FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH HAPPENINGS A Holy Time—Lent Who Do You Say that I Am? We enter the holy time of Lent on Ash Wednesday, February 18. Lent is not a time to be sad as much as it is a time to draw closer to Jesus. Jesus asked his first followers to come with him. In ways that are just as compelling and sometimes subtle, Jesus Christ asks us to walk with him, too. One way he asked his first followers for their attention and commitments was to ask a question: “Who Do You Say that I Am?” It’s a great question. We need to ask that question of ourselves now more than ever. Who DO we say that Jesus Christ is? In our words. In our Actions. In our Hearts. In our Lives. Come and explore the ways people who walked with Jesus answered that question, “Who Do You Say that I Am?” We’ll see that he is at work in our lives like he was in theirs: There is Hope. There is Redemption. In Christ, FEBRUARY 2015 LENT AND HOLY WEEK Who Do You Say that I Am? Jesus’ Question to his first followers…and to us. Ash Wed., Feb. 18, 12 Noon (40 minutes) & 7 p.m. (50 minutes) Jesus’ temptations and ours… Sun., Feb. 22—The man lying by the pool for 38 yrs. Do you want to be made well? Sun., Mar. 1—Syro-Phoenecian woman Even dogs get the scraps from the master’s table… Sun., Mar. 8—Man whose son was ill Lord I believe, help my unbelief… Sun., Mar. 15—Mary anoints Jesus She has done a precious thing for me… Sun., Mar. 22—Peter resists Jesus who is washing his feet Lord, I am not worthy… Palm Sun. Mar. 29—A glimpse at the whole Passion Story Roman Centurion: Truly this was the Son of God. Holy Thu., Apr. 2—12 Noon (35 minutes) & 7 p.m. (50 minutes) I Am the Vine, You are the Branches. Good Fri., Apr. 3—12 Noon (35 minutes) & 7 p.m. (50 minutes) Father, Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do. Who Do You Say that I Am?” Easter Sun., Apr. 5 – Mary, Peter, and the Beloved Disciple at the Empty Tomb Sermon: The Worst Thing is Never the Last Thing. Page 1 Building upgrades in process The First Church Trustees (Building Committee) elected 2015 officers on January 13. Chair John Helter, Vice Chair Lynn Ayers, Secretary David Schoenmaker, Treasurer Chuck Leypoldt. The Trustees have several projects in various stages of study and planning. Our architect, Dan Mulligan and his staff at Inner Space have a preliminary plan for increasing seating areas in the Sanctuary for persons using wheel chairs and walkers. His initial plans will go to the Trustees in their February meeting, and then there will be conversations with a variety of persons in the church about the plans. The goal is to have accessible seating areas up close and also further back to give worshipers a range of options. Dan’s plans show that some of the Sanctuary’s differing-length pews can be moved so that only two pews would have to be cut in order to make space for eight or more persons in wheel chairs or walkers in the Sanctuary. A goal of his plans was to move the accessible seating area to the space “inside” the pillars. The current location for two persons in wheelchairs is on the outside edge of pillar. Since the entire Sanctuary floor is slanted, any new locations identified for accessible seating will have to include leveling the floor in that area. The Trustees have been working with Marty Kasl of ETI, who is finishing designs for potential improvements to our heating and cooling systems in the Sanctuary. Among our needs: 1). Air conditioning in the balcony area for the first time ever, 2). Keeping the organ chambers at a more consistent temperature, 3). Ways to minimize sound of the current heat pumps and 4). Improving airflow to the choir areas. A part of the reason the Choir gets so warm is the large vents behind the choir are air return vents. The only air they get is what comes back to them after it has been to the congregation and on the way to return air vents. Exploring options for automated door openers for the northwest and northeast Sanctuary doors as well as the North building doors to the parking lot has begun. O’Keefe Elevator is also designing a way to have an electric eye installed in our elevator doors. They have installed for the first time a phone system in the elevator. As energy-saving lighting options improve, the Trustees have prioritized completing Phase III of the lighting project, which will mean the entire Church Building will have energyefficient lighting. How Do We Welcome: Lenten School 2015 Submitted by Liz Zeff “How Do We Welcome? First UMC and People with Disabilities, and Not All Disabilities Are Physical.” This is the theme for 2015 Lenten School, meeting from 3-4:30 p.m. in West Vestry five Sundays in Lent--February 22 through March 22, 2015. The study book is The Church and People with Disabilities: Awareness, Accessibility and Advocacy written by Peggy Johnson and is available in the church office, $10 each. This study was one of three offered at the 2014 United Methodist Women Mission U held in Kearney in August attended by eleven First Church members of UMW. Among them will be the core leadership for Lenten School including Brenda Bland and Liz Zeff. To register, contact the church office, 402.466.1906 or complete the registration below and return to the church office or place in offering plate on Sundays. To learn more, contact UMW members Brenda B. [email protected], or Liz Z. [email protected] deadline: February 15. “How Do We Welcome? First Church and People with Disabilities, and Not All Disabilities Are Physical.” Registration for Lenten School 2015 Five Sundays in Lent—February 22—March 22, 2015, 3-4:30 p.m., West Vestry ___ Yes, please register me for Lenten School: Name Paper mail address E-mail Phone Yes, I will need child care: ___ Yes, I will come by the church office for a copy of the book, The Church and People with Disabilities: Awareness, Accessibility and Advocacy, by Peggy Johnson, cost $10. Please return this form to the church office or drop in the offering plate. Registration deadline: Sunday, February 15, 2015 Page 2 Happenings ~ February 2015 Jay Stewart, Minister with Youth, Children & Families LEARNING TO LOVE OTHERS THE WAY JESUS LOVES Celebrating the Past: People’s City Mission—The youth had a great time at the People City Mission in January. The youth were very courteous and outgoing to the residents of the People’s City Mission. However, the youth became really intrigued by the Christmas story as displayed at St. James Catholic Church. All of the youth were really amazed by the display and were quick to ask Pastor Larry about the meaning of the scenes. The youth did not want to leave the display. In fact, we had to tell two youth that we were leaving. The youth not only loved seeing the display, but also loved talking about the meaning of Christmas. To God Be The Glory! Embracing the Future—The next time the youth and their youth leaders are going to the People City Mission will be February 1st, from 4:00 p.m. to approximately 7:30 p.m. We’ll meet at the Church. You are invited to join and serve with the youth at the Mission. Please let Jay Stewart know if you are interested. Celebrating the Past—Wednesday Youth Faith Night— After one of our most recent Life celebrations on Wednesday nights, a youth intern came up to me and was beyond elated! The youth intern smiling from ear-to-ear said, “Jay we had such a real and good conversation about life and about the faith. People were sharing honestly about their life and God. Two young men in particular that I have never met before said some powerful things! It’s awesome to be able to grow with the youth in faith in Christ!” Another adult expressed, “These kids are hungry to live for something deeper… They do not want to be entertained, they want to be transformed!” To God Be the Glory! Embracing the Future—Please join us as we grow in friendship with each other and grow in friendship with God through Worship, Dinner, and Small Groups. Our topic for Wednesday Youth Faith Night for the season of Lent is “Jesus is…..” It will be a great time to discover who Christ is through the means of songs, Scriptures, messages, and in discussions. Celebrating the Past: House Groups—At the most recent “House Group” we discussed about “God’s initiating Love” to all persons. One youth stated during our time, “I used to Happenings ~ February 2015 think that I was the only one broken. I would go through life thinking I am the only one messed up and I felt horrible. But I came to understand that everyone has their own struggles. I also came to realize that God loves me all the time, even in the midst of my struggles.” The youth discussed Isaiah 55, “Come to the Waters.” The youth and the youth leaders learned that we are to come to the Waters of Grace just as we are. It was amazing to see how God was moving during this time, we had great laughter and we had great sharing. To God Be the Glory! Embracing the Future—House Groups will occur on February 8th and 22nd from 12:15 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. Our focus for the season of Lent is trying to answer the question Jesus asks the disciples, “Jesus is….” During this time we will utilize inspiring video, Scripture, and discussion to try to answer such an important question. We also share a meal together as we also share great laughter through having “Funny Video” challenge. Hope and pray you’re able to join us as we continue to experience the amazing real love of Jesus for us! 3P’s—Prayers, Pancakes, and Play—Join us on Sunday mornings as we pray (Worship), eat pancakes, and play games such as “Four Square,” “Basketball” etc. This is a very relaxed time in which friendship can be built between youth and youth leaders. We will meet every Sunday at 10:00 a.m. in the Church Gym. Hope to see you soon! Peacemaking Workshop Sunday, April 12, 2015 1:00-5:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Leonard J. Pitts, Jr. Leonard Pitts, Jr. is an American commentator, journalist and novelist. He is a nationally syndicated columnist whose columns appears in the Lincoln Journal Star. Winner of the 2004 Pulitzer Prize for Commentary, he writes for the Miami Herald. Pitts will speak on: Eating (Jim) Crow Divisions Created by Race & Divisions Created by Poverty. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH—LINCOLN 2723 North 50th Street—402-466-1906 [email protected] Page 3 UMW News By Ad Morrissey, UMW President Super Bowl Sunday is coming! And at First Church, Souper Bowl Sunday is also coming! Happy New Year! I hope 2015 will be a year of wonder for you. I know there will challenges along the way for all of us. How we deal with those challenges helps us grow. Sunday, February 1st, our First Church family will have the opportunity to share their gifts with Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach. This mission is important because it offers immediate relief for people living with food challenges right here in our community. I also know that the temperatures this year have been cold. When I come into First Church, I'm immediately warmed. To me, First Church has a warm and nurturing spirit. I know God is alive and well and working overtime at First Church. He works through us, in us and for us. Matt Talbot serves guests two meals each day of the year. Our First Church Team is committed to serving the midday meal on the second Saturday of each month. One of their delicious specialties is a thick and savory vegetable soup. As First Church works to better our community, it's God that is guiding us to continue to do good works. We strive to be the best that we can be. We strive to help all people in all ways. We dedicate our lives to show God's love by caring and sharing. Join the First Church Souper Bowl Team! Help bring nourishment and dignity to many people with your monetary gifts of support for Matt Talbot Kitchen and Outreach. (Please make checks to First United Methodist Church with Matt Talbot in the memo.) I want to share two upcoming events with you. The first event is Church Women United February 6 at St. Andrews Lutheran Church located at 1015 Lancaster Lane, Lincoln at 9:30 a.m. The program will be Released & Restored to be presented by Ruth Karlsson. The Hunger Committee Prayer Requests The following people have given us permission to share their prayer requests with the family of First Church The family of Milt Evans, who passed January 15. Service was Saturday, January 24 at First Church The family of Monte Page, who passed January 20. Service was Saturday, January 24 in Dearborn Heights, MI. Loretta Metcalf Bill Bowmaster Sylvia Hanner, Hospice at Tabitha’s Elizabeth House Elsie Hinrichs, home Celia Faith, Madonna during the day and home nights Tom & Shirley James, home Boyd Fulmer, home Gordon Yocum, Lancaster Manor David Clark, Country House Residences, Rm. 4 Van & Marge Tyler, Tabitha GracePointe Al & Judy Brhel, home Dr. David Mickey, Masonic Home #270, Plattsmouth Bev Barnett, home Page 4 The second is the Legislative Briefing Day. This will be held Saturday, February 14 at Christ UMC located at 4530 A Street, Lincoln from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Legislative Day addresses bills that will be introduced to the Nebraska State Legislature. There are forums. Lunch will also be served. The cost is $20.00 for pre-registration and $25.00 at the door. Lunch may not be available if you register at the door. Brent Shaw—Organ Recital Brent Shaw, First Church Minister of Music and Evangelism, will be performing an organ recital on the newly renovated Kilgen Organ at the Scottish Rite Temple in Omaha on Sunday February 15th at 3:00 p.m. This FREE recital is hosted by the River City Theatre Organ society! FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Statement of Purpose (Rev. 1985)-With God’s grace, First United Methodist Church strives to be a growing, inclusive community of faith, working together, sharing Jesus’ love, and using our gifts to build and nurture a spiritual community. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Statement of Inclusion (Adopted 1985): First United Methodist Church membership is inclusive of all persons regardless of education, ability, economic status, gender, race, ethnic group, age, or sexual orientation [or immigration status]. Happenings ~ February 2015 Children’s Church Children’s Church now divides into three classes with teachers Laura Tinnerstet, Kayla Houck, Brent Shaw and Jay Stewart. Wednesday Faith Night Opportunities for Families Treblemakers – Wednesday evenings 6-7 p.m. Divides into age appropriate groups. Meets when LPS is in session. Children ages 2 through 3rd grade. Singing, Bible, Games, and Arts and Crafts. Shannon Hickenbottom, Kayla Houck, Laura Tinnerstet, Sara Bankson, and Brent Shaw help lead these two groups. Wednesday Evening Upper Elementary Class (“preyouth group”)—6 to 7 p.m. This time is for those transitioning out of Treblemakers but are not yet ready for youth. Stephanie Caldwell and Stacey Stewart will help facilitate with the help of others. Nebraska Authors Introduce New Books Submitted by Chuck Leypoldt Two Nebraska authors will introduce and discuss their new books on Sunday, February 22 in the Fellowship Hall of First Church—Lincoln from Noon to 2 p.m. Kathy Nelson of Stromsburg has written More than Football: George Flippin’s Stromsburg Years. Released in October 2014, it is a biography of the first African American to play football at the University of Nebraska. He later joined his father as a doctor in Stromsburg, Nebraska. Chuck Leypoldt of Lincoln published his autobiography in January 2015. It’s title is Lost in Wonder, Love, and Praise. He describes it as a sentimental and sometimes irreverent memoir of growing up as a preacher’s kid, working as a pastor, banker, and insurance agent in Nebraska from 1970 to 2012. Chuck’s grandfather worked for the Flippin family in 1909, and he shared this information and a photo with Kathy, and she used it in her book. When Chuck started his project, Kathy became a trusted advisor. All Ages Welcome! Parents’ Night Out Friday, February 20th 6:30-8:00 p.m. at First Church in the Nursery Children are welcome to hang out with Jay and Brent while their parents have A Night Out! Heart Transplant Needed A long time member of First Church, Brad Vifquain, has been accepted into the heart transplant program at UNMC and is now on the waiting list for a new heart. The medical bills are out of control and with only Medicare, he needs to come up with a substantial amount of money. A HUGE Community Garage Sale is being organized. Your donations of household goods, clothing, antiques, collectables, jewelry, books, tools, Husker items, and furniture (no beds) would greatly help Brad’s efforts to fund raise for his heart transplant. Donations of gift cards and cash will also be gratefully accepted. A date for the sale will be announced soon. Brad is the son of V. Kent & Virginia Vifquain. He was baptized and confirmed at First Church. You may contact Brad at 104 Trenridge Way, Lincoln, NE 68505, 402-3047844 for more information. Pick up and/or delivery of items can be arranged with Brad. A cash donation account has been established at Members Own Credit Union, 1391 S 33rd Street, Lincoln, NE 68510 and the account number is 710110-00. Fabulous Finds 2702 N 49th Street, Lincoln 402-466-4006 50% OFF With our Church Family… Memorial Services Marjorie Lehr, January 14, 2015 Milton Evans, January 24, 2014 Monte Page, January 24, 2015, Dearborn Heights, MI Happenings ~ February 2015 all Men’s and Women’s clothing Hours are Wed.—Fri. 12-5 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Fabulous Finds is First Church’s boutique with quality used clothing and other items. Proceeds go toward Missions. Thank you for your support. Page 5 The articles on this page are by Coleen Seng UPCO 43rd Annual Meeting Sunday, February 8, 2015, 2-4 p.m. Huntington School—46th & Adams UPCO was started by First Church in 1972. Now, after 42 full years, the organization still responds to community needs and works for the betterment of University Place. Come join the meeting on February 8th and enjoy some pie and coffee as pertinent topics of the day are presented plus election of officers and new Board Members. Mark your calendar now for this important annual meeting! Guidance to Success The tutoring program will be starting on Monday, February 2 at 5:30 p.m. Nebraska Wesleyan University students are the tutors. First Church volunteers provide the youth, tutors and volunteers with sandwiches, fruit, chips and veggies for a meal each week. Jan and Paula Hartig will be the food providers on February 2, and Lynne and Rich Schroeder will provide food on February 9. If you are interested in volunteering to bring food for these meals, call Coleen Seng at 402-466-1906. Human Needs Fund On Wednesday mornings our intake process operates only from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Our priority is to help families with children living in or near the University Place neighborhood. Whenever funding is available, assistance will be provided. Members of First Church will always have assistance provided. Thank you to all who have contributed to this fund. Please know that these funds are being used as judiciously and graciously as possible. Anyone may contribute to this fund by making a check out to First Church and writing “Human Needs” on the memo line or you may place cash in one of the giving envelopes in the pews and write “Human Needs” on the outside. First Friday Diners February 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. Misty’s Restaurant Meals ON WHEELS Sunday Route 1 First Church folks have been delivering Meals on Wheels on Sundays for 25+ years. Volunteers are needed. This is an easy route with one stop at an apartment building. Zita Schneider at 402-466-7196 would like to hear from you if you can volunteer on Sunday between 10:30 a.m. and Noon. Please call! The following is a prepared statement from Tabitha. “Tabitha Meals on Wheels has delivered a hot, noon meal to the homes of individuals in the Lincoln community since 1967. It remains the only program of its kind helping individuals remain independently in their homes. People who receive meals do so for many different reasons: they may be unable to go get groceries any longer; their physical limitations or memory issues may cause difficulties in cooking complete meals; or, they may want to eat more healthfully. The program is based on the Gospel from Matthew 25, ‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to drink.’ A verse from Scripture is in every meal sack. “Meals provided by Tabitha Meals on Wheels are prepared by Tabitha’s nutrition department and are well balanced, including grains, proteins, vegetables and dairy. “Tabitha Meals on Wheels clients receive not only a balanced meal, but families gain the peace of mind knowing that a volunteer is checking on their loved one with every meal delivery. “Recipients pay for their meals either fully or at a reduced rate based on their income or assets. We know this service is important for individuals to live independently in their homes—that’s why we never turn anyone away because of financial constraints. “Our supportive Meals on Wheels donors and a team of 900+ volunteers are essential in providing this much needed service to those in need in our community. “Routes take about 90 minutes and begin at 10:30 a.m. A reliable automobile, valid driver’s license and proof of insurance are required.” Mayor’s Interfaith Prayer Breakfast 6235 Havelock Avenue (corner of 63rd & Havelock Tuesday, April 30—Cornhusker Hotel Please call Sharon Johnson or the Church office by Noon on February 4th if you are planning to attend. The speaker will be Dr. Sarah Sayeed from the Interfaith Center of New York. First Church will plan to have a table. Tickets will be $25 each. More information to come soon... Sharon (402-304-8871), Church office (402-466-1906) Page 6 Happenings ~ February 2015 February Lectionary Birthdays 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Jeremiah Blake Al Brhel Ryan Marquis Raiden Shanahan Patricia Steiner Amy Lehman Michelle Lyons Jack Geist Mike Million Larry Pankoke Aaron Admire Wally Barnett Coleen Seng Millie Jurey Kim Osmond Larry Latas Eric Hall Cory Mason Amber Cushman Toby Hauser Jennifer Bangert Sandra Conrad Ron Gaddis Dean Kissinger David McCreary Braden Forst Grady Turner Shirley Baum John Eischeid Taelynn Ericson Dustin Johnson Riley Lanxon Jim Mager Emma Betts Moxon Jurey Chloe Lyons Karen McCreary Conley Hinrichs Dawn Gannon Randy Leach Donna Barnell Loretta Metcalf Shannon Hickenbottom Bev Barnett Sheryl Wolfe Mark Bartolome Jacob Korell Carmen Germond Hanna Louderback Jim Mayfield Ad Morrissey Happenings ~ February 2015 DATE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 PSALM OLD TESTAMENT am: 24, 29 pm: 8, 84 Isa 51:9-16 am: 56, 57, 58 pm: 64, 65 Isa 51:17-23 am: 61, 62 pm: 68 Isa 52:1-12 am: 72 pm: 119:73-96 Isa 54 am: 70, 71 pm: 74 Isa 55:1-13 am: 69 pm: 73 Isa 56:1-8 am: 75, 76 pm: 23, 27 Isa 57:3-13 am: 93, 96 pm: 34 Isa 57:14-21 am: 80 pm: 77, 79 Isa 58:1-12 am: 78:1-39 pm: 78:40-72 Isa 59:1-15a am: 119:97-120 pm: 81, 82 Isa 59:15b-21 am: 146, 147 pm: 83, 85, 86 Isa 60:1-17 am: 88 pm: 91, 92 Isa 61:1-9 am: 87, 90 pm: 136 Isa 61:10-62:5 am: 148, 149, 150 pm: 114, 115 Deut 6:1-9 am: 25 pm: 9, 15 Deut 6:10-15 am: 26, 28 pm: 36, 39 Deut 6:16-25 am: 95, 32, 143 pm: 102, 130 Jon 3:1-4:11 am: 37:1-18 pm: 37:19-42 Deut 7:6-11 am: 95, 31 pm: 35 Deut 7:12-16 am: 30, 32 pm: 42, 43 Deut 7:17-26 am: 63, 98 pm: 103 Deut 8:1-10 am: 41, 52 pm: 44 Deut 8:11-18 am: 45 pm: 47, 48 Deut 9:4-12 am: 119:49-72 pm: 49, 53 Deut 9:13-21 am: 50, 59, 60 pm: 19, 46 Deut 9:23-10:5 am: 40, 54 pm: 51 Deut 10:12-22 am: 55 pm: 138, 139 Deut 11:18-28 EPISTLE GOSPEL Heb 11:8-16 John 7:14-31 Gal 4:1-11 Mark 7:24-37 Gal 4:12-20 Mark 8:1-10 Gal 4:21-31 Mark 8:11-26 Gal 5:1-15 Mark 8:27-9:1 Gal 5:16-24 Mark 9:2-13 Gal 5:25-6:10 Mark 9:14-29 Heb 12:1-6 John 7:37-46 Gal 6:11-18 Mark 9:30-41 2 Tim 1:1-14 Mark 9:42-50 2 Tim 1:15-2:13 Mark 10:1-16 2 Tim 2:14-26 Mark 10:17-31 2 Tim 3:1-17 Mark 10:32-45 2 Tim 4:1-8 Mark 10:46-52 Heb 12:18-29 John 12:24-32 Heb 1:1-14 John 1:1-18 Heb 2:1-10 John 1:19-28 Heb 12:1-14 Luke 18:9-14 Titus 1:1-16 John 1:29-34 Titus 2:1-15 John 1:35-42 Titus 3:1-15 John 1:43-51 1 Cor 1:17-31 Mark 2:18-22 Heb 2:11-18 John 2:1-12 Heb 3:1-11 John 2:13-22 Heb 3:12-19 John 2:23-3:15 Heb 4:1-10 John 3:16-21 Heb 4:11-16 John 3:22-36 Heb 5:1-10 John 4:1-26 Page 7 FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage An Open-Spirited Community of Faith & Action PAID Located just West of Nebraska Wesleyan University 2723 North 50th Street—Lincoln, Nebraska 68504-2765 Lincoln, NE Permit No. 335 You’re Always Welcome! RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Sunday Worship ~ 8:30 a.m., 10:45 a.m. Sunday School ~ 9:30—10:30 a.m. Office Hours ~ Monday—Friday, 8:30 a.m.—5:00 p.m. Office phone—402-466-1906 Larry Moffet, Pastor Cell/Text: 402-770-7355, [email protected] Coleen Seng—Director Community Ministries [email protected] Brent Shaw—Minister of Music [email protected] Jay Stewart—Minister with Youth, Children, and Families [email protected] Carol Ann Clark—Office Manager [email protected] Laura Sheldon—Office Assistant [email protected] Tim Van Meveren—Sunday Custodian Matt Borland—Custodian, Setup & Closing Tom Schroeder—Custodian, Wednesday Setup & Closing EARLY Deadline for the March 2015 Issue of the HAPPENINGS Sunday, February 15, 2015. Worship at First Church Sunday, February 1—Fourth Sunday After The Epiphany—Swing Low Sweet Chariot Sunday, February 8—Fifth Sunday After The Epiphany—There Is A Balm in Gilead Sunday, February 15—Transfiguration Sunday—Give Me Jesus Wednesday, February 18—Ash Wednesday—Jesus’ Temptations and Ours… Worship at 12:10 & 7:00 p.m., Sanctuary Sunday, February 22—First Sunday in Lent—Do you want to be made well? March 1—Second Sunday in Lent—Even dogs get the scraps from the master’s table... March 8—Third Sunday in Lent—Lord I believe, help my unbelief... March 15—Fourth Sunday in Lent—She has done a precious thing for me... March 22—Fifth Sunday in Lent—Lord, I am not worthy... March 29—Palm/Passion Sunday—Roman Centurion: Truly this was the Son of God. April 2—Holy Thursday—I Am the Vine, You are the Branches. April 3—Good Friday—Father, Forgive Them, They Know Not What They Do. April 5—Easter Sunday—The Worst Thing is Never the Last Thing Page 8 Save the Date! Peacemaking Workshop Sunday, April 12, 2015 1:00-5:30 p.m. Keynote Speaker: Leonard J. Pitts, Jr. FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH—LINCOLN Happenings ~ February 2015
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