PASTOR’S LETTER Greetings fellow pilgrims, As many of you know, I recently returned from a two week pilgrimage to the Holy Land. This pilgrimage was part of my three year commitment to a pastoral spiritual support group of which I am a part called Macedonian Ministries. This ministry, which is fully funded by the Cousins Foundation in Atlanta, seeks to spiritually support groups of middle career pastors as they enter the next season of their ministries. Sounds exciting… right? Although, prior to my journey I was not so excited. Not only did I have the concerns of the church weighing on my heart, I also had been to the Holy Land two other times. I thought, “How will this trip be different?” Well it was different and it was a great joy to be on this pilgrimage. There were several things that made this journey wonderful. I was surrounded by colleagues who have similar experiences. We were led by one of the nation’s leading biblical archeologists, Max Miller, who was able to connect scripture to the sites we were seeing. One of Max’s most used phrases was, “tradition says…” Which means, we don’t have any archeological proof that it actually happened at this site. He said, “tradition says,” many more times than he said, “this is the place.” Hearing, “tradition says,” so often I began to think about my faith. As I walked through archeological site after site I began to think about what my faith is built upon. Have I built my faith on having to say this is the exact spot where Jesus was born, or preached, or died, or was buried? Have I built my faith on “tradition says” or have I built it on faith and trust. It was nice to go back to Galilee, Nazareth and Jerusalem to see the sites, but I learned very quickly that my faith is not built on these fallen stones, but is built on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. The one I have come to know as the Messiah. As neat as it is to be able to say, “this may be the exact spot where Jesus …” What’s more impressive, to me, is to just stand and look over the places and hear the history of the land where Jesus walked, sought justice, kindness, and mercy for all of God’s children. So as you journey on your pilgrimage of faith, may your faith be built not on the tradition of the rocks but on your faith in the One who walked, taught and died on these rocks. With faith in Christ, Pastor ........................................ Andy Gans Visitation Pastor (Ret.) ............ Tom McNeil Music Director .......................... Rick Roberts Executive Assistant................... Chris Muramatsu Nursery Attendant.................... Tammy Keeslar Proofreaders.............................. Susan M. Jensen and John Stewart Contributors...............................Members of Ft. King Assembling ................................. Phyllis Altonn, Bobbie Burns, Sue Chancey, Kay Dahlen, Joyce Gauntt, Eleanor Hayesmore, Donna Johnson, Pat Merrill, Roselle Pringle, Alice Reffner, Judith Simonin, Jean Winkler, Aileen Zimmerman Bulk Mail Handling...................John Stewart Worship: Sundays 10:30 a.m. Office: (352) 694694-4121 FAX: (352) 694-5226 13 NE 36TH AVENUE OCALA, FLORIDA 34470 [email protected] ADMINISTRATION AND FINANCE FKPC Financial Status for the Year as of December 31,2014 2014 is over and the final numbers are in. Our income for 2014 = $278,942. Our expenses = $279,328. A difference of $386. Our income for 2014 was $2926 less than 2013 while our expenses were $14,288 less than the previous year. A great job of watching what we spend! We received 100% of our Pledges! Fantastic! However, our Members Gifts and Loose Offerings were down significantly. The finalized budget for 2015 will be out by the end of January. We apologize for the delay. The Finance/Admin Ministry is seeking new members. members You do not need to be a math wiz. All that is required is an interest in helping FKPC maintain its relevance thru financial stability and planning. If interested please contact Steve Layendecker (694-1014 / [email protected] or at worship). As is the policy at FKPC: All are welcome! CONGREGATIONAL CARE Missing You Already I believe that God brought me to Ft. King Presbyterian Church 9 1/2 years ago. It has been a dream mission for me having the wonderful Ft. King family to consider as my own and to serve the church in all of its many and varied activities. I have loved the journey. I am looking forward to retirement and all the experiences that are in store for me in the next phase of my life. I am, at the same time, filled with regret at having to saying good-bye to the day to day workings of the church. I did not want to leave without trying to express how much you all mean to me. When I first came to Ft. King, when someone would say that they loved me, I would be taken aback and not be able to say that I loved them in return. You all have taught me the meaning of Christian love and I thank you for your generosity and God’s guidance for giving me this tremendous growth opportunity. I love all of you. I pray that God guides a wonderful person to Ft. King to support all of you and the good ministry of the church. Blessings, Chris Muramatsu 2 CONGREGATIONAL CARE (continued) Mr. PeeWee – Therapy Dog Pictures speak a thousand words, so I don't know what to say except we are enjoying the interaction with all the folks we are lucky enough to visit. We visit 20 to 30 residents at Emeritus East, including the Alzheimer's unit. Obviously, we get more out of bringing smiles to folks with Mr. PeeWee, than they would ever know. It is good therapy for them and even better therapy for Mel and me. Melvin had no idea he would enjoy going to Emeritus East so much! We look forward to it every Thursday morning. We also took Mr. PeeWee over there on Halloween. Mr. PeeWee and I were good pirates. Arrrrrrf! We are volunteers at Wyomina Park Elementary School. This past April Mr.PeeWee and I went there to visit the 5 kindergarten classes and do a little half hour program with each class talking about pet responsibility; reading them a story book about a dog that was rescued at a shelter; and answering their questions about Mr. PeeWee's own rescue story. He was rescued in Mississippi by us, and he had a dislocated hip and an umbilical hernia to be repaired as soon as we returned to Ocala the next day. He and I passed 4 certifications of obedience including the Canine Good Citizen training certificate, recognized by the state of Florida, so that we could be a therapy dog to senior communities, schools, and our church. This training was made possible by a grant from a friend of ours, at no cost to our church. So, if we can brighten your day with a visit from us and Mr. Pee Wee, we will be glad to do so. Call Jean at 352-6251667. 3 CONGREGATIONAL CARE (continued) February Birthdays Thank You My heartfelt thanks to all who helped with the memorial reception for the Clegorne family. For those who called and offered assistance and those who readily agreed to help: Set-up – Rhea and Keay Forman and Brian Lavery Flowers – Anne and Buddy MacKay Punch – Bernice Henry Servers & Clean up – Sheena Schlegel, Judy Bowman and Bernice Henry Thank you also to all who donated food when Keay called. Sue Chancey CONNECTIONS Welcome New Member 4 GROUP ACTIVITIES White Elephant Sale The White Elephant Sale will be on Saturday, February 21st, from 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. This is one of the biggest fundraisers for Presbyterian Women each year. Donations will be accepted on: Wednesday, February 18th from 8:00 - 1:00 Thursday, February 19th from 8:00 -1:00 and from 4:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Friday, February 20th from 8:00 -1:00. The deadline for donations will be 1:00 on Friday. We look forward and appreciate your donations of furniture, linens, dishes, glasses, knickknacks, clothing, toys, crafts, jewelry, tools, etc. We will also be selling delicious baked goods. Please plan to donate baked goods. 5 GROUP ACTIVITIES Tai Chi Classes Begins Again Tai Chi classes will resume on Thursday, January 8th at 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope that you can join us! ~Donna Lavery and Mary Beth Neely Presbyterian Women All women of Fort King are Presbyterian Women and are invited to participate in all activities of Presbyterian Women. Circle Meetings for February: Esther Circle will meet at 7:00 p.m. on February 9th, at the home of Bernice Henry. Deborah Circle will meet at 10:00 a.m. on February 17th, in the Session Room of the church. The Coordinating Team will meet on Wednesday, February 4th, at 10:00 a.m. in the Session Room. Men’s Night Out Men’s Night Out will be held on Monday, February 9th at 6:30 p.m. We will meet at Mark Appling’s house. Please call Mark at 286-6681 to R.S.V.P. Crafty Ladies Crafty Ladies meet every Thursday from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. We hope to see all of you there. If you would like to join our group, come for a visit and see what we are doing and how you can help. We welcome new people and new talents! Card Making Ministry Card Making Ministry will meet on the second Friday of the month at 10:00 a.m. Please call Prudence Pritz if you would like to join. Sassy Seniors All widows and single ladies are welcome to join Sassy Seniors on Wednesday, February 11th at 1:00 p.m. February’s luncheon will take place at The Braised Onion on 25th Ave. Phone # is 620-9255. Poetry Connections Poetry Connections Ministry meets on the 3rd Sunday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the Session Room. We will be reading poetry by African-American poets in honor of Black History Month. Bring a lunch and join us. You are welcome to come and just listen! 6 SESSION Session Notes At its January 20thth meeting, the Session heard/voted: • The Pastor returned safely from his pilgrimage to the Holy Land , albeit jet lagged, early this morning. His return flights unfortunately included an 8 -1/2 hour layover in Chicago. • After interviewing one prospective member and after questions/discussions with him, the following new member was approved by motion, duly made and seconded, to be received into the fellowship of this church: Christopher Jones, who comes by reaffirmation of faith.. • The Presbytery of St. Augustine’s Electronic Social Media Guidelines (approved May 28, 2014) was voted to be received as guidelines for this congregation’s officers and staff. • Elder Neely was elected as a Commissioner to the February 7, 2015 Presbytery meeting.. • 2015 Budget - After some discussion, the proposed 2015 budget was approved. This keeps the staff salary levels the same and the intention is to continue to pay down the mortgage for the next 3-1/2 years to zero. • The Presbytery’s congratulatory letter, dated January 6, 2015 , on the occasion of our church’s 50th Anniversary, was discussed and the a nature and type of anniversary activities to be held are open to suggestion -- as well as a chair and a committee to oversee them • The Session approved, with thanks for their service and our best wishes, the transfers of the following to other PC(USA) churches: James and Anne Hill to the Seven Oaks PC in Columbia, SC and Edna Jordan to Winter Park PC in Winter Park, FL. • A motion to approve the solicitation of retirement gifts for Chris was approved. WORSHIP Join The Worship Ministry Team I am looking for lay persons who might be willing to serve on the Worship Ministry. They do not have to be members. We meet the first Wednesday of each month for about an hour to an hour and a half. Contact Kathy Kuhns at 622-4073. Volunteer Opportunity Available - Sound Board Operator Jon Ohlman is seeking new people to learn and operate the sound board for Worship. We will have training available. Please call Jon at 237-4553 or email him at [email protected]. 7 WORSHIP (continued) Tonie and I in 1957, Ready for the Church Christmas Pageant at St. Paul Church. Reunion! At the end of this month, I will be in New Orleans for a very special occasion. It will be the 175th anniversary of the church I attended until I was 12. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church was founded in 1840, along with a school. It was started by a group of German immigrants. The church is quite beautiful and the stained glass windows are magnificent. I was baptized in this church, had my first communion in this church, went to the church school until the 9th grade and played the organ for the first time for our school’s weekly chapel service when I was 11 years old. It holds a lot of memories for me and I have life-long friends and classmates that still worship at St. Pauls. In fact, some of their grandchildren go to the school today. It will be a lot of fun to see all my friends at the school celebration on Saturday, February 28th and then worship with them on Sunday, March 1st. I’m especially excited about playing the organ for that special anniversary service. Of course, it will be a grand arrangement of Martin Luther’s “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” As I was thinking about seeing my “buddies,” I began to wonder what some of them would look like since I had not seen some of them for 50 years. I know I haven’t changed much – just a little older with white hair, a little heavier, too. Then there is my first girlfriend, Tonie. When I was 5, I told her Grandmother not to “worry about Tonie anymore, I would take care of her”. We’ve been friends ever since. I’m really excited about seeing everyone and talking old times. But I also have some apprehension: what will it be? A familiar hymn came to mind while I was thinking about the reunion, “Face to Face.” You know, you can talk to folks on the telephone, write letters and so forth, but there’s nothing like being with them face to face. Face to face with Christ, my Savior, Face to face, what will it be, When with rapture I behold Him, Jesus Christ Who died for me? Only faintly now I see Him, With the darkened veil between, But a bless'd day is coming, When His glory shall be seen. 8 WORSHIP (continued) Face to face - the second verse is so revealing to me because right now, there is quite a distance between me and my former classmates. And there has certainly been a few decades since I’ve seen them. Only faintly can I imagine them “with the darkened veil between.” And it’s the same with Christ. I can only imagine what my reunion with him will be. “But a bless’d day is coming, when His glory shall be seen.” What rejoicing in His presence, When are banished grief and pain; When the crooked ways are straightened And the dark things shall be plain. I know I’m going to have a good time being with all of them. There will be laughter, some good tears as we recall the days of the past, and sadness at the loss of some of our classmates. But I’ll bet there will be more rejoicing when we get together. Face to face – the third verse indicates to me just how this reunion will be: rejoicing in the joy of being together again. The unknown occurrences in our lives will be made plain. The grief and pain of classmates who have passed on will be banished. This is just as it will be when we come face to face with Christ – “What rejoicing in His presence!” A lot of information will be shared. A load of questions will be asked and answered. What do they look like now will certainly be revealed. And then there will be the “let’s stay in touch” and we’ll all go our way. Face to face – It will be a wonderful time. It will be time of bliss. It will be a time of seeing each other. It will be a time of knowing more about each other. My class was very unique. You see, we started our journey together in September, 1954 in Kindergarten and we graduated together as 9th graders in June, 1965. We bonded. We were like family. We loved each other, and still do. Face to face, oh, blissful moment! Face to face, to see and know; Face to face with my Redeemer, Jesus Christ Who loves me so. So it is with our reunion with Christ. What a glorious time! Face to face and all things revealed. Face to face with my Redeemer. Face to face with Jesus Christ Who loves me, and you so! With a song in my heart, Rick Flower Calendar (On reverse of February Calendar page) 9 WORSHIP (continued) Something To Think About Deception Genesis 12:10-20 Because of a famine in Canaan, Abraham decided to go to Egypt’s “greener pastures” so he wouldn’t go hungry. He convinced his “young” wife, Sarah (we are told elsewhere she would have been +/- 65 years old!), because she was a beautiful woman (v. 11), that the Egyptians would kill Abraham (her husband) so the Pharaoh could “have” her (see Genesis 26: Isaac does the same thing with his wife Rebecah). There is no historical evidence in Egypt for this kind of behavior; it is, however, recorded in II Samuel II that David had Uriah killed so he could have Bathsheba, since she was already pregnant by David. Abraham’s reasoning with Sarah, the clincher of his argument, was this: he would say that Sarah was his sister so “that it may go well with me be- cause of you, and… my life may be spared on your account.” Incredible!!!! When “plagues” struck Pharaoh’s house, he figured things out and threw them both out of Egypt. In the meantime, Abraham had racked up for himself some wealth “in cattle, in silver, and in gold,” so he did quite well while his “sister” was Pharaoh’s concubine! Abraham thought that he simply had no choice: choice “it is lie or die!” and then we’re told it took Yahweh-God’s own involvement to clean up the mess Abraham had left behind! Sisela Bok (1978 Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life) has made keen observations: “All de- ceptive messages, whether or not they are lies, can… be more or less affected by self-deception, by error, and by variations in the actual intention to deceive” (op cit. 15). As with Abraham, I must be convinced that a situation is potentially harmful “to me” upon which I build my deception, and I must persuade others to see “reality” as I see it, in order to gain their cooperation and to protect myself from harm: “I have no choice” (recall the Nuremberg Tribunal beginning in 1945). “The essence of deception is distraction… an act of kindness, generosity, or honesty…” (Robert Greene 1998 The 48 Laws of Power 91 f.). To be successful in putting something over on someone, one has to make it look as if something “is to be gained for himself” (op cit. 55). And this is a tactic everyone can use! use Well, maybe. Plato presented his case for who should lie and get away with it in his Republic Book III 389: “If anyone at all is to have the privilege of lying, the rulers of the State should be the persons; and they, in their dealings with enemies or their own citizens, citizens may be allowed to lie for the public good. But nobody else should meddle with anything of the kind… If the ruler catches anybody beside himself lying in the State… he will punish him for introducing a practice which is equally subversive and destructive of ship or State.” Only a leader can lie? Really? F. Nietzsche in his Will to Power made it quite clear what was expected of the “common folk,” oh yes! “the morality of truthfulness in the herd”: “You shall be knowable, express your inner nature by clear and constant signs – otherwise you are dangerous… your ability to dissimulate is the worst thing for the herd… you may not be concealed from yourself…” (§277, 1883-1888). You must be an “open book”! 10 WORSHIP (continued) Mistrust becomes a source of making people say the truth; if you want me to trust you, you must be truthful with me! (op cit. §211). Plato was a target for Nietzsche as the man who preferred mental inventions, appearance, as more real than actual reality; so, if you want me to trust you, you must be truthful with me! (op cit. §278 1885). But, how would I ever know? Needless to say, he regarded institutional ecclesiastical Christianity “as the most fatal seductive lie that has yet existed, as the great unholy lie…” (§200, 1887, 1888). He even refers to those who serve the institution as “lying little abortions of bigots” (§200, Wow!); and to refer to a “Christian State,” or “Christian politics” means that God is “Chief of Staff” (§211). So why pay any attention to Plato? We would be remiss if Machiavelli The Prince (1515 CE) were not included. His attitude about people was direct: “Men are so simple, and so much creatures of circumstance, that the deceiver will always find someone ready to be deceived” (op cit. XVIII). A Prince “should appear” to be upright, sober, strong, courageous (op cit. XIX); if he needs to be opposite, since he is already play-acting anyway, he knows how to do it! Y’betcha! Or, as Greene put it: a deceiver has to “appear the paragon of decency while being the commensurate manipulator” (Greene op cit. xxii). Scholars think that Jesus’ statement in Matthew 5:37 (see independently James 5:12), “Your response should be “yes” and “no,” otherwise…” was said to avoid the problem of self-justification and deception of both oneself and another. Also highlighted is Pilate’s question to Jesus (John 18:38): “What is truth?” Pilate was not being flippant: ‘What is truth for you may not be truth for me!’ Indeed, since Pilate had the power of the Roman Empire in his hand, he had the “truth,” and that truth is what counted. If this is how it works in human society, it’s a wonder we have any “society” at all. Frans de Waal of Emory University wrote that there are three aspects for mutual cooperation between primates: “cooperation does not require family ties”; “cooperation is often based on reciprocity” and, “cooperation may be motivated by empathy…” “We identify with others in need, pain or dis- tress.” Humans “are the only species to cooperate with outsiders and strangers.” Not only do humans have the capacity to create and execute large-scale projects; they also have “friends” by frequent interaction and have the ability to impose “punishment” on those who cheat the system to which we submit because “we are hypersensitive to public opinion.”(my emphasis) (Frans de Waal “One for All” in September 2014 Scientific American Vol. 311, 3, pages 68-71). Really? The statement sounds as if a dominant point of view re “cooperation” can be coerced. We, in the Church, need to think through the meaning of Jesus’ “I am the way, the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), and what it means to be a “fellowship in Christ.” Is the “truth” located in so many propositions about Jesus, or in what He said and did in his life? Ought the “truth” to be coerced? OK. There are forests of different viewpoints about what is essential to be identified as a “Christian.” I prefer to be called a “follower of Jesus” (Mark 2:14). In any case, we must be very careful that we – any of us! – do not misrepresent Jesus and engage in deceptive words and behaviors that are only consistent with our society/culture in order to maintain the life of the institutional Church. We need to be more self-critical. A lot to think about. Shalom, Tom 11 FORT KING PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 13 N.E. 36th Avenue Ocala, Florida 34470 Non-Profit Organization US Postage Paid Ocala, FL 34478 Permit #100 RETURNED SERVICE REQUESTED Label Boy Scout Fundraiser Ft. King’s Boy Scout Troop #196 is selling meat sticks as a fundraiser for their various scouting activities. The meat sticks are made at Ocala based Country Meats, an FDA certified facility. The sticks sell for $1.00 each. If interested, contact Bob Barton 425-8500. See a sample on the church bulletin board. February 2015 Italicized items are non-FKPC activities using FKPC facilities Sunday Monday 1 2 7:30 Men’s Bible 9:00 - 11:45 Library Study 9:15 Adult Ed. & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 5:00 TOPS (FH) 10:30 Worship 5:30 Mission Ministry 11:30 Discipleship Youth Ministry 4:00 Small Group 6:00 - 8:00 Marions Study (off-site) United (CE) 5:00 PYC 8 9:00 - 11:45 Library 9:15 Adult Ed. & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 11:30 Congregational Care Ministry 4:00 Small Group Study (off-site) 5:00 PYC 5:00 High Tide 9 7:30 Men’s Bible Study Tuesday 3 10:00 Prayer Shawl Ministry Wednesday Thursday 4 5 9:00 PW Audit 7:30 - 9:00 BNI 10:00 PW (FH) Coordinating 11:00 DiscipleTeam ship Adult 5:30 Connections Ministry Ministry 1:30 Worship 1:00 Crafts 3:00 Tai Chi 6:00 Presbytery Ministry 7:00 Choir Mutual Mission (FH) Practice 7:00 AA (FH) 7:00 Boy Scouts (YH) 12 11 10 7:30 - 9:00 BNI (FH) 1:00 Sassy Seniors (off-site) 5:00 TOPS (FH) 6:00 Finance Ministry 6:00 - 8:00 Marions United (CE) 6:30 Men’s Night Out 7:00 Boy Scouts (YH) (off-site) 7:00 Esther Circle (off-site) 17 16 15 9:00 - 11:45 Library 7:30 Men’s Bible 9:15 Adult Ed. & Study Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 11:30 Poetry Ministry White Elephant Sale 4:00 Small Group Study (off-site) 5:00 PYC 6:00 - 8:00 Marions United (CE) 22 23 Food4Kids & 2 Cents A Meal 7:30 Men’s Bible 9:00 - 11:45 Library Study 9:15 Adult Ed. & Youth 10:00 Choir Practice 10:30 Worship 4:00 Small Group 5:00 TOPS (FH) Study (off-site) 5:30 Presbytery 5:00 PYC Training 5:00 High Tide 6:00 - 8:00 Marions United (CE) 10:00 Deborah Circle 1:00 Crafts 3:00 Tai Chi 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (FH) Friday Saturday 6 7 9:00 Presbytery Meeting (off-site) Community Pres Church Atlantic Beach, FL 13 14 10:00 Card Making Ministry (off-site) 18 20 21 1:00 Sassy Seniors 7:00 Choir Practice (off-site) 8:00 - 1:00 White Elephant Sale & Bake Sale Drop Off 8:00 - 2:00 White Elephant & Bake Sale 19 8:00 - 1:00 8:00 - 1:00 White White Elephant Sale Drop Elephant Sale Drop Off Off Set up (FH) 6:00 Session 7:00 Boy Scouts (YH) 24 7:00 Boy Scouts (YH) 7:00 Ash Wednesday Service 25 6:00 Lenten Wednesday 4:00 - 7:00 White Elephant Sale Drop Off 27 26 7:30 - 9:00 BNI (FH) Turning 1:00 Crafts Point 3:00 Tai Chi Set up (FH) 6:00 Discipleship Children Ministry 7:00 Choir Practice 7:00 AA (FH) 28 9:00 - 3:00 Turning Point (FH) 13 WORSHIP Flower Calendar Please Note: Note If you would like to commemorate a special event/occasion/memory etc. for a specific date, please call me as soon as possible. It is never too early to select your chosen date. Please don’t hesitate to call me if there is a Sunday you would like to commemorate by sharing with the church some type of flowers or plant of your choice. ( The flowers or plant could be from your yard, a supermarket, a florist, etc.) Thank you. Nancy Hall 694694-3221 Thank you to these people as they share in donating the flowers for the following worship services: February 1, 2015---In memory of my dear friend, Peggy Wiechens, from Mary Ellen Vowinkel February 8, 2015---In celebration of our 59th wedding anniversary on February the 11th from Steve and Janet Mitchell February 15, 2015---In celebration of Faith Hickerson’s birthday from Cody, Gouley, and family February 22, 2015---In celebration of Nan Andrews’ 93rd birthday from Bruce, Gouley, Cody, Tom, and Linda March 1, 2015---In memory of John H. Hankinson, Sr. from his wife, Shirley and his children, John Jr., Jimmy, Margaret and Mary. March 8, 2015---OPEN March 15, 2015---OPEN March 22, 2015---From Jean Brown, Hal, Douglas, Bruce, and Lynn in loving memory of husband and father, Halowell E. Brown March 29, 2015---OPEN (Palm Sunday) April 5, 2015---”If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins.” 1 Corinthians 15:17 In memory of those who have gone before us (Easter - the church will not be soliciting Easter lilies for the Sanctuary) April 12, 2015---In celebration of Trent and Liesha Herron’s 30th wedding anniversary April 19, 2015---In loving memory of Ray Chancey from Sue, Laura, and Elaine April 26, 2015---OPEN May 3, 2015---OPEN May 10, 2015---OPEN (Mother’s Day) May 17, 2015---From John and Jean Stewart in celebration of their 60th wedding anniversary May 24, 2015---In loving memory of Andy from the Harshman family May 31, 2015--1. From Pat and Jerry Merrill in honor of those Americans who have fought and died for their country 2. In celebration of our 60th anniversary from Pat and Jerry Merrill 14
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