Title: Genre: Character Type: Character Detail Sheet: Names: (Origin / Meaning) First: Middle: Last: Maiden: Childhood: Nicknames / Aliases / Petnames / Endearments / Handles / Usernames: Speech / Family / Culture / Race: Race: Ethnicity: Culture / Nationality: Citizenships: Legal Status: Native Language: Other Languages: Dialect / Accent / Cadence / Voice Type / Speech Impediments: Common Slang / Favorite Turns of Speech / Catch Phrase: Father’s Name: Mother’s Name: Maiden Name: (origin / meaning) Birthorder: Sibling(s) Names: Marital Status: Spouse(s) / Partner(s): Romantic Interest(s): Children’s Names: Physical Traits and Appearance: Gender: M / F / H / T / N Sexual Orientation: Age: Birthdate: Birthsign: Height: Weight: Build: Dominant Hand: Skin Color and Tone: Birthmarks / Scars / Tattoos / Piercings: Eye Color and Shape: Vision: (20-20 / nearsighted / farsighted / colorblind) Hair Color and Type: Hair Style: Facial Hair Color and Type: Allergies / Chronic Conditions / Diseases / Handicaps: Deformity / Wound / Prosthetics / Implants / Mods Ethnicity: Ethnicity: Extended Family: (relation) Racial / Ethnic / Cultural / Familial Stereotypes, Allies, and Rivals: Folktales / Myths / Heroes / Villains: Mental / Psychological Traits: IQ: Empathy: Creativity: Stability: Personality Type: (Meyer’s Briggs?) Optimist / Pessimist Leader / Follower Introvert / Extrovert Logical / Emotional Science / Technology Art / Language Build / Preserve Change/Advance Destroy/Erase Giver / Taker Independent / Group Dependent Law Abiding / Law Bound / Limit Pusher / Outlaw Quirks / Habits: Compulsions / Neurosis / Psychosis: Other Traits: Economic / Occupation Education Level: Alma Mater: College Fraternity / Fellowships / Clubs / Teams: Family Wealth / Status: Military Experience: Discharge Status: Occupation / Marketable Skills / Hobbies: Income / Lifestyle: Rank: Work History (CV): Professional Certifications or Credentials: (titles / qualifications) Societies / Clubs / Academic or Professional Groups: (rank / title) Investments / Retirement Plan: / Insurance Policies: Homeowner / Renter / Landlord / Business Owner / Social Rank or Title Other Properties / Heirlooms / Treasured Item or Object: Philosophy / Religion: State Religion: Family Religion / Cultural Tradition: Religious Leaders: Personal Religion / Denomination / Sect / Order: Personal Spiritual Mentors or Guides: Personal Religious Status / Rank / Title: Personal Code of Conduct / Ethics: Intensity / Fanaticism of Belief: Personal Experience of the Divine / Revelation: Social Philosophy: Afterlife Philosophy: Social Groups / Status: Social Class: (Social Superiors / Inferiors / Peers) Social Expectations / Requirements / Rights & Privileges Political Position / Beliefs: Personally Important Issues: Historical Cultural Influences: Recent Cultural Influences: Arrest Record (Juvenile Record?) Chemical / Medical Use: Smoker: Drinker: Drug Use / Abuse: Medication: Frequency: Brand / Type: Civic, Community, Political / Religious / Interest Groups (rank / title) Security Clearances Secret Societies: (rank / title) Friends / Social Groups / Social Networks / Gangs: Enemies / Former Friends or Associated Groups / Grudges: Rivals / Competitors / Threats / Secrets from Past: High School: Mascot: relationships / dances / teams / clubs / events: Firsts: (Kiss, Partner, Arrest) Favorites: Pets / Animals: Music / Band / Entertainment / Food / Color / Clothes / Cars / etc: Sports / Athletics: exercise / workout: favorite to play: favorite teams favorite to watch: Hobbies / Prized Possessions / Collections: Dreams / Hopes / Aspirations Dating Services / Sexual Partners / Escort or Prostitution Services Relation to their neighbors: Relation to community: Relation to law enforcement: Relation to technology: Relation to environment: Other: The Normal Day Actions / Activities: Where do I sleep? Wake-up 1. 2. 3. Preparation for day / activity period 1. 2. 3. Breakfast 1. 2. 3. AM Commute (move from place of sleep to place of activity period) 1. 2. 3. Morning Work / Activity 1. 2. 3. Lunch (day / mid activity cycle meal) 1. 2. 3. Afternoon Work / Activity 1. 2. 3. End of Work / Productive Activity 1. 2. 3. Afternoon Commute (move from occupation to social / free time) 1. 2. 3. Evening Activity (non-work activity) 1. 2. 3. Dinner (late activity period meal) 1. 2. 3. Night (end of activity cycle) Activity 1. 2. 3. Preparation for sleep 1. 2. 3. How do I sleep? Sensory Input ; Sight / Sound / Smell / Touch / Taste The Normal Day: Normal Interactions Encounters / Moments Greetings / Small Talk with... Spouse / Partner Family Member Friend Acquaintance / Co-worker Boss / Authority Figure Stranger Food /Drink Prepare food or drink Accident: spill or burnt/spoiled food Restaurant / Common Room Feast / Special meal Travel / Exercise Encounter delay or problem on Commute Encounter extreme weather Workout / Jog Communication / Entertainment Receive / send long-range communication Hear or read news Daily Entertainment or Game Economic Go to a Shop / Marketplace Make a purchase Typical work task Negotiate or enter into a contract Romantic / Social Flirt Reject / dismiss suitor Ask someone out Go on a date Household Dress / do laundry Clean / organize house Religious / Ritual Prayer Songs Daily Ritual Service or Meeting Description:
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