentz 15 Missie Townsend 22 No Youth, Youth Sunday FEBRUARY SUNDAY 1 MONDAY 2 Souper Bowl Sunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship 11:00 AM Worship 5:00 PM Confirmation Class 6:00 PM Youth Super Bowl Parties 11:00 AM Centering Prayer 1:30 PM Ministry for Caregivers 7:00 PM Eve Circle Meeting 8 9 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship 11:00 AM Worship 4:30 PM Confirmation Class 5:30 PM Youth Fellowship 15 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship 11:00 AM Worship 12:30 PM Session Meeting 4:30 PM Confirmation Class 5:30 PM Youth Fellowship 22 Youth Sunday 9:30 AM Sunday School 10:30 AM Fellowship 11:00 AM Worship 4:30 PM Confirmation Class 11:00 AM Centering Prayer 1:30 PM Ministry for Caregivers 16 11:00 AM Centering Prayer 1:30 PM Ministry for Caregivers 23 11:00 AM Centering Prayer 1:30 PM Ministry for Caregivers TUESDAY 3 9:00 AM Jane B Morris Service Fund 9:45 AM Sarah Emily Circle 5:00 PM CDV Class 6:30 PM Christian Education Meeting 10 9:00 AM Jane B Morris Service Fund 5:00 PM CDV Class 6:30 PM Worship Committee 17 9:00 AM Jane B Morris Service Fund 24 9:00 AM Jane B Morris Service Fund WEDNESDAY 4 9:45 AM CDC Children's Chapel 12:00 PM Rotary 7:00 PM Choir Practice 11 9:45 AM CDC Children's Chapel 12:00 PM Rotary 5:15 PM Evangelism and Membership Meeting 5:30 PM Children's Choir 7:00 PM Choir Practice 18 9:45 AM CDC Children's Chapel 12:00 PM Rotary 5:30 PM Children's Choir 7:00 PM ASH Wednesday Service 7:00 PM Choir Practice 25 9:45 AM CDC Children's Chapel 12:00 PM Rotary 5:30 PM Children's Choir 6:00 PM Wonderful Wednesday 7:00 PM Choir Practice THURSDAY 5 10:00 AM Book Club 6:00 PM CDC Training 6:00 PM OD Hendricks High School Reunion Planning 12 10:00 AM Book Club 6:00 PM Beekeepers Association 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meg Cole 6:30 PM Mission and Outreach Meeting 19 10:00 AM Book Club 26 10:00 AM Book Club 6:00 PM Girl Scouts Meg Cole FRIDAY 6 SATURDAY 7 OFFICE CLOSED 13 14 OFFICE CLOSED 8:00 AM Beekeepers Association 20 21 OFFICE CLOSED 27 OFFICE CLOSED 7:00 PM Junior High Lock-In 28 10:00 AM CDC Training Pickens Presbyterian Church 311 West Main Street P.O. Box 834 Pickens, SC 29671 (864) 878-9422 [email protected] Ministers: All Members of the Church • Pastor: Rev. Nath Briley • Parish Associate: Rev. Beverly Kelly • Director of Christian Education and Communications: Jessica Varney • Administrative Assistant: Mackenzie Owens • Choir Director: Ashley Dodgens • Organist: Donna Nabors • The Session: Cyndi Banks, Mary Sue Day, Jessica Haines, Teri Lilland, Richard Harper, Larry Jennings, Len Josefson, Jay Pence, Ralph Perkins, Allison Ranson, Aubrey Righetti, Dennis Schwab, Robert Simms, Kay Tilley, Matthew Varney February 2015 Official Monthly Newsletter of Pickens Presbyterian Church THE CONNECTION Join us on Sundays! Sunday School: 9:30am Worship: 11:00am The Connection is published monthly to inform members and friends about the life of Pickens Presbyterian Church. Please submit newsletter articles by the 20th of each month (email articles to [email protected]). Thank You!
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