All SCEA workshops welcome People with Disabilities. Additional accommodations are available. Please ask about our PWD facilities and assistive technologies. FEBRUARY 2015 To sign up for workshops call: 416-396-8100, 416-396-8101; TTY: 416-396-8095 Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2 SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR JOB SEARCH 1-4PM Thursday 3 MS WORD FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH (parts 1-2) 9AM – 4PM 9 Friday 4 MS WORD FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH (parts 3-4) 9AM – 4PM 10 5 RESUME REVIEWS& JOB COACHING 1PM - 4PM 11 MS EXCEL FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH (parts 1-2) 9AM – 4PM MS EXCEL FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH (parts 3-4) 9AM – 4PM NEWCOMER SERVICES (by Appointment) 10AM – 4PM EVEREST COLLEGE INFORMATION SESSION 1-4PM TEACHING ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE (TESL) Opportunities Abroad Information Session 1-4PM EMPLOYER RECRUITMENT EVENT WITH JOBMAX AND CANADIAN PROPERTY STARS 10AM-12PM INTERVIEW PRACTICE by Appointment 1-4PM 17 MS WORD FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH (parts 1-2) 9AM – 4PM FAMILY DAY CENTRE CLOSED Let’s Make it Work Employment for Youth with Disabilities – Presented by Corbrook 1:00 – 3PM TDSB RECRUITMENT INFORMATION SESSION FOR PART TIME CUSTODIANS 1-3:30PM 23 RESUME REVIEWS& JOB COACHING 1PM - 4PM 18 MS WORD FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH (parts 3-4) 9AM – 4PM GETTING THE NEW CPA ACCOUNTING DESIGNATION A Presentation by CPA Canada 10AM – 12PM ONTARIO TRUCK TRAINING INFORMATION SESSION 10AM-12PM 13 SECOND CAREER PROGRAM PRESENTATION Presented by Centennial College 10AM-12PM 19 20 RESUME REVIEWS& JOB COACHING 1PM - 4PM NEXT STEPS Employment Advisor (by appointment) 9AM – 4PM EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES – Presented by Spinal Cord Ontario 1-3PM ONTARIO MARCH OF DIMES ASSISTANCE Group Orientation 2-4PM ODSP GROUP ORIENTATION SESSION 1-3PM 24 MS EXCEL FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH (parts 1-2) 9AM – 4PM NEXT STEPS Employment Advisor (by appointment) 9AM – 4PM 12 RESUME REVIEWS& JOB COACHING 1PM - 4PM 16 6 25 MS EXCEL FOR YOUR JOB SEARCH (parts 3-4) 9AM – 4PM INTERVIEW PRACTICE by Appointment 1-4PM Hairstylist Apprenticeship/ Pre-Apprentice Info Session Presented by TDSB Studio 500 10AM-12PM 26 MS POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS 9AM – 2:30PM INTRO TO OUTLOOK 2:45PM – 4PM 27 RECOGNIZE ABILITIES, EMPHASIZE POSSIBILITIES: An Introduction to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) 1PM – 4PM Scarborough Centre for Employment Accessibility 3478 Lawrence Avenue East, Unit C006 (Northwest corner at Markham Rd., rear of the building, next to Shell Gas Station) Email: [email protected] Website: Operated by 416-396-8100 │ 416-396-8101 │ TTY 416-396-8095 @SceaToronto TdsbScea This Employment Ontario project is funded in part by the Government of Canada. Scarborough Centre for Employment Accessibility 3478 Lawrence Avenue East, Unit C006, Toronto, Ontario M1H 1A9 Tel: (416) 396-8100 Fax: (416) 396-8099 TTY: (416) 396-8095 WORKSHOP DESCRIPTIONS Jane Doe, Principal John Smith, Vice-Principal * Please note that space is limited. Please sign up in advance By calling 416-396-8100 or 416-396-8101 TTY 416-396-8095 *ASL Interpreters are available with advance notice. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS February 6&20 – NEXT STEPS Employment Advisor by Appointment: *Must bring SIN Card, Government Issued piece of ID and Resume* Meet with an Employment Advisor to learn about eligibility for retraining and employment incentive programs February 9 – Everest College Information Session: get information on what and how Everest College can help in your career training and goals. Will provide free career exploration and assessment, admissions requirements, different career training offered at Everest College and a general information on funding options February 10 – Employment Opportunities Abroad: Teaching English as a Second Language – find out how you can utilize your skills teaching ESL, while exploring a new country February 11 – Employer Recruitment Event with JobMax and Canadian Property Stars: Bilingual English/French Office Administrative Assistants; Skilled Trades; Sales Staff/Managers; Human Resources Managers; Customer Service; Outdoor Property Specialists and Lawn-Care Service Technicians February 12 – Newcomer Services: Get information and assistance completing Permanent Residence Documentation; Citizenship Information etc. February 13 - Centennial College - The Second Career Program Presentation: A Centennial College representative will share information on the process of applying through Second Career at Centennial, discuss eligibility, and give tips on how to succeed as a student February 17 – TDSB Recruitment Information Session for part-time Custodians: get information on how to apply for part-time Custodian positions (Caretakers/Cleaners) working with the Toronto District School Board February 17 - Let’s make it Work Employment for Youth with Disabilities – Presented by Corbrook – Get support finding employment using employment partnership programs February 18 – ODSP Group Orientation: An ODSP Representative will be in to do group info session February 18 - Getting the New CPA Accounting Designation: Learn about the new designation as efforts continue to unite Canada’s accounting profession under the CPA banner February 19 – Employment Assistance Program for Persons with Disabilities – Presented by Spinal Cord Ontario: Get help from our Job Developers who are connected with organizations that provide full time, part time employment opportunities along with work from home opportunities February 20 – Ontario March of Dimes Group Session: Group orientation and sign-up with OMD to receive various services and get ongoing case management and job development February 24 – Ontario Truck Training Information Session: Get information on how to access the fastest growing career field in Canada. How to nd become a Qualified Truck Driver with Tuition Assistance for 2 Career, Youth, Newcomers, etc. February 25 - Hairstylist Apprentice/Pre-Apprenticeship Information Session: Get information on becoming a Hairstylist through Apprenticeship/PreApprentice Training with the Toronto District School Board’s Studio 500 February 27 - An Introduction to the Accessibility of Ontarians with Disabilities Act: Learn about the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act – its five accessibility standards and how they are making Ontario accessible EMPLOYMENT SKILLS WORKSHOPS February 2 – Social Networking for your Job Search: Learn how to use social media to network and help in your online job search February 5,9,19 &23- Resume Reviews & Job Coaching: Meet one-on-one with an expert to have your resume reviewed for improvements. Bring your resume and a job description for a position you are interested in pursuing February 12 & 25 – Interview Practice: Here is your opportunity to practice your interview skills in a safe environment. You will receive with constructive feedback to help improve your skills COMPUTER SKILLS WORKSHOPS February 3&4, 17&18 - MS Word for Your Job Search (Parts 1-4): Learn to create documents, like resumes and covering letters February 10&11, 24&25 - MS Excel to Organize Your Job Search (Parts 1-4): * Must have basic computer skills using MS Word* Learn how to create and use spreadsheets as a tool to stay organized February 26 - Creating a PowerPoint Presentation: * Must have basic computer skills using MS Word. This introductory tutorial will review the basics of creating a presentation in preparation for a job interview February 26 – Introduction to Outlook: * Must have basic computer skills using MS Word. This workshop demonstrates Outlook to help manage your time and keep organized with calendars, contacts and email
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