WRE Welcome Back Newsletter 1415

475 Yates Rd. Kelowna, B.C. V1V 1R3 ph. (250) 870-5137 fax (250) 870-5072
September 20, 2014
Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s):
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome parents and students of Watson Road Elementary to the 2014/15 school year. The beginning of a school year is an exciting time. The students will be in new grades with much to look forward to.
Our goal is to have the children from grades 1 to 6 placed into their 2014/15 classes as soon as possible. All students will remain in their
previous year’s classes until our enrollment numbers are finalized. This typically takes one to two days. Once assigned, the majority of
students will settle in to their new classes with little or no concern. However, some children may find change more upsetting. I encourage parents to talk to the teacher if their child’s resistance continues for more than the first few days so that we can work together to
support the child in adjusting to his/her new school, grade or class circumstance. (Unfortunately, our school is very full at this time,
which leaves us with very little flexibility for change.)
Please make sure that your child knows his/her arrangements for going home after school. If your child does not connect with his/her
pick-up person, he/she is to come to the office for assistance. Children are not to make alternate arrangements on their own.
On the day that students are moved to their 2014/15 classes, class lists will be placed in the library windows prior to dismissal to assist
parents with afternoon pick up. Grade 1 class lists will also be placed on the lobby bulletin board. (Teachers will walk the students to
their new classrooms after morning attendance is taken.)
School begins on Monday, September 22nd at 8:30am; students will go to their last year's classroom.
All students will be dismissed the first day at 11:15am. On each subsequent day school hours will be from 8:30am – 2:30pm.
If you know families that are new to the district who have students not previously registered at Watson Rd. Elementary, inform them to
register on our Website; click on the link, "Application for Student Registration."
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the upcoming year, please do not hesitate to contact me. We're really looking forward to
the upcoming school year.
Sylvain Guignard and Hugh Alexander
Message from the Principal
Mr. Sylvain Guignard
Mr. Hugh Alexander
Head Secretary
Mrs. Linda Angus
Dear Watson Rd. Families,
Welcome back to Watson Rd. Elementary School. I hope that you had a fantastic holiday and
an extended summer! My name is Sylvain Guignard and I will be the new principal at Watson
Rd. Elementary School. I’m very happy to be actively involved in the Watson community! I
have heard wonderful things about the staff, students and parents associated with Watson Rd.
Elementary School. I look forward to meeting and getting to know each of you.
Special thank you to Mrs. Linda Angus and Mr. Hugh Alexander who have been invaluable in
helping me with my transition into Watson Rd.
Grades K—6
Cultural Fee= $10.00
Due by Sept. 30th
We encourage parent and community involvement as important tools to ensure each student's
academic success. I would like to encourage you to visit Watson Rd. Elementary school, communicate often with your child’s teacher and help us continue to make Watson Rd. Elementary
the best school in our district. I also hope you will be active in the education of your child by
assisting with homework and encouraging your child to do his or her best work every day.
Please feel free to come by and visit; looking forward to meeting with you.
See you soon
Mr. S. Guignard
School Start-Up — 2014/15
 Monday September 22nd – First Day of School (Gr. 1-6)
Returning students will go to their last year’s classroom.
All new students will report to the gym on the first day of school and then will be placed in temporary
classes until the regular classes are set.
3. There will be a delay in getting children into their regular classes. The length of delay will depend on
numbers and whether the district needs to add or reassign staff.
4. Once the classes are set, children will be moved into the actual classrooms by the teachers during the
5. Please set up a pick-up location for your child as you drop them off in the morning.
6. Please advise your child to come to the office if they don’t connect with the designated pick-up
7. Remember that dismissal is at 11:15 am on the first day of classes September 22, 2014.
Unfortunately, depending on numbers and district level decisions, children may not be placed into their 2014/15
classes for several days. Rest assured, we will be doing everything we can to expedite the process.
*Dismissal at 11:15 am on the first day
 Tuesday, September 23rd– Regular Gr. 1-6 classes start (8:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m.)
*Students placed in TEMPORARY classes until enrolment/staffing is finalized
Kindergarten Dates:
 Friday, September 26th– Regular Kindergarten classes begin
*Kindergarten teachers have contacted
families regarding family/teacher visits for Sept. 23rd — Sept. 24th.
*Family visits will be located at the school in the Kindergarten Rooms.
*A Mini-Session will be on Thursday, Sept. 25th (AM and PM)
*This process enables the child to ease into the school setting and gives a
wonderful opportunity to begin to build a strong relationship between the
school and home.
Student Accident Insurance
School District No. 23 (Central Okanagan) does not
insure expenses for student injuries that occur on
school grounds or during school activities. Parents
and guardians can voluntarily purchase private
accident insurance at a reasonable cost.
Application forms for a program underwritten by
Industrial Alliance Insurance and Financial Services (KIDS PLUS Accident Insurance) will be sent
home with students at the beginning of the school
PAC News
 All parents/guardians of students attending Watson Rd.
Elementary School are automatically members of the
Parent Advisory Council. Come to our first P.A.C. Meeting
of the year in our school Library; the date will be
determined in the near future. Meet the executive
President: Lisa Watson
Vice-President: Kim Ansley
Presently, the Secretary and Treasurer roles are open; please
contact Lisa Watson on the Watson Rd. Facebook.
Attendance—Be Here to Learn!
Starting on September 23rd, the regular bell schedule will be in place. One way that parents can support their children’s
learning is to make sure they arrive at school on time.
 8:00 – Morning Supervision begins
 8:25 – A.M Entry Bell—all students MUST be here by this time!
 8:30 – Classes begin
 11:00– Grades K-6 Lunch Break—Playing time
 11:30– Grades K-6 Lunch Break—Eating time
 11:57 – Afternoon Session begins (Gr. K-6)
 1:30–1:45
 2:30 – Afternoon Dismissal
 2:45 – Afternoon Supervision ends
Pay your “Student Fees” online by September 30th and you will be entered into
a drawing to receive a FULL REFUND.
It’s safe, convenient and can save you time. To register and pay online, go to
School Cash ONLINE at
or our WEBsite at http://www.wat.sd23.bc.ca
We ask that you please pay for your District School Supplies by Tuesday, September 30th. If payment is not received we will assume that you
have chosen to provide for your child’s supplies. All students must pay the $10.00 cultural fee.
Student Fees for this year have been set as follows:
Grade K - 6 (School supplies 30.00 + Cultural fee 10.00 = Total $40.00)
Your child will receive supplies once payment is received. Until that time supplies will be distributed as required. Parents are encouraged to
pay online through our school website through the “Online Payments” icon. If you are new to the system you will create a profile
through the “Getting Started Today” menu selection. This system is separate from the Hot Lunches online payment run through the PAC. If
necessary, school fees may still be paid by cash or cheque (in a sealed envelope clearly marked with student and classroom teacher name)
made payable to Watson Road Elementary and dropped off at the office.
The Central Okanagan School District’s Financial Hardship Clause
Within School District Policy 425 – Student Fees (see www.sd23.bc.ca), the Board of Education has indicated “that a student will not
be excluded from any educational program due to financial hardship”. This clause in the policy provides for the private and confidential consideration of financial circumstances of individual students and families, while preserving the dignity of families who may be
unable to pay.
Please contact the school principal if you are facing a financial hardship that may restrict the ability of your child to access a school
The Board of School Trustees, after four years of consultation with community partners, established a policy on volunteers. This policy clarifies issues of recruitment, the role of the
principal, and liability issues for volunteers. Individuals wishing to volunteer services to
help students must contact the school principal who is responsible for:
ensuring that all volunteers are advised that they will be required to submit to a criminal recordcheck;
 providing for the safety of students in the care of volunteers;
 monitoring the activities of the volunteers;
 effecting the appropriate provisions of the collective agreements.
This policy is designed to provide both clarity of role and an additional safety check for those adults
who work with our most precious resource. Additionally, as the Board is interested in expanding and
strengthening the activities of volunteers in the schools, all criminal record checks will be conducted
at the Board’s expense.
Please expect your child to bring home the following items after Sept. 2nd:
* Lunch Break letter – to be filled out and returned to the classroom teacher this week.
* Student Information Update Form - please sign and return even if no change to information.
* Kiss And Ride Information
* Seaboard Student Accident Insurance package.