Stephen Kidd CV - Development Pathways

Stephen Kidd Senior Social Policy Specialist Summary For the past 25 years, Dr. Stephen Kidd has worked as a consultant and adviser on social development and social protection. He is currently a Senior Social Policy Specialist at Development Pathways, a member of DFAT’s Social Protection Expert Panel – providing cover for AusAID’s Senior Social Protection Adviser in July and August 2012 – and has previously worked for DFID as a Senior Social Development Adviser, including leading its Social Protection and Equity and Rights policy teams, and as Director of Policy and Communications at HelpAge International. He has significant leadership experience and has worked in over 25 developing countries. Dr. Kidd has engaged extensively on social protection in Africa, Asia, the Pacific and Latin America where he has supported work on policy, research and good practice in implementation. His experience ranges from advisory support to the development of national strategies on social protection in Bangladesh, Rwanda, Uganda, Nepal, Indonesia, Uzbekistan and Papua New Guinea, leading the design of social protection programmes for development partners in Uganda, Lao PDR, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Nepal, undertaking reviews of social transfer programmes in Kenya, Ghana, Pakistan and Fiji, research on social protection in Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Malawi, Kiribati, Fiji and the Pacific, and teaching on social protection on the Cape Town and Chiang Mai “Design of Social Transfer programmes” course as well as on a range of more specialised training courses in, for example, Uganda, Tanzania, Nepal, Barbados, United Kingdom, Australia, and the Netherlands. Dr. Kidd has also undertaken research and published on social protection, such as on targeting – including an assessment of the Proxy Means Test methodology – conditional cash transfers (CCTs), pensions, social exclusion and the political economy of social protection. Dr. Kidd has many years of experience engaging on broader social policy and social development. He was employed as a Social Development Adviser on DFID’s Overseas Territories, Latin America, and China programmes, then as a Senior Social Development Adviser leading DFID’s Reaching the Poorest, Social Protection and Equity and Rights teams in Policy Division. Between 2007 and 2009, he was Director of Policy and Communications at HelpAge International and, more recently, has worked on an AusAID/GIZ programme to strengthen the delivery of public services in Paraguay and led a team supporting the design of AusAID’s rural development Delivery Strategy in Lao PDR. Dr. Kidd is an anthropologist by training, with a Ph.D from the University of St. Andrews and spent two years as a lecturer in social anthropology at the University of Edinburgh following ten years living with indigenous people in Paraguay, where he led an integrated rural development programme before establishing a NGO that provided legal services to indigenous communities undertaking land and labour claims. Key strengths •
Excellent understanding of social protection policy in developing countries Significant experience of design of social protection programmes Experience of teaching on social protection, with good presentational skills Strong analytical and writing skills Good understanding of broader social development and gender Significant experience of leadership, both within institutions and consultancy teams © Development Pathways 1 Academic Qualifications Ph.D. in Social Anthropology University of St. Andrews, UK M.A. in Social Anthropology University of Durham, UK M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering (Natural Cranfield Institute of Technology, UK Resource Management) M.A. (Hons) in Geography, First Class University of Aberdeen, UK 2000 1992 1984 1982 Country Experience Africa: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Rwanda, South Africa, St. Helena, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia Asia: Thailand, China, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Lao PDR, Indonesia, Uzbekistan Americas: Brazil, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru, Montserrat, Turks and Caicos Islands Pacific: Fiji, Kiribati, Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu Full List of Consultancy Assignments Current position: Senior Social Policy Specialist at Development Pathways Summary of Consultancy experience from May 2009 (see Annex 1 for more detail): Leading or supporting the design of programmes for development partners including: Team leader for
AusAID’s rural development programme in Lao PDR and, separately, for AusAID’s Social Protection Activity, designing an old age pension and an asset transfer scheme (2012/13); Team leader of UNCDF’s cash transfer pilot programme in Nepal (2010); Team leader of DFID’s Expanding Social Protection in Uganda programme (2009); Team leader in design of Bangladesh’s Social Protection Program, to support government policy development and the strengthening of social security programs, for DFID/AusAID/UNDP (2012); Team Leader to develop Business Case for DFID’s Social Protection Policy and Reform Programme in Bangladesh (2013); Adviser in development of Business Case for VUP programme in Rwanda (DFID, 2013); Team Leader for development of Operations Manual for the Hunger Safety Net Programme in Kenya (DFID, 2013): Team Leader for development of Business Case and Value for Money study for DFAT’s Poverty Reduction Support Facility Phase 2 in Indonesia (2014) Leading or advising on the design of social protection policy for both governments or development partners in Rwanda (DFID-­‐2010/11); Nepal (DFID-­‐2009/10); Kenya (DFID-­‐2011); Indonesia (AusAID-­‐
2011/12); Pakistan (UNICEF-­‐2010); Uganda (DFID-­‐2010-­‐13); Papua New Guinea (AusAID-­‐2010/11); Uzbekistan (2012/13) and Bangladesh (UNDP, 2013), Design of Child Sensitive Social Protection Frameworks for 3 Regions of Somalia (UNICEF, 2014). Research and analysis on social protection including: assessment of proxy means test targeting methodology (AusAID-­‐2010/11); qualitative assessment of targeting on Kenya’s HSNP and CT-­‐OVC programmes (DFID-­‐2011); poverty, vulnerability and social protection in Pacific (AusAID-­‐2010/11); social protection in Africa (AusAID-­‐2010); evidence on social protection in Nepal (DFID-­‐2010/11); conditional cash transfers and their relevance for Nepal (DFID 2010/11); social protection management information systems (HelpAge-­‐2011); ageing and income security in Indonesia (Government of Indonesia/AusAID 2012); assessing the impacts of tax changes and compensatory measures on poverty in Kiribati (AusAID 2013); understanding how social exclusion explains exclusion from social protection schemes (DFAT 2014). Reviews of programmes: Needs assessment of Ghana’s LEAP programme, focusing on M&E and institutional arrangements (UNICEF-­‐2010); review of management information systems in Kenya’s social protection programmes (DFID-­‐2010); review of GIZ’s Social Protection Program in Indonesia (AusAID 2012),: review of Khyber Pakhtunkwa Secondary Girls Stipend Scheme to prepare for move to electronic payments (DFID 2013); Assessment of the Care and Protection Allowance in Fiji (UNICEF Fiji, 2014); Reviewing proposals on payments mechanism in Malawi (KfW 2014). © Development Pathways 2 Training and capacity building: Seminar series provided to AusAID staff (July/Aug 2012); lecturer on Social Transfers training programme in Cape Town and Chiang Mai (EPRI-­‐2007 to 2011); lecturer on social transfers course in Uganda (DFID-­‐2011); trainer for UNICEF South Asia on targeting and conditions (2011); design and delivery of training course on social protection for AusAID staff (2009); training of MPs in Nepal on political economy of social protection (UNICEF-­‐2010); seminar on a lifecycle approach to social protection and the political economy of social protection in Bangladesh (AusAID 2013); seminar on an overview of social protection for KfW (2013); Design and delivery of a two-­‐day raining course on social protection for DFAT staff in Canberra (DFAT 2014) Provision of advice to development partners on programmes and policy areas: providing cover for Senior Social Protection Adviser for AusAID in Canberra (2012); adviser to Expanding Social Protection in Uganda programme (DFID-­‐2009 to 2012); adviser to programme on coordinated delivery of social services in Paraguay (AusAID-­‐2011/12); team leader to support development of AusAID rural development delivery strategy in Lao PDR (2011); adviser on World Bank reform of Fiji’s Family Assistance Programme (AusAID-­‐
2010/11); undertaking a sector analysis for AusAID’s Social Protection Delivery Strategy in Bangladesh (AusAID 2013); providing HelpDesk advice to AusAID (2009-­‐13); providing HelpDesk advice to AusAID in Indonesia and Bangladesh (2013); providing HelpDesk advice to KfW (2014) 2007-­‐2009 Director of Policy and Communications at HelpAge International Responsibilities: a) Overall responsibility for HAI’s policy, communications and advocacy work. Main policy areas covered by department are Social Protection, Human Rights, Livelihoods, HIV and AIDS, and Ageing b) Member of Directors’ Group providing overall leadership to HAI c) Management of Policy and Communications Department, with 16 staff d) Leading HAI’s policy work on social protection including: • Co-­‐ordinating social protection initiatives across HAI, including drafting of an institutional strategy on pensions (March 2008) • Providing advice on pensions to developing country governments (eg. Zambia, Malawi, Sri Lanka, Paraguay, Peru, Ecuador). This has included leading comprehensive studies on the feasibility of universal pensions in Malawi and Sri Lanka. • Providing training on social protection including:  Trainer on Designing and Implementing Social Transfers course run by Economic Policy Research Institute (EPRI) of South Africa. Courses are held twice a year in Cape Town and Chiang Mai. I teach modules on Conditional Cash Transfers, Targeting, Pensions and Politics and Social Protection  Training of government, NGO and donor staff in Tanzania on broad social protection (November 2008) and in Caribbean on pensions (October 2008)  Training for INGOs on broad social protection (eg. Oxfam Novib in March 2009, HAI in June and September 2008) • Moving forward HAI’s analytical thinking on social protection, in particular on pensions, including publications • Speaking at international conferences and participation in international working groups including ILO Experts Group on a Minimum Social Security Floor, OHCHR Experts Group on Cash Transfers and Human Rights, and Inter-­‐Agency Task Team on HIV and AIDS • Undertaking research on pensions including:  Leading research on the links between pensions and employment in South Africa, with EPRI and the University of Western Cape  Research into models of pension provision in developing countries. 2001-­‐2007 Senior Social Development Adviser in Department for International Development (DFID) © Development Pathways 3 Responsibilities a) Team Leader: Equity and Rights Team in DFID’s Policy Division (2006-­‐7). The team had 16 staff members and led DFID policy on Social Protection, Labour Standards, Human Rights, Social Exclusion and Gender. Key achievements and main responsibilities included: • Providing regular advice and briefings for Ministers and Top Management • Overseeing development and approval of a Gender Strategy for DFID • Overseeing development and approval of a DFID-­‐wide action plan on disability and international development • Recognition in 2006 UK White Paper of Social Protection as an essential public service and commitments by DFID to increase significantly its spending on social protection in 10 countries • Review -­‐ in 2007 -­‐ of 2005 Social Transfers Action Plan and endorsement by Top Management of an increased commitment by DFID to social protection • Provision of advice on social protection to DFID country offices including Pakistan, Kenya and Ethiopia • Leadership of and advisory inputs into key projects including: 1) publication -­‐ by EPRI -­‐ of handbook on Designing and Implementing Social Transfer Programmes; 2) establishing EPRI course on Social Transfers; 3) setting up Brazil-­‐Africa exchange programme; and, 4) research -­‐ in Mexico -­‐ of impacts of cash transfers on local markets and non-­‐beneficiaries. • Publication of a series of briefing papers on key social protection issues including Social Protection and Economic Growth; Fiduciary Risk in Social Transfer Programmes; Social Protection and Financial Institutions • Representation of DFID in social protection forums and international conferences b) Team Leader: Social Protection and Reaching the Very Poorest teams in DFID’s Policy Division (2004-­‐6). The team had 8 staff members and was responsible for a significant increase in DFID’s commitment to social protection. Key achievements and main responsibilities included: • Publication of a key paper on Social Transfers and Chronic Poverty. I authored the paper and led discussions on its content with top management and Ministers. The paper was accompanied by a DFID-­‐wide Action Plan. • Publication of briefing papers on key social protection issues including: Affordability of Social Transfers; Defining Social Protection; and Social Transfers and Human Development • Responsibility for Livingstone conference (with HAI) -­‐ in 2005 -­‐ that led to endorsement of social protection by 13 African countries. • Provision of social protection advice to DFID country offices including Zambia, Kenya, Pakistan and Brazil • Representation of DFID in social protection forums and international conferences • Funding of research on social protection eg. on conditional cash transfers with UNDP International Poverty Centre; c) Social Development Adviser on DFID’s Latin America Programme (2003-­‐4). My main responsibilities were to build a partnership with the Inter-­‐American Development Bank (IADB). This included leading the design of IADB trust funds on 1) Markets and Trade, and 2) Social Inclusion. I also provided advice to DFID country offices in Latin America. d) Social Development Adviser on DFID’s China Programme (2001-­‐3). My main responsibilities were to provide social development advice in the design of three major World Bank/DFID projects on health, education and rural development. I also initiated DFID’s work on health promotion; oversaw research on health financing and access to health services of vulnerable groups; and led work to increase civil society participation in ethnic minority regions. 2000-­‐2001
Independent Social Development Consultant I mainly undertook consultancy work for DFID including: © Development Pathways 4 •
Providing part-­‐time cover as Social Development Adviser in DFID’s Overseas Territories Department. I undertook a human rights review of St. Helena making recommendations on governance, gender equity, domestic violence and addressing social exclusion. Most recommendations were taken forward. I reviewed a DFID cash transfer programme on Montserrat and undertook a review of DFID’s work on Turks and Caicos Governance review of DFID’s programme in Pacific, including visits to Fiji and Solomon Islands Temporary cover as Social Development Adviser in DFID’s China programme 1999-­‐2000 Lecturer in Social Anthropology and Consultant on International Development at Edinburgh University My main responsibilities included: • Undertaking consultancies for DFID. This included reviewing project proposals and reports for DFID’s Civil Society Challenge Fund. I also provided cover as a Social Development Adviser on DFID’s St. Helena programme and undertook a review of a Gender Rights programme in the Pacific -­‐ RRRT -­‐ visiting Fiji and Vanuatu. • Lecturing on various social anthropology topics including 1) Introduction to Social Anthropology; 2) Indigenous People in South American Lowlands; and 3) Philosophy of Social Anthropology 1993-­‐1996 Chief Executive of Paraguayan NGO “Tierraviva” I established the NGO Tierraviva in 1993. The organisation employed 9 staff and provided legal advice to indigenous communities on land and labour rights. As a result, indigenous communities gained land titles to 80,000 hectares 1984-­‐1992
Co-­‐ordinator of La Herencia Rural Development Programme in Paraguay La Herencia was an integrated rural development programme working with indigenous communities in the Paraguayan Chaco, under the auspices of the Anglican Church. Between 1984 and 1986 I supervised support to 1,000 indigenous people settling on a 10,000 hectares colony. Subsequently, I co-­‐ordinated La Herencia’s overall support to more than 40 indigenous communities and initiated a programme providing support to indigenous communities’ land claims. Selected publications, papers and reports Forthcoming: The political economy of targeting in social protection. In draft Forthcoming: Evidence Paper on Social Security in Nepal. Publication commissioned by DFID (with Emily Wylde). 2013: Rethinking Targeting in International Development. Pathways’ Perspectives No. 11 2013: Bolsa Unfamiliar. Pathways’ Perspectives No. 9 2012: The Zomba Conditional Cash Transfer Experiment: An assessment of its methodology. Pathways’ Perspectives No. 6. 2012: A Case Study of “How not to do Targeting Analysis.” Pathways’ Perspectives No. 4 2012: Social Safety Net ≠ Safety Net. Pathways’ Perspectives No. 3 2012: Child Poverty in OECD Countries: Lessons for Developing Countries. Pathways’ Perspectives No. 2 2012: Poverty, Vulnerability and Social Protection in the Pacific: the Role of Social Transfers. AusAID, Canberra. 2012: Achieving Health and Education Outcomes in the Pacific: is there a Role for Social Transfers? AusAID, Canberra. 2012: Social Protection in the Pacific: Focal Country Study – Kiribati. AusAID, Canberra (with Ueantabo MacKenzie) © Development Pathways 5 2011: 2011: 2011: 2011: 2010: 2009: 2009: 2009: 2008: 2005: 1997: Targeting the Poorest: An Assessment of the Proxy Means Test Methodology. Report published by AusAID, Australia. (With Emily Wylde) Good Practice in the Development of Management Information Systems for Social Protection. Published by HelpAge International, Pension Watch Series (with R. Chirchir) Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes: what does the evidence tell us? Published by DFID Nepal (with Rebecca Calder) Assessing options for Nepal’s Social Grants: what does the evidence tell us? Published by DFID Nepal (with Rebecca Calder and Emily Wylde) Social Protection in the Pacific: A Review of its Adequacy and Role in Addressing Poverty (with Nick Freeland, Frank Ellis, Mike Samson and Bernie Wyler). AusAID, Canberra. “Equal Pensions, Equal Rights: Achieving Universal Pension Coverage for Older Men and Women in Developing Countries.” In Gender & Development, 17:3, 377-­‐388 “Pensions and Old Age Poverty” (with Ed Whitehouse). In: Closing the Coverage Gap: the Role of Social Pensions. Eds. D. Robalino, R. Holzmann. Published by World Bank “Rethinking the Role of Social Security in Development” (with Michael Cichon, Rudiger Krech, Christine Behrendt, Krzyzstof Hagemaier and Peter Townsend); published in P. Townsend (ed): Building Decent Societies: Rethinking the Role of Social Security in Development. International Labour Organisation Tackling Poverty in Old Age: a Universal Pension for Sri Lanka. Published by HelpAge Sri Lanka (with Larry Wilmore). Social Transfers and Chronic Poverty: Emerging Evidence and the Challenge Ahead. DFID Practice Paper The Working Conditions of the Indigenous People of Paraguay. In Enslaved Peoples in the 1990s: Indigenous Peoples, Debt Bondage and Human Rights. Anti-­‐Slavery International and IWGIA Annex 1 – Full List of Consultancy Assignments •
Jun – ongoing: adviser in assessment of Care and Protection Allowance for children in Fiji (UNICEF) Jun 2014: Leading two day training on social protection for DFAT staff in Canberra, and consultations with sectors in DFAT Apr-­‐Jun 2014: Research on how social exclusion explains exclusion from social protection programmes, and writing of published paper (for DFAT) Mar – ongoing: adviser to qualitative research on social protection in Somalia (UNICEF) Mar-­‐May 2014: Team Leader to design Business Case and undertake value for money study of DFAT’s Poverty Reduction Support Facility in Indonesia. Feb-­‐Mar 2014: Team Leader to develop a tool to assess the child sensitivity of social protection (UNICEF) Dec 2013 – Jan 2014: Team Leader of review of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Girls Secondary School Stipend scheme in Pakistan, to prepare proposals for move to electronic payments, for DFID Oct-­‐Nov 2013 – ongoing: Supporting development of Social Protection Chapter for Uzbekistan’s Vision 2030 strategy, based on a comprehensive analysis of the country’s social protection system (for UNDP). Sep 2013 – ongoing: Training on social protection for KfW in Frankfurt and production of briefing papers on key issues in social protection. Sep-­‐Nov 2013 : Team leader in development of Operations Manual for Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme, for DFID. Jul 2013 – ongoing: Social protection adviser in development of Bangladesh’s National Social Protection Strategy, for UNDP Apr-­‐Aug 2013: Social protection advice in development of DFID’s Business Case for second stage of support to Rwanda’s VUP programme Mar-­‐Oct 2013: Provision of HelpDesk advice on social protection to AusAID in Indonesia © Development Pathways 6 •
Mar-­‐May 2013: Team leader to assess impacts of tax reforms and compensatory measures on poverty in Kiribati, for AusAID Mar-­‐Apr 2013: Team leader to develop Business Case for DFID’s Social Protection Policy and Reform Programme in Bangladesh Feb-­‐Apr 2013: Undertaking sector analysis for AusAID’s Bangladesh Social Protection Delivery Strategy Jan 2013: Seminar on social protection for KfW. Dec 2012 – Sep 2013: Advice to UNICEF and Government of Uzbekistan on social protection policy and reforms. Nov 2012 – May 2013: Team leader designing AusAID’s Laos Social Protection Activity, including design of Activity Design Document, two Operations Manuals (for a pension and asset transfer schemes) and proposal for AusAID policy dialogue Oct-­‐Dec 2012: Team leader designing Bangladesh Policy Support Program for AusAID, DFID and UNDP Jul-­‐Aug 2012: Providing cover as Senior Social Protection Adviser in AusAID, Canberra. May 2012 – ongoing: Support to Government of Indonesia on social security policy for elderly and people with disabilities and support to design of AusAID pilot Disability and Old Age Grants; reports produced setting out analysis of situation of older people and people with disabilities and proposals for social security reform. Mar-­‐Jun 2012: Team leader for design of AusAID’s rural development programme in Lao PDR Mar-­‐Aug 2012: Providing advice to a study of the political economy of social protection in Uganda Oct-­‐Dec 2011: Member of Development Pathways team designing and delivering a one-­‐week training course on Social Transfers in Uganda. Nov 2011: Advice to Government of Indonesia on development of a national strategy for Social Assistance, funded by AusAID Oct 2011 – on-­‐going: Monitoring a GIZ programme developing a national strategy for localised and coordinated delivery of social services in Paraguay, representing AusAID. Oct 2011: Team leader on assessment of targeting in Kenya’s CT-­‐OVC programme, for DFID Oct 2011: Scoping of options for further DFID engagement in social protection in Kenya Aug-­‐Oct 2011: Team leader to develop a situational analysis and theory of change for rural development in Lao PDR, and propose recommendations for AusAID’s rural development Delivery Strategy. August 2011: Participation in national consultative forum on social protection in Papua New Guinea, including a role as keynote speaker. Funded by AusAID. June 2011: Teaching on targeting and conditional cash transfers for a UNICEF South Asia social policy workshop. May 2011: Member of GIZ and AusAID team designing a programme to strengthen co-­‐ordination in the delivery of public services in Paraguay Apr 2011 – May 2011: Team leader of targeting assessment of Kenya’s Hunger Safety Net Programme Mar 2011 – May 2011: Social protection adviser for needs assessment of Ghana LEAP cash transfer scheme, leading on M&E and institutional arrangements. Feb 2011 – May 2011: Development of implementation plan for Rwanda’s National Social Protection Strategy Feb 2011 – Apr 2011: Member of team undertaking research and producing publication on good practice in Management Information Systems for social protection. Nov 2010 – Jun 2011: Team Leader in research programme to develop an Evidence Paper on social protection in Nepal, for DFID. Nov 2010 – Jan 2011: Team Leader for assessment of Social Protection Management Information Systems in Kenya, for DFID. October 2010: Support to development of National Social Protection Strategy in Papua New Guinea, for AusAID Aug 2010 – Jun 2011: Leading team developing an initial proposal for a Child Grant in Pakistan, for UNICEF, including policy discussions in Pakistan © Development Pathways 7 •
Aug and Nov 2010: Teaching on Economic Policy Research Institute’s course on Social Transfers; topics covered were targeting, conditional cash transfers (CCTs), pensions, and the political economy of social protection August 2010 – June 2011: Provision of advice to AusAID on social protection in Fiji; support to World Bank team leading programme of reform in Fiji’s Family Assistance Programme. July-­‐Nov 2010: Training and policy support on development of national Social Protection Strategy in Nepal (for DFID). July 2010: Leading team undertaking a desk-­‐based review of social protection in Africa for AusAID June to December 2010: Research on Proxy Means Testing targeting mechanism for AusAID. May-­‐Jun 2010: Scoping study to assess potential AusAID support to development of National Social Protection Policy in Papua New Guinea May – Nov 2010: Research for AusAID on social protection in the Pacific covering: a) Social Protection in Kiribati; b) Health, Education and Social Protection; and c) Poverty, Risk and Vulnerability in the Pacific. Apr-­‐Jul 2010: Leading a team designing a cash transfer pilot programme in Nepal, for DFID and UNCDF Feb 2010 onwards: Provision of advice to Expanding Social Protection Programme in Uganda, funded by DFID and Irish Aid Feb-­‐Mar 2010: Support to DFID in generating evidence on Social Protection in Nepal Jan 2010: Desk review of social protection in Pakistan (for AusAID) Jan-­‐Mar 2010: Design of Rwanda’s National Social Protection Strategy (DFID) Dec 2009: Review of design of a conditional cash transfer pilot programme in Nepal (DFID) Dec 2009: Supporting design of World Bank/AusAID programme to reform the Fiji Family Assistance cash transfer programme. Oct 2009: Leading team designing cash transfer programme in pastoralist Karamoja region of Uganda, for Irish Aid Sept-­‐Dec 2009: Lead consultant in the design of a research programme on social protection in the Pacific, for AusAID Aug & Nov 2009: Teaching on Economic Policy Research Institute’s course on Social Transfers; topics covered were targeting, conditional cash transfers, pensions, and the political economy of social protection July-­‐Sept 2009: Leading a 12-­‐person team designing a DFID-­‐funded Social Protection programme in Uganda, including preparation of DFID internal programme documentation and design of a cash transfer pilot programme for 500,000 people. June-­‐Aug 2009: Advising AusAID in the preparation of a programme to provide technical assistance to support the reform of Fiji’s Family Assistance Programme, a cash transfer managed by the Department of Social Welfare 2009-­‐2013: Provision of a HelpDesk function to AusAID on social protection. May 2009: Organising and providing training to AusAID staff on social protection, in Canberra, Australia 2001: Assessment of options for a DFID governance programme in Pacific 2001: Review of options for reform of social security on Montserrat, for DFID. 2000-­‐1: Social Development Adviser for St. Helena, for DFID’s Overseas Territories Unit 2001: Review of Human Rights in Turks and Caicos Islands, for DFID 2000: Evaluation of the RRRT Gender Rights programme in the Pacific, for DFID 2000: Assessment of options for DFID to support indigenous people’s organisations in Bolivia 1997: Review of corruption in government purchases of indigenous land in Paraguay, for Tierraviva 1992: Review of progress in indigenous land claims in Paraguay, for CEDHU. © Development Pathways 8