January 2015 August 2012 The Eighty-Six Percent Solution In This Issue The Kingdom of Hidden ...................... 2 Church Women United ........................2 Inquirer’s Class.......................................2 WOW Calendar ....................................3 PW Project .............................................2 Library Book Notes ................................3 Adult Education ....................................3 Biography Book Group ........................3 Special Dates ........................................4 A Well Balanced Church .....................4 Presbyterian Day at Legislature..........4 Youth Ministry .......................................5 Children’s Ministry ............................... 5 Calendar................................................6 Birthdays .................................................7 Family Promise .......................................7 Congregational Meeting ....................7 In Remembrance .................................7 Annual Reports......................................7 Finances ............................................... 8 When visitors are asked why they decided to visit a new church 4% say they found it in the yellow pages, 6% say they saw a sign on the church grounds, another 3% say they read about it in the newspaper, but a full 86% say they were invited. It's a terrifying thing for some to enter a church for the first time. They have no idea what might be going on there or what might be asked of them. An invitation from someone whose opinion they value is what most people (86%) need; and may want, I might add. Speaking of the Baby Boom generation specifically, Wade Clark Roof has said that this group, now coming more and more into retirement or semi-retirement, is facing the inevitable: "Neither jogging, nor liposuction, nor all the brown rice in China can keep them young forever." Like many, they are returning to church because of new found concerns about issues having to do with purpose and meaning. They are asking essential life questions: "Why am I alive?" "Why am I not as fulfilled as I hoped I would be by this age?" “What am I going to do with my free time that might benefit the world?” -- the kind of questions we talk about at Wasatch just about every Sunday. In addition, many young parents are returning to church these days because of the ever growing realization that "it takes a village to raise a child " that the responsibilities of raising children are more than any of us ever bargain for and we desperately need the kind of support available in a warm and accepting community such as ours. Some seniors are moving to Salt Lake to be close to their children and grandchildren. Many of them are main-line Protestants like us, and have been life-long churchgoers. Still, most of them need an invitation. This is the loveliest church I’ve ever served, and it’s made up of the friendliest community, too. The music we offer is first rate, and that means a lot to people looking for a worshipping community. We have a lot to offer here. Why hide it? Many would love what we do here, but most won't think of visiting us unless we ask them. And the best time to do that is NOW. Continued on pg 2…. 2 Continued from pg 1... Take a minute and think of someone you wish were part of our church community, someone you think might really benefit from what we do together and who, in turn, might have something to offer that would be good for all of us. Then tell them a little about us. Tell them what a caring community you belong to. Tell them that this is a church not of pietistic saints but honest searchers. I’ve come to see that Wasatch is a church full of some of the most thoughtful and talented people I’ve ever worked with. Invite your friends to visit us some Sunday, or for a fellowship event. We'll all be enriched. Grace and Peace, If you are wanting to join Wasatch, or would just like to learn more about our wonderful church, there will be an nquirer's Class held Sunday January 25th, at 12:45 pm-3:00 pm; and we'd love to see you there! The class - which will be accompanied by lunch- will be taught by Pastor Scott. Please RSVP by email or phone to Matt Doane [email protected] or call 801-652-8224 so we'll know how much soup to prepare! Rev. Scott Dalgarno The Kingdom of Hidden "The kingdom of heaven is spread out over the earth, only people do not see it." Friday, January 30, 2015 12:30pm Registration $1.00 Location: First Baptist Church Jesus in the Coptic Gospel of Thomas Grain hidden in the ear Seed hidden in the ground Yeast hidden in the dough Treasure hidden in a field Pearl hidden in a shop Net hidden in the depths off the sea My daughter’s married and gone but a version of her rides my shoulders lays her head on my hip pours me cup after cup of pretend English tea `Scott Dalgarno JANUARY 4 PW BIBLE STUDY Sunday 10:00am (Room #116) Janet Wortley 801-733-4490 JANUARY 8 PW LUNCHEON Thursday 11:30am Program: Big Brothers/Big Sisters Speaker: Pam Sanders, CEO (member of Wasatch) RSVP: Mary Beth Keidl by 1/6 1-414-550-3295 or [email protected] JANUARY 13 STITCH & CHAT Tuesday 6:30pm (away) Mary Beth Keidl 1-414-550-3295 JANUARY 15 MARTHA CIRCLE Thursday 10:00am (Library) Linda Hammond 801-583-8426 JANUARY 15 DAY BOOK GROUP Thursday 11:30am (away) Nancy Saxton 801-533-8184 JANUARY 19 EVE BOOK GROUP Monday 6:30pm (away) Janet Wortley 801-733-4490 JANURY 30 CHURCH WOMEN UNITED Annual Meeting & Tea Friday (last Friday) 12:30pm ($1.00) First Baptist Church 777 South 1300 East PW Project Primary Children’s Hospital needs: -Knitted caps for boys (dark colors) Community Outreach: Crossroads Thrift Store. Bring: Socks and new underwear for men, women & children, pots & pans, baby diapers, baby wipes and baby food. -New pillow cases suitable for boys (standard size) Contact Janet Wortley if you can help. 801-733-4490 or [email protected] These items are needed all year. The BridgeBuilder Adult Education We are encouraging people to think about a small group to bring into our midst. You’ll be hearing more about small groups and we want to encourage you to be open to the Spirit as we bring these ideas to the congregation through the Congregational Life Team. The first Sunday of January, Mary Jane Chase will offer a class on St. Augustine’s World and six weeks’ class after that, a class will be taught by Bill Peters who will be continuing Catherine PutnamNetto’s class on “Letters to the Galations”. This will take us to Martin Luther and the influence Paul’s letters to the Galatians had on his Reformation. Jan Bartlett is planning a Bible class for fall that will be a modification of the Disciples class and I think this will be something we can anticipate. Wasatch’s tradition of quality education will continue and we always seek your suggestions for topics and teachers, so feel free to contact your Adult Education Team members, Jan Bartlett, Bob Dow, Liz Harald or Linda Griffen. 3 Biography Book Group New in 2015 A new year and new updates in the Library. Look for new signage and changes in shelving to make it easier for “kids” of all ages and/or parents to find age appropriate books. And of course new books: recommended this January, A Dasher Christmas, by Clarkie Brown. Yes, yes, I know Christmas is over – well not officially until January 6th and Epiphany – but this is a neat little book for kids and parents to share. Clarkie Brown was brave enough to ask God how to use her talents to help make the world a better place, especially for children. Read about the results in the January issue of Presbyterians Today – which brings me to another item. Started a few months ago, but still new and growing is the periodical shelf in the Library - just inside the door to your left. Check out just like a book. The Library carries Presbyterians Today, The Christian Century, and just for fun, and also for the beautiful photography, some issues of Aramco Saudi World and Biblical Archeology Review. The January issue of Presbyterians Today features articles that look at – you guessed it – Presbyterians today and the issues many of our churches are facing. Articles are short and to the point: Rethinking Church, Split Decision, Leaving...or staying?, Why I Belong - all offering fresh perspectives as congregations discuss their future in this new century full of so much change. Look for some additions this year to the DVD shelf by the Library desk . Check out just as you would a book. Watch the January shelf in the adult section for new - and old – good reads. And many thanks for all the wonderful donations that came in last year for the library and the book sale. You all help to make the library shine! Beth Phillips, Librarian [email protected] The January biography book we will discuss will be A Newer World: Kit Carson, John C Fremont, and The Claiming Of The American West by David Roberts Unlike in many ways, but forever joined, the figures of Kit Carson, frontier scout, and John Frémont, explorer, politician, loom large in the history of the American West. Carson is remembered today as something of a dime-novel hero or as an Indian fighter. For his part, Frémont, famed in the mid-19th century, is all but forgotten. Frémont was a complicated, flamboyant, and scandal-ridden figure whose quest for fame proved to be his undoing. David Roberts writes "Frémont's expeditions were significant not so much for crossing land never before seen by Americans as for thrusting the Great West into the awareness of a nation hungry to expand. He was the classic example of the right man in the right place at the right time." So, too, was Kit Carson, the taciturn frontiersman who guided Frémont and saved his life on more than one occasion. Carson’s relationships with Native American’s was much more complicated than the dime novels let on. Roberts sympathetic but not uncritical tale of their crossed destinies puts human faces on two men lost to legend. We will gather to discuss this book on Tuesday, January 21, at noon in the church library. Pastor Scott will lead. 4 Special Dates Presbyterian Faith Day • New Year’s Day, January 1, 2015 • Epiphany, January 6, 2015 • Baptism of the Lord, January 11, 2015 • Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, January 18-25, 2015 • Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday Observance, January 19, 2015 Will be at the Legislature, Tuesday, February 19, 2014. Wasatch has had an outstanding participation the last few years so plan to go to the Capitol and participate! A Well-balanced Church The owner of a new puppy got a good laugh when the little dog, out for a walk, had an itch. The trouble was that the itchy spot was accessible only to a hind leg. So, while still walking, the pup tried to scratch and tumbled over, rolling a couple of times before coming to rest. In several places throughout Scripture, the apostle Paul writes about the church as the body of Christ, and of the importance of each member. Just as the dog needed each leg to stay balanced while walking, so the church needs all the different God-given gifts of its members: preachers and teachers, friendly visitors, generous givers, musicians and singers, wise parents and imaginative children, people to produce and distribute meals, newsletters, lesson materials, and on and on. When we start thinking that some part of Christ’s body isn’t necessary, we risk taking quite a tumble! Resolve to Listen Crossroads Christian philosopher Paul Tillich said, “The first responsibility of love is to listen.” Yet in our fast-paced culture, truly listening to someone has become a lost art. We are so grateful to all of the faith communities and other organizations that collect donations to help with our work. We are extra thankful for people who get the items we need most posted in their church bulletin or other appropriate place. Thank you all for everything you do to help Crossroads Urban Center help more people. The intricate Chinese written character for the verb “to listen” offers wise insight about how to listen to people so they feel heard. The symbol is actually a combination of characters for ears, eyes and an open heart. Basically it reads, “I give you my ears, my eyes and my undivided attention.” What a great I mage of being fully engaged during the act of communication! James 1:19 offers two wise resolutions for the year ahead: Be “quick to listen” and “slow to speak” (NRSV). Practicing the skill of active listening is a much-needed way to minister to other people, serving as Jesus’ “ears” in a hurting world. Foods of the month for January are canned beans, chili and pork & beans. Thrift store items of the month are men's pants and pots & pans. Thank you for helping to spread the word! Bill Tibbitts Crossroads Urban Center The BridgeBuilder 5 Your Personnel Committee and I are VERY excited to introduce to you our new Interim Youth Minister, the Rev. Topher Mehlhoff. Topher is short for Christopher. Topher grew up at Mt. Olympus Presbyterian Church here in Salt Lake City. He is a graduate of the University of Utah where he has a B.A. in Film Studies. He is a graduate of Iliff Seminary in Denver and will soon be ordained a minister in the United Church of Christ. Topher has been a Youth Minister for four different churches in the Salt Lake area. He even served at Hilltop Methodist when our own David Henry was their interim pastor. Topher's contract with us is from January 1 - June 30. During that time our board, Session, will be discussing how best to staff our church going forward. Please be in prayer for us as we seek to discern God's will for our ministry. Please also be in prayer for Topher and our Youth as they begin their time together. Topher has a wife, Amy, and two children -- Alex, age 7, and Grayson, age 2. Topher plays guitar, ukulele, bass, and banjo, and can also toss New York style pizza dough with panache. This will be fun! -Pastor Scott Is it really January already? It is hard to believe that we are starting a new year, and that the holidays are over, 2015 here we come! I hope that you have had a wonderful Christmas season, and that you were able to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. December was very busy here at Wasatch. We started off the month with the Advent Festival where we met the animals of the nativity, Birth-5th Grade played chimes, and made paper chains that included blessings from many members of Wasatch. It was a fun night ! On December 21st the Children’s Christmas Program was performed with huge success. It was so fun to see the Christmas story come alive through the hearts of the children. We had a large group of wise men and women, shepherds, lots of beautiful angels, Mary and Joseph, a star, “the friendly beast,” and last but not least baby Jesus. Each child chose which part of the Christmas story they wanted to bring to life, and the congregation participated with February Events the music as well. Looking ahead to February, Children’s Ministry is sponsoring a family event February 9th for all ages at Jump Around Utah. Join us Sunday February 9th from 4-6pm Jump Around Utah for a jumping good time. God bless you all as you welcome this New Year! Family Event 4-6pm In Christ, Rebecca Sandulli, Director of Children’s Ministry 6 January Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Fri 2 5 6 7 9:00 am Worship 10:00 am WOW Horizon Bible Study 10:10 am Sunday School for All Ages 10:45 am Choir 11:15 am Worship 6:00 pm Prison Ministry 8:45 am Aerobics 10:00 am Yoga 5:00 pm Basketball 7:00 pm Basketball 7:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal 8:45 am Aerobics 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study 5:00 pm Basketball 6:00 pm Prison Ministry 6:00 pm Congregational Life 6:30 pm Centering Prayer 7:00 pm Scouts 8:45 3:30 5:00 5:00 7:15 7:30 11 12 13 9:00 am Worship 10:10 am Sunday School for All Ages 10:45 am Choir 11:15 am Worship 1:30 pm Sudanese Worship 8:45 am Aerobics 10:00 am Yoga 5:00 pm Basketball 6:00 pm i Believe Planning 7:00 pm Basketball 7:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal 18:45 am Aerobics 0:00 am Women’s Bible Study 12:00 pm Preschool Meeting 5:00 pm Basketball 5:30 pm Budget & Finance 6:00 pm Prison Ministry 6:00 pm Adult Ed. 6:30 pm Centering Prayer 7:00 pm Scouts 18 19 20 8:45 am Aerobics 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study 5:00 pm Basketball 5:30 pm Personnel 6:00 pm Prison Ministry 6:30 pm Centering Prayer 7:00 pm Scouts 7:00 pm Disciple Bible Study 26 27 8:45 am Aerobics 10:00 am Yoga 7:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal 8:45 am Aerobics 10:00 am Women’s Bible Study 6:00 pm Prison Ministry 6:30 pm Centering Prayer 7:00 pm Scouts 7:00 pm Sandwich Making 9:00 am Worship 10:10 am Sunday School for all ages 10:45 am Choir 11:15 am Worship 1:30 pm Sudanese Worship 25 Family Promise Begins 9:00 am Worship 10:10 am Sunday School for all ages 10:45 am Choir 11:15 am Worship 2:00 pm Sudanese Worship 6:00 pm Prison Ministry - Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Office Closed 8:00 am Special Gifts 10:00 am Yoga 1:15 pm EHS Parade 7:00 pm Bell Choir Rehearsal 3 8:30 am AA 10:00 am i Believe Band Rehearsal New Year’s Day! 4 Sat 8 9 10 8:45 am Aerobics 6:30 am Women’s Bible Study 7:14 am Presbyterian Men 10:00 am Martha Circle 1:00 pm Library Open 5:00 pm Basketball 7:30 pm Choir 8:45 am Aerobics 1:00 pm Library Open 8:30 am AA 10:00 am i Believe Band Rehearsal 14 15 16 17 8:45 5:00 6:30 7:15 7:30 8:45 am Aerobics 6:30 am Women’s Bible Study 8:45 am Aerobics 7:14 am Presbyterian Men 1:00 pm Library Open 5:00 pm Basketball 4:30 pm Center Stage Players 7:00 pm AA Dist. Meeting 7:30 pm Choir 8:45 am Aerobics 1:00 pm Library Open 8:30 am AA 10:00 am Quilters 10:00 am i Believe Band Rehearsal 21 22 23 24 8:45 5:00 6:45 7:00 6:30 am Women’s Bible Study 8:45 am Aerobics 7:14 am Presbyterian Men 1:00 pm Library Open 4:15 pm Basketball 6:45 pm Centering Prayer 7:30 pm Choir 7:30pm Theology on Tap 8:45 am Aerobics 1:00 pm Library Open 8:30 am AA 10:00 am i Believe Band Rehearsal 28 29 30 31 8:45 am Aerobics 4:30 pm Soup Kitchen Service 7:00 pm Session 7:15 pm Basketball 6:30 am Women’s Bible Study 7:14 am Presbyterian Men 8:45 am Aerobics 4:15 pm Basketball 7:00 pm AA District Mttg. 7:00 pm AA Dist. Meeting 7:30 pm Choir 8:45 am Aerobics 1:00 pm Library Open am Aerobics pm Basketball pm Parish Visitors pm Bonkowsky pm Basketball pm Worship & Music am Aerobics pm Basketball pm Quilters pm Basketball pm Service Committee am Aerobics pm Basketball pm Steering pm Basketball The BridgeBuilder 7 Annual Reports Family Promise If you have a report to submit for the 2014 Annual Report, the deadline is January 5, 2014. Please submit your electronic copy to Jenn at [email protected] Family Promise is a nationwide program providing no-cost housing and meals to families in need for up to a year. Family Promise frees the adults to look for jobs. They can save money for rent or a down payment on a Families are housed primarily in churches, Wasatch among them. Church members cook and serve meals, prepare guest rooms, transport guests, entertain children, provide supervision and a miscellany of other activities. Lots of help is needed 24/7 so please make a New Year's resolution to support Family Promise. You can sign up at wpcslc.org, in person before or after Sunday worship, or by contacting David Harris. Our next hosting session of Family Promise begins January 25th. Congregational Meeting Mark your calendars, the WPC Congregational Meeting is scheduled for February 1, 2014 at 10:00. Sudanese News Wasatch people have been involved with the Sudanese lately. Nancy Saxton, Jan Bartlett, and Ginger Memmott hosted the USA Mabaan Association on Saturday, November 29. Jane Hereim and Jan Bartlett are teaching adult reading and math while Cindy Stayner supervises the children two Sundays a month. Nancy Saxton and Susan Whitney transported five Sudanese women for Thanksgiving food. The congregation has generously provided for Smith's Gift Cards for every Sudanese family. And in January Bruce Hunter is leading a program to prepare the families for their children to attend college. There's lots going on-get involved! Anita RIGSTAD, Sudanese Coordinator [email protected] 801-583-1917 In Remembrance Long time member of Wasatch, Jane Simmons passed away in December. Our thoughts and prayers are with her family at this time. Finances Income Wasatch Presbyterian Church 11/30/2014 Status of the Operating Fund Budget to Date Actual to Date Difference Annual Income Budget Pledges Loose Offering Per Capita Other Income Out of Pocket Gifts Planned Transfers Extra Princ. Received 395,200 50,000 8,200 144,780 33,000 10,000 376,570 57,752 5,468 144,228 33,155 15,485 (18,630) 7,752 (2,732) (552) 155 5,485 446,400 60,000 8,500 160,305 36,000 11,000 Totals 641,180 632,658 (8,522) 722,205 Budget to Date Actual to Date Difference Expenses Annual Expense Budget 617,449 42,140 18,147 120,000 11,000 Program/Building Mission Per Capita Principal & Interest Extra Princ. Paid 561,594 39,595 18,147 110,000 10,000 538,893 37,745 18,147 110,000 15,485 22,701 1,850 (5,485) Totals 739,336 720,270 19,066 808,736 NET DIFFERENCE (98,156) (87,612) 10,544 (86,531) Carryover from 2013 8,938 8,938 - 8,938 CASH FLOW (89,218) (78,674) 10,544 (77,593) January 2015 Bridge Builder Rev. Scott Dalgarno Pastor/Head of Staff, [email protected] Rev. Heather Monkmeyer Dr. Kenneth Udy, Topher Melhoff 9:00 Worship Service Director 9:00am Worship 10:30 am Choir Practice 11:15 am Worship Director of Music, [email protected] Interim Director of Youth Ministry Rebecca Sandulli Children’s Ministry, [email protected] Carol Rugg Financial Secretary, [email protected] Jenn Davis Church Business Administrator, [email protected] Melissa White Communications Coordinator, [email protected] Donna Henry Parish Visitor, [email protected] 1:30 pm * Communion on the First Sunday of every month in the 11:15 Service and at least once a month in the early Service.
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