Curriculum Schedule - Spring 2015 - Flex Start / Term B Course Name Course Title Meeting Times ACA 111 NDB1 College Student Success 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00111 Crd Name Used/Cap CLAS TTH12:30PM 01:20PM 1.00 Sandy Bayliss-Carr 8/22 ACA 111 NEB1 College Student Success ACA 111 NWL1 College Student Success 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00111 CLAS MW 05:00PM 05:50PM 1.00 Kimberly Jones 14/22 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 1.00 Margarette Leggett ACA 122 NDBY1 College Transfer Success 20/25 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00111 LAB MW 09:30AM 10:45AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 1.00 Glenn Druhot 11/22 ACA 122 NDBY2 College Transfer Success 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00111 LAB MW 11:00AM 12:15PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 1.00 Matthew Herrmann 12/22 ACA 122 NEBY1 College Transfer Success 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00111 LAB TTH04:30PM 05:45PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 1.00 Sarah Whitford 3/22 ACA 122 NWB1 College Transfer Success 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 1.00 Lynn Chamberlain 8/22 ACC 120 NDLY1 Prin of Financial Accounting 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00217 CLAS MW 06:30AM 07:45AM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 4.00 Danny Best 3/8 ACC 120 NEBY1 Prin of Financial Accounting 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00217 CLAS T 06:30PM 09:10PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 4.00 Natascia Carr 9/24 ACC 120 NWL1 Prin of Financial Accounting 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 4.00 Danny Best 11/16 ACC 131 NDLY2 Federal Income Taxes 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00217 CLAS T 12:25PM 01:00PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Danny Best 4/6 ACC 131 NWL1 Federal Income Taxes 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Danny Best 20/20 ACC 132 NWL1 NC Business Taxes 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 2.00 Danny Best 14/18 ACC 140 NELY1 Payroll Accounting 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00217 CLAS TH 06:30PM 07:45PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 2.00 Natascia Carr 5/8 ACC 140 NWL1 Payroll Accounting 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA 2.00 Natascia Carr 14/16 ANT 240 NWL1 Archaeology 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Cynthia Bellacero 11/30 ART 111 NWB1 Art Appreciation 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Kelly Berrini 8/25 ART 111 NWL1 Art Appreciation 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Kelly Berrini 25/25 ART 171 NEBY1 Computer Art I 03/09/15 05/11/15 012 120 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TTH06:00PM 08:40PM LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Maria Modlin 4/10 ART 271 NELY1 Computer Art II 02/06/15 05/11/15 012 120 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TTH06:00PM 08:40PM LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Maria Modlin 0/4 AVI 260 HEB1 Powerplant Maint. III 03/09/15 05/11/15 303 00118 03/09/15 05/11/15 303 00118 CLAS MT 04:30PM 10:45PM LAB WTHF 04:30PM 10:45PM 9.00 Shawn Rubio 13/25 BIO 140 MWB1 Environmental Biology 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Caitlyn Manhart 19/30 BIO 140 NWL1 Environmental Biology 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Quent Lupton 24/25 BIO 140A MWB1 Environmental Biology Lab 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBATBA 1.00 Caitlyn Manhart 19/30 BIO 140A NWL1 Environmental Biology Lab 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBATBA 1.00 Quent Lupton 24/25 BUS 110 NELY1 Introduction to Business 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00107 CLAS M 06:00PM 07:15PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Nanette Sanders-Cobb 19/24 BUS 110 NWB1 Introduction to Business 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Melinda Schmitz 6/24 BUS 110 NWL1 Introduction to Business 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Wesley Farmer 12/24 BUS 115 NWB1 Business Law I 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Richard Leissner 12/24 BUS 234 NWL1 Training and Development 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Diane Tyndall 1/1 BUS 239 NWB1 Bus Applications Seminar 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA 2.00 Katrina Bishop 2/2 CHM 090 NWL1 Chemistry Concepts 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 4.00 Kristi Reed 14/20 LAB TBATBA CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA Comments Information Updated: Feb 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM Curriculum Schedule - Spring 2015 - Flex Start / Term B Course Name Course Title Meeting Times Crd Name Used/Cap CIS 110 NDLY1 Introduction to Computers 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00118 CLAS F 09:00AM 11:30AM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Bruce Baginski 22/24 CIS 110 NWB1 Introduction to Computers 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Lorraine Raper 8/24 CIS 110 NWL1 Introduction to Computers 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Lorraine Raper 24/25 CIS 111 NELY1 Basic PC Literacy 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00122 CLAS T 06:00PM 07:15PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 2.00 Matthew Salerno 13/24 CIS 111 NWB1 Basic PC Literacy 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 2.00 James Bishop 15/24 CIS 113 NDLY1 Computer Basics 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00208 LAB TH 09:30AM 10:45AM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 1.00 Edward Busch 14/24 CIS 113 NWB1 Computer Basics 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 1.00 Joshua Walker 8/24 CJC 111 NDLY1 Intro to Criminal Justice 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00107 CLAS MW 02:00PM 03:15PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Adam Garfinkel 12/24 CJC 132 NWL1 Court Procedure & Evidence 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Willie Wilcutt 10/24 CJC 141 NWL1 Corrections 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 David Daniels 20/24 COM 231 HEB1 Public Speaking 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00119 CLAS MW 06:00PM 08:40PM 3.00 Clement Brown 14/23 COM 231 NDLY1 Public Speaking 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00106 CLAS MW 02:00PM 03:15PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Kerry Cox 15/25 COM 231 NDLY2 Public Speaking 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00106 CLAS MW 09:30AM 10:45AM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Kerry Cox 9/25 CTS 130 NWL1 Spreadsheet 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 3.00 Whitney Abrams 22/24 DMA 010 NDAB1 Operations With Integers 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:45PM LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:45PM 1.00 Alysa Darling 24/25 DMA 010 NDBA1 Operations With Integers 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 CLAS T 02:00PM 03:15PM LAB TH 02:00PM 03:15PM 1.00 7/25 DMA 010 NEBA1 Operations With Integers 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 212 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 212 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 7/23 DMA 020 HDAB1 Fractions and Decimals 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00124 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00124 CLAS M 11:00AM 01:35PM LAB W 11:00AM 01:35PM 1.00 Patrick O'Donnell 11/24 DMA 020 HEAB1 Fractions and Decimals 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00127 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00127 CLAS M 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB W 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Roberta Ebron 6/24 DMA 020 HSABY Fractions and Decimals 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00112 CLAS S 08:00AM 11:45AM 02/06/15 03/03/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 1.00 Sarah Joyner 3/24 DMA 020 NDAB1 Fractions and Decimals 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 CLAS MT 08:00AM 09:15AM LAB WTH 08:00AM 09:15AM 1.00 Mary Winslow 19/25 DMA 020 NDAB2 Fractions and Decimals 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 CLAS MT 11:00AM 12:15PM LAB WTH 11:00AM 12:15PM 1.00 Mary Winslow 26/25 DMA 020 NDBA1 Fractions and Decimals 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:45PM LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:45PM 1.00 Alysa Darling 25/25 DMA 020 NDBB1 Fractions and Decimals 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 CLAS T 02:00PM 03:15PM LAB TH 02:00PM 03:15PM 1.00 DMA 020 NEAB1 Fractions and Decimals 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 DMA 020 NEBB1 Fractions and Decimals 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 212 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 212 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 DMA 030 HDBA1 Propor/Ratio/Rate/Percent 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00124 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00124 CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA LAB TBATBA CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA CLAS M 11:00AM 01:35PM LAB W 11:00AM 01:35PM 1.00 Comments 7/25 Zeledith Blakely 13/25 5/23 Josephine Butler 9/24 Information Updated: Feb 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM Curriculum Schedule - Spring 2015 - Flex Start / Term B Course Name Course Title Meeting Times Crd Name Used/Cap DMA 030 HEBA1 Propor/Ratio/Rate/Percent 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00127 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00127 CLAS M 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB W 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Roberta Ebron 6/24 DMA 030 HSBAY Propor/Ratio/Rate/Percent 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00112 CLAS S 08:00AM 11:45AM 03/09/15 04/01/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 1.00 Sarah Joyner 4/24 DMA 030 NDBA1 Propor/Ratio/Rate/Percent 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 CLAS MT 08:00AM 09:15AM LAB WTH 08:00AM 09:15AM 1.00 Mary Winslow 18/25 DMA 030 NDBA2 Propor/Ratio/Rate/Percent 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 CLAS MT 11:00AM 12:15PM LAB WTH 11:00AM 12:15PM 1.00 Mary Winslow 25/25 DMA 030 NDBB1 Propor/Ratio/Rate/Percent 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:45PM LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:45PM 1.00 Alysa Darling 18/25 DMA 030 NEBA1 Propor/Ratio/Rate/Percent 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Zeledith Blakely 15/25 DMA 040 HDBB1 Express/Lin Equat/Inequal 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00124 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00124 CLAS M 11:00AM 01:35PM LAB W 11:00AM 01:35PM 1.00 Josephine Butler 9/24 DMA 040 HEBB1 Express/Lin Equat/Inequal 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00127 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00127 CLAS M 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB W 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Roberta Ebron 11/24 DMA 040 HSBBY Express/Lin Equat/Inequal 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00112 CLAS S 08:00AM 11:45AM 04/14/15 05/06/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 1.00 Sarah Joyner 7/24 DMA 040 NDAB1 Express/Lin Equat/Inequal 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 200 CLAS MT 09:30AM 10:45AM LAB WTH 09:30AM 10:45AM 1.00 Courtney Simmons 17/25 DMA 040 NDBA1 Express/Lin Equat/Inequal 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 215 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 215 CLAS MT 02:00PM 03:15PM LAB WTH 02:00PM 03:15PM 1.00 DMA 040 NDBB1 Express/Lin Equat/Inequal 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 CLAS MT 08:00AM 09:15AM LAB WTH 08:00AM 09:15AM 1.00 Mary Winslow 16/25 DMA 040 NDBB2 Express/Lin Equat/Inequal 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 CLAS MT 11:00AM 12:15PM LAB WTH 11:00AM 12:15PM 1.00 Mary Winslow 20/25 DMA 040 NEBB1 Express/Lin Equat/Inequal 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Zeledith Blakely 14/25 DMA 050 HEAB1 Graphs/Equations of Lines 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00126 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00126 1.00 Roberta Ebron 10/20 DMA 050 NDAB2 Graphs/Equations of Lines 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 215 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 215 CLAS MT 11:00AM 12:15PM LAB WTH 11:00AM 12:15PM 1.00 Katrina Bishop 24/23 DMA 050 NDBA1 Graphs/Equations of Lines 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 200 CLAS MT 09:30AM 10:45AM LAB WTH 09:30AM 10:45AM 1.00 Courtney Simmons 19/25 DMA 050 NDBB1 Graphs/Equations of Lines 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 215 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 215 CLAS MT 02:00PM 03:15PM LAB WTH 02:00PM 03:15PM 1.00 DMA 050 NEAB1 Graphs/Equations of Lines 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 215 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 215 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Cynthia Ferguson 16/23 DMA 060 HDAB1 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00112 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00112 CLAS M 11:00AM 01:35PM LAB W 11:00AM 01:35PM 1.00 Jeanine Colwell 13/24 DMA 060 HEAB1 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00126 02/06/15 03/03/15 305 00126 CLAS M 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB W 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Jeanine Colwell 10/20 DMA 060 HEBA1 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00126 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00126 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Roberta Ebron 4/20 DMA 060 MDBA1 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 03/09/15 04/01/15 009 00135 03/09/15 04/01/15 009 00135 CLAS MT 11:40AM 12:55PM LAB WTH 11:40AM 12:55PM 1.00 Jeffrey Bolduc 0/20 DMA 060 NDAB1 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 214 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 214 CLAS MT 09:30AM 10:45AM LAB WTH 09:30AM 10:45AM 1.00 Michelle Smith 11/23 DMA 060 NDAB2 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 214 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 214 CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:45PM LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:45PM 1.00 Lesley Clayton 11/23 DMA 060 NDBA2 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 215 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 215 CLAS MT 11:00AM 12:15PM LAB WTH 11:00AM 12:15PM 1.00 Katrina Bishop 11/23 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM Comments 7/23 10/23 Information Updated: Feb 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM Curriculum Schedule - Spring 2015 - Flex Start / Term B Course Name Course Title Meeting Times Crd Name Used/Cap DMA 060 NDBB1 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 200 CLAS MT 09:30AM 10:45AM LAB WTH 09:30AM 10:45AM 1.00 Courtney Simmons 12/25 DMA 060 NEAB1 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 214 02/06/15 03/03/15 001 214 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Robbyn Lee 8/23 DMA 060 NEBA1 Polynomial/Quadratic Appl 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 215 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 215 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Cynthia Ferguson 8/23 DMA 070 HDBA1 Rational Express/Equation 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00112 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00112 CLAS M 11:00AM 01:35PM LAB W 11:00AM 01:35PM 1.00 Jeanine Colwell 15/24 DMA 070 HEBA1 Rational Express/Equation 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00126 03/09/15 04/01/15 305 00126 CLAS M 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB W 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Jeanine Colwell 9/20 DMA 070 HEBB1 Rational Express/Equation 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00126 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00126 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Roberta Ebron 3/20 DMA 070 MDBB1 Rational Express/Equation 04/14/15 05/06/15 009 00134 04/14/15 05/06/15 009 00134 CLAS MT 11:40AM 12:55PM LAB WTH 11:40AM 12:55PM 1.00 Jeffrey Bolduc 0/20 DMA 070 NDBA1 Rational Express/Equation 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 214 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 214 CLAS MT 09:30AM 10:45AM LAB WTH 09:30AM 10:45AM 1.00 Michelle Smith 17/23 DMA 070 NDBA2 Rational Express/Equation 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 214 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 214 CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:45PM LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:45PM 1.00 Lesley Clayton 16/23 DMA 070 NDBB2 Rational Express/Equation 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 215 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 215 CLAS MT 11:00AM 12:15PM LAB WTH 11:00AM 12:15PM 1.00 Katrina Bishop 11/23 DMA 070 NEBA1 Rational Express/Equation 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 214 03/09/15 04/01/15 001 214 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Robbyn Lee 10/23 DMA 070 NEBB1 Rational Express/Equation 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 215 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 215 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Cynthia Ferguson 7/23 DMA 080 HDBB1 Radical Express/Equations 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00112 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00112 CLAS M 11:00AM 01:35PM LAB W 11:00AM 01:35PM 1.00 Jeanine Colwell 17/24 DMA 080 HEBB1 Radical Express/Equations 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00126 04/14/15 05/06/15 305 00126 CLAS M 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB W 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Jeanine Colwell 11/20 DMA 080 NDBB1 Radical Express/Equations 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 214 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 214 CLAS MT 09:30AM 10:45AM LAB WTH 09:30AM 10:45AM 1.00 Michelle Smith 18/23 DMA 080 NDBB2 Radical Express/Equations 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 214 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 214 CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:45PM LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:45PM 1.00 Lesley Clayton 15/23 DMA 080 NEBB1 Radical Express/Equations 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 214 04/14/15 05/06/15 001 214 CLAS T 06:00PM 08:35PM LAB TH 06:00PM 08:35PM 1.00 Robbyn Lee 11/23 DRE 096 NDB1 Integrated Reading and Writing 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00209 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00209 3.00 Lealer King 5/23 DRE 097 NDBY1 Integrated Reading Writing II 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00108 CLAS MT 09:30AM 10:45AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00108 LAB WTH 09:30AM 10:45AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Karen Nelson 20/20 DRE 098 HEB1 Integrated Reading Writing III 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00124 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00124 CLAS T 04:30PM 08:00PM LAB TH 04:30PM 08:00PM 3.00 DRE 098 NDB1 Integrated Reading Writing III 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00209 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00209 CLAS TTH11:00AM 12:15PM LAB MW 11:00AM 12:40PM 3.00 Lealer King 22/23 DRE 098 NDBY1 Integrated Reading Writing III 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00108 CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:45PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00108 LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:45PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Karen Nelson 6/20 DRE 098 NEBY1 Integrated Reading Writing III 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00209 CLAS MW 06:00PM 08:30PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Lealer King 2/23 ECO 251 NDLY1 Prin of Microeconomics 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00214 CLAS MW 08:00AM 09:15AM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Lee Keene 9/18 ECO 251 NWB1 Prin of Microeconomics 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Diane Tyndall 16/24 ECO 252 NWB1 Prin of Macroeconomics 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Maribeth Campbell 6/24 CLAS TTH02:00PM 03:15PM LAB MW 02:00PM 03:40PM Comments 13/24 Information Updated: Feb 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM Curriculum Schedule - Spring 2015 - Flex Start / Term B Course Name Course Title Meeting Times Crd Name Used/Cap EDU 119 NDLY2 Intro to Early Child Educ 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00214 CLAS W 12:45PM 01:55PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 4.00 Terri Colon 12/18 EDU 145 NSBY1 Child Development II 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00214 CLAS S 08:00AM 09:15AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Terri Colon 13/18 EDU 146 NSBY1 Child Guidance 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00107 CLAS S 09:30AM 10:45AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Lori Blaney 17/18 EDU 261 NWB1 Early Childhood Admin I 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 3.00 EDU 271 NSLY1 Educational Technology 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00217 CLAS S 08:00AM 09:15AM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Kristin Coombs 19/20 EDU 284 NSBY1 Early Child Capstone Prac 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00214 CLAS S 09:30AM 10:45AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 4.00 Terri Colon 0/1 EDU 288 NWB1 Adv Issues/Early Child Ed 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 2.00 Terri Colon 0/1 ENG 111 HEB1 Writing and Inquiry 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00124 CLAS MW 06:00PM 08:40PM 3.00 ENG 111 NDBY1 Writing and Inquiry 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00211 CLAS TTH08:00AM 09:15AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Kyle Warner 9/23 ENG 111 NDBY2 Writing and Inquiry 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00209 CLAS MW 09:30AM 10:45AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Rebekah Jones 22/23 ENG 111 NDLY1 Writing and Inquiry 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00211 CLAS TTH02:00PM 03:15PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Patrice Suggs 18/23 ENG 111 NEB1 Writing and Inquiry 03/09/15 05/11/15 027 00211 CLAS MW 06:00PM 08:40PM 3.00 Alexandra Ranieri 4/23 ENG 111 NWB1 Writing and Inquiry 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Deborah Shoop 9/23 ENG 111 NWL1 Writing and Inquiry 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Lucas Berrini 21/23 ENG 112 HEB1 Writing/Research in the Disc 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00112 CLAS TTH06:00PM 08:40PM 3.00 Kaisy Wilkerson-Mills 11/24 ENG 112 MDBY1 Writing/Research in the Disc 03/09/15 05/11/15 009 00143 CLAS MW 11:40AM 12:55PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Debbie Audilet 12/20 ENG 112 MWB1 Writing/Research in the Disc 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Jason Faulkner 17/30 ENG 112 NWL1 Writing/Research in the Disc 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Jason Faulkner 22/22 ENG 114 NWL1 Prof Research & Reporting 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Deborah Shoop 20/20 ENG 231 NWL1 American Literature I 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Jessica Saxon 25/25 HEA 110 HSBY1 Personal Health/Wellness 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00107 CLAS S 01:00PM 02:45PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Patrick Hewett 10/30 HEA 110 NWB1 Personal Health/Wellness 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Brandi Wilson 24/24 HEA 110 NWB2 Personal Health/Wellness 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Brandi Wilson 16/24 HIS 122 HEB1 Western Civilization II 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00128 CLAS MW 06:00PM 08:40PM 3.00 Emily Stewart 3/25 HIS 131 MWB1 American History I 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Rod Fisher 25/30 HIS 131 NDLY1 American History I 02/06/15 05/11/15 001 207 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 3.00 Harold Hubbard 18/30 HIS 132 HEB1 American History II 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00119 3.00 James Deeter 7/23 HIS 132 HSBY1 American History II 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00107 CLAS S 08:00AM 09:45AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 HIS 132 NDBY1 American History II 03/09/15 05/11/15 001 207 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TTH11:00AM 12:15PM CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Brian Kmec 14/30 HUM 110 NDLY1 Technology and Society 02/06/15 05/11/15 001 207 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TTH09:30AM 10:45AM CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Kathryn Amerson 12/30 HUM 115 NDBY1 Critical Thinking 03/09/15 05/11/15 018 141 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TTH02:00PM 03:15PM CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Magfirah Dahlan-Taylor 3/30 MAC 114 NDBY1 Intro to Metrology 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 03/09/15 05/11/15 028 00114 CLAS M 04:00PM 04:50PM 2.00 Donna Bell 12/10 CLAS TBATBA CLAS TTH02:00PM 03:15PM CLAS TBA TBA CLAS TTH06:00PM 08:40PM Comments 1/24 7/24 6/30 Information Updated: Feb 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM Curriculum Schedule - Spring 2015 - Flex Start / Term B Course Name Course Title Meeting Times Crd Name Used/Cap MAC 121 XEABY Intro to CNC 02/06/15 03/03/15 NRA AS-265 CLAS T 04:30PM 06:30PM 02/06/15 03/03/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 2.00 Michael Williams 9/10 MAT 143 NDL1 Quantitative Literacy 02/06/15 05/11/15 001 205 02/06/15 05/11/15 001 205 3.00 Hannah Tonissen 21/24 MAT 143 NSLY1 Quantitative Literacy 02/06/15 05/11/15 027 00217 CLAS S 11:00AM 01:40PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Edward Sabat 13/24 MAT 171 MDLY1 Precalculus Algebra 02/06/15 05/11/15 009 00148 CLAS MW 11:30AM 12:55PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 009 00148 LAB TH 11:30AM 12:55PM 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 4.00 Mark Jensen 21/32 MAT 171 NDLY1 Precalculus Algebra 02/06/15 05/11/15 001 206 02/06/15 05/11/15 001 206 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 4.00 Beth Andrews 22/24 MAT 172 HSBY1 Precalculus Trigonometry 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00107 CLAS S 03:00PM 04:45PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE LAB TBA TBA 4.00 Paul Miller 16/30 MEC 110 NEBY1 Intro to CAD/CAM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 03/09/15 05/11/15 028 00114 LAB T 05:00PM 05:50PM 2.00 Donna Bell 3/10 MEC 145 NDBY1 Mfg Materials I 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 03/09/15 05/11/15 028 00113 LAB W 12:30PM 05:10PM 3.00 Michael Williams 7/10 MEC 145 XEBBY Mfg Materials I 04/14/15 05/06/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 04/14/15 05/06/15 NRA AS-265 LAB TTH 04:30PM 09:10PM 3.00 Jeffrey Brown 1/10 MEC 180 NEBY1 Engineering Materials 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 03/09/15 05/11/15 028 00113 LAB M 04:00PM 08:40PM 3.00 Jeffrey Brown 5/10 MEC 189 NEBY1 Processing Composites II 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 03/09/15 05/11/15 028 00113 LAB W 04:00PM 08:40PM 3.00 Jeffrey Brown 5/10 MEC 189 XEBAY Processing Composites II 03/09/15 04/01/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 03/09/15 04/01/15 NRA AS-265 LAB TTH 04:30PM 09:10PM 3.00 Jeffrey Brown 6/10 MUS 110 MDBY1 Music Appreciation 03/09/15 05/11/15 009 00171 CLAS TTH11:40AM 12:55PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Heather Paradise-Carpenter 5/20 MUS 110 NWL1 Music Appreciation 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Jeffrey Bair 23/24 MUS 112 NWL1 Introduction to Jazz 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Jeffrey Bair 18/25 NUR 114 NDB1 Holistic Health Concepts 03/09/15 05/11/15 018 123 CLAS TW 09:00AM 11:40AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 HOSP TBA CLIN THF 06:30AM 12:30PM 5.00 Katie Bull 38/45 OMT 260 NWB1 Issues in Operations Mgt. 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 3.00 Kristin Polacke 1/1 PHI 240 MDBY1 Introduction to Ethics 03/09/15 05/11/15 009 00137 CLAS TH 11:30AM 12:55PM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA 3.00 Doris Sanders 3/32 PHI 240 MWB1 Introduction to Ethics 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 3.00 PSY 150 NDLY1 General Psychology 02/06/15 05/11/15 018 140 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE PSY 150 NWL1 General Psychology 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE PSY 241 HSBY1 Developmental Psych 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00107 CLAS S 10:00AM 11:45AM 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBA TBA PSY 281 HEB1 Abnormal Psychology 03/09/15 05/11/15 305 00120 PTA 220 NDB1 PTA Clinical Ed III 02/23/15 05/06/15 TBA TBA REL 110 NDLY1 World Religions 02/06/15 05/11/15 018 141 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE SEC 110 NWB1 Security Concepts 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE SOC 210 MWB1 Introduction to Sociology SOC 210 NWL1 Introduction to Sociology CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:40PM LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:40PM CLAS MT 12:30PM 01:45PM LAB WTH 12:30PM 01:45PM LAB TBA TBA CLAS TBATBA CLAS TBATBA CLAS MW 02:00PM 03:15PM CLAS TBA TBA 28/30 3.00 Lauren Aaron 22/30 3.00 Priscila Hilligus 30/30 3.00 Veronica Abreu 7/30 CLAS TTH06:00PM 08:40PM 3.00 Patricia Johnson 6/26 CLIN TBATBA 8.00 Amelia Iams 16/17 3.00 Jessica Cruz 11/30 CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Bruce Waugh 14/24 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Reine Lewis 20/30 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA 3.00 Milton Spann 30/30 CLAS TBATBA CLAS TTH11:00AM 12:15PM CLAS TBA TBA Comments Information Updated: Feb 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM Curriculum Schedule - Spring 2015 - Flex Start / Term B Course Name Course Title Meeting Times Crd Name Used/Cap WEB 110 NWB1 Internet/Web Fundamentals 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 03/09/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Joe Murray 9/24 WEB 115 NWL1 Web Markup and Scripting 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE 02/06/15 05/11/15 ON LINE CLAS TBATBA LAB TBA TBA 3.00 Robert Husson 7/24 Comments Information Updated: Feb 6, 2015 at 10:00 AM
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