5th February 2015 Dear Sir/Madam A meeting of the DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE will be held on Wednesday, 11th February 2015 in Committee Room ‘A’ of the Town Hall commencing at 7.30pm. AGENDA 1. Members’ Interests (To remind Members of the need to declare any disclosable pecuniary interests or other interests they might have in relation to the items included on this agenda). 2. Apologies for absence. 3. Motion to exclude public and press for any agenda item(s). 4. DELEGATED MATTERS Plans and Decisions 5. Correspondence: Calderdale MBC Highways & Engineering Calderdale MBC Economy & Environment Planning Calderdale MBC Highways & Engineering Mr P G Barber Resident Mr T Cryer Resident :Winter Factsheet 2014/2015 – Winter gritting in Calderdale. :Land adversely affecting amenity of neighbourhood - Land on Hope Street, Todmorden. :United Services Club, White Hart Fold – parking issues – update. :Canal Side Wall (Tod Wall) – report of wall being used for climbing activities with climbing equipment utilised. :Eastwood Waste Transfer Station – update. To consider matters relating to: 6. Correspondence received in respect of planning applications previously considered. 7. To consider Member’s motion: "The Council notes that First Group Buses serving Todmorden are currently conveying advertising for Craig Whittaker MP (on the rear of vehicles, conveying the strap-line "Craig Whittaker MP serving the people of the Calder Valley"). The Council also notes that First Group Buses in West Yorkshire receive generous subsidy funding and other support from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority, and that they operate an effective monopoly service in West Yorkshire. Given the above, the Council believes that First Group Bus services should be non-political in nature and should not endorse one political party or election candidate over others. The Council also believes that given the wording of the advert and the up-coming General Election, a publically funded service is being used to endorse one political party and election candidate over others and that this may be illegal. The Council therefore resolves to write to West Yorkshire Combined Authority to clarify the legality of a publically funded bus service being used to endorse one political party and election candidate over others, and that they contact First Group Buses immediately to seek the removal of the adverts, reminding them that they need to be acting in a non-political way." 8. Update on Flood Prevention 9. Burnley Trains – Update 10. Run down sites in Todmorden – possible action 11. Footpaths and Obstructions 12. Cheques for Signature DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE – 11TH FEBRUARY 2015 - NEW PLANNING APPLICATIONS 15/00005/HSE 47 Pudsey Road, Todmorden – Two storey extension to side; single storey extension to rear – Mr & Mrs Cole, 47 Pudsey Road, Todmorden. 15/00029/LBC Dawson Weir, Dobroyd Road, Todmorden – consent to regularise windows and doors and alterations to fireplaces and proposal for replacement windows, gutters and soil pipe and to remove an internal partition wall at ground floor level (Listed Building Consent) – Mr & Mrs G Smith. Agent, Mrs A Lowe, Storah Architects, 46 Halifax Road, Todmorden. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE – 11TH FEBRUARY 2015 - PLANNING DECISIONS PLANNING PERMISSION 14/01400/FUL East Whirlaw Farm, Whirlaw Lane, Todmorden – Extension to side of existing shed. 13/01274/CON Conversion of mill to form 10 apartments and 12 new build dwellings – Portsmouth Mill, Burnley Road, Todmorden. WITHDRAWN 13/01556/VAR Bottomley Lock, Bottomley Road, Walsden, Todmorden – Variation of condition 1 on planning application 10/00774/FUL to alter scheme to provide additional velux window to bedroom (over the garage) to enable an existing bedroom to be divided into two smaller bedrooms. *******************************************
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