THE GRAPEVINE THE NEWSLETTER OF OUR SAVIOUR LUTHERAN CHURCH A Message from the Pastor FEBRUARY 2015 In This Issue Grace and Peace to you from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ. Birthdays/Anniversaries….10 Commemoration Profiles ….6 Council Notes/ Finance/ Attendance ..………….4 On January 25th, we began the push to pay off our building loan. We included an informational brochure in that meeting. Here are the contents of that brochure. Questions & Answers about the plan to pay off our building debt. Ministries ……………………….3 News …………………….........2,9 OSLC-WELCA………………….5 Over 6 years ago, our debt was over $300 K. We have made significant progress over the past years. This brochure answers questions regarding the plan to retire this mortgage in one last push. Photos ….………………….......11 Prayer Requests...…………..10 Thank You …………………..….8 Why now? The current mortgage will end its generous interest rate in November of 2015 and will need to be renegotiated. Even if we could secure a decent rate for whatever remains, we would still be looking at fees and the work of securing a new loan. Several members of the congregation have expressed the desire to make a push to pay off the loan. It is doable. Even at current giving levels, any mortgage would be paid in full by late 2016. It is an obstruction to other ministries. We have examined potential ministries for this congregation. Resistance to new ideas often prudently looks to existing debt as a reason not to move forward. The Grapevine is a monthly newsletter published by the staff & members of Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1500 Sunset Blvd West Columbia, SC 29169 Phone: 803.794.8180 E-mail: [email protected] Website: The Rev. Lance Henderson—Pastor Brent Holcomb—Organist/Choirmaster Meredith Jones—Handbell Director cont’d on page 2 —> CAMERON CIRCLE Cameron circle has changed our meeting time to the 2nd Monday of each month at 10:00 am at the church. Our first meeting at this new time is on February 9 at 10:00 am in the fellowship hall. We invite all ladies of the congregation who prefer a morning meeting to join us at that time. You will certainly be welcome! RAZBERRIES Join Us For a Special Razberries Valentine Celebration Dinner On Friday, February 13, 2015 at 7:00 PM DeLucca's Italian Grill 1720 Sunset Blvd., West Columbia, SC We've made arrangements with Chef/Owner Michael Hicks to accommodate our group in tables of 4/6 for a special Valentines Celebration. In addition to their alreadystunning menu items and WORLD-CLASS pizzas, Chef Mike will be delighted to offer a number of "Valentine's Day Weekend Food & Wine Specials"! After dinner, join us for the perfect ending to a perfect meal at Dan & Pam's home at 105 Woodcock Trail (Quail Hollow), West Columbia 29169, featuring dessert, coffees and cordials. Plan to make this the BEST Friday the 13th ever with your Razberry friends in celebration of the "Holiday of Love"! IMPORTANT!! We need to let Chef Mike know how many of us to set up for, so PLEASE... R.S.V.P. no later than Tuesday, February 10 to Pam Hanfland at [email protected]. LOVE to see you there! Dan & Pam Hanfland 2 Pastor’s Message (cont’d) What is the current situation? Remaining debt ……….... ~$78,000 Building fund balance…..~$22,000 Current due monthly.…...~$ 2,300 Average payments…..…...~$ 5,000 Past 24 months, excluding months with large gifts. Minimum payment ………$ 4,700 Past 24 months, months falling short of $4700 have been supplemented by the building fund. At current average payment rates, minus the balance of the building fund, the mortgage to be renegotiated in November would be ~$11,000. At minimum payment rates, minus the balance of the building fund, the mortgage to be renegotiate in November would be ~$13,700. What is the plan? The plan is to ask you—the congregation—to increase your giving so that we may achieve an average monthly payment of $6700/month. This would allow us at the end of October (or before if giving exceeds $6700/month) to remove all funds from the building fund and pay off the mortgage. Many council members have been approached by giving members to be assured that giving to the building fund is and will be used to pay off the mortgage. It is. No money in the building fund now will be held back until we pay off our debt. Once the building is paid in full, giving may be directed to a new fund—the Building Maintenance & Property Improvement Fund. cont’d on page 3—> Pastor’s Message (cont’d) FEBRUARY MINISTRIES What can I do? If you were planning to make a gift to the building fund as we were coming close to pay-off, now is the time. If you can, increase your monthly giving to the building fund without decreasing monthly giving to the general fund. Consider giving earlier this year the money you may have planned to give in November and December. Offer memorials or honoraria to the building fund. Write a testimonial note for The Grapevine recalling the importance our fellowship hall has been to this congregation and urging them to give generously. Pray. Paul writes that we all have gifts. If you cannot financially support this effort, do not feel guilty. That is God’s call to you to support this congregation and this effort through prayer. Have discussions with fellow church members and leadership regarding this plan. Spread enthusiasm. Stay informed. Many times our anxiety over an issue is simply because there is a misunderstanding. Peace in Christ, Pastor Lance FLOWERS Feb. 1 8 15 22 Available Gail Marcum Ben & Judy Lemons David & Linda Griffith WORSHIP ASSISTANTS Feb. 1 Bill Hill 8 Howard Hughes 15 David Griffith 22 Loleta Keitt Feb. 1 8 15 22 GREETERS DeLeon & Jane Wallace Gail Marcum Albert & Sue Drafts Robin & Henry Henderson NURSERY KEEPERS Doris Wessinger Sue Drafts Kay Black Anna Diggins LAY READERS CHAT & SNACK Linda Hill Howard Hughes Ruth Nicholson Bill Hill Caroline Raszewski Lance & Robin Henderson Barney & Loleta Keitt Wayne & Marie Lybrand FEBRUARY MARCH USHERS Floyd Hanna, Chief Gary Black Mark Satterwhite Howard Hughes, Chief Jim Garner Barney Keitt NURSERY MONITOR Isma Boland Kay Black ALTAR GUILD Jane Wallace & Kay Black Donna Stone & Anna Diggins ACOLYTE Chris Boland Anna Diggins CRUCIFER Beth Boland Charles Nicholson OFFERING PICKUP Floyd Hanna Judy Lemons TELLERS Horace Meetze & Doris Wessinger PROPERTY COMMITTEE Floyd Hanna Ben & Judy Lemons Heyward Wessinger 3 COUNCIL HIGHLIGHTS STEWARDSHIP & FINANCE REPORTS Marie Lybrand, Council Secretary January 2015 The 2015 Directory has been completed as well as the revised Constitution. Copies are available in the Cameron Bldg. hallway. Pam Hanfland and the Communications Committee were thanked for the many hours of time and work needed and given to complete these projects. The following motion was agreed to as the plan to pay off our mortgage: “…when the amount remaining on the debt and the amount remaining in the building fund are equal, then the mortgage will be paid off. At that point, the fund will be renamed the Building Maintenance and Property Improvement Fund.” Lenten Service offerings will be sent to God’s Helping Hands and the Pastor’s discretionary fund. Pastor Lance presented a very informative planning session on our church in the past, present, and where we want to be in the future. What is God saying? What are we as a congregation going to do? The Gospel should be the #1 priority. AVERAGE ATTENDANCE From January 4 through January 25 Sunday School—35 Sunday Worship—88 ATTENDANCE NOTE Make a Lenten discipline to be more diligent in your attendance to worship. 4 David Griffith, Chairperson No Report Submitted LENTEN WORSHIP SCHEDULE 2/17 Shrove Tuesday, 6:00 pm 2/18 Ash Wednesday Service, 7:30 am Ash Wednesday Service, 7:00 pm 2/22 1st Sunday in Lent Worship, 10:30 am 2/25 Lenten Supper, 5:30 pm Lenten Vespers, 6:30 pm 3/1 2nd Sunday in Lent Worship, 10:30 am 3/4 Lenten Supper, 5:30 pm Lenten Vespers, 6:30 pm 3/8 3rd Sunday in Lent Worship, 10:30 am 3/11 Lenten Supper, 5:30 pm Lenten Vespers, 6:30 pm 3/15 4th Sunday in Lent Worship, 10:30 am 3/18 Lenten Supper, 5:30 pm Lenten Vespers, 6:30 pm 3/22 5th Sunday in Lent Worship, 10:30 am 3/25 Lenten Supper, 5:30 pm Lenten Vespers, 6:30 pm 3/29 Palm/Passion Worship, 10:30 am 4/2 Maundy Thursday Service, 7:00 pm 4/3 Good Friday Service, 7:00 pm 4/5 Flowering of the Cross, 9:30 am Easter Sunday Worship, 10:00 am DATES TO REMEMBER: March 6, 2015 – World Day of Prayer March 15, 2015 - 3 PM – Spring 2015 Saxe Gotha Conference Meeting – Faith Lutheran Church March – OSLC-Lutheran Auxiliary Sunday Seminary President—Pam Hanfland Vice President—Barbara Hunter Secretary—Helen Puckhaber Treasurer—Ann Satterwhite April 9, 2015 - 6 PM - Joint WELCA Meeting Devotional/Prayer - Cameron Refreshments - Rebekah Circles Cameron April 24-26, 2015- 2015 OSLC-WELCA Retreat at Lutheridge Lydia Rebekah second Monday morning Elizabeth Shealy & Isma Boland second Monday evening Caroline Raszewski third Monday evening Linda Hill & Jane Wallace 2015 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Action—Cameron (Nursery, OSLC Project, 2015 OSLC-WELCA Retreat) Community—Rebekah (Local Project, Easter Egg Hospitality, Entertainment Serve Hunt, April OSLC-Newberry College Women’s League Sunday June 12-13, 2015 - SC Women of the ELCA Convention at St. Stephens Lutheran Church in Lexington September 20, 2015 - 3 PM Fall 2015 Saxe Gotha Conference Meeting October 8, 2015 - 6 PM - Joint WELCA Meeting Devotional/Prayer - Lydia Refreshments – Cameron Growth—Lydia (2016 OSLC-WELCA Retreat, Women of the ELCA Sunday, Spiritual Gifts, Seminary Auxiliary Sunday, Newberry College W omen’s League December 3, 2015 - 6 PM - Executive Meeting Opening Prayer: Barbara Hunter 2015 OSLC-WELCA RETREAT AT LUTHERIDGE SC WELCA WEBSITE Final Payment of $50.00 due February 1, 2015 (Total $150). Please make your check payable to OSLC WELCA, mark "2015 Retreat" on the memo line and give to Doris Wessinger. SC WELCA has a new website. Check it out for the latest SC WELCA information at http:// 5 COMMEMORATION PROFILES February 18 Martin Luther, renewer of the church (1483 -1546) Ruth Nicholson The Lutheran Church, as part of its worship, celebrates the lives of notable Christians of the past. Our hymnal provides a calendar (pp. 15–17) for us to follow which recognizes these individuals on the anniversary of their deaths. February 3 Ansgar, Bishop of Hamburg, missionary to Denmark and Sweden (801-865) Ansgar was born near Amiens, France. After his mother’s early death, he was sent to join a monastery. In his subsequent life as a monk, Ansgar became the first Christian missionary to Scandinavia. His appointment as an archbishop gave him much-needed funding and a base of operations for his difficult work. Just before his death, Ansgar asked his friends not to abandon the mission to Nordic countries, but two centuries passed before Christianity was able to gain ground there. Today’s Swedish Lutherans, in particular, hold Ansgar in high regard. February 5 The Martyrs of Japan (died 1597) Catholic, Episcopal, and Lutheran churches have chosen to remember, each February 5, the crucifixion of twenty-six Christians in Nagasaki, Japan. These sixteenth-century men of faith were six Franciscan missionaries sent from Europe, a Japanese Jesuit priest, a Korean layman, fifteen Japanese laymen and three young boys. Despite the virtual banishment of Christianity from Japan by 1630, missionaries who entered the country in the mid-1800’s found a community of Christians there that had survived by hiding its faith and worship. 6 Founder of the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther formulated a new understanding of humanity’s relationship with God. He recognized Jesus as the only mediator between mankind and God; he identified grace as the key element in forgiveness and salvation; and for him, word and sacrament were the key elements of worship. Luther’s translation of the Bible from churchly Latin into everyday German was a tremendous gift to Christianity and culture in Germany. His catechisms, tracts, letters, sermons and hymns remain powerful sources of education and inspiration for Christians around the world today. ELCA PRESS RELEASES The ELCA issues several news releases every month. Below is a partial listing of the releases issued during the last month. The full story may be read at No web access? Contact the church office if a story interests you. 01/13 ELCA provides assistance for unaccompanied minors 01/20 ELCA response to Ebola outbreak totals $275,000 01/27 ELCA presiding bishop visits companion church in the Holy Land . GRAPEVINE QUIZ Answers on page 10 Lots of talk about buildings this month at OSLC. Let’s have a bible quiz on buildings! 1. Why did the people begin to build the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11? A. B. C. D. To make a name for themselves To reach the heavens To be closer to God To keep a look out for bad guys 5. Revelation 21 says the city of God is laid upon the 12 foundations. Why twelve? A. One for each of the tribes of Israel B. One for each of the twelve apostles C. One for each of the days of Christmas D. Foundations come cheaper by the dozen BONUS: Fundraising practices for the building of St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome led to raise the ire of what German monk? 2. In 2 Samuel 7, David decides to build a house (temple) for the Ark of the Covenant. What is God’s response? A. Have I ever asked you to build me a house? B. I will build YOU a house, David C. Both A & B D. Awesome! New crib for the Lord! 3. Jesus tells a parable in Luke 14 about a man who sets out to build a tower, but only gets as far as the foundation. Why? A. The man would not ask neighbors to help B. The man built the foundation on sand C. The man failed to estimate the cost D. The big bad wolf came by and blew it over 4. In Luke 13, Jesus refers to a current event of the day where 18 people died. What was that event? A. The collapse of the Tower of Siloam B. The building of Herod’s watchtower C. The foundation of Pilate’s Palace being laid D. A drunk drove his oxcart in to a Jerusalem café OSLC-WELCA RECEIVED ACTION TEAM MONEY The 2015 WELCA Local Service Project sponsored by Rebekah Circle is ready to get cooking. We received ‘jumpstart’ funds from Thrivent’s Action Team Program of $250 and with the help of volunteers, we plan to purchase, prepare, freeze and deliver meals to chronically ill and sick in need of assistance in our church and community. A notice as to when this volunteer group (open to all) will meet and prepare meals will be in the Grapevine and Bulletin. If you are unable to volunteer your time and service, but want to participate financially, contact Linda Hill. A means for direct donations has not been established yet since this is a new project. OSLC CONSTITUTION, POLICIES AND PROCEDURES & 2015 DIRECTORY AND MINISTRY BOOKLETS These booklets are available to members of the congregation and may be picked up in the Cameron Hallway. 7 Thank you for the fruit basket that Albert and Sue brought me from the church at Christmas. I enjoyed their visit and, of course, Sandy and I loved the fruit. I have missed my church and family and hope to be back soon. Please continue to keep me in our prayers. Chris Keitt We were touched by your thoughtfulness. Your kindness lifted us. By your goodness we were renewed. We thank you for your many acts of love you gave us following the death of Aunt Francis. Together in Christ, Chris, Loleta & Traywick Dear Friends, Please know how much Sistercare appreciates your generous contribution of $500 in support of our work. This thoughtful gift will help Sistercare address the needs of battered women and their children who seek shelter and services to escape the abuse in their lives. Your ongoing support places us in a better position to counteract the effect of domestic vi9olence on victims’ lives and beak the cycle of family violence. Thank you for your ongoing support of Sistercare and concern for battered women and their children in our community. We greatly appreciate your loyal support. Sincerely, Nancy Barton Executive Director Dear WELCA Hospitality Committee, Thank you so very much for providing dinner for our family this week! With the twins’ arrival, it’s been quite busy around here! The meal was very good and very helpful! See you all very soon! Amy, Trey, Camden & Gray GOD’S HELPING HANDS UPDATE – JANUARY 2015 Special thanks to members of Our Saviour Lutheran Church for their generous donations to Project Share (heat assistance). Our congregation donated $1,725.00, and we were the second highest donor among the churches who participate in the program! Donations over the holiday season have filled up their food bank and, at least for now, food items do not need to be donated. Assistance with toilet items would be appreciated to include: Toothpaste (not tooth brushes due to a dentist’s donation) Shampoo Deodorant Kleenex (any size) Combs/Bushes Razor Blades Please see Ann Moye, our star volunteer, if you have questions about ongoing needs. She works at the center on Wednesdays, and she will always be up to date on specific items. She would also be happy to provide a tour of the facility to anyone from Our Saviour who would like to visit. The center is open from 9:00 to 12:00. Thank you again for your generous donations! Virginia Morris 8 MORE OSLC NEWS & NOTES AUTOMATED EXERNAL DEFIBRILLATOR The AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is here! We need volunteers who are willing to be trained and certified in CPR and use of the AED. We are also looking for a health care professional (or professionals) willing to serve as our AED liaison. If you are willing to serve in either capacity, please notify the church office. We will set up a training session asap. ELDERBERRIES The Elderberries have planned a trip to the Newberry Opera House on Thursday, February 24 for an 8 PM performance by the "Women of Ireland." Group ticket price is $31 per person which includes a dollar facility fee. We must have at least 15 for this price. In order to get our tickets together, we need to place our order by February 2nd. ABOUT THE PRODUCTION: 'Women of Ireland' is an innovative and exciting full stage concert production, which showcases the next generation of Ireland's leading female performers. The show demonstrates the well of talent that exists within Ireland's traditions of music, song and dance. The common theme inherent in all performances is the presentation of the most revered qualities of Ireland's ethnic music. Special significance is placed on depicting the pure qualities of Irish music in a contemporary setting. Experience the talents of some of Ireland's finest female performers....the 'Women of Ireland'. Sponsored by The Dufford Institute for Cultural Diversity. Please make checks payable to Newberry Opera House and give to Jane Wallace. Plans are to carpool. VALENTINE GIFTS – SOCIAL MINISTRY Valentine’s Day is sneaking up on us! Since the 14th is a Saturday, we hope to have the bags out by Sunday the 1st, so that we have two Sundays before Valentine’s Day to add our goodies. The following members are on our list to remember: FAITH AND ILMARS BIRZNIEKS GREG CHAPMAN KATIE DOBLE RAYMOND EARGLE MARGARET FORD CLARA GREGORY CHRIS KEITT EVELYN LYBRAND JANIE MCRAE PEARL RICHARDSON WILLETTE & JOHN SATTERWHITE MARIE SHEALY VERA SUMMER MAE WICKER If there is anyone else you would like to add to the list, please contact me as soon as possible! Thank you, once again, for your generosity. HEALTHY SNACKS We continue to support SRAA's Healthy Snack in Pack Program. This program provides weekend snacks put in backpacks for needy children such as individually packed fruit cups, dried fruit, jello, crackers, Granola bars, and juice boxes. Snacks are collected on the first Sunday of each month at Our Saviour as part of our Community Outreach. A box will be in the Narthex on that Sunday; if you bring them at another time during the month the box is kept in the handbell room against the wall. Just place your items in there and they will be taken the next month. Thank you for your support. 9 PRAYER REQUESTS Those listed below have special prayers needs at this time. We keep the entire congregation in our prayers at all times, but sometimes special prayers are needed. If your name is on the list or you have added someone’s name and they no longer need to be on the list, please contact the church secretary so the name cam be removed. Ilmars & Faith Birznieks Robin Blocker Chris Boland Wally Core (friend of Howard Hughes) Randall Culp (brother-in-law of Don Horton) Katie Doble Raymond Eargle Margaret Ford (Oakleaf Village, Apt. 335) Mickey Golden (cousin of Linda Yonce) Clara Gregory (Harbor Chase, #203) Kelly Hallman (friend of Steven & Kathy Hutto) Louvenia Hendrix (sister of Jane Wallace) Brian Herring Patsy Horton Chris Keitt Evelyn Lybrand (Presbyterian Communities, Room 217) Savannah McRae The family of Bunny Richardson (friend of the Hughes and Tisdale families) Pearl Richardson (The Heritage at Lowman) Janice Satterfield (friend of the Hughes family) Marie Shealy (Morningside Ret Ctr Apt 131) Paul Shealy (friend of the Hughes family) Vera Summer (Oakleaf Village, Room 214) Shane Thackston FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Troy Norris Merebeth Adams Robin Henderson Brantlee McRae Jack Hopkins Judy Lemons Sadie Gregory Ashley Meetze Betty Meetze Karen Dawkins Willette Satterwhite Bryson Raszewski Don Horton 02/02 02/04 02/05 02/07 02/08 02/08 02/13 02/13 02/13 02/14 02/17 02/20 02/27 GRAPEVINE ARTICLES If you have articles, reports and/or pictures that you or your group would like printed in the March Grapevine, please send them to the Church Office on or before Friday February 20th. Please Note: if there are any errors or omissions in birthdays or anniversaries, notify the church office. We want to make sure our records are correct. Answers: 1. A. To make a name for themselves; 2. C. Both A & B 3. C. The man failed to estimate the cost; 4. A. The collapse of the Tower of Siloam; 5. B. One for each of the twelve apostles; BONUS Martin Luther, of course! 10 Elderberries attended the Palmetto Senior Show on January 15th. After the show they enjoyed lunch at DOC’S BBQ. Preparing for Souper Bowl. 11 Our Saviour Lutheran Church 1500 Sunset Blvd. West Columbia, SC 29169 x Address Service Requested NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE P-A-I-D COLUMBIA, SC 29292 PERMIT NO. 160 living in the light of our Saviour x MINISTRY IN THE LIGHT It’s that time of year! We hear that there is a football game being played on February 1st, but we also know that around OSLC, Super Bowl Sunday is Souper Bowl Sunday. The youth have made Beef Vegetable, our famous Chicken Noodle and New England style Clam Chowder. All proceed will go to God’s Helping Hands. Quarts…..$8 Pints…….$4 On sale after Church in the fellowship hall. 12 x Many thanks to Thrivent for matching funds and defraying costs!
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