February 2014 Eye RSM A monthly newsletter connecting the partners and staff of all RSM member firms RSM Eye | June 2012 Contents Jean Stephens: RSM’s Olympic Team Spirit RSM Tax Leadership Group Meeting 2014 Global Engagement Leaders begin ‘Action Learning’ RSM Experts on... Bring Your Own Device NEW - TALKING POINTS: ‘The Mini-Bond Market in Italy’ Bob Dohrer: The whole is greater than the sum of its parts IFRS Webinar: Financial instruments under IAS 39 Interview: Harley Dou, CEO of RSM China Consulting Award Winning Tax Services Update on RSM International Board of Directors News in Brief Quote of the month “The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.” Pierre de Coubertin Front cover image: Iurii Osadchi / Shutterstock.com This image: Mikhail Kolesnikov / Shutterstock.com RSM Eye | February 2014 Message from Jean Stephens, Chief Executive Officer Global Executive Office Team Jean Stephens, Chief Executive Officer Bob Dohrer, Global Leader - Quality & Risk Kevin Chowdhay, Senior Manager - Technical1 Mark Pullen, Senior Manager - Technical Tessa Rowland, Technical Manager, Training & Member Support2 Belinda Freeman, Risk Advisory Services Manager RSM’s Olympic Team Spirit William Cheng, Financial Controller Watching the winter games in Sochi, one could not help but be reminded of the importance of determination, stamina, hard work and belief in oneself and those around you - for the Olympian’s this includes their teammates, their support network, and of course, their country’s proud sports fans. Gillian Hawkes, PR & Communications Manager The amateur athletes that we have seen on our TVs over the last few weeks are not used to limelight and fame and those who made it to the podium will have become superstars overnight. But, I highly doubt that becoming a national celebrity would have been at the forefront of their minds during the many months and years of training and discipline that they and their support teams would have been through. Nevertheless, the fame is unavoidable and when the victorious athletes go back to their day jobs, they will no doubt be thinking more about winning their next competition than their new found fame. Valerie Cunningham, Assistant - Technical Team We want RSM to be famous for providing the highest possible level of service to our clients. To achieve this we must have individual determination but we must also work as a team - using each other as a support network and drawing on each other’s expertise and strengths, across all of the areas of our businesses, to achieve our common goals. 2013 brought challenges to us all. Yet despite these challenges we have remained committed to being the highest quality network. We maintained our ranking as the 7th largest global network, our international referred work figures are the highest they have ever been with good growth across the globe and initiatives such as Connected for Growth, the European Business Awards, RSM Academy and RSM ITax Academy are going strong. Growth, for the sake of growth, would be easy to achieve. We could add member firms in every country around the world, target smaller local clients and lower our rates and profitability to an unhealthy state. But this of course is not what it means to be an RSM member, nor is it what we want to be famous for. As we set focus on meeting our targets for 2014, and continue to work towards our vision of being #1 in our chosen markets, let’s stay determined, continue our hard work, remember the teams around us. And above all keep in mind what we want RSM to be famous for, using our Olympic spirit to be world champions. Rebecca Williams, Corporate Designer & IT Co-ordinator Ellen Costa, Manager - Corporate Development Sarah Watson, Project and Event Co-ordinator Katy Triggs, Administrative Support3 Emma Hillyard, Referrals Database Administrator4 Bella Ong, Finance Assistant T +44 (0)20 7601 1080 F +44 (0)20 7601 1090 E [email protected] Regional Leaders Africa - Clive Betty T +27 11 329 6000 Asia Pacific - Neil Hough T +61 3 9286 8162 Europe - Robert Coles T +44 (0)20 7601 1097 Latin America - Brendan Quirk T +1 312 805 0481 Middle East & North Africa - Bassam Dahman T +967 1 442 184 North America - McGladrey International Office T +1 312 634 3400 Based in Singapore Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday only 3 Tuesday and Wednesday only 4 Monday to Thursday only 1 2 Connected for Success Focus on...International Tax RSM Tax Leadership Group Meeting 6 – 7 February 2014, London On 6 and 7 February 2014, the International Tax Leadership Group came together for a two day meeting at the Executive Office in London. The meeting was attended by Rob Mander (RSM Bird Cameron), Jeff Seidel (McGladrey), Rudolf Winkenius (RSM Netherlands), Francesco Gerla (RSM Italy), Jorge Pérez (RSM Torrent Razzetto), Thomas Lübbehüsen (RSM Germany), Jean Stephens and Caroline Walenkamp (RSM Netherlands). Furthermore, the Executive Office team including Bob Dohrer, Mark Pullen, Robert Coles, Rebecca Richards and Rebecca Williams attended parts of the meeting to discuss various matters such as the 2014 Global Inspection Programme, regional activities, PR and marketing and IT. The objective of the meeting was to set the framework for the growth of the international tax service line by RSM member firms and to build on our already very strong position as the 6th largest tax provider worldwide. The group discussed the resources, structure and objectives that are required to generate a greater level of international work for RSM member firms and to build the RSM brand such that it is known for its strong capabilities in providing international tax services. In other words, ‘Making RSM famous for tax’. The agenda included the following topics: • Strategic objectives and steps – analysis of required structure, resources and funding • Strategy map – assessment of current and required international tax skills and regional capabilities • Clients and targets – growing the international tax work of the RSM network • People – building international tax expertise within RSM (e.g. RSM ITAX Academy) • Quality Assurance & the 2014 Global Inspection Programme • Industry specialisations and focused service offerings • Branding and marketing The meeting recognised that international clients are demanding a higher level of quality tax services that requires RSM member firms to increase their specialist skills and work more closely together to deliver international solutions to these clients. This includes marketing and PR activities, training initiatives and business development planning to be clearly focused on target areas where RSM member firms can take market leadership roles to maximise our collective international strength in tax services. The detailed recommendations and outcomes of the International Tax Leadership Group meeting will be presented to the RSM International Board of Directors meeting in March 2014. After which, further communication to member firms will follow. Caroline Walenkamp RSM International Tax Leadership Group Manager [email protected] L:R - Caroline Walenkamp, Francesco Gerla, Rudolf Winkenius, Rob Mander, Jorge Perez, Jeff Seidel. Above - Thomas Lübbehüsen Connected for Growth Global Engagement Leaders begin ‘Action Learning’ 2014 sees the ‘Action Learning’ phase of the Connected for Growth project begin. This article provides an update on what this involves, how RSM’s Global Engagement Leaders (GELs) will be working and the kind of support and encouragement they will need from you and your firms. Senior executive support and active involvement An action learning process is a learning-whilst-doing process. Using a key, live business issue, solutions are worked on, leadership is developed and then the solutions are implemented. During the process the GELs will receive guidance and mentoring, enabling them to develop as effective international team leaders. This group is made up of high-value, high-performing professionals and they (and us) have high expectations of this collective group as they work together in this programme. So, what will they be doing? The GELs will be working on a nominated target account, drawn from the Global 250 Target list. Over the next 12 months they have a series of objectives to reach. During Q1 they will be developing a Target Account Plan. Then, in the following quarters, they will lead engagement teams across the world, as they develop relationships within the target account, build potential solutions whilst identifying short term wins, and then create proposals to win strategic bids. All in all, a great deal of work and effort and so it is worth reminding ourselves why we are doing this: our commercial markets are changing, as is our profession. Clients are consolidating professional suppliers, seeking global, often cost-based solutions to their needs. This gives them global consistency, reduces their risk, whilst Induction programme (4 days) Business and communication skills, plus a case study, to introduce core skills and tools/processes Implementation and follow-up on business results and embed learning creating cost advantages due to contract scale. Our profession is already combining and consolidating to meet these trends. We must therefore be at the forefront of these markets, growing our presence and increasing our market penetration. The Connected for Growth programme is our collective strategic response and our first group of GELs are the pathfinders for our new processes, tools and behaviours. How can you help? In order to develop and win these Global 250 target accounts the GELs are deep into Q1 objectives and they will need to work together with member firms to draw upon local support and insight. GELs will be in contact with member firm International Contact Partners, and will be looking for local information and input into the target client(s) they are working on. If you are asked to assist, Q1: Q2: Q3: Q4: Build the Build Develop Win bids make sure account plan relationships solutions (deliver value) you respond (know your client) (find opportunities) (create value) positively to Connected for Growth tools and processes used and refined throughout these requests and provide Action learning based, with real target clients the appropriate answers and RSM and mentors providing learning, advice and support input. Each GEL has a 360 assessment at the start with a Personal Development Plan and regular feedback on performance against the plan Action learning GEL objectives Business issue that requires learning and change Work on real business issues and strategic opportunities Leadership development through coaching and teamwork Coming next…. As we have been working through the Global Engagement Leaders Programme, it has become clear that we also need Regional Engagement Leaders to support the targeting and winning of global accounts at regional or national levels and to provide insight into those accounts. For the smaller member firms, this is your route to being part of our global solution and our global client wins. The Leadership Team of the Connected for Growth project (Robert, Neil and Keith, details as listed) will be looking for nominations for these key roles over the next few weeks and training will take place between April and July across the USA, Asia Pacific and Europe. And finally! We are beginning to focus on the next cohort of Global Engagement Leaders, whose programme will start in October 2014. Again, if you wish to nominate people from your firm, please contact one of the leadership team below. Meanwhile, if you are approached, please assist our first group of GELs with their targeting. Get involved and help them to help us all to be successful by building our position as a global solution provider to top-tier, international clients. Robert Coles ([email protected]) Neil Hough ([email protected]) Keith Wallace ([email protected]) Connected for Success Focus on...Risk Advisory RSM Experts on... Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Over recent years, and especially during 2013, the acronym ‘BYOD’ has been mentioned with increased frequency. This article explains BYOD, why it is garnering so much attention, and the potential areas of risk to consider. BYOD is an Information Technology acronym that stands for ‘Bring Your Own Device’. It applies when an employee utilises their personal device, be it a smartphone, tablet or personal laptop, to access their organisation’s network, data and systems. It is this access that poses threats to information security. The above threat exists because the personal device being used by the user to access the organisation’s network and the data stored therein is just that, a ‘personal’ device. It is owned by the employee and not the organisation, and the organisation has no control over how, where, when or by whom the device is used. It is common to assume that this does not apply in your member firm, or clients’ business, because staff do not use their personal laptops to perform work related tasks or access the company’s network. But BYOD stretches beyond laptops to smart phones and tablets and other devices that can connect to the internet. One of the most common forms of unmanaged BYOD usage is access to corporate email accounts from personal devices. A user may not think that this is a problem. Consider, however, the confidentiality and sensitivity of the information communicated via email, and what the consequences would be if that information got into the wrong person’s possession. In addition, other scenarios to consider are: • Do employees utilise their personal mobile devices to access the companies Wi-Fi network? Examples of such usage may be for remotely accessing the organisation’s server or downloading or updating applications. • Is the information stored on their device encrypted? • Is Bluetooth left on or used on devices? • re devices set up to require A secure authentication? (i.e. a pin code or password) • Is there anti-virus applications installed on employee devices? If an employee’s personal mobile device is lost, stolen or even hacked the security of the data stored on these devices as well as the security of the network connections to corporate and private networks is compromised. NEW - TALKING POINTS ‘The Mini-Bond Market in Italy’ The latest edition of Talking Points, written by Andrea Tuccio, Managing Partner, RSM Italy Capital Markets is now available on rsmi.com. Read and share with your clients digitally and on social media. The threat posed by a BYOD culture can be managed by an effective BYOD policy which includes adequate controls for the securing of mobile devices. For organisations that allow the practice of BYOD, it should be noted that although the organisation does not own the personal devices that may be used by the employees, it does not mean that they have no control over the access that these devices have to the organisation’s data. Organisations can implement a BYOD policy that makes the implementation of security controls, such as those listed, on these personal devices a requirement for access to an organisation’s network, data and systems. Failure by organisations to consider the impact of unmanaged BYOD usage and the absence of an effective BYOD policy can pose a significant threat to an organisation’s sensitive data and its networks. This article was written by Thilen Pillay, Manager - Risk Advisory Services at RSM Betty & Dickson (Johannesburg) [email protected] Bob Dohrer The whole is greater than the sum of its parts I am always fascinated with how each of our RSM member firms provide outstanding client service; the recent award wins highlighted in this newsletter are a testament to this. There is however, a very significant facet of client service where, as a network, we cannot exceed the expectations of member firm clients while maintaining the high quality that we demand of ourselves without following one consistent way of doing business. That facet of course is in delivering audit services to globally active clients. Historically, creating a true single global network methodology was a significant challenge. This challenge existed until a rigorous high quality set of international auditing standards was established by the International Audit and Assurance Standards Board (IAASB). International Standards on Auditing (ISAs) has become the globally accepted audit framework for almost all countries around the world; even auditing standards for non-listed company audits in the United States are converged with ISAs and are only modified in response to differences in custom, culture or law in the US. While the ISAs form the foundational framework for conducting audits around the world, some countries augment the ISAs to add (but not take away from) the core requirements of the ISAs in response to local statutory and regulatory environments. It is logical then that the RSM audit methodology is fully compliant with, and based on, the ISAs and is the glue that binds RSM member firms together. Providing audit services to global clients in today’s world is increasingly complicated. In response, member firms can become tempted to ‘adapt’ or ’modify’ our RSM audit methodology to address cost or other client relationship issues at the local country level. With this temptation ever-present, it is very important to remember, however, that our member firms serve global clients, not an accumulation of multiple ’local clients’. The only way for RSM member firms to be recognised as a cohesive high quality network is for all member firms to commit to our global RSM audit methodology, policies and procedures as member firms have agreed to in their RSM membership agreements. Notwithstanding the importance of providing audit services in a cohesive manner using the RSM global audit methodology, it is also important that we as a network remain nimble and responsive to changing environments. What does this mean? It means that we need the input and feedback from all of our member firms with respect to developments at the local level and other thoughts member firm personnel may have about what works well with our methodology and where we could improve the methodology. So let us all focus on providing audit services using the RSM global methodology (which is based on international standards, not on the standards of any one particular country) and through this commitment we will advance our reputation as a cohesive, high quality network. To adapt a quote from Aristotle to our RSM world, “the whole (RSM) is greater than the sum of its parts (individual member firms).” Bob Dohrer Global Leader - Quality & Risk RSM Executive Office [email protected] IFRS Webinar: Financial instruments under IAS 39 This month’s IFRS webinar, presented by Ian Charles, Emile Woolf International, focuses on Financial instruments under IAS 39. The accounting for Financial Instruments continues to present challenges to preparers and auditors alike. This important webinar will cover the breadth of the subject, without going into too much depth, ranging from scope, through recognition/derecognition and measurement models, and the treatment of embedded derivatives. It will conclude with an explanation of impairment and hedging. PRESENTER: Ian Charles, Emile Woolf International DATE: 27 March 2014 TIME: 8am and 4pm BST CONTACT: Sarah Watson [email protected] RSM Eye speaks to Harley Dou, Director of RSM China Consulting about overseas projects, the reopening of the IPO market in China and the effects of the 2014 economic reforms. You are the Director of RSM China Consulting. Can you tell us a little about your background and how you got to where you are today? I used to work within the Big Four consulting practices in China (KPMG Consulting, Deloitte Consulting and IBM Consulting). At the end of 2009, I left the KPMG consulting team in Beijing and started my own advisory business. After two years, at the end of 2011, we merged with RSM China Consulting, and I took over the CEO position. I think the most important thing to achieve success in the Chinese domestic consulting market is to have the right platform to do business. Joining RSM China (now Ruihua China CPA) and the RSM International network, provides a great support to RSM China Consulting’s practice and provides us with the opportunity to develop our business both domestically and across borders. RSM China Consulting works closely with Taiwan and Hong Kong. Are there any other markets with which you will be collaborating over the next few months? The United States, Australia and Germany are future target areas for us, as more and more of our clients are putting their interests and development focus into these markets. Over 80% of your team have overseas experience. How important do you think it is to work in a different country? I think it is very important to have overseas experience on a consulting team. This brings a good understanding of other markets as well as knowledge of the experiences of Chinese enterprises and overseas companies who have expanded over the past few years or even decades. I therefore encourage and support our team in gaining overseas experience through communications and project work. RSM China Consulting has served over 200 listed companies in the last two years. In which ways, and to what extent, will you be affected by the recent official reopening of the IPO market in China? We are one of the top choices of service providers for internal control compliance for local listed or pre IPO companies. We will work closely with Ruihua China CPAs as they are in a leading position and I expect them to remain there for the next few years. We will also put more and more effort into building our long-term relationship with the Chinese SEC to continue our business development with these local listed companies. Chinese politicians have announced some extensive economic reforms for 2014. What is your take on these and which elements do you believe will drive the most change? The business structure of some monopolised industries will be broken, although still within a certain limit. This will result in increased M&A both domestically and internationally. This will also lead to more challenges and changes to our profession. Reforms in SOE and changes in industrial structure upgrades will be the two leading drivers based on my observation. What is the most valuable lesson you have learned in your career? Be patient, think big, and details determine the result. Harley Dou RSM China Consulting [email protected] Award Winning Tax Services Congratulations to the partners and staff at Congratulations to the partners and staff at RSM DTM Hungary RSM Bird Cameron for being chosen as the winner of the 2014 Corporate INTL Global Award for ‘Tax Advisory Firm of the Year in Hungary’. for winning the BRW Client Choice Awards for Best Tax Provider (and... Best Western Australian firm and Most Cost-conscious firm). In addition... Congratulations to RSM Kwang-I Earnest - voted the Corporate Finance Accountancy Firm of the Year in Taiwan in the Corporate INTL Global Awards 2014 Update on RSM International Board of Directors Following nominations from the regions, and after due consideration and ratification by the Board of Directors, we are pleased to advise Guillermo Erhard has been re-elected for another three year term. Many thanks to Guillermo for his continued leadership. In addition, following nominations from the regions, and after due consideration and ratification by the Board of Directors, we are pleased to announce the following new members of the Board: Jim Mulqueen, Republic of Ireland Dr. Warner Popkes, Germany Wesley Figueira, Brazil (Nominating by Europe for threeyear term ending 31 December 2016) (Nominated by Europe and completing Chris Merry’s term ending 31 December 2014) (Nominated by the Americas and completing Robert Zittrer’s term ending 31 December 2014) The RSM Board of Directors would also like to extend its sincere thanks and appreciation to Rudolf Winkenius, RSM Netherlands for his five years of dedicated service on the Board. Rudolf is now an active member of RSM International Tax Group. Thank you Rudolf! News in brief You! If you have news you would like to share with the network, please send your news In brief article to [email protected]. Indonesia launches Forbes Ad campaign RSM AAJ Associates has launched a long running advertising campaign in Forbes Indonesia. Following positive results from the 2013 campaign, the firm will continue advertising through 2014. The full page advertisements will run in each month’s print edition. NEWLY ANNOUNCED: RSM World Conference - Barcelona Forbes is well known globally in business communities and the Indonesia version is also formatted in English. The campaign is aimed at raising awareness of RSM amongst mid to high level personnel from multinational companies, benefitting both Indonesia and RSM in other countries. 8% The RSM Executive Office has great pleasure in announcing the 2014 RSM World Conference will be held in the beautiful coastal city of Barcelona, Spain at the W Hotel from 28-31 October. The agenda is currently under consideration and our goal is to ensure the conference is an exceptional event which contributes to the success of our firms in serving our clients, our network in terms of global positioning and ourselves as leaders. Preliminary information has been sent to managing partners. Please speak to your ICP/MP for further information. RSM World Conference 2014 28 - 31 October Contact: Sarah Watson [email protected] 2014 DATES FOR DIARY Due to a change in Vietnamese Government Licensing regulations the RSM Asia Pacific Conference has changed location from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam to Brisbane, Australia 7 - 9 May Contact: Lynnette McGowan [email protected] RSM MENA Conference RSM Latin America Conference Dubai, UAE Cancun, Mexico 21 - 22 May 2 - 4 June Contact: Joelle Moughanni [email protected] Contact: Brendan Quirk [email protected] IIA International Conference - London, July 2014 The IIA (Institute of Internal Auditors) Annual Conference is to be held in London this year - a real opportunity for RSM to showcase the quality work we offer to our clients. The first keynote speakers have recently been announced including Alastair Campbell, former communications strategist for Tony Blair, and Michael Woodford, former president and CEO of Olympus turned whistle-blower. RSM supports this event through sponsorship and welcomes the opportunity to meet new and existing clients who will be attending. Themed ‘Time to Make the Connection’, the 2014 International Conference positions members as a vital component of a far reaching network of professionals. If you are interested in attending as part of the RSM team, please contact Belinda Freeman in the Executive Office ([email protected]). NEW PUBLICATION: RSM Latin America Tax News Following the success of the RSM Europe Tax Centre of Excellence Tax Alert, RSM Latin America has issued the first edition of their regional Tax News alert - in English and Spanish. This new publication is in digital format and can be shared with clients and contacts. Look out for updates on RSM Twitter and RSM LinkedIn groups. The publication can also be downloaded from www.rsmi. com. If you would like to contribute by writing an article please contact: Caroline Walenkamp ([email protected]) IFRS Foundation Conference 2014 London | 23 - 24 June As part of our sponsorship, all delegates from RSM member firms will receive a 30% discount (Euro 400) on the registration fee if registered before 4 April 2014. Please contact Sarah Watson ([email protected]) for more information. 2014 DATES FOR DIARY RSM Academy RSM Europe Conference Eindhoven, The Netherlands Bucharest, Romania 15 - 20 June 30 June - 1 July Contact: Sarah Watson [email protected] Contact: Hannah Thomas [email protected] RSM World Day 18 September Contact: Gillian Hawkes [email protected] 50 Celebrating years 1964 - 2014 RSM turns 50! Coming next month in RSM Eye, detailed plans for RSM’s 50th Anniversary year and how you can get involved. Get ready to celebrate! Next issue The next issue of RSM Eye will be published in March 2014. If you have any news or information that you would like to include in this newsletter, please contact: Gillian Hawkes RSM Executive Office 11 Old Jewry London EC2R 8DU +44 (0)20 7601 1832 [email protected] RSM is the brand used by a network of independent accounting and advisory firms each of which practices in its own right. The network is not itself a separate legal entity of any description in any jurisdiction. The network is administered by RSM International Limited, a company registered in England and Wales (company number 4040598) whose registered office is at 11 Old Jewry, London EC2R 8DU. The brand and trademark RSM and other intellectual property rights used by members of the network are owned by RSM International Association, an association governed by article 60 et seq of the Civil Code of Switzerland whose seat is in Zug. © RSM International Association, 2014
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