Wis-Moose News Click and Catch What's Happening February 2015 Edward Johnson – State Publicity Chair [email protected] Amy Boivin - Website Manager [email protected] Vol 4 No. 6 If it's happening in the state, let's get 'r out to our Family Centers. As the good things we do need to be condensed in such a manner As to be shared by one another. GOINGS ON WITHIN OUR FRATERNITY Dates for Lodges to Know -February is Rocker Fund Month -Heart of the Community Report due February 15 -Mid Year Conference Deadline is March 1 -MLEC Class is available at the State Conference March 12; Sign up by March 1. -“King of Heart” Moose Membership promotion goes through February 28 2015 Feb. 7 28 301 State Co-ed Darts Saukville #1043 District #8 Meeting, Moose Legion #138 CHD Heart of the North Superior #606 District #7 Meeting Chippewa Falls #246 11:am Moose Legion #31 Nomination Meeting Moose Legion #142 Celebration Kaukauna #953 State Bowling Beloit #191 March 7 11 12-15 16 21 State Bowling Beloit #191 District#4 Meeting FonDuLac#2564 7:30 PM Mid-Year Conference The Plaza – Wausau District #3 Meeting Kenosha #286 7:pm District #1 Meeting Monroe #754 1:pm 14 20 21 26 27 April 11 12 18 19 May 13 16 18 Nominations; Higher Degree at 2 pm CHD meeting & Memorial Monroe #754 2:pm District#5 Meeting Green Bay #801 11 am Board; Food at noon, Meeting at 1 pm Supreme Governor Visit Marinette #2327 Supreme Governor Visit Chippewa Falls #246 Executive Board Meeting Beloit #191 District #8 Meeting, Moose Legion #138 CHD Heart of the North Burnett County #1194 State Bowling Beloit #191 9:am Moose Legion #143 Celebration Menomonie #1584 3:pm District #7 Meeting Menomonie #1584 3:pm Moose Legion #31 Celebration Kenosha #286 10:am District #4 Meeting Saukville #1043 7:30pm District #1 Meeting Madison #1451 1:pm – Elections of Officers District #3 Meeting Muskego #1057 7:pm Other sports Events, see http://www.wismoose.org/sports.html Robert Dale Scholarship Winners from WI Morgan Maes – Green Bay #801 Rachel Lohrengel – Green Bay #801 Kelsey Hintz – Stevens Point #1572 Brian Schad – West Bend #1398 Congratulations, students! Wisconsin State MidYear Conference March 12-15 The Plaza Hotel 201 N. 17th Avenue Wausau, WI (715) 845-4341 Registration forms for the Wisconsin Moose Association’s State Convention are attached at the end of the Newsletter. http://www.plazawausau.com/ Are you Singing in the Rain? You can and maybe even get to Nashville. Members can qualify for a free trip to the 2015 International Moose Convention and a chance to win $5,000! For the first time ever, the Moose is searching for the finest karaoke singers from across the Fraternity. All active members of the LOOM and WOTM are eligible to participate and the top 12 finalists will travel to the 2015 International Convention to compete for the top prize in front of a packed convention audience. Each finalist will receive round-trip airfare (or equivalent) and two nights lodging at the Opryland Hotel with cash prizes of $5,000, $2,000 and $1,000 going to the top three performers. Lodge/Chapters have their competition; then move up through District and / or Association competitions in order to qualify for the finale at the Nashville Convention. Lodges, get your results to the District President or his designee by February 15. Association winners will be responsible for sending DVD’s or audio recordings to Moose International, where music professionals and media contacts from around the Chicagoland area will narrow the field. Good Luck. Check with your lodges as they have further information; Moose Charities Information / Location Want to know where to donate to for Moose Charities? Click the below link: h t t p : / / w w w. m o o s e c h a r i t i e s . o r g / default.asp Moose International Website from the State Page It seems that every once in a while internet sites’ systems need individual computer tweaking. If, on your personal computer, you find you cannot get on the Moose International site from the tab provided, then go up to your browser and find the icon that refreshes (it looks like a backward arrow). Click on that once and it will update your system for any ‘tweaks.’ Remember once you get on the system, and you wish to get to the members pages, you must put in your last name, and then the password: “2014.” From the Deputy Grand Regent Greetings Co-Workers! Yes, February will probably fly by. Many lodges will have their sweet heart activities.. Many have already had their karaoke contests. Remember the state “sing off” will be at the state Conference in Wausau with the winner representing Wisconsin in Nashville. As we draw near to the end of this membership campaign, please pay close attention to the numbers that Karyn and Gary send out. Let’s do Wisconsin proud; let’s all be +1. As elections come around for members, please be sure to use the new election handbooks. They are on line: w w w. m o o s e i n t l . o r g / m e m b e r s / w p content/uploads/2014/06/ ElectionHandbookpdf The general laws: www.mooseintl.org/ members/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/ WOTM-General-Laws.pdf Remember to send in your registration form into the Marinette chapter for the Mid-Year Conference in Wausau, WI March 12 – 15. http://www.wismoose.org/documents/ Midyear/midyear_reg_wotm_15.pdf Betty Krisza is our Official Visitor; and I know she will have many items for us to learn about and take home tour chapter. Fraternally Lana LaVelle, DGR 2014-15 From the Wisconsin Moose Association President Happy February everyone. By the time you are reading this we will have about 3 months to bring our membership up to “plus one”. Please utilize your area higher degree councils or other higher degree members to get back many of those in arrears. We must work together to achieve this goal. Midyear conferences s a month way, and it should be most informative and fun. So much will be excellent for learning and sharing back lodges. Below click for the Conference Agenda http://www.wismoose.org/documents/ Midyear/midyear_agenda_15.pdf Remember ALL lodge members in good standing can attend. It can be a great way to get members involved and lead to future lodge leadership. Have a Happy, successful February Fraternally Brian Mifflin WMA President Message from the Territory #32 Manager As most of you should be aware of we are behind in production (applications) and active members. Here is my challenge to all of you ONE per-day for February For some of us that will be hard as you are a little lodge but I know that you will give it your best. For the rest of us it is simply doing what we should be doing each and every day; “asking that friend or neighbor to join”. Now may be that time for you to send those letters that you said you were going to the members on the terminated list asking them back into the lodge. If you did not see the e-mail from the help desk; the “King of Heart” promotion from Moose International will be extended until February 28th. This is a great tool to use but your members need to know about it. Put that special notice up on your membership board, put it in your lodge newsletter, put it on your lodge web site, and please make sure the members know about this, the current state promotion and whatever your lodge membership promotion is. With elections coming up it is that time to make sure any and all members desiring to be lodge officers attend a lodge leadership training course. We also encourage that any member who wants to know more about how the lodge operates to attend. Dates and times will be out shortly as to where the classes will be held. You can also take the course on-line via the international web site. You just need to go into the member’s only area, to moose training, to online training and follow the screen. Once you have taken the test it will let you know if you have passed and please print the certificate that shows that you did indeed pass. I hope to see all of you at the upcoming Mid-Year Conference in Wausau; March 12-15, 2015. All of the information was sent to the lodges and is also on the state web site. Fraternally Gary Beck WI Territorial Manager How to Donate your Car http://www1.wittysearchtips.com/ From Membership Membership News. Membership numbers are down, but I know that this will change. Now is the perfect time for us to spread the word. Do you have someone on your gift list that you do not know what to get? How about a gift of Membership? What a great gift – one that keeps on giving! During the months of February and March everyone who signs up a new or former member, will receive a Universal Portable Charger for your electronic devices. Until next month, Fraternally Mike Rynearson Membership Chair WMA Prelate [email protected] Be a Moose http://www.mooseintl.org/index.php/bea-moose/ From the Sports Committee Chair Happy February to all of you. If you need assistance getting your teams registered, please contact Joe Thibedeau and check the state website for the forms and other i n f o r m a t i o n : [email protected] : Att: Joe. Have a great time playing great games with the Moose. Fraternally yours Dan Threlkeld WMA Sports Chair [email protected] From our Legion Ambassador Well another month has begun and the Moose Legion` still is in need of getting new and former Legion members back. Wisconsin can still be near the top of the membership campaigns for recognition in Nashville in July. Please attend sessions on leadership training called MLEC. One is being offered at the Wausau Conference in March. Have a great February. Respectfully, Ambassador Robert Rufer From the WOTM Membership Chair Whew! Can someone please tell me where January went? Time sure does fly when you’re having fun! Our conference will be here before we know it. Please get your registration forms sent in early. Our fundraising project for Membership will be a “Made in Wisconsin” themed pool. I am requesting donations of items “Made in Wisconsin”, such as Cheese, Sausage, Syrup, Honey, Jams, Jellies, Crafts, etc. It will be fun to see how many different items we receive. Since this is a WOTM Membership fundraiser, alcoholic beverages are not allowed. But I am most certain that there are plenty of other items that could be donated. Our membership numbers really do need some work in both signing new members and retention. It might be a good idea for the men and women to work together in this area. Set aside a night and get together and get on those phones and “talk Moose”. You may find it not only rewarding but fun as well. I guess we won’t know for sure until we try. I’m getting anxious and excited for conference to get here and the way things are moving it will be here FAST!!!!! Hope to see many of you there! In Friendship, Karyn Johnson State Chapter Membership Chair From Youth Awareness and Fundraising Spring Brewer Ticket Raffle to Begin Yes, the Wisconsin Moose Association into another very special Raffle. There’s a poster at the end of this article There will be 50 total prizes with the Grand Prize being two Season Tickets for the 2015 Milwaukee Brewer Games. The procedures will be the same as the past two with tickets available at the lodges and 3 tickets mailed to your homes. The cost is the same $5 or 3 for $10. Please, when you look through your past mail, you will find an envelope from the Wisconsin State Moose Association. Open it. You will find your 3 chances to win the Brewer Tickets or 49 other prizes. More chances wanted? Your Lodge has more tickets in the Social Quarters. Fraternally Scott Gordon State Raffle Chairman [email protected] Moose Charities Video http://m.youtube.com/watch? v=hZToZJudTfg Click on and see what ‘our’ Moose Charities does. Great 3 minute video. It is hoped the video will be placed on the state’s home page this month. Moose Members, Last month we reminded you of the necessity of having a Will. This month we’ll remind you of something equally as relevant. Remember the “good old days” when your personal papers and documents were in a post office box or a shoebox on a shelf in your closet or desk at home? There’s so much more to think about now in this age of technology, so here are some things to take care of before it’s too late, and you leave your family a mess of lockeddown digital accounts, folders and files. 1. Make an inventory of all your digital assets. That includes the documents on your computer, the photos on your phone, any data stored on thumb drives or backup disks, and every online account, including the ones you no longer use. Your primary email account should be first, since that’s typically where online accounts send password resets, and where your entire list of personal and business contacts resides. All your on-line accounts have ID’s and passwords. Social security numbers, bank account numbers, and credit card numbers all can live forever in cyber space and in your computers’ memories. You don’t want to put your loved ones at the mercy of identity thieves. 2. Think about what you want to happen to all of this stuff after you’re gone. Decide if it’s a good idea for your family or others to have open access to your emails and computer files? How about photos, videos, legal documents, old files and other material you’ve downloaded? There may be some things you don’t want left to posterity, or want to go to specific individuals. Decide now, take the necessary actions – identify, designate, forward, save or delete. Explain what you’ve done. Make your wishes known. 3. Assign someone to be your digital executor. Be explicit in your Will about what you want to happen to your digital assets. Don’t assume your survivors automatically have a right to it all, because the laws vary greatly from state to state. Remember, it’s not just paper documents anymore and these digital documents can live forever! Lastly, as we reminded you last month, if you’re like more than half of all Americans who don’t have a Will, it’s time to get that done! Trust us, you DON’T want the government to make your decisions! We hope the holidays are treating you well. Have a great 2015. It’s Time to Think Nashville 2015 Nashville’s connection to music is unequaled, and its reputation as Music City has been consistently proven for over 200 years. Live music can be seen and heard every day and night of the week in Nashville. The world-famous honkytonks, located on B r o a d w a y, offer free live music 365 days a year. And with more than 130 music venues around town ranging from large arenas and concert halls to small clubs and featuring nearly every genre of music, it’s easy to see why this is the city that “music calls home.” Nashville will also be “home” to the 2015 International Moose Convention from July 3 – 7 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center. As one of the Moose Fraternity’s most popular destinations, Nashville has offered our members a unique and entertaining experience each and every time we’ve visited. Our convention, over the 4th of July weekend, features new and exciting events and includes opportunities to visit the world-famous Grand Ole Opry and watch one of the best fireworks displays in the country! For the second year in a row, Moose members will also have the chance to participate in a variety of Heart of the Community events, where we’ll again show the local community what it really means to be a Moose. For the first time ever, the Moose will also crown an International Karaoke Champion who will have worked his or her way up from the Lodge competitions all the way to the international finals. Come see what kind of talent our Brothers and Co-workers possess – the winner may be from your Lodge or Chapter! Don’t miss out on your opportunity to learn more about the Moose while having a great time with members from across our great Fraternity. For many of you, Nashville is a reasonable drive away, so there’s no excuse not to be there. Whether you are an officer or simply an average member, this convention has plenty to offer. We look forward to seeing YOU in the “Music City” next July. Here is the link to housing at the Inn at Opryland: http://www.marriott.com/meeting-eventhotels/group-corporate-travel/ groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=Moose % 2 0 I n t e r n a t i o n a l %202015%20Convention%2C%20Inn %20at%20Opryland%20Block%20Jul %201-Jul%209%2C%202015%5Ebnagi %60MS1MS1A%7CMS1MS1B %7CMS1MS1C%7CMS1MS1D %6099.00%60USD%60false %607/1/15%607/9/15%606/1/15&app=r esvlink&stop_mobi=yes Wisconsin Moose Lodges Need to Reach another Moose Lodge in Wisconsin. Note t h e i n f o r m a t i o n b e l o w. Emails to lodges are “[email protected]” You need to put the lodge’s number in where the x’s are. Facility Name Address City State Zip Code Phon e No. Appleton Wisconsin 54911 (920) 830-2 834 1806 Gale Dr Beloit Wisconsin 53511 (608) 362-9 886 1890 9Th Ave Bloomer Wisconsin 54724 (715) 568-1 304 8118 149Th St Chippewa Falls Wisconsin 54729 (715) 723-3 278 N10792 Lakeshore Rd Clintonville Wisconsin 54929 (715) 823-4 006 3606 Curvue Rd Eau Claire Wisconsin 54703 (715) 835-6 522 190 E 2Nd St Fond Du Lac Wisconsin 54935 (920) 933-9 170 Family Center 367 - 1216 E Wisconsin Appleton Ave ! Lodge 191 - Beloit ! Lodge 1077 - Bloomer - CMP - RV ! Lodge 246 - Chippewa Falls ! Family Center 1502 - Clintonville - CMP - RV ! Family Center 1408 - Eau Claire - RV ! ! Lodge 2564 - Fond Du Lac Family Center 1238 - Eastern Kettle Moraine - CMP - RV W 198 N 10217 Appleton Av Germantown Wisconsin 53022 (262) 255-5 055 846 Morris Ave Green Bay Wisconsin 54304 (920) 494-7 230 Janesville Wisconsin 53545 (608) 752-0 809 Kaukauna Wisconsin 54130 (920) 766-1 030 Kenosha Wisconsin 53144 (262) 657-7 831 1932 Ward Ave La Crosse Wisconsin 54601 (608) 788-2 998 Po Box 14453 Madison Wisconsin 53714 (608) 223-9 904 N 5233 E Nettleton Lane Marinette Wisconsin 54143 (715) 732-4 677 601 Colfax St Mauston Wisconsin 53948 (608) 847-7 833 ! Lodge 801 - Green Bay ! Family Center 197 - 2701 Rockport Janesville Road - CMP - RV ! Lodge 953 - Kaukauna 900 W Ducharme St ! Family Center 286 - Kenosha 3003 30Th Ave - CMP - RV ! Family Center 1920 - La Crosse - CMP - RV ! Family Center 1451 - Madison ! Lodge 2327 - Marinette - CMP - RV ! ! Family Center 1913 - Juneau County - CMP - RV Lodge 1584 - Menomonie - RV 720 19Th Ave Menomonie Wisconsin 54751 (715) 235-2 011 5476 S 13Th St Milwaukee Wisconsin 53221 (414) 281-4 444 Monroe Wisconsin 53566 (608) 325-6 585 S86 W21693 Janesville Rd Muskego Wisconsin 53150 (262) 662-2 500 604 Beebe St. Phillips Wisconsin 54555 (715) 339-6 596 Racine Wisconsin 53402 (262) 639-3 209 Rice Lake Wisconsin 54868 (715) 236-2 909 River Falls Wisconsin 54022 (715) 425-9 152 Saukville Wisconsin 53080 (262) 284-2 228 Sheboygan Wisconsin 53081 (920) 457-0 803 ! Lodge 49 - Milwaukee - RV ! Family Center 754 - Monroe 639 Third Ave - CMP - RV ! Family Center 1057 - Muskego ! Lodge 2661 - Phillips ! Family Center 437 - 5530 Middle Rd Racine - CMP - RV ! Family Center 402 - Rice Lake 40 E Newton - CMP - RV ! Family Center 594 - River Falls 620 N Clark St - CMP - RV ! Family Center 1043 - Saukville 193 E Green Bay Ave ! ! Family Center 438 - 1811 Georgia Ave Sheboygan Family Center 1572 - Stevens Point - CMP - RV Stevens Point Wisconsin 54481 (715) 344-3 224 Superior Wisconsin 54880 (218) 730-7 302 207 North Lincoln St. Thorp Wisconsin 54771 1222 Juneau St Watertown Wisconsin 53094 (920) 261-6 458 7330 State Rd 70 Webster Wisconsin 54893 (715) 349-5 923 1721 Chestnut St West Bend Wisconsin 53095 (262) 338-8 122 1025 Second St N ! Family Center 606 - Superior 66 E 5Th St - RV ! Lodge 680 - Thorp ! Lodge 830 - Watertown ! Lodge 1194 - Burnett County - RV ! Family Center 1398 - West Bend - RV ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 2015 International Moose SPORTS TOURNAMENTS BOWLING APRIL 11 - MAY 17 Michigan City, IN Lodge 980 STEEL-TIP DARTS APRIL 24 - 26 Lynchburg South, VA Lodge 1727 POOL JULY 1 - 4 (New Dates) Merritt Island, FL Lodge 2073 HORSESHOES JULY 10 - 12 (New Dates) Strasburg, VA Lodge 403 SOFTBALL JULY 24 - 27 Bedford, VA Lodge1897 GOLF JULY 31 - AUGUST 2 Henry County, GA Lodge 2170 OCTOBER 30 - NOVEMBER 1 Williamsburg, VA Lodge 757 For additional information on these events please visit the Moose International website www.mooseintl.org/portal/sports/sport.asp or call Activities at (630) 966-2214.
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