VETERANEN - FAHRZEUG - VERBAND VFV e.V Dear vintage Motorcycle and Veloziped – Friends, We like to invite you and your friends to our events in Kaltenkirchen this year. We will organize the 9. Int. VFV/ADAC 2-days Vintage motorcycle Weekend NORTH GERMANY together with the New Imperial Owners Association World Meeting for pre 1945 motorcyles and the 4.Veloziped-Meeting „SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN“ for historic bicycles from 17.-19. July 2015 in Kaltenkirchen/Holstein, North Germany This year we will celebrate the 30. anniversary of “ The North German” we are proud to welcome the New Imperial Owners Association. The first vintage vehicle runs in Kaltenkirchen were organized by our long time former president Wilhelm Henning and my parents in 1970. Over 70 Motorcycles and 30 cars took part in the 1.Int. Veteranen Treffen located on the old Marketquare in Kaltenkirchen. With participants from Danmark, Sweden, Netherlands and Switzerland it was a real international event. More successful events like the “Olympic Rally” 1972 and the 11. Int. Windmill Rally in 1975 followed. In 1985 Nico Hansen and Heinz Kindler invited for the first "International Motorrad- Veteranenfahrt". Great success, 152 participants from 7 Nations, from Lillehammer in Norway to Wiener Neustadt in Austria with bikes manufactured from 1901- 1956, met at Kaltenkirchen for a unique Vintage motorcycle Weekend. In 1992, 2000 and 2012 the "international Windmill Rallye" was part of the "2 days Vintage motorcycle weekend „North Germany" In 2015 we will celebrate the 30th Anniversary. A special highlight will be the marquee meeting of the "New Imperial Owners Association". Former Grasstrack- and Speedway- World Champion Egon Müller will be the events Moderator. A batch of historic Automobiles will reserved to take wifes and relations „on the route“ to watch the event. . Again we like to welcome our “Penny Farthing” and cycle riders for their 6. historic cycle meeting “Schleswig- Holstein”. We will arrange an attrative event with some “anniversary Specials” and two day of relaxing riding in the beautiful landscape between the River Elbe and the Baltic Sea. We hope to welcome you again in Kaltenkirchen this year. You were and you will be fantastic competitors and we looking forward to seeing you. Heinz Kindler MSC Kaltenkirchen e.V. for the organiser, Dr. Martin Schenker, Vice-President of Veteranen-Fahrzeug-Verband e.V. THE ORGANISER : VETERANEN-FAHRZEUG-VERBAND VFV e.V. MSC KALTENKIRCHEN IM ADAC THE ORGANISER ADRESS: MSC KALTENKIRCHEN IM ADAC E.V. c/o Heinz Kindler Bramstedter Landstr. 8c D-24640 Schmalfeld, Germany Tel: 0049 ( 0 ) 4191 4660 Fax: 0049 ( 0 ) 4191 89358 Mobil: 0049 ( 0 ) 171 4945203 e-mail: [email protected] THE ORGANISING COMMITEE: Chief of the Organising Commitee: Heinz Kindler =VFV/ MSC Kaltenkirchen im ADAC Organisation New Imperial World Meet. Uwe Karstens =VFV/New Imperial Owners Assoc. Clerks of the Course: Harry Seiler =MSC Kaltenkirchen im ADAC Monika Henning =MSC Kaltenkirchen= Commentator Egon Müller =former Grasstrack world champion Organiser’s Consultant: Dr. Martin Schenker =VFV= D-Hamburg Willy Hof = VFV = Hanau Chief of the VELOZIPED EVENT : Henning Gosch = MSC Kaltenkirchen im ADAC Martin Grundmeyer =VFV= D-Wiesbaden Ruth Lloyd & Klaus Bahrke = VFV= Pinneberg PUBLIC RELATIONS : Hubert Brosche =VFV= D-Bad Segeberg Jürgen Rose =VFV= D-Bad Segeberg Consutant for Competitors: Dr. Martin Schenker =VFV= D-Hamburg Friedrich Knudsen =VFV= D- Henstedt-Ulzburg Consultant for scandinavian Visitors: Christian B. Petersen = DVM = DK-Gram Consultant for british Visitors: Victor Blake = VMCC =GB-Wokingham Consultant for dutch and belgium Visitors: Robert Kreunen = VMC = Hengelo (Gld.) Managers of courses and checkpoints: MSC Kaltenkirchen im ADAC Computing Center : Monika Henning =MSC Kaltenkirchen= Service to participants , motorcycles and velozipeds: V.F.V. Sektion „NORDDEUTSCHLAND“ under leadership W.Nolze und U. Krafft PARK FERME : G. Ragotzky =VFV= D-Hamburg FESTPLATZ KALTENKIRCHEN, Norderstr. D-24568 Kaltenkirchen, CAMPING FOR PARTICIPANTS : FESTPLATZ at Kaltenkirchen ( Sanitary rooms awailable), ACCOMODATION: HOTEL LIST : We are able to offer a limited range of “Bed and Breakfast” accomodation with local club friends. Please ask for details. see attachement to these reglements. The event will be organised in the beautyfull landscape of the south of SCHLESWIGHOLSTEIN with start and finish at Kaltenkirchen. The performance checks will be - Start test with cold engine on 19th July 2015 - Performance on routes - Average speed tests ( based on choosen averagespeeds of 24 - 30 - 36 km/h) without speedometer ( will be covered ), these tests on 2 MARQUED routes per day the rests of the two days routes should be enjoyed with relaxed riding. Fitting or using ELECTRONIC TRIPMASTERS , CYCLE COMPUTERS, GPS NAVIGATION SYSTEM or GPS able I-PHONES are beyond our spirit of VETERAN MOTORCYCLING and FAIRPLAY , this will in any case be followed up with deletion of participant. It is also possible to take part as a “UNTIMED” rider, without computing on the average speed tests Please mark on your entry form. Besides the clearly marqued ORGANISATION - VEHICLES no other companien or pilot vehicles are alowed on the routes. A batch of historic Automobiles will reserved to take wifes and relations „on the route“ to watch the event. (please marque in your entry form) The VETERAN - VELOZIPED - EVENT will be held as a road safety run. The event to run in accordance with rules and reglements (Straßenverkehrsordnung StVO) in force and laws for traffics etc. Drivers elibility The event is open for all drivers male/female with driver licence for the used vehicle, the motorcycle to follow the classes printed on next page The Cyclemotor -Class includes motor driven bicycles, leight weigth motorcycles for the VFV - Youngster class . Each vehicle can have one or more passengers as its construction is prepared for. This to be announced in the entry forms .Additional guests are allowed. Vehicles elegibility , the vehicles entry to the event will execlusively be for manufactured years ,classes as noted below : Motorcycles solo, threewheelers, quad.-cycles and sidecars manufactured Bonusfactor Class 1 before 31.12.1909 0,3 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 after 01.01.1910 and before 31.12.1915 after 01.01.1916 and before 31.12.1925 after 01.01.1925 and before 31.12.1930 and flat tank machines built after 1930 after 01.01.1931 and before 31.12.1945 100 years Triumph Model H New Imperial motorcycles Velozipeds Push-velos without pedaling and ironwheel pedalcycles, Penny Farthings Three and four wheel cycles Full rubber wheel safety cycles Ballon (air) wheel safety cycles built up to 1950 Replicas and cycles of technical interests. Motor driven bicyles, leight weigth MC’s up to 100 cc or 1hp Motordriven Cyclemotor before 31.12.60 from lowest up to 125 ccm or 1 hp and for youngsters max. 18 year with driver licence for these vehicles ( 1 B ) 0,4 0,6 0,75 Class 5 Class 7 Class 8 Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V Class 6 1,0 0,4-0,6 0,4-1,0 1,0 NEW IMPERIAL OWNERS ASSOCIATION The New Imperial Owners Association was formed in 1987 when a group of eighteen owners met in a pub in Aylesbury in response to a suggestion by the late Fred Pateman. The motorcycles that they owned were New Imperials manufactured in Birmingham between 1912 and 1939. It is of note that during those years only Norton won more Isle of Man TT races than New Imperial. The membership of the association has grown to about 220 members in England and a further 100 in the rest of the world. The association exists to promote the restoration, maintenance and use of the surviving New Imperials. The “World Meeting” is part of the Int. Vintage Motorcycle Meeting “North Germany” All New Imperial Bikes are welcome to take part in the event . The Nwe Imperial bikes will also presented to the audience on a special showground on the festival place during the whole weekend. There will be special awards for the oldest New Imperial bikes and a coucours de Elegance The World Meeting will be organised by Uwe Karstens , Brokdorf = „Librarian“ NIOC und Doug Ellis , GB – Wokingham Vorsitzender NIOC The Motorcycle Team Award “North Germany” for National, Club and private Teams: Teams can be mominated with 4 riders wih motorcycles from all classes. The fee will be paid by the captain. The best Team will win the Team Award “NORTH GERMANY. ENTRIES , ENTRY FEES : The entries must be submitted to the Secretary of the event on the here attached official entry form fully completed and signed by driver and passenger, ( see organisers address ) not later than 29th June 2015 . The entries for the TEAMS FOR NORTH GERMANY TEAM AWARD of submitted to the Secretary of the event 6thJuly 2015 club and private teams must be Entries of pre 1931 motorbikes will be will be preferred. The event is limited for max. 180 Riders Youngsters Riders ( below the age of 18 ) the entry-form additionally must be signed by one part of the parents or guardian. The relevant entry-fees for this event in Euro to be received not later than on above dates. Excemptions for foreign riders from non-€ countries, they can pay there fees at arrival on the reception desk. The amount can be paid by Cheque or via banktransfer both in currency € . the bank account MSC Kaltenkirchen e.V. at VR Bank Neumünster e.G. Großflecken 54-56 D-24534 Neumünster IBAN DE 1221 2900 1600 5402 9301 BIC GENODEF1NMS Marked: „VETERANENFAHRT NORDDEUTSCHLAND 2015“ A returnpayment of the entry-fees will only be done in case of non acceptance of an entry-form and in case of abandon of the event. All riders will receive an entry confirmation letter. An entry list will also shown on our webside Relevant entry-fees: (for the two days event ) - Motorcycles class 1 - Motorcycles class 2 and all other Belt Drive m/c incl. “Triumph H” - Motorcycles class 3 –5 - New Imperial motorcylcles please indicate your class 1-5 - Teams - VFV Youngster Class 6 - Velozipeds Classes I - Velozipeds Classes Ii-V - Passengers and guests adult - Passengers and guests from 6 below 14 years - Camping per Tent / Mobilhome/ Caravan incl.Voltage - Breakfast in Festivanttent for 2 days (18 & 19.07.2015) - 2-Day insurance for unreg- vecicles € € € € € € € € € € € € 70,80;90,40,70,70,-80,-70,-45,-25,10,dayprice Drivers entry fees enclosed : a.) Start-Numbers to be placed fore on each machine b.) Memory present for each driver c.) Receiption and Welcome Barbeque on 17.07.2015 d.) Lunch on 18 & 19.07.2015 e.) Coffee Breaks on route on 18 & 19.07.2015 f.) Dinner und Dance on 18.07.2012 g.) Welcome drink at the finish on 19.07.2012 h.) Coachriding for ladies and kids on the routes on 21.07. and 22.07.2012 please mark in entry forms, we might have some historic cars who will take passengers as well j.) Camping f rom 15.07. - 21.07.2015 for Passengers and Guests items : c.), d.), e.), f.), g.), h.), j.) Legal requirements for vehicles The vehicles must comply with the europaen and national legal requirements, the drivers to ensure that they have a valid third party insurance cover ( green card ). Not registred vehicles to sign a two days insurance against third party claim on arrival. Vehicles not fullfilling the standards of veteran vehicles sport due to their optical view, giving a negative image to the veteran + Vintage sport can be deleted by the organisers. Vehicle examination and paper registration Before first start there will be held a vehicle examination and a document registration. For this following papers to be presented by drivers : Entry acceptance letter Drivers driving-licence Vehicles registrating documents Vehicles third party insurance valid cover/green card There after the drivers will have handed over all documents of this event etc. On vehicle examination the traffic safety standard will be checked. All extra equipment ( Twin- Tripmaster, Cyclecomputer, GPS Navigations Systems Mobilphones etc.) in or on the vehicle or even parts here off to be removed before this examination. Marking of vehicles The Start-Number-Plates provided by organisers must be clearly displayed on the Front (A4 Size) and at the Rear (A5 Size). These plates will be provided together with events documents . Control cards : Drivers control cards to be handled as an important document, these cards are the basis for all performance calculations. Loss of control cards will be followed up with deletion in this competition. Description, Timechecks, Average speed, Format of the event: The start of the road trial will be at Kaltenkirchen , Festplatz and will pass beautyfull landscape, the route will consists of approximately 120 km roads and lanes to the first days finish in Kaltenkirchen . On sunday after cold engine start test from the PARC FERME the second part of the route will consists of approximately 100 km roads and lanes through Schleswig-Holstein and back to Kaltenkirchen. Here is the finish of this event. Motorcyclists to follow the known international route markings ▲ ● ■ straight on turn right turn left Drivers will have the option of average speeds of 24 km/h; 30 km/h; 36 km/h , the average speed choosen should be declared in the entry forms. There will be 2 clearly marked time checks with different distances on the routes, Starting with RED FLAG ZK A ending with GREEN FLAG ZK E thereafter free riding until the next RED FLAG ZK A These time checks and routing controls are the basis for all performance calculations. All untimed riders should ride the routes with a maximum average speed of 36 km/h. Please take brakes on request to slow down your speed. ROUTE CONTROL DK: These Controls will mark the Break and refreshments points on the routes on both days , clearly shown by BLUE / YELLOW PLATES on the right side of the road. Our Stewards will sign your routecard. VELOZIPED RUN: The Veloziped run will be held as a road safety run about ca. 20 km each day on parts of the motorcycle run . Mettingpoints with the motorcyclists will be arranged. Insurance The organisers will arrange a personal accident insurance for the participants.. The driver must ensure that their Third Party Insurance cover is valid for this event. Exclusion of liability By acceptance of the entry form the driver and passengers agree to save harmless and keep indemnified the organisers and their officials and servants from and against any claims. Individual Awards for performance : There will be a two days performance check with added penalities for both days. For this performance there will be calculated the performance within the class and team competion, incl. Bonus factors Prize presentation , Awards . The prize presentation will take place Sunday 19th July 2015. Following Awards will be presented The OVERALL WINNER will be awarded with the “VFV NORTH GERMAN TROPHY” The „NORDDEUTSCHLAND-TROPHY“ winner TEAM Award In the classes 1 - 6 the six best drivers will become one award presented The Youngster-Class „Veteranen Fahrzeug Verband VFV“– Award The best dressed Veloziped rider Award The oldest motorcycle and Veloziped Award The „Best lady driver“ Award The Combinated Age WINNER (DRIVER + MACHINE), motorcycle and veloziped classes each. Several other AWARDS for best BELT DRIVE, best FLAT TANK machine ect. A Concours de Elegance will be held. Every rider will receive a Finishers Award Calculation will be addition of the individual points including bonus factors, the team with the lowest numbers of points will be the best. 100 Years Triumph Model H In 1915 the Triumph Cycle Company Ltd in Coventry /GB introduced their new Model H to the public . As a devolopement of the famous „Veteran Triumphs“ it had a seperate Sturmey Archer 3 Speed Countershaft gearbox and found its place in the history books as “THE TRUSTY TRIUMPH” . 60000 Model H were produced until 1924 . For the “continental anniversary” of the Model H a special trophy will be awarded. Time schedule of the event : Wednesday, 15thJuly 2015 From 18.00 onwards Campside with toilets and electric facilities will be open Location: Festplatz, Norderstr., D- 24568 Kaltenkirchen Friday, 17th July 2015 15.00 hrs to 20.00 hrs until abt.. 20:00 hrs from 19:30 hrs . Signing on and vehicle examination PARC FERME OPEN for arriving motorcyles. Welcome Barbeque and receiption Introduce of the New Imperial Owners Association with former grass track world champion Egon Müller Festival tent on the Campside Saturday, 18th July 2015 until abt. 08.00 hrs last participants arrive 06:30 hrs - 09:00 hrs Signing on and vehicle examination abt. Riders instructions 09:15 hrs 09:30 hrs – 10.:00hrs Opening ceremony with the national anthem of each country 10.00 hrs Start of the 6. Int Veloziped Cycle Run “Schleswig - Holstein 10.15 hrs. Start of the 9. Int Vintage m/c Weekend North Germany and New Imperial OA World Meeting , 2 - 3 machines will start together with 1 minute intervall . For the Velozipeds – Riders a separate time table from 10.15 – 16.30 will be announced abt. 11.:30 hrs Last machines will be started. Noted ( in entry form ) family members to follow up in minibusses, on route 60 minutes LUNCH BREAK 30 minutes Coffee break from abt.15.00 hrs 1st vehicle at days finish in Kaltenkirchen abt. last machines passing the finish flag 16:00 hrs 16:30 hrs - 17:30 hrs 18.00 hrs from abt. 19.00 hrs ca. 21.00 hrs The riders to bring their machines in to PARC FERME and will receive the BLUE CONTROL CARD. Parc Ferme will close No engine start before cold start test before Sunday 19th July 2015. DINNER and DANCE on Festival Tent on the Campside with “specials” from Commentator Egon Müller Results of the first day 2nd day RIDERS INSTRUCTION Entertainments and friendly talks. Sunday, 19th July 2015 from 09.30 hrs 1st start , 2 - 3 machines will start together with 1 minute intervall for the 2nd days route. The STARTING PLACE IS the gate of thePARC FERME ( COLD START TEST ) The machines will be released 10 minutes before they planned starting time from the PARC FERME, after presenting the BLUE CONTROL CARD by driver and brought to the START LINE without ENGINE IN SERVICE. For the Velozipeds – Riders a separate time table from 10.15 – 16.30 will be announced abt. 10.45 hrs on route sponsored by Last machines will be started. Noted ( in entry form ) family members to follow up in minibusses, 90 minutes Lunch break at Hotel “Elbblick” Brokdorf and two Coffee breaks (a 20min.) from abt.15.30 hrs 1st vehicle at 2nd days finish in Kaltenkirchen abt. last machines passing the finish flag 16:30 hrs at the FINISH LINE there are refreshments for the riders and time for the public to have a look to all these interesting old machines. abt. 17:30 hrs The presentation of events winners and awards will start, some refreshments will be served or available. . Monday , 20th July 2015 from 10.00 hrs onwards THE ORGANISERS DAY. Seightseeing trip in city and port of Hamburg Tuesday, 21st July 2015 Campside at Festplatz Kaltenkirchen will close at 11.00 hrs. The lunch stop on Sunday will be at Hotel Elbblick in Brokdorf, with the famous view over the River Elbe „THE ORGANISER’S DAY” BOAT CRUISE ON THE RIVER ELBE AND THE PORT OF HAMBURG On Monday 23 rd. July after a successful rally weekend we like to invite you to relax on board of the ship „GROSSER MICHEL” for a 3 hour boat trip on the river Elbe and the port of Hamburg, the GATE TO THE WORLD”. Our boat, a restored ferry boat which did service in the port of Hamburg from the 1930’ s onwards will show us the highlights of the port of Hamburg like “Willkommhöft”, the Ferry house at Wedel which welcomes the big ships who visits the port with their national anthem or the Ballinstadt, from where the emigrants around 1900 started their voyage in the “new world” to find new luck in the Unites States. In the afternoon we have the opportunity to see the “Hafen City” which is located in the old “Store House city” with entrance in the famous Hamburg “Model World”, (Tickets Included) There will be also time to visit the Maritime Museum , The “Prototype” Car Museum and the big museum ship “Cap San Diego” From 18.00 hrs onwards we will go back by coach to Kaltenkirchen. Our ZÜNDAPP RIDER and former Hadag ferry boat captain WERNER JORDE will assist us as an extra tour guide. Please mark your interest direct on the entry form. Price incl. coach transfer transfer meal on board and ticket for Hamburg model world: 49 € per Person Hotelliste für die 9 .Int. VFV/ADAC 2-Tage Motorrad-Veteranen-Fahrt Norddeutschland in Kaltenkirchen 17-19.. Juli 2015 B & B = Bett und Frühstück, SR = Einzel Zimmer, DR = Doppel ZimmFor Germany dial 0049 and delete 0 on area code NAME des HOTEL STRASSE PLZ ORT TELF. ANGEBOT Ab € Hotel Dreiklang Norderstraße 6 24568 Kaltenkirchen 04191/921-0 B&B in SR ca.99,00 *direkt am Start *near the start B&B in DR ca.129,00 Hotel Kleiner Markt Königstraße 7 24568 Kaltenkirchen 04191/ 999 20 B&B in SR B&B in DR 54,00 87,00 Hotel Zum Landhaus Hamburger Str. 1 24568 Kaltenkirchen 04191/9524669 B&B in SR B&B in DR 46,00 70,00 Hotel Holstenhof Struvenhüttener Str. 3 24640 Schmalfeld 04191/3433 B&B in SR 39,00 B&B in DR 70,00 04193-8820555 B&B in SR 65,00 B&B in DR 90,00 B&B in SR 57,00 B&B in DR 88,00 B&B in SR 61,00 B&B in DR 77,00 B&B in SR 44,00 B&B in DR 66,00 B&B in SR 28,00 B&B in DR 51,00 Fun Arena Hotel Hotel Scheelke Hotel Wiking Alster Klause Hotel Henstedter Hof Heidekoppel 3-5 Kisdorfer Str. 11 Hamburger Str. 81 Norderstedter Str. 80 24558 24558 24558 24558 HenstedtUlzburg Henstedt Ulzburg Henstedt Ulzburg HenstedtUlzburg 04193/90 80 04193 89760 24558 Dusche und WC im Gang Maurepasstraße 78 Frühstück extra: p. P. 4,00 € Hotel Happy Bleeck 7 24576 Bad Bramstedt 04192/14 38 B&B in SR B&B in DR 45,00 79,00 Hotel Freese Maienbeeck 23 24576 Bad Bramstedt 04192/98 41 B&B in SR B&B in DR 42,00 69,00 Hotel Tanneneck Birkenweg 28 24576 Bad Bramstedt 04192/5000-0 B&B in SR B&B in DR 48,00 72,00 Mercure Hotel Köhlerhof Am Köhlerhof 4 24576 Bad Bramstedt 04192/50 50 B&B in SR Ab 70,50 B&B in DR Ab 93,00 B&B in SR 52,00 B&B in DR 69,00 B&B im SR B&B in DR 28.00 42,00 Ibis Budget Hotel Quickborn Hotel am Denkmal **Dusche/WC im Gang Pascalkehre 10, direkt an BAB A7 25451 Barmstedter Str. 1 25486 HenstedtUlzburg 04193/ 983 00 Quickborn Alveslohe 04193 2583 04106/700 420 04193/22 35 visit the new “PS – Speicher” motorcycle museum in 37574 Einbeck Bonhams 1793 welcomes all competitors of the “North German” vintage motorcycle” weekend and the New Imperial Owners Association World Meeting and wishes all riders enjoyable and trouble free runs. Our forthcoming sales Les Grandes Marques du Monde au Grand Palais, Paris 5.2.2015 The Spring Stafford Sale Pioneer, Vintage & Collectors' Motorcycles and Related Memorabilia & Spares, GB Stafford 26.04.2015 The Summer Classic Sale Important Collectors' Motorcycles & Motor Cars GB-Oxford 20.06.2015 Motor Cycles (UK) +44 (0) 0208 963 2817 [email protected] Germany Paul Gockel. +49 160 9498 4316 [email protected] Bonhams 1793 german representive Paul Gockel at the start of the 2012 Windmill Rallye in Kaltenkirchen
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