Solutions to review problems for Exam I INEL 4207 - Digital Electronics - Spring 2014 1. For the following circuit, specify the required values of VDD , RD and W/L such that high and low output voltages equal to VOH = 2V and VOL = 0.1V , respectively, are obtained, and so that the current drain from the supply in the low-output state is 20µA. The transistor has Vt = 0.5V and µn Cox = 100µA/V 2 . VDD RD vout vin Q ANSWER: VDD = VOH = 2.0V iD = VDD − VOL 2.0V − 0.1V → RD = = 95kΩ RD 20µA 1 2 (µn Cox )(W/L)(2(vGS − Vt )vDS − vDS 2 W 20µA ≃ 1.38/1 = 1 2 ) (2(2V − 0.5V )(0.1V ) − (0.1V )2 ) L (100µA/V 2 iD = 20µA = 2. The pull-down (PD) network for a complex CMOS gate is shown below. Determine (i) the logic function, (ii) the graph diagram that correspond to the PD network, (iii) the graph diagram that correspond to the pull-up network needed to implement the logic function, and (iv) the (W/L) ratios for all NMOS and PMOS transistors if the circuit is based on a the reference inverter with (W/L)n = 2/1 and (W/L)p = 5/1. 1 Y A A G D 1 B D E G B E H C H F C black: PDN red: PUN F 0 ANSWER: i Y¯ = A(B(C + HF ) + G(F + CH)) + DE(F + CH + GBC) ii See the figure above. 0 iii For the PDN, the longest path involves 5 transistors; D − E − G − B − C. So W/L)B,C,D,E,G = 10/1 Transistors A, F and H are on path A − B − H − F , so (W/L)A,F,H = 15/2 For the PUN, the longest path are A − G − H − F , C − H − G − D and C − H − G − E. These paths have four transistors, so (W, L)A,C,D,E,F,G,H = 20/1 The remaining transistor B will be in paths B − H − F , B − G − D and B − G − E, so (W/L)B = 10/1 3. Consider a matched CMOS inverter fabricated in the 0.13-µm process for which Vtn = −Vtp = 0.5V , VDD = 1.8V , µp Cox = µn Cox = 300µA/V 2 . If the load capacitance C = 20f F , use the method of average currents to determine the required (W/L) ratios so that tp ≤ 20ps. ANSWER: W/L = 3.75 4. For the saturated-load inverter shown below, VDD Q2 vOUT Q1 vIN VOH = VDD − Vt2 where Vt2 is given by ) √ (√ √ Vt2 = 0.5V + (0.3 V ) VOH + 0.8V − 0.8V (a) If VDD = 1.8V , use an iterative process to determine Vt2 and VOH . ANSWER: Vt2 = 0.5V , VOH = 1.3V → Vt2 = 0.67V , VOH = 1.13V → Vt2 = 0.65V , VOH = 1.15V → Vt2 = 0.65V . Thus, VOH = 1.15V (b) Find the ratio of (W/L)2 to (W/L)1 needed to get VOL = 21 Vt0 when vIN = VOH . ANSWER: Q1 operates in triode mode since VDS,1 = VOL = 12 × 0.5V = 0.25V < vGS,1 − Vt1 = 1.15V − 0.5V = 0.65V . Thus, ( ) ( ) µn COX W iD1 = 2(0.65V )0.25V − (0.25V )2 2 L 1 For Q2 , vGS,2 = 1.8V − 0.25V = 1.55V and iD2 = µn COX 2 ( W L ) 2 (1.55V − 0.5V ) 2 Setting iD1 = iD2 and rearranging, ) ( W⧸ 2 L 1 (1.05V ) ) = ( = 4.2 2(0.65V )0.25V − (0.25V )2 W⧸ L 2 (c) The gate of Q2 is removed from VDD and connected instead to a new supply VDD2 . Find the voltageVDD2 that will make VOH = 1.8V . ANSWER: ) √ (√ √ 1.8V + 0.8V − 0.8V = 0.72V Vt2 = 0.5V + (0.3 V ) VDD2 = VOH + Vt2 = 1.8V + 0.72V = 2.52V 5. The pull-down (PD) network for a complex CMOS gate is shown below. Determine (i) the logic function, (ii) the graph diagram that correspond to the PD network, (iii) the graph diagram that correspond to the pull-up network needed to implement the logic function, and (iv) the (W/L) ratios for all NMOS and PMOS transistors if the circuit is based on a the reference inverter with (W/L)n = 2/1 and (W/L)p = 5/1. Y Y F F A D D A G G C C B E E B 1 black: PDN A D F red: PUN 1 C 0 G E B 0 i Y¯ = A(B + CEG) + F (BC + EG) + D(E + BCG) ii See the above figure. ( ) iii For the PDN, W⧸L = 4 × 2⧸1 = 8⧸1 , (W/L)F 2 × 2⧸1 = 4⧸1 . A,B,C,D,E,G For the PUN, four devices are(involved ) on the paths through transistors A−C−G−D, B−C−F −D W and A − F − G − E. Thus, ⧸L = 4 × 5⧸1 = 20⧸1 . A,B,C,D,E,F,G 6. Use the method of average currents to find the propagation delay for a minimum-size CMOS inverter for which µn COX = 3µp COX = 180µA/V 2 and (W/L)n = (W/L)p = 0.75µm/0.5µm, VDD = 3.3V and the load capacitance is 2f F/µm× transistor width plus 1f F per device (i.e. transistor). Use Vtn = −Vtp = 0.7V . Note: This answer use the formulas from the textbook. You should do the problem finding the currents directly, using the mosfet’s formulas and not using the textbook’s formulas. Note 2: The problem statement should read: “the load capacitance is 2f F/µm× transistor width (expressed in µm) plus 1f F per device (i.e. transistor)”, so CL = 2(1f F × 0.75 + 1f F ). ANSWER: αn 2 = 7 4 = tP HL = αp = tP LH = tp = − 3Vtn VDD − 3(0.7V ) 3.3V ( + Vtn VDD 2 7 4 kn′ α C ( W n) L n + VDD 2 )2 ( 0.7V )2 = 3.3V = 2 ≃ 1.73 1.16 1.73 × 2 × (1f F + 2f F × 0.75) = 9.7ps (180µA/V 2 )( 23 )(3.3V ) ( 0.7V )2 = αn = 1.73 + 3.3V 1.73(5f F ) = 3tP HL = 29.1ps (60µA/V 2 )( 32 )(3.3V ) 29.1ps + 9.7ps = 19.4ps 2 7 4 − 3(0.7V ) 3.3V 7. Using the reference inverter shown in the following diagram, (a) draw the schematic for a CMOS gate that implements the following logic function of inputs A, B, C, D and E. A(B + C(D + E)) (b) for your design, indicate the W L ratio for each transistor that would minimize the total area. VDD=5V B A VDD=5V vIN 3/1 4.5/1 C (W/L)P=3/1 9/1 9/1 D 9/1 E vOUT A (W/L)N=1.5/1 B 4.5/1 2.25/1 D 8. (30 points) For the following dynamic-logic gate, 4.5/1 4.5/1 4.5/1 C E VDD φ CL A B φ assume that the body effect can be neglected, CL = 0.1pF , VDD = 5V , and that, for the three nmos transistors, µn Cox = 0.3mA/V 2 , (W/L)n = 1/1, and Vtn = 1V . Use the average current method and an equivalent transistor to estimate the fall time, tf , during which the voltage at CL will drop from 90% to 10% of VDD during the evaluation phase, when A and B both equal to logic-1 (5V ). ANSWER: Replace the three nmos transistors with a single transistor, Meq , with length equal to 3L, where L is the length of the original nmos transistors. The equivalent transistor’s (W/L)eq = 1/3. When VCL = 0.9 × 5V = 4.5V = VDS,Meq > VGS,Meq − Vtn = 5V − 1V = 4V , iCL (4.5V ) = 300µA/V 2 1 2 (5V − 1V ) = 0.8mA 2 3 When VCL = 0.1 × 5V = 0.5V = VDS,Meq < VGS,Meq − Vtn = 5V − 1V = 4V , iCL (4.5V ) = tf ≃ 0.1pF ) 300µA/V 2 1 ( 2(5V − 1V )0.5V − (0.5V )2 = 0.1875mA 2 3 4.5V − 0.5V 4V ≃ 0.1pF = 0.8ns 0.5mA + 0.1875mA) 1 2 (0.8mA 9. The transmission gate shown below is fabricated in a CMOS techology for which µn Cox = 4µp Cox = 1 0.3mA/V 2 , |Vt0 | = 0.5V , γ = 0.3V 2 , 2ϕf = 0.85V , and VDD = 1.8V . Let Qn and Qp have (W/L)n = (W/L)p = 1.5, and have their respective substrates connected to 0V and VDD , as usual. The total capacitance at the output node is 15f F . VDD Qn vi vO Qp C Using the average current method, estimate (a) (15 points) tP LH , defined as the time it takes vO to transition from 0V to vDD /2, when an input vi = VDD is applied, and ANSWER: • For vO = 0V , vDS,N = vSD,P = 1.8V = vGS,N = vSG,P Both QN and QP are saturated and iN iP i1 (0.15mA)(1.5)(1.8V − 0.5V )2 = 380µA (0.15mA)(1.5) (1.8V − 0.5V )2 = 95µA = 4 = iN + iP = 475µA = • For vO = VDD /2 = 0.9V , vDS,N = vSD,P = 0.9V = vGS,N , and vSG,P −|Vtp | = 1.8V −0.5V = 1.3V , so QN is saturated and QP is operating in triode mode. (√ ) √ 1 VtN = 0.5V + (0.3V 2 ) 0.9V + 0.85V − 0.85V iN vSD,P iP i2 = 0.62V ⇒ vSG − VtN = 0.9V − 0.62V = 0.28V = (0.15mA)(1.5)(0.28V )2 = 17.6µA = 0.9V < vSG,P − |VtP | = 1.8V − 0.5V = 1.3V (triode) (0.15mA)(1.5) = (2(1.3V )0.9V − (0.9V )2 ) = 86µA 4 = iN + iP = 103.7µA • Now find the average current and the propagation time: 475µA + 103.7µA = 289.35µA 2 = (15f F )(0.9V )/(289.35µA) = 46.7ps iAV E = tP LH (b) (15 points) tP HL , defined as the time it takes vO to transition from VDD to vDD /2, when an input vi = 0V is applied. ANSWER: • For vo = 1.8V , vDS,N = vSD,P = 1.8V = vGS,N = vSG,P Both QN and QP are saturated and iN iP i1 (0.15mA)(1.5)(1.8V − 0.5V )2 = 380µA (0.15mA)(1.5) (1.8V − 0.5V )2 = 95µA = 4 = iN + iP = 475µA = • For vo = 0.9V , vDS,N vGS,N = vSD,P = 0.9V = 1.8V vSG,P = 0.9V so QN is operating in triode mode and QP is saturated. ) (√ √ 0.9 + 0.85 − 0.85 = −0.62V Vtp = −0.5 − 0.3 iP iN i2 (0.15mA)(1.5) (1.8V − 0.9 − 0.62V )2 = 4.4µA 4 = (0.15mA)(1.5)(2(1.8 − 0.5)0.9 − 0.92 ) = 344.25µA = 348.65µA = • Now find the average current and the propagation time: iAV E tP HL 475µA + 348.65µA = 412µA 2 = (15f F )(0.9V )/(412µA) = 33ps =
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