N.E.W.G.L.S.F. P.O. Box 1482 Manitowoc, Wisconsin 54221 “We’re Getting Close” Buy Your Banquet Dinner Tickets Now 2015 Spring Banquet – Saturday March 14th 2014 Last Time Period Contest Winners – Top 5 & Grand Slam Salmon Derby July 3rd – July 5th Your 2015 Membership & Sponsorship Are Due! 2015 Membership Form Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen Mail Check to: N.E.W.G.L.S.F. PO Box 1482 Manitowoc WI 54221-1482 Name____________________________________________________Business____________________________________ Please Print Address________________________________________________City____________________________ State__________ Zip Code__________ Telephone (_____)_____________E-MAIL ADDRESS_______________________________________ Regular Membership _____________$ 15.00 Jr. Membership (Under 18) ______________ $ 10.00 Sr. Membership (65+) ______________ $ 10.00 Regular Lifetime Membership _____ $300.00 Lifetime Senior Membership 55+ ___________ $125.00 Family Membership _____________$20.00 Please Include Spouse’s name and Children 16 years of age or younger: Spouse____________________________ Children___________________________ Age_____ Children___________________________ Age_____ Children___________________________ Age_____ Children___________________________ Age_____ Business Sponsorship ___________$30.00 (Includes Plaque & Regular N.E.W.G.L.S.F. Membership) Business Sponsorship ___________$35.00 (Includes Plaque & Family N.E.W.G.L.S.F. Membership) Business Sponsors: Do you need a new plaque? Yes/No For all Business Sponsors (Families) Please fill in Spouse’s and Children names located above. Name of Boat_________________________________ Renewed Membership ____________ New Member_______________ st st Northeast Memberships run from January 1 – December 31 . The Fishermen’s Log February 2015 Newsletter th General Membership Meeting – Thursday, February 19 Rearing Pond Report Camp Scholarships for members Children 2015 Membership/Sponsorship Report NEWGLSF Officers and Directors th 41 Annual Banquet Information and Ticket Form 2014 Last Time Period Winners in the Club’s Fishing Contest 2014 Overall Species and Grand Slam Winners st 2015 41 Derby Information Business Sponsors and Lure Manufacturers Presidents Report: The General Meeting will be on Thursday, February 19th 7:00 p.m. The General Membership Meeting for N.E.W.G.L.S.F. will be held on Thursday, February 19th at the City Limits on Cty CR. Nicholas Legler, Fisheries Biologist from the Wisconsin DNR will be the guest speaker at the February 19th NEWGLSF meeting. Nick will talk about a recently developed predator-prey ratio analys is designed to guide future Chinook salmon stocking decisions for Lake Michigan. Our monthly raffle will be held and lunch will be served for meeting attendees by Carol Resch and Mickey Burkart, who have agreed to take care of the lunch again, but I am sure they can use some help with side dishes, desserts etc. Make sure to mark your calendar and join us at the City Limits on Thursday, February 19th at 7:00. Tom Kocourek – President Report From The Rearing Pond: We have approximately 19,500 German Browns in the pond. They are very healthy and are in the 8-inch range. These Browns will be released sometime in March depending upon their size. The extensive improvements we made these past years at the pond have made life a lot easier. If you would like a tour of our upgraded rearing facility please call me. I’m over at the pond twice a day and would be happy to show you what improvements we have done. We will need help to take the Browns out of the Pond in March. This will happen on a weekday starting around 9:00 am. Call me at 860-6350 if you would be willing to help and I will get in touch with you when the WDNR decides to move the fish. Wayne Utterstedt – Rearing Pond Chair Camp Scholarship: 2015 Applications for children of N.E.W.G.L.S.F. members are available for children wishing to attend an outdoor camp program. Examples of some camps children might be interested in attending would be Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4 -H camps, camps for children with disabilities, horseback riding camp, hunter safety camp or adventure camps to name a few. There are numerous camp opportunities listed on this website: http://www.wisconline.com/attractions/camps/index.html The Memorial Camp Scholarship Camp Fund was created in the name of former club member Robert Dumovich, who passed away in July 2009 and by Wayne Utterstedt, whose mother passed away in January of 2010. We expect to award the scholarships at the May general meeting. Applications will be available at the club’s general meeting until that time or they can be obtained by contacting Tom Kocourek at 860-0160 or email [email protected]. Please get applications to Tom Kocourek no later than May 1 st 2015. Tom Kocourek - President Membership-Sponsorship Report: The club’s memberships run from January 1 st 2015 through December 31st 2015. We continue to sign up new mem bers and sponsors each year, but just because you get 2 newsletters each spring, one regarding the Banquet and one about the Derby, don’t think you are a paid up member or sponsor. Our membership and sponsorship dues at this time are extremely cheap. Please consider signing up your fishing buddies and family members. If you wish to pay your 2015 membership in February, we will be at the General meeting on Thursday Feb. 19th. Monthly meeting notices will only be sent to members who have paid their 2015 d ues. Special Note to Derby Fishermen; we have about 200 Derby Fishermen each year that fish the NEWGLSF Derby, but are not members. Please consider joining. See our 2015 membership form on the first page. FYI: Paid Up Northeast Members can win $100.00’s of extra lures throughout the year in the Club’s Fishing Contest. Northeast Members can also win one of (5) $100 Prize Packages that have been donated by Dreamweaver for the largest fish caught by a NEWGLSF Member in each of the five fish divisions at our derby. Doesn’t it make sense to become a member in 2014? Wayne Utterstedt – Membership Chair ADS The New 2015 Board of Directors and the Officers of Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen T om Kocourek Mike Heinzen Dan Abts Thom Gulash Fred Schnell Dan Abts Mike Heinzen Wayne Monka Jack Resch Roger Brunner John Gadzinski Scott Habermann Steve Newberg Eugene Runnoe Roland Hippert Jack Gilbert Jim Hippert Tom Nowak Fred Schnell President Internal Vice President External Vice President Secretary Treasurer Martin Gregory Tom Kocourek Craig O’Connell Wayne Utterstedt Thom Gulash Ken Lau Gene Petri Randy Wiehensohn Appointments and Non - Elected Positions in N.E.W.G.L.S.F. If anyone would like to help the various committee chairs listed below, please feel free to call. New ideas are always welcome. Remember, the more help we have, the easier it is on everyone involved. Banquet Chairs Jack and Carol Resch 682-0508 Derby Chairs Tom Kocourek 860-0160 Derby Advisors Fred Schnell 758-2683 Derby Advisors Jack and Carol Resch 682-0508 Super Tournament Chairs Tom Kocourek 860-0160 Eugene Runnoe 652-9938 Legislative Co-Chair Thom Gulash 682-2028 Mike Rusch 482-1419/ 758-2821 Membership Chair Wayne Utterstedt 860-6350 Rearing Pond Committee Wayne Utterstedt 860-6350 Trout Pond For Kids Wayne Utterstedt 860-6350 Club Fishing Contest Mike Rusch 482-1419 / 758-2821 Media Chair Tom Kocourek 860-0160 Web Site Design & Update Tom Kocourek 684-7445 Newsletter Editor Mike Rusch 482-1419/ 758-2821 Past Presidents Scott Habermann 684-3933 Roy Berres 682-7171 The Northeast Board of Directors at a later date also has the option to make appointments to the Board of Directors at any Board of Directors Meeting. At this point there are still two open seats on the Board and if someone would like to serve, please contact our President, Tom Kocourek, for additional information. 41st Annual Spring Banquet Saturday Evening March 14, 2015 The 41th Annual N.E.W.G.L.S.F. Spring Banquet will be held at the City Limits, formerly the Club Bil-Mar on Saturday, March 14th 2015. We will start with cocktail hour beginning at 4:30 and the meal will be served promptly at 6:30 p.m . The fun starts after the meal with raffles, ½ the pot, guns, auction, silent auction and lots of Dinner Raffle Prizes, (formerly the Door Prizes) will be given out at the Banquet. Jack and Carol Resch at 682-0508 are again running the banquet. If any members are interested in helping or donating prizes, please call Jack and Carol. The more people that help the easier it is… We always set up for the banquet at the Bil-Mar at 9:00 a.m. that Saturday and if anyone can help, please come. Dinner Ticket prices are still only $25.00 per person before the banquet and $40.00 after March 8th or at the door. Those of you who have attended our banquet in the past, you know it is like Christmas. The majority of the Dinner Raffle Prizes, formerly the Door Prizes will have a value of at least $25.00 or approximately the cost of your dinner ticket. Please help the committee by getting a donation or two for the banquet. If you do not want to go out and collect donations, at least think about donating an item yourself, such as an extra bottle of wine or liquor for the Banquets Basket of Booze Raffle, or a Gift Certificate to your favorite local restaurant. The number of Dinner Raffle Prizes will depend upon the number of donations from our members and the various businesses. We are again shooting for approximately 200 Dinner Raffle Prizes, (formerly the door prizes) and about 150 Red and Green Raffle Prizes. To make things legal, we will replace the Door Prize Raffle with a Single $2.00 Raffle Ticket you must purchase, after showing your dinner ticket the night of the Banquet. This will make sure that we are legal according to the State Gaming Commission. Make sure you purchase this raffle ticket as soon as you enter the hall. “Banquet Tickets and the New Raffle Package Information ” The 2015 Spring Banquet Dinner Tick ets can be purchased at the February Meeting from Larry and Mickey Burkart 920-682-5715 or they are also available at Louie’s Sporting Goods and the Wharf in Sheboygan. For those of you in Two Rivers, you may call Jim and Julie Hippert at 920-7934808. These are Banquet Dinner Tickets Only. Please purchase your Dinner Tickets early since the City Limits needs a head count for supper A $60.00 Raffle Package will be available on Saturday March 14th. This package will again contain: 14 Red Tickets, 14 Green Tickets, 14 Lady’s Raffle Tickets, 7 Pistol Tickets, 7 Go-Pro Tickets, and 3 Five Gun Tickets. The remainder of the Raffle Tickets will need to be purchased on site. If you wish to purchase one or more of the Raffle Packages the night of the Banque t, you will need to call Larry Burkart 682-5715 and have Larry and Mickey put a package together for you and have your name on the package. We cannot make raffle packages up at the door, there just isn’t any time for that. We hope you understand. Raffle Packages can be purchased at the City Limits between the hours of 9:30-11:30 Saturday Morning, while the crew is setting up for the Banquet, or at the door Saturday Night. We will open up the doors to the hall at 4:30 so you can get your tickets separated and put in the respective containers. Unfortunately, now everything must be paid for the day of the banquet and we hope this doesn’t create a financial strain on our members. The committee is going all out to get the very best prizes we can to make the 2015 Spring Banquet a successful event despite the new laws. We cannot afford to break the rules and pay the fines or lose our raffle license for violating the new rules. Good Luck and Enjoy the Evening! RAFFLE PRICE OF THE TICKETS TICKETS IN THE RAFFLE PACKAGE Green Raffle Sold @ $1.00 per ticket or 7 tickets for $5.00 Your Package will include 14 tickets for $10.00 Red Raffle Sold @ $1.00 per ticket or 7 tickets for $5.00 Your Package will include 14 tickets for $10.00 5 Gun Raffle Sold @ $5.00 per ticket or 3 tickets for $10.00. Your Package will include 3 tickets for $10.00 Pistol One Raffle Sold @ $5.00 per ticket. Your Package will include 7 tickets for the $10.00 Go-Pro Raffle Sold @ $5.00 per ticket. Your Package will include 7 tickets for the $10.00 Lady’s Raffle Sold @ $1.00 per ticket or 7 tickets for $5.00 Your Package will include 14 tickets for $10.00 Some of the Special Raffles at the 2015 NEWGLSF Spring Banquet: New in 2015 Virgil Beck Rainbow Painting: Several of our members asked the Banquet committee to contact Virgil Beck and see if he would have the time to do one of his prize winning paintings the night of our Banquet. Virgil has agreed to do a painting of a Rainbow Trout the night of the Banquet. Raffle Tick ets will be sold the night of the Banquet for his painting. Vigil has painted many of the prints of Trout and Salmon used by the State’s DNR over the years. The New $0.99 Cent Raffle, which will replace the Penny Raffle:. Because of huge sales in tickets, we are again doing the same Smith & Wesson 629 Stainless Steel 44 Mag with a 5 inch barrel that we did last year. This is very close to the famous gun used by Clint Eastwood in Dirty Harry. Remember the famous saying used by Callahan….” Do You Feel Lucky Punk? Make My Day”. Five-Gun Raffle: This year we have some super guns in the Clubs Five Gun Raffle: 1. A Browning A -Bolt II 30.06 2. A Stoeger Condor 12 gauge Over & Under 3. A 20 gauge Remington 870 Youth Camo. 4. A Savage Axis .270 with Scope 5. A Real Nice Mossberg Tactical .22 Cal. Rifle. One Pistol Raffle: This year we will only be having one Pistol Raffle for a Glock Model 23 STW .40 with case and 2 clips . Glock’s are the weapon of choice by many of the local police force officers. Go-Pro Hero 3+ Silver Edition with Accessories Raffle: The club decided to go to a Go-Pro Camera System for your boat. Some of you may have already purchased one of these “Top of the Line” GoPro’s, since we are now seeing your fishing and hunting trips on You Tube and Lake Link. These are easy to use and install. Basket of Booze Raffle: Again in 2015, we will have a raffle with various bottles of spirits. Hopefully we can get enough items to have several winners in this category. This has always been a big hit. Remember you do not have tickets for this one in your packages and this one is almost 100% profit for the club since these bottles of liquor are usually all donations. (The Basket of Booze Raffles are not in the package) 2 Different Bucket Raffles A & B – 2 Winners for each of the Buckets – ( Bucket Raffles are not in the package) The second place winner for each bucket will receive an assortment of lures / flies and flashers. Here are some of the 14 items we have already acquired for the Bucket Raffles. 1. An Electric Fish Smoker 6. A Poulan Chainsaw 2. 4 - line counter Rod & Reel Combos 7. A Pop-Up Blind 3. 2 – Leadcore Rod and Reel Combos 8. More to Come…….. 4. An Emerson 50 Inch TV 9. 5. An Air Compressor 10. Ladies Raffle: Carol Resch is putting together the Ladies Raffle at this time. I believe Carol is already at 18 prizes and looking for more. You will have your choice depending upon the order your ticket is drawn. So far we have 2 - 10.1 inch Polaroid HD Internet Tablet and 2 - 7 inch Android Tablets, A Magic Bullet, 2 Food Network Serving Sets, 5 Baskets of Bath & Body Products for women and 6 Assorted Appliances; like a Panini Maker, Crock Pot, Blender, Coffee Maker, Electric Griddle, and a Waffle Maker. Maybe a couple of baskets of wine or some Gift Certificates from local Greenhouses will also be included like last year. Split-the-Pot Raffle: This one has also been a favorite at the Banquet the past couple of years. Unfortunately all of the tickets will need to be sold that night. The past couple of years, winners walked away with approximately $400.00 (The Split the Pot Raffle is not in the package) Net Raffle: Brought back by popular demand is the net raffle, which is always full of lures and other goodies. (The Net Raffle is not in the package) Miscellaneous Raffle: We always hope that some business or club supporter will come along and donate something else to the Banquet. We will have to wait and see what comes in…Good Luck getting Donations. SPECIAL NOTE: 1. No long guns (Rifles & Shotguns) can be claimed by (1.) anyone under the age of 18, (2.) by a felon, (3.) or by an individual who has domestic violence charges pending. 2. 2. No pistols can be claimed by (1.) anyone under the age of 21, (2.) by a felon, (3.) or by an individual who has domestic violence charges pending 3. You must also be 21 to claim any prize containing an alcoholic beverage, like the baskets of booze. The Northeast Board of Directors, Banquet Committee and other volunteers are busy asking for donations and buying prizes. If you are a Business Sponsor or just a Great Lakes Sport Fishermen who would like to donate a gift or two, like an extra bottle of wine or liquor for the Banquet’s Basket of Booze Raffle, or a Gift Certificate from your favorite local restaurant please contact Jack and Carol Resch at 682-0508. Every donation is appreciated. Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen 2015 Banquet Dinner Ticket Form Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print Address______________________________City_____________________________State______Zip______ Dinner Tickets are $25.00 in advance and $40.00 after March 8 th or at the Door: PLEASE: City Limits needs the count of the number of individuals attending the Banquet and this count needs to be turned in the Monday before the Banquet - March 8 th so please order your Dinner Tickets early. It is very difficult to make a sit down dinner when you have no idea how many people will be attending. Number of Banquet Tickets Wanted (_____) times $25.00 = _____________ If interested in purchasing a Raffle Package for $60.00 either Saturday morning (please use the back door of the City Limits) or Saturday night before the banquet, please indicate the Number of Raffle Packages your would like _____________ The Raffle Package is the one listed in the 2015 Feb. Newsletter. Mail Check to: Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen Banquet Tickets C/O Larry & Mickey Burkart 1305 Viebahn Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone Number 920-682-5715 Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen 2015 Banquet Dinner Ticket Form Name__________________________________________________________________________________ Please Print Address______________________________City_____________________________State______Zip______ Dinner Tickets are $25.00 in advance and $40.00 after March 8 th or at the Door: PLEASE: City Limits needs the count of the number of individuals attending the Banquet and this count needs to be turned in the Monday before the Banquet - March 8 th so please order your Dinner Tickets early. It is very difficult to make a sit down dinner when you have no idea how many people will be attending. Number of Banquet Tickets Wanted (_____) times $25.00 = _____________ If interested in purchasing a Raffle Package for $60.00 either Saturday morning (please use the back door of the City Limits) or Saturday night before the banquet, please indicate the Number of Raffle Packages your would like _____________ The Raffle Package is the one listed in the 2015 Feb. Newsletter. Mail Check to: Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen Banquet Tickets C/O Larry & Mickey Burkart 1305 Viebahn Street Manitowoc, WI 54220 Phone Number 920-682-5715 Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen Membership Drive “Derby Fishermen” Dear Great Lakes Derby Fishermen. The past several years you have been fishing the Northeastern Wisconsin Salmon Derby and we hope you had an enjoyable and successful time. We are hoping in 2015, that you will take the time to join N.E.W.G.L.S.F. and be a part of enhancing our fishery, promoting outdoor education, and sponsoring outdoor youth mentoring opportunities in our area. Below are some of the other events and activities sponsored by Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen. ? General Membership Meetings are held at the City Limits on County Trunk CR at 7:00 p.m. the third Thursday of the month; January, February, April, May and then again in September, October and December. Our monthly meetings are open to the public featuring guest speakers, raffles, attendance prize, and lunch. ? Promoting outdoor youth mentoring through support of 3 kid’s fish derbies. ? Promoting outdoor youth mentoring through youth camp scholarships. ? Supporting Natural Resource Education and efforts to stop invasive species. ? Raise & release trout and salmon – we presently are raising 19,500 German Browns in our facility at Lincoln Park. ? Invested thousands of dollars for improvements at the Lincoln Park fish-rearing pond. ? Provided the Fish Grinder at the Manitowoc Marina. ? During the week of July 4th, NEWGLSF also holds the annual Salmon Derby at the Manitowoc Marina; this will be our 41st Annual Derby. Northeast members are also eligible for special prizes for the largest fish in each category provided by sponsoring lure manufacturers. ? Another thing for our Member Fishermen is our “Free” Year-Long Fishing Contest. The club’s contest is divided into 5 time periods with over $4,000 worth of prizes for the 3 largest fish registered in each of the five major categories for each of the time periods. ? Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen also host a Spring Banquet, attended by approximately 400 individuals in March. This year the 41st Annual Spring Banquet will be held at the City Limits on March 14th. If you would like to attend the banquet, contact Larry Burkart at 682-5715, dinner tickets are still only $25.00 per person. Raffle package information is also available by contacting Larry. Banquet donations are always appreciated. Results For the Club’s Free Year Long Fishing Contest 2014 Last Time Period Winners Last Name First Name City Gilbert Bruce Two Rivers Sharpe Joe Sheboygan Sloma Gerald Brillion Last Name First Name City Minanik Monk Monk Boyd Ervin Mary Two Rivers Manitowoc Manitowoc Last Name First Name City Sharpe Andrew Sheboygan Gruber Hafner Jim Sr. John Sheboygan Manitowoc Last Name First Name City Minanik Boyd Two Rivers Wenzel Chuck Brillion O'Connell Craig Reedsville Last Name First Name City Bruce Terry Whitelaw State Zip Code WI 54241 WI 53081 WI 54110 State Zip Code WI WI WI 54241 54220 54220 State Zip Code WI 53081 WI WI 53081 54220 State Zip Code WI 54241 WI 54110 WI 54230 State Zip Code WI 54247 Species Brown Brown Weight 15.00 12.26 Month 7-Sep 27-Oct Rank 1st 2nd Brown 9.75 2-Sep 3rd Species Weight Month Rank Chinook Chinook Chinook 28.75 25.00 25.00 25-Sep 1-Sep 6-Sep 1st 2nd 3rd Species Coho Weight 9.83 Month 16-Sep Rank 1st Coho Coho 9.15 8.60 28-Sep 7-Sep 2nd 3rd Species Weight Lake Trout 16.50 Lake Trout 13.40 Month 26-Sep 25-Oct Rank 1st 2nd Lake Trout 10.14 25-Oct 3rd Species Weight Month Rank Rainbow 16.75 22-Sep 1st Overall - 2014 Top Five By Species Last Name Gilbert Schad First Name Bruce Bill City Two Rivers New Holstein Raether Sharpe Downs Kirk Joe Randy Manitowoc Sheboygan Sheboygan State WI WI Zip Code 54241 53061 Species Brown Brown Weight 15.00 14.50 Month 7-Sep 31-Aug Rank 1st 2nd WI WI WI 54220 53081 53081 Brown Brown Brown 12.46 12.26 11.84 5-Jul 27-Oct 15-Jul 3rd 4th 5th Last Name Minanik Durocher First Name Boyd Bill City Two Rivers Two Rivers State WI WI Zip Code 54241 54241 Species Chinook Chinook Weight 28.75 25.70 Month 25-Sep 18-Jul Rank 1st 2nd Klockenga Monk Monk Jane Ervin Mary Edwards Manitowoc Manitowoc IL WI WI 61528 54220 54220 Chinook Chinook Chinook 25.50 25.00 25.00 1-Aug 1-Sep 6-Sep 3rd 4th 5th Last Name First Name City State Zip Code Species Weight Month Rank Ballmann Sharpe Gruber Dean Andrew Jim Sr. Manitowoc Sheboygan Sheboygan WI WI WI 54220 53081 53081 Coho Coho Coho 15.40 9.83 9.15 10-Aug 16-Sep 28-Sep 1st 2nd 3rd Stanul Hafner Brian John Sheboygan Falls Manitowoc WI WI 53085 54220 Coho Coho 8.80 8.60 2-Aug 7-Sep 4th 5th Last Name First Name City State Zip Code Species Weight Month Rank Kulis Kneser Pautz Bob Cole Mike Amherst Sheboygan Reedsville WI WI WI 54406 53081 54230 Lake Trout Lake Trout Lake Trout 19.50 18.35 17.68 19-Jul 5-Jul 5-Jul 1st 2nd 3rd Monk Minanik Mary Boyd Manitowoc Two Rivers WI WI 54220 54241 Lake Trout Lake Trout 16.50 16.50 20-Jul 26-Sep 4th 5th Last Name Gotter First Name Isaiah City Reedsville State WI Zip Code 54230 Species Rainbow Weight 19.20 Month 8-Jul Rank 1st Jaeger Griessmeyer Foth Cameron Ron Dan Manitowoc Sheboygan Marshfield WI WI WI 54220 53081 54449 Rainbow Rainbow Rainbow 18.30 17.10 17.10 20-Jul 20-Jun 21-Jun 2nd 3rd 4th Bruce Terry Whitelaw WI 54247 Rainbow 16.75 22-Sep 5th Overall - 2014 Grand Slam Winners Minanik Minanik Minanik Boyd Boyd Boyd Two Rivers Two Rivers Two Rivers WI WI WI 542.41 54241 54241 Brown Chinook Coho 9.75 28.75 3.00 Minanik Minanik Boyd Boyd Two Rivers Two Rivers WI WI 54241 54241 Lake Trout Rainbow 16.50 15.50 73.50 Pounds Bonfigt Bonfigt Donald Donald Two Rivers Two Rivers WI WI 54241 54241 Brown Chinook 5.7 22.46 Bonfigt Bonfigt Bonfigt Donald Donald Donald Two Rivers Two Rivers Two Rivers WI WI WI 54241 54241 54241 Coho Lake Trout Rainbow 4.11 15.80 13.22 61.29 Pounds 25-Sep 25-Sep 9-Aug 26-Sep 9-Aug 1st Place 26-May Derby 20-Jul 22-Jun Derby 2nd Place Now is the perfect time to join Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen! Please use the Membership Form at the front of the newsletter. 2015 Salmon Derby Information Friday, July 3rd, Saturday, July 4th, and Sunday, July 5th Manitowoc Marina The Derby will be much the same format as previous years except there will NOT be a Kayak Tournament this year due to declining participation in that event. There will be a Super Tournament on Saturday, a Kid’s Fishing Derby on Saturday morning, live entertainment on Friday & Saturday and a DJ on Sunday. As in past years there will be thousands of dollars in prizes, raffles, a Kid’s Trout Pond, along with great food and beverages. Check out the website newglsf.org for more details. HELP NEEDED: We are looking for someone to take over and run the Kids Fishing Derby, which we run on Saturday morning. We will provide help but will need someone to step forward for this great event. We have a great list of sponsors that contribute prizes. Please contact Tom Kocourek at 860-0160 if you would be interested and would like more information on what this would entail. Northeastern Wisconsin Great Lakes Sport Fishermen Business and Tackle Manufacturer Sponsors Advance Tackle Company Bechhold Flasher Co. Berg Drywall LLC Big China Fishing Team Instigator Fishing Team James Hippert Builders, Inc Jeff's Tackle Junk-B-Gone Riverfront Bait & Beverage RN Fishing Charters Rural Insurance, Randy Pingel Schaus Roofing & Mech. Big Family Charter Service Big Lake Tackle Bill Lau Electric Bill’s Service Church Tackle Co. City Limits Super Club Cleveland Fish & Game Crawlerman Charters Cretton Enterprise Cub Radio Inc. Dan Abts Agency Inc. David Dose Trucking, LLC Diana R Too Fishing Team Double D Charters Dream Weavers Tackle Co. Kevorkian Charters Leede Research Loftech Prototype Loner Flys Louie's Sporting Goods Magna Dyne Products Manitowoc Engraving Inc Manitowoc IBA Inc. Manitowoc Marina Manitowoc Trophy Maritime Embroidery Martin Automotive McMullen & Pitz Construction Mishicot Auto Sales Moonshine Lures Seagull Marina Semper Fi Charter Service Sheboygan Oral & Maxillofacial Sherwin Williams Marine Div Silver Horde Fishing Supplies Slide Divers - U-Charters Stern Action Charters Stifel Nicholaus Strauss & Sons Heating & Sheet TA Motorsports Tarkenton Brothers Heating The Dug Out The Smiling Moose Saloon & Grill Tigger II Charters Tim Braun Taxidermy Executive Charters Feedman Adventures Fish -Hook Charters Fleet Farm Stores Inc. Frabill Inc Hawkins, Ash, Baptie &Company LLP Highliner Charters Hoffman Masonry MTR Contracting Nichol's Electric, Inc. Northern King Lures Opti Tackle Ozzie's Charters Popps Harbor Town Exxon Pro Spoon Company Quality Roofing Inc. Toy Box Charters Triangle Distributing Inc. Twin City Marine Two Rivers Family Restaurant Warrior Lures Willie Bee Charters Wolverine Tackle Co. Workingman's Friend
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