BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 By Registered Post By Direct Deposit TENDER COVER SHEET (Please refer clause 20 in page 14 of the tender) Southern Railway Tender Notice No.MAS/12 of 2014 of dated 21.08.2014 (Item No. 22) DUE FOR OPENING ON 25.09.2014 NAME OF WORK: Chennai Egmore – Villupuram Section TRR(P) with 52 kg 90 UTS Class-I Rail at KM 142 to 149.500 for a length of 7.5 Kms between PEI-MYP Dn LINE in SSE/P.Way/TMV in ADEN/CGL Sub-division. Chennai Egmore -Villupuram Section (Dn line) - TRR (P) for a length of 13.0km between Km 118.000 to 125.000 and Km 126.000 to 132.000 of existing 52Kg /90UTS rails on 52Kg PSC sleepers with 52Kg 90 UTS Class - I Rail in SSE/Pway/TMV section. Chennai Egmore-Villupuram Section (Dn line) - TRR (P) for a length of 7.8 km between Km 150.700 to 156.000 and 157.000 to 159.500 of existing 52Kg /90UTS rails on 52Kg PSC sleepers with 52Kg 90 UTS Class - I Rail in SSE/Pway/TMV section. To The Divisional Railway Manager, Works, Chennai (Divsiion) SR, Park Town, Chennai-3.(Address) 600 003.(Pin Code) From ......................... …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… …………………………… Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 1 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS FOR TENDER FORMS DOWN LOADED FROM INTERNET. 1. Tender file is to be down loaded from the internet and printout is to be taken on A4 size paper and details are to be entered by the tenderer at the various locations in the document. It is advisable that the down loaded tender document to be printed through laser printer only. Submission of Xerox or photocopy of tender document is prohibited. 2. This tender document (in full) downloaded along with the various documents required to be submitted as per the tender conditions in a sealed cover duly superscribing with the name of the work, tender notice no. and date, submission of tender downloaded from the internet etc and the same should be dropped in the tender box kept in the Office specified in the tender document before the date and time stipulated in the tender document. 3. The cost of tender document will have to be deposited by the tenderer in the form of bank draft payable in favour of Senior Divisional Finance Manager, Southern Railway, Chennai - 03 along with the tender. This should be enclosed as a separate Demand Draft. A single demand draft for the cost of tender form and Earnest Money Deposit will not be accepted. Tender not accompanied with the demand draft towards the cost of the tender document will be summarily rejected. 4. The earnest money deposit required for this work as stipulated in the tender document also to be submitted separately 5. Tenderers are advised to download tender documents well in advance and submit the tender before the stipulated time, the tender document will be received up to 11.00 hrs. at two places i.e. DRM/W/O/MAS and CAO/CN/O/MS ( two separate tender boxes will be placed at the said offices on the date of opening mentioned and will be opened at 11.30 hours on the same date at Divisional Railway Manager /Works /Office/Chennai. In case, the date mentioned above happens to be a holiday, the tenders will be opened on the next working day at the same time. 6. The tender box is kept in the Office of DRM/Works/MAS, Southern Railway, Chennai – 3 for dropping of tenders, 3 (three) days in advance to the date of opening. The Tenderers are advised to drop their documents in the relevant tender box on any working days and up to the time and date of receipt as mentioned above. Railway shall not be responsible for any postal delays. 7. It is the responsibility of the Tenderer to check any correction or any modifications published subsequently in Web site and the same shall taken into account while submitting the tender. Tenderer shall down load corrigendum(if any), print it out , sign and attach it with the main tender document. Tender document not accompanied by published corrigendum/s is liable to be rejected. The Railway will not be responsible for any postal delays / delay in downloading of tender document from the internet. 8. The tenderer may please note that the rate for items should be written in figures and in words by black or blue ball point pen only. Each page of tender document should be signed by the tenderer. 9. Tenderer/s are free to download tender document at their own risk and cost, for the purpose of perusal as well as for using the same as tender document for submitting the offer. Master copy of the tender document is available in the concern office inviting tender. After award of work an agreement will be prepared based on the master copy of tender document available in the above mentioned office. In case, any discrepancy between the tender document downloaded from the internet and the master copy, latter shall prevail and will be binding on the tenderer/s. No claim on this account will be entertained. 10. If any change/addition/deletion is made by the Tenderer / Contractor and the same is detected at any stage even after the award of the tender, full earnest money deposit will be forfeited and the contract will be terminated at his/their risk and cost. The tenderer is also liable to be banned from doing business with Railways and/or prosecuted. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 2 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 11. The following declaration should be given by the tenderer while submitting the tender: Declaration (a) I/We have downloaded the tender form from the internet site and I/We have not tampered / modified the tender forms in any manner. In case, if the same is found to be tampered / modified I/We understand that my/our tender will be summarily rejected and full earnest money deposit will be forfeited and I/we am/are liable to be banned from doing business with Railways and/or prosecuted. (b) I/We submitting a demand draft no. ___________________ dated __________ issued by ____________________ for Rs.__________ towards the cost of tender form. Signature of Tenderer : Date Address Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 3 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 SOUTHERN RAILWAY CHENNAI DIVISION (WORKS BRANCH) Tender Notice No.MAS/12 of 2014 of dated 21.08.2014 (Item No. 22) Divisional Railway Manager/Works Branch/Chennai Division, Chennai-3 President of India invites sealed tenders for the under mentioned works: Sl. No (1) Description of work Approx. cash value Rs. (lakhs) Earnest Money Deposit Rs. (2) (3) (4) for and on behalf of the Similar nature of work Period of completion (5) (6) NAME OF WORK: 22 Chennai Egmore – Villupuram Section TRR(P) with 52 kg 90 UTS Class-I Rail at KM 142 to 149.500 for a length of 7.5 Kms between PEIMYP Dn LINE in SSE/P.Way/TMV in ADEN/CGL Sub-division. Chennai Egmore -Villupuram Section (Dn line) - TRR (P) for a length of 13.0km between Km 118.000 to 125.000 and Km 126.000 to 132.000 of existing 52Kg /90UTS rails on 52Kg PSC sleepers with 52Kg 90 UTS Class - I Rail in SSE/Pway/TMV section. Chennai EgmoreVillupuram Section (Dn line) - TRR (P) for a length of 7.8 km between Km 150.700 to 156.000 and 157.000 to 159.500 of existing 52Kg /90UTS rails on 52Kg PSC sleepers with 52Kg 90 UTS Class - I Rail in SSE/Pway/TMV section. 97.24 1,94,480/- Any Track work Six Months Last date for issue of tender form : 24.09.2014 upto 15.00 hours Date of tender opening: 25.09.2014 at 11.30 hours Cost of tender forms: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) For works costing upto 5 lakhs For works costing above 5 lakhs and up to 20 lakhs For works costing above 20 lakhs and up to 50 lakhs For works costing above 50 lakhs and up to 2 crores For works costing above 2 crores and up to 50 crores 1096/2192/3288/5480/10960/- 1. If the tender form is required by post, the postage will be Rs.500/- extra (Non-refundable). However, in such cases the last date of issue of tender form will be seven days prior to the last date of issue of tender form. The Railways will not be responsible for postal delay/loss of tender form. 2. In no circumstance will the amount towards the cost of tender form be refunded. Tender forms are not transferable. 3. The cost of the tender forms may be paid to the Sr. Divisional Cashier, Southern Railway, Chennai – 3 or any Station Master, Southern Railway and the cash receipt should accompany the request for issue of tender forms. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 4 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 4. The tender forms can be obtained by hand but no rebate will be given in the cost of tender forms. 5. The tender forms will be issued up to 15.00 hrs. on the specified date. The same will be received Sl.No Clause Description 1 Experience 2 Turn over Should have completed in the last three financial years (i..e current year and three previous financial years) Total contract amount received during the last 3 financial years and in the current financial year. Criteria At least one similar single work, for a minimum value of 35% of advertised value of work. Should be a minimum of 150% of advertised tender value. Tenderer should produce an attested certificate from the employer/client, audited balance sheet duly certified by the Chartered Accountant and/ or attested certificates from the Central/State govt./ public sectors undertakings organization/department from where the tenderer received the payment for the work done. up to 11.00 hrs. at two places i.e. DRM/W/O/MAS and CAO/CN/O/MS ( two separate tender boxes will be placed at the said office on the date of opening mentioned and will be opened at 11.30 hours on the same date at Divisional Railway Manager /Works /Office/Chennai. In case, the date mentioned above happens to be a holiday, the tenders will be opened on the next working day at the same time. 6. The tender box is kept in the Office of DRM/Works/MAS, Southern Railway, Chennai – 3 for dropping of tenders, 3 (three) days in advance to the date of opening. The Tenderers are advised to drop their documents in the relevant tender box on any working days and up to the time and date of receipt as mentioned above. Railway shall not be responsible for any postal delays. 7. The tenderers are required to satisfy the following eligibility criteria for all works costing more than 50 lakhs: Note: a) Work executed in own name only can be considered towards eligibility criteria b) The turn over in the own name company, in whose name the tender is offered, alone will be considered. c) Consortium and firms and MOUs and sister concerns will not be considered towards eligibility criteria. 8. Documents to be submitted along with the tender. The following documents should be submitted along with the tender. a) List of works completed in the last three financial years giving description of work, organization for whom executed, approximate value of contract at the time of award, date of award and date of scheduled completion of work. Date of actual start, actual completion and final value of contract should be given. b) List of works on hand indicating description of work, contract value and approximate value of balance work yet to be done and date of award. Note: 1) In case of items (a) & (b) above, supportive documents/ certificates from the organisations with whom they worked/ are working shall be enclosed. 2) Certificate from private individuals for whom such works are executed / being executed will not be accepted. 9. The tenderers are requested to submit the requisite EMD in favour of Sr. Divisional Finance Manager, Chennai Division, Southern Railway, Chennai -3 along with the tender documents failing which their offer will be rejected. LSEMD will not be considered. 10. Submission of EMD amount in the form of Bank guarantee will not be entertained. 11. All documents to support fulfillment of eligibility criteria should be furnished along with the tender and should be available at the time of tender opening. Tenders not accompanied by documentary evidence in support of eligibility criteria will be rejected. No post tender communication in any form will be made or entertained, after opening of tenders in this regard. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 5 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 12. For other details, terms and conditions, the tenderers are advised to refer to the tender documents. 13. Price Variation Clause (PVC) shall be applicable for tenders of value more than Rs. 50 lakhs irrespective of the contract completion period and PVC shall not be applicable to tenders of value less than Rs.50 lakhs. 14. Tender document can also be down loaded from and tender document can be submitted along with a separate demand draft towards the cost of tender form at the time of tendering failing which the offer will be summarily rejected. For Divisional Railway Manager/Works/Chennai. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 6 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 SOUTHERN RAILWAY WORKS CONTRACT REGULATIONS FOR TENDERS AND CONTRACTS AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER TENDER AGREEMENT FORM Tender Notice No.MAS/12 of 2014 of dated 21.08.2014 (Item No. 22) OF DRM/Works/MAS 1. Name of the tenderer to whom The tender form is issued. (Please indicate details if the documents are down loaded from internet) 2. Address 3. Serial No. assigned to the tender form 4. Date of sale 5. Signature & name of the Official Who issued the form. Notes: (1) Transfer of tender form purchased by one tenderer to another is not permissible. (2) The tender form is required to be submitted intact together with all documents supplied at the time of sale, without any pages being removed. Any other documents required to be submitted as per the conditions shall also be attached. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the tender liable to be rejected. (3) This document is the property of southern railway and is issued only for the use of the tenderer for submitting offers and should not be used in any other form nor be copied or reproduced. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 7 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 SOUTHERN RAILWAY REGULATIONS FOR TENDERS AND CONTRACTS AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER Sl.No CONTENTS 1 Definitions 2 Singular or Plural 3 Interpretation 4 Tenders 4.1. Application for Registration 5 Tender forms 6 Omissions and Discrepancies 7 Earnest Money 8 Care in submission of tenders 9 Right of Railway to deal with tenders 10 Execution of Contract Documents 11 Form of Contract Documents 12 Form of Quotation 13 Documents of this tender 14 Drawing for this work 15 Currency for this work 16 Earnest money for this tender 17 Right to deal with this tender 18 Income Tax Clearance Certificate 19 Tenderer’s Credentials 20 Submission of tenders 21 Execution of contract documents 22 Partnership deeds, Power of Attorney etc. 23 Employment/ Partnership etc. of retired Rly. Employee. ANNEXURES (i) Tender form (ii) Form for Schedule of Quantities and rates (iii) Form for Reporting of Employment (iv) Form for letter of acceptance (v) Form for Zone Agreement (vi) Form for Work order under Zone Contract (vii) Form for Works contract Agreement. PARA 1 2 3 4.1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 22 23 25 27 28 30 Annexure I Annexure-IA Annexure-IB Annexure II Annexure-III Annexure-IIIA Annexure-IV PAGE 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 11 13 14 15 16 18 20 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 8 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 SOUTHERN RAILWAY REGULATIONS FOR TENDERS AND CONTRACTS AND INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER. (FOR THE GUIDANCE OF ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS FOR ENGINEERING WORKS UNDER WORKS CONTRACTS) MEANING OF TERMS 1. Definitions: In these Regulations for Tenders and Contracts, the following terms shall have the meanings assigned hereunder except where the context otherwise requires:a) “Railway” shall mean the President of the Republic of India or the Administrative Officers of the Southern Railway of the Successor Railway authorized to deal with any matters, which these presents are concerned on his behalf. b) “General Manager” shall mean the Officer in charge for the general superintendence and control of the Southern Railway and shall also include the General Manager (Construction), Southern Railway and shall mean and include their successors of the Successor Railway. c) “Chief Engineer” shall mean the Officer in charge of the Engineering department of the Southern Railway and shall also include the Chief Engineer (Construction), Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer, Chief Signal and Telecommunication Engineer (Construction), Chief Engineer and Chief Electrical Engineer (Construction) and shall mean and include their successors of the Successor Railway. d) “Divisional Railway Manager” shall mean the Officer in charge of a Division of the Southern Railway and shall mean and include the Divisional Railway Manager of the Successor Railway. Divisional Railway Manager (Works) shall be the Officer in charge of the Engineering Department on the Division and similar is for S & T, Electrical etc. for the concerned department. e) “Engineer” shall mean the Divisional Engineer, Southern Railway or the Executive Engineer, Southern Railway and shall mean and include the Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer, Divisional Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (Construction), Divisional Electrical Engineer and Divisional Electrical Engineer (Construction) in executive charge of the works and shall include the superior officers of the Engineering, Signal & Telecommunication, and Electrical Department of the Southern Railway, i.e. the Senior Divisional Engineer/ Deputy Chief Engineer/ Chief Engineer, Principal Chief Engineer, Deputy Chief Engineer (Construction)/ Chief Engineer (Construction) / Chief Administrative Officer (Construction), Senior Divisional Signal and Telecommunication Engineer/ Deputy Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer/ Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer, Deputy Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (Construction) / Chief Signal & Telecommunication Engineer (Construction), Senior Divisional Electrical Engineer/ Deputy Chief Electrical Engineer/ Chief Electrical Engineer, Deputy Chief Electrical Engineer (Construction)/ Chief Electrical Engineer (Construction) and other superior Officers of the concerned department of the Southern Railway and shall mean and include the Engineers of the Successor Railway. f) “Tender” shall mean the person/ the firm/ co-operative society or company whether incorporated or not who tenders for the works with a view to execute the works on contract with the Railway and shall I include their personal representatives, successors and permitted assigns: g) “Contractor” shall mean the person/ firm/ Co-operative society or company whether incorporated or not who enters into the contract with the Railway and shall include their executors, Administrators, successors and permitted assigns. h) “Contract” shall mean and include the Agreement or Work Order, the accepted schedule of rates or the printed schedule of rates of the Southern Railway modified by the tender percentage for items of works quantified or not quantified, the General conditions of Contract, the Special conditions if any, the drawings, the specifications, the special specifications if any, schedule of quantities, Manuals and instructions if any and Tender Forms if any, all in complete known as “Contract Documents”. i) “Limited Tenders” shall mean tenders invited from all or some Contractors on the approved or select list of Contractors with the Railway. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 9 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 j) “Open Tenders” shall mean the tenders invited in open and public manner and with adequate notice and publicity. k) “Works” shall mean the works to be executed in accordance with the contract. l) “Specifications” shall mean the Indian Railway Standard specification for Materials and Works 2010 (Vol. I & II) issued under the authority of Railway Board or as amplified, added to or superseded by special specifications if any, appended to the Tender Forms or as modified from time to time. m) “Schedule of Rates of the Southern Railway” shall mean the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 issued under the authority of the Chief Engineer from time to time or as amplified, added to or superseded from time to time. n) “Drawings” shall mean the maps, drawings, plans and tracings or prints thereof annexed to the Tender forms. 2. Singular or Plural: Words importing the singular number shall also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires. 3. Interpretation: These Regulations for “Tenders and Contracts shall be read in conjunction with the General conditions of contract which are referred to herein and shall be subject to modifications, additions or supersessions by special conditions of contract and / or drawings, manuals, specifications, if any, annexed to the Tender Forms. 4. Tender: Works of construction and of supply of materials shall be entrusted for execution to Contractors whose capabilities and financial status have been investigated and approved to the satisfaction of the Railway. Open tenders shall be called in open and public manner duly giving adequate publicity and notice. List of approved Contractors shall also be maintained in the Railway. The said list shall be revised periodically, once in a year or so, by giving wide publicity through advertisements etc. 4.1. Application for Registration: While seeking registration, a Contractor including a Contractor who is already on the approved list shall apply to then nearest General Manager (Construction), Chief Administrative Officer (Construction), Chief Engineer and / or Divisional Railway Manager, furnishing particulars regarding:a) his position as an independent Contractor specifying the engineering organization available with details and partners / staff/ engineers employed with qualifications and experience; b) his capacity to under take and carry out works satisfactorily as vouched for by a responsible official or firm, with details about the transport equipments, construction tools and plants etc. required for the work, maintained by him; c) his previous experience of works similar to that to be contracted for, in proof of which original certificates or testimonials may be called for and their genuineness verified if need be, by reference to the signatories thereof. d) His knowledge from actual personal investigation of the resources of the area / zone or zones in which he offers to work; e) His ability to supervise the work personally or by competent and duly authorized agents; f) His financial position; g) Authorized copy of the current Income Tax Clearance Certificate. h) Any other as called for. 4.2. An applicant shall clearly state the categories of works for which and the area/ zone/ division(s) / district(s) in which he desires registration in the list of approved Contractors. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 10 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 4.3. The selection of Contractors for enlistment in the approved list would be done by a committee for different value slabs as notified by the Railway. 4.4. An annual fee or otherwise as prescribed by the Railway from time to time would be charged from such approved Contractors to cover the cost of processing of tenders, sending notices to them, clerkage for tenders etc. 4.5. The list of approved Contractors would be treated as Confidential Office record. TENDERS FOR WORKS 5.Tender Forms: Tender Forms will embody the contents of the Contract Documents either directly or by reference. Tender Forms shall be issued on payment of prescribed fees to the appropriate Contractors on the list of Approved Contractors. Contractors not on the list of Approved Contractors, will, on payment of the prescribed fees, be furnished with Tender Forms and they shall be required to submit evidence regarding their financial status, previous experience and ability to execute the works, and an authorized copy of the current Income Tax Clearance Certificate without which their ability to execute the works, and an authorized copy of the current Income Tax Clearance Certificate without which their tenders will not be considered. All pages of the Tender Forms , as per specimen form at Annexure I and I(A) and ((B) and all other annexures, including the “Regulations and Instructions”, shall be signed by the Tenderer clearly in acceptance of the same while submitting the tender. No alterations/ corrections/ modifications of the Tender Forms is admissible. Tenders with such altered/ corrected/ modified Tender Forms will be rejected by the Chief Engineer/ Chief Engineer (Construction)/ Divisional Railway Manager. The tender documents shall be witnessed by two individuals of appropriate status. 6.Omissions and Discrepancies: Should a Tenderer find discrepancies in, or omissions from the drawings or any of the Tender Forms or other Contract Documents or should he be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once notify the authority inviting tenders who may send a written instruction to all Tenderers. It shall be under stood that every endeavor has been made to avoid any error which can materially affect the basis of the tender and the successful Tenderer shall take upon himself and provide for the risk of any errors, omissions and discrepancies which may subsequently be discovered and shall make no subsequent claim on account thereof. 7. Earnest Money: a) The Tenderer shall be required to deposit Earnest Money with the tender for the due performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open till such date as specified in the tender, under condition of tender. The Earnest money shall be as follows : Value of the work (Tender Value) EMD For works estimated to cost up to Rs.1 Crore. For works estimated to cost more than Rs.1 Crore. 2% of the estimated cost of the work. Rs.2 lakhs plus ½% ( half percent) of the excess of estimated cost of work beyond Rs.1 Crore subject to a maximum of Rs.1 Crore. b) It shall be under stood that the tender documents have been sold/ issued to the Tenderer and the Tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of stipulation on his part and that after submitting his tender he will not resile from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Engineer. Should the Tenderer fail to observe or comply with the said stipulation, the aforesaid amount shall be liable to be forfeited to the Railway. c) If his tender is accepted this Earnest Money mentioned in sub clause (a) above will be retained as part security for the due and faithful fulfillment of the contract in terms of Clause – 16 of the General conditions of Contract. The Earnest Money of other Tenderers shall, save as herein before provided, be returned to them, but the Railway shall not be responsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen thereto while in their possession, nor be liable to pay interest thereon. 2) The Earnest money should be in cash or in any of the following forms: Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 11 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 (i) Deposit receipts, pay orders, demand drafts. These forms of Earnest Money could be either of the State Bank of India or of any of the Nationalized Banks. No confirmatory advice from the Reserve Bank of India will be necessary. 8. Care in submission of Tenders: a) Before submitting a tender, the Tenderer will be deemed to have satisfied himself by actual inspection of the site and locality of the works that all conditions liable to be encountered during the execution of the works are taken into account and that the rates he enters in the Tender Forms are adequate and all inclusive to accord with the provisions in Clause –37 of the General conditions of Contract for the completion of works to be entire satisfaction of the Engineer. b) When work is tendered for by a firm or company of Contractors, the tender shall be signed by the individual legally authorized to enter into commitments on their behalf. c) The Railway will not be bound by any power of attorney granted by the Tenderer or by changes in the composition of the firm made subsequent to the execution of the contract. It may, however, recognize such power of attorney and changes after obtaining proper legal advice, the cost of which will be chargeable to the contractor. 9.Right of Railway to deal with Tenders: The Railway reserves the right of not to invite tenders for any of the Railway work or works or to invite open or limited tenders and when tenders are called, to accept a tender in whole or in part or reject any tender or all tenders without assigning reasons for any such action. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 10. Execution of Contract Documents: The tenderer whose tender is accepted shall be required to appear in person at the Office of the General Manager/ General Manager (Construction) Chief Administrative Officer (Construction)/ Chief Engineer/ Divisional Railway Manager or the concerned Engineer, as the case may be or in case of a firm or corporation, a duly authorized representative shall so appear and execute the Contract Documents with in 7 days (seven) after notice that the contract has been awarded to him and / or on receipt of the letter of acceptance of the tender, in specimen form at Annexure II. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of the letter of acceptance of the tender, in specimen form at Annexure II. Failure to do so shall constitute a breach of the agreement affected by the acceptance of prejudice to any other rights or remedies available to the Railway. 10.1. In the event of any Tenderer whose tender is accepted refusing to execute the Contract documents as here in before provided, the Railway may determine that such Tenderer has abandoned the contract and there upon his tender and acceptance thereof shall be treated as cancelled and the Railway shall be entitled to forfeit the full amount of the Earnest Money and also to recover the damages for such default. 11. Form of Contract Documents: Every contract shall be complete in respect of the document it shall so constitute . The Contract documents shall include all or any of the documents listed in the definition for “Contract” updated to the date of issue of tender notice for the work. It should be under stood that every endeavor has been made by the Railways to update all the documents and the Tenderer shall take upon himself and provide for the work of any deficiency or error in this regard which may subsequently be discovered and shall make no subsequent claims on account thereof. Not less than 3 (three) copies of the Contract Documents, shall be signed by the competent authority and the contractor and one copy given to the Contractor. a) For Zone or Zonal contracts, awarded on the basis of the percentage at par or above or below the Unified standard schedule of Rates of the Engineering Department and/ or other departments of the Southern Railway for the whole or part of financial year, the contract agtreement required to be executed by the Tenderer whose tender is accepted shall be as per specimen form at Annexure III or as may be prescribed by the Railway. During the currency of the Zone contract, Work orders as per specimen form at Annexure III (A), for Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 12 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 works not exceeding Rs.2,00,000/- each, or so as specified by the Railway, will be issued by the Divisional Railway Manager / Engineer under the agreement for the Zonal contract. b) For contracts for specific works, valued at more than Rs.10,000/- the contract agreement to be executed by the Tenderer whose tender is accepted shall be as per specimen form at Annexure IV or so as may be prescribed by the Railway. 12. FORM OF QUOTATION: a) The tender shall be submitted in the prescribed form annexed hereto at Annexure I, I (A) , I (B) and other relevant annexures, quoting a percentage above or below or par the rates shown in the printed Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011, as corrected by and upto Correction Slip No………… of ………. And lump sum rates for the items given in other schedules in the tender. The quotations will be subject to the general and special instructions contained in the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 and the other documents of the contract Documents to which the Tenderers” special attention is drawn. The percentage and rates quoted must be clearly written in figures and words and the percentage quoted shall apply to all items in all the Chapters of the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011. The percentage/ rates quoted must be firm, precise and unconditional. c) If any item is excluded by the Tenderer while submitting his tender, the Engineer may reject the tender. INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS AND CONDITIONS OF TENDER 13. The following documents form part of this Tender/ Contract: a) Tender Forms and schedule of approximate quantities (including all Annexures ) (enclosed) b) Special Conditions/ specifications and special specifications (enclosed) c) Printed General conditions of Contract and Indian Railway Standard specification for Materials and Works 2010 (Vol.I&II) issued under the authority of Railway Board as amended/ corrected up to correction slips up to date, copies of which can be seen in the Office of the Engineer/ Chief Engineer (Construction) or obtained from the office of the Chief Engineer (Construction)/ Divisional Railway Manager/………………of Southern Railway, ………….. on payment of Rs. & Rs. ………..per copy respectively. d) Printed Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011, as amended/ corrected upto Correction slip upto date, copies of which can be seen/ obtained in/ from the office of above on payment of Rs. ………. Per copy. e) All general and detailed drawings pertaining to the work which will be issued by the Engineer or his representatives (from time to time) with all changes and modifications. 14.Drawings for this work: The drawing for the work can be seen in the office of the Chief Engineer/ Chief Engineer (Construction) / Divisional Railway Manager/ Engineer at any time during the office hour. The drawings are only for the guidance of tenderer. Detailed working drawings (if required) based generally on the drawing mentioned above, will be given by the Engineer or his representative from time to time. 14.1The tenderer shall quote his rates as a percentage above or below or at par Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 as applicable to Sr. DEN/DEN……….. of ……….Division except where he is required to quote item rates/ lump sum and must tender for all the items shown in the schedule of approximate quantities attached. The quantities shown in the attached schedule are given as a guide and are approximate only and are subject to variation according to the needs of Railway. The Railway does not also guarantee work under each item of the schedule. 14.2Tenders containing erasures and/ or alterations of the tender documents are liable to rejected. Any correction made by the tenderer in his entries must be attested by him. 15.Currency for the work: The woks are required to be completed WITHIN SIX MONTHS from the date of issue of the acceptance of letter. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 13 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 16. EARNEST MONEY FOR THIS TENDER: a) The tender must be accompanied by a sum of ` 1,94,480/as Earnest Money deposited 1,94,480 n cash or in any of the forms as mentioned herein before, failing which the tender will not be considered. b) The Tenderer shall keep the offer open for a minimum period of 90 days from the date of opening of the tender. It is under stood that the tender documents has been sold/ issued to the Tenderer and the Tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of the stipulation on his part that after submitting his tender subject to the period being extended further if required by mutual agreement from time to time, he will not resile from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Engineer / Railway. Should the tenderer fail to observe or comply with the foregoing stipulation, the amount deposited as Earnest Money, for the due performance of the above stipulation, shall be forfeited to the Railway. c) If the tender is accepted, the amount of Earnest Money will be retained and adjusted as Security Deposit for the due and faithful fulfillment of the contract. This amount of Security Deposit shall be forfeited if the Tenderer/ contractor fail to execute the Agreement Bond with in 7 days after receipt of notice issued by the Railway that such documents are ready or to commence the work within 15 days after receipt of the orders to that effect. d) The Earnest Money of the unsuccessful tenderer(s) will, save as herein before provided, be returned to the unsuccessful tenderer(s) within a reasonable time but the railway shall not be responsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen to the security for the due performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open for the period specified in the tender documents or to the Earnest Money while in their possession nor be liable to pay interest thereon. 17. Right of the Railway to deal with this Tender: The authority for the acceptance of the tender will rest with the Railway. It shall not be obligatory on the said authority to accept the lowest tender or any other tender and no Tenderer shall demand any explanation for the cause of rejection of his tender nor the Railway under take to assign reasons for declining to consider or reject any particular tender or tenders. 17.1. If the tenderer deliberately gives wrong information in his tender or creates circumstances for the acceptance of his tender, the Railway reserves the right to reject such tender at any stage. 17.2. If the Tenderer expires after the submission of his tender or after the acceptance of his tender, the Railway shall deem such tender as cancelled. If a partner of a firm expires after the submission of their tender of after the acceptance of their tender, the Railway shall deem such tender as cancelled the firm retains its character. 18. Income-Tax Clearance Certificate: The Tenderer is required to produce along with his tender an authorised copy of the Income-Tax Clearance Certificate ore a sworn affidavit duly countersigned by the Income/Tax Officer to the effect that he has no taxable income. 19. Tenderer’s Credentials: Documents testifying the Tenderer’s previous experience and financial status should be produced along with the tender or when desired by the competent authority of the Railway. 19.1. Tenderer who has not carried out any work so far on the Railway and who is not borne on the approved list of the Contractors of the Southern Railway should submit along with his tender credentials to establish:(i) (ii) (iii) His capacity to carry out the works satisfactorily. His financial status supported by Bank reference and other documents. Certificates duly attested and testimonials regarding contracting experience for the type of job for which tender is invited with list of works carried out in the past. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 14 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 20.Submission Tender: “Tender must be enclosed in a sealed cover, superscribed “Tender Notice No……………”/” Item No……………”/” Name of the WORK.” and must be sent by registered post to the address of the tender calling authority so as to reach at the time, date, specified in the tender OR deposit in the special box allotted for the purpose. This special box will be sealed at 11.00 hours on the date of the opening. Tenderers may paste the “Tender Cover Sheet”, printed along with this tender to fulfill super scribing requirements as specified in this clause. 21. Execution of Contract Documents: The successful Tenderer shall be required to execute an agreement with the President of India acting through the Divisional Railway Manager/ Works, Southern Railway for carrying out the work according to the Contract Documents. 22. Partnership deeds, Power of Attorney etc.,: The Tenderer shall clearly specify whether the tender is submitted on his own or on behalf of a Partnership concern. If the tender is submitted on behalf of a Partnership Concern, he should submit the certified copy of partnership deed along with the tender and authorisation to sign the tender documents on behalf of Partnership Concern. If these documents are not enclosed along with tender documents, the tender will be treated as having been submitted by individual signing the tender documents. The Railway will not be bound by any power of attorney granted by the Tenderer or by changes in the composition of the firm made subsequent to the execution of the contract. It may, however, recognise such power of attorney and changes after obtaining proper legal advice, the cost of which will be chargeable to the Contractor. 22.1. The Tenderer, whether Sole Proprietor, a Limited Company or a Partnership Concern, if they want to act through an agent or individual partner should submit along with the tender or at a later stage, a power of attorney duly stamped and authenticated by a Notary Public or by Magistrate in favour of the specific person whether he be partner of the firm of any other person specifically authorising him to submit the tender, sign the agreement, receive money, witness measurements, sign measurement books, compromise, settle, relinquish any claim)s_ preferred by the firm and sign the “No Claim Certificate” and refer all or any disputes to arbitration. 23. Employment/Partnership, etc., of Retired Railway Employees: (1)Should a Tenderer be a retired engineer of the Gazetted rank or any other Gazetted officer working before his retirement, whether in the executive or administrative capacity, or whether holding a pension able post or not, in any department of any of the Railway owned and administered by the President of India for the time being or should a Tenderer being a partnership Concern have as one of its partners a retired engineer or retired Gazetted Officer as aforesaid, or should a Tenderer being an incorporated Company have any such retired Engineer or retired Officer as one of its Directors, or should a Tender have in his employment any retired Engineer or retired Officer as aforesaid. The full information as to the date of retirement of such Engineer or Government service at least 2 years prior to the date of submission of the tender as to whether permission for taking such contract, or if the Contractor be a partnership firm or an incorporated Company, to become a partner or Director as the case may be or to take the employment under the Contractor has been obtained by the Tenderer or the Engineer or Officer as the case may be from the President of India or any Office, duly authorised by him in this behalf shall be clearly stated in writing at the time of submitting the tender. Tenders without the information above referred to or without a statement to the effect that no such retired Engineer or retired Gazetted Officer is so associated with the Tenderer, as the case may be shall be rejected. (2)Should a Tenderer or Contractor being an individual on the list of approval Contractors. have a relative(s) or in the case of Partnership Concern or Company of Contractors one or more of his shareholder(s) or a relative(s) of the shareholder(s) employed in Gazetted capacity in any department of any of the Railways, the authority inviting tenders shall be informed of the fact at the time of submission of tender, failing which the tender may be disqualified/rejected or if such fact subsequently comes to light, the contract may be rescinded in accordance with the provision in clause 62 of the General Conditions of Contractor: Non-compliance with any of the conditions set forth herein above is liable to result in the tender being rejected. (………………………………..) Signature of the Tenderer(s) Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 15 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Place: Name: Date: Address: Signature, name and addresses of the witnesses to the signature of the Tenderer(s): 1. 2. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 16 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Annexure-I SOUTHERN RAILWAY REF. No./DATE…………….. To THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA, acting through the Divisional Railway Manager/Works/Chennai Division Southern Railway…………………………….. Name of Work – As per the schedule Tender Notice No.MAS/12 of 2014 of dated 21.08.2014 (Item No. 22) 1. I/We……………………………………………., have read the conditions of tender attached hereto and agree to abide by said conditions. I/we have perused the Contract Documents (i.e. the General Conditions of contract, Special Conditions and Specifications, special specifications and Indian Railway Standard specification for Materials and Works 2010(Vol.I & II) issued under the authority of Railway Board and Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 and all other documents attached to the tender) and that I/We am/are fully aware that I/We will have to perform the contract if my/our tender is accepted subject to the Contract Documents complete aforesaid. I/We offer to do the works of the ……………………………………….…………………………………………………………… …………………………………..” at the rates shown in the printed Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 of the Senior DEN/DEN/……………../………….. portion of …………………….. division as corrected by and up o correction slip no…… of ……………. At par/enhanced/diminished by …………………. Per cent in respect of Schedule `A’ (items covered by the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011) and the rates quoted by me/us in respect of Schedules…………….. (items not covered by the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011) and lump sum rates for the items given in Schedule ……………. And hereby bind myself/ ourselves to complete the work in …………… months from the date of issue of the letter of acceptance. 2.We also agree to keep this tender open for acceptance for a period of …………………Days from the date fixed for opening the same and in default thereof I/We will be liable for forfeiture of my/our “ Earnest Money”. 3. A sum of Rs……….. is herewith forwarded as Earnest Money. The full value of the Earnest Money shall stand forfeited without prejudice to any other right or remedies available to the Railway in case my/our tender is accepted and if: (A) I/we do not execute the Contract Documents within seven days after receipt of notice issued by the Railway that such documents are ready: or (B) I/we do not commence the work within fifteen days after receipt of orders to that effect. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 17 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 4. I/We agree that until a format agreement is prepared and executed, acceptance of this tender shall constitute a binding contract between us subject to modifications as may be mutually agreed to between us and indicated in the letter of acceptance of my/our offer for this work. 5. I/We also undertake to carry out the work in accordance with the said plans, specifications and conditions of contract, and to find and provide such of the materials (other than those to be supplied by the Railway) for, and to do all such thins which in the opinion of the Engineer may be necessary for, or incidental to the construction, completion and maintenance thereof and to complete the whole of the said works in all respects, and hand them over to you or your representative(s) within the period specified, and to maintain the same for the period and in the manner provided in the conditions of contract. ……………………………... (SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERS) PLACE: DATE: NAME : ADDRESS: SIGNATURE & ADDRESS OF WITNESSES TO THE SIGNATURE OF THE TENDERER(S) Witensses: 1. Signature…………… Date……… Name………. Address……………….. 2. Signature…………… Date……… Name………. Address……………….. ***** Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 18 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Annexure-IA SOUTHERN RAILWAY Name of work: …………….Tender Notice No………… Item No………. FORM FOR SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND RATES. Sl.No. Item No. (1) (2) Description of Approximate Unit Item of work Quantity (3) (4) Rates in Amount in Figures and Figures and In Words. In Words. (5) (6) (7) I/We undertake to do the work at ………………% above/ below or at par Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 (as corrected/ amended by up-to-date) as applicable to Sr.DEN/DEN /………………………….. Division or at the rates quoted above for each item. Place : Date: ………………………… Signature of the Tenderer(s) Notes: 1. The quantities shown in the above schedule are approximate and are as a guide to give the Tenderer(s) an idea of the quantum of work involved. The Railway reserves the right to increase/decrease and/or delete or include any of the quantities given above and no extra rate will be allowed on this account. 2. Suitable schedules for USSOR items and other items shall be used. 3. Columns 1 to 5 shall be filled by the Office of the Authority inviting tender. Coloumns 6 & 7 shall be filled by the Tenderer(s) only when percentage tenders are not invited. For percentage tenders, form shall be modified suitably. Separate schedules shall be used for separately identifiable group of works/items. Each page of the schedule should be signed by the Tenderer with name, date and plate. Signature & ADDRESS of the witnesses to the signature of the tenderer(s) 1. SIGNATURE :………………… DATE……… NAME……….. ADDRESS…. 2. SIGNATURE :………………… DATE……… NAME……….. ADDRESS…. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 19 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Annexure-IB FORM FOR REPORTING OF EMPLOYMENT (Proforma to be filled in and signed by the Tenderer and submitted along with the tender with reference to clause No.30 of the conditions under “ Regulations” of the tender) (strike out whichever is not applicable) The undersigned – (a) is a retired Gazetted officer holding prior to retirement a pensionable / non-pensionable post in the Engineering Department of the ………………..Railway. (b) is a partnership firm having as one of ;its partners a retired Engineer or a retired Gazetted Officer as aforesaid. (c) Is an incorporated company having any such retired Gazetted officer as aforesaid, as one of its directors. (d) Is having in my employment any retired Engineer or retired Gazetted officer as aforesaid. (e) Has no such retired Engineer or retired Gazetted officer so associated with me as stated above. 2. If falling under any of the above categories (a) to (d), particulars of the officer may furnished hereunder: (i)Post held before retirement ………………………………. (ii) Date of retirement…………………….. (iii) …………………………………………………………. (iv) If not retired at least two years prior to date of submission of tender ………… state whether permission for taking such contracts has been obtained from the President of India or any officer duly authorized in this behalf. 3. If the Tenderer or in the case of a firm or company, any of the shareholders has a relative or relatives employed in Gazetted capacity in the Engineering or any other Department of the Railways, particulars of such relatives in the Railway may be furnished hereunder… (i) Name … … .. ………………………. (ii) Designation … … … (iii) Relationship … … … …………………………………….. ……………………………………………. ……………….. Signature of Tenderer(s) NAME……… ………… ADDRESS :……………. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 20 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Annexure – II Southern Railway FORM FOR ACCEPTANCE OF TENDERER (This if only for guidance. The issuing authority will decide the format and contents based complete Contract Documents) No. W…………………………………………………… SHRI./M/S………………………………………………. ……………………………………………. ……………………………………………. Sir(s), NAME OF WORK:……………………………./………………………… TENDER NOTICE NO:……………………….ITEM NO…………………. I accept the tender offered by you for the above work and agree to pay the rates as per Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011, as corrected by and upto Correction Slip No……….of………….at the rates at par/enhanced/diminished by………………………..per cent in respect of Schedule ‘A’ (items covered by the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011_ and at the rates as entered in the Schedule(1)…………….(items not covered by the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011) and lump sum rates for the items given in Schedule(s)…………………. The agreement for the contract for the above work shall be signed by you within days of receipt of this letter, which is dispatched by registered post acknowledgement due. This letter of acceptance forms part of the Contract Documents governing this contract. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter. DIVISIONALRAILWAY MANAGER/WORKS/……… ……………………………… ………….. …………………………………………………….. (On behalf of the President of India) PLACE: DATE: WITNESSES: 1. 2. Signature…………………..Date………..Name……………. Address…………… Signature……………………Date……….Name……………..Address…………... ………………. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 21 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Annexure-III Southern Railway FORM FOR AGREEMENT FOR ZONE (ZONAL) CONTRACT CONTRACT(ZONAL) AGRTEEMENT NO……………….DATED………… 1. Articles of agreement made this…………………….day of……………….of 20… Between the “President of India” acting through the………………………………. Of Southern Railway, herein after called for “Railway” of the one part and………………………………………..herein after called the “Contractor” of the other part. 2. Whereas the Contractor has agreed with the Railway during the period of………..months from…………to…………………..for the performance of: a) New works, additions and alterations to existing structures, special repair works and supply of building materials and b) All ordinary repair and maintenance works: Subject to the contract value of each such work not exceeding to Rs. 2,00,000/And whereas the Contractor has agreed to carry out the works at any site in Zone…………….as detailed in the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 or in SSE/SE(P.Way/Works)/………….section as may be entrusted to h im at the option of the Railway from time to time during the said contract period and as will be set forth in the Work Orders (which Work Orders shall be deemed and taken to be part of this contract) that will be issaued during the said period at par/………………………..percent above/below the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011, corrected up Printed/Advance Correction Slip No……………dated……………..and as per the Contract Documents complete and whereas the performance of the said works is an act in which the public are interested. 3. And whereas this contract does not cover/covers supply of ballast included in the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011. 4. And whereas in the case of bad work or materials, the Engineer may take such action as may be deemed necessary under the relevant clauses of the conditions of contract. 5. And whereas the Contractor has deposited a lump sum of Rs…………./- as Earnest Money to cover for tendering against any number of works on the Southern Railway and has agreed to furnish the full Security Deposit as per rules in force and whereas the Security Deposit is at the instance of the Contractor recovered at 10 percent of the value of the running bills till the amount of Security Deposit of Rs………………………is fully recovered. And whereas the Contractor has deposited a sum of Rs……………../- towards the Earnest Money and whereas the balance in the Security Deposit after adjustment of Earnest Money of Rs……………………….originally paid by the Contractor is at the instance recovered at 10 percent of the value of the running bills till the amount of Security Deposit of Rs…………………… is fully recovered. The contract shall be in force for the period mentioned above, However, the Chief Engineer/Chief Engineer (Construction)/ Divisional Railway Manager/……../Engineer may at his option and without assigning any reasons for so doing, put an end to this contract at any time. In such case the Contractor will be given a clear notice of three months to enable him to complete all the works entrusted to his through work orders. Now this indenture witnesseth that in consideration of the payments to be made by the Railway, the Contractor will duly perform the works set forth in the said Work orders and will execute the same great promptness, care and accuracy in a work man like manner to the satisfaction of the Railway and will complete the same on or before the respective dates specified therein in accordance with the said specifications and said drawings if 6. 7. 8. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 22 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 9. 10. any) and the said Contract Documents complete, and will fulfill and keep all the conditions there in mentioned (which shall be deemed and taken to be part of this contract as if the same had been fully set forth therein), and the Railway doth hereby agree that if the Contractor shall duly perform the said works in the manner aforesaid and observe and keep the said terms and conditions, the Railway will pay or cause to be paid to the Contractor for the said works on the completion thereof, the amount due in respect thereof, at the rates specified in the schedule(s) here to annexed. Entrustment of all or any of the works referred to in clause 2 above to the Contractor shall be at the option of the Railway. The cost of stamp duty on the agreement shall be borne by the Railway administration. zone details and rates under this contract are as under: Zone Permanent Way section/ section Rate as per Sr. DEN/ DEN………….. of…………….. Divn. DIVISIONAL RAILWAY MANAGER/Works (for the President of India) Rates of Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 as corrected upto correction slip No……. dt ………. At par/ enhanced/ diminished by Percentage shown below. % In figures % in words At par/ above/ below Signature of Tenderer/Contractor ……………….. ………… Signature & address of witness to the signature of the Contractor. Witness No.1 ……………………/ Signature …………………….. Date …………………. Address……………………………….. Witness No. 2…………………./ Signature ………………………. Date …………… Address…………………………………………. Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 23 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Annexure-III A Southern Railway FORM FOR WORK ORDER UNDER ZONE CONTRACT WORK ORDER NO……………………..DATED……………………..UNDER CONTRACT AGREEMENT NO……………………….DATED………………………….. Name of work……………………….(site) Schedule of drawings …………………………………………………………………………. Authority ……………………………………….. Allocation ………………………………... Zone…………………………………………… Division ………………………………….. The Contractor(s)…………………………………………… is/ are hereby ordered to carry out the following works at…………………… under zone – contract agreement herein before referred to. Sl.N o 1 Item No Description item of work 2 3 of Approximate quantity Unit 4 5 Rates in fig. And in words as in schedule annexed to the Zone contract agreement. Rs. P. 6 Amount Rs. 7 P. The works herein mentioned are required to be completed on or before…………………….. (date). The quantities provided herein are approximate and subject to variation under Clause 42 of the General conditions of Contract of the Railway, read in conjunction with Special Conditions, if any and other Contract Documents as applicable. (……………………………………) Signature of Tenderer/Contractor Divisional Railway Manager/Works/……………../Divisional Engineer/……….. …………………………………. Division …………………Railway (for the President of India) Place: Date: I agree to complete the works herein set forth on or before the date specified under the Zone Contract Agreement herein before referred to in conformity with the drawings here to annexed, if any, and in accordance with the General and Special (if any) Conditions of Contract and Indian Railway Standard specification for Materials and Works 2010(Vol.I & II) with all Correction Slips/Amendments uptodate. (………………………………………..) Contractor’s NameAddress Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 24 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Signature of witnesses with address to signature of the Contractor: Witness No.1: Signature ……….. Date…… Name………. Address……………… Witness No.2: Signature ……….. Name………. Date…… Address…………… Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 25 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Annexure-IV Southern Railway FORM FOR AGREEMENT FOR WORKS CONTRACTS NAME OF WORK:………………………………………………………………………… 1. Articles of agreement made this……………….. day of ……………of 20… between the “President of India “President of India” acting through …………./Chief Engineer/ the Chief Engineer (Construction) / Divisional Railway Manager ……………….. of Southern Railway Administration herein after called the “Railway” of the one part and ……………………………………………… hereinafter called the “Contractor” of the other part. 2.Whereas the Contractor has agreed with the Railway for the performance of the works “…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………” Set forth in the schedules(s) hereto annexed and in conformity with Indian Railway Standard specification for Materials and Works 2010(Vol.I & II) issued under the authority of Railway Board the conditions and special conditions, special specifications and drawings, manuals and guidelines hereto annexed, if any, and the General Conditions of Contract, all known as “Contract Documents”, and whereas the performance of the said work is an act in which the public are interested. 3. And whereas the Contractor has deposited a lump sum of Rs……../- as Earnest Money to cover for tendering against any number of works on the Southern Railway and has agreed to furnish the full Security Deposit as per rules in force and whereas the Security Deposit is at the instance of the Contractor recovered at 10 per cent of the value of the running bills till the amount of Security Deposit of Rs…………………. is fully recovered. And whereas the Contractor has deposited a sum of Rs…………… /- towards the Earnest Money and whereas the balance in the Security Deposit after adjustment of Earnest Money of Rs…………………….. originally paid by the Contractor is at the instance of the Contractor recovered at 10 per cent of the value of the running bill till all the amount of Security Deposit of Rs…………….. is fully recovered. 4. Now this indenture witnesseth that in consideration of the payments to be made by the Railway, the Contractor will duly perform the said works in the said schedules set forth and shall execute the same with great promptness, care and accuracy in a workmanlike manner to the satisfaction of the Railway and will complete the same in accordance with the Contract Documents on or before the ………….. day of ……………of 20………and will maintain the said works for a period of …………..calendar months from the certified date of their completion and will observe, fulfill and keep all the conditions therein mentioned (which shall be deemed and taken to be part of this contract as if the same had been fully set forth herein), and the Railway doth hereby agree that if the Contractor shall duly perform the said works in the manner aforesaid and observe and keep ;the said terms and conditions, the Railway will pay or cause to be paid to the Contractor for the said works on the final completion thereof, the amount due in respect thereof, at the rates set forth in the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 as corrected by and upto Correction Slip No……..of ……… for Sr.D.E.N./D.EN /……………………..of……………divisions at par/enhanced/diminished by……….per cent in respect of Schedule `A’ (items covered by the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011) and at the rates shown in Schedule(s)……………(items not covered by the Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011) and at the lump sum rates for items given in Schedule(s)……….. 5. It is hereby agreed and declared that all the provisions of the said Contract Documents, which have been carefully read and understood by the Contractor, shall be as binding upon the Contractor and upon the Railway as if the same had been repeated herein and shall be read as part of these presents. 6. The cost of stamp duty on this agreement shall be borne by the Railway Administration. Divisional Railway Manager/Works/……………../Divisional Engineer/……….. …………………………………. Division …………………Railway (for the President of India) Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 26 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Place: Date: Signature of witnesses with address to signature of the Contractor: Witness No.1: Signature ……….. Date…… Name………. Address……………… Witness No.2: Signature ……….. Date…… Name………. Address…………… Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 27 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 ANNEXURE – V STATEMENT OF WORKS ON HAND Sl.No. I. Name of the Organisation Name of work Place of work Value of work Present physical progress Likely date of completion Southern Railway i. Open line in the seven Division of Southern Railway ii. On organisation under CAO/CN/BNC iii. On organisation under CAO/CN/MS iv. Metropolitan Transport Project under CAO/CN/MTP/MS v. Rly. Electrification progress II. Other Railways Private sector undertakings. The information furnished above are correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief. We are/I am aware that if the information furnished above are found to be wrong or incomplete or any relevant information is to have been supressed, the tenderer is liable to be rejected at any stage, as per clause 8 of the conditions of the tender. We are/I am aware that if the declarations as above, in the tender are found to be not true, any agreement that may be entered into is also liable to be terminated by the Railway. Signature of Tenderer/ Contractor Place: Date: Signature of Tenderer/Contractor 28 BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 ANNEXURE – VI LIST OF PLANT AND MACHINERY AVAILABLE ON HAND (OWN) AND PROPOSED TO BE INDUCTED ( OWN OR HIRED TO BE GIVEN SEPARATELY) Sl.No. Name of the plant Identification Date of No. & Registration 1 2 3 procurement 4 Capacity / Qty. Present Rating No. condition 5 6 7 Signature of the Tenderer: Name : Date : 29 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 ANNEXURE - VII LIST OF PERSONNEL ORGANISATION AVAILABLE ON HAND Sl.No. Name & Designation Qualification Experience Date of Remarks appointment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Signature of the Tenderer: Name : 30 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 SOUTHERN RAILWAY ANNEXURE –VIII SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT (GENERAL): 1.0.0.The special conditions of contract: “The Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011” corrected upto “Indian Railway Standard specification for Materials and Works 2010(Vol.I & II) issued under the authority of Railway Board” of the Engg. Dept., Southern Rly upto correction slip No.7 of 19.11.83 any other approved specifications to the relevant “The regulations for tenders and contracts”, “Conditions of tender”, “Tender agreement form”, “General conditions of contract 1984, corrected upto date of submission of tender, The “contract labour (Regulation and abolition) Act 1970 and “Central Rules 1971, as amended from time to time and specific drawings issued for the purpose of this work govern this contract. It may be noted that the “General conditions of contract” together with its correction slips is not attached to the tender form. It can be obtained from the office of DRM/Works/Chennai Division, Southern Rly, Chennai-3 on production of a cash receipt for the sum of Rs.50/- paid to the Sr. Divl. Cashier, Southern Rly., failing which shall be deemed that the contractor is in possession of the same. 1.0.1: Items in Schedule “A” are based on Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 for Chennai Division which does not include the supply of cement and reinforcement except some items wherever mentioned. For this work it is proposed that cement and reinforcement steel will not be supplied by railway and the same has to be procured and supplied by the contractor which will be paid separately by Railway under relevant items of Schedule “A1 & A2”. 1.0.2. The tenderer shall quote his rate `at par’ or a collective percentage “Above” or “Below” the total value of schedule A , separately for each sub work. 1.0.3. Similarly Schedule “B” provides for the items which are not covered by Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011. 1.0.4 : Schedule “A1" provides for supply of cement and Schedule "A2" provides Supplying reinforcement for R.C.C. work including straightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete that are covered by Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 and the contractor shall quote his rate `at par’ or a collective percentage “Above” or “Below” the total value of schedule A1, A2 respectively. 2.0.0. If any other items of work covered by Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 and not covered by Sch.A but are incidental to the work are required to be carried out during the actual execution of work, the same will have to be carried out at the same percentage as accepted for sch. A of this tender. 2.0.1: The tenderer while indicating rates for all the above items shall include the cost of procurement. Excise duty Sales Tax, transportation of materials to the work site and storage etc. Also necessary test certificates will have to be produced by the tenderer with regard to the quality of materials which shall confirm to specification as indicated below: CEMENT 43 Grade IS 8112 – 1989 53 grade IS 12269 – 1987 Reinforcement steel – IS 1786 – 1985 2.0.2 : Railway also reserve the right to take sample during the course of work to get the cement and steel tested for ascertaining their conformity with specification. The cost of testing will have to be borne by the tenderer/contractor. 2.0.3: Any temporary structure required for storage of cement and steel has to be provided by the tenderer at his own cost. This will be removed after completion of the work. Railway will only provide suitable land for construction of the temporary shed free of cost if feasible. A double lock arrangement (contractor and Railway) for the temporary store site should be provided. 3.0. : PROCUREMENT OF CEMENT: 31 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 3.0.1.: Cement to be used on the works should be procured from the main cement plants or from their authorized dealers. 3.0.2 : Cement bags in packing should bear the following information in legible markings. i. ii. iii. iv. v. Manufacturer”s Name Registered Trade Mark of manufacturer, if any Type of cement. Weight of each bag in Kgs or No. of bags/tonne. Date of manufacture, generally marked as week of the year/year of manufacture, eg. 30/93 th which means 30 week of 1993. 3.0.3 Test on cement to be conducted as per IS 4031. Some of the tests which may be carried out are: i. ii. iii. iv. Compressive strength Initial and final setting time Consistency Soundness 3.0.4: Empty cement bags would be the property of the contractor and shall be disposed off by the contractor himself. In case the Railway is in need of empty cement bags, good and usable empty cements bags are to be supplied by the contractor at the rate of Rs.2/- per bag for empty cement gunny bags and rs.1.40 per bag for empty polythene/paper bags. 3.1.0 Consumption of cement: 3.1.1. For M,20 and M.25 mix of cement concrete, quantity of cement will be based on the design mix for concreting under water 10% extra quantity will be allowed. 3.1.2: The contractor should submit design for the same before starting the work and obtain the trial mix approved by Engineer-in-charge/DRM(Works), Chennai Division, Southern Railway, before the execution of work. 3.1.3: The minimum grade of plain cement concrete shall be M.20 and that of Reinforcement cement concrete shall be M.25. Only approved design mix shall be used for the concrete. The quantity of cement has to be as per Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011 & Indian Railway Standard specification for Materials and Works 2010.(Vol. I & II) 3.1.4 The cement consumption of the works which are not based on design mix, shall be as per the “Southern Railway Unified Standard Schedule of Rates 2011” and as per the “Indian Railway Standard specification for Materials and Works 2010(Vol.I & II) issued under the authority of Railway Board” of Southern Railway. 3.1.5 THE weighment batching should be done for the design mix concreting works. 4.0.0. PROCUREMENT FOR STEEL: 4.0.1. Steel shall be procured from the main producer such as SAIL/TISCO/IISO/TINL-VSP or authorized stock yards and has to be confirmed to IS 1786-1985.Rerolled steel will not be accepted 4.1.0 : PAYMENT FOR STEEL: 4.1.1. Payment for steel (reinforcement) will be as per the reinforcement actually utilized in the work. No extra amount will be paid for wastage or for cut rods if any, which would be the property of the contractor. The weight of the steel will be calibrated from the nominal or actual unit weight whichever is less: Any excess quantity of cement and steel left over after completion of the work will have to be disposed off by the contractor and cannot be taken over by the Railway. 5.0.0. PART PAYMENT FOR CEMENT AND REINFORCEMENT STEEL; 32 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 5.0.1 : In respect of cement and reinforcement steel, the part payment will be limited to 75% of the quoted value of item brought to site in relevant items of Schedule “A1 & A2” contractor should furnish original cash bills for having purchased from authorized dealers and to be submitted to the Rlys., 6.0 CONCRETING: a. The contractor should make his own arrangements for the required binding wire for all RCC works including the works under USSOR items though it is mentioned otherwise in the USSOR rates. b. All concrete I.e. plain as well as reinforced cement concrete shall be machine mixed and vibrated unless otherwise permitted by the Engineer in charge. Curing/vibrating the concrete and RCC works should be done by the contractor as specified in relevant The tests cubes should be cast at regular intervals and tested to assert in the strength of concrete. The contractor should establish cube testing equipment at or near the site of work. The cost of casting of cubes and their testing will have to be borne by the contractor. In case the contractor desires to use a curing membrane instead of water curing, he may do so after submitting the necessary data and after the same is approved by the Engineer in charge. No extra payment on this account would be admissible. It should be noted that no additional payment would be made for curing/vibrating the concrete at different heights and the contractor should make his own arrangements for the provision of necessary staging/scaffolding etc. and carryout curing/vibrating at all levels as directed by the Engineer in charge. c. Concrete for all the works shall be mixed using power driven concrete mixers. d. If curing is not being done to satisfactory standard, the Engineer may get it done at the contractor’s cost without any notice to him as the curing cannot wait for any such notice time etc. The Engineer’s decision shall be final and bindings as to whether satisfactory curing is being done or not. The cost of curing will be recovered from the ‘ ON ACCOUNT BILLs’. e. The water line and coarse aggregates shall be got chemically tested from time to time by the contractor at his cost for assuring proper quality as per required standards. The results in original shall be submitted to the Engineer in charge and approval obtained. 7.0. SITE INSPECTION BY THE CONTRACTOR: The tenderer/contractor is required to inspect the sites of works and acquaint himself with site condition and other factors relating to the works availability of labour, electricity and water etc. before quoting his rates. The tender submission will be deemed to have been made after such inspection. 8.0.0. If there is any variation between the description in the tender and the detailed plans, the Engineer in charge will operate the correct description and his decision is final and binding on the tenderer/contractor. 9.0.0. The materials that are to be supplied and used for the work by the contractor should be as per the relevant I.S. codes and should be got approved by the Engineer in charge before use/procurement. 10.0.0. The contractor should make his own arrangements for the reqd. vehicles, earth moving equipments, under ground drainage cleaning/silt cleaning equipments and other tools and plants during the execution of work. 11.0.0. SERVICE ROADS: The Rly. does not under take to provide any service roads for the movement of the contractors vehicles. The contractor can however make use of the service roads, wherever they exist free of charge. 12. SETTING OUT WORKS: a) The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works for correctness of the position, levels dimensions and alignment of all parts of work and for provision of all necessary pegs, reference pillars, instrument, equipment and appliances and labour in connection therewith. If at any time during the progress of the work any error shall appear or arise in the position of levels, dimensions or alignments at any part of the works. The contractor or being required to do so by the Engineer in charge shall at his own expense rectify such errors to the satisfaction of the Engineer in 33 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 charge and he shall carefully protect, preserve secure all bench marks site rails, pegs, reference pillars and other things used in setting out of the works. b) The contractor shall have sufficient number of survey instruments such as theodolites, leveling instruments, leveling staff etc. and arrange to set out the alignment at his own cost and also establish necessary ref. pillars as required and directed by the Engineer. 13.0.0. The work has to be executed at Chennai area as such the contractor should visit the site and satisfy himself regarding working conditions at site before quoting his offer. 14. The railway will have the right to check the quality of any material required for construction like cement, sand, concourse aggregator, bricks, timber and concrete cubes etc for its conformity with specification. The testing charges will have to be borne by the contractor. Sufficient cube moulds will have to be supplied by the contractor at his own cost. 15. Only weighment batching will be allowed for concreting for design mix as specified in schedule/drawings. 16. The contractor has to submit concrete mix design and get it approved by the Engineer in charge before execution of work. The cement consumption quantity will be paid based on approved design mix or actual whichever is less. 17. The contractor shall be responsible for anti larval work at his cost during progress of work as may be prescribed by the Engineer in charge on the advice of the Rly. Medical Authority and where the use of insecticides is involved it shall be made in accordance with the provision of the act and rules in this behalf at the cost of the contractor who shall also be solely responsible for any acts of omissions under the provision of the aforesaid rules. 18. The bonded labour system (Abolition)ordinance 1975 would apply to the present contract. contractor shall duly observe the provisions thereof. The 19. The contractor shall employee the following minimum technical staff during the execution of work. a) One graduate Engineer when the cost of the work to be executed is Rs.15 lakhs and above. b) One qualified diploma holder (overseer) when the cost of the work to be executed is more than Rs.5 lakhs but less than Rs.15 lakhs. 20.1.0. The contractor should also maintain a site office at his own cost where he or his authorized representative would be available for taking instructions and discussions. In addn. Technical staff should be available at site whenever required by the Engineer in charge to take instructions. In case the contractor fails to employ the technical staff as aforesaid,, he shall be liable to pay a reasonable amount not exceeding a sum of Rs.3000/- (Rupees three thousand only) for each month of default in case of Graduate Engineer and Rs.2000/- (Rupees two thousand only) for each month of default in case of diploma holder. (Overseer). 21.2.0. The decision of the Engineer in charge as to the period for which the required technical staff is to be employed by the contractor and as to the reasonableness of the amount to be deducted on this account shall be final and binding on the contractor. 22. TAX: 22.1.0. INCOME TAX: a) Income tax will be deducted at 2% (two percent) and also surcharge if any at source from each bill, unless otherwise authorized by Income Tax Department. 23. SALES TAX: a) Consequent to the notification of Sales Tax “Act 1999” which pertains to Tamilnadu General Sales th Tax (5 amendment) act 1999 for insertion of section 7-F Deduction of Tax at source in works contract, Southern Rly. Will deduct sales tax at the rate of 2% or 4% ( depending upon the nature of work) of the 34 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 total amount payable to the contractor for the execution of work under works contract at the sources from each bill unless otherwise authorized by Tamilnadu Sales Tax Department. b) The above mentioned sales tax on works contract is distinct from the Sales Tax elements that might have gone into the price of various raw materials used by the contractor in the works concerned and in respect of which the Railway will not reimburse any Sales Tax which will also continue to be borne by the Contractor as hitherto. 24.. EXCISE DUTY: Excise Duty if any in respect of the above work has to be borne by the contractor and is deemed to be included in the rates quoted by him. No reimbursement of the same will be made by the Railway. 25. SUPPLY OF RAILWAY PLANT, MACHINERY ETC. a) Railway is not bound for supply of any plants, machinery etc., required for the work. The contractor has to make his own arrangements for supply of requisite number of plants, machinery etc. 26. Payments as specified in the schedules will alone by admissible. No site installation charges will be payable and the tenders with such conditions are liable to be rejected. 27. Stones, ,metal, sand etc. of approved quality shall be collected from outside Railway limits as per the nomenclature of the items of work and the contractor shall pay all seigniorage and other incidental charges may be involved. 28. Any obstructions such as service lines, water pipe lines, cables, sewerages etc. met with during the progress of the work should immediately be reported to the Engineer in charge. 29. Temporary/permanent arrangements for maintaining continuous flow through the sewer/water mains will have to be made by the Contractor if the existing mains are affected during execution of foundations, duly realigning the sewer/water mains with contractors own cost. However, for underground cables etc. encountered while excavation of the same shall be got done through separate agencies or departmentally by the Railways. 30. The works should be carried out without any interference to the normal working of the railway track and structures. 31. The contractor shall be responsible for any loss/damage to railway and public property or third party’s if it occurs during the course of execution and the Rly. Reserves its right to have the damages made good by the contractor. 32. The contractor must ensure the safety of labourers engaged by him during the course of execution of work and/or while crossing the track and the and the railway will not be responsible for any injury sustained by the labourers or for any fatal accident and the contractor should bear all the expenditure involved. 33. The rate quoted by the tenderer shall be inclusive of any of additional labour etc. for leading the materials across running tracks and no extra rate shall be paid for the same unless otherwise specified. 34.No extra payment will be made for lift/descent while loading / unloading and stacking of the materials. 35. All materials shall be stacked sufficiently clear of the tracks and shall remain without any possibility of infringing the minimum fixed structure dimensions. Materials shall also not be unloaded or stacked over signal wires, cables or other gear or any such items to avoid interference to the existing running tracks. 36. The contractor will also be held responsible for any accident or loss or damage or detention to trains caused due to such lapses on the part of contractor during the course of work as observed and decided by the Inspector in charge. 37. VARIATION IN QUANTITES: New clause 42(4) to Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract 35 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 (Ref: Item -9 to Railway Board’s letter no. 2007/CE-I/18 DATED 28.09.2007 Item -2 to letter no. 2007/CE-I/CT/18 Pt. XII dated 31.12.2010) The procedure detailed below shall be adopted for dealing with variations in quantities during execution of works contracts: 1. Individual NS items in contracts shall be operated with variation of plus or minus 25% and payment would be made as per the agreement rate. For this, no finance concurrence would be required. 2. In case an increase in quantity of an individual item by more than 25% of the agreement quantity is considered unavoidable, the same shall be got executed by floating a fresh tender. If floating a fresh tender for operating that item is considered not practicable, quantity of that item may be operated in excess of 125% of the agreement quantity subject to the following conditions: a) Operation of an item by more than 125% of the agreement quantity needs the approval of an officer of the rank not less than S.A. Grade: (i) Quantities operated in excess of 125% but upto 140% of the agreement quantity of the concerned item, shall be paid at 98% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender. (ii) Quantities operated in excess of 140% but upto 150% of the agreement Quantity of the concerned item, shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for That item in that particular tender. (iii) Variation in quantities of individual items beyond 150% will be prohibited and would be permitted only in exceptional unavoidable circumstances with the concurrence of associate finance and shall be paid at 96% of the rate awarded for that item in that particular tender. b) The variation in quantities as per the above formula will apply only to the Individual items of the contract and not on the overall contract value. c) Execution of quantities beyond 150% of the overall agreemental value should not be permitted and, if found necessary, should be only through fresh tenders or by negotiating with existing contractor, with prior personal concurrence of FA & CAO/FA & CAO © and approval of General Manager. 3. In cases where decrease is involved during execution of contract: (a) The Contract signing authority can decrease the items upto 25% of individual item without finance concurrence. (b) For decrease beyond 25% for individual items of 25% of contract agreement value, the approval of an officer not less than rank of S.A. Grade may be taken, after obtained ‘No Claim Certificate’ form the contractor and with finance concurrence, giving detailed reasons for each such decrease in the quantities. (c) It should be certified that the work proposed to be reduced will not be required in the same work. 4. The limit for varying quantities for minor value items shall be 100% (as against 25% prescribed for other items). A minor value item for this purpose is defined as an item whose original agreement value is less than 1% of the total original agreement value. 5. No such quantity variation limit shall apply for foundation items. 6. As far as USSOR 2011 items are concerned the limit of 25% would apply to the value of USSOR 2011 schedule as a whole and not an individual USSOR 2011 items. However, in case of NS items, the limit of 25% would be apply on the individual items irrespective of the manner of quoting the rates (single percentage rate or individual item rate). 7. For the tenders accepted at Zonal Railways level, variations in the quantities will be approved by the authority in whose powers revised value of the agreement lies. 8. For tenders accepted by General Manager, variations upto 125% of the original agreement value may be accepted by General Manager. 36 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 9. For tenders accepted by Board Members and Railway Ministers, variations upto 110% of the original agreement value may be accepted by General Manager. 10. The aspect of vitiation of tender with respect to variation in quantities should be checked and avoided. In case of viation of the tender (both for increase as well as decrease of value of contract agreement), sanction of the competent authority as per single tender should be obtained. 38.0.0.Special attention is drawn to Clause 31 of the General conditions of contract and it is advised for the guidance of the Tenderer/contractor that there is no possibility of any Railway source for supply of water to their works. The tenderer/Contractor has to make necessary arrangements or supply of potable water at his own cost for concreting, curing and for any other use. Chemical analysis of water and other ingredients shall be done from time to time as desired by the Engineer at the cost of the contractor. 39.0.0 Railways do not guarantee supply of electricity to any other contractor’s works. The contractor shall make his cost, for the supply of electricity for the works. If however, Railway’s electricity is available in the vicinity and if the contractor requests the same to be provided due to compelling circumstances, the Railway and its sole discretion may agree to provide the same on terms and conditions as may be agreed upon between the Railway and the contractor at contractor’s cost. 40.0.0 DISMANTLING OPERATIONS; a. DISMANTLING OPERATIONS ARE TO BE CARRIED OUT at the sole risk and liability of the contractor. The contractor shall take due care to ensure that during dismantling released materials, debris etc. do not fall down and cause any obstructions or damage to adjacent building or injury to the staff or labourers. b. Released materials and other debris of dismantling should be removed and stacked at places as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and shall be handed to the SE/Works at his store depot and no extra lead or lift shall be paid on this account. 41.0.0 : Earnest Money: a) The Tenderer shall be required to deposit Earnest Money with the tender for the due performance of the stipulation to keep the offer open till such date as specified in the tender, under condition of tender. The Earnest money shall be as follows : Value of the work (Tender Value) EMD For works estimated to cost up to Rs.1 Crore. For works estimated to cost more than Rs.1 Crore. 2% of the estimated cost of the work. Rs.2 lakhs plus ½% ( half percent) of the excess of estimated cost of work beyond Rs.1 Crore subject to a maximum of Rs.1 Crore. b) It shall be under stood that the tender documents have been sold/ issued to the Tenderer and the Tenderer is permitted to tender in consideration of stipulation on his part and that after submitting his tender he will not resile from his offer or modify the terms and conditions thereof in a manner not acceptable to the Engineer. Should the Tenderer fail to observe or comply with the said stipulation, the aforesaid amount shall be liable to be forfeited to the Railway. c) If his tender is accepted this Earnest Money mentioned in sub clause (a) above will be retained as part security for the due and faithful fulfillment of the contract in terms of Clause – 16 of the General conditions of Contract. The Earnest Money of other Tenderers shall, save as herein before provided, be returned to them, but the Railway shall not be responsible for any loss or depreciation that may happen thereto while in their possession, nor be liable to pay interest thereon. 2) The Earnest money should be in cash or in any of the following forms: (i) Deposit receipts, pay orders, demand drafts. These forms of Earnest Money could be either of the State Bank of India or of any of the Nationalized Banks. No confirmatory advice from the Reserve Bank of India will be necessary. 37 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 42.0.0. SECURITY DEPOSIT: 1. The earnest money deposited by the contractor with his tender will be retained by the Railways as part of security for the due and faithful fulfillment of the contract by the contractor. The balance to make up the security deposit , the rates for which are given below, may be deposited by the contractor in cash or may be recovered by percentage deduction from the contractor’s “ on account bills” so that the amounts so retained may not exceed 10 % of the total value of the contract. 2. Unless otherwise specified in the special conditions, if any, the security deposit/ rate of recovery/ mode of recovery shall be as under: i. ii. Security deposit for each work should be 5% of the contract value. The rate of recovery should be at the rate of 10% of the bill amount till the full security deposit is recovered. iii. Security Deposits will be recovered only from the running bills of the contract and no other mode of collecting SD such as SD in the form of instruments like BG, FD etc. shall be accepted towards Security Deposit. The Security Deposit shall be returned to the contractor only after the expiry of the maintenance period and after passing the final bill based on ‘No Claim Certificate’. The Competent Authority shall normally be the authority who is competent to sign the contract. This Competent Authority is of the rank lower than J.A. grade than a J.A Grade Officer ( concerned with the work) should issue the certificate. The certificate, inter alia, should mention that the work has been completed in all respects and that all the contractual obligations have been fulfilled by the contractors and that there is no due from the contractor to Railways against the contract concerned. Before releasing the SD , an unconditional and unequivocal no claim certificate from the contractor concern should be obtained. However, the contractor if so desires the security deposit recovered from the running bills can be returned after the work is physically completed in lieu of FDR / irrevocable bank guarantee for equivalent amount to be submitted by the contractor. No interest will be payable upon the earnest Money and Security Deposit or amounts payable to the Contractor under the contract, but Government securities deposited in terms of sub Clause (1) of this clause will be payable with interest accrued thereon. 43.0.0. Performance Guarantee : Revised clause of 16 (4) to Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract (Ref: Item 1 to Railway Board’s letter no. 2007/CE-I/CT/18 Pt.XII DATED 31.12.2010) The procedure for obtaining Performance Guarantee is outlined below:a) The successful bidder shall have to submit a Performance Guarantee (PG) within 30 (thirty) days from the date of issue of Letter of Acceptance (LOA). Extension of time for submission of PG beyond 30 (thirty) days and up to 60 days from the date of issue of LOA may be given by the Authority who is competent to sign the contract agreement. However, a penal interest of 15 % per annum shall be charged for the delay st beyond 30 (thirty) days, i.e., from 31 day after the date of issue of LOA. In case, the contractor fails to submit the requisite PG even after 60 days from the date of issue of LOA, the contract shall be terminated duly forfeiting EMD and other dues, if any, payable against that contract. The failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in re-tender for that work. c) The successful bidder should give a performance Guarantee amounting to 5% of the contract value in any of the following forms:(i) a deposit of cash. (ii) Irrevocable Bank Guarantee. (iii) Government securities including State Loan Bonds at 5 percent below the market value. (iv) Deposit receipts, pay orders, demand drafts and Guarantee Bonds. These forms of Performance Guarantee could be either of the State Bank of India or of any of the Nationalized Banks. (v) Guarantee Bonds executed or Deposits Receipts tendered by all Schedules Banks. 38 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 (vi) A deposit in the Post Office Saving Bank. (vii) A deposit in the National Saving Certificates. (viii) Twelve Years National Defence Certificate. (ix) Ten years Defence Deposits. (x) National Defence Bonds (xi) Unit Trust Certificates at 5 percent below market value or at the face value whichever is less. Also, FDR in favour of FA& CAO (free from any encumbrance) may be accepted. Note: The instruments as listed above will also be acceptable for Guarantee in case of Mobilization Advance. c) The Performance Guarantee shall be submitted by the successful bidder after the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) has been issued, but before signing of the Contract agreement. This PG shall be initially valid upto the stipulated date of completion plus 60 days beyond that. In case, the time for completion of work gets extended, the contractor shall get the validity of Performance Guarantee extended to cover such extended time for completion of work plus 60 days. d) The value of PG to be submitted by the Contractor will not change for variation up to 25 % (either increase or decrease). In case during the course of execution, value of the contract increases by more than 25 % of the original contract value, an additional Performance Guarantee amounting to 5% (five percent) for the excess value over the original contract value shall be deposited by the Contractor. e) The Performance Guarantee (PG) shall be released after the physical completion of the work based on the ‘Completion Certificate’ issued by the competent authority stating that the contractor has completed the work in all respects satisfactorily. The security deposit shall, however, be released only after the expiry of the maintenance period and after passing the final bill based on ‘No Claim Certificate’ from the contractor. f) Wherever the contract is rescinded, the security deposit shall be forfeited and the Performance Guarantee shall be encashed. The balance work shall be got done independently without risk and cost of the failed contractor. The failed contractor shall be debarred from participating in the tender for executing the balance work. If the failed contractor is a JV or a partnership firm, then every member/partner of such a firm shall be debarred from participating in the tender for the balance work either in his/her individual capacity or as a partner of any other JV partnership firm. g) The Engineer shall not make a claim under the ‘Performance Guarantee except for amounts to which the president of India is entitled under the contract (not withstanding and/or without prejudice to any other provisions in the contract agreement) in the event of: i) Failure by the contractor to extend the validity of the performance Guarantee as described herein above in which event the Engineer may claim the full amount of the Performance Guarantee: ii) Failure by the contractor to pay President of India any amount due, either as agreed by the contractor or determined under any of the Clauses/Conditions of the agreement, within 30 days of the service of notice to this effect by Engineer. iii) The contract being determined or rescinded under provision of the GCC the Performance Guarantee shall be forfeited in full and shall be absolutely at the disposal of the President of India 44.0.0. Price Variation clause (PVC) Government of India Ministry of Railways (Railway Board) No. 2007/CE-I/CT/18/P1-19 New Delhi dt.14.12.2012 Addressed to As per list attached. Sub:- Price Variation Clause 46A to IR’s General Conditions of Contract 39 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 (GCC) General instructions. Ref:- (i) Board’s letter No. 80/W1/CT/10 dt.25.4.1980 (ii) Board’s letter No. 85/W1/CT/07 dt.20.1.1987 (iii) Board’s letter No. 85/W1/CT/07 dt.04.4.1996 (iv) Board’s letter No. 85/W1/CT/07 dt.19.4.2006 (v) Board’s letter No. 2007/CE-I/CT/18 dt.28.9.2007 (vi) Board’s letter No. 2007/CE-I/CT/18 dt.7.3.2008 (vii) Board’s letter No. 85/WI/CT/07/Pt.I dt.09.5.2008 (viii) Board’s letter No.2008/CE-I/CT/CON/07 (PCE/GM) dt.15.12.2008 (ix) Board’s letter No. 85/WI/CT/07/Pt I dt.18.7.2012 ><>< In terms of letter referred at (i) above, Railway Board issued instructions for inclusion of Price Variation Clause in Works contracts. Thereafter, modifications/ improvements in the Clause have been issued vide Board’s letters referred at (ii) to (ix) Board have reconsidered the matter and decided to incorporate a comprehensive clause in the form of “Clause 46A – Price Variation Clause” to the General Conditions of Contract (GCC) in super session to all previous instructions on the subject as referred above. Accordingly, 1) Price Variation Clause shall be applicable only for tenders of value Rs.50 lakh and more irrespective of the contract completion period. 2) If required the percentage of various components as detailed in para 46A 5 of Price Variation Clause in GCC may be varied by the concerned SA Grade Officer I consultation with the concerned FA & CAO keeping in view the special features and complexities of the work involved. 3) Clause 46A variation clause to the General conditions of contract as detailed at Annexure A along with associated instructions mentioned herein shall be applicable with prospective effect. This issue with the concurrence of finance Directorate at the Ministry of Railways. Please acknowledge receipt. Sd/-XXXXX CE/G/Railway Board Railway Board letter No. 2007 CE-I/CT/18 Pt 19 dated 14.12.2012 Copy Forwarded for information to: 1. FA & CAOs/ All Indian Railways 2. The Deputy Controller & Audit General of India (Rlys), room 224, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi (46 copies) Sd/- XXX For Financial Commissioner/Railways Railway Board letter No. 2007 CE-I/CT/18 Pt 19 dt.14.12.12 Annexure A Addendum and corrigendum slip (ACS) to Indian Railways General Conditions of Contract (GCC) Clause 46A - Price Variation Clause 46A-1 Price Variation Clause shall be applicable only for tenders of value as prescribed by the Ministry of Railways through instructions /circulars issued from time to time and irrespective of the contract completion period. Materials supplied free of cost by Railway to the contractors shall fall outside the purview of price variation clause. If in any case, accepted offer includes some specific payment to be made to consultants or some materials supplied by Railway free or at fixed rate, such payments shall be excluded from the gross value of the work for the purpose of payment/ recovery of price variation. 46A-2 The Base month for Price variation clause shall be taken as month of opening of tender including extensions. If any unless otherwise stated elsewhere. The quarter for applicability of PVC shall commence 40 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 from the month following the month of opening of tender. The PVC shall be based on the overage Price Index of the quarter under consideration. 46A -3 Rates accepted by Railway Administration shall held good till completion of work and no additional individual. Claim shall be admissible on account of fluctuations in market rates, increase in taxes/ any other levies/ tolls etc. except that payment/ recovery for overall market situation shall be made as per PVC given hereunder. 46A-4 Adjustment for variation in prices of materials, labour, fuel, explosives, detonator, steel, concreting, ferrous, insulators zinc and cement shall be determined in the manner prescribed. 46A – 5 Components if various items in a contract on which variation in prices be admissible, shall be material, labour, fuel, explosives, detonators, steel, cement, concreting, ferrous, non ferrous, insulator, zinc, erection etc. However, for fixed components no price variation shall be admissible. 46A – 6 The percentage of labour component, materials component fuel component etc in various types of Engineering works shall be as under. Component Percentage Component Percentage A Earth work contracts Labour component 50% Other material components 15% Fuel component 20% Fixed component * 15% B Ballast and quarry products contract Labour component 55% Other material components 15% Fuel component 15% Fixed component * 15% C Tunnelling contract Labour component 45% Detonators component 15% Fuel component 15% Other material components 15% Explosive component 15% Fixed component * 15% D Other works contracts Labour component 30% Fuel component 15% Material component 40% Fixed component * 15% • It shall not be considered for any price variation. Railway Board letter No. 2007 CE-I/CT/18 Pt 19 dt.14.12.12 Annexure A 46A 7 The amount of variation in prices in several components (labour, material etc.) shall be worked out by the following formulae (i) L = R x ( I – I0 ) x P I0 100 (ii) M = R x ( W – W 0 ) x Q 100 W0 (iii) U = R x ( F – F0 ) x Z F0 100 (iv) X = R x ( E – E0 ) x S E0 100 (v) N = R x ( D– D0 ) x T 100 D0 (vi) Ms = o x (Bs – Bso) (vii) Mc = A x (Wc –Wco) Wco 41 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 For Railway Electrification works (viii) Mcc = {(C-Co)/Co X 0.4136} X G (ix) Mf = {(Sf-Sfo)/Sfo = (Z –Zo)/Zo x 0.06} x H (x)Mnf = {( Cu – Cuo)/ Cuo} x J (xi)Mz = {( Z – Zo)/ Zo}x W (xii)Min = {(In – Ino) In} x 85 Where L M U X N Ms Mc Mcc Mf Mnf Mz Min O R A Amount of price variation in Labour Amount of price variation in Materials Amount of price variation in Fuel Amount of price variation in Explosives Amount of price variation in Detonators Amount of price variation in Steel Amount of price variation in Cement Amount of price variation in Concreting Amount of price variation in Ferrous Amount of price variation in Non Ferrous Amount of price variation in Zinc Amount of price variation in Insulator Weight of steel in tones supplied by the contractor as per the “on account” bill for the month under consideration. Gross value of work done by contractor as per on account bills excluding cost of materials supplied by railway at fixed price minus the price values of cement & steel. This will also exclude specific payment, if any to be made to the consultants engaged by contractors (such payment will be indicated in the contractor’s offer). [minus the price value & cement & steel included as per RB letter No. 2007/CE-I/CT/18/pt. 19 dated 07.05.2013]. value of cement supplied by contractor as per on account bill in the quarter under consideration. Io Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial workers All India – Published in RBI Bulletin for the base period. I Consumer Price Index Number for Industrial workers All India – Published in RBI Bulletin for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under consideration. Wo Index Number of Wholesale Prices – By Groups and sub groups – All commodities as published in the RBI Bulletin for the base period. W Index Number of Wholesale Prices – By Groups and sub groups – All commodities as published in the RBI Bulletin for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under consideration. Fo Index Number of Wholesale Prices – By Groups and sub groups for fuel, power, as published in the RBI Bulletin for the base period. [light and lubricants removed as per PCE letter No.W. 496/P/PVT dated 11.03.2014 and RB letter No. 2007/CE-I/CT/18 pt. 19 dated 28.062013]. F Index Number of Wholesale Prices – By Groups and sub groups for fuel, power, as published in the RBI Bulletin for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under consideration. [light and lubricants removed as per PCE letter No.W. 496/P/PVT dated 11.03.2014 and RB letter No. 2007/CEI/CT/18 pt. 19 dated 28.062013]. Eo Cost of explosives as fixed by DGS&D in the relevant rate contract of the firm from whom purchases of explosives are made by the contractor for the base period. E Cost of explosives as fixed by DGS&D in the relevant rate contract of the firm from whom purchases of explosives are made by the contractor for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under consideration. 42 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Do Cost of detonators as fixed by DGS&D in the relevant rate contract of the firm from whom purchases of detonators are made by the contractor for the base period. D Cost of explosives as fixed by DGS&D in the relevant rate contract of the firm from whom purchases of detonators are made by the contractor for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under consideration. Bs – SAILs (Steel Authority of India Ltd) ex works price plus excise duty thereof (in Rupees per tonne) for the relevant category of steel supplied by the contractor as prevailing on the first day of the month in which the steel was purchased by the contractor (or) as prevailing on the first day of the month in which steel was brought to the site by the contractor whichever is lower. Bso SAILs ex works price plus excise duty thereof (in Rupees per tonne) for the relevant category of steel supplied by the contractor as prevailing on the first day of the month in which the tender was opened. Wco Index No. of Wholesale price of sub group (of Cement) as published in RBI bulletin for the base period. Wc Index No. of Wholesale price of sub group (of Cement) as published in RBI bulletin for the average price index of the 3 months of the quarter under consideration. C RBI wholesale price index for cement for the month which is six months prior to date of casting of foundation. Co RBI wholesale price index for cement for the month which is one month prior to date of opening of tender Z IEEMA price for Zinc for the month which is two months prior to date of inspection of materials. Zo IEEMA price for Zinc for the month which is one month prior to date of opening of tender. Cu IEEMA price for Copper wire bar for the month which is two months prior to date of inspection of materials. Cuo IEEMA price for Copper wire bar for the month which is one month prior to date of inspection of materials. Sf IEEMA price for Iron and Steel for the month which is two months prior to date of inspection of materials. Sfo IEEMA price for Iron and steel for the month which is one month prior to date of opening of tender. In RBI wholesale price index for structural clay products for the month which is two months prior to date of inspection of materials. Ino RBI wholesale price index for structural clay products for the month which is one month prior to the date of opening of tender. P Q Z S T G H J W % of Labour component % of material component % of the fuel component % of explosive component % of Detonators component % of Concreting component % of Ferrous component % of Non Ferrous component % of Zinc component 43 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 46A – 8 The demands for escalation of cast shall be allowed on the basis of provisional indices made available by Reserve Bank of India. Any adjustment needed to be done based on the finally published indces shall be made as and when they become available. 46A-9 Relevant categories of steel for the purpose of operating Price Variation formula, as mentioned in this clause, based on SAIL’s Ex works price plus Excise Duty thereof shall be as under S. No Category of steel supplied in Railway work 1 2 3 4 5 Reinforcement bars and other rounds All types and sizes of angles All types and sizes of plates All types and sizes of channels and joists Any other section of steel not covered in the above categories and excluding HTS Category of steel produced by SAIL whose ex works price plus excise duty would be adopted to determine price variation. TMT 8 mm IS 1786 Fe 415/Fe 500 Angle 65 x 65 x 6mm IS 2062 E 250 A SK PM plates above 10-20 mm IS 2062 E 250 A SK Channels 200 x 75 mm IS 2062 E 250A SK Average of price for the categories covered under SL 1, 2 & 3 above. 46A – 10 – Price Variation during extended period of contract The price adjustment as worked out above i.e. either increase or decrease shall be applicable upto the stipulated date of completion of work including the extended period of completion where such extension has been granted under Clause 17 A of the General Conditions of Contract. However, where extension of time has been granted due to contractor’s failure under Clause 17 – B of the General Conditions of Contract, price adjustment shall be done as follows. a) In case the indices increase above the indices applicable to the last month of original completion period or the extended period under clause 17 A, the price adjustment for the period of extension granted under clause 17 B shall be limited to the amount payable as per the Indices applicable to the last month of the original completion period or the extended period clause 17 A of the General Conditions of Contract. In case the Indices fall below the indices applicable to the last month of original/ extended period of completion under clause 17 A, as the case may be then the lower indices shall be adopted for the price adjustment for the period of extension under clause 17 B of the General Conditions of Contract. Price variation during extended period of contract:Price variation is payable/recoverable during the extended period of the contract also, provided the price variation clause was part of the original contract and the extension has been granted on administrative ground i.e. under clause 17-A (i), (ii) and (iii) of GCC. NOTE: “Materials supplied free by the Railway to the contractors will not form part of the value of the contract entered into and will fall outside the preview of the price variation clause”. Price Variation clause (PVC) shall be applicable for tenders of value more than Rs.50 lakhs irrespective of the contract completion period and PVC shall not be applicable to tenders of value less than Rs. 50 lakhs. The revised weight age would be applied on the value arrived at after deducting the cost of steel and cement from the total contract value. The tender schedule should have separate items for ‘Supply of Steel’ and supply of “cement’ for RCC/PSC work to know the cost of steel and cement actually consumed at any given point of time. price variation implies both increase as well as decrease in input prices and therefore price variation during the currency of the contract may result in extra payment or recovery as the case may be. The demands for escalation of the cost may be allowed on the basis of provisional indices made available by the Reserve bank of India. Any adjustment needed to be done based on the finally published indices is to be made as and when they become available. In case the indices fall below the indices applicable to the last month of the original / extended period of completion under clause 17 (3) as the case may be then the lower indices will be adopted for price adjustment for the period of extension under clause 17 (4) of the general condition of the contract. 44 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Fixing milestones : The concern Executive Engineer-in- charge of the work may fix appropriate milestones and monitor. 45.0.0. PROGRAMME OF WORK a. Immediately on issue of letter of acceptance of this tender, the contractor should submit a programme of work showing the activities work wise for completing the whole work within the stipulated period of completion in consultation with the executive Engineer in charge of the work. If so desired by the Engineer, the contractor shall submit further programme from time to time, taking into consideration the latest progress achieved till then. b. This is to reiterate that the railway reserves the right of terminating the contract, at any stage of review of the progress under (a) above, if the above agreed programmes are not adhered to within the margin of 10% as envisaged in Clause 62(1) (Viii) of the General conditions of track. c. Non submission of the programme as envisaged in 9 above shall entitle Railway to terminate the contract as per Clause 62 of the General conditions of contract. 46.0.0; MAINTENANCE PERIOD: The maintenance period shall be one month. 47.0.0. COMPLETION PERIOD a. The work shall be completed in all respects SIX MONTHS acceptance of this tender. from the date of issue of letter of 48.0.0. Mobilization advance and tools & plants advance: The tenderer should note that Mobilization advance and Tools and plants admissible for this work. advance will not be 49.0.0 Tenderer(s)/Contractors(s) engaging private persons as labourers /supervisors and others in works contracts should get the antecedents of all such persons verified properly and should ensure that only such persons, who do not have any criminal records and /or not involved with anti-social elements and who are appropriate for carrying out works in the Railway premises or works involving safety of passenger and goods trains, are engaged by him/them. The Tenderer(s) / Contractors(s) should issue to all such private persons clear photo identity cards under their authority. A list of names of such persons working in the area should be furnished to the Railway ( the agreement executing authority ). The Tenderer(s)/Contractors(s) are responsible for all the commissions and omissions of all such persons engaged by them. 50.0.0 In case of accidents/natural calamities involving human lives, vehicles and equipment of the contractors will be drafted to accident for the work(s) carried out by him at the accident site as a non schedule item(s) for which rates have to be fixed by mutual consultation i.e., between the contractor and the Railway Administration. 51.0.0. Guarantee/Warranty: “The Contractor should guarantee that the said goods/stores/articles would continue to conform to the description and quality as aforesaid, for a period of 30 months after their delivery or 24 months from the date of placement in service which ever shall be sooner, and this warranty shall survive notwithstanding the fact that the goods/stores/articles may have been inspected, accepted and payment therefore made by the purchaser”. 52.0.0 If there is any discrepancy between the rates quoted in figures and words, then the rate quoted in ‘words’ only shall prevail. 53.0.0 All documents to support fulfillment of eligibility criteria should be furnished along with the tender and should be available at the time of tender opening. Tenders not accompanied by documentary evidence in support of eligibility criteria will be rejected. No post tender communication in any form will be made or entertained, after opening of tenders, in this regard. 54.0.” The tenderer for carrying out any construction work in -------------------- (name of the state) must get themselves registered from the Registering Officer under section –7 of the Building and other construction Workers Act,1996 and rules made thereto by the --------------------(name of the state) Govt. and submit certificate of Registration issued from the Registering Officer of the -----------------(name of the state) Govt. (Labour Deptt.). For enactment of this Act, the tenderer shall be 45 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 required to pay cess @ 1% of cost of construction work to be deducted from each bill. Cost of material shall be outside the purview of cess, when supplied under a separate schedule item”. 55.0. Conservancy Cess Charges: In terms of Railway Board Letter no. F(X)I/95/I/1 dated 31.05.2006, the Conservancy Cess Charges are recoverable from the Contractor’s Bills based on the number of labourers employed per day by the Contractor and the modified rates of recovery of conservancy cess charges shall be applicable. 1. Railways should ensure that necessary sanitary facilities are provided by the Contractors for their labour in terms of clause 59 (4) of the General Conditions of Contract and where they fail to do so, notice should be given to the Contractors that the same will be provided by the Railway at their cost and recovery should be made from the bills in the following manner:a. If the Contractors labour are employed at station and colonies where Railway sanitary facilities do exist recoveries should be made at the Rates stipulated by the Railway Board. b. In respect of Contractors labour working between stations are at isolated places, where Railway sanitary facilities do not exist, recovery should not be made at the fixed rates stipulated by the Railway Board, but the Railway may provide these facilities at the cost of the Contractor, after giving him due notice as stated above. c. CMS/MSs/DMOs should inspect such sanitary arrangements of Contractors independently and if not satisfactory, report officially in writing to the DEN and DRM concerned. d. Supply contractors may be exempted from the purview of recovery of cess charges, since, their labours enter in the Railway premises only to load or unload the materials. e. No Cess Charges are recoverable from contractors engaged in construction work on new lines, away from open line. This will apply only until the line is opened for traffic partially or wholly. However, if safaiwalies are engaged by Railways on construction work on new lines, necessary recoveries will have to be made from contractors. f. No Conservancy Cess Charges need be recovered from the Contractors who are engaged for removal of night soil and rubbish from railway colonies. 2. Where only “indirect Sanitary services are rendered, the Conservancy Cess Charges should only be 20 % of the above charges. The principle of recovery of Cess Charges on the basis of Direct/Indirect services will be applicable to categories no. III, IV, VI, VII, IX to XVI and XIX and in all other categories ie., I, II, V & VII, XVII & XVIII the cess charges will be recoverable at the rate of direct services only. Direct Services: are those where the Conservancy stall undertake to clean regularly the inside of the premises rented/licensed to the above mentioned parties. Indirect Services: Will be those where no such direct services are provided Levy service charges are only when services direct or indirect. 3. No charges are recoverable wherever no services are provided. However, facts of such services rendered should be certified by the Chief Medical Superintendent, Medical Superintendent/ Divisional Medical Officer, concerned. 56.0. Vitiation Clause: ( Ref; PCE/MAS No.W.496/P/Tender Documents dt. 19.08.08). In the event of Vitiation occurring due to increase or decrease In quantities among the first ,second and third lowest valid tenderers, the vitiation shall be to the contractor’s account. The total value of the work shall be calculated at the rate offered by those tenderers and the amount payable shall be limited to the lowest aggregate value as worked out. Vitiation as above shall be worked out as a whole for Agreement including all variations in quantities. 57.0. SAFETY AT WORK SITES: 1. The contractor shall not starty any work without the presence of railway supervisor at site. 2. Wherever the road vehicles and/or machinery are required to work in the close vicinity of railway line, the work shall be so carried out tht there is no infringement to the railway’s schedule of dimensions. For this purpose the area where road vehicles and/or machinery are required to ply, shall be 46 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 demarcated and acknowledged by the contractor. Special care shall be taken for turning/reversal of road vehicles/machinery without infringing the running track. Barricading shall be provided wherever justified and feasible as per the site conditions. 58.0. Clause 55-B to GCC : Provisions of Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952: The Contractor shall comply with the provisions of Para 30 and 36-B of the Employees Provident Fund Scheme, 1952; Para 3 and 4 of Employee’s Pension Scheme, 1995; and Para 7 and 8 of Employees Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme, 1976; as modified from time to time, wherever applicable and shll also indemnify the Railway from and against any claims under the aforesaid Act and the Rules’. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR MOVEMENT OF VEHICLES NEAR RAILWAY TRACK: Safety precautions 1. No lorry or road vehicles shall be operated so as to affect the safety of trains. They should be allowed to work well outside the moving dimensions. At each of the locations where road vehicle machinery are working, an authorized responsible railway official should be posted as incharge to ensure that the road vehicle machinery do not infringe the schedules, moving dip engines any time and protect the track in case of emergency. To facilitate the driver to whistle, a whistle board will have to be provided at the appropriate place. 2. At vulnerable locations where construction activity is in progress adjacent to existing railway lines should be cordoned off with proper barricades. The most vulnerable locations shall be barricaded with rail barricades projecting at least in above the ground. At all other locations barricades of not less than 1.5 m height consisting of bamboo, casuarinas poles and supported horizontally with similar bamboo, casuarinas poles should be provided. 3. All the barricades are to be painted or stuck on with road illuminous paint strip at suitable intervals. 4. The entry to new banks which run alongside the existing track should be protected by barriers which can be closed and opened when necessary. 5. At locations which are not vulnerable provision of barricade can be with (i) 6.6 m wide and 0.3 m deep trenches or (ii) stones of minimum size 30 cm x 15 cm at 1 m intervals and projecting 0.3 m above ground level and painted white. Trenches should be allowed only in those locations where they do not lead to subsidence to railway track as may be assessed by the SE/Pway. 6. Barriers shall also be provided in the case of doublings, particularly at the existing formation. These barriers are to be opened only for the movement of railway contractors authorized vehicle or other railway vehicles. 7. Railway vehicles employed by the contractor should have the certificate for its road worthiness and each vehicle numbered and the license particulars maintained. Contractor should ensure that the drivers permitted by them to work on such road vehicles have photo identity cards. 8. Wherever the work requires the movement of road vehicles within a distance of 3.5 to 6 m from the center line of the nearest track, such work shall be done only in the presence of railway employees authorized by the Engineer in charge. No part of the road vehicles will be allowed at less than 3.5 m from track center. Cost of such railway employees shall be borne by the Railway. 9. No movement of road vehicles within 6 m of railway track shall be permitted unless the driver of the vehicles is assisted by a helper with a whistle who shall guide him and ensure safety. 10. The driver of the vehicles shall always face the track. When reversing the vehicles and whenever he cannot face the track for whatever reason, he shall invariably be assisted by the helper with a whistle who should guide him and ensure safety. 11. All work sites shall be supervised by the contractor representative as also a representative of the Railway organization. The contractor’s representative shall be issued with a certificate by 47 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. XEN/ADEN to the effect that they have acquired sufficient knowledge about the safety precautions that are needed to be followed while working near the track. Whenever work of plying of road vehicles within 6 m zone is actually in progress, look out men should invariably be available. Look out men will have to be provided by the contractor from out of the list of persons who are authorized to carry out these duties. Authorization will be issued to the individuals by the Engineer In charge. One supervisor who shall be permanent staff (Trackman) loaned to JE/W/CN from the respective gangs and in whose beat the work is in progress (to be spared by the respective SE/P. way) will monitor the availability and alertness of the lookout men. In case of non availability of look out men, the Railway supervisor shall stop further activities of plying of road vehicles. Even if no work is executed in the night, look out men shall patrol the beat as identified by the representative of the CN Organization to ensure the safety of the running trains especially from infringements. Working alongside the track during night hours is normally prohibited. Such work can be done in the night only with the written permission of the Engineer of the construction activity. Where night work is permitted, lighting of the work site as required should be done. The contractor shall be fully responsible against loss or damage arising from working of lorries and other machinery adjacent to the running track and making the contractor safety responsible for any rd loss or damage which the Railway or the Contractor or any 3 party may suffer. The contractor shall be fully responsible for ensuring safety at all times and shall bear the cost of all damages in cases of accidents/unusual occurrences resulting in damage to railway property and passengers. Supervisors and operators of the work executive agencies working at or near Railway track should undergo specified training on matters to safe working along and on the track salient features of observing moving dimensions and clearances which may be imparted to such supervisors at Zonal/Divisional Training Schools and the cost of such training shall be borne by the contractor, which will be Rs. 93/- per trainee per day for the year 2000 with a 10% escalation p.a. with an expected duration of the course of about 3 days so as to ensure that they get acquainted with safety precautions that are required to be taken while executing works which have bearing on the safety of the running trains. The supervisors mentioned in Para 9 above should be trained in protection rules and supplied with minimum equipment required for protecting the track. Such staff should also be provided with basic communication facility (a walkie talkie with communication facility to the nearest Station Master or adjacent site) so as to communicate with the nearest station in case of emergencies/unusual occurrences. Till it is made available, the supervisor shall use the nearest LC gate telephone or other means of communications to relate the incident most speedily. SPECIFICATION FOR CTR/TRR/TSR WORKS All track works shall be carried out as per the provisions contained in IRPWM 1986 under chapter III – P.way Renewals and as per the specifications laid down hereunder:A. Unloading of rails, sleepers and fastenings: 1) The contractor should ensure that all the materials are unloaded nearest to the position where they are to be laid/used. Adequate care should be taken for unloading of materials of required quantity so as to avoid double handling. In case excess materials are unloaded, the contractor has to rehandle them to stack at nominated place/depot and/or use the same as directed by the Engineer Incharge at no extra cost. 2) While unloading of sleepers from Railway BFRs, use of ramps made of wooden sleepers, truck/tractor tyres should be made to avoid damage to PSC sleepers. 3) In case sleepers are moved by the contractor’s vehicles the unloading at the workspot shall be done by contractor’s own crane for which no extra payment will be made. 4) For side unloading of free rails/3 rail panels ramps of unserviceable rails should be used to prevent damage to the rails. In case of short welded panels i.e. 3 rails, 5 rails and 10 rails, the unloading shall be done by end off loading method. 5) In case of relaying is done with PQRS crane the sleepers supplied at the base depot through Railway FRs or by the contractor’s road vehicles shall be unloaded using the contractor’s own crane and stacked at the nominated place. At the time of pre assembly, the contractor shall arrange to shift the sleepers from stacking location to the assembly point by his own means using cranes, tippers, etc for which no extra cost will be payable. 48 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 6) Rails/sleepers/fittings for CTR works will be supplied progressively to the contractor. The contractor cannot insist for supply of full quantity of materials at the commencement of the work. Efforts will be made to recoup the materials required for the work in commensuration with the progress achieved by the contractor. 7) Unloaded rails/panels should be carefully stacked at a level base and the flat foot rails shall preferably rest on the foot. 8) The new sleepers should be unloaded on the one side of the track preferably on the cess leaving the other side free for stacking of other released materials. 9) The rails/sleepers required for the next day’s work should be hauled from the place of unloading to the opposite site to the place of work where they are to be laid atleast one day in advance. 10) All the released materials i.e. rails, sleepers, fittings, etc should be immediately moved away from the site and stacked at the nominated place as directed by the Engineer Incharge. 11) joint inventory of the existing track structure including rails, sleepers, fittings, etc shall be taken before the commencement of the work along with the type and class (i.e. class II or class III) and the released accounted at the time of the day’s work. Any shortage/deficiency noticed between the joint inventory and the materials actually released and handed over to railways shall be recovered from the contractor’s bills at the cost notified from time to time. B. Relaying with Mechanical Equipment (PQRS): Relaying with mechanical equipment shall be carried out as per Para 1405 and 1406 of IRPWM 1986, the salient features of which are given below: 1. Preparatory work: In the base depot adequate no. of pre assembled panels shall be prepared using service rails and new sleepers supplied by railways. During the assembly of the panels, elastic fastenings complete in all respects should be provided and correct uniform spacing of sleepers (M+7 or M + 8 or as directed by the Engineer Incharge) shall be ensured. 2. The assembled panels should be stacked neatly in tiers at nominated locations from where they can be loaded in railway’s BFRs for movement to site. 3. During the pre assembly of panels all the rubber pads shall be pasted to the sleepers using glue of approved quality for which no extra payment will be admissible. 4. At the site of work an auxillary track shall be laid at 3.4 m gauge keeping its centre line as that of existing track. 5. If the existing rails consist of free rails, the fish bolts shall be opened and greased one day in advance of the actual relaying. In case the existing rails are with LWR/CWR, they should be converted into panels of suitable length such that the capacity of the portal crane is not exceeded while handling one panels. 6. The proposed rail level & centre line should be marked by tie bars/pegs at suitable intervals along the track. 7. Wherever laying by PQRS is not possible such as LCs, girder bridges, approaches to yards, etc, a suitable arrangement for ramping out the difference in rail level shall be done by the contractor. 8. Necessary BFRs, engine with crew, portal cranes with operator along with necessary BFRs for loading of released track panels, BFRs for loading of pre assembled panels, other wagons/coaches for formation of relaying trains will be supplied by railways free of charge for the duration of the work. 9. The portal cranes will be operated by Railway operators with necessary diesel/patrol/consumables, etc during the block. 10. Before relaying work is actually taken up an SR of 20 kmph shall be imposed by the Engineer Incharge at the place of relaying and preliminary works such as loosening of fastenings, removal of ballast carried out in advance. On the day of relaying, traffic block will be imposed by the Engineer Incharge of the work and relaying train along with necessary equipment and new panels will enter into the block. After relaying train is positioned, the portal cranes will be unloaded onto the auxillary track and the old track dismantled and loaded by the portal cranes on the empty BFRs. 49 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 11. Before the new panels are laid the ballast will be leveled by the contractor and the pre assembled panels laid in position. The new and existing track will be joined by closer rails. At the end of the block after laying of the last panel a ramp will be made for a length of atleast 2 rail length between existing track and the new track to run out the difference in the levels due to variation in depth of sleeper/rail. After closing of the work relaying trail will return back to the base depot. 12. In the base depot the released panels will be unloaded from the BFRs using contractor’s own machinery/equipment, crane, etc and the released sleepers/rails stacked at the nominated place as directed by the Engineer Incharge. 13. All the released fittings shall be stacked duly segregating class II, III materials by the contractor in a neat fashion and countable manner. 14. As soon as laying of panel is completed, the opened out ballast should be put back into the newly laid track. The track should be given one round of initial packing to make the track fit for 20 kmph for which no extra payment will be admissible. 15. Subsequent packing shall be carried out as provided for in the tender schedule. 16. Immediately after panels are laid during the block, the newly laid panel joined with by providing fish plates with 4 bolts. 17. Contractor must ensure deployment of enough labour to maintain minimum progress stipulated for each day continuously till the completion of the work. Failure to do so if compensated by departmental labour depending on the decision of the Engineer incharge, difference in cost will be recovered from the contractor. 18. With 2 cranes engaged for the work a minimum progress of 3 km in 30 line block hours should be achieved. For every addl crane brought into operation, a minimum of 1.2 km each in addition should be done. Failure to attain the progress as prescribed above would invite imposition of penalty of Rs. 2,000/- (Rs. Two thousand) for every 100 m found short of the prescribed target as above. If block is not availed due to failure on contractor’s part will be taken as Zero progress on that day and the penalty recovered accordingly. For the purpose of record keeping a detailed record shall be kept at site showing details of daily blocks given, blocks utilized, no. of panels laid etc. 19. Minimum 20 panels should be assembled and 20 panels dismantled per day. Failure to attain the progress as prescribed above would invite imposition of penalty of Rs. 50/(Rs. Fifty) per panel found short of the prescribed target above. While assembling the sleepers should be spaced properly, both the rail ends should be brought to one line as directed by the Engineer incharge. For the purpose of record keeping, a detailed record shall be kept at base depot showing details of daily position of no. of panels assembled, no. of panels dismantled etc. 20. Initial aligning, leveling and packing of the sleepers laid on the day of block including “ramp in” and “ ramp out” as per the directions of the Engineer Incharge should be completed during the same block hour itself and also before allowing first train. Enough labour shall be arranged by the contractor to ensure this, failing which the penalty clause 3 above will be attracted. For the purpose of record keeping, a detailed record shall be kept at site showing the details of daily position of lifting done, rear packing done, SR details, etc. 21. Wooden blocks/CST 9 plates for the auxillary track should be placed 2 m interval on each rail and the size of wooden block should be as per the direction of the Engineer incharge. 22. The extent of ballast that is to be removed from track viz before the block and during the line block and closing the ballast to the correct ballast profile is to be done as directed by the Engineer incharge at site. The closing of ballast should be commenced immediately after rail panel with sleepers are laid. After removing the existing track new panels are to be connected with fish plates, bolts and nuts etc including initial aligning, leveling, initial packing to restore the track to allow traffic at 20 kmph speed. 23. Immediately after the panels are laid by PQRS crane the track shall be slewed to proper alignment with reference to center line pegs already fixed. On curves the track should be slewed to proper curvature which should be ensured by prescribed versines and this work should be completed on the same day of the panel laying itself. 50 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 24. After the SR for the work is imposed, the contractor shall progress with the work in a systematic manner within three days from imposition of SR. 25. For connecting the new track with old track wherever required combination fish plates shall be used. 26. After laying the newly laid track shall be packed and SR relaxed in stages as per schedule given in para 308 of IRPWM. 27. After completion of the work the ballast spread out shall be pulled back and the track dressed as per LWR profile. 28. In the subsequent blocks/shadow blocks the service rails should be replaced by the welded panels. C. Manual laying: 1. The SR of 20 kmph shall be imposed by the Engineer Incharge and temp. Engg restriction boards fixed at appropriate places. 2. The existing LWR/CWR should be converted into panels of appropriate lengths as directed by the Engineer incharge before the work is taken up. 3. The position of new sleepers shall be marked in the base rail with white paint and transferred to the opposite rails by means of T square. The sleepers shall be laid to the density specified in the schedule or as directed by the Engineer Incharge. 4. For replacement of existing sleepers, first crib portion of the ballast shall be removed on either side of the sleepers. After removal of the ballast to the required depth, the old sleepers will be removed and new sleepers inserted from the other end. The work should be so planned that at any point of time there are atleast 4 fully supported sleepers between two adjacent sleepers which are being worked for replacement. During passage of trains, adequate no. of wooden blocks shall be used to support the track. 5. At the end of the day, it should be ensured that no unrenewed sleeper is left in between and the cross level and grade run off are satisfactory. 6. The contractor should deploy adequate labour so as to achieve a minimum progress of 350 to 500 sleepers per day. 7. At the end of the day’s work the track should be lifted and packed to the final level with suitable ramp to meet the level of existing track for atleast 2 rail length. 8. After completion of the TSR work for suitable length through packing shall be carried out as provided in the schedule or by track machines and SR relaxed in stages in accordance with the time schedule prescribed in para 308 of IRPWM. After completion of TSR work, special attention should be given to alignment, surfacing, gauging, packing cross levels and tightening of fittings. 9. The contractor should show a minimum progress of 350 sleepers per day. If he fails to achieve the above progress, a recovery at the rate of Rs. 5 (Rupees five) per sleeper will be made from the contractor’s bill for the number of sleepers found short of the prescribed target. D)TRR – for laying of rails: 1. New rails unloaded for TRR, CTR works shall be painted before laying using approved quality paint as provided in the tender schedule. 2. Bent end of the rails, welds shall be straightened with jim crow before laying, at fish plated joints fishing surfaces of the rails and fish plates should be greased before putting the fish plates in position. 3. Rails/panels of the same length should be used in pairs. 4. Rail joints shall be laid square to the track. In case of long welded/CWR track, the existing rails/panels shall be converted into panels of 500 mtr/1000 mtr by welding on cess to avoid insitu welding. 5. Check rails at girder bridges/LCs shall be removed in advance of TRR work and refixed on the same day. For SWP track a correct expansion gap according to the temperature at the time of laying shall be provided as contained in para 508 of IRPWM. 6. Fish bolts and fish plates shall be greased using grease graphite. 51 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 7. The contractor shall arrange for all the tools required for the work, e.g. rail tongues, crow bars, wire claw, wire spikes, rollers, simplex jacks for lifting of the track and any other equipment required and considered necessary by the Engineer Incharge for satisfactory execution of the work. 8. Every effort will be made to grant 2 to 3 Hr block for laying of the panels and TRR work. The contractor shall make adequate arrangement for labour, plant and machinery to make effective use of the blocks. However, Railways will not accept any liability in case the blocks could not be granted due to unavoidable circumstances, like late running trains, etc and no claim whatsoever will be entertained on this account. 9. In a block of 2 to 3 Hr, the average productivity expected from the contractor is TRR of 500 Mtr length. If the contractor fails to achieve the above progress, penal recovery will be made at the rate of 10% of the rates accepted for TRR from the bills of the contractor for the lengths by which the sprogress is short of targeted progress of 400 Mtr per 02 Hrs of block granted. 10. For welding of rail joints, the Tenderer/Contractor will be required to align and support the free rail/3 rail/10 rail panels on wooden block for at least one rail length. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT FOR TRACK WORKS 1. The contract shall be governed by the Southern Railway’s General Conditions of Contract, Indian Railways P.way Manual, Indian Railway Track Manual, Schedule of Dimensions and the Standard specifications for track works. In case of contradictions the clause under these special conditions shall prevail. 2. The contractor must ensure deployment of enough labour to maintain minimum progress stipulated for each day continuously till the completion of the work. Failure to do so if compensated by departmental labour depending on the decision of the Engineer incharge, difference in cost will be recovered from the contractor. 3. The tenderer shall visit the site of work to familiarise himself with the condition of work and ascertain the nature and quantum of work, site conditions, availability of approach road, availability of labour, water, electricity, land for labour camps, etc. 4. The contractor shall not start any work on the track under traffic conditions without the presence of the railway’s supervisor at site. In case the contractor or his representative starts any work in the absence of the railway supervisor, it shall be treated as unauthorized and illegal tampering with the track and shall be liable for action under Indian Railways Act. 5. In case any train is detained at the approach of work spot on account of its passage being considered unsafe by Railway supervisor on account of bad workmanship by the contractor or the track parameters being unsatisfactory for safe passage of trains or due to the contractor leaving the work unfinished or due to work being delayed by the contractor, the Railway shall be entitled to recover detention charges from contractor’s bills or security deposit or any other dues at the rate of Rs. 5000/- per Hour of detention or part thereof. Detention to trains as determined by the Railway shall be final and binding upon the contractor. 6. Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 62 of GCC, the Railway reserves the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect if the contractor is found responsible for any breach of rule which affects the safe running of trains without giving any notice to the contractor. 7. In case any accident occurs at the workspot, the findings of the Enquiry Committee set up by the Railways to investigate into the cause of the accident shall be final and binding on the contractor. If the contractor is held responsible for the accident, the contract is liable to be terminated forthwith notwithstanding the provision of clause 62 of the GCC. 8. Irrespective of the provisions of clause 62 of the GCC or otherwise, penalty upto an upper limit of 10% of the total cost of work may be imposed in case an accident occurs due to contractor’s negligence as decided by Railway and Railway’s decision shall be final and binding on the contractor. The contractor is also liable for prosecution if loss of life is involved. 9. Traffic blocks as required to carry out certain track works will be arranged by the Railway. Actual availability of block would depend on flow of traffic and there may be variations in availability of block vis-à-vis those planned. The wastage of labour, if any, 52 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 occurring on account of non availability of block would not be paid for. No claims on such account shall be considered. 10. The contractor shall proceed with the work in a systematic manner so as to ensure that the stretch of track under speed restriction and its duration is kept to a minimum. The decision of the Engineer in this respect shall be final and binding. 11. On deep screening sites, the contractor may be required to handle additional ballast which might have been dumped during the intervening period. No extra amount shall be payable for handling the additional ballast in such cases. 12. The work shall be so carried out that there is no infringement to the Railway’s Schedule of Dimensions. 13. The Railway shall arrange for protection of tracks by their staff. In addition, the contractor shall arrange for ‘Look Out man’ for protection and to warn his workers of any approaching train. No compensation shall be paid by the Railway in case of injury or death to the contractor’s labour and the contractor shall indemnify the Railway of any responsibility in this regard. The contractor may obtain Group Insurance in respect of his workers. 14. At each site of work, the contractor shall employ and post one Technical Supervisor who should have adequate experience in execution of track works. The name, technical qualification & details of experience of the technical supervisor so employed shall be advised to the Engineer. If in the opinion of the Engineer, this supervisor is not fit to be incharge of the work, he shall be forthwith replaced. In this matter, the decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding on the contractor. 15. The contractor’s technical supervisor shall be present at the site at all times when the work is being executed. The contractor shall employ adequate no. of workers to give consistent and desired progress every day. 16. For executing the works, the contractor has to arrange his own tools, plant and equipment. Unless otherwise stated in the schedule, Railway shall provide equipment which are specifically mentioned in the description/specification of items in the schedule. In all other cases, hire charges for the tools, plants and sleepers will be recovered from the contractor’s bills/security deposit as per extant rules or from any other dues. 17. The contractor shall arrange for safe custody of the materials supplied/hired to him. In case of loss of railway materials, the Railway will recover the cost as per extant rules. 18. Site order books, progress registers, hindrance registers and materials (issues & releases) registers shall be maintained at site and entries shall be made on day to day basis in these registers and signed jointly by Railway supervisor and the contractor or his authorized representative. All details of various stages of work, imposition/removal of SR, measurements of track parameters, accountal of released materials shall be recorded therein. 19. In case of loading/unloading from the railway wagons, all commercial formalities shall be observed. All demurrage/wharfage charges accruing due to neglect of contractor will be recovered from his bills. 20. The contractor may be required to suspend deep screening work during rain and no compensation shall be payable. 21. Portable ballast cleaners/inclined screens shall be needed for screening ballast at deep screening sites. Use of wire baskets is not permissible for screening of ballast. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for portable ballast cleaners/inclined screens. Where feasible, these may be supplied by Railways on hire. 22. No ballast shall be wasted on the slopes of banks or in cuttings while taking up ballasting/deep screening works. All cut spoils/earth from deep screening spot shall be disposed beyond catch water drain. 23. Provision of temp SR Boards and their lighting etc will be arranged by Railways. 24. COMPLIANCE WITH THE INSTRUCTIONS/DIRECTIVES OF THE ENGINEER’S REPRESENTATIVE: The contractor shall always comply with the instructions/directives of the Engineer’s representative from time to time. In the event of non compliance with the instructions/directives, apart from and in addition to other remedies available to the Railways as specified herein, the Engineer’s representative may employ at the work site the required no. of workers to provide the requisite conditions for safe and unhampered movement of railway traffic. The decision of the Engineer’s representative in regard to the need, appropriateness and adequatacy of the deployment of the required workers with necessary equipment shall be final and binding. The no. of workers so deployed by the Railway shall be intimated in writing by the Engineer’s representative to the contractor after such deployment. When the required 53 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 workers with necessary equipment are deployed in the above manner, recovery at the rates mentioned herein shall be made from the contractor’s dues under this contractor or from any other monies of the contractor available with the Railways under any other contract. The recovery for the above total man hour so employed at the work site for the above purpose shall be made at the rate of Rs. 20/- (Rs. Twenty) per man hour. The aggregate period of the man hours for the above recoveries shall be reckoned from the time the workers are actually deployed at the work site till the work is completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer’s representative whose decision in this regard shall be final/conclusive and binding on the contractor. Recovery for the deployment of equipment shall be made at the rate twice the hire charges as per extant rules. 25. PERSISTENT NON COMPLIANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS/DIRECTIVES OF THE ENGINEER’S REPRESENTATIVE: a) If the contractor does not comply with the instructions/directives of the Engineer’s representative, apart from and in addition to the remedies available to the Railway as specified herein above without prejudice to Railways rights in this regard, the Engineer’s representative which for the purpose of this clause shall include the Inspector of Civil Engg Dept appointed by the Railway can suspend the contractor’s works till the Engineer’s representative is satisfied that the contractor has taken necessary steps to comply with the instructions/directives issued by the Engineer’s representative. b) The decision of the Engineer’s representative in this regard shall be final/conclusive and binding on the contractor. The contractor shall not have any claim whatsoever against the Railway for such suspension of work. c) During such period of suspension of work, the contractor shall not in any manner attempt to carry out any work at the work site. Any such attempt on the part of the contractor shall amount to tampering of the Railway track for which the contractor shall be liable for appropriate action under the relevant provisions of the Indian Railways Act. 26. If the fittings, viz. ERC, liners, etc are found seized due to corrosion, the contractor shall make arrangements for removal of these without damaging the sleepers by heating and/or using derusting solutions of approved brand and make, for which no extra payment will be admissible. 27. Tools and plants: All permanent way tools as required for execution of the works will have to be arranged by the contractor. Few of the essentially required tools are indicated below: a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) n) o) p) Crow bars. Shovels Boaters Keying hammers Spiking hammers Track gauge Level boards Spirit levels Cotter splitting tools Cant boards Wooden squares Wire baskets for screening Mortar pans Long lines and template Cane baskets Spanner, etc 28. Dip lorry for trucking out shall be made available by the Railways. The labour for working dip lorry shall be made available by the contractor. The dip lorry work shall be done under the supervision of Railway supervisor. 54 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 b) In addition to the above, other equipment like leveling equipment, theodolite, thermometer, abrasive rail cutter, scales etc shall be arranged by the contractor from approved suppliers. These equipment shall be checked and approved by the Engineer Incharge. c) After completion of the work, the contractor shall take back these tools. 29. Initial packing will be deemed to be completed only when the track parameters conform to the following tolerance: Gauge: (-) 2 mm to (+) 2 mm on straight, (+) means slack and (-) means tight. Variation of only 2 mm permitted between 2 adjoining sleepers. If due to age and condition of P.way materials existing on the track, the gauge cannot be set to the tolerance limits, the matter will be considered by the Engineer incharge and such directions as he gives should be followed. His decision in the matter shall be final and binding on the contractor. Spacing of sleepers: With respect to the theoretical spacing +/2- 20 mm. Cross levels: Not more than +/- 3 mm (to be recorded on every 4th sleeper). Alignment: a) Not more than 1/-2 mm on 10 m chord on ____ straights. b) Variations over theoretical versines: (i) not more than 5 mm on curves of radius more than 600 m, on 20 m chord length; (ii) not more than 10 mm on curves of radius less than 600 m, on 20 m chord lengths. Longitudinal levels: Variation in longitudidnal levels with reference to approved longitudinal sections not more than 50 mm. Packing: Not more than 4 sleepers should be found loosely packed when tested in lots of 20 at a time. No two consecutive sleepers should remain loosely packed. 30. All materials like rails, sleepers, fittings, grease, etc will be supplied by Railways unless provided otherwise in the tender schedule. 31. Railway does not undertake to provide any service roads for the movement of the contractor’s vehicles. The contractor can however make use of the service roads where they exists free of charge. However, the Railway shall not undertake to maintain them and the contractor shall maintain them at his own cost. In other places, the contractor should make his own arrangements for the movement of the vehicles and no extra rates shall be paid for this. The Railway reserves the right to make use of the roads formed and maintained by the contractor, as and when necessary, without any payment to the contractor. In the event of the contractor forming the service roads where railway land is not available or cannot be given by the railway, it shall be clearly noted that the contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining the required land and Railway shall not take any responsibility in this regard. 32. The contractor shall be responsible for anti larval work at his cost during the progress of work as may be prescribed by the Engineer incharge on the advice of the Railway Medical authorities and where the use of insecticides is involved, it shall be made in accordance with the provision of the Act and Rules in this behalf, at the cost of the contractor, who shall also be solely responsible for any acts of omission under the provisions of the aforesaid rules. 33. The Bonded Labour System (Abolition) Ordinance 1975 would apply to the present contract. The contractor shall duly observe the provisions thereof. 34. The contractor shall employ the following minimum technical staff during the execution of this work. (a) one graduate Engineer when the cost of work to be executed is Rs. 15 lakhs and above. (b) one qualified diploma holder (overseer) when the cost of the work to be executed is more than Rs. 5 lakhs but less than Rs. 15 lakhs. 35. The contractor should also maintain a site office at his own cost where he or his authorized representative would be available for taking instructions and discussions. In addition, technical staff should be available at site whenever required by the Engineer incharge to take instructions. In case the contractor fails to employ the technical staff as aforesaid, he shall be liable to pay a reasonable amount not exceeding a sum of Rs. 3,000/- (Rs. Three thousand) for each month of default in the case of graduate Engineer and Rs. 2000/- (Rs. Two thousand) for each month of default in the case of Diploma Holder (overseer). 36. The decision of the Engineer incharge as to the period for which the required technical staff is to be employed by the contractor and to the reasonableness of the amount to be deducted on this account shall be final and binding on the contractor. 55 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 37. Please note that the Income Tax (including surcharge) as notified from time to time by the Govt. of India will be deducted at source from your bills. The tender must be accompanied by an authentic and current valid ITCC. If for any reason, the tenderer/contractor is unable to submit the ITCC alongwith the tender, no payment will be released to him even if his tender is accepted till such time he produces ITCC. 38. Sales Tax: As per Tamilnadu General Sales Tax Act 1959 (as amended from time to time), Sales Tax is leviable on all Works Contract for the works executed in Tamilnadu area: Section 7F of the Tamilnadu General Sales Tax Act is reproduced below: “7F: Deduction of tax at source in works contract: 1. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act, every person responsible for paying any sum to any dealer for execution of works contract shall, at the time of payment of such sum, deduct an amount calculated as sales tax. The sales tax at source as per section 7F of TNGST Act will be deducted from the running bills, depending upon the nature of work. Provided that no deduction under sub section (1) shall be made where:a) no transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) is involved in the execution of such works contract; or b) the dealer produces a certificate from the assessing authority concerned that he has no liability to pay or has paid the tax under Section 3B or Section 7C; or c) declares goods are purchased from a registered dealer within the State and used in the execution of works contract in the same form in which such goods were purchased; Provided further that no such deduction shall be made under this section, where the amount or the aggregate of the amount paid or credited or likely to be paid or credited, during the year, by such person to the dealer for execution of the works contract including civil works contract does not or is not likely to exceed one lakhs rupees”. 39. Excise Duty: Excise duty, if any, in respect of the above work has to be borne by the contractor and is deemed to be included in the rates quoted by him. No reimbursement of the same will be made by the Railways. 40. Hiring of Railway’s plant, machinery, etc: The Railway not being bound to supply any plant/machinery to the contractor, may, if the circumstances permit, give to the contractor on hire such plant/machinery as are available, provided the contractor applies for them and gives in writing his acceptance of the rates and terms of hire charges. Where the Railway is satisfied that the contractor has got the requisite organization for operation and maintenance of these plant/machinery, the hire terms would exclude consumable stores, operation charges etc in which case the contractor shall undertake to do these things himself at his own cost outside the rates and terms of hire. Where the Railway is not satisfied with the Contractor’s ability to maintain and operate the plant/machinery, the hire terms shall include in the hire charges the cost of consumable stores and operation charges etc. The plant and machinery will be normally made over at the nearest stores depot and they will have to be transported at the contractor’s cost to the workspot and return the same to the depot after the work is over. The period of hire of the plant and machinery will be from the date of their handing over to the contractor to the date of their return by the contractor, both days inclusive except for the days the plant/machinery remains out of order for reasons beyond the control of the contractor or stops for periodical overhauling as certified by the Engineer incharge, in both the cases. The contractor is entirely responsible for the safe and proper upkeep of such plant/machinery while in his custody. The cost of the plant/machinery not returned to the depot in good order, fair wear & tear excepted, shall be recovered at the market rate of the plant and machinery from the running bills. 41. The Railway may give on hire to the contractor such materials as rails, steel cribs and released BG/MG wooden sleepers, if available, for use in execution of the work from the nearest stores depot. The contractor shall take over and transport the same to the site of work at his own cost and also take all reasonable care of such materials and shall be responsible for all damage/loss. The contractor shall sign accountable receipt for such materials made over to him by the Engineer and on completion of the work shall hand over the same to the Engineer at 56 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 the same depot in good order, fair wear & tear excepted. The cost of any material not returned to the depot will be recovered at the market rate of the materials from the running bills of the contractor. The extent of recovery towards compensation for the loss or wear or damage to the materials other than fair wear & tear shall be decided upon by the Railway depending upon the merits of each case and the decision of the Engineer shall be final. The period of hire of the materials will be from the date the materials are issued to the contractor till the date they are returned to the stores depot. 42. The contractor shall be responsible for any loss/damage to Railway and public property or third party’s property if its occurs during the course of execution and the Railway reserves its right to have the damages made good by the contractor. 43. Variation in Quantities: The quantities of various items given in the schedule for the works to be executed are only approximate and are only for the guidance of the contractor. As far as possible, they have been assessed correctly but are likely to vary during the execution of the work. The contractor’s attention is drawn to clause 42 of the General Conditions of Contract, dealing with variation in quantities. 44. Special attention is drawn to clause 31 of the General Conditions of contract and it is advised for the guidance of the tenderer/contractor that there is no possibility of any Railway source for supply of water to the works. The tenderer/contractor has to make necessary arrangements for supply of potable water at his own cost for concreting, 45. curing and for any other use. Chemical analysis of water and other ingredients shall be done from time to time as desired by the Engineer incharge at the cost of the contractor. Kayal water should not be used. 46. Railway does not guarantee supply of electricity to any of the contractor’s works. The contractor shall make his own arrangements at his cost for the supply of electricity for the various works. 47. Setting out works: The contractor shall be responsible for the true and proper setting out of the works for correctness of the position, levels, dimensions and alignment of all parts of the work and for provisions of all necessary pegs, reference pillars, instrument, equipment and appliances and labour in connection therewith. If at any time during the progress of the work any error shall appear or arise in the position of levels, dimensions or alignments at any part of the work, the contractor on being required to do so by the Engineer incharge shall at his own expense rectify such errors to the satisfaction of the Engineer incharge and he shall carefully protect, preserve, secure all bench marks, site rails, pegs, reference pillars and other things used in setting out of the work. 48. If the contractor is a co-operative labour contractor society/vendors co-operative society, there shall be no element of contractor of ex.contractor in that society in any capacity nor shall there be any close relative of the contractor or ex.contractor associating with the society as an office bearer. 49. In case of breach of this provision, the Railway reserves its right to terminate the contract with the society at any time without assigning any reason after giving notice of a month to the society. 50. Released materials and other debris of dismantling should be removed and stacked at places as directed by the Engineer incharge and no extra lead or lift shall be paid on this account. 51. Earnest Money Deposit: Tenderer should submit along with the tender the requisite Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and tenders unaccompanied by requisite EMD will be summarily rejected. Earnest money in the form of guarantee bonds shall not be accepted. 52. Programme of work: Immediately on issue of the Letter of Acceptance, the contractor should submit a programme of work showing the activities workwise for completing the work whole within the stipulated period of completion, in consultation with the Executive Engineer incharge of the work. If so desired by the Engineer, the contractor shall submit further programme from time to time, taking into consideration the latest progress achieved till then. 53. This is to reiterate that the Railway reserves the right of terminating the contract at any stage of review of the progress, if the above agreed programme(s) is/are not adhered to within the margin of 10% as envisaged in clause 62(i)(viii) of the General Conditions of Contract. 57 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 54. Non submission of the programme as envisaged about shall entitle the Railway to terminate the contract under clause 62 of the General Conditions of Contract. 55. Issue of materials to the contractor or his authorized representative will be on vouchers and the materials thus issued are to be accounted for by the contractor either in the track as fitted or as surplus material having been returned to the Railway and he shall be held responsible for any shortage/breakage till the track is taken over by the Inspector incharge. 56. The contractor shall procure an inspection kit similar to consolidated tool box containing various gauges similar to PWI tool kit model no.TK2 (probable suppliers: GKS Marketing Agencies, Chennai) and supply to the Railway for inspection and monitoring the quality of the work. 57. For drilling holes in rails and cutting rails the contractor should make his own arrangements for using the drilling and cutting machines, rail cutting blades, drill bits etc. The department will not supply these items. However, it can be issued on hire if available under usual terms and conditions of the relevant clause of these special conditions. Cutting of rails by gas or by jim crow is not permitted. 58. No extra payment will be made for crossing the tracks, lift/descend while unloading, leading and stacking of the materials. 59. Permanent Way materials should be handled carefully without causing any damage. If any damage is caused making these materials unfit for use on track or for shortages, the cost thereof will be recovered from the contractor at book rates plus 19.5%. The decision of the Engineer incharge regarding the damage or shortage and amount of recovery shall be final and binding on the contractor. 60. The cost of permanent way materials when got broken in handling/transport except for negligence of contractor will not be recovered but broken one should be handed over to the Railway depot as nominated already or as may be directed. Whether the breakages have occurred due to negligence of the contractor or not will be decided by the Engineer Incharge and his decision is final and binding on the contractor. 61. Materials liable to breakage or damage by being dropped or thrown, shall be unloaded carefully by hand or suitable means. All materials shall after unloading, be stacked sufficiently clear of the track or the road, as the case may be and in the former case, shall remain without any possibility of infringing the minimum fixed structures dimensions when work is done near open yards/lines. 62. Materials shall also not be unloaded or stacked over signal wires, cables or gear or any such items to avoid interference to the existing running lines. SPECIFICATIONS FOR WELDING PORTIONS AND WELDING OF RAIL JOINTS The work under this tender is the supply of welding portions conforming to the technical requirement as contained in IRS-T-19-1994 along with accessories and tools including all consumable like mounds files etc. and/ or execution of welding of rails by the contractor. The work shall be carried out as per the provisions of the contract by deploying competent, supervisors duly certified by RDSO and skilled/unskilled labour required for the job as per the set out in the tender schedule. 1.0. General: 1.1. These instructions and specifications should be read in conjunction with the general conditions of contract 1978 as corrected by and upto correction slip no.13 0f 15.5.98. 1.2. Wherever there is any conflict between special conditions and general conditions of contract, the special conditions prevail. 1.3.The quantities shown in the tender schedule are approximate and intends only for the information and guidance of the tenderer to quote his rate, the rate and amount columns should be filled both in figures and words by the tenderer. In the event difference is found in the rate quoted in figure and words, the rates quoted in words will be taken for evaluation of the tender. 58 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 1.4. The contractor shall be responsible for anti larvel work at his cost during progress of works as may be prescribed by the Engineer in charge on the advice of the Railway Medical Authority and where use of insecticides is involved it shall be done in accordance with the provisions of the act the rules on the behalf of at the cost of the contract, who shall also be solely responsible for any acts of omissions under the provisions of the aforesaid rules. 1.5. The contractor shall indemnify the railway administration against any claim for compensation arising out of the provisions of the workmen's compensation act. 1.6. Observance of bonded labour systems (Abolitions) ordinance 1975 would apply to the present contract. The contractor shall duly observe the provisions thereof. 1.7. No child/ children under age 15 (fifteen) should be engaged for this work as per the employment of children act. 1.8. Time is essence of the contract. All works are required to be completed in all respects as set out in the tender schedule within the completion date. 1.9. LEGAL MATTERS: The contractor will at his own expenses obtain each permit or parwana for quarrying or for any other purposes as may be necessary to enable him to perform the contract. The Railway will not under any circumstances be liable to obtain any permit or parwana whatsoever. 1.10. SERVICE ROAD: The railway does not under take to provide any service roads for the movement of the contractors vehicle. The contractor can however make use of the service roads, where they exist free of charges. However, the railway shall not under take to maintain them and the contractor shall maintain at his own cost. In other places, the contractor should make his own arrangements for the movement of the vehicles and no extra rate shall be paid for this. The railway reserves the right to make use of the roads formed and maintained by the contractor and when necessary, without any payment to the contractor. In the event of the contractor forming the service roads, where railway land is not available of can not be given by the Railway for this purpose, it shall be clearly noted that the contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining the required land and the railway shall not take any responsibility in this respect. 1.11 Immediately on issue of LOA the contractors should submit signed bar chart of proposed program of work to the Engineer in charge. 1.12. PAYMENT: The payment shall be arranged by Sr. Divl. Accounts officer through Divl. Engineer or Sr. Divl. Engineer based on the measurements and bills of quantities. 1.13. MOBILISATION ADVANCE: No mobilisation advance will be payable under this contract. 1.14. PLANT AND MACHINERY ADVANCE: No plant and machinery advance is admissible under this contract. 1.15.PROTECTIONS WHILE WORKING IN THE VICINITY OF TRACK: a) When the work is required to be done along or near the exg. railway track, the contractor shall take such steps as are necessary for the safety of the track and labour working at site. He/ they will also be required to program his/ their working so as to interfere with the movement of trains. No extra payment shall be allowed for these protections and also for crossing track if required during the execution of work. It should be ensured that the ballast of the tracks is not spoiled or mixed with earth. 59 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 b. In addition to the precautions taken by the contractor(s) for the safety of the track and labour, it may be necessary to post flagman in some locations as additional safety measure for which the cost shall be recoverable from the contractor. The contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage or tresspass caused by his/ their men to any surround structure. Railway bears no liability whatsoever on this account. 2. ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION OF CONTRACTOR: The contractor / firms should be approved for manufacturing of portions and execution of welding by RDSO Lucknow. The contractor shall engage welder and welding supervisor certified by the RDSO/Lucknow and they shall posses valied competency certificates as provided in para 6 of T.19.1994. 3. RAILS: The rails conform to BS specification No.11, 1994,/ or IRS Spen. no.T.12/96 or UIC 860-0-1986. In case of any doubt regarding metallurgy of rails the contractor shall arrange for a chemical analysis of rail pieces which will be supplied at nearest P.way depot for this purpose free of cost at a place convenient to railway. 4. WELDING PORTION: 4.1. The portion for supply welding shall conform to the technical requirements as mentioned in IRS T-19-1994. The suitability of the portions for the welding process in respect of the type and section of rails to be welded shall be ensured before commencing welding. Only RDSO certified/ passed portions should be used for welding. 4.2. The portion supplied shall not be more than 1 month old at the time of supply and shall normally be used within six months from the date of manufacture. 5. WELDING OF RAILS: 5.1. Technique for welding: Welding techniques approved provisionally or for regular adoption by Rly. board/RDSO should only be adopted for welding of rails. 5.2. Welding shall be carried out as per provisions contained in manual for fusion welding of rails by alumino thermic process 1998 & IRS T-19-1994. However, important provisions are reproduced below: 5.2.1 The rail ends shall be cut by sawing or using abrasive disc cutter and not by flame cutting. 5.2.2. Second hand rails shall be match marked before releasing from track to enable matching of the rail ends at the time of welding. Kinks, if any in the rails shall be removed before welding. 5.2.3. The rolling marks on the web or rails shall be checked before welding to ensure that generally rails of different qualities are not welded together. However, in unavoidable circumstances, where rails of Grade 710 (72 UTS) rail chemistry and that of grade 880 (90 UTS) chemistry are to be welded, the portion of grade 880 (90 UTS) chemistry shall be utilized for welding. 5.2.4. While using second hand rail panels for secondary renewal, released from LWR/CWR sections, the ends should be cropped to eliminate fish bolts holes. If rail ends do not have bolt holes, the ends may be cropped to a distance of minimum 150 mm for AT welds and 85mm for flash butt welds from the centre of welded joints to eliminate heat affected zone of welds. End cropping may be suitably increased so as to ensure that rail ends are within the tolerance as specified in the manual. 5.3. Equipment and staff for welding: The list of one set of AT welding equipment by short preheating process is given in Annexure II. The compensation of thermit welding terms is given in 60 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Annexure III. However, additional men shall be arranged by contractor as per the work load for creating proper gap and for welding, TRR,, gap adjustment, pulling of rails/ panels etc. 5.4. Preparation of rail ends to be welded: The rail end face and adjacent sides at foot (top & bottom), web and head up to 50mm shall be thoroughly cleaned using kerosene oil and brushing with wire brush to remove all dirt, grease and rust before welding. Any burrs at the rail ends shall be removed by chiseling or grinding. Normally, no alumino-thermic welded joint shall be located closer than 4m from any other welded or fish plated joint. 5.5 : Gap between rail ends: The two rail ends to be welded shall be held in position with a uniform and vertical gap as per gap specified in Annexure I. The uniformity and verticality of the gap shall be measured by a gauge prior to welding. In case of wide gap 50 + 1/75 + 1mm welding, for repairing fractured/defective welds, if shall be ensured that the end faces are vertical. In LWR/CWR territory, hydraulic/mechanical rail tensor of suitable and approved design should be used for maintaining correct rail gap during welding. 5.6 : Preliminary work prior to welding: 5.6.1. : In case of in-situ welding the rail fastenings for at least five sleepers on either side of the proposed weld shall be loosened. The sleepers adjacent to the joint to be welded shall be shifted to obtain a clear working space of 250mm on either side to accommodate the moulds, clamps, preheating equipment, etc. The rails shall then be properly aligned, both horizontally and vertically. 5.6.2 : When the welding work is carried out on cess, full rail length shall be leveled by supporting on at least ten wooden blocks on either side. The rails shall be properly aligned in horizontal and vertical direction and held in position. 5.7 : Alignment of rail ends before welding 5.7.1 The rail ends to be welded shall be aligned in horizontal and vertical planes to the dimensional limits indicated below: : Lateral alignment: The two rail ends, after alignment shall be within + 0.5 mm when checked with a 1.0m straight edge at rail ends. Any difference in the widths of rail heads shall always be fully kept on the non-gauge side, correctly aligning the rail ends on the gauge face. Vertical alignment: The joint shall be kept higher by 3 to 4mm for 72 UTS rails and 2 to 2.4 mm for higher UTS rails when measured at the end of 1m straight edge (as a compensation against sagging caused by differential shrinkage on cooling) (Fig. This shall be achieved by wedges applied on the rail supporting blocks on both sides of the joint. 5.7.2 Gap between rail ends may be rechecked after completion of alignment. Datum marks shall be made on foot of both rails as well as on joint sleepers in order to observe any longitudinal movement of rails. If excessive longitudinal movement occurs during preheating and produces a welding gap outside the prescribed limits, the welding of joint shall be temporarily abandoned and joint allowed to cool. 5.8. Fixing of mould: Only prefabricated mould supplied by the portion manufacturing agency shall be used for welding. Defective, cracked damp and mould with blocked vents shall not be used in the welding work. The welding shall be carried out as laid down in manual for fusion welding of rails by the Alumino Thermic Process Sept.98 as amended from time to time. 5.9 Post weld packing of sleeper: Before the passage of traffic, the wedges used for aligning should be removed and joint sleepers which were shifted to obtain the clear gap of 250mm on 61 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 either side as per para shall be re-shifted to the original location and repacked. Packing of these reshifted sleepers should be carried out gently and carefully. 5.10 : Passing of traffic : The first train should be allowed to pass on the newly welded joint only after 30 minutes have elapsed since pouring of weld metal. Necessary speed restriction shall be observed until the grinding operation is over. 5.11 : Grinding: 5.11.1 Tolerances on finished welds: All the finished joints shall be checked to ensure that the joint geometry is within the following tolerances: (I) Vertical alignment: Variation not more than + 1.0 mm, -0 mm measured at the end of one metre straight edge. (ii) Lateral alignment: Variation not more than +0.5 mm measured at centre of one metre straight edge. (iii) Finishing of top surface: +0.4 mm, -0mm measured at the end of 10cm straight edge. (iv Head finishing on sides: +0.3 mm over gauge side of the rail head measured at the centre of 10cm straight edge. Note: In specific cases, for joint geometry, in case of old rails, dispensations may be permitted by Chief Engineer. 5.12 Record of joint geometry: The details of geometry of each joint shall be jointly signed by the firm's and Railway's representative and kept as record. Any joint found not conforming to the above stipulations shall be cut and rewelded, free of cost, by the firm. 5.13 Marking: Each joint shall have a distinctive mark indicating month, year, agency, welder's code and weld number of the welded joint in the following manner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Month Last two digits Agency Specific Weld No. of year person number ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This should be done by punching on an aluminium strip of suitable thickness and dimension of 30 x 100 mm which should be fixed to the web of the rail with epoxy adhesive at app. 300mm from the joint. The welded joints shall be serially numbered in a kilometre. Repair welds/additional welds done at a later date may be given continuing weld number in that kilometre. For example, the last thermit weld number in a particular kilometre was 88 and subsequently a thermit weld has been executed, it shall be numbered 89, irrespective of its location in that kilometre. PWI shall maintain `Thermit Weld Register' as per proforma given in Annexure 5 of manual. No punch marking should be done on the rail. 6. Painting of Thermit Welds 6.1: Painting of weld collar should be done on all welds to protect them against corrosion immediately after the welding. The procedure of painting and specification of paint is given below: (a) Surface preparation (i) Remove dust, loose rust and mill scale by wire brushing. (ii) Scrub welded area with water to make it free from slag and other water soluble compounds. Make it dry. (b) Painting procedure 62 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 (I) Apply one coat of high build epoxy paint (two pack) conforming to RDSO specification No. M&C/PCN-111/88 on the welded area up to 10cm on either side. (ii) The paints manufactured from any one of the following manufacture shall only be used except with prior specific approval of Engineer in charge. (i) M/s. Asian Paints (India) Ltd., `Nirmal', 5th Floor, Nariman Point, P.B.No.1546, Mumbai -400 421. (ii) M/s. Addison Paints & Chemicals Ltd., `Huzur Gardens', Sembium, Chennai-600 011. (iii)M/s. Goodlass Nerolac Paints (P) Ltd., Nerolac House, Ganpat Rao Kadaw Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013. (iv) M/s. Shalimar Paints Ltd., 13, Camac St., Calcutta -700 071. (v) M/s. Berger Paints India Ltd., 32, Chowringee Road, Calcutta-700 071. 7.Acceptance tests. 7.1.: Visual Inspection: All the welded joints shall be examined carefully to detect any visible defect like cracks, blow holes, etc. Any joint, which shows any visible defect should be rejected. 7.2 : Dimensional check: All finished joints shall be checked for dimensional tolerances which should be within the tolerances as specified in para 5. 7.3 : (Revised vide Bd’s lr.No. Track/21/2002/0110/AT/Policy dt.11.08.05) Ultrasonic flaw detection test: All the fusion welded joints shall be ultrasonically tested before acceptance by Railway as per the `Procedure for ultrasonic testing of thermit welded rail joints' given at Annexure 8 of Manual of fusion welding of rails by Alumino Thermic Process 1998. 7.3.a.There should be a provision of joint checking with firm’s representative. In case the defective welds exceeds 4% , the certificate issued by RDSO should be cancelled and welder will have to go through with the process of re-certification. Till fresh certification is issued welder should not be allowed todo any work on the track. 7.3.b. A firm may do the welding of defective weld by wider gap technology. This testing shall be completed as early as possible but in any case before the contractor/welding team leaves the Welding site. 7.4: All the rewelded joints should meet the acceptance tests as indicated in paras 7.1 to 7.3. 8. Sample Test Joint: 63 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 8.1 : One out of every 100 joints welded shall be selected at random by the purchaser or by the inspecting officer within one month of welding and subjected to hardness, transverse load/deflection tests and porosity as per clause 4.2 of IRS: T-19-1994 and the joint shall comply with the provisions laid down therein. 8.2. If the sample test joint fails to satisfy any of the requirements of specification IRS:T-191994, the railway will be at liberty to suspend further welding. However, two more randomly selected joints from the same lot of 100 joints shall be subjected to retests as per clause 4.2 of IRS:T-19-1994. Both the joints should clear all the tests. If this report is also not satisfactory, further welding of joints shall be suspended until the firm's welding technique has been examined and the same satisfies the requirements of clause 4 of IRS:T-19-1994. The clearance for recommencement of welding shall be given by RDSO. 9: Guarantee : (Revised vide Rly.Board’s Letter No.Track/21/2002/ 0110/AT/ Policy dt.11.08.05) 9.1: Rail joints welded by a firm shall be guaranteed against failure for a period of two years from the date of welding the joints in track or from the date such welded joints made `in cess' are inserted in the track. Any such welded joint which fails within the guarantee period shall be rewelded free of cost by firm as per stipulations of para 7.4. In case a weld fails within 10% of stipulated GMT of rails, a penalty of Rs.10,000/- will be imposed on the firm in addition to the renewal of failed weld at their cost as per specification of para 7.4. (Stipulated GMT Min 262.50% for 52 kg and 400 GMT for 60 kg rails.) 9.2: In case of failure of sample test joint (refer para 8.0), the period of guarantee for 100 joints represented by the sample joint shall be extended for a further period of one year. In case of failure of joints exhibiting signs of failure by cracking within extended period of guarantee, the joints shall be rewelded free of cost by the supplier as per stipulations of para 7.4. 10. Other Requirements. 10.1: Welding shall be supervised by trained welding supervisor and carried out by trained welder having valid competency certificate from RDSO/TPP, NR, Lucknow in their possession. 10.2: A welding supervisor shall supervise not more than two welding teams deployed within 50m distance at a time. 10.3: A copy of the thermit welding manual shall be available with contractor's representative and at each welding site. 11.0. Replacement of defective welds: The joints found to be defective as per acceptance tests as given in Para 7.0 and also joints failed in the guarantee period shall not exceed 2% of the total quantity welded at any stage under each work order. All such joints exceeding 2% shall be replaced by the firm free of cost using their portion, equipment, labour and consumables. A penalty of Rs.500/- will be imposed for defective welds ranging from 2 to 4% and a penalty of Rs.1000/- if the defective weld is found more than 4%. 11.1: Where one bad joint is required to be replaced by two new joints, the entire cost of both the joints shall be borne by the firm. 11.2.The contractor shall be responsible for the welded joints serving satisfactorily during the guarantee period as specified in the specification. A sum equal to 1% of the total amount billed will be kept as security deposit for two years or the extended period of three years after execution of work as necessary and for every joint failing during the period, three times the cost of welding one 64 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 rail joint now being paid to the contractor will be recovered from his due, if the joints are not replaced by the contractor at his cost. 11.3. The penalty of Rs.500/- will be imposed for defective welds ranging from 2 to 4% and a penalty of Rs.1000/- if the defective weld is found more than 4%. In case the defective weld exceeds 4% the certificate issued by RDSO should be cancelled and welder will have to go through with the process of the certification. Till fresh certification is issued welder should not be allowed to do any work on the track. 12. Contractors Liability: The railway official in charge will make necessary arrangements for the safe working of trains and this will not relieve the contractor of the liability for indemnifying the Rly. against all cost, damages and charges or expenses, in case the Railway has become liable to costs, damages, charges or expenses due to negligence of the contractor. The decision of the Railway administration as to whether or not there has been negligence on the part of the contractor shall be final and binding on the contractor. 13. Accommodation: 13.1. Suitable temporary accommodation wherever available for storage of the contractor's plant, tools and consumable stores will be arranged free, as close to the site of work as possible on a specific request from the contractor. The accommodation if required will be provided for the duration of work and no rent will be charged for such accommodation. The Railway will not be responsible for the loss of the contractor's plant, tools and consumables stores due to theft, fire etc. and no claims will be entertained on this account. 13.2. The welding portion and accessories will unloaded at destination by Railway free of charge, however.. contractor shall indemnify railway against any loss/damage during handling/storage. 14.Use of Push Trolly: Railway may authorized the contractor, his representative or his supervisors to travel on a push trolly operated by railway staff from the nearest station to the site of work, provided necessary Indemnity Bond is signed by the contractor in the first instance on behalf of himself and the staff concerned and then separately by each of the contractor's employees requiring to be carried on trolly. 15. Rate of Progress: The daily rate of progress in a block of 2 hrs. shall be average of 8 joints and in case of cess welding minimum progress of 20 joints shall be maintained by the contractor. 16. Patients: The contractor shall not directly or indirectly use any invention for the time being the subject of letters patent so as to infringe such patterns of so as to involve the Railway in any infringement thereof and the contractor shall held the Railway harmless and keep the Railway indemnified against all costs, damages, charges or expenses, arising out of or in connection with any such infringements. 17. Period of Work & Working Session: Work shall be carried out during day/night as required by Railway Engineer-in-charge. The welding work should not be done during heavy rains. Work during light rains may be done in accordance with the local instructions, at the directions of the Engineer-in-charge. 18. Issue of Passes:(Ref. Board letter no.Track /21/2005/0110/AT Welding dated 01.08.08.) 65 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 NO free Railway passes shall be issued by the Railway to the contractor or any of his employee/worker. The contractor will purchase season tickets as per the extant procedure for his labour for travel by train in order to ensure adequate facilities for their transportation from their place of living to the place of work and back. 19. Change of Location of Work: The Railway reserves full right to change the kilometer ages within the division without the consent of the contractor. 20. Tools to be arranged by Railways: The Rly. will provide the necessary P.way tools listed below and equipment as available, for lifting placing in position and aligning the rails for welding free of charges. Rail tongue, rail dollies, Crow bar, Box spanners, dip lorries. These materials shall be issued at nearest PWI/depot and contractors shall make necessary arrangement for taking these materials to site. All the above materials should be handed over back to Railways in good condition with normal wear and tear. The cost of materials, if found missing/lost / damaged will be recovered from the contractors bills at the twice the rate of purchase. 21.Testing aluminium content : The testing charges for estimation of aluminium content by spectrographic methods in thermit steel at the rates as may be fixed by the RDSO/RITES from time to time should be borne by the contractor wherever such estimation of Aluminium is to be done by RDSO/RITES. 22.Tests & trails: The testing of welded joints taken out for testing as per Clause 21 of the IRS Spcn.No.T.19-1994 will be done at the Railway's laboratory or at any other testing center nominated by Railway, to which access will be given to the contractor if so desired. The cost of testing shall be borne by the Railways. 23. Measuring devices : The contractor shall ensures that each welding gang is providing with one metre long steel or aluminium straight edge, one ten centimeter long steel straight edge and one set of feeler gauges measuring in units of 0.1mm to 2.0 mm, stop watches etc. 24. Defective joints specified in clause 16.2 of the IRS Specn.T.19-1994 shall mean to include all joints classified as IMR or REM after ultrasonic testing. (i) The USFD testing shall be done within one month of completion of the work at a particular site. 25. Payment to the contractor: No sum shall be considered as earned by or due to the contractor in respect of any work until its final and satisfactory completion has been established as for as can be judged at the time of making the final measurement, but on account payments may be made to him, from time to time on account of the work as per Railway's code Rules depending upon the progress from time to time at such intervals between them as in the opinion of the Divisional Engineer shall be proper, having regard to the progress of the work and payment made to the contractor in accordance with such measurements. (ii) The rates quoted by contractor shall be firm and inclusive of sales tax, excise duty, income tax, royalty charges etc.. 66 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 25.1 Excise Duty: Excise duty of legally leviable shall be paid by the contractor directly to concerned office nominated for the purpose and produce the clearance certificate to the Engineer-in-charge. If the contractor fails to pay excise charges, the railway will be at liberty to deduct the excise charges and pay to concerned authorities directly, and no claim what so ever will be admitted on the account. 25.2 Sales Tax: Sales tax under clause 7(F) of Tamilnadu General Sales Tax act will be deducted at the rate given below: (i) Civil works contract: 2% of the total amount payable. (ii) Other works contract: 4% of the total amount payable to such dealer. Provided that no deduction under sub section(i) shall be made where no transfer of property in goods (whether as goods or in some other form) is involved in execution of such works contract, (or) (b) The dealer produces a certificate from the assessing authority concerned that he has no liability to pay or has paid the tax under section 3b or section 7c (or)(C) (c) Declared goods are purchased from a registered dealer within the state and used in the execution of works contract in the same form in which such goods were purchased. Provided further that no such deduction shall be made under this section where the amount or the aggregate of the amount paid or credited during the year, by such person to the dealer for execution of the works contract including civil works contract does not or is not likely to exceed one lakh rupees. 25.3 Income Tax: As per extent orders, Income Tax will be deducted at the rate of 2% from the given payable amount of all bills under the contract along with the surcharge as applicable from time to time. 25.4. In case the applicable rate of Sales Tax/Income Tax are revised by the government during the currency of the contract the deduction will be made as per the rates notified by the concerned and no claim whatsoever will be admitted on this ground. 26.0. Variation: (i) The Engineer on behalf of the Railway shall be entitled by order in writing to enlarge or extend diminish or reduce the work or make any alterations in their design, character, position, site, quantities, dimensions or in the method of their execution or in the (combination and use of materials for the execution thereof to order additional works to be done or any works not be done and the contractor, will not be paid only for the actual amount of work done and for approved materials supplied against a specific order. (ii) Unless otherwise specified in the special conditions of the contract, the accepted variation in quantity for each individual item of the contract would be upto 25% of the quantity originally contracted. The contractor shall be bound to carry out the work at the agreed rates. For the purpose of 25% variation, the quantities given against particular rail section for both conversion from FR to SWR to LWR should be taken together, payment will however, be made for the work actually executed. (iii) The enlargements, extensions, diminishing reductions, alterations or additions referred to in sub-clause (ii) of this clause shall in no degree affect the validity of the contract but shall be performed by the contractor as provided therein and be subject to the same conditions, stipulations and obligations as if they had been originally and expressly included and provided for in the specifications and drawings and the amounts to be paid therefore shall be calculated in accordance with the accepted schedule of rates. Any extra items/quantities of work falling outside. (iv) Above shall be paid for at the rates determined under the General Conditions of contract. 27.Assistance for allotment of aluminium: 67 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 The Railway will recommend to the concerned authorities allotment of commercial grade aluminium to the contractor at the rate of 3.0 for 60kg 2.8 for 52kg and 2.2 kg for 90R rail/joint ordered. This will be made on receipt of the request from the contractor. The responsibility for obtaining in time the raw materials including these covered by the Railways recommendations, will rest only with the contractor. Non-supply of any raw materials will not be accepted as a valid reason for the delay in execution of the work, progress and Completion as per that terms of the contract. 28. Supply of rail pieces: The Railway will supply free of cost 2 mtrs. rail length at the nearest P.way depot for every 1000 joints ordered on them. The rails supplied shall have similar metallurgical properties as required for rails to be welded. The test piece rails so welded shall be made over to RDSO for testing. 29. Security Deposit: The contractor will provide Bank Guarantee for the amount fixed towards Security deposit, failing which the SD will be recovered at 10% from the on account bills of contractor till the full SD is made up. The full security deposit on completion of the work will be returned to the contractor and the contractor shall submit another guarantee bond equivalent to 1% of the billed amount to cover the guarantee period. 30.Cut rails: The cut pieces of rails and balance lengths remaining after the work will be handed over to the Railway by the contractor near the site of work. No extra payment will be made to the contractor for removal/refixing of rail fastenings. After welding the released fish plates and fish bolts are to be handed over to the nearest railway stores depot under clear acknowledgement. Loss of fastenings is not permitted. The cost of the materials lost/damaged will be recovered from the contractor at the rate fixed by the railway as per rules in force. 31. For in situ welding the contractor has to create the correct gaps by suitably cutting the rail ends and / or by pulling rails, shifting of sleepers to required spacing by releasing the sleeper, rail fastenings and re-fixing to correct gauge. If the rails ends are not vertical, the contractor has to cut the ends vertically with tools and labour. All kinks 1m on either side of the weld should be straightened by removing kinks. No extra payment will be made for this. The quoted rated is inclusive of all such operations. 32. After completion the welding operation. The contractor will arrange for filling, grinding and finishing of these welds under traffic conditions. The rail surface on the exposed faces of the web to the rail foot and bottom of the rails load to a length of 10mm. on either side of the welds will then be scrapped and painted with approved quality and anticorrosive paint in two coats by the contractor. 33. All the released and spent items from welding e/g. welding cartons/ packings broken moulds scrap metal released from trimming of welds, except cut rails, fish plates, fish bolts, rail sleeper fastening etc., shall be the property of contractors and shall be removed from the site of work by the contractor. 34. Contractor shall arrange for his own welding equipments along with necessary consumables for execution of welding work which shall be taken back by the contractor on completion of work. 35. BLOCKS: 35.1. Railway will arrange for traffic blocks for in situ welding of joints in the track in spells of 2 hours daily. Contractor will ensure that the blocks are used efficiently and progress on envisaged in para 15 is achieved. Where as every effort will be made to grant the blocks every day, no claims what so ever will be entertained if block could not be given on any day due to traffic conditions. 35.2. No work involving interference with track and railway traffic shall be started by the contractor unless a competent Railway Supervisor is present at site and he has obtained the necessary permit to block the traffic. On receipt of permission for block, the railways official in charge at site will authorize contractor to commence the work. On receipt of permission for work, contractor will promptly start the work and close his work at least 15 minutes before schedule closing time of the 68 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 block so as to avoid any detention to traffic. However, the preliminary work can be started before commencement of the block under supervision of competent railway supervisor. 36. Contractor will also required to weld glued joints and / or SEJs wherever required at no extra cost. Necessary glued joints and SEJs will be supplied by Rly. at the site of work. 37. In case of TWR work the new/released/second class rails/ panels for a length of 500m to 1 km will be supplied by railways within 200 m from the work spot at the commencement of work, further shifting of released panels shall be done by the contractor as per terms of the contract. SPECIAL CONDITIONS FOR TENDER/ CONTRACT FOR ANTI (TREATMENT) OF OLD & NEW RAILS WITH BITUMINOUS PAINTS. CORROSIVE PAINTING 1. The painting of rails shall be carried out as per the directions laid down in para 250 of the Indian Railway Permanent Way Manual, corrected / amended up to date and the CE circular No. 5/2002 corrected/ amended up to date. This painting conditions are for the scheme of painting with red oxide and bituminous paints. 2. Paints used shall be as per specifications indicated in the CE circular No. 5/2002 BIS and / or RDSO specifications shall be followed as specified. Wherever the same is not available, directions of the Engineer in charge shall govern. Paints shall be obtained only from the RDSO approved manufacturers. No supplies/ work from unapproved manufacturers will be accepted (copy of list of suppliers enclosed in sheet 1 to 5). 3. Original receipts and certificates from the manufacturers shall be produced by the contractor before commencing painting. Further, before commencing the work, paints shall be got tested from the Railway’s testing laboratory or any other Railway approved testing laboratory at the cost of the contractor. Samples will be taken by the Engineer in charge randomly from the material brought to the site by the contractor at any stage of the work for testing and tests shall be carried out by the contractor at his cost. Paints which do not pass the test(s) will be rejected. Paints rejected by the Engineer in charge shall not be used by the contractor and shall be removed from the site immediately. All costs of testing/ retesting shall be borne by the contractor. 4. Paints required for the painting of 2 km length of track shall be submitted to the SSE/ SE (P. way) of the Section by the contractor in advance and the quantities will be accounted for by the SSE/ SE in his books. The paints will be re-issued by the SSE/SE to the contractor for carrying out the works on daily / weekly basis. This is facilitate monitoring of quality of painting only and the railway is not responsible whatsoever for the materials, their safety or upkeep etc. No payment will be made for supply of paint as above. 5. Painting shall not be taken up for more than 2 km length at a time. 6. Scraping, painting and all other activities shall be carried out as per approved methods. Painting by cloth/ or by any other unapproved means is strictly not permitted. 7. Dilution of ready-mixed paints is banned. No dilatants (oil or water or any other) shall be used. Consistency of the paint, including its water to solids ratio shall not be changed from the original specifications. 8. Each coat of painting shall be certified by the SSE/ SE (P. way) before taking up for further coat of painting. For this purpose a register will be maintained at site which shall be jointly signed by the contractor and the SSE/SE. 9. The elastic rail clips (ERC) shall be removed and the liner seats (surfaces on top of the bottom flange of the rail below the liner) shall be painted along with the rails. Special care should be taken while painting these areas to ensure that the paint does not get destroyed by premature insertion of liners/ ERCs. A specific scheme for painting of liner seats such as painting of liner seat area and other areas of rails alternatively for each coat, shall be devised and ensured in such a way that the liner seat areas also get a minimum of six hours drying time like other areas of rails however with out affecting safety of track. Removal and insertion of ERCs and liners for the required number of times shall be part of the painting schedule to be carried out by the contractor and no extra payments will be made. All site preparation including clearing of ballast and cleaning of the track and the surroundings is part of the schedule and no extra payments will be made. Clearing of ballast/ earth from the rail is also part of the painting schedule only and no extra payment will be made. 69 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 10. Bottom side of the bottom flange of rails is also to be painted wherever so specified. Cleaning of ballast/ earth from the rail or below the bottom of rail is also part of the painting schedule only and no extra payment will be made. 11. Scraping, cleaning etc. for surface preparation of the rails is part of the schedule of painting to be carried out by the contractor at his cost and the work shall be carried out as per specifications and to the satisfaction of the Engineer in charge. Complete cost of surface preparation including consumables, tools and plant, labour, power supply, water etc. shall be borne by the contractor and no extra payment is eligible. Engineer in charge will certify the surface preparation before painting is commenced. 12. Broken or corroded liners, ERCs etc. shall be replaced by the contractor wherever so specified with new materials supplied by the railway for which no extra payments will be made. Rails, PRC sleepers and track fittings shall not be broken or damaged in any way during the process of removal or replacement of such fittings. The contractor shall study the conditions of track in advance in this regard particularly while quoting for the same. 13. ERCs shall be greased wherever so specified by the contractor at his cost for consumables, labour, tools etc. however grease will be supplied by the railway unless otherwise specified in the schedule. 14. Appropriate level of Supervisor shall be maintained by the contractor at the site. The Supervisor employed should have fair knowledge of paints, painting methods and expertise to control quality and measure the system of painting. 15. The Chief Engineer/ Southern Railway, Chennai, circular No. 5/2002 which forms part of this tender documents specifies the Dryof the system of Dry- Film Thickness (DFT) painting to be achieved in this work. This thickness is the normal thickness of the paint system to be obtained on completion of the painting scheme as specified in the said circular and the bottom limit specified therein shall be taken as the minimum thickness to be achieved. The average thickness obtained shall not be less than the middle point of the range of thickness specified in the said circular. 16. Method of Measurements: 16.1. The paint thickness shall be measured using standard equipments such as digital/ magnetic elcometers or other similar paint thickness measuring gauges of approved design. The contractor shall have his own digital elcometer which should be available at the site for inspection and should be calibrated periodically in an approved laboratory. 16.2. Before painting is commenced, initial thickness shall be measured and recorded. Initial readings are indicative of left over rust film or paint film on the surface of the body being painted which shall be kept as low as possible. If no zero by surface preparation appropriately. 16.3. It will be a good practice to measure each coat of painting, commencing from the primer coat or bituminous solution coat as the case may be, before the coat is certified and further painting is allowed. This will facilitate control over quality of painting and help achieving uniformity in application. 16.4. Thickness of total paint system shall be measured and recorded. Payments shall be cleared only if the specified thickness as mentioned in CE circular No. 5/2002 is achieved. 16.5. All thickness measurements shall be recorded in a register maintained by the railway and shall be signed by the contractor and the SSE/ SE (P. way) The register shall be retained along with the M. Book where measurements for payment are recorded. 16.6. The thickness for payment shall be arrived at as under. i) The number of readings taken by the Elco meter and / or any other device, all readings being taken by one type of device only shall be at the rate of 6n readings per rail (of 13 M) approximately) The readings shall be taken covering all the surfaces of the rail, such as the two web faces, two bottom flange top faces appropriately and also the bottom flange bottom face, if painted. They shall also be taken uniformly distributed along the length of the rail. ii) Average thickness shall be the average of all the readings taken on a rail of 13 M length iii) Minimum thickness shall be the minimum of all the readings taken on a rail of 13 M length. 70 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 16.7. Readings below the minimum thickness shall not be accepted. However to allow for field variations, one lower reading out of the 6 readings on a rail of 13 M below the minimum thickness, may be allowed, but the same shall also be taken into account while working out the average. Rails where more than one reading as above have failed or where the average thickness is less than the middle point of the specified nominal thickness, the painting work on the rail shall be rejected and the work shall be carried out again on the complete rail length. 16.8. Recording of paint thickness may be carried out within one month of completion of painting at any location. 16.9. Five percent of the locations recorded by SSE/ SE will be test checked by the ADEN concerned. Additional locations may also be test checked by Sr. DEN/ DEN appropriately. LIST OF SUPPIERS OF BITUMINOUS EMULSION AND BITUMINOUS SOLUTION: 1. Industrial H. Packers, 57H block, 30th street, Thangam Colony, Anna Nagar, Chennai-40. 2. Beardsell Ltd., 47, Moore street, Post Box No.7, Chennai-1. 3. Manali Bitumen Products, Ammulvoyil village, Andarkuppam post, Manali, Chennai-68. 4. M/s Shalimar Tar Products Ltd., 6, Lyons Range, Calcutta. LIST LIST OF APPROVED PAINT MANUFACTURERS FOR THE SUPPLY OF PAINT FOR ZINC CHROMATE RED OXIDE PRIME AND BITUMINOUS SOLUTION. PART – I: S. No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12. 13 14. 15 16 Name and office address of the manufacturers M/s. Advance Paints Ltd, Advance House, Plot “A”, Makwana Road, ARK Industrial Compound, marol, Naka, Andhdrei (E), Mumbai-400 059. M/s. Anupam Enterprises, 208, Mahatma Gandhi Road, 1st floor, Kolkata-700 007. M/s. Alka Industires (Paints) Pvt. Ltd. 46, Purana Quila, Lucknow. M/s. Atlas Paints & Varnishes Works (Pvt.) Ltd., 1, Rose Mary Lane, Howrah-711 101. M/s. Berger Paints India Ltd., Berger house, 129, Part street, Kolkata M/s. Bombay Paints Ltd., B.D. Patil Marg, Gavanpade, Chembur, Mumbai-400 074. M/s. Centuary Paints and Varnish works, 14/1, Old China Bazaar street, First floor, Room No. 59, Kolkata-700 001. M/s. Chemical Industries & Equipment Co., C-1, Industrial Estate, Jharsuguda-768 205. M/s. Dass Paints Mfts. Co., 6/2-1, Raghab Kolay Lane, Salkia, Howrah-711 106. M/s. Desco Paints Corporation, 7/1A, Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Road, Kolkata-700 017 M/s. Durgapur Paints, RIC Estate, G.T. Road, Durgapur713 212 Dist. Burdwan, W.B. M/s. Jenson & Nicholson (I) Ltd., 225, Acharya Jagdish Chandra Bose Road, Kolkata-700 020. M/s. Modi Industries Ltd., (Paint section) Modinagar – 201 204 UP. M/s. Neo Radiant Paints Pvt. Ltd., RIC Industrial Estate, Durgapur-713 212. M/s. P.K. Industries, Sodal Road, Jallandhar-144 004. M/s. Paragon paints, 32A, Chittaranjan Avenue, 4th floor, Trust House, Kolkata-799912. Factory address 2, Fosbery Road, Sewri (East) Mumbai-400 015. 95/1, Cassipore Road, Kolkata-2. Jaiprakash Nagar, Lucknow. Rampur, 88, Truck Road, P.P. Govindpur, 24, Parganas. P. O. Botanic Garden, Howrah. B.D. Patil Marg, Gavanpade, Chembur, Mumbai-400 074. 34-B, Debendra Chandra Dey Road, Kolkata-15. C-1, Industrial Estate, Jharsuguda-768 205 Raghab Kolay Lane, Salkia,Howrah-711 106. 110B, Mohendra Roy Lane, Kolkata-46 G.T.Road, Durgapur713212 Dist. Burdwan, W.B. Nalhati P.O. Garifa, 24, Paraganas, W.B. Modinagar – 201 204 UP. RIC Industrial Estate, Durgapur-713 212. Sodal Road, Jallandhar-144 004. 63/2B, Belgachia Road, near Dutta Bagan, Kolkata 71 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 17 M/s. Pushkar Paint Industries, Badri Sarraf Bhavan, B-92, Sector C, Mahanagar, Lucknow-226 006. 18 M/s. Punjab Paint Colour & Varnish works, 123/ 529, Fazalganj, Kanpur-208012. M/s. Rako Mercantile Traders, B-2, Govt. Industrial Estate, Talkatora,, Lucknow-226 011. 19 20 21 22 23 M/s. Revion Paints & Chemicals, 11, Ram Road, Calcutta-700 061. M/s. Shalimar paints Ltd., 12, Camac Street, Kolkata700 017 M/s. Swaraj Paint Industries, Industries Development Plot, P.B. No. 909, West Hill, Calicut-5. M/s. United Aniline & Chemicals Co. Pvt. Ltd., 56, Rosemary Lane, Howrah-711 101. Badri Sarraf Bhavan, Raibarely Road, Mohanlal Ganj, Lucknow-226 006. 123/ 529, Fazalganj, Kanpur208012. B-2, Govt. Industrial Estate, Talkatora,, Lucknow-226 011. 11, Ram Road, Calcutta-700 061. Goabaria Post, Danesh Shaik Lane, Howrah-711 109. Industries Development Plot, West Hill, Calicut-5. 56, Rosemary Lane, Howrah711 101. PART II 1 2 3 M/S. Indian Paints & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd., Madhupatna, Cuttack10. M/s. Kalinga Paints & Chemicals Industries Pvt. Ltd., Industrial Area, Rourkela-769004, Orrisa. M/s. M.P. Paints Pvt. Ltd., 435-B, Sector C, Urla Industrial Area, Raipur-493221, M.P. 4 M/s. Vibyor Paints & Chemicals, Raj Flats, 42/9, Harrington road, Chennai-600 030. 5 M/s. Western India paints 7 Colour Co., (P) Ltd., 10/2, Natha Muni Street, T. Nagar, Chennai-600 017. M/s. Asia Industrial & Manufacturing Co., 36, Strand Road, Kolkata-700 001. M/s. Deb Paints Pvt. Ltd, Methopara P.O. Ganganagar, dist. 24, Parganas (N)-743250 6 7 8 M/s. Rahul Paints, Mohan Road, Tikait Raj Ka Talab, Lucknow226017. Industrial Estate, Madhupatna, Cuttack-10. Industrial Area, Rourkela769004, Orrisa 435-B, Sector C, Urla Industrial Area, Raipur-493221, M.P. C-071, PIPDIC, Industrial Estate, Mettupalayam, Pondicherry-605009. 33, Main road, Velachery, Chennai-42. 16 & 29, Tincowri Bose Lane, Salkia, Howrah-711 106. Methopara P.O. Ganganagar, dist. 24, Parganas (N)-743250 Mohan Road, Tikait Raj Ka Talab, Lucknow-226017. The grease No. “O” graphited required for this work should conform to the specification for grease to IS 408 – 1981 and the same is reproduced below. Description – The material shall be smooth, dark grey, homogeneous and free from grit or other visible impurities and shall not show any signs of breakdown, hardening or tendency of the constituents to separate. In addition, the material shall also be free from any objectionable odour. Composition – The materials shall be prepared from the following ingredients in such proportions as to comply with requirements prescribed in table 1 below. The materials shall also comply with the requirements prescribed in table 1 when tested according to the methods prescribed under P series of IS 1448 and appendices to this standard. TABLE 1 REQUIREMENTS FOR GREASE NO. O GRAPHITED. Characteristic Moisture and volatile matter, percent by mass Max. Penetration of worked material at 25+5C (60 double) Drop point oO mm Ash percent by mass max Copper strip corrosion test at 75” C for 24 h Oil separation at 25 o C for 168 h percent by Graphite flake content, percent by mass mm Requirements 1.0 300 to 3330.0 88 2 Negative 5 6 72 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Inorganic acidity Resistance to breakdown or tendency of the constituents to separate Shall pass the test Shall pass the test Keeping quality (shelt life) – The keeping quality of the material shall be such that when stored in original sealed containers, under normal conditions, it shall retain the properties given in the specification for not less than one year from the date of delivery of the product. JACKING AND MARKING JACKING: The material shall be packed in suitable clean dry leak proof containers free from rust as agreed to by the Engineer in charge. Marking: Marking The containers shall be marked with the name of the materials, net mass in the container name of the manufacturer and recognized trade mark if any batch number or code number year and country of the manufacture. Criteria for conformity – Tests for consistency and resistance to breakdown shall be done in individual and composite samples. The lot shall be declared satisfactory only if all individual and composite samples pass the prescribed tests. Reagent: Methyl orange indicator – Dissolve 1 g of methyl orange in one litre of distilled water. PROCEDURE: Weight 50 g of the material, accurately to the nearest kg in to a separating tunnel. Neutralize 100 ml of water using methyl orange indicator. Heat this neutralized water to 70 o and then add it to the material in the tunnel extract the mixture thoroughly the shaking. Allow to stand for the oil and aqueous layer to separate. The material shall be taken to have passed the test if the aqueous layer does not show acid reaction to methyl orange indicator. The grease No. O graphited has to be purchased from the RDSO approved sources as given below and should pass the tests as required in IS 408 – 1981 The packing of grease shall be in 5 kg container with handle. Suppliers name M/s Belmer Lawrie & Co. IOC Brand name Balmerel grease graphite to IS 408 – Gr-O Servo grease graphited 4080 ANNEXURE –B Bituminous emulsion based painting system for rails in service. 1. Surface preparation S. No Materials / Tools 1) Removal of grease, dirt etc. White spirit cotton waste/ wool. Removal of dirt, rust, scale wire brush, metal scrapper chisel & hammers etc. 2) Method Finish required. Old paint, rust and foreign matters are removed by scrapping and wire brush chipping with chisel and hammer with out denting the parent metal also be resorted to. Then surface is cleaned with brush. Surface should have a faint metallic sheen. St 2 of IS 9954 – 1981 2. Painting Sl. No Material IS code Tools Method 1 1st coat (Primer coat) Bituminous solution IS 158 1981 Brush/ spary 2 2nd coat Bituminous emulsion 3rd coat Bituminous RDSO P30 1968 RDSO P30 Brush/ spary Brush/ spary Immediately after surface preparation (within 4 hrs) a coat is applied After 6 hrs of primer coat, a coat is applied After 6 hrs of previous coat, a coat is applied 3 DFT of complete painting system. 250-300 73 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 4 4th coat Bituminous emulsion with 20% mica RDSO P30 1968. Brush/ spary After 6 hrs of the previous coat, a coat is applied. ANNEXURE D EPOXY BASED PAINTING SYSTEM FOR RAILS IN SERVICE. a. Surface preparation. Chemical stripping of old paint film on the entire surface shall be done by Caustic Soda or by using paint stripper to RDSO specification No. M &C/ PON/115/96. Washing with water in case of alkali cleaning or by remove waxy material. lolvent in case of paint stripper to b. Painting Sl. No Material IS code Tools Method Pot life. DFT . 1st coat High built Epoxy paint (two pack) RDSO No. M&C/ PON/III/ 2000 Brush/ Airless spary gun. Immediately after surface preparation (within 4 hrs) a coat is applied 5 hrs 100-1 micros. 2nd coat High built Epoxy paint (two pack) RDSO No. M&C/ PON/III/ 2000 Brush/ Airless spary gun. After 8 hours but within 16 hrs a coat is applied 5 hrs 100-1 micros. 3rd coat Polyurthane finishing paint (two pack) RDSO No. M&C/ PON/100/ 96 (Chapter IV) Brush/ Airless spary gun. After 8 hours but within 16 hrs of previous coat, a coat is applied 4 hrs 27+2oC 2 hrs at 40oC after induction time (30- 45 mints) 35 micros. 74 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 SPECIMEN COPY S.No 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Manufacturing, supplying and fixing of post formed table top of required size using 25mm thick particle board pasted with 0.8mm thick approved "flex" laminate and placed over the MS 2mm thick (14 gauge) cantilever brackets and screwed from bottom using metal screws. All cutting edges to be covered by 2mm thick pvc edge banding tape with all lead and lift etc., UNIT QTY RATE complete and as 1 18 RATE IN FIGURES directed by sqm the Engineer-incharge. (All labour and materials to paise Rupee x x x x 3 8 7 5 . 0 0 be supplied only s by the Tenderer/ RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) Contractor only at his - - - - CRORES own cost at site) - - - - LAKHS S E V E N T T H R E E E I G H T Y F I V E A N D E R O Z THOUSAND S HUNDREDS PAISE NOTE : This is the specimen schedule in which a rate of Rs. 3875/3875/- per 1 sqm is filled in the boxes for both rate in figures and rate in words. This is for guidance of Tenderer to fill their rates in the above format. 75 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 SOUTHERN RAILWAY NAME OF WORK: Chennai Egmore – Villupuram Section TRR(P) with 52 kg 90 UTS Class-I Rail at KM 142 to 149.500 for a length of 7.5 Kms between PEI-MYP Dn LINE in SSE/P.Way/TMV in ADEN/CGL Sub-division. Chennai Egmore -Villupuram Section (Dn line) - TRR (P) for a length of 13.0km between Km 118.000 to 125.000 and Km 126.000 to 132.000 of existing 52Kg /90UTS rails on 52Kg PSC sleepers with 52Kg 90 UTS Class - I Rail in SSE/Pway/TMV section. Chennai EgmoreVillupuram Section (Dn line) - TRR (P) for a length of 7.8 km between Km 150.700 to 156.000 and 157.000 to 159.500 of existing 52Kg /90UTS rails on 52Kg PSC sleepers with 52Kg 90 UTS Class - I Rail in SSE/Pway/TMV section. Ref: Item no.527 of PB 2014-15 (Sd. by ADRM/II/MAS vide no. M/W.504/PB/ 2014-15/ MS-VM/1 dt.1408-2014) (2014-S-176) Item no.528 of PB 2014-15 (Sd. by ADRM/II/MAS vide no. M/W.504/PB/ 2014-15/ MS-VM/2 dt.14-08-2014) (2014-S-177) Item no.532 of PB 2014-15 (Sd. by ADRM/II/MAS vide no. M/W.504/PB/ 2014-15/ MS-VM/3 dt.1408-2014) (2014-S-178 SCHEDULE 'B' List of items of works that are not covered by USSOR 2011 for Chennai Division. S.No 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK String lining the 60 kg 10 rail/3 rail panels available on cess on either side of track starting from fixed points as beginning of work, points and crossing, bridge approaches, SEJs etc. as required at the site including providing gaps for insertion of glued joints, welding of glued joints and rail joints etc. of rail panels of 130mts to 390 mts long duly pulling or pushing the rail panels on cess using mechanical devices like Rollers, Winches etc. without inducing permanent stresses or damaging the rail panels and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (All labour and tools and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/contra ctor only at his own cost) UNIT QTY metre of rail 56270 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS 76 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 A N D PAISE 2 Leading the available Cl.I PSC sleepers from road approachable points / LC to the site of work by UTV machine by assistance with manpower of minimum 6 nos with all lead and lift etc. complete including crossing of track wherever required and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (All labour,material s and tools and plants are to be supplied by the Tenderer/ Contractor only at his own cost). UNIT QTY each sleeper 844 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 3 Trucking out of new 60 kg Cl.I P.way materials such as ER clips, GFN liners. GR pads etc. from various P.way depots like AJJ and as per booking instructions by Hd. Qrs. S.Rly., or orders from Chennai Division as directed by the Engineer in charge with contractor's own vehicle such as road lorry etc., and leading to the workspot, unloading and stacking with all lead and lift etc. complete including crossing the track wherever required. (All labour, tools and plant,transport vehicles along with crew, fuel and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/ contractor only at his own cost) (a) Initial lead UNIT QTY RATE upto 20 km MT 197 RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS 77 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 A N D PAISE (b) For every km (or) part thereof beyond the initial lead of 20 km. UNIT QTY MTKM 35450 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 4 Cutting of exg. released rails 52/60 kg with gas cutting equipments at various locations and as directed by the Engineer in charge with all lead and lift etc. complete. (All labour and tools, gas cutting equipment, consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/ contractor only at his own cost). UNIT QTY each cut 4332 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS 78 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 A N D PAISE 5 Cutting the battered/gas cutted rail ends of 52/60 kg rails in running track/cess with contractor's abrassive rail cutting equipments of approved quality to the true vertical plane duly respacing the sleepers wherever necessary with the contractor's own abrasive rail cutter of approved quality under line block condition with all lead and lift etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer in charge. (Manual hacksaw cutting is not permitted) (All labour and tools, gas cutting equipment, consumable stores are to UNIT QTY RATE be supplied by the tenderer/ contractor only at his own cost). each cut 2926 RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 6 Drilling 32 mm dia fish holes in 52/60 kg rails including chamfering of bolt holes to correct spacing and size in running track in order to fix fish bolts and nuts with all lead and lift etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer in charge. (All labour, tools including drilling equipments and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/contra ctor at his own cost only) UNIT QTY each hole 1744 RATE RATE IN FIGURES 79 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 7 Drilling of holes of size 20/17.50mm dia in 60 kg rails for fixing the structure bond/ longitudinal bonds with contractor's own power drilling equipments with all lead and lift etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer in charge. (All labour, tools including drilling equipments and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/contra ctor at his own cost only) UNIT QTY each hole 844 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 8 Drilling of holes of size 7.20 mm dia in 60 kg rails for connecting the track with TLD Boxes with contractor's own power drilling equipments with all lead and lift etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer in charge. 80 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 (All labour, tools including drilling equipments and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/contra ctor at his own cost only) UNIT QTY each hole 1688 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 9 Dismantling and removing the existing 52kg rail panel (to any length varying from 39m to 400 m) with all fittings and fastenings and keeping away from the site of work without causing any infringement to the railway track and laying new/prepared rail panel of 60kg section varying from 39m to 400m as needed including removing the elastic rail clips, inserts and liner seat on rail, liners, rubber pads and re-fixing elastic rail clips duly greasing with Railway's grease, ensuring proper seating of liners, GR pads, connecting the new rails with old rails suitably by providing cut rails/ closure rails required etc. including aligning, levelling and correcting the gauge with all lead and lift etc., complete as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 81 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 (All labour and tools to be supplied by Tenderer/contr actor only at his own cost) and proper seating of MS/GFN liners, GR pads on the rail. (Elastic rail clips, pandrol clips, MS/GFN liners and GR pads will be supplied free by Rlys. UNIT QTY per metre of track 28135 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 10 Removing the ceased/jammed ER clips using preheating the MCI insert by Gas without damaging the sleepers, clearing the inserts of rust and dust with wire brush and applying grease the ERCs and liners seat location,re-driving the ER Clips duly fixing to the position with Contractor's own labours, tools including chemical oil and gas cutting equipments with consumable with all lead and lift etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (All labour and tools and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the UNIT QTY RATE tenderer/contra ctor only at his own cost). 82 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 per each clip 14067 RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 11 Removing the exg. 52 kg/60 kg broken/unserviceable sleepers with all fittings and fastenings at scattered locations and keeping away at site of work without causing any infringment to the running lines and replacing with 60 kg Cl.I PSC sleepers with all fittings and fixing the same with elastic fastenings with special liner to suit the 52/60kg sleeper to 52/60 kg rails, gauging, levelling, aligning, kutcha packing with all lead and lift etc., complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (All labour and tools and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/contra ctor only at his own cost) UNIT QTY each sleeper 844 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 83 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 12 Collection and transportation of all released rails, P.way fittings such as ERC's liners,rubber pads etc., from workspot to the nearest LC/ Road approach by dip lorry with a lead of 2 km, unloading and stacking neatly in countable manner with all lead and lift etc., complete including crossing of track wherever required and as directed by the Engineer - in -charge. (All labour and tools for trucking out of materials are to be supplied by the Tenderer/contr actor except dip lorry if required will be supplied free by the Railway) UNIT QTY MT 2954 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 13 Opening of LCs by removing, paving blocks/slabs, removing the ballast upto sleeper level, removing and refixing of check rails, examining fittings such as ER clips, liner pads, check rail bolts blocks etc., providing missing fittings, gauging, aligning duly giving lifting and packing including putting back ballast after screening and refixing of paver slabs to make up the road surface for the passage of road vehicle with all lead and lift etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer in charge. (All labour and tools and plants are to be supplied by the Tenderer/contr actor at his own cost ) UNIT QTY per metre of track 280 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only 84 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 14 Welding of Rail joints 52 / 60 kg by SKV process with Railway's welder under Railway's supervision and/or under RDSO approved welding agency fixed by Railway, as per Railway Manual of Fushion welding of Rails by Alumino thermic Process 1998 & IRS - T - 1994 corrected upto date with Railway's welder, Contractor's own RDSO approved Equipment, including preparation of rail ends for welding by cutting with mechanical hacksaw/abrasive disc cutter only, creating appropriate gaps for welding, fixing of moulds, clamps with Contractor's own RDSO approved weld trimmer, weld grinder, preheating equipment, grinding of welds to required tolerance and painting of weld collar with epoxy paint as provided in the welding manual duly aligning and stringing the free rails/ 3 rail/10 rail panels in track or cess, lifting and supporting the rails/panels on wooden blocks to create working space, respacing sleepers before welding, removing fish plates with bolts and nuts, ERC, liners, Rubber pad, key etc. to facilitate longitudinal movement and refixing them after the welding duly greasing the ERC, respacing the sleepers after welding, packing and providing necessary closure rails with fish plates and allow traffic duly supporting new welds on wooden blocks including shifting of welding equipment from one place to another as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, the trimming of welds shall be done by hydraulic weld trimmer only and no chipping by hammer and chisel will be permitted, with all contractor's labour, tools and plants, consumables such as petrol and kerosine and look out men at his own cost. The cost is inclusive of supply of labour ( Minimum - 6 nos) for execution of welding work and assisting welding party. In case of welding on cess the welds shall be supported at least on 10 wooden blocks on either side to prevent longitudinal/ vertical movement. (All labour, tools and materials are to be supplied by the Tenderer/Contr actor only at his own cost ) UNIT QTY each weld 849 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS 85 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 A N D PAISE NOTE: (1) No manual trimming will be permitted. Only Contractor's own RDSO approved weld trimmer should be used. (2) The filling of the welds should be done on the same day after the weld is cooled. (3) No payment will be admissible to the contractor, if the manual trimming is resorted to or the filling is not done within 3 days of welding. (4) The Contractor shall produce necessary documentary evidance in support having complete set of RDSO approved welding equipment before commencing the welding work. 15 Supply of Bituminous black paint conforming to IS:9862-1981 approved quality for painting of new rails. The paint sample shall be tested in a approved firm with contractor's cost. The paint shall be supplied at the Section Engineer/ Pway depot. The rate is inclusive of transportation of the paint from the firm to the depot including loading, unloading and stacking neatly at countable manner. (All labour, materials, tools and plant and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/ contractor only at his own cost) UNIT QTY per each litre 10301 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 86 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 16 Labour charges for painting of new rails with 2 coats of Railway's bituminous black paint conforming to IS:9862-1981 including surface preparation etc. and including supply of all tools & plants, power supply & water supply wherever required, consumables , brushes, cotton waste etc. complete duly utilising skilled & unskilled labour as per para 250/IRPWM and CE circular and as directed by the Engineer in charge. (All labour, materials, tools and plant and other consumable stores are to UNIT QTY RATE be supplied by the tenderer/ contractor only at his own cost) each sqm 28583 RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 17 De-stressing of LWR with 52/60 kg rail section as per LWR manual duly converting into 500m/1000m long panels or as directed by Engineer-in-Charge including cutting of rail panel by abrasive rail cutting / mechanical hacksaw equipment (Manual hacksaw cutting is prohibited) , by introducing closure rails, including trucking out of closure rails from available spot along the track with an average lead of 2 km, removing all the pandrol clips, liners of the running track and keeping separately, shifting of liner seats by minimum 150mm, lifting the rails and providing rollers at every 15th sleeper below both LH and RH rails including side rollers in curves and tamping the rail with wooden mallets, leading and fixing contractor's rail tensor and pulling the rails using Contractor's Hydraulic Tensors, whenever required, to achieve the required elongation at the prevailing temperature. During the above operation the closure rail should be removed and after completion of de-stressing, the rollers to be removed from the track and all the rubber pads as required should be placed in position and fastenings restored and all fittings to be provided duly renewing broken/missing fittings and greasing the inserts and introducing suitable closure rail duly providing the required gap for welding closure, correcting the SEJ as required as per the manual to the mean position, de-stressing of anchor length including gauging with all leads and lifts etc., complete and correcting the reference pillars as directed by Engineer in charge. This work is to be carried out during night or day time and using hydraulic tensors. 87 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 (All labour, tools and materials are to be supplied by the Tenderer/Contr actor only at his own cost ) UNIT QTY per m. of track 28300 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 18 Insertion and clamping of 60 kg glued joints G 3 L and G 3 S with fish plates and clamps duly trucking out from available road approach/ level crossing and station with approximate lead of 2 kms. under line block condition with all lead and lift etc. complete and as directed by Engineer in charge. (All labour, materials, tools and plants, are to be supplied by the Tenderer/contr actor only at his own cost) UNIT QTY each set 28 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS 88 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 A N D PAISE 19 Trucking out of 60 kg SEJs, Glued joints etc., from various P.way depots like AJJ and as per booking instructions by Hd. Qrs. S.Rly., or orders from Chennai Division as directed by the Engineer in charge with contractor's own vehicle such as road lorry etc., and leading to the workspot, unloading and stacking at nominated locations/LC/Road approach points with all lead and lift etc. complete including crossing the track wherever required. (All labour, tools and plant,transport vehicles along with crew, fuel and other consumable stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/ contractor only at his own cost). (a) Initial lead upto 20 km UNIT QTY MT 51 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE (b) For every addll. Km (or) part there of beyond the initial lead of 20 km UNIT QTY MTKM 9180 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 89 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 20 Trucking out of 52 kg/ 60 kg SEJ Spl.sleepers from Thirumangalam or any other concrete sleeper depot to the site of work duly collecting the same from depot, leading by contractor's own road vehicle such as tractor/trailor by road, unloading at LC/Road approach points and as directed by the Engineerin-charge without infringing tracks with all lead and lift etc. including crossing the track wherever required. (All labour and tools including transport vehicles such as tractor/ trailor with fuel, crew and other consumable UNIT QTY RATE stores are to be supplied by the tenderer/contra ctor at his own cost only) MTKM 4403 RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 21 Trucking out of SEJ 52kg/60kg rails and PSC special size sleepers with fittings and fastenings from available location at station/level crossing etc. to the required spot by Dip Lorry under tracffic block during day/night with an average lead of 2kms and stacking along side of the track with out infringing the running line with contractor's men and materials with all lead and lift etc. complete and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (All labour,material s and tools and plants are to be supplied by the Tenderer/ Contractor only UNIT QTY RATE at his own cost except dip lorry which will be supplied by Railway on free of cost). 90 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 each set 15 RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 22 Dismantling the existing 52kg SEJs with approach PSC/Wooden sleepers and stacking alongside track without infringing the running track under line block,assembling and insertion of 52kg/60kg SEJ with PSC special size sleepers as per the approved plan including renewal of approach rails 2 nos. of about 8m long duly connecting the rail joints,SEJ special bearing plates,etc. and respacing of the approach PSC sleepers as required ,katcha packing,gauging,aligning,levelling etc. under the traffic line block during day/night with all contractor's men and materials with all lead and lift etc. and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (All labour,material s and tools and plants are to be supplied by the UNIT QTY RATE Tenderer/ Contractor only at his own cost ) each set 15 RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE 91 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor BID DOC OF MAS 12 OF 2014 [OT] ITEM NO. 22 23 Through renewal of fittings and fastenings of existing track of running lines duly removing the existing ER clips, GFN/MS liners including the grooved rubber pads on PSC sleepers under neath the rails and putting the new GR pads on PSC sleepers under rail seatings and fixing the running rail with PSC sleepers firmly by fixing ER clips duly greasing the ER clips and CI inserts and placing GFN/MS liners to correct gauge as specified in IRPWM and without disturbing the alignment and without causing any damage to the PSC sleepers, CI inserts, ER clips and liners while removing and fixing the new one with all lead and lift etc. complete as specified and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. (All labour, materials, tools and equipment are to be supplied by the Tenderer/ Contractor only at his own cost). UNIT QTY each sleeper 43582 RATE RATE IN FIGURES Rupees . paise only RATE IN WORDS (in CAPITAL LETTERS) R U P E E S CRORES LAKHS THOUSANDS HUNDREDS A N D PAISE (Items Twenty three only) 92 Signature of Tenderer/Contractor
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