2333 Hilliard Rd. Henrico, VA February 2015 Lakeside United Methodist Church Mission Statement We are a community of faith which strives to: worship God in all we say and do; recognize and affirm the spiritual gifts of the Body of Christ; and, unite through sacrificial love in service to God. FROM OUR PASTOR Greetings Lakeside Friends: February is sometimes referred to as “Heart Month”. Instead of it being just about valentines to sweethearts, it can be an opportunity to share words of compassion with a world in need of encouragement. Maybe we could start locally. For instance, what “heart words” would you like to share with the people who use our building for meeting each week? Some of them include: Alcoholics Anonymous, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, a prayer group with Pastor Henry Amedeke, SCAN (Stop Child Abuse Now), Mountain Top Pentecostal Church of God (Hispanic Congregation), Narcotics Anonymous, Tai Chi (senior exercise group), AIM (Athletes In Motion), Henrico Pops (Chorus), Tutoring Program With Lakeside Elementary School, Safe Harbor (residents at our Gills/Hope House), Neighborhood Association, Kiwanis. We will be putting this opportunity in our bulletin. Submit your anonymous “valentine/heart words” by filling out a paper heart provided in the bulletin, place it in the offering plate and our O.N.E. Committee will compile a “care list/valentine” to be given out to everyone who meets here. You may also pin your heart on the board provided outside the sanctuary. This will be an opportunity to offer care and compassion for others in Jesus’ name. It also connects us in prayer and mission for many who are at the heart of our church’s ministry. May you find, like John Wesley, your own heart “strangely warmed” by the knowledge that you are held close to the very heart of God. Love in Christ, Rev. Rita Callis FAMILY LUNCH February 15, 2015 Following Worship Service Watch your weekly bulletin for the reservation and menu. This is a great time for fellowship with your church family. You can't beat the price, $6.50 per adult and $3.00 per child. So come on down to the Fellowship Hall and join us following the Worship Service. BAPTISMS On November 16, 2014 we celebrated the baptism of William Robert Rumford, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Rumford and grandson of Bob and Karen Friend. Thought for February: The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring. 1 The Messenger – February 2015 Church Council Meeting December, 2014 On Tuesday, December 16, 2014, the Church Council was called to order by Chairman Chris White. Bill Giese gave the devotion. Minutes from the last meeting were read and approved. Reverend Rita mentioned we were able to assist a single mother with three daughters, by providing them with Christmas gifts. She also expressed her joy at the success of the Children’s service the previous Sunday, featuring Rao, Sowmya, and Sonoah Prathipati as Josesph, Mary, and the infant Jesus. Reverend Rita gave an update on the Gills House. The requirements stipulated by the Safe Harbor Insurance Adjuster have now been met, and the Gills House is once again ready to receive new occupants from Safe Harbor. An update was given about the fundraising for our new organ. At the time of the meeting, about $12,000.00 was needed. (Since then, the gap has lessened considerably). Results were still being tallied from the well-attended fundraiser that had taken place at Jason’s Deli on Friday, December 12. The ministry focus for this meeting was Finance, specifically the budget for the coming year. At the previous meeting in November, Hal Costley had brought a recommendation from the Finance Committee, that the church council adopt the amount of $330,000.00 for the 2015 proposed budget. This would require cutting approximately $9,052.00 and the council members were assigned the exercise of making suggested trims before the meeting. Hal consolidated the suggestions as a starting point for the final adjustments. A motion passed that we accept all our apportionments for 2015. After much fine tuning, the final budget amount agreed upon was $333,491.94. Hal motioned we accept this amount, Glenda Adams seconded, and the motion passed. The members were thanked for their work throughout this process. Ministry Team Meetings Tuesday, 2/3 6:30 pm - Children’s Ministry 7:00 pm – UMM Executive Mtg. Tuesday, 2/10 10:00 am – Staff Meeting 7:00 pm – Finance Tuesday, 2/24 10:00 am – Staff Meeting Council Meeting (cont.) The meeting ended with a sharing of concerns, joys and announcements, and was closed with a prayer. This report has been submitted by Leslie Whitman and is not the complete story or official minutes from that meeting. This was the first time I attended a budget meeting, and I feel compelled to say that the final outcome has much to do with us patiently working together and having the faith that our God will accomplish what he desires. Caritas is coming on April 18, 2015. LAMBS BASKET NUMBERS FOR 2014 Number of Churches contributing food and volunteers: 40. Number of volunteers: 4,499. Number of lbs. of food donated by churches: 65.000. (Markets donating food: Trader Joes, Martins, Food Lion.) Number of people served: 20,414. Final numbers: John 21:17, “Feed my sheep.” 2 The Messenger – February 2015 Sympathy Thank You We express our deepest sympathy to the family of Dr. Carroll Cloninger who passed away on December 3, 2014. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to: Beth and William Harper, 10713 Warren Road, Glen Allen, VA 23060 or Cathy and Michael Biggs, 8395 Owl Lane, Hanover, VA 23069. We express our deepest sympathy to Rev. David Hindman over the recent passing of his mother, Hilda Hindman on December 8, 2014. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Rev. David and Terry Hindman, 105 Heron Court, Williamsburg, VA 231181694. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Anna Pollard who passed away on December 29, 2014. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Mark Pollard, 18 Palmetto Lane, Southern Shores, NC 27949. We extend our deepest sympathy to Katherine Asbury over the recent passing of her brother, James Stables. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to 2911 Lafayette Avenue, Richmond, VA 23228. We extend our deepest sympathy to the family of Jean Mahon who passed away on December 30, 2014. Expressions of sympathy may be sent to Eddie Mahon, 2144 Vaughan Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457. Lakeside Family: Thank you for your prayers and condolences for my father and our family. We are truly blessed to have such kind and thoughtful friends. Peggy and Steve Jennings Cathy and I would like to thank you for your many kind notes and visits after the death of our father, Dr. Carroll Cloninger. We would also like thank Rev. Callis and the staff for their assistance in planning his service. Lakeside has been a part of our parent’s lives for fifty years. They valued the many friends made over the years. We greatly appreciate everything you did to celebrate his life. Beth Harper A big thank-you to all the individuals and groups who contributed to the organ fund. We appreciate all donations, whether large or small; combined, they helped us reach our goal! All of you have an "interest" in this new instrument, whose primary function is leading and providing support for strong congregational singing. We thank everyone who made this possible. Caroline, Jeanne, and the Organ Committee Children’s Birthdays New Address Komba Momarkoe 5911 Willow Oaks Drive, Apt. D Richmond, VA 23225 Once a month, beginning in January, we will recognize the birthdays of children in our congregation. They will be called to the front of the church, receive a balloon and a certificate, and the congregation will sing Happy Birthday to honor kids who have a birthday in that month. Each child will be notified in advance about his or her special Sunday. Vacation Bible School Warming Thoughts! Vacation Bible School will be here before you know it. VBS will be in session June 14 to June 21, 2015, from 6:00 P.M. to 8:00 P.M. This year we will be exploring the life of David, the mighty warrior and servant of God. We will have classes for children, preschool through fifth grade, and adults. Hope to see you there. For more information, please contact Bob Friend at 672-8828. 3 The Messenger – February 2015 Organ The Biblical precedent for using the organ as an instrument for praising God is first mentioned in Genesis 4:21, when Jubal was declared the father of all who play the harp and organ, and again in Job 21:12, when Job declared “They take the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the organ.” Job referred to the instrument again when he said the organ turned into the voice of them that weep (30:31). The wonderful exhortation of Psalm 150 tells God’s children to praise him with timbrel and dance, with stringed instruments and organs. The first organ described in detail was the one used c. 250 B.C. It was a hydraulic-pneumatic instrument wherein a small reservoir was filled with water, and the water pressure created air pressure which moved through the pipes via a small bellows, creating musical tones according to the size of the pipes. (The shorter the pipe, the higher the pitch). These small organs were onemanual (keyboard), no pedal, and were portable. They were put in a donkey-drawn cart, and moved from place to place. The popularity of the organ increased, and the size of the crowds dictated a larger instrument. By the year 1500, a small pedalboard had been added. For those unfamiliar with organ terminology, the pedalboard is like a very large keyboard, concave and radiating in design, and played with the feet. From Jubal and Job to contemporary theologians, the organ has been considered the main instrument for leading congregations in worship. One clergyman states, ”In our denomination, the organ is held in high esteem, for it is the traditional musical instrument which adds a wonderful splendor to the Church’s ceremonies and powerfully lifts up the human mind to God and to higher things.” The great preacher, Henry Ward Beecher, pastor of Plymouth Church in Brooklyn from 1847-1887, wrote considerably about the organ. He thought the organ prelude was a transition from ordinary thought and feeling into a higher and more devout frame of mind, and that the organ accompanying congregational singing produced a unity of feeling and fellowship in the assembly. He described the prelude as a screen of sound rolled down between the congregation and the outside world The power of the organ needs no defense. No other instrument has that range, that depth, that versatility. Christianity chose the organ as its instrument because no other instrument communicates such power, grace, precision, beauty and strength. The organ can lift us out of ourselves, and bring us into the holy presence of God. How far the art of organ design has come since that cart-drawn primitive instrument! The organ of today can reproduce for us not only the stringed instruments and trumpets of the Old Testament, but the instruments of the modern orchestra as well, in addition to creating that marvelous sound that is unique to an organ. Great Organ News Phase 1 of the Organ Campaign is complete and we will be able to pay the bill for it by the end of January due to the generosity of many!! Some donations for phase 2 (a cost of approximately $12,000) have already been received. Phase 2 involves the redirection of several speakers to provide adequate support for congregational singing, and to provide better balance between choir and organ. Donations are greatly appreciated. Rev. Rita Callis Tutoring Tutoring sessions have begun! We currently have twelve children from Lakeside Elementary, grades 2 5, and another from Laburnum Elementary who come to our church on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM. These students are being tutored in Reading and Math by members of our congregation, as well as three VCU students majoring in Education. We serve snacks during the sessions and would love to have donations of individually packaged drinks and snacks for the kids. Please contact Dina Giese if you can donate food or funds for snacks for the students. Thanks 4 The Messenger – February 2015 Finances and Other matters – A Word From Our Pastor I come to you with a difficult report. For the first time, in a very long time, our church did not pay its Conference and District apportionments. We came short of this first mile missional giving by the amount of $10,000 in 2014. As a United Methodist congregation, these responsibilities are ours to meet before we can take on any other giving to mission projects. Therefore, our church council voted to accept a 2015 church budget that did not include funding a covenant relationship with our missionaries, Ms. Clara Biswas and Rev. Pat Watkins. We had to drop our funding of these two covenant missionaries in order to be able to step out in faith to accept our full apportionments for 2015, which again, is our first line of missional giving. We maintained our covenant relationship with Rev. Nancy Robinson and Mr. Kip Robinson, whom we proudly support as missionaries from our own congregation. Other cuts were made to the 2015 budget in order to keep our spending within the parameters of our giving. (For more detailed information, you may contact our Finance Committee Chair., or our Church Treasurer.) We cannot let these financial realities give us cause to despair, but instead find our way to lean on God all the more. Please know that our support of our apportionments helps us do more than we could ever imagine as an individual church. “As United Methodists . . . we are a people coming together to accomplish something bigger. By combining several smaller gifts into a larger amount, we can effect change around the world. As a connectional church, we can do big things, all in the name of Jesus Christ.” (-The United Methodist Handbook-available in the church office. Each line item of apportioned amounts is outlined in this helpful guide to our Denomination) .With the help of our Savior, we look forward to accomplishing our true desire to serve faithfully in our mission as a church for 2015. Rev. Rita Callis Love in Christ WE HOST OUR NEIGHBORHOOD CHURCHES ON WEDNESDAYS IN LENT - February 25 - March 25, with supper at 5:45 pm and a program to follow. Our church will provide supper on the first Wednesday and a sister church will bring the food to our church for every other Wednesday evening. A free will offering will be taken to cover the cost of food with all extra being donated to Lambs Basket, our church community food pantry. The short program, which concludes with evening prayer, will be led by a different pastor each Wednesday night. Participating Churches: Lakeside United Methodist, Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic, Lakeside Presbyterian, Christ Lutheran, Epiphany Episcopal. This a great tradition among our neighborhood churches as we share food for the body and soul. "Laissez les bon crepes rouler!" Loosely translated, “Let the good PANCAKES roll!” Shrove Tuesday is February 17th and marks the beginning of LENT. The United Methodist Men have helped celebrate the beginning of Lent by serving Pancakes, Sausage, Apples, and Beverage. Dinner will be served at 6:00 PM and the cost is a love donation with the proceeds going to The Summer Arts & Music Camp. We do need a head count so that we are prepared to feed everyone, so please let us know how many will be coming. Name: __________________ Count: ________ Adults / _______ Children: Coming to eat Pancakes. You can also let us know how many are coming by calling the Church office; 266-7016 *(There will be no ‘To-Go’ provided.) 5 The Messenger – February 2015 Endowment Fund Report for 2014 The Endowment Funds as of the end of October have assets as follows: Restricted for Maintenance & Repair$180,146 Unrestricted $75,093 The funds have increased by $12,250 through October 2014 and we have spent $3,636 as follows: Restricted Fund - $1,500 for annual $500 distributions to the choir, the UMYF and for church school literature. Unrestricted Fund - $105 for the remainder of the folding machine cost and $2,031 for the repair of the bus. The Endowment Committee has authorized $7,500 for the Organ fund from the Unrestricted Endowment Fund in January of 2015. GOOD MORNING, GOD You are ushering in another day Untouched and freshly new So here I come to ask You, God, If you'll renew me too. Forgive the many errors That I made yesterday And let me try again, dear God. To walk closer in Thy way... But, Father, I am well aware I can't make it on my own So take my hand and hold it tight for I can't walk alone. Helen Steiner Rice (In memory of Helen Goodman, submitted by her family) ** UMM Meeting Schedule Changes ** Since our church is hosting the Lenten dinner and worship services this year, the UMM will change our regular meeting night from Wednesday night to Monday night (February 23rd and March 23rd). We will still have dinner at 6:30 PM. Our meetings are open to all the men of the church and guests. We have great and informative programs on many different topics. 6 The Messenger – February 2015 FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS Glenda Adams Bernie Pomfrey Alan Lobou Michelle Robinson Florence Tarley Nina Teel Thomas Rosen Roland Tarley Diana Peaco Pattie Utley Joy Nuckols Kyle Giese Beth Moses Doug Walker Larry Robertson 2/1 2/1 2/2 2/2 2/3 2/4 2/6 2/8 2/9 2/9 2/11 2/13 2/15 2/15 2/17 Rob Ward Grace Mimbe Mary Eckart Delores Dale Griffin Nettles Bettie Sue Mills Gwen Brannan Gina Richardson Becky Waters Ray Pellegrin Paul Davis Doris Armstrong Mary Ann Crisman Sam Burruss 2/19 2/20 2/21 2/22 2/23 2/23 2/23 2/24 2/24 2/25 2/26 2/27 2/28 2/29 If your birthday does not appear in our monthly birthday list, please call the church office at 266-7016 and leave your date of birth so we may record it and celebrate your special God-given day with you. 7 The Messenger – February 2015 Sunday, February 1 9:40 AM Sunday School 10:50 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Seed Int. Worship 4:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:00 PM Youth Music 5:30 PM Youth Dinner / Program 5:30 PM Knit Wits 6:00 PM MTPCOG* Monday, February 2 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Girl Scouts 7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous 7:15 PM Boy Scouts Tuesday, February 3 6:30 PM Children’s Min. Mtg. 7:00 PM UMM Exec. Mtg. 7:00 PM Henrico Pops 7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA) 8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Wednesday, February 4 6:00 PM Tutoring Thursday, February 5 9:00 AM Tai Chi Class 6:30 PM Adult Bells 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Friday, February 6 6:00 PM AIM Saturday, February 7 9:30 AM Brownies / Girl Scouts 5:30 PM Pack Blue & Gold Banquet_______ 6:30 PM MTPCOG* Sunday, February 8 Boy Scout Sunday 9:40 AM Sunday School 10:50 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Seed Int. Worship 4:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:00 PM Youth Music / Bells 5:30 PM Youth Dinner / Program 5:30 PM Knit Wits 6:00 PM MTPCOG* Monday, February 9 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 7:00 PM Girl Scouts 7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Tuesday, February 10 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 1:00 PM Musicians Meeting 7:00 PM Finance Meeting 7:00 PM Henrico Pops 7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA) 8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Wednesday February 11 9:30 AM Rich. Dist. Clergy Mtg. 6:00 PM Tutoring Thursday, February 12 9:00 AM Tai Chi Class 6:30 PM Adult Bells 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Friday, February 13 6:00 PM AIM Saturday, February 14 Valentine’s Day 9:30 AM Girl Scouts 6:30 PM MTPCOG* Sunday, February 15 Youth return home from Retreat 9:40 AM Sunday School 10:50 AM Worship Service 12:00 PM Luncheon 2:00 PM Seed Int. Worship 4:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:30 PM Knit Wits 6:00 PM MTPCOG* Prayer Vigil Monday, February 16 President’s Day 7:00 PM Girl Scouts 7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Tuesday, February 17 6:30 PM Shrove Pancake Supper 7:00 PM North-Side Steps (AA) 7:00 PM Henrico Pops 8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Wednesday, February 18 6:00 PM Tutoring 6:30 PM Seed Int. Worship 7:00 PM Ash Wednesday Service_______ Thursday, February 19 9:00 AM Tai Chi Class 6:30 PM Neighborhood Watch 6:30 PM Adult Bells 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Friday, February 20 6:00 PM AIM Youth leave for Richmond District Saturday, February 21 Youth Retreat 6:00 AM MTPCOG* 9:30 AM Brownies / Girl Scouts 9:00 PM MTPCOG* Sunday, February 22 Youth Return from Retreat 9:40 AM Sunday School 10:50 AM Worship Service 2:00 PM Seed Int. Worship 4:30 PM Children’s Choir 5:30 PM Knit Wits 6:00 PM MTPCOG* Prayer Vigil Monday, February 23 6:30 PM Cub Scouts 6:30 PM United Meth. Men 7:00 PM Girl Scouts 7:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Tuesday, February 24 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Henrico Pops 7:00 PM North-Side Steps 8:00 PM Narcotics Anonymous Wednesday, February 25 5:00 PM LARCUM Lenten_ Dinner / Worship 6:00 PM Tutoring Thursday, February 26 9:00 AM Tai Chi Class 6:30 PM Adult Bells 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Friday, February 27 6:00 AM AIM Saturday, February 28 9:30 AM Brownies / Girl Scouts 6:30 PM MTPCOG* *Mountain Top Pentecostal Church of God Please remember to check with the Church Office before scheduling a meeting or event. Thank you. 8 Lakeside United Methodist Church 2333 Hilliard Road Richmond VA 23228 Lakeside United Methodist Church 2333 Hilliard Road Richmond, VA 23228 Phone: (804) 266-7016 - Fax (804) 266-7183 Church Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM Website: www.lakesideum.org e-mail: [email protected] Pastor: Rev. Rita Callis Director of Music: Jeanne E. Bluford Organist: Caroline H. Fergusson Administrative Assistant: Victoria L. White Sexton: Dina Giese
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