Missile Modeling Tools

 Missile Modeling Tools
Missile designers and analysts can boost their missile defense
system analyses with STK Missile Modeling Tools (STK MMT).
The software, created in conjunction with Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC), extends STK’s missile object with
accurate simulation of powered missile flight, intercept engagements, and defense architecture performance metrics.
Missile defense professionals can:
Define custom missile models
Simulate trajectories using custom or MDA missile models
Analyze intercept engagements
Assess defense architecture performance
Convert trajectory data from external simulations
Integrate with custom applications
Automate trade studies on missile defense systems
Offered as a single STK analysis add-on module, STK MMT
features four integrated tools: Missile Design Tool (MDT), Missile
Flight Tool (MFT), Intercept Flight Tool (IFT) and Missile Conversion Tool (MCT). The software expands analytical capabilities while
minimizing expertise requirements and consolidating end-to-end
missile defense analysis in the STK environment.
Accurate Trajectory Simulation
MFT simulates boost, midcourse, and terminal phases of ballistic
trajectories with detailed models of gravity, atmospheric drag,
guidance, PBV maneuvers and threat complex deployment. Using
a database of representative missiles, threats from MDA’s Adversary Capabilities Document (ACD2006) or custom MDT models,
trajectories and range contours can be analyzed in STK. Custom Ballistic Missile Models
Intercept Engagement
IFT simulates and analyzes engagement scenarios including
aircraft, missile or satellite targets. Using the database of
representative interceptors or a custom interceptor created
with the MDT, IFT provides kinematic feasibility assessments
of many-to-many engagements.
220 Valley Creek Blvd., Exton, PA 19341 • Tel: 610-981-8000 • E-mail: [email protected] • Web: www.agi.com
MDT allows missile designers to model operational systems and
conduct conceptual design studies tailored to their specific applications. Users can leverage the design wizard to collect systemlevel characteristics, and then perform validity checks and create
performance plots to ensure an operable design. The models
created in MDT can be simulated in MFT for trajectory analysis,
and employed as interceptors in IFT.
STK Missile Modeling Tools
•Edit stages, reentry vehicles, post-boost vehicles and other objects
•Propulsion characteristics including thrust, Isp, mass flow, duration,
nozzle exit area and linear thrust curve
Defense architecture performance
The core intercept generator of IFT computes measures of effectiveness of missile defense systems. IFT automates parameter
analysis to calculate defended area and launch area denied metrics.
Results incorporating sensor queues and battle management delays are numerically summarized and graphically displayed in STK.
Conversion of external simulation data
MCT converts trajectory data from other simulations into missile
system objects for STK scenarios, including BMRD-formatted files.
MCT is compatible with STAMP and other GOTS applications and
includes a generic file converter for custom simulations.
Integration with custom applications
Application programming interfaces for MDT, MFT, IFT and MCT
allow the tools to be employed from custom scripts and external
applications. This makes it possible to construct and automate specialized workflows and custom defense system analysis.
Automated trade studies
When combined with STK Analyzer, STK’s automated trade
studies module, users can automatically vary any trajectory or
intercept configuration parameter, execute flights and perform
STK operations to calculate trade study outputs without scripting or programming.
Learn more at agi.com/mmt.
•Guidance Modes – in-plane pitch maneuver, out-of-plane yaw maneuver, thrust terminating, variable loft, fixed pitch profile, quadratic
fly-the-wire, initial missile pitchover, fixed pitch profile, aero extension, variable launch angle, lofted/depressed sub-range
•Specify drag coefficients or auto-calculate based
on missile geometry
•Performance plots – altitude vs range, velocity vs time,
range vs time and altitude vs time
•Design validity checks and error messages
•“New Missile Wizard” allows users to define a basic missile
model with minimum knowledge required or the missile’s
performance characteristics.
•Accurate ballistic trajectory simulation including boost,
midcourse and terminal phases
•Threat complex modeling including RVs, debris and other objects
•Range and inverse-range contours to assess performance
and targeting
•Database of representative strategic, theater,
and tactical missiles
•Compatible with MDA’s ACD-2006 threat models
•Defended area footprint and launch area denied
•Engagement timeline feature that displays threat,
sensor acquisition/track times, interceptor flyout
and end game intervals
•Ground- or space-based sensor that triggers target detection, launch
opportunity and time-delayed response
•Fly-out curves defining interceptor flight performance in terms
of range and alititude
•Model up to six stages, specify pre-ignition coast times and apply
mass flow rate curves for booster stages
•Compatible with STAMP, DICE and other GOTS applications
•Converts single objects, or entire vehicles and their components
•Convert BMRD-formatted files
220 Valley Creek Blvd., Exton, PA 19341 • Tel: 610-981-8000 • E-mail: [email protected] • Web: www.agi.com