HANNAH BAREFOOT 3364162511 [email protected] EMPLOYMENT EDUCATION 2013-2016 University of Virginia Masters in Landscape Architecture Candidate 2014 European Masters in Landscape Architecture: Week-long charette with European Masters students 2008-2012 University of Virginia, B.A. with High Distinction // Studio Art and English Major 2007-2008 University of North Carolina School of the Arts, Visual Arts Program 2008 National Outdoor Leadership School: Month-long backpacking trip in the Alaskan mountains SCHOLARSHIPS/GRANTS 2014-2016 Kenan Fellow: Awarded teaching and research assistant to Professor Peter Waldman for Lessons of the Lawn class, providing full-tuition and stipend for two-year. 2012-2013 Aunspaugh Fifth Year Fellow at University of Virginia McIntire Art Department: Selective work-study fellowship providing teaching experience, studio space and stipend for UVA Studio Art and Architecture graduates 2008-2012 Jefferson Scholar (Lawrence Lewis Jr. Scholar): Selective merit-based scholarship for the University of Virginia given based on demonstration of leadership, citizenship, and scholarship providing full four-year tuition, stipend, and enrichment programs 2011 University Award for Projects in the Arts 2011 Rare Book School - UVA Fellowship 2009 William R. Kenan Jr. Fellowship at Penland School of Crafts COMMUNITY AGRICULTURE 2008-2012 University of Virginia Community Garden: Co-founded and co-managed 2011 PATCH Internship: Community garden providing fresh produce to the Haven, a safe place for disadvantaged in Charlottesville 2010-2012 Food Collaborative: Undergraduate student member of interdisciplinary faculty/student effort to educate and promote food justice in Charlottesville and UVA communities 2010-2012 Morven Kitchen Garden Project: helped start and worked on one acre kitchen garden TEACHING EXPERIENCE 2014 2014 2011-2012 2012 2012 2012 Teaching Assistant taught plaster and concrete-casting for UVA First Year landscape architecture class Teaching Assistant for Julie Bargmann – Planted Form and Function II Teaching Assistant in Printmaking at University of Virginia – managed printmaking shop (lithography, etching, screen-printing, woodcut papermaking and bookbinding) Papermaking at Virginia Art of the Book Center: Taught an intensive European papermaking workshop using cotton, flax, and abaca fiber for eight beginner students Guest Teaching: UVA Fall of 2012 Introduction to Drawing Guest Teaching: UVA Fall 2012 Introduction to Printmaking 2014 Research assistant to Beth Meyer compiling detailed annotated bibliography of Cultural Landscape Atlases 2014 The Cultural Landscape Foundation: Summer intern working on Virginia’s What’s Out There project in Richmond, Virginia. Preparing for the WOT weekend on October 25-26 writing WOT entries and site visiting. 2014 SCAPE Landcape Architecture PLLC: externship, worked on Minneapolis Waterworks project rendering 2012-2014 2011-2014 Shop Monitor in Ruffin Hall Wood Shop at University of Virginia – managed wood shop for sculpture students (monitoring operation of wood and metal fabricating power tools) Freelance graphic design for Haand (North Carolina-based slip-cast ceramics production company) including promotional cards, stationary, logo HONORS 2011 2011 2010 2009 Raven Society Member Pumpkin Society Commendation University of Virginia Intermediate Honors Echols Scholar: University of Virginia Honors Program EXHIBITIONS 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 “56 | Taut” two-person Thesis Show, Ruffin Hall, Charlottesville, VA (Apr.) “Bushes // Hills” solo show, New City Arts Gallery, Charlottesville, VA (Mar) “Hills” solo show, The Garage, Charlottesville, VA (Sept.) “The Other Side of Air” two-person DMP Thesis show, Ruffin Hall, Charlottesville, VA (Apr. 9-14) “Tan/Blue Language” solo show, New Dominion Book Shop, Charlottesville, VA (Feb.) ARTS PROGRAMMING 2010-2012 2008-2011 Arts Board Co-Chair: Student leader in effort to facilitate Tom Burckhart on “The Brooks Hall Museum c.1900 ; A Creative Interpretation”, helping managing a $10,000 budget and coordinating construction of cardboard natural history museum installation The Declaration: Art Director for student-run alternative weekly news magazine – designed weekly cover and coordinated illustration and photo editing for all articles SKILLS PRINTMAKING Etching (copper and zinc), woodcut (oil and water-based methods), water-based screen-printing, book-binding PAPERMAKING European and Asian fine handmade paper specializing in abaca (banana fiber), raw flax, kozo (paper mulberry) GARDENING Construction of cold frames, planting, managing crop rotation, season extension, double digging raised beds METAL WORK Welding, blacksmithing, forge welding, operation of power hammer WOODWORKING Power tool use (miter saw, jigsaw, table saw, drill press, router, sander) TECHNOLOGY Fluent in PC or Macintosh Microsoft, Adobe Suite, AutoCAD, Rhino, Grasshopper can drive manual transmission vehicle LANDFORM SCRIPTING Sinkholes // Karst Geology Parametric modelling of sinkholes using rules I identified through study of sinkholes, dolines, and karst caves. <<< Sinkholes I studied the geology, topography, vegetation, hydrology of sinkholes. Parametric modelling and hand-drawn axonometrics, concrete casting, and CNC milling enabled the intensive examination of form, function and articulation of sinkholes. <<< Public Bath >>> I approached the design of my Fall 2013 studio site through the lens of sinkholes. The hydrolic, vegetative systems that surround sinkholes informed my final design for a public bath and stream restoration in downtown Charlottesville. <<< Iterative work with photocopiers, using topography generated fated from my first parametric model. >>>Hand-drawn axon studies of program & vegetation. THE BATHTUB AND THE SPONGE Abstracted geologic section demonstrating ground cover, hydrolics and earthworks in Charlottesville public bath. Irregularly Spaced Grove Spreading vase-shaped medium shrub Irregular branching, thinned, limbed up around paths, dense flowering, leafing Low cool broadleaf ground cover Bare earth Hedges and Shrub Borders Shrub Carr Upright, clumping warm weather grasses Spreading vase -shaped medium shrub Irregular, pendulous, bramble and shrubs Irregular branching, thinned, limbed up around paths, dense flowering, leafing Dense, evergreen, dark, thick branching needled hedge shrub Cool, walkable, broadleaf ground cover ephemeral blooms and moss Low cool broadleaf ground cover Hydric broadleaf low bulbs Hedges, Shrub Borders and Nurse Log Irregular, pendulous, bramble and shrubs Dense, evergreen, dark, thick branching needled hedge shrub Cool, walkable, broadleaf ground cover ephemeral blooms and moss Nurse Log - supporting mossy, understory tree saplings: dark, low, decay Duff and ephemeral bulbs/blooms MEMORIAL GARDEN: PLANTED FORM STUDY Understanding how planted form, nurse logs, open meadow, snags, mown understory or small groves inform the emotive, visceral qualities of a space. TOBACCO SLIP HICKORY TREE GROWTH // CULLING YEAR 1 SHORT SHRUB GRID saplings planted 10 ft on center 3 ft spread 10 ft high (3 ft taproot) YEAR 10 SHRUB QUINCUNX healthy trees selected - cull to approximately 20 ft on center 10 ft spread 25ft high YEAR 30 YOUNG GROVE healthy trees selected - cull to approximately 20-30 ft on center 20 ft spread 50 ft high TOBACCO SLIP RAMP UNDULATION EAST WEST 0 25 50 100 ft TOBACCO SLIP This project is a response to the geology of Richmond, VA. I’ve considered the history of continental shifts, tears and tension. The two larger earthen ramps undulate throughout the site. The Slip Path manifests the fall line oriented parallel to the existing levee wall, forming a thin, constructed path - registering the surrounding ramps’ rise and fall. YEAR 50 FOREST PHASE healthy trees selected - cull to approximately 30 ft on center 30 ft spread 70 ft high TOBACCO SLIP
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