ORGANISATIONAL MATTERS 1. The participation condition is sending the registration form (by regular mail or as an email attachment) and paying the conference fee to the organizer’s account by 3.11.2014. 2. Deliberations will be held in Polish and English, in form of paper presentations, communiques, workshops, plenary discussions and sessions devoted to problems. As it is necessary to limit the duration of the conference, the organizers specify the following times of presentations: a paper presentation up to 20 minutes, a communique up to 10 minutes, a voice in the discussion up to 5 minutes. 3. The academic committee reserves the right of limiting the spectre of topics, once all paper topics are registered. 4. A peer-reviewed monograph will be published and authors will receive one copy without additional fees by the end of July 2015. Attention: Authors of presentations and communiques submitted will not receive a remuneration. 5. The text of the conference presentation must not exceed 10 standard A4 pages and must be submitted together with a CD or a floppy disc (Microsoft Word) to the conference office by 31.12.2014. 6. The conference fee of 300 PLN which must be paid by all participants, covers the conference materials, the publication of a peer reviewed monograph, the costs of an evening banquet on the 3.12.2014 and a social dinner at a fire planned for the evening of 4.12.2014. 7. By 21.11.2014 a detailed programme of the conference will be presented to all participants who register and pay the conference fee. 8. The conference fee of 300 PLN, plus the amount covering accommodation and catering, as selected by the participant in the registration form, must be paid to the following account: Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa z siedzibą w Poznaniu NIP: 7781423778 Name of the bank: BZ WBK Account number (IBAN): PL55109013460000000119346268 Kod SWIFT (BIC code) : WBKPPLPP necessarily with a note: ZAKOPANE ZAPROSZENIE on the third academic conference “SECURITY RESEARCH PARADIGMS” Individuals, communities and societies Please send your correspondence to: Wyższa Szkoła Bezpieczeństwa z siedzibą w Poznaniu Konferencja „Paradygmaty badań nad Bezpieczeństwem” ul. Elizy Orzeszkowej 1 60-778 Poznań tel.: 61 8510 518 ext.14 e-mail: [email protected] Zakopane, 3-5 December, 2014 Third academic conference “SECURITY RESEARCH PARADIGMS” Individuals, communities and societies Zakopane, 3-5 December, 2014 The aim of the conference is to show the place and the role of security in three general fields of civilization: the individuals, the communities and the societies, as well as to point to its potential threats in the globalized world and successful ways of counteracting them. The invitation to participate in the project is directed to both theorists and practitioners employees of universities, especially those engaged in the field of "security", crisis management institutions of all kinds, the uniformed services (the Firefighters, the Police Forces, the Polish Armed Forces, the Border Guard, the Municipal Police Forces, the Prison Service) as well as Public Administration Authorities. The representatives of the political and economic circles are also invited to participate in the conference. plenary sessions take place in OSW „Baltica” ul. Ogrodowa 6, 34-500 Zakopane THE SPECTRE OF THEMES 1. Security threats on the global, regional, local and personal level. 2. Universal security and the public order. 3. Environmental protection and waste disposal. 4. The protection of cultural legacy in the national, regional and environmental dimension. 5. National identity and the level of security. 6. Economic-energetic security. 7. The place, the role and the tasks of uniformed services in the regional and individual security system. 8. The safe school – threats, prevention and education for security. 9. The protection of the sovereignty and independence of the Polish Republic and its territories. 10. The quality of life and the level of security. 11. The areas of security – global, international, regional, national, public and individual. 12. The role and the tasks of the central and local administration in guaranteeing security. 13. The protection of national legacy and national identity. 14. The obligations of the Polish Republic as an ally of the EU and the NATO. ACADEMIC COMMITTEE Prof. Marian KOPCZEWSKI, PhD, Eng. – chair Prof. Andrzej GAŁECKI, PhD, Eng. – vice chair Prof. Krzysztof ROKICIŃSKI, PhD, Eng. – vice chair Prof. Stefan ANTCZAK, PhD, Eng. Col. Mirosław BANASIK, PhD Col. (Res.) Andrzej BOLEWSKI, PhD, Eng. Prof. Józef BUCZYŃSKI, PhD, Eng. Cmdr. prof. Andrzej BURSZTYŃSKI, PhD, Eng. Prof. Marian CIEŚLARCZYK, PhD Insp. Robert CZĘŚCIK, PhD Dr Ewa CZERWIŃSKA Prof. Czesław JARECKI, PhD Prof. Romuald KALINOWSK, PhD Prof. Józef KOCHANOWSKI, PhD, Eng. Col. Stanisław KOWALKOWSKI, PhD, Eng. Col. Dariusz KOZERAWSKI, Professor, PhD, Eng. Prof. Marian KRYŁOWICZ, PhD Col. Marek KULCZYCKI, PhD Prof. Jerzy KUNIKOWSKI, PhD Prof. Piotr MAKOWSKI, PhD Col. (Res.) Wiesław MOŁEK Prof. Franciszek MROCZKO, PhD, Eng. Dr Lidia PAWELEC Dr Andrzej POTOCZEK Dr Andrzej RANKE Prof. Ryszard ROSA, PhD Prof. Stanisław SIRKO, PhD, Eng. Col. Tadeusz SZCZUREK, Professor, PhD, Eng. Cmdr. Tomasz SZUBRYCHT, Professor, PhD, Eng. Prof. Stanisław ŚLADKOWSKI, PhD Brig. Marek TOBOLSKI, PhD, Eng. Col. Jarosław WOŁEJSZO, Professor, PhD, Eng. Prof. Kazimierz ŻEGNAŁEK, Phd ORGANIZATIONAL COMMITTEE Dr Anna KURKIEWICZ – chair Dr Stanisław MIKOŁAJCZAK – vice chair Katarzyna LEDWOŃ, BA – secretary Monika BRZOZOWSKA Natalia DĘBOWSKA, MA Dr Iwona GRZELCZAK-MIŁOŚ Paweł ROSA, MA Col. Cezary SOCHALA, PhD, Eng. Anna STOPPEL, MA Edyta ŚLACHCIŃSKA, MSc Marta WALACHOWSKA, MA Magda WOJDYŁA-BEDNARCZYK, MA
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