KAT CHAT Khandallah Arts Theatre Newsletter June 2014 President: Lynn Coory – 479 1598 – [email protected] Membership Secretary: Barry Meyers – 479 2275 – [email protected] Welcome to the June edition of KAT Chat: The Importance of Being Earnest KAT Open Day – information on page 2 If you haven’t done so, please pay your subscription. The Importance of Being Earnest By Oscar Wilde, directed by Jane Yonge 17-20 and 24-26 July A strong cast has been found. They are: Algernon - Benjamin Richards, Jack - Lee Dowsett, Lane & Merriman - Colin Coke, Lady Bracknell - Marjorie McKee, Gwendolen - Jessica Doube, Cecily Stevie Hancox-Monk, Miss Prism - Cathy Howell, Chasuble - Charles Beresford. Jane has been joined by an assistant director, Kimble Henderson, who is a first year directing student at Toi Whakaari. Designers Penny and Michael have devised a very elegant and deceptively simple set, (deceptive because though there’s not as much construction as our sets sometimes require, but has involved an enormous amount of painting). They along with Ross, Barry, Jann and Chris have been working long hours on creating it and bringing the design to life. A most exciting development is the recent acquisition of a full cyclorama, which will be used for the first time in this production. Novena and Jill have got the wardrobe under control; Lynn and newcomer Elizabeth Beresford are scurrying around sourcing lots of stylish properties; and the publicity team, led by Michelle, are in full swing developing the publicity angles and concepts. Advance sales to organisations wanting to use the play as a fundraiser have resulted in two sold houses and one large block booking, so if you want to bring a party of friends to this very funny comedy of manners start planning now. You can book by phoning Marj Lawson on 972 6180 or email [email protected]. KAT OUTREACH Ross Foubister has been helping out with lighting for Cashmere Avenue School with their latest school production About Time. PO Box 22-031, Khandallah, Wellington 6441 www.kat-theatre.org.nz We are also on Facebook – search for Khandallah Arts Theatre and ‘like’ the page KAT OPEN DAY Saturday 5 July 12pm – 3pm This is the opportunity of the year. Come and see what happens at KAT. Take a look at the recent acquisitions (cyclorama, demountable forestage and lighting control panel) and introduce your friends and neighbours to this great play-making club in their neighbourhood. Various club members will be on hand to show and explain all the aspects of play-making and there’ll be free sizzling sausages, cups of tea and activities for the children. There will be an opportunity to go in the free draw to win tickets to The Importance of Being Earnest. A theatre in action: staging, lighting, sound, costumes - ladders, lighting desk, sound equipment, wardrobe preparations. This open day is a first for KAT in its 55th year. Our history will be display. We would like to borrow directors’ albums for the day. Please contact Margaret Robertson by email on [email protected] regarding delivery. If you want to help with this special afternoon, please contact Penny Harrison 479 9302. All KAT members are urged to come, bring a friend and make our visitors welcome. COMING UP AT KAT 5 July 12 pm – 3 pm KAT open day 17-20, 24-26July The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, directed by Jane Yonge September Thespian Intelligence Challenge 9-12, 16/18 October Witness for the Prosecution by Agatha Christie, directed by Kathi George November Club night – play reading WHAT’S HAPPENING ELSEWHERE The Addams Family – The New Musical directed by Ewen Coleman – Wellington Repertory – 24 June – 5 July at the Gryphon Theatre Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov, Butterfly Creek Theatre Troupe – 17-19, 24-26 July Please pay your subscription and don’t forget about the Open Day on 5 July Jenny PO Box 22-031, Khandallah, Wellington 6441 www.kat-theatre.org.nz We are also on Facebook – search for Khandallah Arts Theatre and ‘like’ the page
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