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February 2014
Johannes Frans Lodewijk Goosen (Hans), Assistant Professor (1966)
Education and Degrees:
PhD. Delft University of Technology, "Design and fabrication of a surface micro machined positioning
device", 1996.
MSc. Delft University of Technology, Electronics, specialization Avionics, 1992.
2001-present, Assistant professor, Precision and Microsystem Engineering, 3mE, Delft University of
1997-2001, Post Doctorate researcher, Electronic Instrumentation, ITS, Delft University of
1996-1997, Temporary researcher, Electronic Instrumentation, ITS, Delft University of Technology.
1991-1996, PhD. FOM/STW/Delft University of Technology, Electronic Instrumentation, ITS, Delft
University of Technology.
Research Area:
Design of integrated smart structures and systems. The research focuses on the use of material and
geometric properties of a design to achieve the best performance in the 'simplest' system or
structure. By using different mechanical, thermal, electrical, etc. properties and combining them in a
single design more functionality or better performance can be achieved in a single structure. The
challenge is in the holistic design approach of a system without dividing it into separate structures or
parts for different functions, but to integrate all the functionality in a single design strategy linked to
the overall optimal performance of the system. Due to this single structure approach, the
manufacture is often integral to the functional design. Applications are found in nano and
microelectromechanical systems but also in many larger systems, such as flapping wing micro air
vehicles. Inspiration for designs can be found in the fundamental knowledge in the field of
mechanics, etc. or in nature.
Keywords: Microsystems, flapping wing MAV, multi-domain, actuators, holistic system design.
Membership of scientific committees, reviewer for journals and funding agencies, editorial board:
Board member 'Technische Mechanica' foundation (treasurer). (2013 - present).
Technical programme committee, Design of Medical Devices Conference – Europe (2013).
Technical programme committee, IEEE ISSND, (2013).
'Bindend Studie Advies' committee (2012 - present).
Technical programme committee, IEEE Sensor conference. (2011, 2012).
Board member MicroNed management team. (2006 - 2008).
ISI Journal Publications: 19
Citations: 238 (from 2007 - 2012)
Average citations per year: 40
H-index: 11
Other publications (e.g. conference proceedings, non-listed journals etc.): 36
Patents: 4
Books (and book chapters): 4
 Goosen, J.F.L., "Design considerations for silicon sensors for use in catheters and guide wires",
Smart Materials and Structures, vol 11, 2002, IOP publishing, pp. 804-812.
February 2014
P.J. French, D. Tanase and J.F.L. Goosen, “Sensors for catheter applications”, In Sensors Update,
vol. 13 (eds. H. Baltes, G.K. Fedder and J.G. Korvink, ISBN 3-527-30745-1, pp 107-153 2004.
Goosen, J.F.L., Jan J. Piek and Paddy French, “Sensor for Catheters and Guidewires”, in
Engineering for patient safety, Ed. J. Dankelman, C.A. Grimbergen, H.G. Stassen, Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc. Publishers, Londen, 2005, ISBN 0-8058-4905-X, pp. 254-270.
Mechanics of Nanoelectromechanical Systems: Bridging the Gap between Experiment and
Theory; In: Advances in Micro/Nano Electromechanical Systems and Fabrication Technologies,
ISBN 978-953-51-1085-9, edited by Kenichi Takahata ; 2013.
Plenary, keynote and invited Lectures, (2007 – present):
Bio inspired flight, 12 March, 2013, Delft, the Netherlands, Bio Inspired Design symposium.
Teaching courses: (2007-present, ECTS)
 Microsystems lecture (2002-2010), 3 ECTS.
Microtechniek lecture (2008-2013), 3 ECTS.
Dynamica A lecture (2013-), 3/6 ECTS.
Mechanical analysis for engineers. Guest lectures (2010-2012)/co lecturer (2012-2013), 2/4
Guest lectures (Bio inspired design (2011-2013), Statics (2005), Aerostructures (2005),
Biomedical Engineering (2003), Sensors (2001).
Micro Nano design. Guest lectures and laboratory work assistance (2011-2013), 0.5/4 ECTS.
Stijfheid en sterkte (Industrial design), Instructor (2008, 2009), 0.5/4 ECTS.
Product in werking (Industrial design), Instructor (2011-2013), 1/6 ECTS.
EM course: Mechanics in microsystems, 2010, 2012. 0.6/2 ECTS.
Supervision of PhD’s
 1998-2003, D. Tanase, Magnetic-based navigation system for endovascular interventions,
 2004-2007, G.-K. Lau, Micro-electro-mechanical Actuators Using Confined Polymers, copromotor.
 2005-2010, C.T. Bolsman, Flapping wing actuation using resonant compliant mechanisms. An
insect inspired design, co-promotor.
 2006-2012, Q. Li, Characterization of Thin Film MEMS Packages, co-promotor.
 2007-2010, H. Sadeghian Marnani, Mechanics of ultra-sensitive nanoelectromechanical silicon
cantilevers, supervisor.
 2007-, Saputra, Model Validation of Multi Physics Interaction in MEMs device, co-promotor.
 2011-, H.J. Peters, Regeling van resonante compliante systemen, co-promotor.
 2012- Q. Wang, Design and optimization of wings for a flapping-wing micro air vehicle, copromotor.
 2012-, R.J. Dedden, Dynamics of Micro Nozzles in Large Arrays, co-supervisor.
 2013-, B. Sajadi Ahmadi , Stability Calibration of Micro/Nano Cantilever structures, co-promotor.
 2013-, A. Keyvani Janbahan, Stability Calibration of Micro/Nano Cantilever structures , cosupervisor.
 2013-, M.S.Tamer, Stability Calibration of Micro/Nano Cantilever structures , co-supervisor.
February 2014
 2004-2011, MicroNed, AGNL, co-writer, 57 M€.
 2005-2010, Atalanta, Casimir/NOW, supervisor, 278 k€.
 2006-2010, Thin film micro-cavities for MEMS packaging, M2I, supervisor, 300 k€.
 2007-2011, Model validation and experimental testing of multi-physical interactions in MEMS,
MicroNed, project leader, 301 k€.
 2011-2016, Regeling van resonante compliante systemen, Point-one, project leader, 490 k€.
 2011-2012, Control Designs for a Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicle, EU/Greece research council,
project leader, 120 k€, canceled.
 2013-2017, Design and optimization of wings for a flapping-wing micro air vehicle, Chinese
research council, project leader, 120 k€.
 2013-2017, Stability Calibration of Micro/Nano Cantilever structures, NanoNextNl, project leader,
1241 k€, TUD: 509 k€.
Research collaboration with industry
Devlab (cooperative of 13 SME companies), Kiva product development, Helvoet, Nanosens, Mecwins,
TNO, Océ/Minolta, NXP, Philips.