Pieter de Vos - University of Alberta

Pieter de Vos
Pieter de Vos is a community development
practitioner, documentary
photographer, and researcher. He is passionate
about working with communities
to increase their ability to advocate for themselves.
He has worked
extensively with vulnerable populations, especially
those impacted by poverty.
This includes long-term projects dealing with homelessness, tuberculosis, and
HIV/AIDS in Canada and overseas (See: www.pieterdevos.ca)
Pieter has a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Alberta. His
research uses narrative and visual methods to explore experiences of home and
belonging in an informal settlement in South Africa. He is currently advancing
the use of participatory photography and digital storytelling to amplify the
voices of marginalized communities. He has facilitated projects in Kenya,
Sweden, Tanzania, Pakistan, Haiti, and the USA (Louisiana).
Twitter: @Pieter_de_Vos