Tra ainin ng Repor R rt Four Week W Ind duction Trainin ng of Newly Seleected Subjectt Speciaalists and d Seniorr Subjecct Speciaalists September 15, 2014 to October O 15, 2014 Direcctorate of Stafff Devellopmen nt, Punjjab Proofessionall Developpment for Quality Education E Induction Training of Newly Selected SSS/SS September, 2014, Batch-VI Executive Summary Government of the Punjab is striving for quality education in Government schools of the province. In this respect various initiatives have been taken and the professional development of teachers is one of them. It is pertinent to mention that capacity building of the newly recruited education personal is an integral part of the policy. In order to pursue the educational goals set by the Punjab Government, the Directorate of Staff Development, arranged four week induction training of Senior / Subject Specialists (SSS/SS) from September 15 to October 15, 2014. The participants were of Urdu36, History/Pak Studies-23 & English- 19.One Subject Specialists of Biology joined two weeks as they had already received two weeks training held at DSD on general topics. The aim of the training was to enhance the pedagogical skills, content delivery and to make them understand the role and responsibilities of the newly recruited officers. To achieve this objective, training sessions were organized on Chief Minster’s Education Reforms Road Map, New Initiatives of the Punjab Government, functioning of public schools, content, rules and regulation ,teaching methodologies & strategies, lesson planning (in their own subjects), assessment tools and techniques. The sports sessions were also arranged in the evening as an essential component of the training. Mandatory sports sessions were organized in the playgrounds of adjacent Government Pilot Secondary school. Keeping in view the initiatives of the government and the importance of English Language, training sessions were also organized on spoken English, PEELI programme. The module covers the spoken aspect of language and also comprises different interesting teaching techniques, methodologies and strategies. The resource persons were selected from various prestigious training institutions like universities and the renowned institutions working in professional development. The newly Selected Senior / Subject Specialists were exposed to various training methods including, group and pair work, presentations, project assignment and syndicate work ,Book review. Study tours were also arranged followed by report writing and presentations. After the successful completion of the training, it is expected that the participants will be able to perform their duties in confident manner with knowledge and skills they have acquired from this course. The course content was largely appreciated by the participants. 1 Directorate of Staff Development, Punjab Induction Training of Newly Selected SSS/SS September, 2014, Batch-VI Purpose of the Training The purpose of the training course was not only to equip the newly recruited SSS/SS with new teaching methodologies but also to motivate them to achieve professional excellence for the improvement of the organizations they are going to work for. It also aims to bring about an attitudinal change in them to ensure their working is more scientific, objective, transparent, responsive, accountable and participatory. Number of Trainees and their Subjects For this training 83 participants were referred by the Government of the Punjab School Education Department whereas 79 reported for the said training. The detail of the trainees as per subject is given below: i) ii) iii) iv) Urdu - 36 ( Subject Specialists- 21 and Senior Subject Specialists-15) Biology - 01 ( Subject Specialists- 01) History/Pak Studies - 23 ( Subject Specialists- 22 and Senior Subject Specialists-01) English-19 ( Subject Specialists- 19) Subject Specialists of Biology received two week Pedagogy training. Facilities for the Trainees • The Participants were provided with the following facilities: ¾ Hostel-Furnished Rooms (Male & Female) ¾ Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner ¾ Tea (twice a day) ¾ Library & Computer Lab open from 8:00a.m to 8:00p.m Daily Schedule Session I II III IV V Time 08:15-09:45 09:45-11:15 11:45-01:15 02:00-03:30 Sports Tea Breaks 11:15-11:45 03:30-03:45 Lunch Break 01:15-02:00 05:00-06:00 Execution of Training • On the first day of the training an inaugural ceremony is organized and the participants are given an orientation on how this training would be conducted. • One participant from the class writes a report on the presentation delivered by the resource persons. All the trainees get the chance to write this report as it is compulsory to present the report every day in the morning. • There are four training sessions on the content and the fifth session is on the sport. It is mandatory for all the participants to attend this session. 2 Directorate of Staff Development, Punjab Induction Training of Newly N Selected SSS/SS Seeptember, 201 14, Batch-VI Method dology of the t Trainiing i) A Activity Basedd Learning ii) Group G Work iii) Pair Work B review iv) Book v) Field Trips / Sttudy Tours/ School S Visits nments vi) Prroject/ Assign vii) Prresentations T Training Sesssions in Pro ogress o Staff Deveelopment, Punnjab 3 Directorate of Induction Training of Newly Selected SSS/SS September, 2014, Batch-VI Training Content The participants were trained on the following contents to better equip them with knowledge and skills required for better teaching and learning: General Topics for the Training • Chief Minister’s Education Reforms Roadmap • National Professional Standards for Teachers • Job Description of SSS & SS • Leave Rules • Leadership Skills • Communication and Presentation Skills • Classroom Management • Activity-based Teaching • Development of Lesson Plans • Model Teaching of Developed LPs • PEELI • Early Childhood Education (ECE) • Shift in the Role of Teacher • • • • • • • • Continuous Assessment Financial Management School Improvement/ Development Plan PEEDA Act TA/DA Rules Curriculum Framework Motivation for Teachers Development and Use of Academic Calendar • Bloom’s Taxonomy • Lesson Plans- Template and the Importance of Lesson Plans • Syndicate Work Subject Specific Training Topics As Per TNA Urdu History/Pak Studies Pakistani Urdu Literature Fiction in Urdu Literature Non-Fiction Kinds of Prose Letter/ Application Writing Idioms and Proverbs Teaching of Poetry (Poems and Urdu Ghazals) Humorous Poems Summary Writing Urdu LiteratureRevolutionary Movements Prepositions in urdu Language Constitutional Development in Pakistan Foreign Policy of Pakistan Ideological Foundation of Pakistan War of Independence (WOI)1857 The Doctrine of Lapse and its Impact Reforms during British Rules Comparative Analysis of Hindu and Muslim Society Role of Muslim Leaders in Pakistan Movement Different Pacts made during Pakistan Movement Muhammad Ali Jinnah as Great Leader 4 Directorate of Staff Development, Punjab English Comprehension- Reading Skills Narration Active Passive Voice Essay Writing Types of Essays Figure of Speech Phrases and its Types Synonyms and Antonyms Types of Writing & Stages of Writing Developing Contextual Clues Phonological Similarities & Pronunciation Induction Training of Newly Selected SSS/SS September, 2014, Batch-VI Session on Leadership Skills Realizing the importance of leadership skills Dr. Abdullah Faisal was requested to share his diversified experience with the trainee officers. He gave the participants an assignment to evaluate their leadership skills on a given scale and to prepare a power point presentation on a case study. In the next session he evaluated the participants on their presentation and gave them valuable tips to polish their leadership skills. Syndicate Work The participants were divided into different groups and each group was assigned a topic from the following: These topics were given to the participants to research, collect information and prepare a power point presentation. They were also directed to submit the written report. Each group also has to present in front of the resource person who evaluated the trainees on a certain criteria. The main parameters for the evaluation criteria of the syndicate work are: 1. Communication skills 2. Participation 3. Confidence 4. Relevance of the content with the topic 5. Presentation Book Review A book review is a form of literary criticism in which a book is analyzed based on content, style, and merit. A book review can be a primary source opinion piece, summary review or scholarly review. Participants reviews text book of class 9th and 10th the evaluation criteria of the book review are: 1 Content 2 Grammar and Spelling 3 Format 4 Presentation 5 Recommendation 5 Directorate of Staff Development, Punjab Induction Training of Newly N Selected SSS/SS Seeptember, 201 14, Batch-VI Projectt Assignmeent Traineee officers were w divideed into threee groups according to their subjeccts (Urdu, History/Pak H Studies andd English) aand they weere assigned an area off DSD by thhe Programm me Directorr to decoratee it utilizingg low cost/ no n cost mateerial. The fo ollowing table displays the groups and a the areass assigned too them: G Group Urdu History/Pakk Studies English Area for Decorattion Corriddor of Acadeemic Block-II Noticee Boards of Academic A B Block-I Main Corridor of DSD T purpose of The o this activiity was to innculcate the skill s of time managemen nt, team spiriit, stress maanagement annd how to leead and deleggate the respponsibilities to others. A committee c was w constitutted to evaluaate the projeect work com mprising of the followinng memberss: 1. 2. 3. 4. Course Coorrdinator-I, Head C H Trainingg Wing – Mr. M Azmat Sidddique D Deputy Direector (Admn)) – Mr. Ameeer Safdar Malik M C Course Coorrdinator-III, Ms. Aneela Hassan D Deputy Direector QA(M& &D), Mrs. M Misbah Haseeeb Evaluate th he Project Work W o Staff Deveelopment, Punnjab 6 Directorate of Induction Training of Newly N Selected SSS/SS Seeptember, 201 14, Batch-VI T committeee thoroughly examinedd the projectt work of alll the groups and awardeed The the positiions which are a displayed d in the folloowing table: Positiion G Group 1st U Urdu 2nd H History/Pak S Studies H Honorable Programme Director, D M Ehsan Bhutta annouunced the results on thhe Mr. closing ceremony c annd appreciatted the hard work they have done ddespite very y limited tim me availablee. Sports a Govvt. Itt was mandaatory to participate in thhe sports actiivities arranged in the adjacent Pilot Seccondary Sch hool. The traainees took ppart in Badm minton, Criccket, Shot Puut Throw annd Athleticss. Sportts Sessions o Staff Deveelopment, Punnjab 7 Directorate of Induction Training of Newly N Selected SSS/SS Seeptember, 201 14, Batch-VI Result of o Sports Competitiion D Different com mpetitions am mong particiipants were held h i.e Relaay Race, Shoot Put Throw w, Broad Juump, Race 100 metre, Badminton B ( Single, Dou uble), Volleyy Ball & Crricket and thhe following gs participannts achieved positions. T three parrticipants (M Top Male): Sr. # Naame Position 1. Mu uhammad Saaleem akhtarr Ist 2. Syed M. Hassaan Naqvi 2ndd 3. Ajaaz Sarwar 3rd T participaants (Female): Top Sr. # Naame Positiion 1. Sabba Bashir Ist 2. Sam mmia Kouseer 2nd 3. Shaban Naz 3rd Study Tours T D DSD organizeed the visits of the particcipants to thee following places: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Nazria-e-P Pakistan Tru ust, Lahore Children Library L Com mplex, Lahorre Secretariaat, Punjab Un niversity, Laahore Shalamar Bagh order Wahga Bo T aim of these The t visits was to mottivate the trrainees to uttilize the toours for studdy purposes in a way thhat could ennhance the knowledge, k observationn, presentatio on and repoort writing skills. s As affter their visits they haad to write a report andd prepare a power poinnt presentattion to be deelivered in frront of Resoource Personns, DSD Facculty and theeir colleaguees. These preesentations were w evaluatted by the faaculty thus making m it a m meaningful activity Particcipants at Naazria-e-Pakiistan Trust o Staff Deveelopment, Punnjab 8 Directorate of Induction Training of Newly N Selected SSS/SS Seeptember, 201 14, Batch-VI Visitt to Children n’s Library Complex Wa agha Borderr Ceremony, Lahore o Staff Deveelopment, Punnjab 9 Directorate of Induction Training of Newly Selected SSS/SS September, 2014, Batch-VI Evaluation Procedure of the Trainees The training wing evaluated the participants as per laid down SOPs of QA,M&E wing of DSD. • Pre-Test, Mid Test and Post Tests These tests were based on the content delivered in the training sessions. These tests provide the quantitative information about what were their knowledge and skills before the training and how much they have improved after receiving the training. • Directing Staff Observation The main parameters of the observation are regularity / punctuality, observance of class rules and norms, participation, attitude towards colleagues, Resource Persons and DSD Staff. • Syndicate and Simulation Evaluation The main parameters are communication skills, readiness and alertness, group participation, confidence, relevance of the content with the topic, power point presentation and report writing. • Peer Review The trainees also evaluated themselves and their fellow participants. They judge their own as well as their colleagues’ performance on the parameters given in Peer Review Performas i.e discipline, attentiveness, participation, leadership qualities and supportive behavior. Class Representative of Each Class On the very first day of the training one or two classroom representatives are selected. They are expected to coordinate all the academic and co-curricular activities of the class. In addition to this they have to communicate all the problems of the class to the directing staff. The class representatives are also given certificates at the end of the training. The names of each groups are given in the following table: Subject Urdu History/Pak Studies English Name Syed M. Mubashir Mehdi & Rafia Ramzan Hafsa Rasheed & Hafiz Khurshid Ahmad Muhammad Afzal & Farhan Khalid 10 Directorate of Staff Development, Punjab Induction Training of Newly N Selected SSS/SS Seeptember, 201 14, Batch-VI Resourrce Persons’ Evaluattion R Resource peersons were evaluated by the paarticipants on o the accoount of theeir knowledgge, content delivery, d traaining methoodology, discipline, effeective use off teaching aiids and comm munication skills. In thiis training thhe services of o 44 Resouurce Persons were utilizeed, the follow wing table displays d theirr grading: Nu umber of Reesource Perrsons Gradin ng 15 A+ 14 A NIL B+ NOTE: Th he Resource Persons P who were w placed in B grade will not n be consideered for the neext training. Closingg Ceremon ny T appreciatte and motiivate the paarticipants, a prize disttributions ceeremony waas To organizedd on the lastt day of the training. t On the behalf of o the Prograamme Director, Mr. Ehsaan Bhutta, Course C Coordinator-I, Mr. M Azmat Siddique an nd Deputy Director D QA A(M&E) Mrrs. Misbah Haseeb H distriibuted the ceertificates, m medals and trrophies amonng the particcipants. Programme Director D advvised the trrainees that in order to compete the challenginng t achieve the t professional excelleence. He alsso world off today, the teachers arre required to hoped that this trainiing must havve given theem a directio on to achievve it. Mr. Azzmat Siddiquue mony by apprreciating the enthusiasticc participatioon of the traiinees to makke concludeed the cerem this training a successs. He also wished w them good luck foor their futurre life. Disttribution of Certificate & Medals on n Closing Ceremony Ce o Staff Deveelopment, Punnjab 11 Directorate of Induction Training of Newly N Selected SSS/SS Seeptember, 201 14, Batch-VI Disttribution of Certificate & Medals on n Closing Ce Ceremony Recomm mendation ns The folloowing are thee recommenndations giveen by the parrticipants: • Com mfortable furrniture may be b provided in all the traaining roomss. • The training roo oms of the ground g floor should be made m at par with the upstairs traininng ms. room • Interrnet facility may be provvided in the ttraining room ms and hosteels as well. o Staff Deveelopment, Punnjab 12 Directorate of
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