Faculty LIST OF ACADEMIC COURSES IN ENGLISH AND OTHER LANGUAGES FOR INTERNATIONAL/JAPANESE STUDENTS 2014/2015 ENGLISH Japanese Title English Title Lecturer Duration Day 科目名 英文科目名 担当教員 開講期間 曜日 設置学部 Period Credits Level Room Syllabus 時限 単位 配当年次 教室 シラバス Credit Courses offered by Faculties 法学部 / FACULTY OF LAW 外国法特講(現代米国法の課題1) Selected Topics on Foreign Law (Contemporary ROSEN, Daniel Allan Problems of American Law 1) fs Thursday 3 2 3,4 6712 1 外国法特講(現代米国法の課題2) Selected Topics on Foreign Law (Contemporary ROSEN, Daniel Allan Problems of American Law 2) ss Thursday 3 2 3,4 6712 2 外書講読1 Selected Reading on Law 1 HESSE, Stephen fs Wednesday 4 2 3,4 6707 3 外書購読2 Selected Reading on Law 2 HESSE, Stephen ss Wednesday 4 2 3,4 6707 4 国際関係特講1 Global Migration Labour Issues Global Migration Labour Issues Barfield, Andrew fs Wednesday 2 2 3,4 6704 5 国際関係特講1 International Relations as Political Thought International Relations as Political Thought Kitamura Osamu ss Wednesday 2 2 3,4 6704 6 カルチュラル・スタディーズ Cultural Studies Nix Michael ss Tuesday 2 2 3,4 6608 7 専門総合講座A1 英語で学ぶ日本法 Introduction to Japanese Law Tatsuya Kitai fs Thursday 3 2 2,3,4 6701 8 専門総合講座A1 比較公法 Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law Ushijima Hitoshi ss Thursday 3 2 2,3,4 6701 9 専門総合講座B1 比較契約法 Comparative Contract Law Tatsuya Kitai ss Monday 2 2 3,4 6104 10 専門総合講座B1 比較刑事法 Comparative Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Yoshinori Nakanome fs Monday 3 2 3,4 6104 11 専門総合講座B1 比較企業法 Comparative Corporate Law Ito Hisaei ss Tuesday 1 2 3,4 6608 12 専門総合講座B1 比較裁判手続法 Comparative Civil Procedure Omura Masahiko ss Tuesday 6 2 3,4 6103 13 Economics Seminar Ⅰ Economics Seminar I Massarella, D. P. fs Friday 4 2 2-4 7203 14 Economics Seminar Ⅱ Economics Seminar Ⅱ Massarella, D. P. ss Friday 4 2 3,4 7203 15 Takizawa Hirokazu ss Monday 3 2 2-4 7203 16 Sasaki So fs Monday 5 2 2-4 7102 17 Hasegawa Toshiaki ss Tuesday 3 2 3,4 2109 18 Ferenc Szidarovszky ss Wednesday 3 2 2-4 7205 19 Ferenc Szidarovszky ss Wednesday 2 2 3,4 7211 20 Wada Kohei ss Friday 3 2 3,4 7203 21 Kanbayashi Kohei 経済学部 / FACULTY OF ECONOMICS 特別講義Ⅰ(Introduction to Economics) 特別講義Ⅴ(Environmental policies and economics in Asia) 特殊講義Ⅰ(Empirical Analysis of International Economics) 特別講義Ⅵ(Economics and Mathematics in English) 特殊講義Ⅳ(Introduction to game theory) ヒューマンエコノミークラスター特殊講義 Special Lecture Ⅰ (Introduction to Economics) Special Lecture Ⅴ(Environmental policies and economics in Asia) Unspecified Lecture Ⅰ(Empirical Analysis of International Economics) Special Lecture Ⅵ(Economics and Mathematics in English) Unspecified Lecture Ⅳ(Introduction to game theory) Unspecified Lecture of Human Economy Cluster Unspecified Lecture of Business Economy Cluster ss Monday 2 2 3,4 7203 22 国際教養B Foreign Studies B Massarella, D. P. fs Tuesday 2 2 1-4 7304 23 国際教養E Foreign Studies E Massarella, D. P. ss Tuesday 2 2 1-4 7304 24 言語と文化B Language and Culture B Gery W. Cantor fs Monday 3 2 1-4 7104 25 言語と文化E Language and Culture E Gery W. Cantor ss Monday 3 2 1-4 7104 26 言語と文化B Language and Culture B Maxim Woollerton fs Thursday 2 2 1-4 7203 27 言語と文化E Language and Culture E Maxim Woollerton ss Thursday 2 2 1-4 7203 28 Business English III (Advanced English for international Trade) Shunitsu Nakasako fs Wednesday 5・6 4 2 5504 29 企業経済クラスター特殊講義 商学部 / FACULTY OF COMMERCE ビジネス英語Ⅲ(貿易英語上級) 1/3 Faculty Japanese Title English Title Lecturer Duration Day 科目名 英文科目名 担当教員 開講期間 曜日 Period Credits Level Room Syllabus 時限 単位 配当年次 教室 シラバス 文学部 / FACULTY OF LETTERS 英語学(音声学・音韻論)(1) English Linguistics: Phonetics and Phonology 1 John Matthews fs Monday 1 2 2-4 3354 30 英語学(音声学・音韻論)(2) English Linguistics: Phonetics and Phonology 2 John Matthews ss Monday 1 2 2-4 3354 31 Introduction to Japan Studies(1) Introduction to Japan Studies 1 Morrison Ryan fs Monday 3 2 1-4 3155 32 Introduction to Japan Studies(2) Introduction to Japan Studies 2 Morrison Ryan ss Monday 3 2 1-4 3155 33 Introduction to Historical Studies(1) Introduction to Historical Studies 1 Motoei Sato fs Monday 3 2 1-4 3101 34 Introduction to Historical Studies(2) Introduction to Historical Studies 2 Kenichi Kobayashi ss Monday 3 2 1-4 3101 35 Introduction to Social Sciences(1) Introduction to Social Sciences 1 Sam Sang Jo fs Tuesday 4 2 1-4 3110 36 Introduction to Social Sciences(2) Introduction to Social Sciences 2 Sam Sang Jo ss Tuesday 4 2 1-4 3110 37 Introduction to Psychology Introduction to Psychology Ryoko Mugitani ss Wednesday 3 2 1-4 3203 38 Introduction to Education Studies Introduction to Education Studies Misa Akazaki fs Friday 5 2 1-4 3112 39 Introduction to Comparative Literature Introduction to Comparative Literature Yuji Oniki ss Wednesday 3 2 1-4 3253 40 Introduction to Linguistics Introduction to Linguistics John Matthews ss Monday 4 2 1-4 3110 41 Language Learning and Academic Strategies Language Learning and Academic Strategies John Matthews fs Monday 4 2 1-4 3110 42 Business English Business English Glenn Fern ss Friday 3 2 1-4 3253 43 Fast Reading Fast Reading Glenn Fern fs Friday 3 2 1-4 3253 44 Extensive Reading and Vocabulary Building Extensive Reading and Vocabulary Building Miyuki Sawada fs Thursday 5 2 1-4 3102 45 Extensive Listening Extensive Listening Kenichi Oyama fs Thursday 5 2 1-4 3256 46 Practice for TOEFL Practice for TOEFL Marikkar, Abdul Bary fs Wednesday 4 2 1-4 3208 47 1 2 1-4 3155 48 3208 49 Practice for TOEFL Practice for TOEFL Marikkar, Abdul Bary ss Friday Practice for TOEFL Practice for TOEFL Marikkar, Abdul Bary ss Wednesday 4 2 1-4 Practice for TOEIC Practice for TOEIC Marikkar, Abdul Bary fs Friday 1 2 1-4 3155 50 総合政策学部 / FACULTY OF POLICY STUDIES 経済と社会Ⅰ Economy and Society Ⅰ Hayakawa Hiroaki fs Tuesday 5 2 1 11500 51 経済と社会Ⅱ Economy and Society Ⅱ Hayakawa Hiroaki ss Tuesday 5 2 1 11440 52 微分積分学 Differential and Integral Calculus Kono Mitsuo fs Wednesday 3 2 1 11210 53 線形代数学 Linear Algebra Kono Mitsuo ss Wednesday 3 2 1 11210 54 モデリングとシミュレーションⅡ Modeling and Simulation Ⅱ Kono Mitsuo ss Thursday 3 2 2 11110 55 経済分析Ⅰ Economic AnalysisⅠ Hayakawa Hiroaki fs Wednesday 5 2 2 11440 56 経済分析Ⅱ Economic AnalysisⅡ Hayakawa Hiroaki ss Wednesday 5 2 2 11440 57 イギリス社会文化論 Society and Culture in Britain Brian Harrison ss Wednesday 2 2 2 11420 58 環境と社会 The Environment and Society Brian Harrison fs Thursday 4 2 1 8302 59 Advanced Studies Ⅰ(斉藤 美加) Advanced Studies Ⅰ Saitou Mika fs Monday 4 3 2~4 11524 60 Special Lecture (Game Theory Ⅰ) Game Theory Ⅰ Hayakawa Hiroaki fs Thursday 5 2 1 11440 61 Special Lecture (Game Theory Ⅱ) Game Theory Ⅱ Hayakawa Hiroaki ss Thursday 5 2 1 11440 62 Special Lecture(Introduction to the Foundations of Law) Introduction to the Foundations of Law Hesse Stephen fs Wednesday 2 2 2 11210 63 Special Lecture(Environment and Development) Environment and Development Evanoff, Richard J. fs Monday 4 2 2 11210 64 International Relations and Foreign Policy Analysis Izumikawa Yasuhiro fs Thursday 4 2 2 11210 65 Judaism, The Origin of Western Religions, Zion,Mark Nathan fs Friday 4 2 2 11410 66 Special Lecture(Humor and Society) Humor and Society Simms,Robert ss Wednesday 1 2 2 11508 67 Special Lecture(Intermediate Microeconomics) Intermediate Microeconomics Hayakawa Hiroaki fs Wednesday 2 2 2 11220 68 Special Lecture(The Global Environment: Institutions, Policy and Law) The Global Environment: Institutions, Policy and Law Hesse Stephen ss Wednesday 2 2 2 11210 69 Special Lecture(Understanding World-Views) Understanding World-Views Zion,Mark Nathan ss Friday 4 2 2 11410 70 Special Lecture(Environmental Politics) Environmental Politics Evanoff, Richard J. ss Monday 4 2 2 11210 71 Special Lecture(Hellenism and IslamoChristian Thought) Hellenism and Islamo-Christian Thought Takahashi Hidemi ss Friday 1 2 2 11210 72 Special Lecture(International Relations and Foreign Policy Analysis) Special Lecture(Judaism, The Origin of Western Religions) 2/3 Faculty Japanese Title English Title Lecturer Duration Day 科目名 英文科目名 担当教員 開講期間 曜日 Period Credits Level Room Syllabus 時限 単位 配当年次 教室 シラバス Special Lecture(Latino Americans and their Culture) Latino Americans and their Culture Murakami Wakako ss Tuesday 3 2 2 11210 73 Special Lecture(Intermediate Macroeconomics) Intermediate Macroeconomics Hayakawa Hiroaki ss Wednesday 2 2 2 11220 74 Special Lecture(International Relations and the Cold War) International Relations and the Cold War Izumikawa Yasuhiro ss Thursday 4 2 1 11210 75 Special Lecture(Strategy, Policy, and Planning) Strategy, Policy, and Planning Yamanoi Junichi fs Monday 2 2 2 11210 76 Special Lecture(Organizational Behavior) Organizational Behavior Yamanoi Junichi ss Monday 1 2 1 11500 77 Special Lecture(Multiculturalism in a Global SocietyⅠ) Multiculturalism in a Global SocietyⅠ Tamura Tomoko fs Wednesday 4 2 2 11210 78 Special Lecture(Multiculturalism in a Global SocietyⅡ) Multiculturalism in a Global SocietyⅡ Tamura Tomoko ss Wednesday 4 2 2 11210 79 Special Lecture(The Great Depression and American Drama) The Great Depression and American Drama Kuroda Emiko ss Thursday 4 2 1 11400 80 Special Lecture(Expressionism in American Drama) Expressionism in American Drama Kuroda Emiko ss Friday 4 2 2 11400 81 Special Lecture(Introduction to Islamic Culture and Thought) Introduction to Islamic Culture and Thought Takahashi Hidemi fs Friday 1 2 1 11210 82 Special Lecture (Japan as a Multicultural Society: People, Issues and Policies) Japan as a Multicultural Society: People, Issues and Policies Nix Michael fs Tuesday 1 2 1 11210 83 Special Lecture(Anthropology and Policy) Anthropology and Policy Yamada, Naomi C.F. ss Monday 4 2 1 11400 84 Special Lecture(Anthropology of Education) Special Lecture(Anthropology of Education) Yamada, Naomi C.F. ss Friday 4 2 1 11522 85 Special Lecture(Introduction to Social and Political AnalysisⅠ) Introduction to Social and Political AnalysisⅠ Short, Daniel F. fs Monday 5 2 1 11210 86 Special Lecture(Introduction to Social and Political AnalysisⅡ) Introduction to Social and Political AnalysisⅡ Short, Daniel F. ss Monday 5 2 1 11210 87 Special Lecture(Gender and Globalization in Asia) Gender and Globalization in Asia Tin Tin Htun fs Friday 1 2 1 11510 88 Special Lecture(Greek and Roman Drama) Greek and Roman Drama Simms,Robert fs Monday 3 2 1 11210 89 Special Lecture(The Greek and Roman Origins of English Language) The Greek and Roman Origins of English Language Simms,Robert fs Wednesday 1 2 1 11508 90 Special Lecture(Classical Mythology) Classical Mythology Simms,Robert ss Monday 3 2 1 11210 91 Special Lecture(Introductory Economics) Introductory Economics takizawa hirokazu ss Monday 3 2 1 7203 92 Special Lecture(Gender Issues in Asia, the Middle-East, and Africa) Gender Issues in Asia, the Middle-East, and Africa Tin Tin Htun ss Friday 1 2 1 11510 93 Special Lecture(American Poetry and Culture Ⅰ) American Poetry and Culture Ⅰ Mathews, Cy Elza fs Monday 4 2 1 11504 94 Special Lecture(American Poetry and Culture Ⅱ) American Poetry and Culture Ⅱ Mathews, Cy Elza ss Monday 4 2 1 11504 95 Japanese Studies1 (for exchange students) Modern Japanese literature and film & Japanese Culture Gary W. Cantor (Thu) & Schaumann, Werner (Fri) Thursday & Friday 5 4 *** Thu 7302 Fri 3206 96,97 学部共通 / ALL FACULTIES 日本事情1 (選科生向け) Please note: 1. All courses are offered at Tama Campus. 2. Duration : fs - first semester, ss - second semester 3/3 fs/ss
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