Сертификат Система менеджмента качества изготовителей материалов согласно Директиве 97/23/EG № сертификата. 01 202 H/Q-11 1286 Название и адрес изготовителя: Открытое акционерное Общество «Выксунский металлургический завод» - ОАО «ВМЗ» 607060, Российская федерация, Нижегородская область, г. Выкса, ул. Братьев Баташевых, д.45 При этом подтверждается, что Производитель внедрил и применяет систему менеджмента качества, которая была проверена согласно требованиям главы 4.3 Приложения I Директивы 97/23/EG по отношению материалов указанных в области применения. Проверен согласно Директиве 97/23/EG: Система МК согласно EN 764-5, Глава 4.2 и AD 2000-Merkblatt W0 № отчёта. H/Q-11 1286 Область применения: Производство холоднодеформированных сварных труб из углеродистых инизколегированных сталей, смотри приложения к сертификату Место производства: Открытое акционерное Общество «Выксунский металлургический завод» - ОАО «ВМЗ» 607060, Российская федерация, Нижегородская область, г. Выкса, ул. Братьев Баташевых, д.45 Действителен до: 17. март 2017 Кёльн, 02. апрель 2014 Dipl.-lng Svenja TOV Rheinland-Zertifizierungsstelle fur Druckgerate der TUV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Benannte Stelle, Kennummer: 0035 Am Grauen Stein, D-51105 K6ln Е-106b-Rev7 www.tuv.com А TUVRheinland Precisely Right. Certificate Quality-Assurance System for Manufacturer of Materials acc. to Directive 97/23/EC Certificate no.: 01 202 H/Q-11 1286 Name and address of the manufacturer: Open Joint Stock Company “Vyksa Steel Works” OJSC “VSW” Ul. Bratjev Batashiovykh - 45, Vyksa, NizhegOrodskaya olast 607060 Russian Federation Herewith we certify that the material manufacturer has established and applies a Quality Management System. The system was audited according to the European Directive 97/23/EC, Annex I, Par. 4.3, with regard to the materials as listed in the scope of approval. Tested acc. to Directive 97/23/EC: QM System acc. to EN 764-5, article 4.2 and AD 2000-Merkblatt W0 Audit report no.. H/Q-11 1286 Range of materials: Manufacturing of cold formed welded tubes from carbon and low alloy steels, see annex to certificate Manufacturing plant: Open Joint Stock Company “Vyksa Steel Works” OJSC “VSW” Ul. Bratjev Batashiovykh - 45, Vyksa, Nizhegorodskaya olast 607060 Russian Federation Valid until: March 17, 2017 Cologne, April 02, 2014 Dipl.-lng. Suenja Kreft jT/i C J TUV Rheinland-Certification Body for Pressure Equipment TClV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Notified Body, ID-No. 0035 Am Grauen Stein, D-51105 KOIn www.tuv.com A TUVRheinland Precisely Right. Zertifikat Qualitatsmanagement-System fur Werkstoffhersteller nach Richtlinie 97/23/EG Zertifikat Nr.: 01 202 H/Q-11 1286 Name und Anschrift des Herstellers: Open Joint Stock Company “Vyksa Steel Works” OJSC“VSW” Ui. Bratjev Batashiovykh - 45, Vyksa, Nizhegorodskaya olast 607060 Russische Federation Hiermit wird bescheinigt, dass der Hersteller ein QM-System eingefUhrt hat und anwendet. Dieses wurde gemaij der Richtlinie 97/23/EG, Anhang I, Кар 4.3 in Bezug auf die im Geltungsbereich genannten Werkstoffe einer spezifischen OberprQfung unterzogen. Gepruft nach Richtlinie 97/23/EG: QM-System nach EN 764-5, Abschnitt 4.2 und AD 2000-Merkblatt W0 Auditbericht Nr: H/Q-11 1286 Geltungsbereich: Herstellung von kaltgeformt-geschweiftten Rohren aus Kohlenstoff- und niedriglegierten Stahlen, siehe Anlage zum Zertifikat Fertigungsstatte: Open Joint Stock Company “Vyksa Steel Works” OJSC“VSW” UI. Bratjev Batashiovykh - 45, Vyksa, Nizhegorodskaya olast 607060 Russische Federation Gultig bis: KOln, 02. April 2014 TUV Rheinland-Zertifizierungsstelle fiir Druckgerate der TOV Rheinland Industrie Service GmbH Benannte Stelle, Kennummer: 0035 Am Grauen Stein, D-51105 KOln www.tuv.com E-106b-Rev7 TUVRheinland® G enau. Richtig. А TUVRheinland® Annex to Certificate No.: 01 202 H/Q 11 1286 Details of the Validity of the Approval as Manufacturer of Materials in accordance to DGR 97/23/EC and AD2000-W0/TRD 100 respectively Manufacturer Company Name: OJSC “Vyksa Steel W o rks” W ork Nationality Date Page No.. TUV-Name /Stamp Vyksa RU 19.08.2014 1 TUV Rheinland Industrie Service 607060 Vyksa, Location: Cur- Brat'ev Batashevykh street, 45 Materials-term Materials-No. 1 2 Rev.:4 Material Specification 3 Delivery Cond. * Article Type of Product Dimerisions Thickness mm 4 5 W eight max 0 mm fro m Up to fro m Up to 6a 6b 7a 7b 1=t / 2=kg Re sul t 8a 8b of : Technical Specifications Requirements Technical Regulations GmbH 2 Remarks © 9 10 The use of the materials according to DGR 97/23/EC is bound to the publication of Harmonized European Standards or to the qualification by a European material approval or to the particular material appraisal. With that the manufacturing reliability for equivalent material grades according to other standards (e.g. BS, AFNOR, ASME) is proved. The requirements and limits of the applicable code respectively the PED must be observed for the use of material grades listed in column 2 to 4. Remarks P195 - P 265 TR1 EN 10 217-1 NP Pipe 2,3 5 21,3 108 PED 97/23/EC Length 6,0 - 12,0 m W orkshop 2 Acc. 97/23/CE Annex I 7.5 P195 - P 265 TR1 EN 10 217-1 AR Pipe 2, 3 5 21,3 108 PED 97/23/EC Length 6,0 - 12,0 m W orkshop 2 Acc. 97/23/CE Annex I 7.5 P195 - P 265 TR2 / GH EN 102 17-1/2 NP Pipe 2, 3 5 21,3 108 PED 97/23/EC AD2000 - W 4 Length 6,0 - 12,0 m W orkshop 2 P195 - P 265 TR1 EN 10 217-1 NW, NP Pipe 4 10 114 ,3 219,1 PED 97/23/EC Length 9,5 - 12,0 m W orkshop 5 Acc. 97/23/CE Annex I 7.5 P195 - P 265 TR2/GH EN 102 17-1/2 NP Pipe 4 10 114 ,3 219,1 PED 97/23/EC AD2000 - W 4 Length 9,5 - 12,0 m W orkshop 5 P195 - P 265 GH EN 10 217-2 NW,NP Pipe 4 10 114 ,3 219,1 PED 97/23/EC Length 9,5 - 12,0 m W orkshop 5 * AT N SR M AR = = = = = solution treated Normalized or normalizing formed stress relieved thermo mechanical treated not treated Vyksa_RA_2014_Scope-Rev4.doc QT NT S NP NW = = = = = quenched and tempered normalized and tempered soft annealed normalized entire pipe normalized welding seam a b c d e f = = = = = = material delivery condition article dimensions in tech. regulations weight No. of tech. regulation_________ А TUVRheinland® Annex to Certificate No.: 01 202 H/Q 11 1286 Details of the Validity of the Approval as Manufacturer of Materials in accordance to DGR 97/23/EC and AD2000-W0/TRD 100 respectively Manufacturer Company Name: OJSC “Vyksa Steel W o rks” W ork Nationality Date Page No.. TUV-Name /Stamp Vyksa RU 19.08.2014 2 TUV Rheinland Industrie Service 607060 Vyksa, Location: Cur- Brat'ev Batashevykh street, 45 Materials-term Materials-No. 1 2 Rev.:4 Material Specification 3 Delivery Cond. * Article Type of Product Dimerisions Thickness mm 4 5 W eight max 0 mm fro m Up to fro m Up to 6a 6b 7a 7b 1=t / 2=kg Re sul t 8a 8b of : GmbH 2 Technical Specifications Requirements Technical Regulations Remarks 9 10 The use of the materials according to DGR 97/23/EC is bound to the publication of Harmonized European Standards or to the qualification by a European material approval or to the particular material appraisal. With that the manufacturing reliability for equivalent material grades according to other standards (e.g. BS, AFNOR, ASME) is proved. The requirements and limits of the applicable code respectively the PED must be observed for the use of material grades listed in column 2 to 4. P195 - P 265 TR1 EN 10 217-1 NW, NP Pipe 4,5 12,5 >19,1 530 PED 97/23/EC Length 8 - 12,0 m W orkshop 3 Acc. 97/23/CE Annex I. 7.5 P195 - P 265 TR2 / GH EN 102 17-1/2 NW Pipe 4, 5 12,7 >19 ,1 530 PED 97/23/EC AD2000 - W 4 Length 8 - 12,0 m W orkshop 3 P195 - P 265 TR2 / GH EN 102 17-1/2 NW, NP Pipe 4, 5 12,7 >19 ,1 530 PED 97/23/EC Length 8 - 12,0 m W orkshop 3 L245 - L 4 15 MB/NB EN 10208-2 M/N Pipe 4, 5 12,7 >19 ,1 530 PED 97/23/EC Length 8 - 12,0 m W orkshop 3 EN ISO 3183 M Pipe 8 48 508 1422 PED 97/23/EC Length 8 - 12,3 m W orkshop 4 EN 10255 AR Pipe 2, 3 5, 0 21, 3 101,6 PED 97/23/EC Length 6,0 - 12,0 m W orkshop 2 L360M L390M L450M L485M L555M или или или или или X52M X56M X65M X70M X80M S 195 T Remarks * AT N SR M AR = = = = = solution treated Normalized or normalizing formed stress relieved thermo mechanical treated not treated Vyksa_RA_2014_Scope-Rev4.doc QT NT S NP NW = = = = = quenched and tempered normalized and tempered soft annealed normalized entire pipe normalized welding seam a b c d e f = = = = = = material delivery condition article dimensions in tech. regulations weight No. of tech. regulation_________
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