Minutes WSG Meeting 23rd June, 10:00 a.m.-11:30 p.m. MRRD Main Hall Chaired: Eng. Ghulam Qader, Executive Director, National Rural Water Supply, Sanitation and Irrigation Program (Ru-WatSIP) Participants: Donors: Takashi Honda (UNICEF) Sector Partners: Patigny Frederic (WHO), Alan Lise (ACF), Eng. Mehrabi (Afghanaid), Ali Reza Azizi (SI), Philille Bornet (Solidarities), Dr. Bayan (NAC), F.M. Anwar Hossain and Hossain Etemadi (Save the Children), Eng. Arman (OHW), Mia. Abdul Sami (SCA), Romal Omari (HELVETAS), and Eng. Ahmad Caritas Germany. Governmental line ministries: Dr. Alemi, Eng. Ali Akbari and Dr. Hemat (MoPH) Ru-WatSIP: Eng. M.A.Safi, Eng. Wahab Langari, Eng. Abdul Ahad, Eng. Naeem, Dr. Javed, Eng. Ashraf Hotaki and A.H. Sediqi 1 S/No 1 Agenda Points Brief introduction/ chairing of meeting (Eng. Ghulam Qader) Discussion At the beginning of the meeting, Eng. Qader thanked and welcomed all participants for their attendance in the WSG meeting. Then, he briefly updated the participants about the last meeting which was held on 25th of June, 2014 in regards of WASH policy revision. Eng. Qader explained that the current WASH policy will be ended by end of 2014, so it should be revised and updated before end of 2014. Updating the policy needs comments, feedbacks and recommendations of all sector partners to be incorporated in the new policy. Eng. Qader also welcomed and introduced Mr. Takashi, the new WASH Specialist who newly joined UNICEF to WSG members. 2 Approval of minutes (by all sector partners) Eng. Qader reviewed the previous WSG minutes and asked all participants if they have any remarks. Dr. Alemi, from Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) asked, that the previous action points which is shared with them from last WSG meeting, does not include specific actions to be taken and by which partner? Result Action by All were agreed with previous minutes of meeting and it Eng. Safi, in response to MoPH question added that in approved by all previous WSG meeting four groups made to share their participants. comments and recommendations for establishing a task force who then will work with new consultant. When the new task force established then they will work on specific action points and would be clear who do what. 2 3 4 Brief update about which key partner has sent/ introduced a focal point for task force (Eng. M. A. Safi) Update by partners on WASH intervention in Paktika and Khost provinces Eng. Safi welcomed all participants and pointed to the aims of the previous meeting. He said that in the previous meeting MoPH, MoE, and all other stakeholders highlighted the gaps and challenges regarding the current WASH policy, therefore, these gaps and challenge will be considered during updating and revising of WASH policy. Afterwards, he reported the meeting about which partner has introduced a focal point for the task force committee. He informed that so far ACF, DACAAR, and Afghanaid introduced their nominees for the task force committee like Lise, Leendert and Eng. Jahan Mohammad respectively. Then he asked the attendees if anyone is interested to join this committee. Dr. Shafeequllah Hemmat from MoPH, Dr. Frederic WSG present from WHO and Eng. Ahamd from Caritas Germany members confirmed that they will introduce one focal point for task force and will share focal point contact information through email with Eng. Safi. Eng. Safi further mentioned that from MoE and MRRD no focal point has been introduced for the taskforce committee so far. After this, Eng. Ghulam Qader had a suggestion regarding new WASH policy, and said that the new policy should cover both development and Emergency activities, through which in development side all crosscutting issues can be covered. Mr. Takashi, asked Eng. Qader that it would be a good idea if in the newly established task force, Ru-WatSIP has also consider one focal point from other program of MRRD whom work in renewable energy area. Eng. Qader confirmed that we have focal points from National Solidarity Program and National Area-Based Development Program (NABDP) and NABDP is the program which works on Renewable Energy aspect. At the start, Eng. Qader provided an update about his travel on borders and the meeting he attended in Ministry of Border and Tribal Affairs (MoBTA). The meeting was held to discuss the contradictory figures of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) of Khost and Paktika provinces. During the meeting, the problem found out was in relation of two very different numbers which is reported by OCHA and governmental offices about the displaced families: OCHA has reported that around 14,000 families have been reported 3 displaced in both provinces while governmental offices reported it 18,000. Eng. Ghulam Qader also told about the second issue which had been discussed in the meeting. He said that security situation in Barmal district of Khost province created problems for the partners and hindered them from intervention. Thus, MoBTA decided to have arrangements with border tribes to prepare food and non-food assistance for them. Meanwhile, UNCHR had called on other line ministries to find a solution for this problem and an end to it. Eng. Qader further talked about the third topic, having had discussed in that meeting, which was the problem of border with Pakistan. Reportedly, Pakistan had put some fences on the borders with Khost and Paktika provinces, but it was not confirmed by the MoBTA. He also said that the WASH cluster has joined Ru-WatSIP with them, so RuWatSIP needs to accelerate its activities there. Frederic mentioned that there is lack of coordination among stakeholders in those two provinces. He added that they need to standardize the assessment formats/indicators/ and figures. He added he wanted to revise UNICEF format which would consider many things such as latrine design, size and etc. The standardized assessment format will enable all partners to work in one unique and accepted format. 4 Eng. Qader then said that WASH partners including TLO, MSF and others had some technical problems in surveying and designing. So, a team from Ru-WatSIP along with TLO has gone to supervise district of Khost province for assessment. 5 6 Frederic also said that they had circulated an excel sheet, and asked the partners to put their activities in that sheet so that to avoid any kind of duplication and doubleinterventions. He mentioned that they had handed over this task to PRRDs since coordinating of such things from Kabul will be difficult. Update on TWG Absent meeting – ( DACAAR) Update on STWG, Eng. Hemmat briefed the participants about Sanitation – (Eng. last STWG meeting held on 21st July 2014 at Hemmat) national Ru-WatSIP. He mentioned that in STWG meeting three main points were discussed: The first point was the NCA presentation in relation WASH program in four selected provinces including Bamyan, Uruzgan, Faryab and Daykundi. NCA has done a baseline survey in these selected provinces and selected 14 districts for implementation of the WASH program. Eng. Hemmat added that the NCA’s WASH program in the selected province will be for two years and after that they will increase the Eng. Hemmat mentioned that he drafted the ToR and will share with all STWG members in upcoming meeting for their feedbacks and comments. Afterwards, the final version will be shared with WSG members for their comments. 5 Update on HTWG meeting – ( Dr. Hemat) rate of accessibility of safe drinking water to 40% more. The second point was about DACAAR presentation in relation of Physical, Quantitative, and Qualitative status of water points in Balkh province. The last point was about drafting of ToR for STWG which is drafted by Ru-WatSIP. Dr. Hemat from MoPH briefed all participants about HTWG meeting held at MoPH on 20th July 2014. Dr. Hemat added that this time they had great participation of all key related organizations, as this time, they also invited those NGOs who are working in health sector. In this HTWG they discussed the ToR which is drafted for HTWG with technical support of Dr. Javed (Ru-WatSIP). Dr. Hemat explained they have worked on hygiene campaign in five targeted provinces and the campaign is focused on change behavior. He added that in the HTWG Dr. Javed presented CLTS presentation which was really helpful for them to consider some main points for their hygiene camping as well. Dr. Hemat stated that they also worked on Hygiene Communication Strategy and shared the final version with MRRD and MoE for final approval. In relation of IEC materials, he mentioned that most of IEC materials are not standardized and these materials should be newly developed. 6 The final point, that MoPH will do in next month is mapping of stakeholders checking who do the same activities in which part of the country so that to avoid duplication in activities. List of WSG Participants- 23rd July, 2014 No 1 2 3 Name Takashi Honda Patigny Frederic Lalan Lise 4 Eng. Mehrabi 5 Ali Reza Azizi 6 7 Philille Bornet Dr Bayan 8 9 10 11 12 F.M. Anwar Hossain Hssain Etemadi Eng. Reza Arman Mia Abdul Sami Romal Omari 13 14 15 16 17 18 Ahmad Dr.Alemi Dr.Hemat Eng. M.Ali Akbari Eng. Qader Eng. M.A.Safi Tile/Position WASH Specialist WASH Cluster WASH Coordinator WASH Coordinator Dep.WASH COO Organization UNICEF WHO ACF Contact No 0798 507 655 0780 005 517 0795 252 511 Email Address [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Afghanaid 0792 494 982 [email protected] SI 0777 849 809 C.D CBHC-Senior Health Officer Sr. FSL. Advisor Individual Program Manager Senior Engineer WASH Project Manager Program Advisor National HCO Director WASH Officer E. D N.A Solidarities NAC 0771 939 523 0790 698 228 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Save the Children Save the Children OHW SCA HELVETAS 0791 711 761 0785 464 702 0777 716 027 0778 468 998 0775 375 363 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Caritas Germany MoPH MoPH MoPH Ru-WatSIP Ru-WatSIP 0700 399 154 0798 098 908 0706 941 242 0706 713 098 0706 222 530 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 7 [email protected] 19 20 21 22 23 Abdul Wahab Langari Eng. Abdul Ahad Eng. M. Naeem M. Javed M. Ashraf Hotaki 24 25 26 27 A.H. Sediqi Zabihullah Sediqi Nasir Ahmad Nazari Fariba Arzhung Senior DM W.Q. Manager T.A Head of HEU Snr Hygiene Sanitation Officer Snr. P.O WQ Analyst Reporting Officer Communication Advisor Ru-WatSIP Ru-WatSIP Ru-WatSIP Ru-WatSIP Ru-WatSIP 0799 359 749 0776 951823 0799 337 058 0785 773 273 0787 074 704 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Ru-WatSIP Ru-WatSIP Ru-WatSIP Ru-WatSIP 0700 283 317 0798 141 585 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 8 0799 208 963 9 10
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