mm NBW YORK EVEKING POOT. * ^ S E 8 I f r Y . FEBjUhlBY a ^'^ _ — *-*••-*- -.'- —m,m~m'm**m~*mm ii .ihjiii in . » ii i , ^mmmmmmmyi Current Attractions in the Bro i .1 1 * " ' ' 'iinfr.t_ • ,III_ ' KHI , IUMII. n . . Tallulah Bankhomd Arriving at Ae Times Square Theatre Week After Next in "Forsaking AU Others** at the tfcontre's issue of The oat of the placet i have a way of iounaedf^ir no introduction. i he one of our better-known designers hot he is a Guild. In Ida own rights he baa written two «uch stimoaa "Minor Prophecies" and "The Stage Is Set." Nor is that a l t As every one must knowv-whfr know« Mr,, Simoaaon at all - h e ha. a great deal to any en every subject, and what he haa to strangely belligerent manner—is usually worth Beating. a s moat recent pro» particularly interest- oasfa sthaiwhyi cut down everywhere, ™** eT^n*^^T w • awaw put aahea an Bis Mow. and conditioning J<^i>aBaa* "•JgT ' ^*»eB^^^*su***^»7 t o encourage Myrna Ley and John Barrymore i n t h e new film opening tomorrow at t h e staffs. City Music Hall. I t Is based o n t h e stage play by Marcel Pagnol, seen on Broadway t w o years ago with Frank Morgan and Phoebe Foster In the east. Tonight's New Film SSJSBBBB' even while ha ven- audiences. In return get a reduced i * T T AJJJBLIJJAH. r/m a Bum." 'al 1 1 Jolson a latest starring scale of actors' and stsge hands' sal- In the Face of Various and Sundry Corrections, We Still picture, has its premiere tonight at aries for the summer months. Hold; Out forr"The Water Gipsies'* the Rivoli. Madge Evans, Harry IBM the scale of theatre admis.-;. ^ U f c • — . Langdon and, Frank. Morgan, are sions annually and put the ticket FEW daya ago we nad the temerity to devote a column o f other- featured In the supporting cast. ' B SMOESOri cannot but laugh speculator and t h e cut-rate agency The picture waa adapted for t h e wise *aluabl«* apaca"?to? the suggestion that A. P. Herbert's T h e when h e bears that poor, old oat of business..,,... .Offer tieketa at screen by 8. H. Behrman from an that n n t at* the realists la be- reduced prices to people Who * » buy Water* Gipsies" bo made into a movie for Helen Hayes and Lealie Howoriginal story by Ben Hecht. The ^ee^aennwe. awiawaTe" "TW*er ^•••••l- anwenwee—^^^e^j n^nr » w ^ subscription books of tickets of five ard. We went at the thing with an evangelical fervor, behaving like a lag blamed by Mr Hopkins for t h e songs and musical dialogue are by ten or more and give these sub- Forty-niner who Aa firmly convinced that the claim which' fie has plight of the contemporary stage. He Richard Rodgera and Lorena Bart. scribers preferred locations even e n staked out ia virginal in respect to priority and potential nuggets. laughs because be knows that even Others in the cast Include Chester opening nights. Save bosh the costs Since the publication of that piece we have been made aware, Conklln, Tyler Brooke, Bert Roach and the running sapsness of every through various stooges, informers and under-cover men, that "The and Louise Carver. production audited by a central auditWater Gipsies" has already been picturized by an English company. ing bureau. Provide funda for oreaperunent. technical re- These malicious and so-called friends have. pointed oat that since B poor, direction of the picture. '•The end unemployment Insurance screen version of the book has been put in circulation it would be whole film," be says, "suffers from that by collecting a progressive tea o n nothing leas than silly to do it over again, Helen Hayes and Leslie bathetic, emotional constipation of profits front up." Howard to the contrary notwithstanding. British films . . .you remember that ominous sequence i n 'Michael and Though' we pride ourselves on our 4 with the theatre. All of which, as Mr. Slmonson points that Incredibly popular English actor, Mary"? . . . 'After this . . . nothing . . ability to stand corrected—a posture out. la practical enough, "if the n u n Mr. Leslie Howard, who must long ago else . . . matters . . . " which was' who pretend to run the theatre really to which we have becomi mured—we have decided to stay in America, since meant to sound Ilka Dante but fall to see why a previous version of ' been business m e n " ' They want to run it on an efficient and AMUSEMENTS no Englishmen who Is acquainted with sounded all too frankly like Herbert is. Their chief prob- the book should militate against our ao*te ec production the thirty or forty accomplished Ju- Marshall with indigestion." conoludos Mr. Wmonaon. "is t o original suggestion. If "The Water -RADIO CITY THIATRES inkAiKca—i venile leads on the English stage can Well, we think more than ever that find a legal way of setting u p some Gipsies" haa already been done as a aa^^rs subscribe t o a half Of the praise he "The Water Gipsies" would make a scheme for effective control which movie, then It couldn't have been MUSIC HALL JNffsV I O X T receives over here. The part you tipswell picture for Helen Hayes and Lea•seas) ••"^•pw-*Bf#B» - -J' .eHRfc eW-~4eB) Awa).... I Bine old men win not deetaie a con- done well, else w e should have heard bun for Is played i n the film I am lie Howard. spiracy i n constraint of trade o r a Of It. And, If It weren't done well, nm*ToJ£ rSTATEFAIs. 1 talking .about by Peter Hannen, whose a third by instating upon rush violation of that amendment of the What Is there t o prevent another ver. history may Interest you. He Js the . Luncheon for Ed Wynn originally assigned to alon that attain* be dona well? Anyof them have failed to son of Nicholas Hannen. t h e English «.swii7«Knl the property rights of newly body could have made an obscure actor. He waa at Cambridge in my . Major Bdward Bowes, managing Of "A Farewell to Anns,'' and its director of the Capitol Theatre, will time 41097-30) and waa so astonishingly ahead of t h e average amateur give a luncheon for Ed Wynn In the actor there (and the average is better grand ballroom of the Ootham Hotel; version. than good) that the i o n d o n critics Fifth Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street, ^ toiao|Tow. Mr. Wyan, who has -fust r were in t h e habit of slinking to Cambridge whenever' h e waa 'JbSWhg, returned from 4 - Sioaa Iwausiif • -sour/ a kindly and informed In 1939 he plsyed 'Lear' in a magnifi- will begin an appearance at t h e Capifrom Tale, writes m to nmrw maaen to rmmr mxpemnm oj cent production, and the entire batch tol Theatre on Friday m his musical Pictures, has bee* put u s straight... « comedy, '-The Laugh Parade ' their theatres from the real of critics descended on Cemhridfc to iterator* they have allowed to appointed temporarily In charge of he says; "In pour plea for a film of cavil at university reputatlonaiRmd into possession of them; by ra- SB production activities at the studio. The Water Gipsies.' Did you know stay to wonder at this particular one." A t t h e Ambassador Grill te assume the obligations He fills the place recently vacated by that there U already such a film, Arthur J. Beckhard. producer of which Z saw only a month ago in BosLater, Mr. cooke tells us, Hannen which would permit them to build the resignation of David Beuuuck. Henry Stephenson has been signed ton? went on the professional stage and "Goodbye Again," and members of A M S I II ST si Wei I i a i i f i w aahhha 1 .i • 1 mMdk *mm.m A _ tS 13rd POPULAR PRICE WEEK ana operate eeonoaueai stages, and oy by Rsdio Pictures for a prominent It Is excessively badly made and played the Juvenile lead In a n all-star the cast will be the guests at the Sea »BW" ef •Urn, asveM crMca weekly "Celebrities* Night" supper SvaHlBg their proper responsibUltles rale m "Declasse," the new Anndirected, on the British principle of production of Maugham's "The Circle.'* dance tomorrow evening, after the whenever they baas found a way to Harding vehicle which is expected to Inviting stage directors to take over "He was then seised by t h e Old Vic, theatre. In the Grill Room of the go into production this week, John film adaptations. This one Is by Basil plsyed with them for three or four Ambassador. s plea is for the sort Baiderston and Jane Murfln are work- Dean, and the cast Includes Ann Todd, nights, took Influenza (from hla divthat no group of ing on the script. Ban Marltaa and Peter Hannen. ing into the river to do the lifemanagers haa yet been Guy Lombardo In Benefit Douglas Fairbanks Jr. baa left for Everybody speaks at normal English saving act at the end of T h e Water to be a part of. Be even sugT RA N D avsrsy a 47m Guy Lombardo and his Royal Hollywood to begin preparations for stage tempo, which meant, from the Gipsies* film), pneumonia, and died that "the Insurance and trust hie neat Warner picture, "The Nar- comments I overheard, that no Ameri- last January s t the age of twenty- Canadians of the Hotel Roosevelt will so many In "HAJ1D TO HANDI.K" play at the annual benefit and row Corner.*' The picture Is baaed on can can possibly understand a half three." in and out of Mew fashion revue for the. Israel Orphan of it, . Mr. Cooke is careful to point out the novel by Somerset Maugham. INTER GARDEN B-war a soth they cannot collect A midnight dance for the benefit of "But my main Interest is In your that, the brilliant promise of this Asylum on Saturday evening, March or rent enough to the Bmergency Exchange Association 'tips' lor the casting . . . especially of young actor is utterly lost under the 18. In Madison Square Oaroeh. * h. -FOLLOW TaTE L B A O B B could— Will be held on the stage of the orig———^^sfc» inal Boay Theatre o n Friday. FebruThe Evening in Teton ary 17- Mrs. Franklin Field Is chairA NEW A N D MAGNIFICENT —— man Of the committee on arrange. . ,Os.1».. | f»S| ? _ , . Mr. ment*. T R A I L W t L L BE B L A Z E D Vivienne Segal — Gus W s t Teteraas at H*w l o f k — i l « * t ''Power and Olory," an original IKS;Jewish - T h e After s a d the Thettrt,'' J<\ab K. is "THE DESERT.SOftC .. Mr Bimonson offers story by Preston Sturges, haa been Wehwr^ West X M PaasatsaMl C n l u , 251 with P E B B T ASMAB A e s s f of 12S Wert 100th StMM, a t • . recipe to "save" the purchased by Jesse Leaky, Independent Explorer* c l u b - L«-tor», "Bxploriar the On Bene, " L U X U R Y l%I^ER; a. pretty gooff recipe it producer for Fox. Spencer Tracy will Ttk*r* of r a r s M M . " Captain Carl van SSa tUI 1 P . M.—SSS 1 t o S ' F . B . §«<! offsnn; 10 W#M S«v«etr-i he: "Demolish at least be starred in It. S:M. whan oil Now York will Of the eststing theatres In Walter Abel, Broadway actor, haa Bf<«i Trn> rrll«w*hlp— "BadtraHtm la + ehim out to usher in the) POX f U.B1 ar««H. ^ MM OM TntaaMAI,'' Kmani..! OeMocrg; I M S Hew Tork and all but one or two In signed a contract to appear In two MlnfoH piar*. each of t h e principal load' cities. pictures for Paramount. Be will Join epoch-making avontl Rlswa Epajloa D«l«a—Metllnt; Betel . . , Remodel the stages of the re- the. Paramount studios at the conclu- Alter, a t S. Hwhtoabert roram—Plarsaalaa, "Th* PWTwfc» DallyT?i*»,-T« maining theatres, install labor-saving sion of the run of "When Ladles leaegh/ M Artatetlc." Profeaaar Richanl Me G A I E T Y Thee, rear a tsth at swans shifting and lighting equipment Meet," in which he Is currently ap20> Weat Twenty-third Strtet, a t S;t0. standardised by a board of consultants pearing. Sorl.tT of OM Fifteen— Dlnaar in Dr. W th* T e w e n . BMmklrn, at 7 m Of architecta. scene designBan Lyon haa been signed to play r»It»r: CotmatMa rjalveral iltr laatltgta af Arts auff thereby c u t the male lead opposite Claudette atleaeaa. L x t u r r . "The Laat WarM." P Mltghall-Hadsaa; McMlilla AcadeaUc Theatra. Install this improved Colbert h i "I Cover the Waterfront.'' in all road theatres, so which Bdward Small la producing for - isstHate f e r Advaa<«4 Kdnratlas—Laeraesvthat settings can be built for oneUnited Artists release. B*VVG£B%«7A A M' l^'iA t AC 6 s V T fat'^V'-' urtain /.ID p.m. Tomorrow ( ' ^ -v Sr^P^ •+—«•—•- S W TONIGHT C&. Park Ave.. LA BUB, ate Park Ave.—For those in leisure and enjoy au%fgfl 9U0psM* faeOC* Danclng during dinner. Orchestra, ffat- oaiu. V l l H a m ' Sloan. ff oitee T M r* A —* t*rt«t». "Tnbeernlnaia Jna't Doean t Happen." Dr. larnea S. l-Mlla; 3 5 8 Weat Tnlr»x fourth Street, at ». Phetegrasaie Wnrhera' T^agne—Maaa suwrlag fer t h e aaeaiBlarad; S3 Weat Nla* taenth Street, a t S. ToetriU* Braarh ef the Friend. «f the Bwrlet O s l s a Leetsre, •Waawer aas Chflrtrea la the Berlet tiatea." Sarah Aire; S43 RUrhtrjfaatrth •-tawrlh Street, Street, a at: t » t IS as • L w l a i e a . VTha Patats af IVItaecracy," Btebari L, Phllllaa. and People Wha O e v e t h e WerW U i u a l n . " B " ' I H S l l s l a f : SS r u t h Areaae, at S SO. rhaefc. T. BMafeL T. W. C. A —fsVtnre, II.1 B a li a ?V" Utaa Asaaa Kstlr; »a Avsjsaa, awesm •Mss^Hahn* arm, •^tatrtrusartt IVOLI -aealiL NO MAN OF HER OWN" and Usdngueraa BlCHMAN, t f t W. Mth St.—Jack Ostag at termsn, Ftoraaoa and Al verse. Jerry fff. PlAWffBro. M •arrow St.~Sp*afreeman Orchestra heading after um dtrhee well eaohed and servee theatre program tagsthar with eatsruinment at dm MOHHS;VEI.T ( j a m . seta S t , ataa> eon Ave—Guy Uomoardo and Bey** Csnsdtena play at dinner and supper Tea oaaaas Satsudsy aSAOtABB, - f i Tart Leaca* «f Whaaan GUILD -TSB SlOe- • tf^sMJ^SaalhaaaaaaakBBk M .ii,a>aaaa»iS i . TO BE "Ceeeetred la hrnniy a n d executed w i t h area* aignttjr and hnpreaalra eWeat. Barksronnda o f atabblnt beaatj .'• —B*m$ Mtntlr, Sevc» St 8 : 4 5 Ticketa 11.10 t o I3.S0 A KVA L B GALLIKNNaVS r « d » « t l . ALICE IN WONDERLAND EVSAlM *Sat. i.U Op*™, TUES.EVE.,FEB. 14 « « GEORGE WHITE'S MELODY m & B , • eTTK: laaClClwb. M a t t I4S A ( e x e e s i Oeeausc) S i t e SS GOO^^^A^N^" ^ t A D o r o U v G I S H "» AUTUMN CROCUS ^ awa^rsco taa*.4aai:W..ef;a^. Emsas T h e a t r e Out MUSIC IN THE:'aAIR * * * Br eWasW R a n » P— B I OCRA nrn.n Mati. Wed.. * Sat. Bargala Sale, t l an4 l l . l t ^irTTlt'r NS.II. a m h e r l a e Cwrrractun la It 1~NA CLAIRK. The rum. 4 r V l N T h . . S t ( H . W a f B n o l l e a y h i s t . Lfseela'a neeaaa t e ' BVRS. KNTIBB \tHkrm stsat.w. sTsta* Site s l a t bases BXTRA i 600B 8F nth CRMNAL AT LARGE GEORGE M. COHAN PKaEO^AJri«5ftr-rt" ttemm tath BT.TBEA. B ^ s * ^ t » f iS PARDON MY ENGLISH ^ JACK PEARL — tie 1 DANGEROUS am DESIGN FOR LIVING HA1» WEBSt PAULINE LORD TheUteCHRISTOPrlER MILESTONE S r .* eaB.e"*"^^t"l hi, We* ana Oartar Bitatal b f L t f l S B THt ntsr WCTUH evM OONI IN RHYTHMIC DIALOGUE '•fjWrrrd d rmicu: -^ q Wsnstasasesh l M . | " ^Aw ffBBgj Ww^sfBaaTW WwWHm g " f iros t aaw-sh** ita-ASae* mt SLTIBM_I_ ™™j«£ MAOOf aVAHf - HAMY LANODON aWB^si^lS' a sis mi >I^Bati» • * • * » • - sssaVeassa <attte, ewtaaaWeihi ^"^^0 *hvas>.. ,H ,. Pop. Price MaU. Today. VENSONO 7M, f t , t i t * , tl fkeat. P s e ) — A T S l M P . hT.. • - • ~RSBT BBtiatm at s.'a. Sessaa at an tssai IE"5£N.T'HA°L C s v - a t a t Bt (anal. U » SfeinaMf ^SEATSlWtefrlCEiwW-- Ubtte Lehman ^AaSatasBB* otfgl 20 T H -r~i .- -— Owtas t e Msaf* THE Piccoff" 8 8 ^ flrSf S wRtWi — H I . aaa* www n e i * A L KE R 3 - i:aa-**'f 1*" * J _ . w*WfHi • U ^ ^ A - - # L | ^ W y Jje - I a> I a e ^ B ^ . « « J ! m . . J i L ™ * ^ J s . J W - , - ^W, I , - % . ,i,.eV.J=JeW. * CHARLES OJTTIITOrnr. BEATRICE | CLARK * 7 . - . L'A*!? s m t t ia •J-YIJ C O L O R S ...LILLE I McOJUeOtJGH TOWN will he HA^TiCSS^B:^ rhTrKSUAL, W. 4Srh. a Bat. W AtJC A LmiE FA$fER ^ Vafera— aBa^baaJ aBBBBBBBBtrB*BaaSBeat BBaBBSjaaai sr^Bahasaaaaa Crete Stueckgold i t a w. i s H I . AT PONIAI MICIS C l4«>n AaTiUu^-Deaasv eases; j s f gmt STAUT THURSDAY *30 AM. TlBfc "" Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 3) A^AlRT^nsAWal-^ QAY DIVORCE 44 S t B v a i r S a Mala » He DtMVf Lecture* by riowaif in ma Wrfory of IB***) \ tB^R^-W 1 PeflWffWSvSS IBCTtBE CONTINUOUS PltpOtMANCfft r l l C t l »ot e» aSffSs Baw Y e r h C 3 t 7 0 e a . n r 4 . t e . a f Aajerl^ae *av • • NEXT^N. NIGHT A A Street. I f * ts»t ill "Poaaetsed af a k l s d e f IsweBeSss that Is all h n t s a k a e e m la t h e theatre."—John Mann Broven, Pitt BILTM0RE THEA. —NEXT SUNDAY rtWCi. The Vacabeoda— l>rtnre Thf Sei Saala of Peraeaalitr." l>r Waif Adlerr; SS Sonth Sev eath Arenee. a) S. .tew SVheal far Serial B •Search - t a r f » T e « , "Behariev pieNeans Is rhM.lren. nlVM B. Ijrrrf. at I W : "MUHatT Maele.' Rear* I eweli ami "PaSasaaf s a e Parrhaaaarrah). Prtta r i i t e l . , at S : I O ; OS Weat Twelfth Street. Mearr Street settlement -teetajre **a#U» flaaa ait lr.<Hn." A . C. OaatAi; SSa B e n i r Streer. at B :SS. Thtrd paaat. SheiaVn Iwtf—*aanet P a a l l^eyssse. A b a s Brvser and Cast e f Fertr CONCERTS BseaseT^ B r a . $i g . Bssaasahfaf t h ; aaa of Mlaa M I.. Ortfflth, i t ! Baal ftleta lenamis.... • i; | g -* UaMtaSi'. • TranWa h "" * i Helwv-rVrual. " l s e Otis Dewiest; r •• I . COWARD Bis oar. samr^mvm m ^ ^ . . a > >• i n ARAMOUNT hmwa St rial Quartet: 8 1 0 RlraraM* DrlTt, at S:SS. t Basd Scheel e f Serial Sdenre—Leeteea, "Kllaahethaa DraiBa." Peter si. j a e h ; 7 East rtftaaata Street, s t t ab—Dloaer In honor of lira. Altraaa Hotel W.idort r M s b n a Priisb—m . Boaae-ealt <r^- > « J E * T T R T^pme eBB- f awmmi aW^^^B- Sa^sWaaw W eTmMmmi-j <* M ED(cSSr) WYNN D nby tha Hart- ,. , , , MARTHA GRAHAM llriSigiE JAMESCAGNEY i. . . / I . , , . CRITICS ACCLAIM BEAUTY OF MIRACLE PLAYS REPEATED NEXT SUNDAY NIGHT a a MAEDCHEN IN U N I F O R M tmt. Blverdale Ave., OYFBf TRAIL, Bag W. tad Bt—Hungarian food, musie, entertainment for Its at low coat Royal Gypsy Orchestra dinner and UDITH - cast in Arthur play, evening. February 1ft, at the Plymoutti COMMUTERS TAKE NOTICE! a-^SSsS-SS: The Supper Clubs J P su?r^aK wajrifY Bserkh l i M H i i — C e s e e r t producers call a thread of plot running through it. The cast MM "" heliig selectedDramatic Notes M ; ft? of the Day WAXDORF ' ' " \ A A rpALLULAH BANKHEAD, whoae father is a Congressman and whose uncle is a Senator, ia, appearing in Waahington, D. C , this week in her new vehicle—that seems to be the word for it—"Forsaking course, /BBoabJCsBB, the work. Is alec AH Others." The work had ptwvioualy been displayed for a couple of directing. « e esjls hie psaee > ptoj nights in Wilmjmgton, rj*L, but that, apparently, doesn't count The Of some psychic slgntflcance." and s Washington opening on Monday evening undoubtedly was THE opening, attended by most of the capital's elite, and after the performance one at the Plymouth next of those huge after-tko-theatre parties waa thrown, attended by every- February is, for the Mew Tork section body who is anybody in the legialative classes. " > of the American Boeioty tor PsyeBieai Miss Bankhead, who is well-known on til* London stage and whose Research. Inc. Harold de Becker and Barton Maefilms arc mora or less recalled over the countryside, has not appeared on the stage in her native land for something like ten years. Oho of Lane nave joined the cast of "Hangthe Bankheade of Alabama, aha haa returned at last and "Forsaking mans Whip." due In town this month Mr. MacLane appeared o n Broadwaj AH-tMhara^le/if^to '• ^ l ^ V * , " is known as a try-out tour preparatory visit Boston next week before coming last fall in hla own play, "Rendezvous,'' which Arthur Hopkins proto bursting upon Broadway during the to Mew Tore: the week after. duced. week of February 30, probably on Joe Cook Jo Graham la staging "The Ghost Tuesday, the 31. Writer." Martin Mooney'a n e w plaj .'Aa'-far as- we can make out from No Spaniard the Slightly hysterical tl^^taCCas^j w^s^SB* rpHE rumors about Joe Cooks pos- about an author who writes books fei celebrities. The cast Will' Include f a n play, by Edward Roberts and Frank 1 stale appearance aa a Spanish Wren, BmUy Lowry, Griffin crafts ant Morgan Cavett, concerns a lady who somebody in a new play-wlthoutMarjorte Dalton. The production wll Is Left at t h e Church. In* fact, onemusic, printed in this column and open In Waahington March a, witl critic, keeping up with the times, dubs elsewhere over t h e week end, seem Broadway to follow a week later. her '"The Forgotten Women ' . T h et o have been vague indeed. Mr. Cook, Arthur Segal la designing the set' Waahington Times goes on to state horrified, has rushed forth t o protings f o r Maxwell Anderson's play t h a i "the Banftiead play If about a claim t h e fact that, though he had "Both Tour Houses," opening or read and laughed a t t h e play In quesgirl, an ultra-modern and glib sophisBroadway February 37. It la a Oulk ticate, wad was jnted l a oar becoming tion, h e l a atiU standing by hla reproduction. white bridal garb Just aa the organist solve to appear in t h e new musical Osalp Dymow's "Town- Lunatics,' •was playing the Mendelssohn march. comedy. "It Seems l i k e Yesterday," Given last Sunday a t City College A sudden romantic impulse of t h e Which has a book by Buaael Crouse, will be repeated next Sunday, Febgroom-to-be, who thought it a splen- Corey Ford and Charles Beahan. As ruary ia* e t Twenty-third Street .ens' did idea. That's act one. Acts two the title may Indicate, It concerns the Lexington Avenue. and three are ooneerned with Mary Gay Nineties, and plana for t h e proClay's repressed desire- t o repay her duction are progressing slowly but Broadway Players to Broadeaet inconsiderate Romeo, t o -even with surely toward Broadway. Broadway players are broadcaattai the love-snatching wife and i n findthis week In behalf of the Stage Being the right man on whom to bestow New ''Uttfe Show'/ lief FOnd. Today- Earle Larlmore a her desirable affections. It turn* out in Preparation to be Fred Keating (yes, the* magician, REPARATIONS are under way for "Biography" will speak, from Stabut without his canary)." a "Fourth Little Show" t o he tion WABC at 4 P. M.; Conway TearK Douglas Ollmore, It appears, plays produced In the e a r l / fall by Dwight of. "Dinner a t Eight" will be heart t h e deserter. . Mary Duncan la the Deere Wunan and Tom Weatherly, tomorrow a t 13:26 over WOR. Alat lady for whom he deserts; and allWho are convinced, they say, that on Thursday Bert Lytell will tail sorts of slightly Inebriated foolery Is conditions in the theatre are improv- from; Station WJZ at 6:30. On Fri supplied by such capable actors as ing steadily. day Osgood Perkins, In "Goodbyt Donald Macdonald, Cera Wltherspoon, The new "Little 8how" will deviate Again." wUl speak at «:3o fron Ilka Chase. Nancy Ryan, Anderson somewhat from t h e usual revue for- WEAF. Dorothy Sands Will b e heart 'Lawier, Jane Buchanan and Harlan mula In that there will be what the the same .day at 3:40 from WABC. Brtggs. Miss Bankhead and company will AMUSEMENTS AMC8EMENTS out-of-town repertory companies of actors in New Tork or by sending Hew tell tot thai pwposcs for Tork suoceseas on the road- with the . t u intended. B e is no prooriginal casts after a four-month run He does hot weep ht Maw York. In return ask for a guaranteed sale of seats In road cities, ^^PHJi^l^^^PPf? Js^sw "J*W* '. nwBB * %s»aeia<e)Baa!»»w sp saWeaSe subscribed for In advance. Heroes t o ner, employ ail sort* of gloomy genrent a theatre except to an accredited managers' association. . . , Build la a nractical and paint productions at least eight as a weeks In advance of the opening data. of the theatre, who . . . Agree to heap all theatres open forty weeks a year, and In return ask for a lowered union scale. Instaii sir yMM\- WW*** 99 Wa*^^B»JJ aVJ Picture Theatres Forecasts and Postscripts I I ^ewsjPasejpBB e^sse axaos^ aaawaiaia easF SeOB*Be> •" ,IUI, in irtitiiiiiiiir a» i Ojfcrs M l Suggestions on the Good OU Subject of "Saving" the Theatre • • W - w Sew M y Playhouses\aridMoving Appearing in the Screen Version of "TopazeT By John Mourn T .Brown. - - Two on a DEEMS TnYLOR If. 41 St- TKJSJLTS it w if. PT JAJSRV T W S . . w. « at., LAS. aaast WE, iwtpESkE "*trtn.# Jpatiriaf - iri—.f. . „ .f^s. 8a4. SsSS
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