PAPER NO. 14-492 WANDSWORTH BOROUGH COUNCIL COMMUNITY SERVICES OVERVIEW AND SCRUTINY COMMITTEE – 25TH SEPTEMBER 2014 EXECUTIVE – 6TH OCTOBER 2014 Report by the Director of Housing and Community Services on the review of a petition requesting zebra crossing on Glenburnie Road outside Fircroft School SW 17 (Tooting) SUMMARY requesting a zebra crossing on Glenburnie Road, outside Fircroft School SW17 (Tooting) This report presents the outcome of a traffic study outside Fircroft Primary School on Glenburnie Road SW 17 (Tooting) undertaken in response to a petition requesting the installation of a zebra crossing on Glenburnie Road. The study undertaken concludes that the need for the installation of a controlled crossing at the location is not justified at the present time. This report is for information. GLOSSARY CPZ MPH RTA TLRN VPH - Controlled Parking Zone Miles Per Hour Road Traffic Accident Transport for London Network Vehicles per Hour RECOMMENDATIONS 1. The Overview and Scrutiny Committee are recommended to receive this report for information. 2. However, if the Overview and Scrutiny Committee decides that recommendations on it need to be made, these will be reported to the Executive and/or appropriate regulatory and other committees for consideration. PETITION 3. As reported to the former Strategic Planning and Transportation Overview and Scrutiny Committee in February 2014 (Paper No. 14-145) petition organised by Tooting Labour Party and bearing 172 signatures (including 50 submitted by email) was presented by Councillor Daley to Council on 5th February 2014. The petition requested the Council to install a Zebra Crossing on Glenburnie Road, SW17 (Tooting), outside Fircroft Page 1 of 4 (Paper No. 14-492) Glenburnie Road/Fircroft School petition for zebra crossing Primary School (the location is shown in Appendix A). The petition was presented under cover of a letter and in the following terms: “I call on Wandsworth Council to install a zebra crossing on Glenburnie Road, outside Fircroft School.” Appendix B sets out the wording of the covering letter. BACKGROUND 4. Fircroft Primary School is located off Glenburnie Road between Fircroft Road and Mandrake Road; it has a primary and nursery intake with entrances on all three roads. The majority of pupils enter the school via Fircroft Road. Local roads are residential with terraced housing, typically 7.5 metres wide. Where parking is permitted on both sides, there is a 3.5 metre running lane. The roads about the school are within the D3 Wandsworth Common and Tooting Bec Controlled Parking Zone with parking restrictions enforced from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday. 5. The school is within a 20mph zone bounded by Fircroft Road, Glenburnie Road, Mandrake Road and Brenda Road which was introduced some years ago as part of a School Safety Zone. Mandrake Road and Fircroft Road have traffic calming in the form of sinusoidal speed reducing humps and Flat top tables are also positioned at the school entrances. Road markings and signage are in place to warn drivers of the likelihood of children going to or from school. In addition, raised junction tables have been constructed in Glenburnie Road at the junctions with Mandrake Road and Fircroft Road. School “Keep Clear” markings operating 8:15 - 9:45 am and 3:00 - 4:30pm have been marked at school entrances on Mandrake Road, Glenburnie Road and Fircroft Road to improve motorist sightlines and visibility for crossing pedestrians. A plan showing the existing traffic calming treatment in the vicinity of the school is set out in Appendix C. 6. Fircroft Primary school also has a permanent school crossing patroller to assist vulnerable young pedestrians to cross Glenburnie Road at the junction with Fircroft Road. The crossing patroller is required to patrol 2 arms of the junction, but some pedestrians do cross randomly independent of the patroller. 7. The Head of Fircroft School and also the Chair of the Parents Association have advised that the section of Glenburnie Road between the junctions of Fircroft Road and Mandrake Road is the location where they consider traffic is travelling at the highest speeds and is therefore the location where they would like a controlled crossing. TRAFFIC & PEDESTRIAN MOVEMENT STUDY 8. A traffic study was undertaken in May 2014 outside Fircroft Primary School. The study comprised a personal injury accident review, traffic surveys to assess traffic speed and volume and also pedestrian surveys to determine the number of pedestrians crossing Glenburnie Road and Fircroft Road. 9. Traffic surveys were undertaken at two locations over 7days. Location 1 was on Glenburnie Road at the entrance to Fircroft Primary School nursery, where parents Page 2 of 4 (Paper No. 14-492) Glenburnie Road/Fircroft School petition for zebra crossing consider traffic speeds are excessive. Location 2 was on Fircroft Road at the entrance to Fircroft Primary School. 10. The surveys determine that the recorded mean traffic speeds for Glenburnie Road and Fircroft Road are low and within the reduced speed limit. Tables 1 and 2 below set out the results:Table 1 Location 1 : Glenburnie Road Traffic Data VOLUME Average vehicles per hour Peak am (7am-7pm) Peak pm (7am-7pm) SPEED Mean speeds (12hr) –eastbound Mean speeds (12hr)--westbound 322 vph 406 vph 385vph 17.6 mph 17.7 mph Table 2 Location 2 : Fircroft Road Traffic Data VOLUME Average vehicles per hour Peak am (7am-7pm) Peak pm (7am-7pm) SPEED Mean speeds (12hr) –northbound Mean speeds (12hr) - southbound 32 vph 54 vph 58 vph 15.1 mph 15.7 mph Pedestrian crossing counts recorded the number of pedestrians crossing within a 50metre radius of each arm of the Glenburnie Road junction with Fircroft Road. Table 3 Glenburnie Road Pedestrian Crossing Data NUMBER School AM Peak (8:15am to 9:15am) School PM Peak (3:15 to 4:15) 417 pedestrians 420 pedestrians Table 4 Fircroft Road Pedestrian Crossing Data NUMBER School AM Peak (8:15am to 9:15am) School PM Peak (3:15 to 4:15) 621 pedestrians 559 pedestrians ROAD TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS 11. A review of road traffic accidents (RTA) for the latest available 3 year period to the end of March 2014, for the short section of Glenburnie Road between the junctions of Fircroft Road and Noyna Road, show there has been two RTAs. Both collisions involved pedestrians, one is classified as serious and one slight. They occurred after school hours and did not involve vulnerable young pedestrians. The investigating Police officer at the time of the accident judged the pedestrians had “failed to look properly”. Page 3 of 4 (Paper No. 14-492) Glenburnie Road/Fircroft School petition for zebra crossing . ANALYSIS 12. Department for Transport guidance suggests that the conflict of pedestrians and vehicles should be statistically correlated to establish the justification for formalised pedestrian crossing facilities, such as a Zebra Crossing. The correlation analysis shows that, applying the recommended criteria, a controlled crossing is not warranted on Glenburnie Road. Appendix D sets out the graphical presentation of the correlation analysis. 13. The Council has introduced a School Safety Zone about Fircroft School comprising complementary traffic management measures. Consequently recorded mean speeds are within the 20MPH reduced speed limit demonstrating the effectiveness of the zone. There also remains a staffed School Crossing Patrol site which assists pupils crossing to Fircroft Primary School. CONCLUSION 14. The analysis and review undertaken indicated that no further action is required in response to the petition request at this time, but traffic conditions in the area will continue to be monitored and action taken as appropriate. The petition organisers will be informed of the position as set out in this report. _____________________________ The Town Hall, Wandsworth, SW18 2PU. BRIAN REILLY Director of Housing and Community Services 17th September 2014 Background Papers There are no background papers to this report. All reports to Overview and Scrutiny Committees, regulatory and other committees, the Executive and the full Council can be viewed on the Council’s website ( unless the report was published before May 2001, in which case the committee secretary (David Jones-Owen, 020 8871 7032; email [email protected]) can supply if required. Page 4 of 4 (Paper No. 14-492)
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