FEBRUARY S A S K ATO O N R E T R I E V E R C L U B 2014 C AL L B ACK From the President’s Pen I was once told by a senior club member that an ac4ve club is a healthy club. If this holds true we will all be in phenomenal shape by the end of the summer. Of course I am referring to the club's hos4ng of the 2014 Na4onal Master Hunt Test Championship this August 16 -‐ 23rd. Our organizing commiJees have been busy arranging travel and accommoda4on for judges, caterers and venues for our social func4ons, birds for tests, and a myriad of other essen4al pre -‐ event details. Our land commiJee has led the way with prepara4ons to make the club ship shape for the Na4onal Master as well as the Na4onal Open in 2016. Much has been done, but there is much, much more to do before we can look back on a job well done for these two high profile events. The poten4al to enhance our boJom line is great with the Na4onal Master and Na4onal Open. However, we have become increasingly aware of the significant costs associated with running a club like ours. At the last Board and Execu4ve mee4ng, the primary topic was the budget. It became very clear to all that we cannot assume to keep a comfortable boJom line and perform the upkeep of our property without significant revenues being generated. As a club, we are going to have to ask ourselves what our priori4es are in the short and long term. With the Na4onal Master this summer, we should be able to put ourselves in the financial posi4on to address some of these ques4ons. I would like to invite all club members to aJend a special mee4ng to be held at the Hildebrand residence on February 27th. Members will be given an overview of some of our challenges, and will be asked to help establish our goals and priori4es for the years to come. You all received a sponsorship leJer in an e -‐ mail with a request for club members to do whatever they can to support our major events. I am happy to report that over $2,000.00 in cash sponsorships has come in so far. We can and will do much more than this. You will be receiving another leJer indica4ng adver4sing opportuni4es in our Na4onal Master program. I addi4on, we will be collec4ng Silent Auc4on items for the Workers' Party over the coming months. Finally, 4ckets for our Raffle will soon be distributed. We have a great opportunity to sell these at the upcoming Saskatchewan Wildlife Federa4on Sports and Leisure Show March 6 -‐ 9th. Club members will be needed to help with our display table and put on retriever demonstra4ons for the crowds. The club will also be doing a demo at Cabelas on March 22nd. All of this may seem like a lot, but we are looking at some great ways here to build our club for the years to come. It is 4me to roll up the sleeves and get busy. If you have ever felt that you could stand to get a liJle more involved in the Saskatoon Retriever Club, this will be the year. We both want and need all members to step forward in the months ahead. 2 Laugh of the Day I named my dog 5 Miles so I can tell people I walk 5 Miles every day. “Go home and let your dog lick your face. Dog saliva is the most effective antidepressant you can get without a prescription.” “Instead of getting me neutered, can you just give me a lecture on abstinence?” 3 ! ! ! GMH TaylorLabs Muddy’s Crew WCX QFTR July 23, 2000 to December 18, 2013 We will dearly miss our little brown-eyed boy and I will always be grateful that Crew gave 110% in every event, which in turn increased my desire and love for the game. ! I wanted to enjoy all the aspects of the retriever world, WC’s, Hunt Tests, and Field trials, and I wanted a dog that could fit this wish list. So back in 1999, I decided I needed another retriever. !Garry and Sue Taylor were having another litter from Muddy in 2000 and we arranged that I could have first choice of a male. Two males caught my eye and after watching the litter and the male pups over the next few weeks, I finally asked Garry and Sue for advice. They suggested I should look at the one slightly less driven, but more willing to please. It just so happened that the day I needed to make up my mind and choose, both Doug Grant from BC and Larry Calvert from Montana were at the Taylor’s looking at the pups. After looking at the pups, both Larry and Doug said that I should take the one that wanted to be around people and it was nearly just as driven. I never regretted my choice. Therefore trust your breeder’s advice. !When I arrived home with our new pup, the kids were slightly annoyed that I had kept getting another dog a secret from them, but quickly forgave me as this little ball of fur terrorized our older dog Brooks and quickly became a part of the family. !Crew was a quick learner and loved doing drills and took direction and correction well. He was intense, focused and a pleasure to work with. !In his early pup days, he and Dewayne Hay’s pup Ripple and Ross Campbell’s Dancer were all close to the same age, so we did a lot of basic and transitional training together. !Crew was always intense, focused and with help from Garry and Sue both he and I became better competitors. !Crew became a solid Master and Qualifying dog through the years. ! 4 ! !I will fondly remember those things that made me proud of his career and demonstrated his desire. First, he ran as a bye dog in an open stake at one year of age and also competed in his first Master test before the age of two. Also, Crew accumulated 20 plus Master passes along with 9 Field Trial placings ranging from Puppy, Junior and Qualifying. Crew graciously was awarded CM in his last open event prior to his retirement. ! In all there are over 40 ribbons on his wall, half dozen or so trophies, including awards for Top SRC Junior Dog in 2002 and the Top SRC Qualy Dog in 2004. !A couple of years ago we got another pup, Nash. Crew was not very fond of our Nash and never did gel with the new pup. At night he wouldn’t even sleep in the same room as Nash. Nash tried desperately to get Crew to like him. !! Upon the arrival of the new interloper, Crew then focused his attention on his new best buddy, my daughter Eryn. In the last couple of years of his life, he became very attached to her. Her bedroom became his favorite spot. !After his retirement, Crew loved going for walks at the club grounds with Maggie and Tim Fahl. His favorite trick was to circle back and steal bumpers out of Tim’s truck and keep them. After every outing, I would have a few bumpers to return to Tim. !I always promised that I would get all his awards out and go out to Doug H i l d e b r a n d ’s a n d g e t a n i c e commemorative picture of the retired Crew and all his awards. I never got around to it and now I wish I would have. So don’t wait to the last to do something special for your hunting companion. ! Crew passed away quickly in December due to complications with a cancerous growth. He was a great pet and a great competitor. The family will fondly remember him. ! John and Family and yes even Nash 5 B U R NI N G T H E L OST R IV ER G ROUNDS ON OCTOBER 26, UNDER THE LEADERSHIP OF OUR GENERAL, JIM COUCH, WE WAGED WAR ON THE GRASS AND WEEDS AT THE LOST RIVER PROPERTY. WE MANAGED TO BURN A FIRE GUARD AROUND A GOOD PORTION OF THE GROUNDS BUT THE NEXT DAY HAD TO BE CANCELLED BECAUSE OF HIGH WINDS. HOPEFULLY, WE CAN COMPLETE THE BURN IN THE SPRING AS SOON AS THE SNOW IS GONE. FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO SACRIFICED YOUR LUNGS BY INHALING A LOT OF SMOKE AND HAD YOUR CLOTHES REEK FOR SEVERAL MONTHS, THE SASKATOON RETRIEVER CLUB THANKS YOU FOR YOUR SACRIFICE. 6 Christmas Party LOTS OF GREAT FOOD! LOTS OF GOOD FELLOWSHIP! OUR CHRISTMAS PARTY THIS YEAR WAS A LITTLE DIFFERENT AS IT WAS HELD AT THE HOME OF MARK AND SHELLY (A BIG THANK YOU TO THEM). AS USUAL WE HAD OUR GIFT EXCHANGE, WHERE IN THE TRUE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS, YOU TRY TO STEAL SOMEONE ELSE’S PRESENT. WE ALSO RECOGNIZED MEMBERS AND THEIR DOGS WHO HAD ACHIEVED SIGNIFICANT MILESTONES IN THE PAST YEAR. 7 2013 AWARDS ! !! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! WC and Hunt Test Awards Prairielight Sweet Dreams CD WCI JH owned by Margareta & Hans Berin (Sully) OTCh Kasomor’s New Monster Shoes JH WCI RA owned by Mark & Shelly Prairiestorm Sprite CDX WCX SH owned by Danielle Greanya, Handled by Wally Turk Prairiestorm Emmy Loubrador CD WCI SH Owned by Danielle, Handled by Wally Ch Prairielight Living Daylights CDX SH WCX Owned by Margareta & Hans Prairiestorm Get’Em Gator WCX MH Owned by Danielle, Handled by Ross OTCH High Voltage Dawnlit Fen WCX got her GMH MNH handled by Louise Dawnlit Blazing Star CD JH WCI O/H by Jeff Thorpe Dawnlit Bog Laurel CD JH WCX O/H by Louise Thorpe Ch Prairielight Lttle Orfn Annie CD WCI owned by Margareta and Hans (Rogan) Ch OTCH Tollwest Ride the Wave WCX JH RAE Owned by Mark & Shelly, Handled by Shelly ! Field Trial Awards ! ! (Dusty) GMH Eat My Dust II WCX achieved her Field Trial Champion (FTCH) & Amateur Field Trial Champion (AFTCH) in 2013 Owned by Jim & Charlene Couch, Handled by Char ! ! ! ! Wyldfire’s Flames Are Roaring WCX SH QFTR Owned/Handled by Char Couch The winner of the 2013 High Point Sask, Junior dog is Willie T Wiffic (Willie) owned by Tyler and Naomi Evans/ Handled by Tyler The winner of the 2013 High Point Sask. Qualifying Dog is TaylorLabs Sweet Cheeks( Cheeky) owned by Sue & Garry Taylor/ Handled by Sue The winner of the 2013 High Point Sask. Open Dog is FC FTCH AFTCH NMH GMH TaylorLabs Sugar and Spice ( Candy) owned by Garry & Sue Taylor, Handled by Sue ! MARJORIE (3YEARS) 8 CHRISTMAS KETTLES C AMPAIGN 9 MORE SALVATION ARMY BELL RINGING ON DECEMBER 21ST, THE SASKATOON RETRIEVER CLUB RANG THE BELLS IN SUPPORT OF THE SALVATION ARMY’S ANNUAL CHRISTMAS KETTLES CAMPAIGN. THE DOGS WERE SUCH A MAGNET FOR DONATIONS THAT WE HAD TO GET ANOTHER KETTLE BECAUSE THE ORIGINAL ONE WAS SOON OVERFLOWING. I THINK EVERYONE FELT GOOD ABOUT HELPING THE LESS FORTUNATE AT CHRISTMAS TIME. THE SALVATION ARMY WOULD LIKE TO THANK: CHAR AND JIM COUCH AL AND NELL MCKIM LYNN CAMPBELL; SANDY AND ZACK ERIXON PAT AND KEITH ALTHOUSE DANIELLE GREANYA (AND KIDS) AND WALLY TURK IAIN MACLEAN AND TRAVIS KERR HANS AND MARGARETA BERIN OF COURSE WE CAN’T FORGET THE DOGS! (SORRY I DIDN’T GET ANY PICTURES OF PAT & 10 A TRIBU TE TO M EG BY REG C AMPBELL I am writing this to let you know that Megan, my old hunting buddy, passed away on Thursday, January 30th. Her kidneys had given out and despite blood toxin levels so high that the medical equipment could not measure them, she hung in there until I readied myself to let her go. She was 14 years and 5 months old. She was my first dog. She taught me a lot about dogs, being a dog owner and about myself. Megan got me through a lot of tough times; no matter what was going on, I always knew that she would be waiting, eager to see me when I got home. She was my loyal hunting partner for years and though she didn’t always do things by the book, she got it done. Meg was one of the toughest dogs I have seen; she did not know the word quit even when she was cut up by grass or if she was she was so tired she could hardly walk. Later in her life she truly enjoyed all the trips she made with me and Abby to train, compete and even hunt. She loved being around whatever was going on. ! Megan had a mind of her own, and if she did not think what you asked of her was appropriate, she would do her own thing. She also had a warm, affectionate side. She loved people, particularly children and women. Her favorite thing was to cuddle with you watching TV or even in bed if you would let her. Meg’s accomplishments may not be measured in ribbons or titles, but to me she held the most important title of all - she was my friend. 11 U PCOM IN G EV E NT S I N 2 0 1 4 ! ! ! ! ! February 27th - Special Membership Meeting - 7:30pm at Doug and Anne Hildebrand’s ! Wildlife Federation Sports and Leisure Show - Retrieving Demonstrations March 6 - 9 ! Cabelas Demonstration March 22 ! SRC Working Certificate Tests June 14-15 ! SRC Field Trials June 28-29 ! SRCA Field Trial June 30 ! SRC Hunt Test August 2-4 ! Canadian National Master Hunt Test ! August 16-23 LOOKING A WAYS AHEAD: We are hosting the 2016 National Open Retriever Championship From Sunday, September 18 to Saturday September 24, 2016. ! 12 CANDID CAMERA I ran these pictures by the Privacy Commissioner and he says it’s OK to publish them. ED. Jeff “Can’t a fellow get a little sleep around here” “I promise I’ll get up before the fire gets here” “Any closer and my beard is in danger of getting singed” “I’d say that this food definitely passes the CFIA taste inspection” “I can promise you Tim that when you have your surgery, they have some awfully good drugs”
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