JEFFERSON PARISH COUNCIL MEETING Wednesday, February 11, 2015 1221 ELMWOOD PARK BOULEVARD JEFFERSON, LOUISIANA SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS BY: BUSINESS MEETING BEGINS AT 10:00 AM MEETING CALLED TO ORDER INVOCATION AND/OR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL - COUNCIL MEMBERS ROLL CALL - PARISH PRESIDENT AND DIRECTORS OF DEPARTMENTS PARISH PRESIDENT TO ADDRESS COUNCIL READING OF CAMPAIGN FINANCE CONTRIBUTIONS PERSONS WISHING TO APPEAR BEFORE THE COUNCIL REGARDING A RESOLUTION(S) ON AGENDA/ADDENDUM AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. PUBLIC HEARING – for owners, Danny P. Gaude show cause why the structures at 5000 block known as 5000C Shell Road, Lot 36’ x 125’, Lafitte, Louisiana should not be condemned and District 1) (Mr. Templet) and Trudy Gaude, to of Shell Road, also Barataria Subdivision, demolished. (Council 2. PUBLIC HEARING – for owners, Patricia Alexie and The Succession of Felix Alexie, to show cause why the structures at 5000 block of Shell Road, also known as 5000D Shell Road, Lot A, Barataria Subdivision, Lafitte, Louisiana should not be condemned and demolished. (Council District 1) (Mr. Templet) PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 3. Resolution selecting persons or firms interested in providing Dispute Resolution Services as arbitrators, mediators or facilitators in matters involving the Parish of Jefferson. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) SOQ ADR Evaluation Letter SOQ ADR Evaluation Comm Combined Score Sht 4. Resolution - selecting a firm, who is not otherwise in the business of raising capital, selling bonds, or refinancing existing debt for Jefferson Parish, who are interested in serving as Financial Advisor. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 1 5. Resolution selecting from persons or firms interested and qualified to provide Professional Surveying Services for a two (2) year period on an As-Needed Basis for the Department of Public Works for Projects in Jefferson Parish with maximum allowable fees of $200,000.00 per year. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 2015 Survey Score Sheets Res No 123889 6. Resolution selecting from persons or firms interested and qualified to provide Professional Electrical Engineering Services for a two (2) year period for work associated with miscellaneous street lighting projects and other electrical related work on an As-Needed Basis with maximum allowable fees of $250,000.00 per year. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 2015 Electrical-Lighting Score Sheets Res No 123888 EXECUTIVE SESSION 7. Resolution authorizing the Council to go into executive session to discuss the lawsuit entitled Denise Drake v. Parish of Jefferson. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) CONSENT AGENDA ONE APPROVAL OF MINUTES 8. On joint motion of all Councilmembers present it was moved, that the reading of the minutes of all Jefferson Parish Council Meeting be dispensed with and said minutes be approved and adopted as recorded in the Official Journal. APPROVAL OR DENIAL OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMIT APPLICATIONS 9. Resolution Approval Permits. (Parishwide) 2015 Alcoholic 10. Resolution Approval Qualification. (Parishwide) of Beverage Alcoholic Permit/Officer/Manager Beverage Certificates of ACCEPTANCE AND REJECTION OF BIDS 11. Resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid of Advanced Quality Construction, Inc. Proposal No. 50-111755 in the amount of $483,084.04 (Base + Alt. 1) for labor, material and equipment required for Upgrade Lift Station E6-2 (Elizabeth & Utica), SCIP Project No. C5716. (Council District 4)(Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) C5716 - Affidavit 12. Resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid of Advanced Quality Construction, Inc. Proposal No. 50-111753 in the amount of $946,177.92 for labor, material and equipment required for Upgrade Lift Station E6-3A (Morton & Ingrid), SCIP Project No. C5718. (Council District 4) (Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) C5718 - Affidavit 2 13. Resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid of Doyle’s Collision Center, Inc., Proposal No. 50-00111854, for a two (2) year contract for vehicle body and fender repairs and painting (Department of Central Garage), at the bid tabulation price for Item No. 1 of $18.00 per hour, for Item No. 2 of $18.00 per hour, for Item No. 3 of $20.00 per hour, for Item No. 4 of a zero (0) dollar discount for repair parts from sole source suppliers, and for Item No. 5 of a zero (0) discount for common parts, for a total bid price of $5,160.00. Maximum expenditures for this contract will not exceed $375,000.00 for the two years and compensation will not exceed a factor of more than 10% without an amendment to the contract. (The term of this contract will be from 04/29/2015 through 04/28/2017). (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 50-111854--DOYLE'S COLLISION-AFFIDAVITS--Boyd & Fender Repairs 14. Resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid of $39,828.09 by Twin Commercial Tire, LLC, Proposal No. 50-111840, for a one (1) year contract for a supply of vehicle tires and tubes, on an as needed basis, (Department of Central Garage). The term of this contract will be from 07/01/2015 through 06/30/2016. This contract will not exceed $450,000.00 for the one year and compensation should not exceed this amount by a factor of more than 10% without an amendment to the contract. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 50-111840--TWIN COMMERCIAL TIRE LLC--AFFIDAVITS--Tires 15. Resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid of Retif Oil & Fuel LLC., Proposal No. 50-111837, for a two (2) year contract for dispensing of on-site/off-site consignment motor fuels, for the Eastbank and Westbank of Jefferson Parish (Department of Central Garage) for a bid tabulation price of $770,870.58. Annual expenditures will not exceed $3,500,000.00 per year, for a maximum expenditure of $7,000,000.00 for the two years. (The term of this contract will be from 05/21/2015 through 05/20/2017). (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 50-111837--RETIF FUEL & OIL-AFFIDAVITS--On-Site/Off-Site Motor Fuel CHANGE ORDERS 16. Resolution authorizing Change Order 1 with Fucich Contracting, Inc. Proposal No. 50-107781 for labor, materials and equipment required for Replacement of Diesel Engines and Rehabilitation of Gears, Phase II, at the Elmwood Pumping Station, for an increase in the contract amount of $46,611.00 from $1,726,985.00 to $1,773,596.00. This change order no. 1 represents a 2.699% increase in the original contract amount. (Council District 4) (Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) AFFIDAVITS. CO # 1 - Digital Engineering - Fucich Contracting, Inc. - Elmwood Pum AFFIDAVITS. CO # 1 - Digital Engineering - Fucich Contracting, Inc. - Elmwood Pum 17. Resolution granting Change Order 1 with Fleming Construction Co. Proposal No. 50-106774 for labor, materials and equipment required for Installation of Upgrade of Portion of the E7-1 Kawanee & Page Force Main, SCIP Project No. C5585, for an addition of sixty six (66) calendar days, and a 1.58% decrease in the cost of the contract by $44,752.35 from $2,830,240.00 to $2,785,487.65. (Council District 4)(Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) C5585 - Affidavits 3 18. Resolution granting Change Order 3 (FINAL) with Gilmore & Son Construction Corporation for the Hoey’s Canal Drainage Improvements (Phase 3b – Deckbar Avenue to Labarre Road), for work performed by the Contractor for a 1.3% decrease of $83,558.81 to the contract price, thereby decreasing the contract price from $6,348,767.52 to $6,265,208.71 and extends the contract by 7 calendar days. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration) Affidavits. CO # 3 FINAL -LHJ, Inc.-Gilmore and Son Construction Corp re Hoeys Ca 19. Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 3 with Trimark Constructors, LLC, Bid No. 50-106624, with no change to the contract cap of $2,724,665.00, and adding fifty-one (51) days to the contract with a new Substantial Completion date of February 20, 2015 and Final Acceptance date of April 6, 2015 for Interior Renovations to Rivarde Juvenile Detention Center for the Jefferson Parish Department of Juvenile Services. (Council District 3) (Approved by Mr. Spears at the request of the Administration) Change Order No 3 - Architect Affidavit Change Order No 3 - Contractor Affidavit ACCEPTANCE OF COMPLETED CONTRACTS 20. Resolution granting an acceptance to Barriere Construction Co., LLC for their completed contract, which covers Submerged Roads Program (Concrete) Street Repairs C.D. No. 4 Bid Packet No. 1, Proposal No. 50-103129 for the Department of Engineering. (Council District 4) (Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) 21. Resolution granting final completion to Fleming Construction Co., LLC. for their completed contract, for Upgrade Portions of the E7-1 Kawanee & Page Force Main, Proposal No. 50-106774, SCIP No. C5585. (Council District 4)(Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) 22. Resolution granting a Final acceptance to Gilmore & Son Construction Corporation for their completed contract for the Hoey’s Canal Drainage Improvements (Phase 3b – Deckbar Avenue to Labarre Road), for the Department of Drainage. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration) 23. Resolution granting Substantial Completion with Roofing Solutions, LLC, Bid No. 50-108048, for labor, materials, and equipment necessary to apply a fluid applied flexible acrylic waterproofing system over the existing metal panel roof located at 4901 Jefferson Hwy., Suite A, Jefferson. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration) RESOLUTIONS BY COUNCILMEMBERS 24. Resolution granting permission to Louisiana Fire Juniors of LA to conduct the LA State Cup Soccer Tournament at Lafreniere Park; and to allow the sale of novelties, beverages and food. (Council District 4) 4 25. Resolution amending Resolution 124249 to grant permission to to place two (2) temporary signs not to exceed 4-foot by 8-foot on the Parish right of way to advertise said Crawfish Cook Off. (Council District 4) 26. Resolution granting permission to St. Philip Neri School, to conduct a Crawfish Cook Off; to allow the sale of beverages, food, beer and alcoholic beverages. (Council District 4) 27. Resolution requesting the Jefferson Division to install All-Way Stop signs at Avenue at Brockenbraugh Street and Helios Metairie. (Council District 5) (Approved request of the Administration) 28. Resolution granting John Calvin Presbyterian Church and Playschool permission to hold a Kid’s Art & Fun Fair. (Council District 5) 29. Resolution granting permission to St. Edward The Confessor School to conduct a Crawfish Cook-Off. (Council District 5) 30. Resolution - granting Archbishop Rummel High School to hold a Food Fest – Beast Feast on the school grounds to allow the sale of beverages, food, and beer (delivery & pickup 4/9/14). (Council District 5) 31. Resolution granting permission to Believer’s Life Family Church to conduct a Spring Family Fair; providing games, amusement rides, food and beverages. (Council District 1) Parish Traffic Engineering the intersections of Helios Avenue at Homer Street in by Ms. Lee-Sheng at the RATIFY RIGHT-OF-WAY LEASE AGREEMENTS 32. Resolution ratifying the Right-of-Way lease agreement with Xplore Federal Credit Union for the Commercial Parkway Overlay Zone. (Council District 4) (Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) PUBLIC APPEARANCE AGENDA ORDINANCES SCHEDULED FOR FINAL ADOPTION THIS DAY RECLASSIFICATION OF ZONING - AND LAND USE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ORDINANCES 33. SUMMARY NO. 24200 waiving the zoning requirements for the construction by Jefferson Parish of a new drainage pump station; Elise Avenue Pump Station, Public Works Project No. 2009-009-DR, at the corner of West Metairie Avenue and Elise Avenue, 911 Elise Avenue, Metairie. (Council District 2) 5 RECLASSIFICATION OF ZONING ORDINANCES - AMEND 3813/TEXT CHANGE 34. SUMMARY NO. 24197 amend Chapter 4, Alcoholic Beverages, Chapter 20 Offenses and Miscellaneous Provisions, and Chapter 33 Unified Development Code of the Code to allow Fat City businesses that have an alcoholic beverage permit and provide food services or arts, entertainment, or recreation services to have extended hours of operation subject to the prohibition on selling, dispensing, or consuming alcoholic beverages during certain hours. (Council District 5) 35. SUMMARY NO. 24198 amend Chapter 33, Unified Development Code and Chapter 40, Zoning, to clarify and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of regulations for minor subdivisions. (Parishwide) RECLASSIFICATION OF ZONING ORDINANCES - CPZ/MUC'S 36. SUMMARY NO. 24196 approving CPZ-3-15 for a variance to the signage regulations for Talbots, located at 3029 Veterans Memorial Boulevard, on Lots 6 – 9 and 10Q, Square 34, Harlem Parkway Subdivision, (Council District 5) RECLASSIFICATION OF ZONING ORDINANCES - PERMITTED USES 37. SUMMARY NO. 24199 amend Chapter 8, Buildings and Building Regulations, Article III Preliminary and Other Building Requirements, Division C. Other Restrictions, Subdivision C Permit for Construction, etc. on Mississippi River of the Code of Ordinances,to eliminate duplication of review for the development of the Mississippi River batture. (Parishwide) OTHER ORDINANCES 38. SUMMARY NO. 24193 amend Article II, Division 6, Sections 7-126, 7-128 through 7-131 of the Code in order to clarify and enhance the provisions relating to the humane care and treatment of animals. (Parishwide) (Deferred from 1/28/15) 39. SUMMARY NO. 24201 amend Chapter 38 of the Code to provide for transportation network application based services. (Parishwide) 40. SUMMARY NO. 24202 a Fourth Supplemental Bond Ordinance authorizing the issuance of not to exceed Three Million and No/100 ($3,000,000) Dollars of Sewer Revenue Bonds, in one or more series, of Consolidated Sewerage District No. 1 of the Parish of Jefferson, State of Louisiana, in accordance with the terms of the General Bond Ordinance; prescribing the form, and certain terms and conditions of said Bonds; providing for the sale of said Bonds. (Parishwide) 6 41. SUMMARY NO. 24203 - creating the Office of Film Jefferson within the office of Citizens’ Affairs and the position of Film Coordinator, establishing the appointment, term, duties and salary of the Film Coordinator, amending Ordinance No. 13709, the Executive Pay Plan, to incorporate a new class of work entitled: Film Coordinator. (Parishwide) 42. SUMMARY NO. 24204 amending the Code, Chapter 26, Special Events, to enact Chapter 26, Article IV entitled Film and Movie Production, in order to codify the process for permitting filming activities within unincorporated Jefferson Parish. (Parishwide) 43. SUMMARY NO. 24205 Jefferson Parish. (Parishwide) 44. SUMMARY (Parishwide) NO. amending 24206 - the amending 2015 Operating the Budget 2015 Capital of Budget. TEMPORARY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE PERMITS (DEALER PERMITS) 45. Introduction of resolutions & motions by Councilmembers RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS FROM THE FLOOR 46. Introduction of resolutions & motions by Councilmembers CONSENT AGENDA TWO ADDENDUM AGENDA ITEMS 47. RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS BY COUNCIL MEMBERS 48. Resolution motioning for a hearing to be set and heard by the Jefferson Parish Alcoholic Beverage Permit Review Committee to determine whether the 2015 Alcoholic Beverage Permit of Boom Boom's Bar, In The Pink, Inc., should be suspended or revoked. (Council District 5) (Ms. Lee-Sheng) 49. Resolution motioning for a hearing to be set and heard by the Jefferson Parish Alcoholic Beverage Permit Review Committee to determine whether the 2015 Alcoholic Beverage Permit of Mo’s Chalet, Mo's Chalet, Inc., should be suspended or revoked. (Council District 5) (Ms. Lee-Sheng) 50. Resolution motioning for a hearing to be set and heard by the Jefferson Parish Alcoholic Beverage Permit Review Committee to determine whether the 2015 Alcoholic Beverage Permit of Rumba Bar, Lanza, Gingerlyn, should be suspended or revoked. (Council District 3) (Mr. Spears) 7 CHANGE ORDERS OVER 25% 51. Resolution authorizing Change Order 1 with R. Seibert Construction for an additional thirty (30) calendar days and $25,905.00 to the contract, which contract covers labor, materials and equipment for repair of the Lafreniere Park Pavilion, Proposal No. 50-109714 for the Department of Parks and Recreation. Change Order 1 represents a 77.27% increase to the original contract amount. (Council District 4) (Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) R. Sibert Construction pavilion repairs CO1_Public Works affidavit ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS AND/OR UTILITIES FOR MAINTENANCE (DEFERRED 52. Resolution accepting drainage and certain streets in Westwood Crossing Subdivision for maintenance by the Parish of Jefferson in accordance with plans prepared by Dufrene Surveying & Engineering, Inc. dated October 2, 2006, with final revision date of March 1, 2007 and stamped “Record Drawings” on October 8, 2007. (Council District 3) (Approved by Mr. Spears at the request of the Administration) (Deferred from 1/28/15) OTHER RESOLUTIONS (DEFERRED) 53. Resolution authorizing to execute an agreement with the State of Louisiana, Department of Transportation and Development and with the New Orleans Regional Planning Commission for the construction of ITS Dynamic Message Signs in Jefferson Parish (Power Boulevard Median facing Southbound Traffic near Blanke Street). (Council District 4) (Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) (Deferred from 1/28/15) IDENTIFY SUB-CONTRACTORS (SUB-CONSULTANTS) FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (DEFERRED) 54. Resolution approving a subcontractor for professional services in association with the Engineering Services Agreement with Meyer Engineers, Ltd. dated January 6, 2012. (Council District 4)(Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) (Deferred from 1/28/15) D3559 - Affidavits AUTHORIZE CHAIRMAN TO SIGN CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS 55. Resolution - ratifying Amendment 1 with AIMS Group, Inc. to add basic and supplemental services related to bidding and construction of improvements to North Lester Avenue and Canal No. 5 and to adjust the fees for geotechnical and surveying services, thereby increasing the contracted fee by $106,206.64 from a total fee of $82,352.00 to a total fee of $188,558.64. (Council District 4)(Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) Affidavits -N. Lester 8 56. Resolution ratifying Amendment 1, with ARCADIS U.S., Inc. for services related to the design of improvements to Sewer Lift Station Kawanee & Olympic (D7-2), to provide professional and supplemental services during bidding, construction and project closeout, which increases the total value of the contract by $116,839.00 from $168,472.00 to $285,311.00, Sewerage Capital Improvement Program Project No. D5812. (Council District 4)(Approved by Mr. Zahn at the request of the Administration) D5812 - Affidavits 57. Resolution ratifying Amendment 4 with Infinity Engineering Consultants, LLC to establish a new termination date of July 15, 2016 for all services associated with the design and construction of Drainage Improvements in the Bannerwood Subdivision, with the contract fee to remain at $413,823.70. (Council District 1) (Approved by Mr. Templet at the request of the Administration) Affidavits - Bannerwood 58. Resolution ratifying an agreement with BCG Engineering & Consulting, Inc. for providing professional services related to a public safety launch on the Mississippi River for a total fee of $276,739.70, with this cost not to be exceeded by a factor of more than ten percent without an amendment to the contract. (Council District 1) (Mr. Templet) Affidavits - Gretna Boat Launch 59. Resolution ratifying an agreement with Evans-Graves Engineers, Inc. for professional engineering and consulting to provide design improvements to Lift Station M-12-1A (Patriot and Avenue B) at a cost of $59,424.00 with the cost not to be exceeded by ten (10) percent without an amendment to the contract. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration) D2528 - Affidavits 60. Resolution ratifying Amendment 1 SCHUMACHER VETERINARY SERVICES to extend the term of the contract for a period of three months or until such time that a permanent veterinarian can be identified through the SOQ process and a new contract ratified, at a cost not to exceed $28,750.22 for the period of this extension, for a total contract cap of $143,750.00. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration) SOQ Affidavit Dr. Schumacher SOQ Affidavit Melisse Conway 61. Resolution ratifying Amendment 1 with KENNETH M. ALLAN, DVM to extend the term of the contract for a period of three months or until such time that a permanent veterinarian can be identified through the SOQ process and a new contract ratified, at a cost not to exceed $28,750.22 for the period of this extension, for a total contract cap of $143,750.00. (Council District 3)(Approved by Mr. Spears at the request of the Administration) SOQ Affidavit Dr. Allan SOQ Affidavit Dr. Allan 62. Resolution ratifying an Agreement with Metairie Small Animal Hospital to provide supplemental twenty-four (24) hour Louisiana licensed veterinary services for the Jefferson Parish Animal Shelter, for a period of two (2) years, maximum expenditures not to exceed $110,000.00. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 9 Affidavits for Supplemental Veterinary Services Contract Affidavits - Supplemental Veterinary Services Contract Metairie Small 63. Resolution ratifying an Agreement with CrescentView L.L.C. d/b/a Multivista Construction Documentation to provide comprehensive digital photographic documentation of the construction, renovations, and improvements of projects for various Jefferson Parish Departments, including the Department of General Services under RFP No. 0318. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) RFP0318.CrescentViewMultivista.DigitalPhotographicDocumentation.Affidavit OTHER RESOLUTIONS 64. Resolution authorizing Amendment 1 with Volunteers of America of Greater New Orleans for the Elderly Repairs on Wheels Program increasing the budget amount by $92,000.00; from $300,000.00 to $392,000.00 and add the installation of elevator lifts to the scope of services for the elderly and disabled homeowners with documented medical conditions that live outside the levy protection, (Council District 1) (Mr. Templet)(Deferred from 1/28/15) 65. Resolution amending Resolution 122784 for providing professional services related to Phase II of Central Avenue Waterline, for the Department of Water, to revise the account number for professional services associated with the project. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration) 66. Resolution authorizing the Parish Clerk to re-advertise for submittal of Statements of Qualifications for a one year contract for veterinarians interested in providing professional veterinary services at the East Bank Animal Shelter on a full time or part-time basis. (Council District 2) (Approved by Mr. Johnston at the request of the Administration.) 67. Resolution - authorizing a settlement in the claim made by BG Mart for property damage caused by the enclosure of the Brown Avenue Canal Project. (Council District 3) (Approved by Mr. Spears at the request of the Administration) 68. Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Department to issue purchase orders for the purchase of small and heavy equipment parts and repairs on Bobcat equipment, from Duhon Machinery, Co. in an amount not to exceed expenditures of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) for the Department of Fleet Management. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) DUHON MACHINERY--AFFIDAVIT--Sole Source Vendor 69. Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Department to issue purchase orders for the purchase of small and heavy equipment parts and repairs, from Ferrara Fire Apparatus, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00, for the Department of Fleet Management. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) FERRARA APPARTUS-AFFIDAVIT-Sole Source Vendor 10 70. Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Department to issue purchase orders for the purchase of small and heavy equipment parts and repairs for Doosan equpment, from M & L Industries LLC, in an amount not to exceed expenditures of $30,000.00, for the Department of Fleet Management. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) M & L INDUSTRIES LLC-AFFIDAVITS-Sole Source Vendor 71. Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Department to issue purchase orders for the purchase of small and heavy equipment parts and repairs, from Scott Equipment Co., LLC in an amount not to exceed expenditures of $100,000.00, for the Department of Fleet Management. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) SCOTT EQUIPMENT CO LLC-AFFIDAVIT-Sole Source Vendor 72. Resolution authorizing the Parish Clerk to re-advertise for the submittal of a Statement of Qualifications from persons or firms interested in providing dispute resolution services as arbitrators, mediators or facilitators in matters involving the Parish of Jefferson. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 73. Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Department to issue purchase orders for the purchase of small and heavy equipment parts and repairs, from Covington Sales & Service, Inc., in an amount not to exceed expenditures of $100,000.00, for the Department of Fleet Management. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) Covington Sales & Service--AFFIDAVIT--Sole Source Vendor 74. Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Department to issue purchase orders for the purchase of small and heavy equipment parts and repairs, from Lee Tractor Co. Inc., in an amount not to exceed expenditures of $100,000.00, for the Department of Fleet Management. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) Lee Tractor Co Inc--AFFIDAVIT--Sole Source Vendor 75. Resolution certifying to the legislative auditor the Parish Transportation Fund for Calendar Year 2014 was expended in compliance with the standards established by law, including but not limited to the standards established in the Parish Transportation Fund, LA-RS 48:751 et seq. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 76. Resolution - ratifying Amendment 1 to the Agreement for Services with Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority (JPHSA). (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) JPHSA Affidavits 2014-2016 77. Resolution authorizing a $29,000.00 increase to the contract cap of the Agreement between the Parish of Jefferson and Documart for printing services related to a brochure named The Progressive Jefferson which is distributed with utility bills. (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) 11 78. Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Department to issue purchase orders for the purchase of small and heavy equipment parts and repairs, from Chauvin Bros. Tractor, in an amount not to exceed expenditures of $30,000.00, for the Department of Fleet Management (Parishwide)(Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) CHAUVIN BROS--AFFIDAVIT-Sole Source Vendor 79. Resolution amending Resolution 122835 for waterline point repairs for the Jefferson Parish Department of Public Works, Water, Proposal No. 50-109328, to revise the account number for services associated with the contract. (Parishwide) (Approved by Mr. Lagasse at the request of the Administration) JEFFERSON PARISH SPECIAL DISTRICTS 80. Resolution - ratifying an Act of Subordination of Leasehold Interest in favor of East Jefferson Levee District in connection with the Corps of Engineer Lake Pontchartrain & Vicinity (LPV), Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps (PCCP), 17th Street, Orleans Avenue, and London Avenue Outfall Canals, Jefferson and Orleans Parishes, hurricane protection project. (Council District 5) (Approved by Ms. Lee-Sheng at the request of the Administration) 81. Resolution ratifying a Partial Release of Conveyance of Particular Use and Grant of Easements by the United States Coast Guard in favor of Jefferson Parish and East Jefferson Levee District in connection Corps of Engineer Lake Pontchartrain & Vicinity (LPV), Permanent Canal Closures and Pumps (PCCP), 17th Street, Orleans Avenue, and London Avenue Outfall Canals, Jefferson and Orleans Parishes. (Council District 5) (Approved by Ms. Lee-Sheng at the request of the Administration) 82. Resolution authorizing the Purchasing Department to advertise a Request for Proposals to obtain a single Health Care Provider to provide a comprehensive Performance Base Health/Welfare Program for the East Bank Consolidated Fire Department. (Council Districts 2, 3, 4 & 5)(Approved by Mr. Spears, Mr. Johnston & Ms. Lee-Sheng at the request of the Administration) NEW BUSINESS STATUS REPORT PERSONS APPEARING BEFORE THE COUNCIL ON SPECIAL SUBJECT MATTERS All persons wishing to appear before the Council are required to register with the Parish Clerk. Please list your name, address, phone number and the reason you would like to speak. Only persons registered will be allowed to address the Council. You will have 5 minutes only. 83. Mr. Heaney re: Tax increments financing. 12 ORDINANCES FOR INTRODUCTION AND PUBLICATION IN SUMMARY REPORTS AND NOTICES 84. In accordance with provisions of the American with Disabilities Act Amendments Act of 2008, as amended, Jefferson Parish shall not discriminate against individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities. If you require auxiliary aids or devices, or other reasonable accommodation under the ADA Amendments Act, please submit your request to the ADA Coordinator at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance or as soon as practical. A seventy-two (72) hour advanced notice is required to request Certified ASL interpreters. ADA Coordinator/Office of Citizens with Disabilities 1221 Elmwood Park Blvd., Suite 210 Jefferson, LA 70123 (504) 736-6086 [email protected] 13
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