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JANUARY 28, 2015
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Zionists Scared of
Iran’s Response
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Tehran – Islamic Republic of Iran
In the Name of the Most High
Noon (Zohr)
UK Human Rights Report:
Guilty as Charged
By: Kayhan Int’l Staff Writer
The Global Center to Support Human Rights has published a report
on human rights violations in Britain.
It’s the first-ever comprehensive report by the Iranian group documenting the persistent violation of human rights in Britain in the past
two years. Under the document, almost every fortnight two women are
killed by their colleagues. The figure is up 68% compared with 2013.
This while the existing data and reports merely cover 40% of the cases
in the country.
The Tehran-based center also unveiled a similar report this month on
human rights violations in the United States. According to the report,
the U.S. has been one of the greatest producers and distributors of the
world child pornography products, while it is now one of the only two
countries in the world that have not yet joined the International Children’s Rights Convention.
Violation of prisoner rights, privacy and minority rights, children and
immigrant rights and freedom of speech, as well as racial discrimination, police brutality and sexual violence against women and children
are just some of the important issues raised in the report.
According to the Tehran-based rights group, the U.S. which claims to
be an advocate of human rights is itself the biggest violator in the world:
Last year, some 1,029 black people were killed by the police, over 35
people were executed, among them 18 blacks and 5 Hispanics, and 53
people were sentenced to death.
The victims of abuse are typically the weakest and most vulnerable in
U.S. society too: immigrants, racial and ethnic minorities, children, the
elderly, the poor, and prisoners. The U.S. also ranks 46th in the world
when it comes to freedom of press. But that’s not all.
Reports coming from around the world, particularly from the Human
Rights Watch, suggest that there are hundreds of court cases against
American and British troops in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan who
have committed crimes against humanity.
To execute their perpetual global war on terrorism, the U.S. and the
UK administrations have favored large-scale black ops, torture and
drone assassination programs, as in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and
The UN reports continue to criticize the assassination program and
drone strikes. They express concern with the “lack of transparency regarding the criteria for drone strikes, including the legal justification
for specific attacks, and the lack of accountability for the loss of life
resulting from such attacks.”
Similarly, the United Nations last year passed a resolution against the
criminal Zionist regime for violating basic human rights of an entire
Palestinian nation! It’s only a matter of time before the world wakes
up and takes a firm stance against these violators of human rights on
a global scale.
That day, the U.S., Britain and the Zionist regime will no longer be
able to conceal their crimes and the world will no longer listen to them
or take their unfounded allegations against Iran seriously, which has
been one of the main victims of their weapons of mass destruction, state
terrorism and human rights breaches.
India Loses Monopoly on
Soymeal Sales to Iran
MUMBAI (Dispatches) -- India’s soymeal exports are set to hit a 26year low in the year ending March as easing of sanctions against Iran allows the key buyer to opt for cheaper South American supplies, industry
officials said.
Lower Indian sales could underpin Chicago soymeal futures, which fell almost 17% in 2014, while weak export demand could drag on domestic soybean prices. The oilseed is crushed to produce soyoil and the animal feed.
As a result top buyers of Indian soymeal, such as Iran and Japan, are
turning away.
Taking advantage of curbs on dollar trade with Tehran amid sanctions
over its nuclear program, India had built a monopoly in soymeal trade
with Iran and commanded higher prices.
(Continued on Page 7)
Surely the number of
months with Allah is twelve
months in Allah’s ordinance
since the day when He created the heavens and the
earth, of these four being sacred; that is the right reckoning; therefore be not unjust to yourselves regarding
them, and fight the polytheists all together as they fight
you all together; and know
that Allah is with those who
guard (against evil).
The Holy Qur’an (9.36)
Dawn(Fajr)“ Tomorrow” 05:40
Sunrise “Tomorrow”
Senior advisor to the Leader Yahya Rahim Safavi is seen at an inaugural ceremony marking the opening
of the 4th international general assembly of the Ahlul-Bayt in Tehran.
TEHRAN (Dispatches) -- A senior
advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei said
here on Tuesday recent remarks by Zionist officials show they are scared of Iran’s
reaction to Tel Aviv’s latest airstrike that
martyred six Hezbollah members and
an Iranian commander in Syria’s Golan
Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi
described as mere “lies” the claims by
the occupying regime’s officials that
they were not aware of the presence of
an Iranian commander in the Hezbollah convoy, which came under attack
by an Israeli helicopter while it was on
a field reconnaissance mission in Golan earlier this month.
“The nature of the Zionist regime is
built on lies, carnage and crimes and
their remarks reveal their fear of Iran’s
reaction to this act of terror,” Safavi
told Press TV.
He added that the Zionist regime’s
lies have become evident to all countries even the United States and Europeans.
On January 18, an Israeli military
helicopter fired two missiles into Amal
Farms in the strategic southwestern
Syrian city of Quneitra, close to the
line separating the Syrian part of the
Golan Heights from the Israeli-occupied sector.
Six Hezbollah members as well as
Brigadier General Muhammad Ali Allahdadi, an Iranian commander, lost
their lives in the assault.
U.S. Convicts Man in Iran
Sabotage Leak
WASHINGTON (Dispatches) -- A
former CIA officer was convicted of
leaking classified details of an operation to thwart Iran’s nuclear energy
program to a New York Times reporter.
Jurors convicted 47-year-old Jeffrey Sterling of all nine counts he
faced in federal court. On the third
day of deliberations, the jurors had
told the judge that they could not
reach a unanimous verdict. But they
delivered guilty verdicts later in the
afternoon after the judge urged them
to keep talking.
At issue in the two-week trial: Who
told journalist James Risen about
the secret mission, one that former
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
testified was one of the government’s
most closely held secrets as well as
one of its best chances to thwart Iran’s
nuclear program?
The case was delayed for years as
prosecutors fought to force Risen to
divulge his sources, though they ultimately decided not to call him to testify once it became clear he would not
reveal those sources even if jailed for
contempt of court.
Prosecutors had acknowledged a
lack of direct evidence against Sterling but said the circumstantial evidence against him was overwhelming. Defense lawyers had said the
evidence showed that Capitol Hill
staffers who had been briefed on the
classified operation were more likely
the source of the leak.
The plan involved using a CIA asset nicknamed Merlin, who had been a
Russian nuclear engineer, to foist deliberately flawed nuclear blueprints on
the Iranians, hoping they would spend
years trying to develop parts that had
no hope of ever working. Risen’s
2006 book, “State of War”, describes
the mission as hopelessly botched,
and possibly backfiring by giving the
Iranians blueprints that could be useful to them if they sorted out the good
information from the errors.
In his closing arguments, prosecutor Eric Olshan said the chapter of
Risen’s book seemed to be clearly
written from Sterling’s perspective
as Merlin’s case handler. The book
describes the handler’s misgivings
about the operation while others at
the CIA push the plan through despite
its risks.
Furthermore, Sterling believed he
had been mistreated and was angry that the agency refused to settle
his racial discrimination complaint,
Olshan said.
Risen had written about that complaint, and he was known to have a
relationship with Sterling. The two
exchanged dozens of phone calls and
emails, Olshan said.
But defense lawyers said the government had no evidence that Risen
and Sterling talked about anything
classified in those phone calls and
emails. The government failed to obtain Risen’s records to see who else
he may have contacted.
Defense attorney Barry Pollack said
Risen first got wind of the operation
in early 2003, within weeks of Sterling reporting his misgivings to staffers at a Senate intelligence committee
— a channel that Sterling was legally
allowed to pursue. Pollack said it
makes more sense that a congressional staffer leaked to Risen.
Following the attack, the occupying
regime’s media quoted Tel Aviv’s officials as saying that the Israeli military
had not been aware of the presence of
the Iranian commander in the convoy.
Hezbollah and Iran have vowed that
their response to the attack would be
extremely painful.
Senior commander of Iran’s Islamic
Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)
Brigadier General Hussein Salami
said last week that the Zionist regime
should brace for “a special retaliation”
in response for the attack in Golan
Salami said the country planned to
widen the battlefield with Israel, open-
ing a front across the West Bank.
IRGC Commander Major General
Muhammad Ali Jafari also warned that
the Zionist entity “should await annihilating thunderbolts”.
The attack in Quneitra has sparked
fears within Occupied Palestine of
Hezbollah’s possible retaliation.
Israeli media have reported over the
past days that the regime is closely
monitoring the movements close to the
Lebanese border and in the occupied
Golan Heights.
They say that after the attack, the
occupying regime of Israel deployed
its Iron Dome antimissile battery near
the Lebanese border. And Tel Aviv
shut down its airspace over the Golan
Heights, ordering aircraft to stay away.
Saudi King Revisited
VATAN EMROOZ: Iranians know it just too well that on several occasions it was the former Saudi king who asked the United States to
attack Iran militarily. He played a key role in spreading the Iranophobia
campaign across the globe. Even Americans agree they were under immense pressure from Riyadh to attack Iran and its nuclear facilities. The
Saudi king’s hands are also stained with the blood of resistance fighters
and leaders. He himself on several times ordered the assassination of
Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of Lebanon. And we won’t even talk about
his devastating role in crushing the revolutions in in Egypt, Tunisia and
Libya – or his arms aid and money to the terrorists hell-bent on destroying Iraq and Syria.
Liquidating Palestine
KHORASAN: The U.S. sponsorship of the negotiations between the
Palestinians and the Zionists represents a direct cover for liquidating the
Palestinian cause and displacing the remaining Palestinians under the socalled Jewish state. Arabs shouldn’t be partners responsible for the blood
of their own people. The main purpose is not to promote peace between
the Palestinians and the Israelis, but to prolong the Israeli-American occupation amid lecturing the Arabs about the alleged dangers of Iran.
Enrichment Rights
RESALAT: It is necessary to remember that as per NPT rules and regulations as well as the Safeguards Agreement, enrichment of uranium for
the sole purpose of generating nuclear energy fuel is an inalienable right
of all IAEA member states, including Iran. The right cannot be negotiated with any plan or proposal that fails to recognize it. That includes the
ongoing nuclear talks with the West.
Regional Standing
ABRAR EQTESADI: Iran has a better position in fighting terrorism
and resolving regional issues. Part of such a superior position is attributed to a number of dedicated individuals that are serving the nation.
With the help of such a valuable taskforce plus practical guidelines of the
Supreme Leader, our diplomats will undo the new conspiracy of the ominous triangle of the West and the Zionist regime, proving yet again that
the Iranian nation will never give up its nuclear rights as per the international law or cave in to coercion and retreat from its justified position.