Royal Canadian Legion Cobourg Branch # 133 Missile February 2015 Location: 136 Orr Street Cobourg, Ont. K9A 2S1 Office: 905-372-2231 Clubroom: 905-372-1996 Fax: 905-372-3987 Email: [email protected] Missile February 2015 Club Room Sunday 1:00 PM-6:00 PM Monday-Thursday 11:00 AM-10:00 PM Friday: 11:00 AM-Midnight (12:00 AM) Saturday: 11:00 AM-11:00 PM 2 CONTENTS Cobourg Branch # 133 Officers, Executive & Committee Legion Branch #133 Ladies Auxiliary Officers, Executives & Committee 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing Executive & Directors ………...…….…………….. Over 55 Club ………...…………………………………….. Reports President’s Report ………………………………………... 1st Vice President Report……………………………… 2nd Vice President Report…………………………….. 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing AFAC Report…….…… Cobourg Legion Pipe & Drums Report…………… Dominion Command……………………………………. Ladies Auxiliary Presidents Report………………… Membership Report.……………………………………. Over 55 Club Report…………………………………….. Poppy Report………………………………………………. Sick and Visiting Report……………………………….. Sgt.-At-Arms……………………………………………….. Sports…………………………………………………………. Veterans Service Report Officer ……………………. Views Missile Editor………………………. Announcements Events /Entertainment/Notices Ways & Means ... …………………………………………. Calendars Club Room & Upstairs Event………………………. Advertising…………………………………………….. Missile February 2015 Page 3 Page 4 Page 14 Page 13 Page 5 Page 6 N/A N/A Page 15 & 16 Page 7 9 & 10 Page 6 N/A N/A Page 11 N/A N/A Page 8 Page 15 Page 8, 9, 10, 12, 13,15 Page 9, 13 Page 16 Page 11, 12, 13, 18 3 Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Branch Officers President Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 [email protected] Past President Jaye Bevan 905-372-5202 [email protected] 1st Vice-President Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 [email protected] 2nd Vice-President Iris Milne 905-377-1527 [email protected] Secretary Aldene Cooper 905-885-8202 [email protected] Treasurer Annette Ashfield 905-373-0879 [email protected] Sgt.-At-Arms Bob Robinson 905-372-3896 [email protected] Membership Chair Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 [email protected] Poppy Chair Iris Milne 905-377-1527 [email protected] Canteen # 1 & 2 Chair Shelly Thompson 905-372-6554 [email protected] Veterans Service Officer John Aitken 905-377-1527 [email protected] TOD Resolutions & Regulations Donald Ramsay 905-885-4442 [email protected] Band Liaison Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 [email protected] Nevada Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 [email protected] Honour & Awards Lorie Beal 705-939-1805 [email protected] Youth Education Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 [email protected] Entertainment Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 [email protected] Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 [email protected] Legion Property Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 [email protected] Ways & Means Robert Robinson 905-372-3896 [email protected] Sport Officers Lauri Gourd 905-269-7260 [email protected] Josephine Upton 289-251-3478 [email protected] Track & Field Gordon Hunter 905-372-1270 [email protected] Charitable Foundation & Bursary Annette Ashfield 905-373-0879 [email protected] Sick & Visiting Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 [email protected] Funerals & Flowers Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 [email protected] Pipe Band Liason Donald Ashfield 905-373-0879 [email protected] Missile Editor Normalee Teskey 905-342-3372 [email protected] Web Master Gerry Freyman 905-349-3588 [email protected] Branch Executive P.R.O. Committees Missile February 2015 4 Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Ladies Auxiliary Officers & Executive 2014 Officers President Valerie Davies 905-373-1076 [email protected] Past President Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 1st Vice-President Linda Bevan 905-372-7197 2nd Vice-President Judy Elliot 905-372-9666 Recording Secretary Lori Beal 705-939-1805 Correspondence Secretary Meghan Duncan 905-376-1457 Treasurer Jennifer Brooks 905-373-1602 Sgt.-At-Arms Aldene Cooper 905-885-8202 Sports Officer Audrey Strang 905-372-2615 Social Convenor Susan Poelstra 905-342-2087 Carol Davies 905-372-6005 Janice Chesterton 613-966-6037 Carol MacAusland 905-373-1184 Judy Elliot 905-372-9666 Susan Herbert 905-885-7761 Linda Bevan 905-372-7197 Birthdays & Anniversaries Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 Sick & Visiting Judy Elliott 905-372-9666 Entertainment Yolande McKinnon 905-373-4336 Funeral Receptions Jean Barton 905-372-4052 Funerals Cash Richardson 905-372-5624 Golden Plough Sharon Martorino 905-372-5569 Set-ups Kitty Lipa 905-377-1910 Betty Poelstra 905-372-9746 [email protected] Executive Committees [email protected] Cook Cobourg Legion Branch # 133 Hall Rentals and Catering Rent the hall for Receptions, Weddings & Private functions. The hall is air conditioned and wheelchair accessible. Hall Rental Contact: Shelly Thompson 905-372-6554 or email: [email protected] Moonshot Euchre Second (2nd) and Fourth (4th) Thursday of Each Month Missile February 2015 5 PRESIDENT'S REPORT January was a cold and busy month, many days I wished that I could have stayed inside, curled up with a good book and a glass of wine. We had two birthday parties in the Lounge in January, Peggy Galbraith and John Rollings, celebrating that big milestone of 90. All the very best to you both. Mark your calendars for these upcoming events - Super Bowl Feb. 1st looking forward to some of Bob's Great Wings. Ladies Auxiliary Lunches will be February 6th and 20th. We are going to try something different for our Valentines Dance, Yolande has booked a Band "Cowboys Don't Cry" so we will hold the dance in the Auditorium and it will be Open to the Public, so come out bring your friends and neighbours. February 15th is the 50th Birthday of the Canadian Flag, so we will have entertainment by Bill Dickenson in the Lounge with snacks and birthday cake from 1 - 5 pm and upstairs at 5:30 pm is the Ladies Auxiliary Roast Beef Dinner. Ladies Night will be February 17th and tickets are at the Bar for $6.ea.General Meeting Feb.19th at 7:30 pm. I would like to thank those members that stepped up to the plate at January's General Meeting, we were short a few officers for various reasons, but all went well. We had eleven new members initiated in January, I would like to welcome them and hope they enjoy being a member of branch 133. I still have a few tickets left for the Murder Mystery Dinner on March 14th for those that have already booked their table please make sure that you pay & pick up your tickets before 7 pm on the 20th February. Any member that would like to donate an item for the silent auction can call me at 289-251-3478. There is a painting set up in the club room that was donated by member Sam Warnock, we are already taking bids and will finish it at the Dinner. I will be on vacation from February 24th until March 6th heading to Myrtle Beach, even though I don't play golf anymore I'm sure I can handle a couple of rounds of Mini Golf, looking forward to some rest and relaxation. Take Care of Yourself and your family, Respectfully Submitted Josephine -.................................................................................................................................................................... Missile February 2015 6 THE MISSILE FEBRUARY 2015 MEMBERSHIP REPORT Well by the 1st February we will have reached the cut off date where you can call yourself an up to date member. If you were a member in 2014 and you have not paid your dues for 2015, then you will have to sign in as a guest and you will not be able to purchase liquor. On 1st February, the bar staff will be asking all members attending the bar to produce their membership card in order to make a purchase. If you are known to have been a member the year previous you will be denied purchase. I am aware that approximately two hundred members have not as yet renewed their membership. Command will be cancelling your subscription to the Legion Magazine and it will not be delivered until your membership is paid. Please remember on 1st February, dues will increase to $60.00 for all late paying members. For all members waiting for membership cards, Command is running about two months behind at the present time and I can only forward cards once I receive them so please be patient. 1st VICE PRESIDENTS REPORT I have not been particularly busy this past month. The roof at 173 Hibernia needs to be fixed, high winds having caused a small amount of damage to the roof and shingles. Hopefully by the time you read this report repairs will have been completed. I did attend Comrade Bill Smiths Celebration of Life at the Legion and this was very well attended by a large number of comrades. Don Ashfield 1st Vice President/Membership Chairman. "When you die, it does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live, and in the manner in which you live." ~ Stuart Scott (ESPN Anchor who died at the age of 49 Jan’ 2015) Missile February 2015 Did You Know “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling" was the most played song on American radio during the 20th century. It was played over 8 million times! 7 The Royal Canadian Legion Dominion Command Message Page 2 of 2 cont’d Missile February 2015 8 Veterans Service Officer’s Report As of 1st of June , 2015, I will no longer be the Veterans Service Officer for Branch 133. After over 6 years of serving veterans, their wives, widows and families, I have decided to pass on the torch to some one new. This person does not need to be a veteran but because that person will be signing cheques and in some cases, accessing confidential financial information on clients, this person will have a mandatory Police Check (mandated by Ontario Command) paid for by the Branch. They must also be able to speak in a knowledgeable manner with people from the VA and Ontario Command. I have given 6 months notice so that if some one wishes to volunteer, there will be lots of time to train and mentor the new Service Officer. This position is an appointed position and NOT ELECTED. Please contact me or the Branch if you wish to volunteer. I would like to say that it HAS BEEN AN HONOUR to serve the veterans, wives, and widows from inside and outside this area. I think it is time to look at other interests within the Legion. Respectfully, John Aitken Br.133 Veterans Service Officer Zone F2 Veterans Service Officer Veteran’s Service Officer Wanted Paperback The Legion Library is running short of paperback books. Donations of paperbacks in good condition are gladly accepted. Please leave donations on the bookshelf located near the Main Bar. For information or assistance with the Department of Veterans Affairs in regard to entitlement to any disability Pension, Pension applications, Re-assessment, VIP Services, Survivor Benefits please contact me. John Aitken-Branch 133 Service Officer Notice submitted by Don Ashfield. Missile February 2015 905-377-1527 or email @ [email protected] 9 Ladies Auxiliary February Report Dear Comrades Our next roast beef dinner is February 15th, at 5:30, please plan to attend. Our Friday lunches are doing well and the next one is February 6th and February 19th between 11:30 until 1:30pm at the price of $6.00. Please plan to attend. February convener is Judy Elliot, 905-372-9666 and her helpers are Bernice Basinger, Dorothy Bishop, Marg Campbell, Terri Clark, Val Davies, Judy Hall, Linda Hess, Hope Kirksey, Kitty Lipa, Caroline Murphy, Betty Poelstra, Theresa Rees, Jackie Spicer & Joanna Winters. Our condolences go out to those who may have lost a love one. Yours in Comradeship Valerie Davies Ways & Means February 1 Super Bowl Event In Appreciation Submitted by Tracy Farrell C ommunity Living-West N orthumberland Euchre 1:00 PM Plays Starts @ 2:00 PM & Bob’s Special Wings February 28 Fish & Chips Dinner @ 5:30 PM (1 piece fish, fries, coleslaw, roll & light dessert) $12.00 Live entertainment Dance 7-11 PM Missile February 2015 10 Missile February 2015 11 Sick and Visiting February Report Slim Davis has moved to the Golden Plough. Gord Dingwall is now in room 25A. Bob Robison was a patient at NHH is now home on the mend. Jack Wilcox & Jim Butchard have been back as patients in NHH but are now back at home John Harper has been transferred to Peterborough hospital from NHH. Our thoughts & prayers to all those comrades that have lost a loved one. Yours in Comradeship Judy Email:[email protected] Home: 905-372-9666 or Cell:905-269-6057 Toronto Banking Smile for the Day You gotta love those Newfies (read to the end) A gentleman originally from Newfoundland walked into a Toronto bank and asked for the Loans Officer. He told the Loans Officer that he was going to Newfoundland on business for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000. However, as he was not a depositor of the bank, the Bank Officer told him the bank would require some form of security for the loan. So the Newfie handed over the keys to a new Ferrari. The car was parked on the street in front of the bank. The Newfie produced the title and everything checked out. The Loans Officer agreed to hold the car as collateral for the loan and apologized for having to charge 12% interest. Later, the Bank's President and Officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the Newfie for using a $250,000 Ferrari as collateral for a $5,000 loan. An employee of the Bank then drove the Ferrari into the Bank's underground garage and parked it. Two weeks later, the Newfie returned, repaid the $5,000 and the interest of $23.07. The Loan Officer said, "Sir, we are very happy to have had your business and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a multimillionaire. What puzzles us is, why would you bother to borrow $5,000?" The Newfie replied: "Where else in Toronto can I park my car for two weeks for only $23.07 and expect it to be there when I return?" Ah, Newfies...... See! Salt Beef is good for the brain. "There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them." ~Denis Waitley Missile February 2015 12 Entertainment News!! ENTERTAINMENT NEWS!! One more time… Ladies, your response has again been excellent for the trip to Gananoque on April 18 and 19. There is room for one more foursome on the bus, so please call right away to reserve your seat. Remember we are leaving the Legion parking lot in Cobourg at 8 a.m. (Port Hope travelers will be picked up at the Metro lot at 7.45!!) returning Sunday approx. 6 p.m. Your final payments will be due by the April General Meeting. Good news is to bring your bathing suits, yes, there is a pool at the hotel! Yolande McKinnon, Ladies Auxiliary Entertainment 905-373-4336 The updated Branch lineup for entertainment this year is as follows. Mark your calendars – tell your friends, bring a group with you to enjoy the festivities!!! February 14 – Upstairs – Cowboys Don’t Cry – 8 – 12 p.m. Donation at the Door February 15 – Clubroom – Bill Dickinson – 1-5 p.m. before the Roast Beef Dinner February 28 – Upstairs - Fish & Chip Dinner 5.30 – Dance to Sounds of Time 7-11 pm March 15 – Clubroom – St. Patrick’s Day Party with Bob & Lee – 1-5 p.m. before the roast beef dinner April 19 – Clubroom – Karaoke – Rita & John Harpell – 1-5 p.m. before the roast beef dinner. May 9 – Clubroom – Nelson Denis DJ 8 – 12 p.m. You have been missing some great entertainment This is for you – the members – please participate!!! Yolande McKinnon - Entertainment Don't throw those potato peels out- they're the healthiest part! They're loaded with fibre, iron, B vitamins and potassium. Instead, toss them in olive oil, sprinkle them with Parmesan cheese and fresh chives, then roast them until they're crisp Missile February 2015 13 For Sale 10% Legion blue’s or greys Ways & Means Used Dart Boards for Sale $5.00 Contact: Bill Young @ 905-372-2231 Proceeds to the General Fund Meat Draws every Friday at 5:00 PM & Saturdays at 3:00 PM A Special Thank You Peggy Galbraith would like to thank all her family and friends who attended her 90th birthday party at the Legion. Also a big thank you to the Ladies Auxiliary for the nice luncheon which was enjoyed by all. Dave Galbraith Home Depot Canada Inc. Store 7251 1050 DePalma Drive Cobourg, On HOME DEPOT Enhance your property and home with beautiful landscaping. Get a captivating driveway or walkway. Create a gorgeous tapestry of plants, shrubs, trees and flowers. THE HOME DEPOT NO Charge Dial………………………………………………..1-888-346-6333 Missile February 2015 INSTALLATION SERVICES 14 COBOURG LEGION PIPES AND DRUMS FEBRUARY 2015 REPORT November 2014 was one of the busiest months to date for the Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums. This probably accounts for the absence of a report to "Missile" readers in last month's newsletter, there being a need to warm up, thaw out and draw deeper breath afterwards, a little recuperation before the Christmas season started. By way of review, the band participated in two Remembrance Day Services, the first at Alderville on the Sunday, November 9. November 11 saw the band accompany Legion members to the Cobourg cenotaph for one of the largest, and warmest, Remembrance Day Services in memory. Following the band's tradition of carrying the message of recognition and remembrance to a wider, school-aged audience, we visited four area schools, in Cobourg, Baltimore and Port Hope. Of all that the band does, these are the most important and the most devoutly attended to; they are also the most evident sign that the message is getting through and being appreciated. The band shared its music with members at the traditional Legion start to the New Year when they performed upstairs and downstairs for the Levee on January 1. As the band has increased in size over the last year, it was not only noticeably louder but noticeably constrained in its floor routines. Not much room for tricky counter-marches or arabesques, but we did manage to stay together for tunes. The balance of the month has been taken up with preparation and practice for the Robbie Burns evening, held this year in partnership with the Cobourg Highland Games Society. This most traditional of Scottish celebrations has expanded, not only the organization but the components of such an evening, this year consisting of a delicious Legion dinner, haggis included, as well as performances by the Pipes and Drums and the Macklin Academy of Dance, a silent auction, and our always eagerly anticipated Open-mic Ceilidh. The ceilidh will be hosted again this year by Stefan and Saskia, two local and very talented Celtic performers. It promises to be an exciting evening, with lots of Celtic activity and something for everyone, whether on the stage, the dance floor or the auction table. Tickets are $40 for the entire evening, proceeds to be shared by the Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums and the Cobourg Highland Games Society. The Robbie Burns Dinner is only the latest effort by the band to raise money for their upcoming East Coast Odyssey Tour of 2015. By now readers will know that the band is planning and preparing for a 10 day visit to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island in July of this year. It will be an opportunity to share with, and learn from, a number of area pipe bands, in parades, highland games and "jam sessions", as well as attend the highly regarded College of Piping for two days of instruction in piping and drumming. A comprehensive schedule has been created by band member and travel coordinator Joanne Drury, aided by many other band members, involving band connections, accommodations, travel arrangements, and dozens of other details. These, however, have been preceded by a year of fund raising activities, many of which have received the support of the Cobourg Legion members. In the months to follow, we will continue to offer enjoyable opportunities (yard sale, ceilidh, etc.) with which to help support our band undertaking. One to look for in February is the first-ever Pipe-O-Gram, a Valentine's Day initiative. Hire a pair of pipe band members and they will deliver to your loved one a uniquely CLP&D Valentine's Day gift of two pipe tunes of your choosing and a card. See Mary Ito or Joanne Drury for this $25 special. March's big gig will be the first ever CLP&D appearance in the Toronto St. Patrick's Day Parade, on March 15. We are already working on a number of Irish sets, the better to blend in, but be assured that, with proper marathon training, and lots of rest beforehand, we will represent Cobourg, and the Legion, well throughout the entire 4km parade route. (cont’d on Page 16) Missile February 2015 15 (cont’d from page 15) COBOURG LEGION PIPES AND DRUMS FEBRUARY 2015 REPORT The Annual General Meeting of the Cobourg Legion Pipes and Drums was held following band practice on Tuesday, January 20. The year past was reviewed, the upcoming year discussed and other orders and bits of band business were taken care of. The growth of the band, in terms of membership and music, both learned and shared, was highlighted, as was the recognition of our changing profile. As we continue to be an active and participatory part of the community, we see our capacity as ambassadors growing in importance. We recognize, and greatly appreciate, the important roles in this process played by Pipe Major Mary Ito, Pipe Sergeant Mark Gordon, Drum Sergeant Mark Diminie, and by Band President Brent Sanderson. We have a dedicated Drum Major now, Steve Shortt, and he must be thanked for keeping us in line, literally, as we parade the highways and byways of the province. He has also volunteered for the additional responsibilities of Quarter Master, a job recently resigned by Danny Lee. Our considerable thanks to Danny for his commitment to this job for several years, and for keeping everyone well kitted out. Everyone contributes to the success of the band but we must all be encouraged and lead, and these we are very well. Recognition must also be given to the constant support and encouragement provided by our sponsors, the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 133. Ian McFarlane Missile Editor As mentioned in previous publication, for January, February & March, I will be preparing the Missile from a outof-town destination. Thank you for sending reports, articles etc. via email. I continue and appreciate all articles & pictures to be send by email to [email protected]. In the event you are unable send by email, please place in the Bulletin box by the 25th of each month to ensure your information appears in the upcoming publication, otherwise it will appear in the following month. An assistant will check the Bulletin box to scan documents, pictures and print publication copies during my absence. It is however, most appreciated that all submissions are sent by email with attachments to [email protected] Respectfully, Normalee Teskey-Editor A volunteer from The Help Centre has offered to run a number of free income tax preparation clinics at the branch depending on demand. Through this Canada Revenue Agency sponsored program free tax preparation is available to low income individuals and families. The criteria for participation in the program are available from The Help Centre and details will be posted at the branch shortly as soon as dates are firmed up. The Help Centre provides this service free of charge to participants. You can contact [email protected] Position Available Casual Call In Bar Server Must have Smart Serve, Be Flexible Successful Candidate will be required to provide Police Check Please send Resume to Shelley Thompson, Canteen Chairman Missile February 2015 16 February 2015 Legend Club Room=CR & Upstairs=UP) Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Super Bowl Event 1:00 PM L.A. Meeting (UP) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) L.A. Lunch 11:301:00PM (CR) Country Dance Rick Jones (UP) Moonshot Euchre @ 7:00 PM (UP) Meat Draw (CR) Meat Draw Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) 3 PM (CR) (CR) Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sunday Jam Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Br. Ex. Meeting Meat Draw Valentine Dance Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) 5 PM (CR) 8-12 PM (UP) Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) Meat Draw 21 1:00-5:00 PM 15 Canadian Flag Birthday 16 Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Bill Dickson 1:005:00 PM (CR) 17 18 19 20 Ladies Night Over 55 Luncheon Br. General Meeting L.A. Lunch 11:301:00PM (CR) Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) 7:30 PM Meat Draw Moonshot Euchre @ 7:00 PM (UP) 5 PM (CR) Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) L.A, Roast Beef Dinner @5:30 PM Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) (UP) 3 PM (CR) Meat Draw 3 PM (CR) Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Public L.A Exec. Tallboys @ $3.85 (CR) Meat Draw 3 PM (CR) Monday Darts @1:00 PM (CR) Ladies Darts @ 7:00 PM (CR) Meat Draw Speaking Newfie Darts@ 7:30 PM (CR) 5 PM (CR) Fish & Chip Dinner Mixed Darts @ 8:00 (CR) Dance (7-11 PM) CR) Missile February 2015 17 55 Club Executive/Committees 2014-2015 THE OVER 55 CLUB OFFICERS Chairperson Marlene Towns 905-372-3643 Past Chair Jeannette Dempster 905-376-3446 1st Vice Joyce Etcher 905–372-6306 2nd Vice Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Secretary Jeannette Dempster 905-376 -3446 Treasurer Joan MacDonald 905-372-8884 Bingo Randy Skinner 905 –372-9836 Sick & Visiting Sharon Lyon 905-349-1060 Darts Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Events Coordinator & Trips Eileen Rollings 1- 613-475- 9737 Games Art Brace 905-377- 0428 P.R.O. Danny Parsons 905-372- 5639 Legion Liaison John Aitken 905-377-1527 COMMITTEE MEMBERS VOLUNTEER HELPERS Bingo Art Brace 905-377-0428 Draws Bernice Basinger 905-372-9501 Rosemary Quigley 905-372-9875 Danny Parsons 905-372-5639 Randy Skinner 905-372-9836 Jenny Allison 905-373-0926 Special Events Lunch Coordinator Missile February 2015 18 401 (R.L. Edwards) Wing Wing Executive/Directors 2013/2014 Executive President Frank Lindsay 905-377-0047 Treasurer Ronald Rose 905-885-2845 Sick & Visiting Donald Duthie 905-885-4247 Historian Donald Macklin 905-372-3231 Public Relations Valerie Taylor 905-372-3946 Phone Committee Bette Ireland 905-377-9523 Penny Carriere 905-342-2497 The Wing meets for lunch on the second Wednesday of the month. Contact the President to find out where the meeting will take place. Chuckle Corner “Even if I knew that tomorrow the world would go to pieces, I would still plant my apple tree." A teenage boy had just passed his driving test and inquired of ~Martin Luther father said he'd make a deal with his son, "You bring your his father as to when they could discuss his use of the car. His grades up from a C to a B average, study your Bible a little, and get your hair cut. Then we'll talk about the car. "The boy thought about that for a moment, decided he'd settle for the offer, and they agreed on it. After about six weeks his father said, "Son, you've brought your grades up and I've observed that you have been studying your Bible, but I'm disappointed you haven't had Legion Medal Cleaning Earl Hewison 195 Riverdale Parkway Frankford, Ont. 1-613-398-6793 Missile February 2015 your hair cut. "The boy said, "You know, Dad, I've been thinking about that and I've noticed in my studies of the Bible that Samson had long hair, John the Baptist had long hair. Moses had long hair, and there's even strong evidence that Jesus had long hair." (You're going to love the Dad's reply) "Did you also notice they all walked everywhere they went?"
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