dropped kerb application form

Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
Kent County Council Highways, Transportation & Waste
Vehicle Crossings Team
Aylesford Highway Depot
St Michaels Close
ME20 7BU
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 03000 418181
Dear Sir/Madam,
Application for a new Vehicle Crossing or an alteration to an existing Vehicle Crossing.
Please find enclosed information with respect to installing or altering a vehicle crossing.
Approval must be obtained from Kent County Council Highways and Transportation (KCC H&T) to
permit vehicle crossings on the public highway (Highway includes carriageway, footway, verge
and roadside scrub)
Enclosed with this letter are the following documents:
 Self-Assessment forms - please read before applying
 A vehicle crossing application form
 Notes and standard conditions relating to vehicle crossings
Please note, Lane rental fees may be applicable for vehicle crossing works on the highway. To
find out if your road is affected or for more information on the scheme please go to
Please make sure that you read the notes carefully before submitting your application. In some
instances planning consent will be required and it is important that you check with your local
planning authority (District, Town, Borough or City Council) to find out if this is required and please
enclose copies of relevant documentation with your application.
As of the 1st October 2008 planning permission is now required to lay “traditional” impermeable
driveways that allow uncontrolled runoff of rainwater from front gardens onto the roads. The new
rules apply where existing hard standings are being replaced. You must check with your local
District, City or Borough Council.
To apply for a vehicle crossing, complete the Application Form and return it to the above address
with any requested information and a cheque for £312.00 to cover administration and inspection
fees (or see FAQ’s for discounted fees for joint applications). Please note that should approval not
be granted for the crossing, due to highway safety reasons, the administration fee of £158.00 is
non-refundable. Your application may take up to 12 weeks to fully process and inform you if
approval can be granted.
If you have any further queries you should contact KCC Highways on 03000 418181.
Yours faithfully
Claremarie Vine
Claremarie Vine
Enforcement and Vehicle Crossings Team Leader
VC Application Vers 6 July 2014
Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
in accordance with Highways Act 1980 and the requirements of New Roads and
Street Works Act 1991
Name of Applicant:
Address of Applicant:
Contact telephone number:
Email address:
Preferred contact: EMAIL/ POST
Precise location of the proposed vehicle crossover (if different to above):
Is crossover for use of cars and light vehicles (up to 3.5T) only?
Name and address of registered freeholder. If different to Applicant - please attach
evidence of ownership (eg land registry documents) and written permission from owner
for these works to be carried out.
Is planning permission required:
If yes, please enclose a copy of the planning permission granted
If No you must provide supporting evidence from the Local Authority e.g. letter or
e-mail confirming that Planning permission is not required
Some local authorities may charge for this and may not give an informal view unless they
are absolutely sure from the information the applicant provides. They may insist on
providing a formal response in the form of a Certificate Of Lawful Development.
VC Application Vers 6 July 2014
Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
Please tell us of any restrictive road markings at the location such as parking bays, pay
and display, limited waiting or bus stops etc; - a charge may apply for moving these if
required. Include these items in the sketch below.
Please sketch the location of the proposed vehicle crossover (see example in guidance
notes): include any utility boxes etc in the highway and any posts, signs, cabinets or trees
etc as these will need to be considered when assessing your application - a charge may
apply for moving these if required. Please include measurements and something to give
an exact location of the crossing on the ground and provide one or more photographs of
the requested location.
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Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
Applicant Declaration
I enclose the following:
□ Cheque
made payable to Kent County Council for the administration and
inspection fees of £312.00. (The administration fee of £162 is non-refundable).
Copy of correspondence with Local Planning Authority either indicating that
planning permission is not required or a copy of the planning consent.
□ Photograph(s) or picture showing proposed location of crossing marked clearly.
□ Copy of land ownership information and permission to construct if land does not
belong to KCC Highways or if you are not the house owner.
Please note that if you submit an incomplete application we will notify you and request
you provide the missing information within 30 working days. If you fail to submit the
required information within 30 working days we will refund the inspection fee of £150
but retain £162 to cover the work already undertaken and close your application. If
after this stage you wish to re-apply for a vehicle crossing, you will be required to
include a cheque for £312 or relevant application fee at the time.
I declare that I have read the attached Notes, Self-assessment and frequently Asked
Questions (FAQ’s) and understand that further costs may be incurred if there are
obstructions in the vicinity of the proposed vehicle crossing.
I declare that all the particulars given with this application are true.
I agree to pay the contractor for the works in a prompt manner.
Kent County Council will only use the information provided in conjunction with the
processing, management and the compliance of your licence. The information may
be shared with the relevant district, Borough and City Councils or Statutory
Regulators for compliance and monitoring purposes as necessary.
Name (print):
Signature of Applicant:
Please return this application form and requested documents to the KCC
Highways Office at Aylesford, shown on the covering letter.
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Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
Application Notes and Information
1. In certain circumstances, Planning Permission will need to be obtained in order to
construct a vehicle crossing. This depends on a number of criteria but relate to such
factors as to whether access is taken from a classified road (A, B or C road); if it is in
a conservation area, if permitted development rights have been removed, etc. You
should check the need for planning consent with your Local Planning Authority (the
District, City or Borough Council) to find out if planning consent is required. If it is not,
KCC Highways will need evidence of such in writing. If planning consent is
required you are advised not to submit your application to KCC Highways until
that permission has been granted.
2. Provision must be made within the boundary of the property to adequately drain the
existing or new driveway or hardstanding. Rainwater must not be allowed to flow onto
the Public Highway and should be directed to the property’s surface water drainage
systems. (Your chosen contractor may be able to undertake this work for you.) From
1st October 2008 the permitted development rights that allow householders to pave
their front garden for hard standing without planning permission has changed. Please
check the rules with your local District, City or Borough Council before
submitting your application.
3. If the proposed crossing will cross land not owned by the applicant or that is not
highway verge, the permission of the landowner(s) will need to be obtained before
submitting your application.
4. If the crossing will be used for heavier vehicles (i.e. over 3.5T), you will need an
enhanced crossing and you must note this on the application form and contact us for
further details regarding the size of crossing you wish to apply for.
5. Please mention if you are disabled and need this for access reasons. If you have
one, please enclose any recommendation from KCC Occupational Therapist.
6. Once your Application Form has been received, KCC H&T will carry out an
assessment to ensure highway safety is not affected. This will consider various
aspects such as:
 Space to park a vehicle wholly within the boundary of the property perpendicular
(at right angles) to the road. A minimum of 4.8 metres x 2.4 metres is required,
leaving adequate space to access any house doors. Each site will be verified
individually and judged on its own merits.
 Adequate visibility either side of the access both for vehicles and pedestrians. For
pedestrian visibility a splay of at least 2.0 metres x 2.0 metres, (maximum height 1
metre) from the back of the footway will be required.
 Proximity of any junctions, accesses, parking bays, bus stops etc.
 Proximity of any trees, poles, utility covers, street lights, fences, hedges etc.
Close proximity to the above could result in your application being refused or extra costs
being incurred.
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Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
7. Should we request further information, your application will be put on hold for
maximum of 30 working days. If after 30 working days this information has not been
provided a further administration Fee of £162 will be required to continue to process
your application form. If at this stage you do not wish to continue with your application
or fail to submit the required information in time, we will refund the inspection fee of
£150 but retain £162 to cover the costs of the works already undertaken and close
your application. If after this stage you wish to re-apply for a vehicle crossing, you will
be required to include a cheque for £312 as per the original application.
8. Should your application be refused on the grounds of highway safety, you will be
informed of the specific reasons for that refusal. Your initial administration fee of £162
will not be refunded.
9. Once your application has been received and the location approved you will receive a
confirmation letter. At this point we will obtain information from the utility companies
highlight any apparatus that may be affected by the proposal. This process takes up
to 6 weeks. If utility apparatus is affected then the cost of alterations or protection will
be your sole responsibility.
10. You must nominate a company from our approved contractor’s list to carry out this
work. The contractor and operatives will be accredited in accordance with the New
Roads and Street Works Act 1991. You are advised to seek at least three quotations
for the work. You should be aware that the cost of construction is likely to be in the
region of £1000 - £2500 for a standard crossover, but will vary according to location
and site specific conditions. If you have difficulties contacting these contractors,
please advise us on 03000 418181.
11. We will carry out a visual inspection on completion of the works to ensure that they
have been carried out to the agreed standards. A letter of certification will be issued
to the householder.
12. A full payment can be made on completion of the works or by agreement with your
13. Signing and guarding of the site shall be carried out to the correct standards. This
should be the responsibility of the Contractor. An inspector from KCC H&T will advise
the Contractor as necessary.
14. There is a two-year maintenance period, which starts after satisfactory completion of
work. KCC H&T will liaise with the Contractor to require that they rectify any defects
during this time.
13. Following completion of the works customers will be given the opportunity to give
feedback by completing a customer satisfaction survey.
VC Application Vers 6 July 2014
Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
Example Sketch of proposed Vehicle Crossing location:
Please ensure that accurate measurements are shown on the sketch plan.
If you are unsure of the suitability of the location proposed for a vehicle crossing, then
please contact us. A standard vehicle crossing will normally be as shown here – 4
dropped kerbs and a ramped kerb either side (6 kerbs, measuring 5.4m total). If you
require something different please say what and why.
No. 27 This Street – Proposed Vehicle Crossing to start 1m in from boundary 27/29 at
rear of footway
No. 23
No. 25
No. 27
No. 29
2 ramped and 4 dropped kerbs
(NOTE: Hand drawn sketches from the applicant will be acceptable)
VC Application Vers 6 July 2014
Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
Frequently Asked questions – Vehicle Crossovers
When is a dropped kerb and vehicle crossover needed?
Whenever it is desired to drive a vehicle across a publicly maintained footway or
verge in order to park it on private property (e.g. a driveway by a house), or to drive
the car away from the property.
Why do I have to have this?
Footways and verges are normally only built with enough strength to cater for the
weight of pedestrians or animals. A vehicle crossing an unprepared footway will
cause damage to its surface and any pipes or cables that are buried underneath
after some time, if not immediately. In order to avoid damage the crossover must be
constructed to an approved specification. The dropped kerbs are necessary to
enable the vehicle to gradually adjust to the difference in level between the footway
and road surface.
Do you have any legal powers to insist on a vehicle crossover?
Yes, under Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980
Do I need permission and what are the procedures?
You will need permission from KCC H&T. Our staff will assess every vehicle
crossover application from a safety and suitability viewpoint and we reserve the
right to refuse permission.
You may also need planning permission from your local Borough, City or District
Council and you should check with them before applying.
If you are renting a property you must check with your landlord.
The recommended procedure to follow is:
 Call our Contact Centre for a full application pack or download from
 Submit a completed application form together with your administration and
inspections fees
 Enclose written evidence to confirm that planning approval is/is not required
from your local Borough, City or District Council
 Await receipt of your application approval, prior to arranging works.
What is the Lane Rental Scheme?
Kent County Council has a commitment to “Keep Kent Moving” by maintaining and
managing the road network within Kent to maximise the safe and efficient use of the
road space and to provide reliable journey times.
To enable KCC to manage the road network for this purpose, the Kent Lane Rental
Scheme (KLRS) works alongside the Kent Permit Scheme to provide a financial
incentive, as a daily charge, to those carrying out works on the road to avoid the
busiest traffic-sensitive times.
The KLRS does not apply across the whole of Kent, instead it is applied to
Specified Locations identified within a KLRS Schedule (of Roads), that represent
VC Application Vers 6 July 2014
Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
the most critical parts of the County’s Road network. For further information please
visit www.kent.gov.uk/lanerentalscheme.
How long does it take for an application to go through?
Once we receive your completed application form with planning permission (if
required) you should allow up to 12 weeks for confirmation whether your application
has been approved or rejected.
Once approved you have 6 months from this date of approval letter to complete the
works. After which approval will lapse and you will need to re-apply and pay a
further administration fee of £162.
Do I need permission from anyone else?
If you do not own the land between your property and the highway then you will
need permission from the landowner. If the land is owned by the local council you
will need a licence and you may have to pay a yearly fee.
Do I have enough space within the boundary of my property to park a
You will need enough space to park a vehicle wholly within your property
perpendicular (at right angles) to the road. A minimum of 4.8m x 2.4m is required.
Adequate space must remain for any doors to the house or at least 6m long where
the parking area is in front of a garage or door where adequate means of escape
needs to be provided, like a front/back door, escape window etc. If you have any
questions on the adequate means of escape please contact your local Kent Fire
and Rescue Service, Safety Office.
Is there a discount if I have a joint application with my neighbour?
For joint applications a form must be completed and signed by each applicant. A
saving of £150 on inspection fee can be made for a second or each subsequent
applicant, provided the initial assessment and all works inspections can be carried
out together (ie, all applicants agree to use the same contractor and do works at the
same time otherwise - additional inspection charges will apply).
Can you refuse my application?
In most instances applications are successful; however, if your proposed crossing
puts other road users at risk or seriously interferes with the free flow of traffic on a
busy road, it may be turned down. Notwithstanding the guidelines above, in certain
circumstances it will be necessary for the Council, as the Highway Authority, to
refuse to allow the construction of a footway crossing to your premises. In these
circumstances you will be informed in writing of the reason why permission has
been refused.
Reasons for refusal may include
 Planning permission has not been granted by your District Planning
Authority. It is illegal to construct a vehicular access in certain positions
without planning permission, please contact you District Council for further
advice. If you decide to resubmit your application for a vehicular crossing you
must provide documentary proof showing the District Planning Authority has
granted this permission or has advised that it is not required.
VC Application Vers 6 July 2014
Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
There is street furniture in the location of the proposed vehicular crossing
that cannot be moved. Examples of street furniture are street lamps, road
signs, traffic lights, traffic barriers, benches, bollards, etc..
There is third party apparatus in the location of the proposed vehicular
crossing. Examples of third party apparatus are telecommunication cabinets,
utility companies’ inspection chambers, post boxes, phone boxes,
advertisement boards, etc.
Land ownership objections. There is dual ownership of the footway and
verge at the location of your proposed vehicular crossing. For example, the
District Council owns the verge and Kent County Council owns the footway.
Local parking implications. There is a Traffic Regulation Order in place at the
location of your proposed vehicular crossing; this Order covers parking bays
pay and display areas, etc.
Insufficient parking space. There is insufficient area at the proposed location
of your vehicular crossing to allow a vehicle to be clear of the highway. This
would result in an obstruction for other highway users.
Safety implications such as poor sight lines at the proposed access point.
The location of your proposed vehicular crossing is seen as a potential
danger to other highway users.
The proposed access is in close proximity to a road hump, road safety
feature etc.
There is a tree in the location of the proposed vehicular crossing. That has
not matured and a new one cannot be replanted. Trees will generally not be
removed to accommodate the installation of a vehicle crossing. Each site
will need to be assessed individually by a tree officer who will advise if
construction can proceed without affecting the health and stability of the tree.
In some instances applicants may have to fund additional works such as
exposing roots in order that the tree officer can make a full assessment of
the site. If the tree is too close or its health and stability cannot be protected
applications may be refused.
The Council’s decision as to whether the application will be approved or refused is
final. An appeal will not be considered due to parking conditions in your area or
where you feel that an access that has already been built in your road or elsewhere
does not comply with the current criteria for approval and should not have been
approved. The presence of other historic substandard accesses cannot be
accepted as mitigation.
How much do vehicle crossings cost?
This depends on the size of the crossing, whether utilities’ services or street
furniture is affected and which contractor you use. Contractors’ prices can range
from £1000 to £2500. You will need to obtain quotations and KCC H&T advises that
VC Application Vers 6 July 2014
Kent County Council
Highways, Transportation and Waste
you get three quotations, before choosing a contractor for the works. You will be
responsible for making payment direct to the contractor for the works in a timely
manner on completion of the vehicle crossing.
There is also a £162 non-refundable administration fee for processing the licence
and an inspection fee of £150.00, both to be paid on application (cheque to be
made payable to Kent County Council). The inspection fee will be refunded in the
event your application is refused.
Am I responsible for the pipes and cables buried underground?
Yes. As part of our initial checks, we will contact all of the utility companies to see
what apparatus they have buried under the pavement where you want to construct
the vehicle crossing. If any utility apparatus needs to be lowered or moved, you will
be responsible for these extra costs.
Can I get help to pay for the vehicle crossing works?
You may be able to get some help if you have a blue disabled badge. A Disabled
Facilities Grant is available from the local District, Borough or City councils; - please
note that the application needs to be supported by the area Occupational Therapy
department within Kent Social Services.
To apply for assistance, please contact Kent Social Services on 0300 333 5437 and
request an Occupational Therapy referral. There is a waiting list for an Occupational
Therapist to visit and complete an assessment. Once the assessment has been
carried out and support for the grant confirmed, contact the Grants Officer at the
local district council to obtain an application form to apply for financial assistance for
the vehicle crossing.
Who can carry out the work?
KCC Highways keeps a list of approved contactors for this work. Lists are supplied
as part of the application process and you should choose a contractor from the listwe suggest you obtain 3 quotations.
Can I use my own contractor?
No, Vehicle crossing contractors must be on the list of approved contractors.
How will I know if the work is satisfactory?
Once the work is completed we will do a visual inspection to make sure that it
meets relevant specifications. If a defect occurs within the 2 year maintenance
period then the contractor is required to repair it.
Who owns the crossing on completion?
The construction of a vehicle crossing does not give the occupier of the premises
any legal right of ownership to the land or license to police that crossing or any
restriction to its existing state. The crossing remains part of the public highway and
therefore available for public use. The responsibility for its maintenance rests
with Kent County Council.
The new crossing does provide the facility to legally drive across the
footway/highway land to gain access to your (your landlord’s) property or use of
land developed and deemed suitable for off road parking.
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