슬라이드 1

Flight Navigation Systems
Navigation (항법)
• 비행 센서를 이용하여 항공기의 위치, 속도, 자세, 각속도, 가속도 등을 알아내는 것
• Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)
• VHF Omni-Range (VOR)
• Instrument Landing System (ILS)
• Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
• LOng RAnge Navigation (LORAN)
• Global Positioning System (GPS)
• Doppler Navigation
• Radio Altimeter
• Compass (나침반)
• Pitot-Static Tube (Airspeed Sensor)
• Inertial Navigation System (INS, 관성항법장치)
based on radio principle
Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)
• 목적:
provides direction of the radio beacon station with respect to aircraft heading
• Operating frequency range: 90 KHz ~ 1800 KHz
 LF, MF  requires long antenna
 Ground waves  ADF signal can follow the curvature
of the earth over the horizon (not limited to line-of-sight)
Beacon Station
Automatic Direction Finder (ADF)
• 원리: utilizes the directional characteristics of a loop antenna (in aircraft)
strong signal
weak signal
• 이용: Pilot can “home in” to the beacon station
no signal
cockpit display
ADF indicator with two
beacon station pointers
VHF Omni-range (VOR)
• 1950년대 도입, 널리 쓰임
• Operating frequency range: 108 MHz ~ 118 MHz
inophase line
• 원리:
VOR station
detects phase difference
between signals #1 & #2
VOR station sends multiple signals
from closely-located several antennas
Phase difference depends on the bearing
of a user relative to the VOR station
 Determines the direction of the user
VHF Omni-range (VOR)
• 이용
User set frequency to VOR station
345o radial
Set desired approach course angle to VOR station
using Omni-range Bearing Selector (OBS) knob
 Will bring the letter “345” on top of the indicator
With the current user position shown,
VOR indicator will look like
course deviation bar
OBS knob
: to
: from
VOR station
VHF Omni-range (VOR)
For desired course angle set to 20 degrees by OBS knob
VOR Station
VOR Stations
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
• 개요:
to aid landing approach
Without visual reference, typical ILS will bring aircraft within 800m from runway at h=200ft
typically ~3o
200 ft
• ILS Categories:
Runway Visual Range
Decision Height
Category I
>= 800 m
>= 200 ft
Category II
300 ~ 800 m
100 ~ 200 ft
Category III A
200 ~ 300 m
50 ~ 100 ft
Category III B
50 ~ 200 m
0 ~ 50 ft
Category III C
No limitation
No limitation
 depend on visual condition
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
• 원리
Localizer: - for lateral guidance
- operating frequency (carrier) : 108MHz~112MHz
- Transmitter at the end of runway sends two narrow waves,
one is modulated with 90Hz signal and the other with 150Hz signal
stronger 90Hz signal
weaker 150Hz signal
- for vertical guidance
- same principle
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
• 이용: 계기판의 Primary Flight Display(PFD) 상에
glideslope indicator 와 localizer indicator 를 보면서 조종
glideslope indicator
localizer indicator
Primary Flight Display(PFD)
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
Localizer antenna
Glideslope antenna
Instrument Landing System (ILS)
CAT III-A under 400m Runway Visual Range(RVR) condition
Marker Beacons
• 개요:
- provides indication of distance from runway
- can be classified as part of ILS
- operation frequency : 75MHz
outer marker
7~8 km
outer marker: modulated with 400Hz signal
middle marker: modulated with 1300Hz signal
inner marker: modulated with 3000Hz signal
~1 km
Marker Beacons
Marker beacon
receiver antenna
Marker beacon
transmitter antenna
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME)
at t=t1
at t=t2
- distance to the ground station
DME station
DT = processing time
at DME station
 300,000,000 m/s 
t2  t1   DT
- The DME ground station is typically collocated with VOR station
- Typically accuracy < 200 m
LOng RAnge Navigation (LORAN)
• 개요:
- provides position information
- operation frequency : 30KHz ~ 300KHz (LF)  long antenna
• 원리:
- A mater station and one or more slave stations send out synchronized pulses
- The aircraft measures the differences among the reception times
Time difference = distance difference
station A
예: a line for which the signal from A is received 100 ms earlier than the signal from B
- By having more than two ground stations the aircraft position can be determined
- 포항, 광주
LOng RAnge Navigation (LORAN)
LORAN Coverage
Global Positioning System (GPS)
• provides 3D position information
• 원리:
- More than 30 GPS satellites (at h=20,200 km)
transmit messages containing
transmit-time, satellite position, etc …
- GPS receiver measures the travel time of each message
to computes the distance to each satellite
- Receiver location can be determined by geometric trilateration
using the distances to the satellites and the information of the satellite locations
- The time is synchronized among GPS satellites.
But, the time in GPS receiver is not synchronized with the satellite time.
Therefore, at least 4 satellites are required to determine 3D position
• 비고:
- Accuracy : 수 m
- Data output up to 10 Hz is possible
- Time delay : ~ 0.4 sec
- Advanced GPS receiver may provide velocity information as well using Doppler effect
Inertial Navigation System
- No radio signal, Not dependent on ground station
- Inertial sensors are used
- rate gyro : measures angular velocity
- accelerometer : measures specific force acceleration (필기)
- Typically, the measurements from 3 rate gyros and 3 accelerometers
are combined under 6 degree-of-freedom kinematic equations
to further compute velocity, attitude, and position
- Sometimes integrated with magnetometer to become AHRS
(Attitude and Heading Reference System)
- Sometimes integrated with magnetometer + GPS under Extended Kalman filter with
the 6 degree-of-freedom kinematic equations to provide combined navigation solutions
Doppler Navigation
• Doppler Effect (shift):
change in frequency of a wave for an observer
by a relative motion between the source and the observer.
• Doppler Navigation
- Frequency difference between the transmitted and returned signal
 velocity can be computed
- standalone (requires no external signal)
Radio (Radar) Altimeter
- cockpit voice during landing
h  (Speed of Light ) 