Lau unch of o the “Watter Ta alks S Series” The Genevaa Water Hub b – Educatio ion & Knowle ledge is proud to welcome yo ou to the first edition off the « Water TTalk Series », » on 9 February 22015, between 177:00 and 18:4 40, at Ciné 17, Geneva. The presentatio ons, in Englishh or in Frenchh, will be shorrt and impactful. Following F the discussions, our guests wiill have the opportunity to shhare their thooughts around drinks and snacks. This series is an oppen-speech opportunity for researchers to expose and a explain their ideas, their stances on contemporary challengess linked to w water governance. For this first edition, e we w will have thee pleasure to weelcome the following speakeers: Drr. Jeremy Allouche Pro of. Joyeeta Gupta (Insstitute of Develoopment Studies, Brighton) (University of Amstterdam, UNESCO O-IHE, Delft, Th he Netherlands) “W WATER GOVE ERNANCE: FR ROM RIVERS S AND WARSS TO INDIVIDUALS” “W WATER IS A GLOCAL ISSUEE” Jerremy Allouchee has 14 years of experiencee in managingg and dessigning projeccts in the fields of water govvernance, sec urity and d developmeent, and intternational political econ omy anaalysis. He preeviously workeed at the University of Oxfford, thee Massachusetts Institutee of Technology (MIT), ETH Lauusanne, the Swiss Graduate Institute of Puublic adm ministration, aand at the Graaduate Institute of Internatiional and d Developmennt Studies, Geeneva. He has been in chargge of inteernational ressearch projectts and therefore has experieence of managing larrge research and a policy coonsortia. His w work hass mainly focuused on globaal political analysis and is now leaading a numbeer of projects on West Africca and the Horrn of Afrrica. Joyyeeta Guptaa is professsor of environment and devvelopment at the Amsterdaam Institute foor Social Science Ressearch of the University of AAmsterdam and a UNESCO--IHE Insttitute for Water Education in Delft. She is also a mem mber of the t Amsterdam Global Chaange Institute. She is editor-inchief of Internat ational Environnmental Agreeements: Polititics, Law w and Econom mics and is on the editorial board of journnals likee Internationaal Journal oon Sustainabl ble Developm ment, Envvironmental Science S and PPolicy, Internaational Journaal of Waater Governaance. She is a lead author in the Inteergovernmenttal Panel on CClimate Changge which recently shaared the 20077 Nobel Peacee Prize with Al Gore and of the Millennium Ecossystem Assesssment whichh won the Zaaved Seccond Prize. Preesentation in EEnglish. Preesentation in English. E This first event w will start at 17:00 and will take place at C Ciné 17, rue dee la Corrateriee 17, 1204 Genneva. Uni Dufour underground parrking is the cloosest, tram annd bus stop att Place de Neuuve (tram 12 / Bus 3 ,5, 18, 36). 3 Free entraance. Howeveer, sitting spacce is lim mited, we thereefore ask you to t register by sending an em mail to laurelinne.magnin@u befo re 4 February. Priority willl be given in order off registration. For morre information, please contact M. Stéph ane Kluser, Geneeva Water Hub 4 [email protected] +41 22 379 0764
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