W432 Sitka Women’s Pullover Designed by Marelie Hurter Sitka Women’s Pullover By Marelie Hurter MATERIALS: SITKA (100g skeins) 3 (3; 4; 4) skeins of #19 A 3 (3; 4; 4) skeins of #16 B 3 (3; 3) skeins of #15 C 2 (2; 3; 3) skeins of #14 D One pair each US Needle size 7 (4.5mm) and US Needle size 9 (5.5mm) One stitch holder MEASUREMENTS: Original garment worked in size 36” (92cm) To fit Bust: 36 (38, 40, 42)” or 92 (97; 102; 107)cm Actual all round measurement of garment: Bust: 39 (41, 43, 45)” or 100(105; 110; 115)cm Length to shoulder: 27(28; 29; 30)” Sleeve seam: 15 (16; 16; 17)” THE INSTRUCTIONS ARE GIVEN FOR THE SMALLEST SIZE, WITH THE LARGER SIZES IN BRACKETS; WHERE ONLY ONE FIGURE IS GIVEN, IT APPLIES TO ALL SIZES. TENSION: SAVE TIME, TAKE TIME, CHECK TENSION. 16sts and 23 rows = 10cm over Garter st Chevron patt using US Needle size 9 (5.5mm) FOR BEST RESULTS IT IS ESSENTIAL TO OBTAIN THE CORRECT TENSION. IF THERE ARE TOO FEW STS ON TEST SWATCH, USE THINNER NEEDLES; IF THERE ARE TOO MANY STS, USE THICKER NEEDLES. ABBREVIATIONS: alt = alternate; beg = begin(ning); cont = continue; dec = decrease; foll(s) = follow(s)ing; inc(s) = increase(s); k = knit; patt(s) = pattern(s); p = purl; rem = remain(ing); rep = repeat; rev = reverse; R(W)S = right(wrong) side; R(W)SF = right(wrong) side facing; R(W)SR = right(wrong) side row; st(s) = stitch(es); SKPO = slip one, knit one, pass slipped stitch over; tog = together; yfd = yarn forward. STICHES USED: GARTER STITCH CHEVRON PATTERN (Multiple of 11sts): 1st to 5th row: K. 6th row: RSF, *k2tog, k2, k into front and back of each of the next 2sts, k3, SKPO, rep from * to end. 7th row: P. 8th to 11th row: Rep last 2 rows. 12th row: RSF, *k2tog, k2, k into front and back of each of the next 2sts, k3, SKPO, rep from * to end. Rep these 12 rows GARTER STITCH: K every row STRIPE PATTERN FOR FRONT AND BACK: *2” A, 2” B, 2” C, 2” D, rep from * to end STRIPE PATTERN FOR SLEEVES: *2” B, 2” C, 2” D, 2” A, rep from * to end BACK: Using color A, cast on 77 (88; 88; 99)sts and cont straight in Garter st Chevron and Stripe patt (SEE STS USED) and when work measures 20 (20; 22; 22)” from beg ending with a WSR [should end with a B(B; C; C) stripe]. SHAPE ARMHOLES: Cast off 3 (4; 4; 4)sts at beg of next 2 rows, 2sts at beg of every foll row 4(6; 6; 10) times, then dec 1 st (= work 2tog) at each end of every foll alt row 2 (3; 2; 2) times = 59(62; 64; 67)sts. Cont straight and when work measures 71(72; 78; 79)cm from beg ending with a WSR SHAPE SHOUDLERS: Cast off 6 (6; 6; 7)sts at beg of next 4 rows, then 6 (7; 7; 6)sts at beg of foll 2 rows = 23 (24; 26; 27)sts. Cast off rem sts for neck opening. FRONT: Work as for back and when work measures 23 (23; 25; 25)” from beg ending with a WSR, SHAPE NECK: Work 25 (26; 26; 27)sts and leave these sts on a holder, cast off center 9 (10; 12; 13)sts for neck opening and cont on rem sts for left side of work. LEFT SIDE: Work one row. Cast off 3sts at beg (neck edge) of next row, 2sts at same edge of foll alt row, then dec 1 st (= work 2tog) at beg of every foll alt row twice = 18 (19; 19; 20)sts. Cont straight and when work measures 11 (11; 12; 12)” from beg ending with a WSR, cast off all sts. RIGHT SIDE: WSF, rejoin yarn at neck edge, pick up sts from holder and work as for left side, rev shapings. SLEEVES (Both Alike): Using color B, cast on 44sts at cont straight in Garter stitch Chevron and stripe Patt (SEE STS USED) for 2” ending with a WSR. Cont in patt, inc 1 st at each end of next and every foll 10 (8; 8; 6)th row 4 (6; 11; 3) times in all, then every foll 12 (10; 10; 8)th row 4 (4; 1; 10) times = 60 (64; 68; 70)sts. Cont straight and when work measures 17 (18; 20; 20)” from beg ending with a WSR [should end with a B(B; C; C) stripe], SHAPE TOP OF SLEEVE: Cast off 3 (4; 4; 4)sts at beg of next 2 rows, 2sts at beg of next 8 (8; 8; 10) rows, then dec 1 st (= work 2tog) at each end of every foll alt row 7 (8; 9; 8) times, then cast off 2sts at beg of next 6 rows = 12 (12; 14; 14)sts. Cast off rem sts. TO MAKE UP: Sew right shoulder seam. NECKBAND: RSF, using 4,5mm needles, pick up and k58 (62; 70; 74)sts around neck opening of front and 24 (24; 26; 27)sts across back neck = 82 (86; 96; 102)sts. Work in g st for 5 rows, then cast off all sts knitwise. Sew left shoulder seam and neckband ends. Set in sleeves [stripes will match from armhole shaping downwards]. Sew up side and sleeve seams.
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